The Wingham Times, 1909-03-04, Page 5vompoirnommisiboomegio QUALITY" "QUALITY" Two of the Many Styles of zoth Century Brand Clothes that we are showing for Spring. These clothes have, a national reputation for style and satisfaction. Ready for service, or made to your special measure from choice of 300 stylish cloths. See these fine garments before ordering' your SPRING SUIT or OVERCOAT mcGee,.../4 camel, . • CLOTHING - MEN'S FURNISHINGS MINIZI011EMI WEST WAWANOSH Connell met as per adjournment on Feb. 18th. Members all present; Reeve Medd in the chair; minutes of last meeting read and confirmed on motion of Watson and Thompson. The Treasurer's statement showed balance on hand of $357.86 and was re• oeived and Sled on motion of Thompson and Watson. The Clerk was instructed to write to the member for North Huron re the keep of John Davidson, a patient in the 'London Asylum. The matter of the olaim of Chas. Thoma re assessment was dropped on motion of Aitoheaon and Thompson. The Auditors' report was presented by John Webtter and after being finally audited was adopted on motion of Win •son and Thompson and 200 copies order- ed to be printed, The amount of Colborne township re vaccination of children in sohool section No. 1, of $2,76 was ordered to be paid on motion of Wilson and Watson. Sohn Webster was paid 0.30 for tile for drain on eon. 10, on motion of Aitoheson and Wilson. Orders for. payment of mounts to the amount of 542 were passed. Council adjourned to meet on March .18th, at 10 o'clock., W. S. MCOnoseig, Clerk, TII lasIDER,Int. The following is the report of S S. No, 6, Turnberry for February; names in order of merit:— Fifth class--Be11a Murchison. Sr. Fourth Class—Stanley Dickson, Ruby McKague, Violet Showers, Maggie Chandler, Norma Mo] ague, Sadie King, Roy Porter. Jr, Fourth olase—Bert Holmes, Jessie Holmes, Bertha Chandler, Johnuy Mo. Kague, Albert Paxton, Vine, King, Fred Foxton, Grace Snell, Wilfrid MoKaguo, John Snell. • Sr. Third pleas—Wilfred Murchison, Pearl Fallis, Minnie Porter, Robert Faille, Louisa Snell, Ella Faille, Earl Dickson, Mabel Goy. Jr. Third class—Henrietta Foxton, Georgie Dalgleish, Ethel Ohatidier. Sr. Second class—Perot' ming, Henry Holmes, Robbie'MaKague, Ewart Link - later. Jr. Second close.—Harold Showers, Gertie Fanlns, Charley Showers. Pt. II clues—Norma Paxton, Lizzie MoKague, Emma Snell, Harold Vallee J. CAnLtNG, Teacher. Alex, Stephaneon, a painter, of Sand- wich, oommitted suioide by taking Paris 1 green. ]r. WINGTI U1 ', IIIE8t M4E011 4 1081} Sor,rxes We understand that a new hardware store is to be opened shortly in the stare recently 000npied by N, B. Gerry. The new proprietor being Mr. Charlesworth, of Seaforih, Mr, Wm, Campbell hag left town to aooept a position in Toronto. where his family now resides. Ur. Campbell has been a eltizen in BIyth for a good many years and kis friends here will wish him Prosperity in the pity, rrevent Taking 0014. often you pore home cold, and shiver* Ing --feet are wet, throat is raw, chest a Ittle pore, A. bad cold is ,just begiantug. Put a Nerviline Porous Plaster as your chest, rub your throat 'with Nerviline, and take a stiff dose of Nerviline in hot water. This prevents a chill and obeoks the cold instantly, No remedies so use- ful in the home, so sure to prevent serious illness: es Nerviline and Nerviline Mestere. Sold by all dealers, 2do, each, but be sure you get the genuine, and refuse any aubstitute, MUM David Donaldson, 12th pont, has taken a position in the mail order depart. went of the T. Satan & Co's store in Toronto.. We wish him success and believe he will do well. Tuesday of last week Joseph David- son, who has spent the past few months With relatives, left %or his home in Arcola, Sask. He called on Toronto friends on his way. A very pleasant snrpriae was ex- perienced by Mrs. Angus Brown, 4th son., when Leatherdele & Son, of Brus- sels, planed a fine Heintzman piano in their home, a gift from Mrs. Brown's parents, Teasdale and Mrs. Whitfield. 13th non. The vaivable present is highly prized. Thin as a Rail, Are Tout . Every day spending as Hauch energy as you make—if the balance goes a little further, well, you of thinner. On tbe danger line to -day, —to -morrow may be too lfate i Better use Ferrozone, it builds etp—a little gain the firat week, but the gain keeps growing. Next week, not quite so thin, Keep right on, lots of fat won't hurt at all. Your blood is en- riohed, oheeks grow rosy, your ,heart and nerves grow strong, and you don't tire so quiokly. Joyous robust health, a sturdy frame and a cheerful mind—all these come with Ferrozone. You'll try it, only 60o. at all dealers. MORELS, Among thefts who are talking of going West Lire Bert Oonnah, who has been making his horse at R. J, Scott's, 6th lino, and George Hewitt employed at Samuel Walker's, Both are good steady fellows and we wish them well. The Clegg pasture farms have been leased, the home place to James Granby and the farm' near. Brussels to Geo. Keys, of that town. Ben. Beam, 7th Iiue, killed a snake in one of their fields on Wednesday of last week. It was lying on top of the snow and showed fight when approach- ed, Arthur Herr, who recently bough t the farts of James Sherrie, 41b hoe, lntends to build a driving shed and hog pen this spring. He seems determined to have everything up-to-date. The 6th line is determined to keep up with the procession. Wm. Thema will split and enlarge his barn, which will be 60x80 feet when finished, with atone stabling under the whole of it, giving him ample room on a modern plan,— Robt. Nichol has decided to build a con- oreto silo. It will be 14x30 feet and will hold upward of 100 ton of Dorn. Mr. Nichol is having the gravel hauled, —Tho old barn ou the farts of Jas, :iaxwell, will be pulled down and in stead will be built a fine new bank barn. The stabling will be cement, Jno. Fetch bas the frame work of both barns, Rev. A. Ci, Wishart, B, A,, tied the matrimonial knot on Wednesday after' coon of last week, at Melville Mpnse here between Angus Molloy, of Strains. burg, Sask., formerly of Logan town- ship, and Mien Lnoy,'daughter of George Hodges, of Grey township, Miss Hanna *Key, abater to the groom, was bridee- made and Wilbert Hodges, brother to the bride, was groowaman, About 12.30, Wedneaday morning of last weak, Mra. Santee Gibson, a resident of Brussels for over 40 years, passed away to the Great Reypnd in ber 08th year. Her maiden name was Sarah Ingram, She was born in Comity Cavan,. Ireland, and pante to Canada. with ber parents when. i5 years of age. 65 years ago she was married to her late husband, Jaime Gibson, (who died in 1887) in. Darlington ,township and Dame to Brussels in 1866, residing here since, She lost her eyesight 2 years ago but was remarkably hearty fora person of her advanced age. Mrs. Gibson got up from her bed and walked across the room and was helped book by are. Robt. Kerr and on getting to tbe bed the old lady dropped an her knees, put her head on the bed and died almost instantly, Old age with its attendant weakness was the pause of her demise, Only one child survives, James. Gibson, who is a weIl-known resident. Defeated By Dr. Hamilton. Tu no way is health so menaced as by aonatipation, It leade to indigestion, insomnia, anaemia and a hundred ills. Ordinary remedies fail—they relieve— don't cure, The worst ease is defeated and cured quickly by Dr, Hamilton's Pilin; which cleanse the entire intestinal tract, stimulate kidneys and Iiver, keeps the pores of the skin open. You'll never have stomach trouble, yellow complexion or headaches if yon use Dr. Hamilton's PAie. They are a perfect system tonic. 25o, at all dealers. L' ELMOR E. For nearly a war k Miss Sproat, Miss Dandson, and Miss Scott, of Belgrave, Were visiting with Mies 0. Hamilton, -near Inglis' School. Oar singing school, which Mr. Skill- ing, of Teeswater, has conducted for the past three months, closed on Tues- day night last. Last Monday night the Literary Society of Inglis' school held a very sucoemsfnl 'concert. All report an en- joyable evening. During the past week Mr. Robert TO icicle has moved his household effects to Mrs. Terriff'a hones, We have not hoard definitely who is coming in Mr. Torrif 's farm. Mrs. Hugh Halliday was visiting friends in Wingoam for the past week. Miss Mason, of Wawanosh, and sister of Mra. Halliday,. is keeping thlugs straight until Mrs. Halliday's retnrn. The oougregation of the Methodist Church have decided to hold a teas meeting in the church on the evening o� Tuesday, Maroh Oth, Oatside talent is being secured and a good crowd and a good time is expected, Quite a nuoab3rof the farm era from this vicinity attended the salas of Root. Wilson and Wm. Mines of Turetberry and report prio3s very high for cattle. Tha homy of M:. and Mrs. Joint Fitch eras brightened last Ween,sday by the arrival of a daughter. Herbert Neil is at work with his gaso- line engine and wood sawing machine at Mr, C. Johaann's, Mr. Neil has a good dual of this kind of work booked ahead and we wish him saooese in his new eterptiae. Detre. Copeland, of Carman, Man., re• tarns to her home this week after quite tae exteado3 visit with friends in th:a vicinity. Miss Etta Elliott, from the boundary brickyard, has taken a position in the poet office store. We wish her success. EAST wenvnAr 0Set Masan, Iesao Walker and Wilfrid Held have returned home atter a week', visit in Toronto. Mr, .4.. ,¥oNeil is busy preparing to ,move to his father's farm in Howiek, Mr. John Reid has rented the MellelI fares, Mr. Robert Soott, of the 12tb a000ee. Oen has purchased a floe ball of high' quality and breeding from Mr. Win. McKenzie, of the 4th concession of Cplross• The animal is dark roan color and weighe 2,000 pounds. This fine animal will improve the stook in Mr, Scott's leeality, The young people of 8. S. No. 11, Rest Wawanosh, intend giving an entry tairtient in their school on Pridey evening, Unroll 12th, The programme will consist of dialogues, recitations, instrumental and vocal mune. Great preparation is being made and a good time is expected. Oome and enjoy yourself at No. 11, The late Thomas Jamieson, whose death was briefly reoorded in our lase' issue was a native of Sootland, haviue been born in it small village near Glao' gow, In 1858 he emigrated, to Canada• settling first in the Township of Picker. ing, where he remained for three year', then coming to East Wawapoah apa settled on lot 32, oonoesaion 8, where he continued to reside up- to the time of bis death, thee spending forty-eight years in ties township. Deceased had always been a healthy ,man and tleougb 83 years of age was able to be up and around until a few days before hit death, when he was stricken with pneumonia, He was held in high esteem by his neighbors and large circle of friends. In religion he was a Pres- byterian and attended Calvin church and in polities he was a Liberal. Be- fore leaving the Old Land he married Miss Agnea Dick, who, with a family of seven children, aro left to mourn his death. The ehildreu are :—Andrew and Miss Jane, at home; 'Thomas, on the farm next to the homestead; Jaines, of St. Helena; John, of East Wawanosh; Mrs Chas, 11, Rintoni, of Winghatn and Mrs. Stonehouse, of Balgrave. Tbe funeral to the Wingharn cemetery last Friday afternoon was largely attended, Brick Church Epworth League is les no means becoming extinct, but is iu u live and active condition, A vete in. tereating and profitable time was spent by them last Wednesday evening, wher eight ot the members engaged in a de- bate, "Resolved, that intemperance canna mare misery than war," This event has been looked forward to fox some time as one of the best of its kind, which it proved to be itt every reapect. At the hour of opening the church was comfortably filled. The .President in the chair, opened the meeting with anteing and prayer, after which the de. bate was entered upon. Many well eetablisbed points were brought out by the negative side, pointing ont the misery and expense of war, The affirm- ative bringing in a great many points, Established 1879 Whooping Cough, Croup, Bronchitis Cough, Grip, Asthma, Diphtheria Cresoicrie in a boon to Asthlratics Does it not seem more effective to breathe in a remedy to cure disease of the breathing organs than to take the remedy into the stomach'e It cures because the air rendered strongly anti• septic is carried over the diseased surface with every breath, giving prolonged and constant treat. ment. It is invaluable to mothers with small children. Those of a consumptive tendency find immediate relief from coughs or in- flamed conditions of the throat. Sold by druggists. Send postal for bookl..t. 14snisa, Mmus Co., Limited, Agents, Mont- real, Canada. 30q I New idea Patterns THE LEADING STORE ow rd. Se New Spin Goods Just opened. up Ten Oases of New Spring Goods including New Dress Goods, New Sills, New Dress Trimmings, New Prints, New Muslins, New Waists, New Hosiery, Corsets and Gloves. Dress . Goods Department ' is crowded with New Fabrics for Spring wear. Ask to see the New Suitings. Just opened One Case of Ladies' • Shirt Waists, very pretty styles, fine quality lawn. All prices. N. E 1 Dszlisuaggsgmagalegionomm. 1 co. 1 116:2=9.1M=31217=6=111=1 kept on fixing them thick and fast till it game to the reply, when the captain dropped in about twenty prints which gave a final charge to the negative. The judges were Mies A. I.aavreraoe, R. Shiell and Chas, King. Wails ,tier were considering which side wase winner, a number al reeitationa rand moored Harold Walker. Sr II•—Fona Deecoe, Wilmer Taylor, Annie Currie, Eon McDougall, Helen Deacon. Jr. H—Harold Reid, George Pocock, Thomas Currin, Percy Sheiks. Pt. II—Varna E'iiett, Taddy Kerr, Charlie Currie, Helen d"000ck, Alex. songs were given. We cannot refrain Leaver. from making speoial mention of the Pt. I—Jim Perdue, InethIeen Kerr. well•rendered temperance recinesiou, Average attendance 26. "The 'old man goes to tenni"' given by A. LtawitENCE. Mrs. Win, H Deapinore, who has been Rev. G. W. Rivers. Mrs, J. Pattison in poor health for some time patteed also gave a recitation, "What a 4 oluen away on F i3ae2 het, need ed 69 y ®mss. can do," which delighted the audience and was greeted withw:;rm sallpic4ui t. D` ^eased was hold in high esteem by Mr. Shiell, for the j:,tlgos, announced h;.r zc:ixhbaxs c.e*,1 :;riea:rlra and rho bereevrd family Q.t;i have the sympathy that the affirmative aide was viete ions of the community. by the small majority of els scums. A veto of thanits was tendertytl t':,e jest;. s after which the riveting Ciasod wi`!gt itet,it tiein,;. rote Consumption? usual exereieis and all heli= that they When your biro:..; =^'cl e, your lenge had been benefitted by being present. and chest as e c'cre, y:.iz, ihrOat is sorted with co..i dea't t. . .•on3uinp.i,).a—:- uae Cacarnccz.y to i.tt.i ;,.et wall, .It ele:ares the throat, eco .., ,...•j;iF.)1;. reaievtitx tight Chest aur at•r.' i .a Ito `..ionuliial tubes. To clear eras (iutirrh art' the ' Sr. IV—Verna Taylor, Gw. nrio:yn nays nothing eonoq. b- 11.1144r. C:-,taasbe. Carrie, Marg Carrie, Earl Elliott, Pe:s'ri ozone is Nature's own xoniedy,--it heals D >aeon. III—Harold Carrie, E erne tt Maggie P0000k, Willie Underwood, Following is the report i'or S. S. No. clase--R. Deacon. and t•cothee—cures ever.y terve of throes, 1.,n,; or h:oneh;et tr.>ubto. Prescribed 1,4 many rp'ciaiiara Rad fa%d Isc thous. and.; every day. 23a. n -,d $1.00 ot sib d-•alers • WERE YOUR IN TSE CROTID Yesterday It was a, record -breaker I Never such enthusiasm displayed over any sale ever held I Crowded to the doors Sorry we had to lock the door so often, but could not begin to wait on the people, Come and see the kind of 13ARGAINS we give you I Come, carry away goods at a fraction of their regular price.. COME ON I t The Robson Mercantile Co. Wi ngharn