The Wingham Times, 1909-03-04, Page 66 'IOU cannot buy flour as fine, white, pure and nutritious as Royal House- hold under any other name. There is no other flour in Canada upon which half so much money is spent to insure perfect purity—just think for a moment what that means to the health of your household. Royal llouseluld Hour is the best --most wholesome— most carefully milled flour to be had in this country. The Ogilvie name and trademark are on every barrel and sack -- a guarantee from the maker to the consumer. Tell your grocer you must have Royal Household. ss Ogilvite Flour Mins Co., Limited, Moetrtal. Tux WIN(:TliAM TIMES, MARCH 4, 1909 Dr. 3, 3, Fraser, oi.' Walkerton ie tak- ing action iu the courts against the town to collect $100 which he claims is due him for servioes in oonneotion with smallpox oases. Repeat it:—"Shiloh's Oure will al- waya euro my ocughe and omits." Au Irishmen was explaining to a friend the difficulty he bad going from the station to the hotel, "The streets are so crooked," said he, "that I met myselt on the way back." Repent It:—"Shiloh's Onre will al- ways erre my coughs and colds." 3Sr. W. McCabe, of the Maitland, Colborne, has sold his 80 sore farm to Mr. Chas. Brago, who does not get pos- session until next fall. The prioe paid was in the neighborhood of $3500. Doan's Kidney Pills act on the kid- neys, bladder and urinary organs only. Tney cure backaches, weak back; rheum - slim, diabetes, oongestion, infiamation, gravel, Bright's disease and all other diseases arising from wrong notion of the kidneys and bladder. KERNELS FROM THE SANCTUM MILL 1 Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges. Repeat it:—"Shiloh'. Cure will al- ways ours my oonghs and colds." A happy medium ought to make good at a spiritual seance. Confidence is Dr. Chase. The wonderful confidence whtoh people have in Dr. A. W. Chase is founded on the reliability of his famous Receipt Book and the exceptional cure- r five properties of hie great family medi- oinee. For example, Dr. Chase's Oint- ment is the only positive and guaranteed cure for every form of itohing, bleeding and protruding pile.. It'e easier to make a bluff than it is to get people to stand for it. Don't worry. Things are never half u bad as it is possible for them to be. Good Liniment Yon will hunt a good while before you find a preparation that in equal to Chamberlain's Liniment as a cure for mnioular and rheumatic pains, for the owe of sprains and soreness of the muscles. It is equally valuable for lame baok and all deep seated mulonlar pains, 25 and 50 oent sizes for sale by all druggists. a. • One 'woman is always suspicions of another woman who doesn't talk much. Repeat it:—"Shiloh's Cure will al- ways cure my coughs and colds." Mr. Dan Fowler has sold his 50 sore farm, con. 7, West Wawanoeh to Mr. Dave Errington. Fortify now against the Grip—for it comes every season sures Prevention— the little Gandy Cold Ohre Tablets— offer in this respect a most certain and dependable safeguard. Prevention, at the "sneeze stage" will, as well, also surely head off all common oolds. But the promptness is all-important. Keep Prevention in the pocket or purse, for instant use, Box of 48 for 25o. Sold at Walley's Drug Store. The rattle of pans and dishes in the kitchen sounds better than olasstoal D1111110 to a hungry man. Repeat it :—"Shiloh's Onre will al- ways ours my coughs and colds." Longwood, the hose Napoleon oocn- pied on St. Helena, was given to the French by Queen Victoria. RHEUMATIC LIVER OVER S TRAINED KIDNEYS --r Caused Sickness that puzzled able physicians. Was oured by Ferrozone. The committee on naval affairs in the United States has recommended that only two battleahipa of from 25,000 to 26,000 should be built instead of four, and that the naval estimates be considerably. re- duoed. Nothing in the way of a Cough le quite so annoying as a tinkling, teasing, wheezing, bronchial Cough. The quick - eat relief Comes perhaps from a prescrip- tion known to Druggists everywhere as Dr. Sboop'e Cough Remedy, And be- sider, it is so thoroughly harmless that mothers give it with perteot safety even to the yonngert babes. The tender leaves of a simple mountain shrub, give to Dr. Shoop's Cough Remedy its re- markable curative effect. A day's test will tell. Sold at Walley's Drug Store. The petition presented to the Govern- ment last week contained 26,000 names, everyone a bona fide elector. The Premier promised the delegation that there request wonnld receive consider- ation. The Lindsay Daily Free Preis, whish began publication last May, has given up. There are two other. in the field. Repeat it:—"Shiloh'. Onre will al- ways ours my coughs and colds." Oxford county council will submit a bylaw to the electors next January to expend $136,000 on improving the roads. A person, who Lad been listening to e very poor addreee remarked that everything went off well, especially the audience. Have yon a pain—of any kind, any - whore? Stop just a minute and think! It matters not whether it be womanly pains, head pains, or any kind of a pain, one of Dr. Shoop's little Pink Pain Tab- lets will surely atop it in 20 minutes. Formula plainly printed on the 25o. box. ' Sold at Walley's Drug Store. Niagara Falls shareholders of the local heating company will contest the demand of the liquidator made on them for doable liability. TARRH If ysu want a acre rare for CATARRH OF THE HEAD, taro it is. :: s s s s s 0116019i08 THE REASON WHY: BECAUSE OXYGENATOR HEALS The mueove membrane being in an iatiacied oonditioa, canoes running at Ma nose; bet when this membrane {a healed the dlsehaarrgsa�.� ceases. Yuerr Minashould be mads to cure Oi*arrh for it leads to Catarrh of the Throat, StMnach or Bladder, Cesennip- sten said Bright'. Dise.a.. 'bottluee Wyiee, i.96, t$1 to ani 340.E and "0:7S4‘ i.iaslad try all whett r:de The Oxygenator nator Company erenten Caniefin CASTOR I A For Infante and Children. The Kind You Hare Always Bought Bears the Signature of A Heal Miracle. "My doctor told me I had gouty or rheumatic liver and kidneys," writes G. 0. Ford, from Halifax. "I guess he was right for I was a mighty sick man and felt the game was pretty Nearly up. So many remedies failed that the doctor was completely puzzled. As for aymp- tome—I had bushels of them in the morning a sort of nausea. Sometimes the bowels were oonstipated, at other times quite relaxed. I felt dull, and a sense of weight in the back and over the liver was very distressing," Prof. H. A. Howell, of Havana, Cubs Recommends Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. "As long ago as I can remember my mother woe a faithful user and friend of Chamberlain's Gough Remedy, but never in my life have I realized its true value until now," writes Prof. H. A. Howell, of Howell's American School, Havana, Cuba. "On the night of Feb• rnary 3rd our baby was taken siok with a very severe cold; the next day was worse and the following night his con• dition was desperate. He could not lie down and it was necessary to have him id the arms every moment. Even then his breathing was difiionit. I did not think he would live until morning. At last I thought of my mother's remedy, Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, which we gave, and it afforded prompt relief6 and now three days later, he has folly reoovered. Under the circumstances I would not hesitate a moment in saying that Chamberlain's Gough Remedy, and that only, Bayed the life of our dear little boy." For sale by all druggists. Thomas Plumbridge was arrested on a oharge of wounding the cattle of Mr. Ira Gilbert of Southwold by shoving a sharp instrument down their throats. An old man named Miohael Ooby was found dead on Club Island. He was walking to his home in Rookporl, lost his way and perished from exposure. The following is the new anti•cigar- ette law pseud by the Dominion House and now in force;—".Every person is prohibited from directly or indirectly selling, giving or forniehing a person under the age of 16 yeare any oil:arettea or oigarette papers, whether for his own nee or not, to sell or gtve or fur- nish to Ruch a person, tobacco in any form which he knows oe has reason to believe is for the use of that person." Fret offence --penalty, np to $10; eco. and offeaee—np to $95—third offence— up to $100 w The essential lung -healing principal of ,he pine tree has finally been successfully separated and refined into a perfect oough medioine—Dr. Wood's Norway Pim. Syrup. Sold by all dealers on a guarantee of satisfaction, Price 25 lents. LOST 16 POUNDS IN wxIOUT. "My color resembled a yellowish pal- lor, and gradually I lost weight to the alarming extent of fifteen pounds, I looked jaundiced and felt sure I would die. "Then I rend of the wonders worked by Ferrozone and in desperation I bought six boxes. At once I began to mend. Ferrozone mast haye put a peg or two into the nervosa system for thiugs at the end of the month began to look np. In three months I felt like new, but kept on taking Ferrozone. In six months I was cured." FERROZONE SALVED ms LIFx. "Were it not for Ferrozone I would not be alive to -day, I am euro it will oure any weakness, rheumatism, gout, debility. poor blood or nervousness. My condition embraced all these, and Ferrozone cured me." Reader, get Ferrozone today, 50o. per box or six boxes for $2.50, at all dealers. The County Council of Oxford passed a reoommendation of the special com- mittee asking Judge Finkle to investi- gate chargee against the administration of the roads department made by Jacob Luizler. Welland oonnty council has purchas- ed three oars of stone to be broken by prisoners. It will be used to build a rend to the industrial home, and is also expected will reduce the number of tramps applying for shelter. Cr att. lid T Ca R. X At... Bears the . The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of The population of New South Wales 1907 was 1,673,224. The increase of population for "the year was 42,240, rep- resenting 115 males to every 100 females. It was a record year for births. Chris. Holland, a noted forger, wan arrested, after having swindled several Toronto banks ons of many thousand dollars He also used the firm of Thomas Bros. of St, Thomam, to secure $2,500 from the Dominion Express Co. He seonred a letterhead from his firm and forged an order book from the Dominion Express Ce,, and issued $2,500 of money erdere, which he oaahed. It it maid that he was engaged in a big swindling noheme at Philadelphia, which if successful, would have netted him $121,000. SERINIi aIEDICINE. As a spring medicine° Burdock Blood Bitters has no equal. It tones up the system and removes all impurities from the blood, and takes away that tired, weary feeling so prevalent in the spring. v - Daniel Graham, an old Highland Scotch fisherman, well known in the district, died suddenly at Goderioh, on Thursday. He is survived by hie wife and a large family, most of whom are away from town. He was 67 years of age. Catarrh Cannot El. Cured with Looal Applications, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you must take intern- al remedies. Hall's Catarrh Oure in taken internally, and cote direotly on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Onre is not a gnook medicine. It was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this country for years and is a regular prescription. It it composed of the best tonins known, combined with the beet blood purifiers, noting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two ingred- ients is what produces such wonderful results in oaring Catarrh. Send for tes- timonials free. F. J. °DENIM 80 Co., Props., Toledo, 0. Sold by Druggists, price 75o. Take Hall's Family Pills stipation. For Diseases of the Skin. Nearly all diseases of the skin nob as eczema, totter, Balt rheum and barbers' itoh, are oharaoterized by an intense itching and amarting,which often makes life a burden and disturbs sleep and rest. Quick relief may be had by ap- plying Chamberlain's Salve. It allays the itching and smarting almost instant- ly. Many oases have been oared by its nee. For sale by all druggists. Wm. McConnell of Luoknow has been'awarded the contract of oa rying the malls on the mail route from 'Rm• oardine to Goderioh. for oon- Group positively stopped in 20 minutes, with Dr. Shoop's Croup Remedy. One test alone will surely prove this trn+h. No vomiting, no distress. A nate and Pleasing syrup -50o. Sold at Walley', Drug Store. Marriage is the hurdle between ro- mance and reality. A failing tiny nerve—no larger than the finest silken thread—takes from the Heart its impulse, its power, its regular- ity. The Stomach also has ite hidden, or inside nerve. It was Dr. Shoop who first told ns it was wrong to drug a weak or failing Stomaoh, Heart or Kid- neys His prescription—Dr. Shoop's Restorative—is direoted straight for the canes of these ailments—there weak and faltering inside nerves. 'this, no doubt clearly explains why the Restorative hal of late grown so rapidly in popularity. Druggists say that those who test the Restorative even for a few days soon become fully convinced of its wonderful merit. Anyway, don't drug the organ, Treating the cause of sieknere is the only sensible and successful way. Sold at Walley's Drng Store. A Pleasant Physis. When you want a pleasant physio give Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets a trial. They are mild and gentle in their action and always pro- duce a pleasant cathartic effect. Gall at any drug store for a free sample. At Ingolf, a C. P. R. station on the Manitoba boundary line, two sections of the westbound train collided at 3 o'olook on Tuesday morning, with fatal results. Two men named Harry Gold- stein of Toronto, and Jack O'Brien, an Australian passenger, were killed, while an English traveller named Fawoett,was seriously injured. C7.A.EVItOR.ZA-. The Kind You Hate Always Bought The report of the Royal Commis- sion, which is one of the most volum- inons documents of modern times, contains over 1,200 pages of report and recommendation. One of the state- ments made is that life in large Eng- lish towns has a tendency toward de- generation of the race, partioularly of the poorer planes. 0f ALES S Ch X!, ®. . Bars the Th/ Kind You Hare Always Ent lvigaatars . ed John Dubois, contractor on the Na- tional Transcontinental near Frederic- ton, N. B., has burned his books and disappeared, owing $8,000. WAS WEAK AND THIN 1111.11 WEICNED 73 POUNDS. NOW WEIGHS 113 POUNDS. Had Heart Trouble and Shortness a Breath for Six Tears. THE LADIES' FAVORITE. Lasa -Liver Pills are the ladies' favorit medicine. They onre Constipation, Sick Ueadaohe, Billiourneea, and Dyspepies without griping, purging or etiokening. High School Inspector Spotton has recommended that the Stratford Cella. gists be enlarged, and is in that city oonaniting with the board as to the best way to mores*. the o*paoity. Bears the Bignatnrs of Misr Ida nursed her McBride, of New York, fiancee through a very dangerous attack of pneumonia, and then, on the verge of oollapee, went to her room and out her throat with a razor. The man whom elm nurned was Thomas Jewell, a real estate man, to whom she was to have been mar- ried. 6.:':IZEtrieT'hires :T; l^,It.'rra:',7:f",<.ii:` ifacifi3r i371.11 I ;.a 5t ..� You can know the Mase ; 1 Risch piano inside and c t.t, before you buy it. THE more you know about pianos and piano con- . struction the more you will appreciate the rvia=:. n and Risch. That is our reason for telling you all about our in- strument—inside and out. We want you to know ex- actly why it remains in tune so long, what gives the entire register the deep, rich, pure tone that is not equalled in any other piano. MAGIC GLASS. A Curione Mirror That May 6s Mads Transparent One of the most curious inventlona of this age is what is called platinised glees. A piece of glass is coated wis3 an exceedingly thin layer of a Iiquid charged with platinum and then raised to a red heat. The platinum becomes united to the glass in such a way as to form an odd kind of mirror. The glass has not,really lost Da transparency, and yet if one places 31 against a wall and looks at it he wee his image as in an ordinary looking glass. But when light is allowed fie come through the glass from the other side, as when it is placed in a winders, it appears peifevtly transparent, Ms ordinary glass. By constructing a window of p5afi nized glass one could stand close b4 hind the panes in an unilinminsts` room and behold clearly everything going on outside, while passersby India ing at the window would behold wit a fine mirror or set of mirrors is wtaIO their own figures would be re*eete4 while the person inside remained isle visible. In France various tricks have bents contrived with the aid of this glen In one a person, seeing what &ppegtr to be an ordinary mirror, apeman*" it to gaze upon himself. A sudden change in the mechanism suss llgb? through the glass from the bee whereupon it instantly becomes trail* parent, and the startled spectator Saes/ himself confronted by some grgte ps figure that had been hidden behind the magic glass. Vaccinated as a Cure for Croup. "Besides being an excellent remedy for colds and throat troubles, Chamber- lain's Cough Remedy it unequaled as a pure for croup," rays Harry Wilson, of Waynetown, Ind. When given.as soon as the croupy cough appear', this, remedy will prevent the attack. It is need suooensfnlly in many thousand of homes. For sale by all druggists. MILBURN'S N1*ri AND NERVE PILLS oared Mrs. IC. E. Bright, Burnley, Ont. Mae vrritee: "1 was greatly troubled, for pix years, with my hart and ahortaeae of breath. I could not walk eighty rode with - oat rating four or five times in that short distance. I got so weak and thin I only weighed seventy-three pounds. I decided at le4 to take same of Milburn's Hart and IKet-ve Villa, seed atter taking eight bows I gamed is str.egth and weight, and now weigh see hundred and thirteen pounds, tits asset I enter weighed in my life. I feel well and eon work as well ea ever I did, Pod tan heart* thank Milbnrn'a Heart end None Flits forst i." Frio* So wine par box er a boars ler St.rereeeeiip ot pries The W. Mlibern etc, 1.404101, tlikeige ason and Risch 1 The piano with a soul. Some makers put most of their work on the case ':' in the hope that a brilliant finish will sell it for them. Such pianos are merely handsome, but useless pieces of furniture. It's the inside of the piano that makes the music, so we put our best skill and workmanship on the hidden parts. During our thirty-six years of / piano making we 'have discovered many im- provements in construction which are ex- clusive to the Mason and Risch piano. We MASON' would like to tell you all about these im- >LZAs and RISCS provements which add so to the life ' Lina, NO Co., and beauty of tone of the instrument. / TORONTO Fill out and mail this coupon to us / Send me your illus. to -day and we'll send you " Inside /trated booklet explain- ing the reasons why1 Information." / should own a Mason and ktsch piano• This in no way obligates me to purchase. The Mason and Risch Name Piano Co., Limited, Street 32 West King St., Toronto. City Province rtq....�'—. ..� "/1.' .r AF:'c":.S•.•.' CR,..4:tiko tAh'. :,.+St:rliIdNi . ZkirsIgf'kfMl .'.r ws" n.'. a..7,74t 't+ Since the death of the late D. E. Munro, the position of postmaster at Auburn has been vacant, though the duties of the office have been regularly discharged by the family of deceased. On recommendation Mrs. Monro has been appointed to succeed her late hus- band, others in the village who had claims to the position, from a political standpoint, having waved them in be- half of Mn. Munro. Colds en the Lang.. Mr. Jonn A. Wilson, Little Shippegan, N. B., writes: "I eahnot praise Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpen- tine too highly for it oared my children of severe colds on the lunge and when they had whooping cough gave them re- llef from hard coughing and soon oared them." This treatment is a positive oure for croup. The Telescope ran torus a man from Carrlok the other day, who from person- al experience has oOMe to the conclu- sion that smallpox, that mnoh-dreaded disease, is in reality a blessing in dig - guise. Before having the disease he was aiok about halt his time, but since then be has been a new man. He has inoreared in weight about forty pounds, and has neither pain or ache. There may be something in hie contention.-- Telescope. ontention.=Telescope. SPEED LAWS OF 18"t6. Coaches Going Niwe Miles as Hese Frightened the English. The outcry daily growing louder is England against the excessive spieed lid motor cars lends interest to the fes lowing passage from the Anneal Retia ter for 1816: A new coach started in the spring to run to Brighton, a distance of fifty-two miles, in six hours. * * • This, however, became alarming, par- ticularly in the populous neighborhood of Newington. through which it passed, and the parish officers there caused in- formation to be laid against the driv- ers for driving furionsty on the public road eo as to endanger the limes of his majesty's subjects. The result of this is to be read in Mansard's "Parliamentary Reports," June 10, 1816. Tbe attorney general moved foe leave to bring in a bill the object of .which was the protection of the liver and limbs of his majesty's subjects by correcting the enormous abuses of stagecoach drivers. Within these few days it would be hardly credible what a number of applicatione be had ese- eeived on this subject. Some accounts were enough to freeze one with horror. A gentleman of ve- racity had informed bins that on Twit" day, May 21, at 15:80, the Trafalgar and Regulator coaches ret off from Msnclieater and got to Liverpool at 82ti, doing thls Johnny in two bouts fifty minutes, at the rate of tweNrs miles ate hour: The lawyer told Mike Dolan, his client, that he had a good fighting case. Mike mused a minute and then said, tentatively: "Do yon think it would do any good to send his Honor a couple o' duokaY" "No, nor' replied the lure er; "I know him too well. If yon did that he would decide the ogre against you, ante as fate. Two days afterward the case was heard, and Mike won it out and out. So he called on his lawyer and in the course of settling up affairs remarked: "Well, you see, sir, it was just es well I sent his Honor that dunks," "What 1" exclaimed the aston- ished oounrel; 'yon sent dnoks after what I said?" ""lyes, I did," replied Mike; "only atter what you bold me, 1 thought it just as well to 'end them front the man on the other !ides" The reeidenoe of Mr, and Dire. Mal- colm McDonald, Quebec street, Goder- ioh, on Thursday last was the scene of ranch festivity on the occasion of the, marriage of their yonngert daughter, Mise Christens, to Robert McKay, of the fishing tug "Two Macke." Rev. James A. Anderson performed the cere- mony in the presence of about seventy- five guests. The bride was given away by her father and the wedding march war played by Mrs. (Capt.) Angus Mo. Donald. The honeymoon trip includes a visit to Toronto and other points, the happy couple leaving on the 2,06 p. m, train amid much showering of rice and good wishes. IL Ir. Chase's Dint: wont is a certain and guaranteed cureboreaeh and every form of itching, bleeding � _ and protruding piles. See testimonials in the press and ask and 'Ot yneighbors ur mon y about it. not satisfied. 6e0o, at all aoalors or EDMSNSON. Berns do Co.. Toronto. - DR. CHASE'S,OINTMgNT. Already the accommodation at the Goderioh Hospital is proving inenfhoient,, although the institution has been in existence for only a few years, The. question of building an additional wing to provide the muoh-needed aoaommo- dation both for nurses and patients was discussed at the inaugural meeting of the new board, and the matter was re- ferred to a committee to report. • N YLllllI.E PIIESCIIIPT1II RIB 1IINEY GNU 1AllllEll THEM CAN BE MADE AT HOME. W. fee piessed to be able to publish for the benefit of our lettelers ties prescription of a celebrated specialist. This isthe result of years of selentide investigation and experience, and. is taken from & reimbici publication. This is an exact copy of tho original: -- 416 s Arta ingrettlenti,ero vegetable ung havers gentle awl tetanal $Chose-glotiag.elditanet tainit effect to the urtica ask= labia Iron 1pd 'snixtvre its the traoltaatent of tapas Bea wet Wiser/ It see* ' M.' M bee* beteolieste eke be Uittht jepeeetais ei *WA of * - sor ma Miles brise' RLaetlrlt 4 1 A 1