HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1919-01-16, Page 8'tF
'4444 4.444444.44,4444.
!" Y
Only two days more of ouf Big Winter Sale. Many lines have been cleared out en-
tirely, and some remaining lines cut still lower for final clearance on Friday and
' Saturday the closing days of sale. For thase two days we are also putting on sale
various lines not previously reduced. Come Friday and Saturday and be in at the
Special Fur Clearance
The balance of Furs clearing at 1.75
cut to $1.29 for Friday and Saturday
-The balance of Furs clearing at 3.95
cat to $2.79 for'Friday and Saturday....
Shoe Bargains Bigger
Than Ever
To cleat on ,the balance of Shoes
on our bargain table many lines are
marked at lower prices thanon previous
slag days. See clearing box at door re-
filled with bigger and better values for
$tioo ,for Friday and Saturday. Big,,
Bargains for closing days as we do not
wish to carry them intoour new stock..
Ladies' Coats
We have still left a few Ladies'
Coats of the latest styles of this sea-
son's make which are marked down be-
low cost for Friday and Saturday. This
will be a rareopportunity to get beau-
tiful new stylish coats at such reason-
able prices.
Ladies' Suits
We have 7 Ladies' Suits to clear
for Friday and Saturday and have
marked 5 down to $4.75 and 2 to $5.75•
These suits are not just the latest
styles but the quality of the cloth is
excellent and the skirts q.lone are worth
more than we are asking for the suits.
If interested ask to see them.
Men's Fur Coats
Only 2 left, sizes 44 and 46, regu-
lar price 47.50, clearing sale price $38.
Ladies' Sweater Coats
i only silk sweater coat, reg. 5.00, sale
price. $ 95.
i only silk and wool, reg. 7.50, sale
price $4.95.
2 only ,brushed wool, neatly trimmed,
reg. 8.00for-..$5.25.
For cur ---final clearance on Friday
and Saturday are many lines at clear-
ing prices that we have not space to
Murdoch & Cameron
War -Savings Stamps
On Sale at all
BUY War -Savings Stamps for $4.00 each, place
them ori the Certificate, which will be given to
you; have your Stamps registered against loss,
free of charge at any Money -Order Post Office; and on the first
day of 1924, Canada will pay you $5.00 each for your stamps.
As an aid to the
pnrchess of W. -S. S. you can buy THRIFT
Stamps for 25 cents each. Sixteen of these Thrift Stamps on a
Thrift Card will be exchanged for a W. -S. S. Thrift Stamps do
not bear interest. Their virtue is that they enable you to
apply every 25 cents you can save towards the purchase of a
Government, interest-bearing security.
"If high rates of interest must be paid on Government borrow-
ings it is but right that every man, woman, and child should
have the opportunity to earn this interest.'—Sir Thomas While.
$5.! for$4.92
i3,.et.;,.,a;ultr ,
[-il 1, iW..". I ft1111LIIIIDII
ni;{?dlll8 tliiil A(i{8ik ► I,: Ill lTtlliGfHi1,I<i1lIT
Graham Wafers
One satisfied customer said:
"1 never knew Graham Wafers
could be so good until I tried
Telfers. They are perfectly, de-
She's right. YOU try them.
Packed in air tight packages.
For sale at all grocers.
1 "The Buy Word for.Biseuits'
• Canada
Food Board
License No.11.549
, J
---Monday, J n...ii3. _.
Miss, Vet a Alton. of Dungannon. is
visiting at Chas. 'W. Alton's, at the
Mrs David LAW- ie visiting at .Tamr-s
Phillips', Mafeki❑g.
Oar worthy mail courier was obliged
to make a trip on Sunday owing to the
heavy amount of' mail which had ae-i
cumulated during the storm when the
roads. a e-intpassable1--- -.-
A baby Iraq recently arrived at the
home of Mr.' and Mrs. Win. Bowlan—
Co►ngratulatirons. . -
Mueh sympathy ia,, extentfed to Mr.
and Mrs. Barry ,O Laughlin and family`
in the leis& of their eldest. daughter,
Mamie, 'who died in Goderich from in•
tluenza after a very short illness. The
deceased was 24 years of age, and was
highly esteemed in this neighborhood.
The funeral . was from -Goderich to
Kingsbridge cemetery. Rev. M. O'Neil,
an uncle of the -deceased, conducted the
the funeral services. Miss O'Laughlin
leaves to mourn, her father, mother, one
sister add three brothers.
- Beryls.
—Monday, Jan. 13.
Pte. Alfred Collins, of Kincardine, r
newed old acquaintances in our villa
last; week., All are glad to seehi
looking so well after his experiences
the front.
Mr. Douglas Emmerson, who is ripen
ing a couple of months at his home her
visited for a few days in Kincardine.
Mrs Roy Hildred, of Ripley, spent
few days at the hone of Sam Hildred.
Election day passed off quietly i
Bervie Q1a__eager crowd .g.t.th•red a
i he . ball in the evening to spend a six;
iable.time while waiting for the return
to ti tathered iu. All enjoyed th
speeches, songs and recitations provide
by such • popular entertainers as .lob
I)agg, Adam Gleba, Henry Mildred and
many more of our citizens.
On Thursday bight a meeting of al
in this vicinity was called in Bervie foi
the purpowe of organizing a local branch
of the United Farmers of Ontario. The
constitution of the anove was well dis
cussed and a branch well organized.
.Judging from the enthusiasm of all pres-
ent we expect great benefit will be de
rived from the plan which will soon be
in w ,rking order.
Mrs Fred Schilrotb,and son, of- Kin•
cardine, spent a fe. days - at. the. Lome
of Robt. Em rltet son:
01 Friday fist tbe R•*ard r,t Health
ot_..our _township reminded us that they.
,were stili looking after the flu problt m
and issued an. order for the cksing of
all Schools and churches until further
notice. It is expected that some s(c-
tuns of the township which are not
hardy hit by the ties will make ao appeal
to have the places opened again. _
Word has been received of the death
on Sunday last of John Brcck, of Owen
Sound. Ile took influents a week or so
ago and passed away oa Senday night.
The deceased was well know. ti in Bervie
having teamed here for a number of
years before moving to Owen•Srund.
The family have the sympathy of all in
their sorrow. !
At the regular meeting_of the Bervie
branch of the L O.L No.498 the fol-
lowing officers were elected for the con_-
year: 'W:M., Wm. Walsh 1).M., Janes
Hawley; Chaplain, $_ Blackwell; Rec.
Sec , J. E. 'Hewitt: 'Fin. Sec., Milton
Walsh; Tres., W. Gabl D.C., Simon,
Bradley: Lest., Thos. Bushell; 1 Com.,
-J. McLennan, ,D.• Sturgeon, L. Sturgeon.
These officers were duly installed by the
Lodge Diaster. Bro. W. H. Gable pro•
Tided lunch' in bis usual hospitable
manner, tend g plttanttnt tittle was fspoht,
A vtsly prugfseive tfar is eifpeetecI with
the new officers in Charge.
Make 1919 a W. Si S yal*•at.
—Tuesday, Jan. 14.
Mr. and Mre. Dan 'McKay and child-
ren, of Brawls, spent the week -end at
the home of Mr. Hector McKay.
Miss Nellie Cottle is visiting friends
in Winghatn.
Mr. and Mrs. 1uncan McTavish are
in Ripley at present attending the
funeral of Mr. ih*Tavish'u father.
Mr. Archie Jamieson, • of Langside, is
working withjsanta Wilson.
The Guild Meeting Sunday night wi}s
lead by Carl Lott. Thi' leader, for next
night is Miss Maggie. L idlaw:
Culross centre. -
—Monday, Jan 13
BORN.—On Thursday Jan 2, to Mr
and Mrs. Walter Richardson, a daughter
A number from here attended the
funeral of the bite Mrs. Wm.;,oung on
Saturday of last week yr
Mr Jas. Siddon, of Alberta. visited
at the home of bis cousin, Mra. Geo
Richardson, Tuesday cf last week.
Mrs. Gillespie and little son returned
to their h ►me in Toronto last Thursday
after a c..uple weeks' visit at the home
of her parents ii• add Mrs._JoinDicks.
Mussel McKay, who has returned
home from c verseas, visited at the home
of John McDonald, Friday of last, week.
Mies Myrtle Stanley, o'{ Kinloss, is
visiting friends in this vicinity.
The many friends of Mrs. Wm. Nor-
man (formerly Mary Ferguson) will be
sorry to hear of the death tit her hus-
band, Wm Norman, who died of influ-
St. Helens
Tuesday, Jar,u:ary 14
Rev. Arthur Hall, B A , of Oakville,
will preach in St Helens and L' nes
Presbyterian Churches next Sunday.
Mr. John McGuire has been hired
with Mr. Jo) nt for the winter months
Miss Coulter of near Hamilton and
Mr. Wallace, of Belleville are visiting
Mrs. Will McDonald.
Miss Gladys McDowell spent Sunday
at Mr. Clark's.
We underbtand that Mr Eliot "Naylor
is having a sale of farm stock and Im-
plements on Monday'Jan. 20th.
—Monday, Jan. 13
Capt. J. C Little, a repatriated pris-
oner of war, is expected to arrive home
Tuesday. Mrs Little, who has been
teaching in Staynor, will accompany
him on his visit to his parents and
Teeswater Lodge No. 183 I.() () F ,
have moved to their new ea rters in
the Library basement which has been
beautifully furnished in quarter cut oak.
The change will be celebrated on the
28th by a visit from the Presiding U.tfic--
er of the Order and a large addition to
the membership.
Lieut. Lorne Farrell, of the Royal
Flying Corps, has secured a position as
bookkeeper in the 1ti inyharn Foundry
aioce his discharge.
:Mise Eliza, McNaughton is spending
a fortnight ith her sister in Torootry.
O:ae of tbe big events of the ' s'ason
will be the Cha.utan.lna concert Monday
evening, Jan." 20tb, under the auspices
of the ladies of till Patriotic Leapt..
Secure your seats early
Make 1919 a Saving year.
—Moiiday, Jahl
Mr. R C. MaeDouald left for Ottawa
on Tuesday where he will be employed
in the Dominion Survey Department of
the Government.
Mr. Chas. Martyn paid a visa to Rip-
ley this week, Chariie is now a success-
ful business man in the city of Win❑i-
tpeg. On his way home he visited Chic-
ago, St Louis, and Alton, 111, and being
a keen observer we feel sure that,this
trip will prove very beneficial' to hitn,
when he returae` to western city.
Lieut. Finlay° McDonald returned to
Ripley on Tuesday from "Over There."
This young soldiar is another. of Ripley's
brave boys ' who have distinguished
himself. Being a giant in fortis and
physique, we do riot wonder that the
Ilun headed for home when they cast
their orbs on Finlay. Four ouch sold-
iers from the family of Mr. and Mis
Angua McDonald to indeed something
to be proud of.
Mr. Thos., McDonald left for the
West on Monday .morning.
Mra. Peter Campbell returned home
from two weeks visit at Amberly.
Mr 'f'h.:,nt ss -.11c rgtn, pour poptilar
councillor, has purch sed""'ji r. `George
Hodgins farm on the tenth con.
Misses Kate, and Adella MtOrirninon
left or Philadelphia ;on -Friday where
they will make their home. -These young
ladies were exceedingly Popular in our
burg and we --are a sorry -to lose tTtetn, ae
citizen& -Before leaving they were both
presented with suitable tokens by the
ladies of the village showing the high
esteem in which they were held.
We are pleased to see Miss Ida Martyn
Out again after a severe attack of illness.
Mr.' John D. McLay is progressing
favorably under the careful attention of
Dr. W. J. Smith.
Mrs. J. H Chapman who suffereela
nervous breakdown a few weeks ago is
now on the fair way to 'c'omplete re-
covery. Nurse Stanley is worthy of
grest praise for the able assistance she
rendered in caring for Mrs. Chapman
Mrs. Curran, of Toronto; is. visiting
as + ome. of J. H' Chapman._
TheJ... _ .
ubliee skating rink is now run-
ning full swing and the young people
are enjoying themselves immensely.
sharpening their skates for the conning
season. Having •entered the Northern
League we look to them toclean up
everything that comes along They have
held the 13 ,roman cup for the past two
years and we expect they will come out
on top this year as well. For fast skat-
ing and expert puck chasing our boys
are hard to beat `'E trl the airman'' is
the star. Beware all )•e neighboring
teams, for humiliation is yours v. hen
you come iu contact with the Ripley
in total darkne as all this year and this
is very inconvenient to the pedestrian
who is obliged to go about after lark:
If acme of the hot air and gas that is
spoutrd by loafers on the Street corners
could be ignited we might have cheap
light. Perhaps some day a clever scieut-
let may discover a meth'-d'of doing this
just as Benjamin Franklin barcessed
the lightning. However these are poor
prospects for the present and ae hope
that our trustees may soon see fit to use
the Street lamps.
Our cburches were open on Sunday
with a good , attendance of attentive
listeners who a ere g`ad to he permitted
to be there once more after the great
epidemic had swept over the country
Our schools opened on Monday with
all the teachers and most of the rschr„ars
in their places. As the closing of the
schools for eo long makers it very diffi-
cult to go over the year's w(.rk, we are
sincerely hoptrf'g that th.re may not be
a recurrence of this great plague.
During Coovalescence .n
Another of Huron Twp 'e esteemed
idents passed to his reward on_ Jan.
th in the person of Mr: PeLer McTav-
of the 2nd con. The deceased bad
n in poor health fcr .the put two
rm, but was able to go sheet arad at -
d to tbe lighter duties of the firm on
ich be resided. , Some time sago be
derwent an operation in the hr,pe r,f
me benefit but tie malignant diaw,:ase
RI which be suff:red, despite all that
dic il aid could render was mein tr,
im h:m as ire vi•tire and after ranch
suffering br,rne with chnstian fortitude
end came rte f'rrdal►_rgl;t, At hili
side were ill tb3 mamter • o, I
family,' *ie roe er p, meted, whr, iS ovtr-
1leaii ,Suri tiler Iroirviwf illy wastet r-,j
ung away of a baro. working and ira
trir,ue and devotional btis},ar;d ar,rl
ber, wbr, always, desired to set x g,,rrl
ample to his family, and lived to eve
brut of his labori: 'Ifs l,s t ,
urn bis u ss d saridow, fr,Ar •tr,nas.,.naf
r daugb:ers, Duncan, wbr•, is altitadarpt
tor of the Methodist Cbtucb, .White.
the aftermath of acute i b
disease, when physical bee
--strength is at low ebb, the body yea
needs particular, effective ten
nourishment to hasten res- wh
toration of strength and vim. nn
There is no better time to
utilize the peculiar nutrient fir'
qualities of MP
Being a rich food and tonic, it d'
qui.kly aids in the restoration fat
of the depleted vitalit yy ex
and Improves the blocid- e
quality. Sooff'a builds •
up the body by Nature's f%n
best medium—nourishment
B,:ptt h Bowes Tercets, Out. 1 —7 pas
N •
Phone No. 10 is at Your Service
We Sell for Cash— Ws Sell Cheaper ''Than The Credit Stores
With Eggs 60c. a Doz.
There is notbfug that pays better than the
hen, and strange to say it is very often ne-
glected. Did it ever occur to you that a hen
requires a tonic to keep it healthy and enable
it to lay ? An unthrifty hen will eat its
head off; a thrifty hen is- a money-maker.
Dr. tless' Poultry Panacet: will work miracles
if you will only give it a trial. Buy a pack-
age, feed it according to directions and . the
result will be far beyond your expectations.
ib.-Pakage--onIy 85c.
In the -history of the farming industry in
Canada there never was anything like
themoney in --hogs or cattle -as there is at
the present time. It pays_ you Mr. Farmer
to do a little calculating and get the -most
out of your stock. D:r. Hess' Stock Tonic
invigorates the animal, it strcngtLien4-the
digestive.cl"rgans, so that it assimilates .a11
the food that is given it. This -prevents
waste and puts money into your pocket.
Listen to, this statement by Dr. Hess :
!f you commenee'feed.ing.stook tonic to,pigs wben they ,
are wearied and continue it until they are niarketert4e
--guarantee a gain of from twenty to forty pounds more
per hog at six and one-half months old.
With hogs at 17cthis m cans more money for you
to the extent of frown 3.50 to $7.00.per hag. Is it worth
considering? 10 lb. pkg., $1.25. 25 Ib. Pail, $3.
III The Lucknow Hardware & CoalCo.
414111,4•4.41441.1.44 I
For 25c.
NR does it by improving
digestion, assimilation
and elimination---
the logical way.
NR Today— Relief or No Pay
There are three vital processes of
human existence,—the digestion of
food, the extraction of nourishment
from it and the elimination. of the
I.et anything interfere with theso
processes.—let the: r be interrupted or
improperly carried on, and sickness
cf some kind folloW,.
Poor digestion and asahnila-
t:on Means fr.ik:ro to derive
full nour:hhmeat frora food send
that in tura viten raec7s- im-
poverished blcod, r;ca':n^ra,
anemia, etc. Poor e11 1nat!c:r
means an aces? t!tiers of . waste
r.attcr which poi: ons t:>e Loc';t, lowers
itality, decreases powerCleo of re-
sistance to disease snd is -•-3 to tao
dvelopment of many se.ricua
,Ithenralt!rAn, dn:y to-ilerrr✓'1-i:rtrrfrt--
tnee with the process of e'1^.•atnation,
failure to get rid cf certain body
j olsons,--cannot be expected to yield
to any .rner:icine that fails to correct
the -condition responalble ter it. Could
nny reasonable person erect to ri l
i::mself of rheumatic pain e_:t long co
rheumatic poison isallowed to re-
main in the body. •
Think of this. It explains the suc-
cors of Naturc's Remedy (NR Tab -
1 -:.:) in so many c:sea where- other
mc%icines have failed. Thousands aro
using rrt T:.blets every day and get-
tln "relict, ;'i.y pry rive or ten
timcs es L:t:c!t for uncertel:t
thin;, -s? •A 2:.o box of tJature',
F-crnl c y (`:IL T::b1r•te), eon-
t:a:n , en cn-h to la rt t:vcsty-
fivo er mss, --rust Bell you, must
gh-d you prompt relief and sat-
irn-stow bcnc::t or cost you
not: tag.
And Nature's Remedy is not only
for Ca r,licf cf r7:et• a^them. It 1:n -
proves C.1•-eztio:t, to --,s t'ao liver, r g
teatea l:i ncy n^d 1: ;wc1 ac,:ca, fm -
.prows L a . is a• r1 fir.. -eco,
WrtoTo i — tern. • You'll feel 1".. n. new
- person when .-ou've t.iken N:t.-Tablets.
a wrc':. You've tried trio a nehrivo
merielnes and doctors, nor/ rn^:_e the
reol tort. you'll get results this trams.
Natuee'a Remedy (Nut Tablets') Is
told, 'ruarentecd £n! recor.imendcl ty
our t.rurr-f.t.
J. Garnet Armstrong, Lucknow.
KR Tonight ...-
e'e G4 Tomorrow Feel Right t
Get a 25c Box
church; Fred, -who is a soldier overseas
Alex and James on Lbe homestead; Mrs.
John If Ba►rkwell, of Asbficld; Misses
Sarah J., Elizabeth and Margaret alt of
wbom have the heart fell -Sympathy of
their many friends in the beer of trial
and bereavement The funeral to flip -
ley cemetery was largely attended.
A Delectation of the business men of
Ripley waited 'on the Township-liuncil
on 'Monday, praying, ;than .truse it
influence on the County Council and
the Government Good Road Commis-
sion to change. the decision of the latter
regard to the stb. con. west of, .Ripley,
wbi::h at first was placed on that system
but later for tome -unknown reason was
taken off, thns depriving the farmers
west of Ripley :f a good road 'to the near•
est market. We understand they made
a favorable impression on the local board
and We may look for the said road to be
suitably impr,ved in -the' near future
and fitted for all kinds (if traffic.
R;.solve to Savt,during 1919.
mod to_ -May. t
•CaarsL• -Death of 2.000.010
Aso Cast US,IS ,N1 Isssrance
'1'htt London Times rroelical r,r,rrelgon -
,kr,t eayas that it, eeernas reaw,ntble ti
1AIitIv. that alit/tit 2',,hrXl,rlrl [it:t•sr,rary
have j, -risked from intluenra pnr:iitnr,nias
during 'the' psst twelve weeks. It b„.s
t/t,tn ebttruated that the ,war Caused tht;
deaib r,f six ..ollar,rt pets,,' io f
ill our and
one-half years. Thus the correspondent
points out the influenza hts proved its -
self five times deadlier th in war, because
in the same period, at its epidemic rate,
the inti uenz i would have killed one hun-
dred million. Never since the 131ack
lie•ttti has such a plague swept.ov_ur the
world. The need of a new survey of
publiNe' health nae;isures , has never been
more forcibly illustrated.
"With” the enormous claims the life -
companies in every part of the 1 Ynited
States are reporting, it begins to appear
that early fig►irea un lerestimaterl the
• probable cost the Epidemic of influenza
would fs• to ineurarce," says the ins+ur-
an^e Press.. "Vice I'resitfent Lu iger, r f
the Eriilitante, Yn a recent address, gave
it as, his epininn that Sr/0,0°0,(tot) ii1
claims due to the disease bad already
been incurred, and That fbe loses of in-
ditgtrial enni►anieq alone would be nearly.
Aplarokitiritely, 400,0x)0 deaths from
influenza and pneumonia have occurred
among' the, civilian l opuiatinn of the
I 'tined State since September 1 5, ac -
n -f tiik ins of the Pabljc Ilealth
Service . A hoot 20,0(0 deaths oecatrred
n --the ramps in the r niter! States
War i repm•tment records show, and
':he -Government 'incurred - liahilities
of MON' than 170,0 s►,a)(A) in connection
with life, insurance carried by etildieri in
array cai►al►s, not including those in Eur -
in Ontario there have 'beim 7,14
(t'ratha in tht, past three months.