HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1919-02-13, Page 5•
CBruce County News
The trunk- rood from Lions Beau! to
Witirtou along cuur,ty line to Alleu-
-fore,-acroSss • to -Southampton, down to
Kincardine and Clifford has been
made a Provincial.hi
ghway News of
this was, reo.ived Monday - and it is
•t renhely welcome to all interested.
Tax YEARS To PEN. * Elmer J.
Weber, on of Joseph Weber, reeve of
Neustad•t, was sentenced last week to
ten- years servitude on a charge
.of. desertion. The . ol�iginat sentence
passed e.� Court • w�t�tch
took•place twi-"ir';ek ego watts fifteen
-years,. but this .a,s reduced by , order --
in counci.l.. The unfortunate young
loaIl,-Atlw is very -._ __l
waekkms :..
Ise rentevcd„at ,nee to the /Kingston
Penif iara' til'ep►nfetice his, scntenco.
.The. evidence . brought forth at the
trial reyealeil tt,he -fact that/Alio arcus-
,; '..ed, of a •:iia ;i ttg heev. nefw ed , exer r
tit�irt',, w ill ti askafchn;wart' and It\ ed
-t} ei-C„fui • .AC,.co deratile` tithe under
.an 'assumed name. Ile • was finally
apprehended in that. prorince and
brought to Toropto for trial.
.4' •
,,,=,i„.,:=„,__,.........._---vThe Busy Hardware House% '
Phone Sixty -Six for Prompt Delivery
ow Star
When the Titanic was•sunk, The, Toro - I .
York to• "e the
r Toronto Daily Stir rushed seven Members of the staff t() New
the story. When Ulster threatened rebellion , three
get the facts.. When the Hexplosion Halifax •� Star Hier! travelled -t,u()() miles to get the story. occurr a small army of photographers andwriters %4•nt
Star policy is i0'cover big events in a big way.
To cover the war meant not onlyto . .
fiance of each stent. The anca 101 deo! tell who t �.v ishappenin:r ever hour 1'• it. to explain•.
t the SIa1.}'r-_.�
interpret�it and others--waxexperts--who. lded _.killed mc.Il, correspondents t�l'1,>, coi;rl:i yet. n tins aliti�-
could piece together the happen111 on tll� t:t1tleficlds and
in the capitals .and weigh them all for the..benefit o f the
he- -TorDail*Staror�to__ _ _Inasthe..___LatestNews
Service in Ontario Of such such experts, Hill afire Belloc, was the most noted in Grey!
America.. So because The Toronta=Dail Star `` � t Britain, and Frank H. Simo>ii�i� in Cf�vers big� event In a way�,” it retained these i
foremost .reviewers to interpret the strategy and politics of war.
r. _
The -Daily Star's Peace Conference despatches are exceptionally
' Canadian Press and the Canadian/Associated. Press-- � a13� _coI»pl,,t,.. The .,.1-�;ire . �, tz„
papers --are supplemented in The Star by cablesfron�hconsl�eredtsufficient h�• many (:!Ir<t,i;1t���
dents: e following and utber exclusive corr�*s1:,)li
- E.
Percy Noel
Webb Miller
Paul Scott Mowrer
Edgar Ansel Mowrer
"Windermere" -
John de Gandt _
Henn T. 'Wood
William H. Brayden
. , Lacey Amy
the Capitals of Europe
Lowell Me lett William Philia Simms
Paul Ayres Rockwell Frank J. Ta :or
Juntas -B. Woac! �:, �_�_ ��__� __Fred S. Ferguscn
A. R. Decker . (In 'London) F. A. 111cKenzie
Edward Price Bel! Edward L. Keg!
. fen.
T. Murphy 'Eunice fietjens_ .
W. J. L. Kiehl Rene Feibelman
Ernest W. Clement William R. Giles
Rosamond Boultbee Thomas Geggia.,
and the full service of the United Press and of the "Chicago mews." `' Toronto
are asstrrecl not only first news of what is happenin�>; in the world, but clear .it ori at •
tions as to what the hal penins mean,. and �iutht,ritative explana-
You cannot read Ther
Toronto Daily Star for a short while without feeling thatit is M
you need." The truth of this`shown by the many people who, sending in a trial'the paper,
months, renew their subscription for a year before even -.-the three months' eriode pines. ion for three
..__._.__ p o . exprrs`s.
Send in your subscription now.. We will ma it The Toronto, Dail • Star to .you ' y ea�,l d�y�, .:it the fol.
10 -wing rates: For 1 month, 25c. fhor 3 months, 75c. For 6 months, $1:5o: For 1 months s3.p
• Cut O f f This Coupon
To Publishers:
Toronto Daily $tar, Toronto:
.Dear Sirs:
Please enter me as a subscriber to The 'Toronto. Daily Star for
please find enclosed stamps or money order for
Name and address in full .
rime trIwlnl wed
P 7 no) %shcthrr lir.• Nirw.. Mims, A!' mow.
months—te'r «'ll i` li
---1111-afeteteit 1 Mies fist Irwin s ►t nt the we'ek•Onel
with her frit'nd. Miss 1l,tt?el.Alte�n.
(Intended for last week) Mise Laura 1.'0M/end(' alsrnt a few
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Anderson and scn, days last week with her sister, Mrs Jets.
-Charles visited at Mr. Thos. Anderson Culbert.
on Monday.
Miss Ena Switzer returned to her
home near Holyrood, Monday after
spending two weeks with* .friends here.
We regret that Mrs St.rothers, whts
has been suffering/ from inflan►atoty
rheumatism, is still confined to the
Jf ouse.
" Mr. Jas. Johnston, of Mich. is renew-
ing oiei acquaintances in this neighbor
hood. •
Miss lists Twamley ii+ spending air
month with friends at (lorrie.
Mr. s,od Mrs. James Webster enter-
tained a number of friends on Friday
• •
Whin feeding corn to poultry i•.
should mit bo forgotten.,that when tieing
tie whole grain fowl can readily obtain
a full meal with very little exercise.
This is detrimental to egg production
inasmuch as , birds are apt to become
too fat. it ie much better to.bav'e the
corn ,err^ked and, scattered in the litter
S() that the flock will have to work for
it.. Oats when fed whole are not eager-
ly eaten unleaa prepared in some way.
A new oat called "Liberty", animated
at the Central'Experimental Farm, and
gli-'Jobe %\ Lllt81`3n, THE CA',_A1i hN
MAi.A2.INE for F ebruat y, discloses this
connection with the famous 1%eiit l.)ur•
ham letter. written `lifeEdward Blake
and published `immediately after the
general electiens.ot 1891. Sir John ex-
plains bow Mr. Blake was disgruntled
because he had not been eensulted re-
specting the 'Liberal convention . held. in
Toronto un February lith and 18th,
1891, and that, therefore, he determined
to withdraw froth the party and in do-
iue so to state bis views on trade and
political relations with the United
States, views thist,*clashed with, the ac-
cepted views of the Liberal party, as
• expressed in tie convention and by
other leaders. Sir John was editor of
the Globe when. Mr. B:ake's first letter
on ,the subject arrived at his office
with the midnight mail. It was of such
`'amtnous and startling!' import that=
editor held it over, and eveu after the
directors of The Globe decided that it
must be published, he locked'the type
into which it bad been cast, .in a drawer,
with the result that fir. Blake was in-
duced to delay publication until after
he election. The original letter__ has
neer been published.
• --Monday, Feb. 10
Mrs Frank Boyle, of ;fon. 10, Huron,
is spending a few days at the home of
M r. Adam Zillah n,
ft'v. D. W. Williams took the services
in the Methodist Church in Mitchell
on. Sunday last. •
--Miss, Paul Peter, of Kincardine, spent
a few •ds ys.of t'he. last week at the home
of.+lire - -
Pte. :1 orman Clinton renewed
quail3tancea in Bervie.last week.
Rev. ,H. J. t ren, of Kincardine, took
.the .m.issionary services in Ilervie ton:
Sunday last. Special music was provid-
ed for. the occasion.
Remember the Valentine Social on
Friday evening in t'be Methodist Church
Good program. Everybcdy conte and
boys are requested to bring their "Men
tines.". •
Pte. Fred itlackwell is in l.onaon this
week' W?iere he e3tpects -to get his' dis-
On Friday last the annual congregat-
ional meeting of Knox Church was held.
The rept its ` of the year's work showed
-progress in every branch of the church
work. One feature of the tneeting,was
t _ a• presentation .of an address and _purse
fo' the pastor:. Rev Geo Oiln.ore. The
address m as read by It B. Campbell
and preset.tation., made by Andrew Mc-
Mr._ Vert Miller, of Palmerston, spent
the weekend at James Arnold's,
•31iss Wanda Fair spent si_cuple et
dose recentfyi at Purple (;rove.
Pte. Wm. McDonald was In London
last week where he expected to get his
Our Indian Soldiers
Father Cadot, Cape' ('coker, is greatly
pleased about the return of several of
the boys of- the Indian !reserve frotu
overseas recently Eve>`yone of these
lads is atfriend• of the genial pdire. who
has 'spent aliliost a lifetime in mission •
,iry work amongst the Indians. Ile has
..kept in touch with ali who went over!
.seats and is proud of their record
Indeed the showing made by the GI pe
Cruker Indians in the great weer 'will go
down ie ,the annals of local history.
Fifty-three proce'ded eversteals. Six
now being ittt.rodue'd into I
threshes. oist- free,- from- ht,lt, and tris
therefore a special value in ponrltry feed•
These\ point.; are' rought out in a
recently issued,,,bitiletin, No tt I of the
1)e•tnieien 'Experimental Farm, and ob-
taieableek from the Publications Branch
of the 1)e+psrt►nent of Agriculture at
Ottawa, which deals fully with poultry
feeds and feeding. It takes tip the bal-
made the sen irente saeri)"ic ;sill' twenty -
eublic ogee, twee wounds . `inn sere now returned
to Canada *n t-wel-y art - ire Orr arniy
of occupation, now far aeross the 1►hi!re.
'The' remainder are either convalescing
in England or enronte+ home. Prom
coast to coast in 191 e, the atory of thi,
enlistment from this small hand w,ta
used in rec'rui.ing Speeches and, liter;et•
nee and their courage will not soon be .
anted ration, grain and hy.products,
green foods, animal foods and mineral
foods, and tells how to combine and
um these in the feeding of hens, turkeys,
guipea fnwlt ducker sad geese, '
Eighth Con., Kinloss. '
--Monday, Feb. 10. .
Mr. mac Smith had wocd bee on,
.., a �.. .� G,�^
depends in pro atrial! measure on -the stove yyou,cook on and the
utensils you. use: Many hotn;rwives are benefitting � from our
advice, because we have made a study of stoves. We shall' be
pleased'hies/plain the advantages of our stover. For Service and
Satisfaction, you will ultiinatcly install one of them in your
O -Cedar
brin•.out the
beauty c.f the
O -Cedar
25c ;3 p:4•:*
04 -eclair
,n 2bt,ICs,
each *1 Su
We have a quantity of Second Hand
Belting in 2, 3, 4, and 5 inch
ch widths.
Get our prices before buying.
The Store Where Yourhyo gr
y oes Farthest
at high prices and buy at. low ones.
That is the key. to success. Sell now 'at
high prices. and save -the money. Buy noth-
ing you. can do without. Yon will make
money forr yourself and help to the country. -
•Open a -Savings Account with the Bank of
Hamilton. -
. J. A. GLENNIE. Manager.
Cream Separators j1tStwleft told prices. Bus. 1
fore they are all: sold.
New Williams Sewing Machines will do a-1
kinds of sewing.. They run light ; are very durable
Gourlay-Winter-Leeming v-illgive Pianos y oil satis-
faction. We believe 'we can, save you soli1e'•nlonev-
on ai,piano deal. •
l'wo Girls .Went to the City to Get Employnielit.
The first -reported„ " I was placed in an exeklient position the at•v, - -
elay after. my arrival in the City," The stcon 1 In -might hack Sri t
repoit and said "There are no positions there. If .:4•00 want a
tion you .!lata to buy it,"- Tire -first a-gradetate of ter : _ `
The other was not. TRAM Of 1't-htt.s ;:o ...WI, Is.XO. Pr; CAN
Tttl •r IN Go'n 1'osrrIO , WHEN Gil
1. 4. McLachlin; President. A. Haviland, Principal. .i
Thursday 'their n.,on end .got about ten ' U.S. Retail Stores ' Sales
cords cut.
Messrs. Jahn. and Jo.,t•pk e' ilh, rt
apt 'tet -the e -weete-end wi 1i • Kinc,►rdrit,
friends.. -
lliss i csie 1lel4ay lets
for Toronto, where.she will spend ;1 few
B •
eatrice •ti+tatl\it'll•' slr'n is-.
week visiting Ripley friends.
trs. 1'. Campbell, 1;i•ley, sport
the seek-?nd with Mrs. Culbtrrt.. leli�li .
Con. .
1 fie 1 nit,• 1 't:ttt'o,tht''tetail..�r<�
h ii-cTheilr-. tl';rt itfy 1'1 tile' \V:tt $tt'It,�
Sta-tu•i:► 4-44.114+'t• tc- sT 1='. t roll
S. rinlic; he\•t, 1,e 'n s, ;,1 1.,y Wit, •
n;,•nt and ret ,i1;tors of `Ci��•�:,,� • �•i•r
1`.,�,► ot- \whi,'h placed, their t?e;';
tli,e- - t1 •'i t r,t' 1t•ir r e\ ieigo t
!till t, a I► 11. Nt leo. :rte l l.'ti ,• l i �� ;..
Galles 1,1 e i e, �` c:, ► .1.lin\ \\
�1 tl:i r�.t,ttne ,I),t r\it1, - i12.
1 • I)i:l anybody se'i, a atr,iy dog, elm, $17 '`I rte ret,ti1 '3 in t ' t',
doggie.: may also ren,ier a eery �':e tiit'�;�' , ,,,•
Our burg was well represented at the • in tilt* 'way, inti tonic h,t 't`
Tom Markt oncert in Lucknow on, rereiered it. In St. John. N. I.
, t
Thursday of last week, stores are selling these Stamps
London, Ont , over SOO, .