HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1919-01-16, Page 7� . . . I• . - __ _ ­ .ON THE.,FIELD'. I . '. . . . . OF WATERLOO . . . ..a. __ I COMPARISON OF ,BATTLE WITH 1. '1'I141SE OF GREAT WAR . . ,, Canadian '.froaps W!sted and Had 11 Lttnrhron un Ground of Napoleon's V . ' Last Stand.11 • . Lieut. D'Arcy C. Higg•inse of the 1 ., . . .I Canadian. Hvadquaarters Staff, writes I - as follows to loris -mother, who, live*I `' in -Tpronto. I '.Yesterday I had a most ilit;ere'Aing 0, - trip in. the., signals ear:. We left I . .t.�l,•t.in4 about, 10.3�.a.m. slid ivent via « • . . , Wtlte!•lc,o, tc)..I;russess, Whe f✓ .wewit- •nQ8F,,t'd. tha magnificent reception given Kinn Albert by the city -•-his 'first 'official visit since before the, war. I think it was, 'without excep- :.: . tion the finest sight I ever. saw.. ,� ALASKA IS MISUNDEBSTOOD tr xeL 1 eros sus -_� The Latest MLI. MQ U I YPgU N ZWSPAPEIR _ _,_k.-___..1' Mdre Than Three-Quarters,61 Area an0 fob prtotinir otant to Fasters . _ . Ontario, Is In Temperate Zoae. el3i ills nsuranee carried 11. 600 %VIU for 11.lb0 on Quiet sale. Eos 916 r . lWtJsoe Publtahtnr en Ltd ' Alaska is the most misundbrbtood ; Tnrnntn 4'"6KLs NEwt3YwPEti FOR BALM ' and misrepresented section of the tq New Ontario. Owner colusr t+/ ** . continent: People generally and sin- srarre. R'lu sen ft.00b. worts doub � that amount Apc,17 J. A.. 'cle Wileas cerely believq that the name Alaska thtblfsblQR Da.. Limited Torobte. is synonymous with snow and ice and . ars cast zA"Oup . 11 couple it accordingly with ice cream freezers and cold -drinks, says an Am- `, y �� "i `� V in a rnaall and "coni&&. cureei S. w'1tho. erican writes?. Yet the principal cities • ' ' eat- sata-bv ~ bass treatmmot, Write es before too, lata Dr. 6ellmas Medical of Alaska along its southern coast % /! 1'�, c .ti tae.. i tmitted. Cal lea•wood,. oat . line --Juneau, Ketchikan,, Cordova,:., I c Valdes, sed" Seward -do not average �t 11� When mak:ilg�.cakes of. Corn flour as cold in midwinter as New York, - i' the addition of a little fat 'will make and are - sel'doni as -rolrl, as Baltimore them Light and more tender. - and Washington. � - .� • . . Alaska is one; -fifth the size, of the. - �' . Ilelland's mines are now'pl-dducin� whole United States ani its prodig- I ` ,coal at Thi rate of about 2,000,400 ious area of,-4bout 600,000 square , '; I I : torts. a year. , .; miles, nearly tliaee. timbs the size of ', .II } --4 ,• .,;. Ithe Germar1 . Empire,, spreads from, i I 'n ' z'snara� �Lsntmeat c,- t. aarar�t ssi tSo.va I the temperate�� zone to the -Arctic 7 ; 11 "WAS1' - ('ircle. . Not one-quarter .of it is, in , .� j ; ' the 'latter. •Below the circle - lies a ASTH. - .. ► .It iliagnlfic ent telt of ferule so )". i . is" estimated by Guv�rnme�nt atAhori- . , t -INSTANTLY RELIEVED 'WITH n I- - t 1 f �i'e had lunch oft' the.. fnrrious field -- -- - - --. -- - -_ - -- - ---•- -- - - • . . „ _ --- --_ - ., - _ _ . - - - - -- - of Alaska's felg-t le �' , ey s ,,rt d plains, I ..., _.. �V ate' 1©o was fou ht 100 3 ears A ® I ® -- , $ • . ,t is re i~ the -clismaluess ut the landscape, and tion of the liquid gas is so intense on many of which cattle can " be _ !� ao� and it is one of the must inter= the pathos cif• the place owns ilidescrib- that the gas, if breathed in. as it I wjntered without feeding, agigreRate '. ` . ASK ANY DRUGGIST ._ _CITYI.DE A.TEON_ estin spots I have seen. - `able, One' N �fam4kir with .tdwps. tit- comes frons tlie' Bottle would cbagL:i9t�' ' i -- - .-� -. 1 _ OR r Y RE U� Goo., Montreal, P.Q.Price 65c. h p K { AA,(100 bquare miles; witTi a c:iiriate or virt�� yr»an-Knot. _ � . about the 'i'1ie lnO's t amazing points were, torly ruined in which iio man lives, as .the lungs and cause death. To. snake like "that of northern. Europe--- or- • 1 t '' Whole hattTe that acrotic m, TSO SHAME GERMANS 1 wav, h'inland and Sweden. g, *.cc.Ln ''' \ --. Ypres and Bailleul, -but fernl,onde, it, breathable it is, first' conducted %• DON'T • the e:;iremcly short distance and- the i CU whexle 7,000. people still exist among through a long pipe tolled around the I_ This land. is richer and more Pro-. .�1. t. . -r of risen Involved. . _ . .vast r.vanbc ,�. _„ ' the four-year-8"ld ruins, seemed' to me haskefr containing the bottle, and then , ductiti a than that of any other roan- '�`' Shoe BOl,CBp . .. , .. �., . . r. .. C),yOR� HOME tit l5y.i �d99" it1 sadllfS9 .elven �tl+se>uiF r b t�vltieh %a te.. 1 '. LYa creel ,fair �.. <1z.0 u. ji'aterloo. T f'I ! R T E'`(r'4�. . I .pito a i•ub er bag.,�f>l*crtn pixy � tl ct31e iv rld,'sws l t ;; ,,,,5N,, f "I fft,eu �3rerca''c ;'p""• •'Eti ,;� i .{ , _ ,� e h ,.� �. aOC "Q2`i1ll'�1tiS •~� ,,• ,...- 1.1,1:: ti:;1 t _� �f it wtis tint a.saii d �. l e aviatclt•- A r -.r _ c; en . _... ,) :� s the a tQ, tb irr;fixrcil alic}'3..0 sere a I; , .,; _... _: _:_, ,. Q. �Ia. '.J h �; ell t p .. a "� .(a The who area on whichVdt Bfi147i:U i'U ,,OfiyiiV . �, I for Belgian troops were passing un- econd coil with a rubber ha and ' "' •, ore ,: 'nice .ef . U., 'lea%-&. A?f,y front; the• erluo was fought was less than twee e - ,, __ ceasin 1 throw h the town on the wa Is g free o any settler Pte u►sl.QS"to f •. 1 .y FOR � sides dropping to hip line aria -form- - g y g y , service .tube, is provided for the take up a hom�estead.R w I • • = miles in circumference. - l to Brussels to assist at,the entry. of j . Ing' flaps for the pockets which hang s sa of the passenger. . . In the great, cen,.r.al •t-r►lie;; of (b) Jjjla .I- WellinOoh'% front -line was 1 Unspeakable Privatrons Suffered by the Bing, and the people lined the below. Mtt'All Pattern �I<i'o. 8647; , which 85 000 - There is, no .danger of an �explosiot# Alaska the coldest days of winter ark Ladies' Dress: In 6 .sizes; . only three miles, along Seven Thousand Inhabitants streets, where a few poor flags flutter- '34 to 44 will reduce them and leave no blernishee. troops were concentrated. should the bottle containing the liquid !not as cold as reported from time to bust. , Price, 25 cents. Transfer De Stops lameness promptly. Does not blas= . . ' ' ed. and tried to cheer them and broke ` oxygt<n• be struck .by. a projectile, but .time in the prairie. states of the United ,(c_) �Vhise the battle was being Fos• Four Years. air- T r bigli iVo. 813fi.•. Pr;ce; iri cents.` ter or remove the hair, and. horse can be __ . into demonstrations of enthusiasm at ' . waged a distance of only 925 yards the sight of my British uniform. But the heat from •the. burning of the , 'States,, lecke NehrAska, Ai )ntaua _ and i . - - l worked. 12.54 a.bouk delivered. lotNci theb, , Q ween Na oleon and { ' Tho' .name of Termonde wii+ be a g plane would* be disastrous.. It would !'North Dakota. Stock. raisers '.and I l .- t AdWRBiNE, JR.. for mw*w, dw .nu.r11 . intervened bet F ng of shame to all Germans for ; the four years of privation leave left Wellington, the wt`�� o army C. their mark hn the population, and pause the gas to expand anti burst the i farmc-'s are• going into Alaska on I Unlmcnt for emh.ertif.e� sora, s.eluns., varteo.evet.•: ` Marc Pain and li►dammatlon. Price h_2 s boniest drop geIlerFltiOns t0 C0111e, Says a COPI•eiipon- p P COntainEr and the liberated' o,...geIl y , !' lime or delire'red. Wlil'tell rod more U fou .rite. e p every r tamer ' to -look the c•ouiitr manders: i fed or' dent on Ncv. 20. Ths world will never never, it seeined to me, did tho' whole would air. in destroying the airpcane, over. - . YOYaG.t.Q.F.,51it�lsst /Hi.,Montnel,Catts (d) 45,000 men. were k 1 people of .a town need pltyand sym- � M► f. forget the story of the deliberate, sys- : The '�ntira.-cquipment for . two per I Visitors to Alaska are surpriscl3 . a.. `%_ ,�ia„•uwo sou t►a3srolaq Jr- tics 0sdc Is Psss06. wounded in seven hours fighting. of tematic burning of ;note than 1,000' pathy more than they." ' I . I which 8,000 ware I'renrh, .killed in sons 'weighs only: about eighteen ; what they find when _the:y reach the �a` i lie attempt to take Hoguemont houses of harmless inhabi{ants or of i Suffered for Food. pounds and occupies .but little space ; interior. Nqr do they need to suffer ' DO jG CT A 1.i I . I . the niurderirg of innocent civilians. In life course of the four years 'Ter- n the fuselage of the airplane. In hardship in mfRcing clic trip, ,for, `..r ` , Farnl, a very insignificant place de- I That has been followed by four years monde has had flve.corumandants, and the American army it has .recently ;fist -class steamships to the principal - F; • IN fensively, -but�'one o4 most import of-servititde to Che Germans uncier�con- I all were equally severe and brutal. As been ordered. that every pilot who is • with unusually reasonable • RHEUMATIC P� pot .' ante strategically. dations of finch utter discomfort that I places, Y ales ore runuing ut from Seattle . in most lace», It is solely the Inter- , gges aloft must ,carr enough oxygen - '' . These facts to me were. very rm j doubt if any persons, of .'tante or Bel, ; r . 'v especially when contrasted natiuflal Kelfef l i,mmititee 'who hsve 'for from six. to eight hours. nearly_ every day, 'slid railroad and k1 . press! e, F Y i g►uin have suffered mote than those lot been able to furnish -the inhabitants I , How necessary oxygen is to $n automobile lines to the interior are I'll�. � , . Go after it Ruth 4 Sloan'8 i . • with some. of the great battles of this i epr vionde. wi•th'.bread and fats e*A�ough, and tin- - . r ust finished•. All sorts' of relics aviator was demonstrated by the ex-- readily av�lilable.. Nor is it neees-1. Llnimelnt before it getl� wa , j I have been in the place to -day, .be- ned milk for infants, at least to ]seep perience of .Capt. R. W. Schroeder, ; sary to go far, for erery valley lead- j . - • of the equipment used for fighting ti1K the first Englishman to v sit it, as . ' dSpgerOliB ,.. the shark of life ,glowing. All the lo- U.S.A., on his remarkable flight of i I v ~ryer • then can be seen at the little { i from the coast is .waiting for the � I must heve„ been almost the last to cal agricultural produce, whether vege- .,Sept, 18 1918, when he broke all alti- husbandman.. ' I ,I.. _ _ museum near Lye. ace it In its long agony ,four years tables, meat, or real milk, w,as. of {`tude records by ascending to a height --�_.- . r.�, ' Apply a liff e, doli't rub, let It pent- T Built by Womed. I ago. . .+ . course, requisitioned by the Germane of 28,:100 feet. �tituard+s 'Ltaltnent e3nses aiDhthsaa °- , trent; and-good-by.ttyirigeI -Sano for E e Another place of the greatest In- l Of the 2,400 houses which composed , for themselves. . Alany prisoners, ]n- external aches `�_ 1 ;. ,pain+, str2ms, stiffr est terest was the Mound, built entirely the town before the war about 1,300 'eluding numbers of .English, were in .-Ed. Paper Fuel. a t oi' joints or muscles, lameness, bruises c by women. It took them seven years ,r ere destroyed or burned wantonly, the neighborhood, and during 'the -last -,ARMY PIGEON L01 TS Gompi`es� p ln�tan+ reli�i without uzussinEss of11 '{ . ,. . by the Germans on few weeks there has been a constant Italy makes excellent use of her . rciled clothi:ig. 1:eliable-the big esi to complete their task, receiving only house by house, - z. __ ., _. _ .. _....... cilia lir ' n r h wgs 1 their tirst entry after'they. had •been stream of parties of all sizes arriving Novel . War -ti Use for London waste a er. It is made Into a chew ' , j g 111 ent car aiter,3•ear, co- our- nce a day. The eat 81 P :., r ncrrcal br:resscnrwi°rrormous �slt-v: _ _. - _ _� _ _ __ . ,_. 1 _ _ _ - .- - - - r h sold <e �. , . carried from surrounding fleIds in Jh't:re -without molestattnn tram the in- from th6 near front to be quartered and portable• fuer fo t e Motor Busees m Prance. big bo t a'1 `tem habitants for twenty-four hours.. Of fora few days and moved on again to Boys' and girls go. about the.,cities Keep a the ready a 1 es s baskets, balanced on their heads. The i •e , - • _ 31Tade i:i Canada. Ask y�c�:Ir druggist 200 houses One of the many uses to which ` Mound resembles a conical slag heap. I the something legs' than 1, Germany. a local soup, .committee. of collecting all the discarded nErw pa for .Sloan s Liniment. Lendotl motor buses are put in France C^UCC..c.l. r wliicfi t$main in cite loan and the tin- which Mme. Bruyainez, the Burgoinas- i Pers they can find. These are brought It contains 165,000 cubic metres' bi 1 Iia as a home for i eons. The ,out- ; I ' 1 -"I I earth, covered by nice green gratis mediate environs, nearly all are of the ' ter's wife, was president, has minister- pigeons. ,-o , to establishments where the sheets , - surmounted b the Englishelion; f puprer class and .small, and the great ed to these with German •consent. The aide of the omnibus is roofed in r are converted by machinry into little 1 ;� and y •- ? riajoAty . of them ino•ee or -less dam- fore ► ' a cage,. while the men occupy - :. - - carved -in stone, this being supporta prisoners, while in the nelgllborhood, I tight rolls about an inch in diameier4 "' • atceJ.- A large number wi o•ITd not b an received ar good'bowl of soetpac�i itlstde-`or rather, three-quarte:a;'and too inches ion whic}r are packets-�'-y�it,T alai containin 3,000,000 g`, ! �n ntet• t3tIR`-nate .rI thic•'reel; 7s1 . -by 8 pede gconsidered fit .to live fn in ordina bricks. There are 300 steps up the r,X clay, without which they must hwve of the. Inside, because the front part Into small bags and dispatched to the t.lie Chinese influence, -which. is so' ' , t mes,.but the standard"s of Z ermonde. -starved, is �tlsso part of the cage, wi►ich ,�s arniy. I strongly felt. • - McCall -Pattern N'o. gOe.. ti0t:;. iLlo. side, and the view from the top lis, are not exacting. Of the or al 14,-- well worth the climb--Quatre Bras, �. ,� The churzh of claire Dame of Ter- entered by a door from .the mens This eom reseed to er fl:el is most p I F 8Gti8- Misses' -Dress. 4 size 14" . 000 people nearly ,,000 hatie continued monde .contained with other paintings, room,- and also by a door at' the top I convenient whenever an individ ial ' ' r e t , ' Waterloo and Brussels standing out P to 'LO' years 'Price 25 cent_. to live there, and any ruin bf a build- two rather famous Van Dycks, both of of the back staircase. sold'ie'r wishes to waral zip a. rqugful These patterns may be -obtained';" , . clearly. ing whirl► could he ,patched up to give ,which .were hurried off to safety be- , There is an opening in the -front -of _ The town of Waterloo is three �•' of soup or coffee. rale your fatal McCall dealer, or 11 aheltF:r Wits accounted good enough. fore •the Germans entered the• town,', the cage cleverly arranged to let the i frctiil . the »+recall Co., 70 :?slid St., t • t FRIGHT- __ �'• miles distant from the field, but the I Two and three households crowded in- and have been preserved; -as. !n a i Eirds enter when they return from • .. j battle was given the name because it but clot to let them Toronto, Dept, W. to one small cottage. Rooms were similar sway, have been the pictures their fliglita-, HeC�%th S v%n j -a' '' - was from there Wellington sent his i partitioned off to make Homes for two frons the Town Hall, including the esca a when the •are. inside. Aboard - p y art's Zdatment Cures Ooldis. iia. . reports. .rfamilies. To live thus In, one dark mammoth canvas, representing the in= I is deftly -poised just inside the open- --. • We went through the famous for- I room or two with the windows 'Plied auguration of Mr. de Keyser, who wasting, so that when. a bird steps on it Reminder. Dor. t wit t,i `�A M n only understands wha: is +�, �■� . PSt .of Brussels to Bois de Boulogne. I with planks Instead of glass and holes one of Termonde's most famous sons, Ian electric bell rinds inside the om- t , - akin t.o something alreauy existing aiso�n CiaCk Kept • We drove down the main boulevard - antis peon net t23� Spar.sti l;:c ,tenza. USE „ . e t Awake. CUt� in walls• partially and roughly filled in as Lord Aiayor of Lon4on. Of the pri- I nibus to tell the men that a pigeon, I in himself. Amiel. I r , cora Healed at Cost of 75c. J put our car in one of the big hotels, .has been the normal. condition of the vate collections in Termonde, however, has come home. i ! - 1 Sw6den is using less than one-fifth and . walked down to the Palais de!people _ _ people of Termonde for over four and it_ was a town . ,of.. co>I derable,_i _ eons are taken obit :n bas- of the " 900.000 horsepower wer i:t is_ -.be-- . "lk1y_fux and back were all brQI 11 ' _ y ai Thep _ •, -.; - -' - - - !too . tom__.._. -r -. - -' -._ . - . Ville, where we stood talkin0. --Both yew. Whea the town I daa burned, wealth, practically nothing remains ex -1 of these buildin o I I kets to the trenches to ring mes- : • - i lieied ft could :derife from its watbr- out with pimples, and my face was i g. are very historic,'of of course, all the furniture was burned, cept such things as individuals man-, sages back in case the wire communi- : ,%t. tt,e r,rst .sign ,,t i t. Its 1lcFL:t:,x :all- - •fallF,' 'c f ig t to look at. The taco tad wen �' ­_ ____ +, - and repre-writ the finest architecture ' and there remained not halt enough aged to bide. I described the criminal , cation's should be cut by the enemy s ' ., ---- ----- • y { tiFs c..e ::-i-azifijt. Ti•i.3•. •)1.I).-kU:I,I,1PL.E, wed, and were so itch in BrusRpls. There were very few. of the ordinary necgssaries of life, wreckage of thy, fine houses and of fife• If not,.w;Ented for this pur}?ose �'�'�v''�'�'�`��'�e'�'•� , e'._ ,that I scxatched until thea. English officers in the city, anis we j Re-entry of Belgian Troops. the Museum and Art School in' 1914, : ail N: RD"3 . Lt -N t �ll•:XT 00., Ltd. ® skin was sore sad, bed. being Canadians, were thenosuxe : Y o• p they ire sent flying back after tweny t. o t'Y .and what little escaped then has Mince g j t for ' • Yerhinuth, tist. How to Purify They kept we awake at of all eyes• + fou.r hours with a message, u, 11andR were playing I The last Germans left Termonde on been requisitioned or looted. 1 .._ I where, the favorite Nein "Tip- ; hoc 15 and the first Belgians reached , practice. Each pigeon has a t�insz put- I night. y g -Termonde ass a pitiable sight as t I on its leg when quite. young, and its Hornets Cine 'fig on �1'estthcr.�� Blood "W I saw Cutictua perary." Everybody- was danclnir and 'the town the following Sunday; All saw it four years ago, when the ash s . I � Soap and Ointment advertised I having the time of their lives. After Flanders to -day has lain under a thick of tale first burning still slnuked. leis 'known by the nu loud ar the ring. Thr, age of prophets is" of past, at • • blanket of white fog, which added to , As soon as the 1►ird ariivc'a At the ;le,l t not the age of weather•preghets. , Ftiteen to t,ir. r<y drops 1v ® thought ly' I aged fte them. Iwas coo- . dinner I went up to the second floor 1 I saw' ft to -day. with the old ruins , Extract of Roots, comtronl-r p etely healed after using one box o! . , of one of ths• 1>xr1*est restaurants, loft n man creeps into the cage, cat - grown cold but unrepaired,'the wreck- ' t • Its right here. The Ino=�_ tett ret. in- � ee called !Vtuaher Seigel's Curative Cuticura Ointment and one cake of . ` , ches it. reads the ntess.4ge,, writes it 3fanco of tb;,l is a Pvr.,tsyl•: ania Syrup, may be taken In water ' ( Soap. (Signed) Miss MaryHastedt. . . *cohere thet_e were shout_ 3W people• i age of the big iron bridge stili lying id, down in . duplieate, aiul- at►nda an • with meals and at bedtitne, for j •Cottasn, Ont., August 19, 1917. . Thr moment the recognized me 'as / hunter'callecs Lill 1.�: •. ii.. Bill l.garrn:, y the river where the Germans blew it ; orders at once with• a co t o the r . _- the cure of indigestion, conati= j Keep your, skin clear by using Cutis• � y PY allauou� the'* '..�c':ltl, r• +v ..l the >1or-.� i R Cansidinn officer they gave three , s : u1,' atter their drunken, carousal on the ; si>;rla1 officer,` vrhence ft is 'cent fc►trth I pation and bad blood. Persist cure Soap abd Ointment for every -day rin:~inR cheers, t.c► which I reaPondod first night of their entry, and the poor nets. Here is the stay thF r:arrat'idn ; once"in thistreatmctltwill effect { toilet purposes. Nothing better. . like nn ordinPry telegram to, it3 tics- I '"Niue 1st Belgium" �` !`' o skclton of the old Tdw n ItFalf still . ' rtins; .Painting 'aF to to o trees sllong _ a cure. in n-arly ct -ry bas For Free Sample Each by 211at1 ad• dominating the.Grande Place, it seem- . tinatinn. Rials are :i•��::ys Rent In the Baltimore Tike, ne=ar Sivarthmnre, Get the genuina at druggists. 0 , �rtsspost-catd: ••Caticura, Dept. A. - . _______- _--- ._ s s�looee _ _. couples, each Frith the same mesea- upon which -high up hang big h,•irnets' i s I ton, U..S. A." Sold -everywhere. • q,1) t' rY-FIRST COLORS ed to me -sadder atilt. I de.not think in case ono should lie shot by' the p. Q;iic}; �•4c�e those hi�•��s? �����'���t'e�-e�'fL�� the gaunt people in the streets who hi es, Bill - - - --• - i enemy. They are hi);k and dry and that indi- -__ _ _ -- �� ' cheer'ed' their returning soldiers with � I Cates, littic�:�vinh; >,ut «e sre going to ; • . war -time Parnti++g; etf Neutral Mer• I _ ,_ _ __... • rh:at S . such an' enti►ugiasm knave how sada '� , laps, fie o -o- o___0___0_0___ -o• -e have fleE;s Qncvr and plrnty� of iL, and i I sight they are, ar haw dreadful has :HIR alas the war beautified or aisfigured I been the - environment In which the • , row can tc.11 the world from me that w, c merchant ship,; of the nations? handiest { have grc,w-x acTustomed to live. ) Laugh T' h Pk'� PIC j am riiait when 1 . af►y &CP show ; th p lunch Ships of the A►ilies are either Itln� Of ' > •And Plenty . er 1 ik o get t dee el"p► inted re and are . Step On Y ouFeet i pN wii! ••. e:ftm,ouflal.,ed or pa R y,N FO, -B AIRNF.N I hornets never like to get Into rli'e + t amted. beauty sI}►At>t this. It is - - -- . snow, and theR '' I I ir rattire.always indi- cntes to them hew jo. nrote,•t them- ' D(YX"+ SUFFER, PAIN—BUY V'IR6T'S 1. wh�ti �cc see,' neutral steamers that ,for a hungry ;lrtifirial Supply of Gas Needed at Try This yourself then pass apdbcrcTec]ggalnstattackaof>i.onnatis+an,lumbago,nc>~ralFis. tWe get -something of the colors of it along to others. � i�z�ec fOr chs; crit.±er mo eoots•a aatufearacaa. r uat!yec'ecyrrfcrrdicrfn' ar-oticAp.; >a a,' . G rent Altitudes. I - _ Epra:na, Bore t5 t and otltet painful ailments For met_10 Years.* 5 war., With great dignity these ves- b or iri iS it worksl fsmllyfrietd.l3c+ti•tcxncrinleut--bayti"-"s-alwa}sbavc..tn:►:leitl -, • ,MONEY ORDERS. - thehonse, tiatallandredwe., So,CT'LE se s flaunt their national colors on j, The' rne, hanical difficulties that in�,t Ssarcrsor urn*e mss. HIR. -;T RE1,tEDY Co.. NamiitaA. G,t w. • a ls! 1 0� { o �o,•I �VhPn't/ritrrittg geoids by mail fteti ' Bull and stern 6 I the early days of aviation prevented _ z j I a Ikominiotil,'xvre,c Nlniley .Order, i The iron -ore ship From Bilbao has I the reaching of 'heights as great as + Ouch ! ? ! ? ! ! -This kind of rough I _� _ µ 5 I teici and. Roll bars painted on her I 1ri.000 or even `10,0(►0 feet were over- 1 talk will be he:»d less here in loon if I ' !\' --`"� side, .- whilr. - the timber- craft from , come, but another difficulty 'had to be : people troubled with corns will follow i Coi*parcci w.th-last_-scar...;the num . � _%".':,�-;r•.� _ t� I e solved before Bach as ension'R bec~ttne the simple advice of _ this C1110n1T,ati ber of new settlers entering �t'e�tc'r;y 4 • ' Ora�mmen oT - other Nor we'gian ports S lrc*itrs a lalrrfe reel patch down her pfacticablca. At 4.extremo heights, I aut'l,ority, who claims that n few drops Canaria doting a1_ii lt4t sho«cd .� cle- a of a drug called free+zctne when applied cid-ed inr•ci=e, 1 :•A3 ?'lcra having • hull, .011 t� hieh there stand:, a deep Eaten- direct eaPec,silly after a rapid ascent, the' to a tender. aching corn stops soreness human lung -.4 do not -function properly. � ' cro#!:vd the line th.fough the pra.r�e. \ i,lue cross at once, and soon the corn dries uP . entry ort.s: -the' un.f� ni of , z. rein , from human c�k� ,ry.. Hotcl Dcl Coro'nado - flreece �1,iC her blue and whirr They `cannai .•tclapt themselves to the and lifts right on without pain. r p r . �ptrl �C'. ;tn 1• henmark her red with � i sudden chaltt a of air• pressure, and " Ile sad s freezct7e is an eater nom- to take .1111 lnnd for• f:.rming p.:r7p*:a l ' t- , •, , afiP ifdoesnf� � p h wit--Coronadvi Beach, California " aiiit.e raos�. �+�;ecleil l)oanta sl golden the aviator is treatene�i with suffo- pound which dries irnnieciin'tely and and thr total «ealth tlro:l? 1• bofhPrMo�hPr crttion. never innitmes or even irritate:, the them beim in ±l,e ne'ra'' ` l�ai i r~f' ' • ii ccs:: O'I ti marine -blue Npkground, 1L surrl>,unding tiRstic or skill. A quarter ' fpp{�r{lt/ . -_ - _ . �� ' 11rA .I4Al;ttl:i bars of reds N';hite and 'lila �'1 i.il i1 � 1 Rut thiq cliffiiulty sllt�cs. ttaa over- of ap once of freezone will cast vcre.� . _- -- - /t; '' the U�i1m�' �'el ill�-ig�rati .g cliltltrte makes come. EAc.h • aviator was provided ; ,b1It c 1fi.tpPcti:cly-. t. I lP. itfle at atiy drug �tvrc, batt' !s sufti ;t>,t' t)it e!�ji `',']refit Of ou±c3:lvi' Q;rlrts Lhl�ough• -- . ' does not seem so 10110 Ago that or ream its' with on. extra supply'of oxygen upon dent to rcnlove etE•ty hard c•r .crit wars. »ir..ment cu: nrnt•:11 •:. out , which he could draw in ca. -.e of. need, corn clr callus from onr'� feet. Millions Otlt �• �� i!:er a2crnli:`.• , the trim i,il:cf`d State:;. mer/hnntman j delicidus. : The «nr',c1'= c;tt•,•l;; ot: Z.�.rclt - ,:.;Thea aratus consists of an Arson. cif American women nill welcome this 1 4 • '• • blazoned her iii?nt.ity to the 14evfn'4 I nF - .. 1.vol tiasuum bottle enclosed. in at i Teta) announcement since the in, i1gur. . 1r e'1 c�: , r 4:,15 Ohn Il,►o T'OT.E�, �GL'i,. 'TI' �'r•1 *�1�1Tf?l;i`G, - -T - _; gig 3y�Ir }} }. &f` n i lglity r .lit _ Itfr higii''steelF r_ , .. R. _ . _ moi . -.. _ -- _ - - - Have. ' ' :..>>1:rr4 on her hull. ' }%ot E>,`'e'1' agket. The - _ __ � ��-IF'C'h.. 1., .h withF��sl1 c, . bottle is filled s`=n - 11 �.oilierc e`11��' at - -,.. _.-._____�....u lI llc nits osygtln fol t .__. • elw, _ •► .. Yx l'l�liF'`J i. '' "•L. ' ��p� ons for ono cloth at. a height Of 15,- � E � t _ � • , sk - ,�.� ea► ` l � s SiXLy pel.•ycent. Cf tl',t' ^.�'i,i'h 1111 .1 doliiiietl R •Y,;,,1 1-., 1 :1' `.. b„ 1 ..,` �• 1,1'r`ac 'til• 1r .... . . �.' ;.�]. .•.• �.� 1�l-,.,•-....�, -411, h4ndIT4.1 r 1:;1 'E'1 t H.C'., aro occupied to g I OOQ feet. Then the,atctPcock is opened t;hip is in construCr.fii; 'the .lin;' ur�i .0 tl it toe .11.~ c .... \\.:. -T--_ _ �.. , l i n e P GrapeNit- c ti t • r1.anti du'ritic► �ert.emthe ox,., en passel! in aaseolts farm the remaining •10 pier cant. is iri!=, .':1- ,, .1- ,,, c' �, 11:,11",111 ►:�11 i e-' r�;, 1 tl 1. 'l '- 1�1 1.„.;.. �,1 hq_,y � •. 1„ • 1�.-itis:_• cei!se]; arrived, bring- , through a tube conne=cted Frith the ing mechalgical part,, deck f,i, r.11- ____ _ _ ....___ _ ._ .., _..'_._'_ - H , . � t 1 :� (,u, ` •.;t,'h of. �,t►A•l,'ilio 1 a. �4,4_'a r, �c , . 0.1• nn l' c►thcr e ai m'.(• , ,!1;,. �-r- �' �/ - , bottle.. flit:'$ , a t ,fl 1 1 �►7iC\T r �. il, _ T t.11 . �' - TZIe cold protluced by the; e�allot'a i to Blake c fiui3hcd :....., Ti o. ''-�.11l. ,. u:: Yha:.:ss�rs:.- -- =_�a"• t '' soar d�c:zrt►.•�sir-�r-�►_•,as secs � l - • . , l . - --....:--.. .. . 6 . :. . % ,, t . � ,. ' ' k .. a 1 • _ 11 I1. __ i • ,,.,, ;, - _ .- �._ - _. - -- I. ._.. war . .. . _. , ....,. . _ m r ! ' �,*• : .,.�_ lit` _ • .d*•r�,. ... .. . I ”' %I w" �"�7t*VOW;-. 1