HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1919-01-09, Page 8ill a
ale Bargains
Annual Winter Sale is now in full
swing. and Big Bargains given every
day until the closing in Sat., July 18.'
THS BAROAINS - in Mm's ,and Women's' Boats
and Shoes,
THEBAROA1NS in 1Vfen'sand Boys', Overcoats.
TI -H3 BAR(iAlNS1n tadie5' PluWandiClotli Coats.
THE BARGAINS in Fur Stoles; Scarfs and Muffs.
THI3 BARUA1INS `'emand Trimmings.
TIiE BARGAINS in Min'sllesvy Winter Shirt
THE BARGAINS in Men's and Women's Sweater
THE BARGAINS in Boys' f Unc�erwe�r.
THE BARtjAINS in manypother lines.
Murdoch & Cameron Co.
1111111IIII11IIIIIH llIIllIIll1111
0111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIE111IIIIIIIIIIII111111IIIIIIL
Once you have tasted the goodness
,of Telfer's Oatmeal Crackers, you
will do as thousands of other families
do, keep them on band for daily use.;^
Packed in air tight packag
Sold by all grocers.
"The Buy Word for Biscuits"
';111111 1' 1
11 11 1 '1 11
Food case
... da
/Linens No.1 i -599
111111 11 1 1 l I1I01111 IIIIIIIll11I0111111111111111ll(11
What is done in childhood days to enrich the
`blood and build up rugged health often makes
or breaks the man of tomorrow. The growing
youth, with nervoui energy overwrought, needs
constant care and
to help maintain strength and vitality equal to withstanding
the dual strain of growth and wear and tear of the body.
The reputation of Scott's is based upon its abundant
nourishing qualities and its ability to build up strength.•
Scott & Dowse. Tomato, cot. 18-6
—Monday, Jan. 6.
--Rev. Rev. Donald McLeod, M'►ntreal, spent
New Years Day with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs Dory McLeod.
Mr. John C. McLay, wife and son, of
Cupar, Sask., are visiting at J. B.
Mart yn's.
Mr. Kenneth Mlc L:.y. -t4 Qu'Appelle,
and tiorman McLay, of Caper, Sask.,
are enjoying a visit atnr ng their many
friends. Looks. all though these gentle-
men may not return without suitable
company. :1 bachelor's life in the wild
and wonky west is not the meat desir-
able, and 'here is no place like Ripley
to find a god housekeeper who is not
afraid te do pioneer duties.
. There passed away at .her home in
Soatbamptoo nn Tuesday, 'December 31,
McLetataermerly Kffe
McLean) after a lingering illness borne
with Christiaa patience. The deces
was well known here, having been horn
and reitred in this town, where for a
number of year, she carried on a suc-
cessful dressmaking business. After
her marriage Elbe moved to Southsmp-'
too where she made many friends whose
sincere sympathy gees out to. the ber-
eaved husband and mother whom she
leaves behind. The funeral on Friday
last was held4ern the home of her
uncle, Mir. Donal}�d -Mete , ,to Ripley
SUDDENLY CALLED.—The citizens of
Ripley -were shocked on Saturday last
to hear of the death of Mr. Dan Martyn,
of Gxlerich, son of Mr. Angus Martyn,
Sr., of this village. No one in this coin
n.unity was better known than "Black
Dan." His familiar figure,. dr+ai tted in 1
Highland costume, was alvssays conapic•
nous here at Fall Fair time, when he
and his three children were -always the
entertainers who attracted the crowds.
Wing of a jolly an friendly disposition,
he made a host of friends who will be
grieved to hear,of his early demise. Vet
till *Put four years ago he conducted a
Tanis on the 9titton. dilution Bering t
out to Mr. Pert• 'Bain; he ,moved with
s family to Clodetieh where"he carried t
crit a „graying and cartage business.
About i. week ago he was taken ill with
influenza which rapidly develor►ed into
pneumonia ,+n,1 despite all that me.iical
aid could do, he passed away on, Friday
night He is survived by his wife and
three children,all of whom are well
known here, his father, Mr. Angus'M ar
tyn, Sr; one brother, Mr. Angus Martyn,
Jr.,.,con. 9; and five sisters, Mrs. Angus
'Malay and Mrs. Murdoch Matheson, of
Huron; Mrs. Murdoch Campbell and
Miss Christena Martyn, of . Calumet,
Mich., and Mrs. Norman • ,McLean;, of
Duluth, Minn , all of whom have the
sympathy of their many friends in this
Mr. Willie Robb and wife returned to
Toronto on Saturday after spending the
Christmas holiday with his parents
Mr. Robb went to England •over a year
ago with the Canadian Dental Corps.
He was lucky enough to be sent back
to Canada to Complete his course in
dentistry, and to bring with him a beau-
tiful English bride.
Meagre. Lane Treleaven and Murdoch
-Marlyn returned to Toronto on Monday
me -their University studies.
Mr. J. Garnet Armstrong, the hust;in
druggist of. Lucknow, has purchased th
drug stock of the McCrininion estat
and is busily esgaged:,this week trans
ferring it to Mr. J. H. Chapman, who
will conduct a branch of the great chain
of Rexall drug stores. We congratulate
Mr. Armstrong on securing the services
of a reliable business man like Mr.
Chapman• to handle the business here,
and we ,wish them success in -their new
We are pleased to note that the elect=
ors of Huron township saw fit to return
the former council by acclamation, there-
by saving the needless cost of an elec
tion. This wise move is appreciated by
each member of the board who, we
know, will strive during the, coming
year to acquit. themselves honorably,
aria also vap, any .times'an electir,,i
c nit to the ritteptyers of the grandest
township' in Ontario.
Nor AO--Ban---Ripley and vicinity
will sfoon be free .from the influenza
epidemic which lately swept over the
place. Nearly all who were stricken are
now able to be around again, One thing
t sure and that is that there were not
nearly _es many cases as Were r:perted.
It does seem strange how some people
like to be calamity bowlers and -busy
themselves with exaggerating reports
never taking into consideration that
they do more harm thin good. It is
well to take precautions, but it Is also
well to act wisely and.,to not give way
to common gossip.. Our schools and
chinches have been closed fora week,
but we hope they niay soon re -open, as
is .mrm(itetl4ns try b deprived .ref
heir services and we siocerely hope that
hey may nut have to close again this
Sergt. Dan McDonald, who . weed
overseas with the Bruce Battn. and whri,'
distinguished himself in active service
in France, was welcomed horue on New
Year's night. '
--Monday, J • n. 6
non triendi have sent the following ad
dress to Mr. and Mrs. Rivers who re-
cently moved from here to Lucknow,
where they now snake their home;
To Mr. and Mfrs. Rivers
Lucknow, Oat.
At a recent session of the Sabbath
School and Epworth League of the
Dungannon Methodist Church` -it was
moved, seconded and unanimously car-
ried that a resolution con•veyiak to:you
both the hearty appreciation of the
member`s for the splendid .work you
willingly and who'le'heartedly performed
In these departments of theehurch. As
teachers n the Sabbath School you piibv-
ed yourselves diligent and' faithful in •
attendance and eipoeit•ion of ttia.Master's
teachings to your classes; ' and i'i the.
League where Mrs. Rivers labored so.
zealouslywaf-eewe. , brave indeed .1oat-
one of -our best workers. May God con-
tinue to bless and guide you in your
,new honie
• In view of the recentt distressing news
you have ; been lately Tecciv i „trent,
Eraithintregarding tbile condition sof `Bert'-
who was seriously wounded some time
ago, it was resolved .that an expression
of teartfelt sympathy be extended to
you both. trust them will be a
marked improvement in hia contrition
and that he will soon be permitted to
return honie.
We commit you and yours to the
guidencte and care of the Heavenly
Father who doeth all things well.
Signed on . behalf qf 'the Sabbath.
.School and Epworth League. -
WarSayings Stamps
t winter.
•uesdsy, Jan. 7.
Meir. and Mra. Robt. Webster, Misses
L'zzie at#d -Hazel Webster, Messrs. 1)
'C. Anderson and Birt Finlay,. of Luck -
now, and Miss Mary Alton, of Belfast,
'pent Moakley at S. I: Kilpatrick's and
J. Anderson's
- Nurse Mallough iso waiting on rw
Wiis,,Stothers4who is' suffering from in=
tlaniruatory rheumatism in her arts.
We liope for her speeds recovery..
11,;11.1.Bailie $tithe . was house from
-Toronto for New.Y' . s.
Ernest Hall red a position. as
teacher in school in 'Brantford at a
good .eatery Congrstulationa
Eldon. analey taken charge of jells
u3illersc' •l .thttt yMear, We are glad to see
t s -free to reeti,nte their former oc-
cupations, now that peace is restored.
George Twat►>iley ga4'e his friends a
surprise ov arriving -honie from Eegland
on New Pears Day (suite unexpectedly.
He is just' recently out of.' the hospital.
and- dairies the scars of, the .sonans he
received in his forehead. His many
friends ate 'delighted --to- Wetcow e lir tp
Next Sunday sermons in the interests
of the. W:•:M1.S will he preached by Rev.
R Copeland at 2 30 and 7 o'clock p'm ,
in :Blake's church,. ,and:.on .,Monday even-
ting ta :concert ‘will bw
ting;sa:concert'wt1'itbe wrrenx4or-,,,which.,- a
good program has been arranged. Come
and .enjoy a,good time.
Miss Beryl Johnston returned to God -
Mich C. I on. Monday. .
Save by the W.S S. plan.
Bervie -
—Monday, Jan 6
Mrs. Fitzgerald has r .turned- hence
after spending a few weeks in London
Mr and M. Torfar, of the Weat, are
home, to visit for a couple of, ni'onths at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Itubt. Brown
Mr. Wilbert Fiti 41 has gone •to Clod
erich where he intends speeding. the
Monday, Jam 6
A most enjoyable evening' was spent
in the home of Mrs. J Pickering on
December 29, when her Sunday Sepool
class assembled in the form of a surprise
party tb - present her with a cut glass
whip cream bowl in appreciation cf her
etfortelas a teacher. Although taken by_
surprise' she responded - with many
thanks end gave them a-pleasaut even-
ing of - games, music and maple,iream,
which was followed laterby a lunch.
The address'` was read by Pearl Mac-
Corvie and the whip -cream bowl was
presented by Janie Ketchabaw • The
address was as follows: • -
To Mrs. Pickering, our teacher.
It ie 'with pleasure that your Sunday
Sehool class gather at your home this
evening es it reminds us of former en-
joyable occasions spent. here in your
'company. Tile whole class join in wish-
ing that you miry continue to b_t our
teacher as we all feel we have received
many ' benefits from the instruction you
have iso ably given to us., , As a token
of our aper:ciation ,.f the elf►rts you
have hadtri -m € in a ohne tie c.u sen
the lessons more earl we asst
please accept this cut glass whip-creath
We all j ►in in wi,'hing yon a happy
and prosperous New Year.
Signed on behalt of the class, ----PEA
Buy War Savings' and Thrift
Monday, Jan. 6.
Mies Mary B. i)ouglias visited friend&
in Kincardine last week..
Mr. and Mrs Alex Fraser visited at'
Ml&Connell's on Friday evening.
Miss Margaret Black left Friday to
visit friends in Detroit.
Miss Frances McDonald is at present
visiting friends on the Cth.
Miss Celia and Mr. Russell Brecken-
ridge Sundayed at Mr. i )uncap cane p -
ht l l's, on the loth
--Mionday, Jan. 6
Cadet; Bradon Phillips has returned -
to Toronto after spending the holidays
at the home of Me. John E;gleatr►ne.
Pte Adam McLeod and 11'e: John M.
Ileavie are also visiting at -their homes
here. Ripley its -proud of. her soldier
ions and are anxiously waiting the re-
turn of a number of others r
We are pleased to report " that •Mr.
Jot Morgan is recovering Tram a very
severe eittieele.of ilineass.
Dr.• iV. J. Smith and Miss Miary titre -
son, rightly lied the ,':Angel' of Merry"
are . to be' commended am) the efficient
manner in which they served the many
'homes whereeillness wis prevalent lately
MCP snggest that•they be fittingly recog•
nixed efforts by pre-
senting theft, with k suitable rueia1, say,
the " Spagi b Fla Com," „
Mrs. Bainton his returned hone after
spending a month in Bluevale, with tri r
sister, Mrs. Kiug. .
Rev. and Mrs. Davis have been under
the doctor's care for the Past ftw,days
but we'll' re:gl,id to know -they are r3cov-
, Bring.
It woe .with deep regret .that• - the
people of our village learned last week
of the death in ltidgetowu of ft's. T. J.
Hamilton, formerly pastor of the Angli-
can- 'church here.-. IR.ev.•ILuifilton was
well- known here having been pastor
for three years before moving toSouth-
ampton. He took intluenz a l:a.st week,
and atter only a" f 'sv days' illness died
on Sunday last.., lie was burled in U wen
Sound on Monday. He iy survived by
his wife end three children who have
the sympathy of.all in -their sorrow.
Pte. Alfred Collins arrivecLin Kincar-
dine with the Bast arrivals from overseas.
Alf. is well known around hire as he
worked on the N.;,r:'h Line for rinu,ber
of years beforre enlisting in the Bruce
Battalion He sent overseas with the
160th and went to France, g ,ing over.
the top . With thelfirrace boys ire several
engagements.. A few months tar , he
was wounded and. Since that time had
hila in, a host:ntal is E'gl:and. Ail are
glad to see hien-back again. •
Mr. Albert Shire, of Toronto, is spend-
ing a f W days at the home of...1r: Sane
Eiildred.. '
Word has been received 'that Pte.
Frank Gant who has been oaerseas for
some months has returned to Canada
and is now in the West where"lie enlist-
This Is Beige
Thee Lfry
Ono NR. Tablet Coe'. !Uri.: t` .r A Woek
Weill Correct Your cost;=ration and
Make : cnatant Dosing L -nacos- ,
wary. Try Ii.
Poor diger;:,
mean a L•ooi.; 1 1 1 ,dy , :a •i
lore vitality. V , : . •ri In r
Ctai ged .6e-wett'- f . .•
faction mitt the;fnr, ; f
gases w•hie it ire ►a:. ,, -. , Lao; W, s, 1.i
and' carried thrbi: ;.r ,..1.• ],•;•:�,
The resilt is T. :.rss,
dizziness, coatc.•1 ' 1t;anti '� sic•«r,
bilious attar::s; J ' f cher, n'.r,; -
ousnens; poor impoverish, -.1
Mood. saLOW c' t : ' " n, para; 1r•s. skin
r2iaease, and ort-c.a • ti�-acs sorigus
err l!nZry less" . , eereen ere"! es- *'
ts,.rtl,;•:—a+1: ..,
h:ti–rr.3; rc:.e , rat wt ,: i, t
r• r.t, 6:.1y r.r,r:'
1::: ,it"11 t ".9 3 t'. t tr,h'
1:..,r1 fi;:�r1 t ri' ?tiers :..a
t Z'"r• t . f t:::. rE s Rerr.edy
..•1 :�i-r r, ., t ,ti,'1; ,
r ;.It f �" : ?:r I:• .. f t�''.1 �...
t:14 •t-f•r;r f.: i. r:-►= C --%tet ->a f•: yr �7^;; s
aM.1 r;larso;t;• ^' 3s„u f_,1 .1-1 .r
ri4' �]}� :t it :..t
:.t. •• rt;ajy�... • •
3-.1"r^, ..1 rht t:.e:r• r, r
n'til• tom. a Loa:* - r
,\ .1
F.:.turr ; f erer'y. ,
['. ! !' •.'.. .-�. it .'. '. 1 .��.'i...• .. 1. 1'•
J Garnet Armstrong, Drugg sat.,
Phone No, 10 is. at Your Service
We 'sell for Cash --:--We Sell Cheaper Than The Credit Stores
ith Eggs 60c. a Doz.
There is nothing,.that .pays better than "the
hen, and strange to say it- is very often ne-
gl_ected. Did it ever oc • to you ihat a hen ,
requires a tonic to keep it he "thy and enable
it to lay ? An ,unthrifty he will eat its 1"-
head off; a -thrifty hen is a, money-maker.
Dr. Hess', Poultry Panacea w' work miracles .
if you w:11 only give it a t .. Buy a pack-
age, feed'it according to directions and. the
resat. will be far beyond your expectations.
5 lb. Package only 85c.,
Ici the history of -the farming industry .in
Canada there never was anything like. ,
the Money in hogs or cattle as there is ,at
-,- the preent time- It pays you Mr.«Farmer
4Q4a l:h t ,cel: 11>lat"rn r'
tett � .ar�tte��ncist
'but of your stock. Dr. Hess' Stock Tonic
invigorates the animal, it strengthens the
digestive organs, so that it assimilates all
the wood that is given it. This prevents
•waste and puts money into your pocket. -
Listen to this statement by_ Dr. Hess
If you conirnence feeding stock tonic to pigs when they.
are weaned and continue it until they are marketed, we
giiarairtee a gain of frqui twenty to forty pounds more
'per hog at six. and one -Half months olds.
With, hogs at 17c this means more money for you -
to the extent of from 3.50 to $7 pi, pqr hog: Is it worth
considering ? 10 1b. pkg., $1.25. 25 lb.' Pail, .$3.
III The Hardware & C�a1Cij.
SMALL SUMS OF T 'Bruce CountyNews
INCREASE RAP1DL1 3-1* -: .F.'P. of R.R. 1, Paisley, re-
, ---� 'et wi I!INr mail courier,' Thomas
The Canadian War Si:r1 1_',ati ►l•oie, -'11 Cr,rirtn:a_a by presenting him
which makes saisving both :eu«c, aa3 pro a-l;l;. a r•a;,Leeat and,* mackinaw -jacket
fnt,able, is doing much to teach the .1:e b J
lic what can be done by'putLir,g sass -the one' -to keen:
him dr3-, .tho other
ani:dl Burma of money. t.o keep Nisi v►arni `Cure has been on
va this subject the Saturdsr. &erring., _ route - iii a-tlie rural mail delivery
Post says: ."Take ten cents y dye; ahicb ! ,,:as introduced and bis
means a•'1'0 depo it; of:.thre dr►llar� evety ; _ • -w been very
month. ,' n ten years. you w.iil have obL i$in� Before. that timo he -dr(no
saved S3:), which will b&s earned tbe.3ta a over t1ie siarrie rgtds':
$80.36 interest making a total of it�t 43.3t3 _ •
.This is the - result ot•, sin) ply gating -a
single ' ten -cent piece, per. day. • Aa you
increase the sum -saved each day' the i
value cf the steady saving . is only • Monday, Jan. 6..
strergly impressed. . k.fteen cents qday
or tour dollars and a bait .save«] each'' I?'Ieetion daY comes round on' a more,
month and compounded will amount to and ,ledging ..hy. the .number of shiers
$6f1�t:1' in ten years- Of this sum g! 20 01'',,'' _already ars=en.bled: at the school house
is interest earned. Twenty 'cents ;a -day ..Large ' issues' are at stake. "Wet or
six dollars a month will. amount to
$K00 0u, of which d.1bU 99 iotere
Dry,.' or "14 Culross to have a council
These Annie saved would scarcely be
missed fr'r ni the purse of _the- gre3, ._
'mat;. If you are able tri put aside twenty-
five cents a day or s_ven,dollars and -4
half a month, at the end of ten years
you will -find $1,113 to pair credit.•
If.) ort are able to wake the daily saving
.cf thirty cents or nine dollars a t.nont.h
you will be.wnrtn ti 1,330 59. Fi'rty cents.
a day or twelve dollars a month will
roll up the, tidy sum of 11,7s2 16, of
which' 83_►2 16 is interest; while fifty
cents a day of fifteen dollars s month
will ••.imount . to -$;, 227 73, of which
$102 7:3 is•interest. Hence it 'is t:,'irh
to your profi . to "despise not" tl:e,aav•"Tis Netter to have loved and lost than
ing r►f small sums.
'Now let us see what the systematic or have aver loved at ale.''
for or against dredging Mud River sand .
trib�> Wi=t.€
don't let a spirit. of indifferene�' keep •a.
neighbor in the mud. -
•Schrloi re opened this morning with
Mr. Camphell entering his fourth year -.
as teacher with us. •
Mr. • and Mrs James'. Hocking enter-
tained a number of %Vestfordites one
eveniog'last week.
Two of our local sport; look rather
distracted this week... f;heer up boys, •
rather progressive sevina of one (ll;ller_5. _ . We -_..notice tied -44114r *eeleeari o, In nee year the fifty-410treated hit, self to sk news eutter Arthur
dollars s=aved will earn. at four p reent,
set;eoty•eigl•t cents in interest, making says Ti' all for ley.
•a working principal of gal 7s at the On are last Thtirs lay evening M this
start of the second year. At the cl+se of olu. year th► otlieials of the Westf•,rri
the second veer you will have $lti; r7; , ;
1 sialic Library met t,r> �ii,yc ass the prob-
lem of reconstruction Many of our
former readers now oversea,' heal prom -
lar a week wiaild show a total result ot` meet positions;whicti: on h3ing vactted
11,0a6;:i. At font per cent this alone meant serjoui' i,ispedinruntj to the In•
would yield a return of 812 2;. At the stitntion. The meeting Owned with '{ of twenty y.are thiakin _ol sa ' 1 the
would total .--$t„571 .-50•- - While -.tom- i in t Ir , clan, awl after th
, quarter•century" i�t•r►uld find you worth resignation of eq secretary Mr. W. C.
$2.19,;,,92 This Sum, if you then stop- Smythe 'ryas-ar«cepte3d and i< new. offi airped saving;•at four percent would earn + installed. the matters of.
Cs�7 y1 a year. If•yeti kept up the sav- I;rants, new
ing'of •a dollar each. week for fifty years br'r'k9, heating. lighting, care taking anti
you would aeeum,rlate $4,f057 16. dc•c0rirtm were ciiacusned. ;Still the
, call goes r^ for more workers. :Don't
Hi DRi) Is ACTIVE forget that yon ate it shareholder in the
J �L Westford I'.ihlic. Library, and that ,an
Thecrmii'nercial activities of the Hydro
It h cirri, t',wer Cwimia'tFm r,f f')nt,'rir, oc 'rsir►n,<I vtriit to die Liisrn17 'will nr.t
only will arinshine to the Institution hitt
cornmCnc rt in 1910 With the sale of 7;•0
Nom power, and contrails in force with hest' y'"'' intp'1ec'rit Illy ,iy ' 1'L Wen
= th'at invaliii soldier- boy" comes home
siir,o is ss lFih ()yet 2cN cY is -
mien. 'sty 'that, you have done your bit
ter help 1►iu, f�irg,it t;io scrr8 of`�h•tttle if .
en leave not helped to -saturate this
Library of over two and a half thousand ' •
wines s--avit#t ;lir ntifiosti Brea a bliss
110(1 ca►ntenttn.nt. ;
at the end of the fifth year R2ec:, 86; :+t -
the close ►,f the tenth year #IJ -3:s 65.- In .
fifteen years..this steady saving of a dol
13 !riunicipalities. To=ils . the (;.;moi . -
g 1, ) I0 horse power
,iron 2.5 iriirnicrpalities, Tr) tnt,•t
frit:1re nr r't:,, :1'.',,(e)0 horse power of ;arl-
rlit; .oral pec er ys l,rsfrix_-ditvel.dped._.at
N i ;:.ar.a and elsewhere in the Province.
11 tc•ing fulfilled its obligations, 'as in
eeereerii, .factor iii time of •war,' the
gr• -at .system r,f the •I l ydro. Electric
`t'ower (%t?mmis},Ioh no Mantle ready to
ril'eet the immediate and pressing 1►rob-
lee,. of the_ ree(,nstrllctlrin period, and
� •
Zthe -demand* of he ensuing errs of peace.
-Sir Altai Beck in The Globe's An-
nui l Financial Survey,
.'then what is the. h 'pph ippiest memory?
Ii it the foes defeat,
1i.it the splemii,I praise r5f a world.
.That thunders },t, at your feet?
�- ty, N ty, to theyife-wiiri,, spirit
• The happiest th nights aro thole -
That carry de -hick ii the simple joys
And the sweetness of life's repose...,,,
Wii.FRltn QAMPsi4,