The Wingham Times, 1909-03-04, Page 3TUX Ii+TGW4N TIMES, MARC +t �� tfi'�il L 1'�i�illJ Animi Heed Office, Ifemiltoa, By all who are employed, the possibility of temp r. ary lack of employment must be recognized. F, from any cause, your present employer were com- pelled to close down, where would you, personally stand? Dependent on relative or friend for support or cash accommodation? The prospect is as uninviting as it is unnecessary, Be prudent, and, through prudence, be independent. Lay aside in the safe custody of a chartered Savings Bank, a small regular sum from y'ur income, The small amount now wasted on unnecessary trifles; is sufficient. it is remarkable how such deposits grow -if regularly made. It is surprising the satisfaction that comes frons saving, and watching the total grow. THE BANK OF HAMILTON is primarily and essenti- ally a Savings Bank; and, having established a maximum of sim- plicity and convenience in this branch of its business, it is gen- erally selected by those desiring a Bank for the care of small, steady Savings. An inquiry for the Manager will bring personal attention to the routine of opening a new Savings Account. BANK OF HAMILTON WINOHAM BRANCH C. P. SMITH, Agent. 0r r-0000,.. 1 STEADY EMPLOYMENT for a reliable Local Salesman repre- senting "Canada's Oldest and Greatest Nurseries" In Wiugham and adjoining country. You will Sed there is a good demand for nursery Stook on account of the high prime that growers have realized on their fruit tbia seal ,n. Our sak smen are turning in big bud. nem to ue this year. Be one of them and earn good wages through the winter mouths. Territory reserved. Pay weekly. Free s'xmple outfit, etc, write for partioulars. ATONE & WELLINGTON Fonthill Nurseries (850). Timone, CANADA, 108 Nox a Cold In Ono Day The Greatest Lang Healing Med :De known to aoieneo, A. gnarante, ours for all Lung Trouble, Oonak , Colds, Asthma. Bro'zohitis, Sore t :root and UoneungptiOn. Every bolt , sold under guarantee. The only Cough Medicine endorsed by dootore. 25e Bottle*. polo � b' ls Nature's Remedy For Constipation Fig Pills will cure Rheumatient and all Blood Disease. Pimpiee and Blotches removed an a few days by taking Fig Piile; One taken at night time will moire you fool better inthe morning. Large boxes, 25e. For sale at WALLEYls DRUG STORE Wiagh6rn. E0 'YEARO' EXPERIENCE PATENTS 'i IMS MAW ' -DitlstttN• Co,'StalaarTS &a Anyone leading a lketeb taut trsw deea1pflonettagLoilatr.altertAlbr *pluton w stb Clone suistemuld/utOKI P4yt'a w t/ots Mralrohrann ►x aassegareare. "mom xSdanlik ) M+s f/1r. rl4t+MMs* awns! , lt' woritione e Y Have You Renewed? FARMERS stho000h articleey anyone dtapsef, stook or adver- tise the same for sale in the Timis, Our large olronlattonnot ggtells and it will be strana indeed if yothat arouwillisell became rots m yaskmore for the article or stook than it is worth. Send your advertisement to the Trams and try this plan of disposing of your stook and other articles. DOMINION BANK HEAD OFFICE : TORONTO. Capital paid lip, $8,976,000 Reserve fiend and Undivided profits $5,297,000 Total Assets, aver 48,000,000 WINCHAM BRANCH. Farmers' Notea discounted. Drafts sold on all points in Canada. the 'United States and Europe. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT ondeposits of $1aupwards D. T. HEPBURN, Manager R. Vanetone, Solicitor. NEKvous D ova NEW METHOD TREATMENT wilt euro •o a man of you. 'Under its inflnene6 the brain becomes active. th0 blood purified so that all im [ p p es, blotches and ulcers heal up; the nerves became strong as +feel, so that nerrottanes8 bulleulnees and desponency disappear; the eyes eeome bright, the fate full and clear, nergy returns to the body,.and the moral, physical and mental systems are invigorated; all drains cease -no more vital waste frail the system. The varloua organs become natural and manly. You feel yourself a man and know mar, siege cannot be a failure. We invite all the afflicted to consult us confldentlally and free of charge. Don't let quacks and fakirs rob you of your hard-earned dollars. Or NO NAIdE8 USED WITHOUT WRITTEN cotter. lr. THRRATENED WITH PARALYSIS* Peter E. Sumnters,ofl;alabnaroo,Mlob., relates his experience; I was troubled with Nervous Debility for many years. 1 lay it to indiscretion and excesses in early youth. 'became very despondent and didn't stare whether I worked or not. :i imagined everybody who looked at fee guessed my secret. Imaginative dreams at night weakened me -my back ached, had paths in the back of m head. hands kind feet were cold, tired in the morning, pear appetite, theerre were shaky, eyes blur hair loose, memory pogr. ate. Numb:teas its the Angers set to and the debtor told in. hef eared .ts 1 i>� took an kinds ads of tnodiCinas and tried nutty S1ret,Ciata na, trots an electrl, belt tor t•UWaa tasiavelaN* �outlts, .rant to Mb. Clemen. for MT" teitaTMCM'r M►thl, but ireealted !title bbneAt, whoa at''SIfI Cleule,ia 1 veal Induced to omit lhe. Kennedy A Xetnsdy, though I ha& lost ei(fatth Ss doctors. Like a drowafngman 1 coinmwneed the New Method Tre twlat and it eared my We. The improvement *mlike e u t coulee ked tie Vigor goat through tate nerve.*. 1 was cured amemtAlly Ind pbe.11y.y 1 brave teat Moot *toy patient* d will oonUnue to do so," CURE GUARANYtit0 ON NO PAY 1114 et eta tare VARICOC.PI. STRICTURE. NtatVOt1S btiol JT ' Iil.00D AA1? UtiINARY COMPLA1203r =NAY Attu $LADDPlt vaerados wad fait eeaNsrM M,Ms. CotftirrATloN sem, BOOKS > if *heti. t. eat write tor i QQesni/i 11I..k foe Marti!" Trwi ta.,ut. DRs.KENNEDY&KENNEDY Cot. Michigan Ave.. 0011 Griswold Sig Detroit, MiCh. 4 ABSO1UTE SECURITYi Celusine Carter's Little Liver Pis Must Dear Olgneturo e►t i Ise Pm -Shift W *pear Stee►w, Yes: amen *ekes easy Intake aa sugary � FOR DIMNESS* FOR BIUOUSNE$t. FORJQRPIO UFO, FOR,CONSTIPATION FOE.SALLOW $KINS F05 NE COMPLEXION 6 Vjefle NU.T YAVC YAT4,Y e, CURE SICK HEADACHE. SHE KEEPS H IM GUESSiNGI. [Ohioago Daily Newt) She has her snoods, X must confess, They keep me guessing all the while, And with a oruel fickleness She deals alternate frown and snail*. The sweetest thing she's apt to say, Ser !oaks, I think, are more than kind; That's just the way ehe feels today - Tomorrow ehe sway change her mind. Now ehe is distant, hard and cold; To speak, indeed I hardly, dare For fear I may be overbold; She has a very freezing stare. It doesn't do to gat too gay, Humility is best, I find, That's just the way she feele today- Tomorrow she may change her mind. When she is pretty mean to me Her disposition gives me hope, • And when she's gracious as can be Then with the darkest doubts I cope. }ler will I'm willing to obey, But That's fun hathe way eke toddivineday- Tomorrow Tomorrow she may change her mind. CURE FOR DYSPEPSIA As is well known, this troublesome corn. plaint arises from over -eating, thio nee of too much rich food, neglected constipation, laok of exercise, bad air, etc. The food ,should bo thoroughly chewed, and never baited or swallowed in haste, stimulants must bo avoided and exercise taken if possible. A remedy which has rarely failed to give prompt relief and effect permanent eurw, oven in the most obstinate cases, is B RiG./Off✓/'i BLOOD BITTERS' It acts by regulating and toning the di- gestive organs, removing costiveness and increasing the appetite and restoring health and vigor to the system. Mr. Amos Sawicz., Gold River, N.$., writes :-" I Ivan greatly troubled with dyspepsia, and after trying several doctors to no effect I oommencod taking Burdock Blood Bitters and I think it is the bast medicine there is for that complaint." Por Sala at all Duygieta and Dealers. Miss Ethel Kinrade of 8amiltbn was shot and killed in her tatter's house by a tramp, who came in and was given money by her sister, Mips Florence. Charles Hodgson fell down an eleva- tor shaft at Perrin's confectionery at London, Ont., and, landing on a pile of paper, *soaped with a dislocated finger. A party of Indians were hemmed In by Water near mance', when a train Mew of the Miohigan Central stopped their train, and regioned the men and Women with the hid of a hastily eon. *$rooted raft, Xs is generally best to keep on good terms With yourself, even if you hien to fall out With people you don't like to do it. ,/. CENTRAL /././ STRAT>:OREt ONT. This sobool Mande in the forefront ail the largest and beet prabtioai twining tohool in Western Ontario. We have three depart meet l , COMMERCIAL SHORTHAND TELEGRAPHY All departtneuti are in dhows of experienced iustrnotort and the ootids* are thorough And preetioel. Our gnaduates Were geed noelii o rie. 8lndents are entering *Very Week, Write for Our free o*ialogtts A>I owe. att1Cr' & N ctACHUNN P13X>siClI1'ALl, THE ONLY SUIS 1TiO 1. (TOM TO. 1100eoa.j 4 I'ye often wondered just what ltipd Would be the beet to lore; the beautiful, Who's woo to look at wbea there 11 a lull, And yet of wisdom casts out not a,pearl -�. Who Jo divinely drill Or she, perhaps, who ;reads alt Ports 01 books; With whom for hour. X smoke, the while we sit Conversing till the evepiag shadows lit, Or browse in sombre Wormy nooks- . A girl of pleasant wisi The earnest ops. who listens while 1 talk, Gazing ith whom I feel at empathetic never Irby; Surely at such a girl one may not balk - No need for one to try! Then there's the girl inordinately prim (She looks as If she bathed four tulles a day), Superbly,Pisan-abrardly eo,1 say; 'Twould be too bpd to disarrange eo trim A onetime mace of play! Again .(for fear my motives be impnined) There's one whom to describe > hesitate; Impulsive and respeueiye--er;oh a MOO Might possibiykeep one too highly tuned, Aft each a rate! For I have always deemed that to be kissed, Say forty times a day, were far too ipnoh I don't object to being loved, but such Affection palls, Could I subsist At snob a rate? I love theta all and freely grant the power That Pooh possesses o'er my heart to Away; Yet, like the flokle bee, I dare to stray In searoh of sweets from flower to Sower, Nor dally by the way! A SURPRISED MINISTER. "For many years I have been a suf- ferer from bronohial catarrh, and had despaired of anything like a onre. Judge of my pleasant surprise when I Arms used Hyomei, which brought oom. table godsend." -Rev. ieta relief. Hyomel Merles Bartley, Sardinia, Ohio, Thousands of catarrh sufferers have given up in despair. They have tried stomaoh dosing, snuff, sprays and donohes without suooess, and now be. lime catarrh to be inourable. But Walton MtKibbon, the druggist, holds ont hope to all distressed. He sells a remedy palled Hyomei which is guaranteed for catarrh, colds, coughs, bronchitis, asthma and croup. Hyomei (pronounced Htgh-o•me) Is medicated air, full of the healthy vir- tues of the mountain pines. You breathe in the delightful antiseptic air, and as it passes, over the inflamed and germ ridden membrane, it allays the inflam- mation, Cillo the germs, and drives one the disease. A oomplete Hyomei outfit, including a hard rubber inhaler, posts but $1 00, and an extra bottle of Hyomei, if after wards needed, costs but 50 cents. See Walton MoKibbon about it to•dey. Tricks of the Train, Buyers 01 patent leather oho:Ad Lai out for skirls in whish boles have bee* neatly covered with a piece of fags* paler which is varnished .over, the wile. famished aide being puttied . up with a mixture of glue and leather eluef;,-• shoo Manufacturers' Monthly. Genius. Aa diamowi tilts diamond and one hone smooths a second, all parts of intellect are whetstones to each other„ and .genius, which is but the reseal of their mutual sharpening, is +bm meter toe.. Nor 'The Long Green." Hicks -They say that the blind eau, distinguish colors by the sense of tenth. Wicks --That's nothing, One doesn't have to be blind to feel blue. A Comparison. Irl a certain store there is n salesman named Green. Small Clarence learned his name and said. "Say. Mr. Green. there's a man lining two doors from na rho has a name the same eolor ea Toil" KEEP THE KIDNEYS WELL Health Saving Explained by a Wingbam Citizen Min Knows From Experience. Sony Winghant people take their litter in their handl by neglitoting the kidneys When they know these organs need help. Sieh kidneys are reiponeible for a great amount of antfeting and ill health. Thereteen s0 Minty use Booih'r Kidney Pills le their gniek yeller for ail Kidney weakness, Mere la what a Wiltshire ottiien D. Leary, Of Minnie St., Wiughem, Oce. ,.torr!; "My baek had been weak end :tender and n aevsrs, grinding pain Would pati% me torose the kidney region it .1 world Moog over or lift anything. The, kidney rsoreliotis had become . ill- ru :Irregular Xtliar •astd #requent Mud the, Oita *rat highly colored and .tiled with ai g. diff rent kidney remeediea bat hatd found nob* of theni td lanneiit,me. 1; iearne4.of BoallesNidneyr Pills through ar* advettiiiimeni end proou*ing M bee at N#, iteribbai'r Pharmacy I oom. isastsoed their . use.. 1 was soot bon. *hoed., banterer of their wonderful. **relit* sailtrits. My backlinen hied ltringsbeinid tad the Paine and tender - write lied left • it. TheMatzo' filorstfous WHO teduosd .N *Waal and the IOW it oloarsi>t., Itio11t'. ]Kitlaeyr Pills tee * lige and. MlIMblr rented tad 1 Will; elaraye treeontrsaend think." iliddby!healers. Prioe':f>;uantil. The A. T. /tooth, Oar., Lid,. Iraitt 1Briit. piss,. Sole Oitaadtau Agway. COLEMAN' CAMP110 eti 0 TaAnt a' M kPPE' Qum Colds And breaks up tllo fever ixt 241 oUri , Wtnoy'"feeel yourself Wing cold", get a box at your dealer's -25c. or send direct if your dealer doss net keep them, COL.,EMAfl MEDICINE CO., TORONTO, COAL COAL COAL. We are sole agents for the celebrated SCRANTON COAL, which Zia leo equal Also the beat grades of 1$mithing, Cannel and Dolt*estio coal, and We of all kinds, always on hand, 4711 :IC; LUMBER. �► (Dressed or Utldreseed ) SHINGLES, H spaCedar Posts, Barrels, Eta. " Highest Prue paid for all lamb of toga* `'BBQ x JA0fcLean Residence Phone No. 55, Office, No. 64, Mill, No. 44. *******4• 14411************* *******1014*************** 1104111411111411611100000004111•0411141106e (tri e0011easaea*****--off{ CLUBBINQ FOR 1908 - 09. RATES mismosaimimmumiim The TIMES will receive subscriptions at the rates • for any of the following publications : Times and Daily Globe...... Times and Daily Mail and Empire Times and Daily World Times and Toronto Daily News., Times and Toronto Daily Star Times and Daily Advertiser Times and Toronto Saturday Night Times and Weekly Globe . Times and Weekly Mail and Empire Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star Time. and Family Herald and Weekly Star, and premiums 0000.. . , 0000.. . Times and Weekly Witness Times and London Free Press (weekly)....,, ... , Times and London Advertiser (weekly) Times and Toronto Weekly Sun Times and World Wide Times and Northern Messenger. Times and Farmers' A.dvocate We specially recommend our readers to subscribe to the Farmers' Advocate and Home Magazine, Times and Farming World .. , Times and Presbyterian Times and Westminster Times and Presbyterian and Westminster., ...... Times and Christian Guardian (Toronto) ... Times and Youths' Companion Times and Canadian Magazine (monthly) ... ia.. Tunes and Sabbath Reading, New York ., Times and Outdoor Canada (monthly, Toronto), Times and Michigan Farmer . ...... Times and Woman's Home Companion Times and Country Gentleman Times and Delineator,, 400004 Times and Boston Cooking School Magazine. Times and Green's Fruit Grower Times and Good Housekeeping Times and McCa11'a Magazine Times and American Illustrated Magazine Times and American Boy Magazine. - Times Times and What to Eat Times and Business Man's Times and Cosmopolitan Times and Ladies' Home Journal,, Times and Saturday Evening Post,...,, Times and Success ,,0000 Times and Hoard's Dairyman ,....,,,,..,.,.,.. Times and McClure's Magazine . , , ... , .. * » , ,, Times and Munsea's Magazine,... Times and Vick's Magazine Times and Home ierald.,..,..i...,,...,.. Times and Travel Mr+gazil:e....... ,.,,..,r..,.. Times and Practical 11'armer. , 00,00. ;, , „; Y .. Times and Home Journal, Torohta, , . , .. , 0000. Times and Designer.,.............,...,, .., Y.. Times and Everybody's... 0;00,;�.4... Times and Western time Monthly, Winnipeg..,.... Times and Canadian Pictorial....... 0-000,. „.., 4...,. below 4.50 4.50 3.85 2.30 2.30 2.85 2.60 1.60 1.60 1.85 2,10 1.85 1.80 1.60 1,80 2.20 1.35 2.35 1.75 2.25 2.25 3.25 2.40 3.25 2.90 1.95 1.85 2,15 2.25 2.60 2.95 1.95 1.55 2.30 1.70 2,80 1.90 1.90 2.15 2.15 2.75 2.75 2,25 2.40 2.40 2.50. 1.60 2.60 2.25 2.10 1.40 1.15 2.80 1.25 1.60 The above priees inolude postage on Atherton n pnblioationt to any add* btsinCanada. If the iritis is to bb lent to an American address, add 50 °vents for postage, and where American pnblioationi fate to be sent to Auterloan addrestel a reduction will be made in price. We Could extend *Ms list. If the paper or mAgaelne you Winn is tette "the lite, 0611 at this taco, or drop a Card and We will give you priob* on the paper you Want. We club With ail the leading newspapers and niaga.haaes. When preraiuras ate givbn with :any of above papers, subsoriber+i wilt genre ouch premium* Whet ordering throngh ht, sante ser ordering dirbot from publisher*. These low titles Mean a Considerable mitring 50 >Sobro*ibbrft, and ere STRXOTLT CASH It AD`irAMOE. Send remitter** by portal note, post af0oe or totem mousy order, addressing TIMES O> WINGICAllt OSTARIO.