HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1919-01-09, Page 4Tae Seatorth Creamery Co. Want Your Cream We guarantee you Highest Market Prices' Prompt Return* Accurate Teats We also pay every tri weeks, furnish cream cans and pay all express charges; in fact we give you every service possible to give you eatire satisfaction. Write to -day for cans or as soon as you have cream to sell and give us a good fair trial- We assure you you cannot make any mistake and we can make``you money. A card will bring cans to you by the next express. The SeafoethCreameryCo. Seaiorth, Ont. FOWLWANTED We will pay the highest cash price for dressed fowl l eredever.. Wednesday y andThursdayat our store. Gof our prices and coops. Cream Wanted, We represent the largest creamery in W daft Ontario. We test accurately and pay the highest cash price. Get a can and start now. • AGENT FOR The Anker= Holth Self -Balancing Bowl Crcam_Separator LUthow Fruit & Produce Company Joyst Block, Lucknow. Phone 47. GRAND TUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM The Double Track Route BETW$EN MONTREAL, .TORONTO, DETROIT " and 'CHICAGO Unexcelled •Dining Car Service. Sleeping cars on night trains and parlor cars 011 principal day trains. Pull information from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or C. H. Horning, District Passenger Agent, Toronto. A. W. HAMILTON G. T.R. Agent. Lucknow. Phones. Tinsmithing I3avetrougli i ng Furnaces Installed. All kinds of '[aware -promptIy repaired. G. Drinkwalter BRUCE WANTS GOOD ROADS A large deputation consisting of about twenty-five members of the County Council of Bruce Co., headed by Warden G. Castner, Wm: McDonald,' M.P.P, for North Bruce; Wm. Cargill, M EP., for South Bruce, and Dr. B.' E 'roster, opposition candidate, waited on Deputy Minister of Highways, E. W. • McLean, in the absence of the Minister of Public Works, with a request that three n:r.inn roads in the county be taken over as pro vincial county roads. , - , Addressee were given by the Warden by the two Provincial Members and by others, all of whom pointed out what it would mean, both to the County and to the Province, to have these roads properly constructed and maintaihed. It would meas; the linking up of the farth- est point t: the north with the western part -of the province and would help to provide.a Lake Shore road service 'round all the Great Lakes, It was pointed out t,o that the lack of railway service in the county made it almost imperative that good highway service be provided. Three particular roads to be taken over were mentioned, the one to Lion's Head, the Durban) read and -the Elora road. In replying to the deputation, Mr. M Lean •pointed out that the Elora road would be the starting point, while the others would get full consideration "We -started out to help th1ari er; r he said, "so that he could have a market for his produce and we have not depart- ed fix m ,-that# principle. We have to treat everybody equitably fair, so that ,the province would be benefited as a whole." �..__1USINESS AND fiOclEtY CARDS JOHN SUTILILRLAND & SONS, Ltd..`lluelph, Ont.. lusuradoe. Dire and Marine. L 0.O. F. I.uoknow Lodge meets eyery friday evening at 8 0' Cloak hi their Hall, Camp- bell 'street. All brethren oordially •invited.. Oldness:—Noble Grand, C. Aitchison; Vise Grand, W. Mackenzie; Re't% Sec, A. H Boyd; Fin. may., Dr. Paterson; Treasurer, Alex. Rosa A. R. & A. M.. G. R. C. Old Light Lodge meets every Thursdaynight on or before the full moon, in the Masonic Hall. Havelock street Lucknow. W. M. W. J. Davison; 8. W., E. Lindsay; J. W., M. McGuire; 8eoy., W. A. Wilson. Dl NTAL G. 8. FOWLER, r.. D. S., 11. D. 8. - OM up stairs in Button Block. Teeswater. pen sal attention to gold plates, crowd and bridgework. visits Wroxeter lst. " ►d 3rd. Wednesday of each month; Corrie Thur. G. A. NEWTON. D. 11.. B. , Dentist. Office Alliu Block, Lucknow, Ont. All modern methods used. Best materials furnished. Crown and Bride work. Painless extract- ion by the use of the latest. simplest and safest remedy, SOMNOFORM. . Newest thing in artificial teeth. Alumium platesd' g 1 raft* n *It Ilnblished every Thursday worming at Lucknow. Ontario. A. D. MACKENZIE. Proirietor and Editor.' TERMS of SvnscRIPTION.-To any address in Canada or Great Britain, one ear $1.50, six months 75c., three months 40c. To the United States,' one year x2.00 These "are the .paid in -advencerrates. Wien, paid in arrears the rate is 50c. per year higher. Subscrlber�awho'�tail.to.reeelve The°Sentinel regularly by mail will confer a favor by ac- quainting us of the fact at as early a datt. as possible. When change of address is desired, both old and the new addre,s should be given. Advert$etng Rates. DtsPtr'1' ADVERTISING RATS13-Made known on application. STRAY ANIMALi-One itaaerWpn .�' three in- sertions $1.00. , . Farms or Real Estate for sale 50c each inser- tion; Miscellaneous Articles For Sale. To Rent, Wanted. Lost, Found. etc., each insertion 25c. Local Readers Notices, etc.,100 per line per in- sertion, 5c each subsequel.t insertion; special rate of 8c to regular display advertisers. Card of Thanks 25c, Coming Events 8c and 5c per line. no notioeless than 25c. Legal advertising 10c and 5c per line. Auction Sales. brief notice 50c. longer notice 10c per line for first insertion 5c for each subsequent insertion. 131ack-faced lype count 2 lines for 1. Any special notice, the object of which is the pecuniary benefit of any individual or associa- tion, to be considered an advertisement and charted accordingly. - Business Cards of six Wier nd under $5.Ot1 per year. THURSDAY, JAN. 9th; 1919. TEE- ELECTIONS IN BRITAIN ',The elections recently held in Britsin had a number of outstanding, interest ing resulto:-_the .enormontmajority-;men- to the Union or".Coalition party lead by. Mr. Lloyd George; the almost complete` wiping out,of the old Liberal party, in- cluding the defeat of Mr. H_R. Asquith,_ its leader; the success of the Seiun Fein party in Ireland; the destruction of the Irish Nationalist party; the suc- cess of the Labor party; the failure of the women candidates. The election was anything but an old• tide party contest in which a fairly ac - carate estimate of the outcome might be made., It was all turmoil and con- fusion to the politicians.. The desire- to make a complete- clean=up -of- the war with no soft-hearted mercy for the bar-' barians who clause - rappears- have overshadowed every other consid- eration; onsid- eration ; and the people who felt that way believed that they had in Lloyd- (.eorge the man to carry out their will. Mr. Asquith, an many respects one of the ablest:men" who ever sat in the House of Commons, had proved . failure n the actual management of supreme matters. He and his following seem also to have gotten out of touch with he prevailing spirit of the country. While the people were absorbed in the war, and the after -the -war settlement, Ir. Asquith and his followers discussed minor matters ---in;portant in themselves, but for the time being in second place. But if the moderate Asquith party hich talked as though it "night be ather easy with Germany was beaten, he Socialists who h u�l wanted peace at ny price, and who wished to be kind nd easy, and forgiving and forgetful ith their- brothers in Germany, were cluelched. Their - candidates all were efeated, showing that in Britain the Bolshevik is a freak. The defeat of the Nationalist party Ireland and the success of the Seinn ern seems unfortunate, Under the adership of the late John Redmond 4e Nationalista..were winning Horne ule for 'Ireland by peaceful and con- itutional means. This, hovtever, was :slow for a small violent element of e Irish, who during the 'war period pear to have greatly added to their umbers. The Seinn Fein party elected er 70 of its candidates, but these if ey carry out their declared policy 'will t attend t� a sessions of parliament at London, "remaining away in protest and r ap9 carryi'i g �n a soft , of mock rliament in Ireland by themselves. ey elected the only, woman-.--ea•n ho was successful in the election. She t a a la le It et too th yap n ov th no I�-�' pa Th w .001101, IRZLAND Ireland once more is the unpleasant - looktng apot in the British ' Elupire, — perhaps we should aai,y South-44601re- lani, for it has fairly bean said that there are "two Irelands." One of these did ma gnificeutly in the interests of civiliz Ilion in the. Greatar, the other Ireland so far as it could' be was on the aideof savagry. It was on the side of savagry not so much because it desired to help Germany as because it desir3d to oppose Epgland. Its violent meth- ods failed then as they always have filed in the past and as they are bound to fail in the future. • It is said that the Sinn Fein repre- aentativea recently elected to the Brit- ish House -of -Cowmone, intstead .cf at tending the parliamentary -Sessions and there advoeating.._what . they . call .the cause of Ireland, will assemble at Dub- lin, open a parliament or congress of their own, declare Ireland independent .of Britain and proceed to govern -the island • in theft Own' way:' They will levy taxes for the purpose of revenue aril refuse to pay,iaxes levied by.aay ether.author.: sty. • - J'his;`'bf ° course, ` ►iliiatillotl ing mare or lei than rebellion, and it is said that the new Ireland has stores of armsda ammunition with whichto defend ft self. What measure of success it can ope --to have against a Britain victor- ious over t erm any and bristling with arms of every description it i8,difficult to say. Their hope in that regard is the measure of ,their madness. • But it is not likely that the Irish leaders' have any hope ofsuccess m a military contest with' ' Britain. - It is suggested that their plan is to have a,. big row on, and perhaps civil war when the. peace conference is asaembledHat Paris. 'They may then hope to dramat- cally present their.clatrns to "Freedom" before this tribun .1 .and' get the ":•quare . deal" they cannot get from a. p,irliament itting. at London, .The liklihood is that they will get no - earing at all at the pe •ce conference hat body, . when it mtets, will have roubtds enough in settling claims and iaputes between established states and governments 'without . meddling _with 'itionA affaiara of any country. Could t be expected that Britain would allow utaiders to step to and settle 5, purely omeatic matter. `The British people are of likely to take any chance on having he Ireland that did -so much to help in he war rgainst Germany to be- trodden i oder foot by the Ireland which, .at the risis of the war, invited Germans to their land and broke' out an -rebellion. Independence for Ireland is out of the question while there ie danger that Ire- lintl would welcome ab enemy of Brit- a ain, " or while Ulster wishes to remain a part' of the Empire; and the cause of K Home Rule is just as hopeless while the 8 loyal people of Ulster fears. Horne Rule. 8 b T t d h i 0 d t u C mess. It is intended the Commission shall co-ordinate Canadian (products, kelp an - eye on freight rates, `l rices and distr,but- ion of shipping, an extensive supervision which makes it very evident the I)omrn ion realizes t'be next few years will re- move it finally from the position of a prospering but sprawling Colony to the -importance Jf a huge industrial power, with a populatu►u rapidly multiplying -frons coast to coast. Canada sees her 'day at hand, add is ready for it. DIFFERENCE OF OPINION While many throughout the civilized world are acclaiming Mr. Davad Lloyd George one of the greatest men in the world, the strong, trustworthy champion C of justice, and the best all-round public elan. of the day. others hold and give. expression to very different opinions. For example here is what "'Mrs.- Philip Snowden, one, of the women candidates in the recent election in. Britain, had'to say, of him at her. campaign meetings; Mrs. -Philip Snowden said: "that twoul( .-.Napoleon. %niongst us -the "present Prime Minister—(hisses and booing)—that , faithless friend and false colle g'.ie that lying: politicir+.0, the .man who -.had •.degraded, the public service and lowered the public'life of this count ry more than any man'slnce the infam- bus Administration of Lord North; the man,,who was a greater threat of destin- ies . of this nation and commonwealth than any othir hying public person—(a .�ice:. "Worse than Judas Iscaribt ten. Cres over") -the ,man who had tor- pedoed the Liberal Ity =and was shell- ing the few Liberals wto were trying to Y R escape in open boats—(laughter)—the. man who was seeking to deal the knock. out blow -to the League of nations and the Socialist International." She wanted to see the starving people of Germany_ fed. Raise the blockade and let the, people feed themselves. (Cheers). If President ti,Wilson'a fourteen points were departed from by a hair's breadth, , she would , call upon every workman in this. land to lay down tools: (Cheers) The assassin, whether he wields a dagger or an abusive tongue, .loves a shinning mark: . Mrs.• Snowden and those who cheered her are. berbaps, not crazy in Ilia ordin- ary rdin- ary..acceptation of that term, but they_ certainly are of strangely unbalanced mind. The result• of the election bhowed what" the people of Britain think of Mr. Lloyd George and of Mrs. Snowden They gave him that- power - of a king; they voted that she shall have no part n the got ernment of the country. • NUMBER KILLED IPI Tie WAR Figures of the numbers killed irtthe war given out at this time ,can .be only pproximatejy correct, but they likely ive a fair idea of the relative losses usta"ined by the countries which played major parts in the conflict.. ' Recent information given out officially laces the total number of _dead at AS OTHERS SEE US.._ p -W6a Canada doing to meet after- 5 the- war ceodittons in•businessi What tion the government of Canada r B the returned soldier? are queatio s fie- (ineptly asked in Chia country—and ask- F cd in a tone *hid' implies that nothing is being deme: The, belief that nothing at all if being done originates in the' " d ignorance of those who have made - no rn • effort to acquaint, themselves with the 6, fact& Wielders who arse :net ,iu}� . _sea either for or agamat the country or tire iv government see things differently.. Hew an is something we got from a.recent issue•, of The Detroit News: le When opportunity, born of the peace, • ve knocks at the dor of Canadian in�luntry everything will be ready ` for a ht -arty an welcome Should opportunity lag by the th wayside, Canada is prepared to reach Ge out and extend a guiding hand In plain terms, this 'alert Northern cid neighbor is 'Very promptly organizing ea her energies and is making ready for to the tremendous development which fi most persons agree is dawning for the me Dominion. In all matters of reconstruction—sur- It • veying available land, solving the wound It ed soldier problem, di'scussins, rehabilit- an ation, and systematizing the imminent` tbo inrush of eolonlsts—Canada has shown tha a vigilant readiovut, a practical aptitude to meet things aa- they are; the result is, c''u with all these things organized and on not their way to efftctive fulfilment, she is mo able to turn to the larger matter of - • T com rnercial activity. 'Thus the Canadian Trade Commis ma sion comes into being, working in pint- lir nership with the Canadian Mission in mu Landon, to the end that Canadian ex- lead port trade may be in;the van of the re- ex construction period The announced in Uurpoae ott e-i,r►mmigston is.to-handle bulk orders from governments and gov- the ern ental . agencies, distributing con- the > orders among Canadian larg producers; in effet.t, • an official pur- ChaelnQ agent!' France, iL.,t�.:.,.-: and pea ,936,504—close to the ti$ million mark. By countries tie looser} are as follows: ritain (including India and the aver- eas dominions, we presume), 106,726; • ranee, 1,071,300; Russia, lh 700,090; ITuited States, 58,47.8; Germany, 1,600,- 000;. Austria, 800,0QQ.... sad. only -for these . countries. Cer- any's total casualties are given as 330,000. ' It will be seen by these figures of the d that Germany got off comparat- ely light (if the number is relral►le) d' that Fran" suffered heavily. The owes by Rtmia ton, ccnsidering the ngth of time sho was in the war, are ry heavy. The liklihood is that France, Britain d Russia suffered most heavily during e first two years of the -war while the rmans and Austrians had a very de- ed advantage in artillery. In the rly mouth* of`the war the) were able fire hundreds of shells for each one red by the Allies; and it will be re- niberJed that the Russians were short t only of artillery but t►f rifles a9 sell. took pluck on the part of the .British d French to stand up to the Huns in se days. And it may be fairly t as soon as there w is something like ality of, equipment the Huns were a match, m n .for man, for their' re civilized opponents. he figures suggest too that the Cer- n methal of "messed attack" was haps not quite so stnyid and ,x1 ch a failure as our, writers would us to believe. Itnisrist have at times posed them • to heavy losses, but it oar be adimii ed that they often "got re," and tt 'ir losses on the whole (if faggr'es hie correct) were not so much er than the otnere as one would ex- , considering their method of attack. The Germans- carried on a big war on . the E aster n- as well as on the Western Front, and yet .their dead is given as however is A foreigner, and was one of the leader& in the absurd rebell6n which °I.ntar broke out in Dublin in 1916. keta; Catada expects and intends to wide awafe competitor for the Gus. tees than thneeurlf the Frenlh, who fought �n Duly a part cif the Western Front. Huron 'County News E lt. Wigle, mayor of G xlerich iu 1'J l i , was i e�elt cted by acerb mat ion -for l'9i•9. Prey Township, Huron Co., paid about $400 for sheep killed by dogs during the past year. - • , N r. and Mrs. W n. `Richardson and Mr and Mrs. Thom a Wilber), of Por t Alt ert, have moved to Goderieh where they will reside. • ' Lance Corporal Geo. E. Smith, kit-.. led' in the wrecked military. train Lear Edmunt,ton, N.,11‘, was a Huron boy. his home I eing at Dashwood. He had been.,a lumber of the'•I ch Battalion The rural telephone, cumpauy• with bietquarters at Brussels is putting in a cab!e to take the place of a large number of wires wrecked by the sleet stotm in. December. In the meantime the .telephone service is i'soniewhat d�isor•ganized, ,• M r� ;O eo., =Cookf . w hloso parent', l .at Clinton;. has ante to London Eni land, to take charge of the office of the R. Sinipson �)o, there. He went to the Simpson Cn. acme years ago, and for the past five years has been manager of the company's buying. otfee-at New York. - J. S. Brace, president of,the Brace dz He.raid Mill Co., ,and, ono of the beet known lumbermen in the Pacific Northwest,, died - of heart is ouble at Seattle, Wash.., ; on Saturday, night. He was born 57 years ago in the town of Wingham, Ont., where his father, the late L. J. Brace, was a prosperous `InmB'erman` and "cdntractor,. and the magistrate of thetown for many 3 ears. At. the '.recent, -election held in the _United 'States, Dr John McFad'zeari was elected to the Senate for the State of" Colorado. i)r. -McFadzean is an. old Grey township boy, being a son of the date William McFadzean. He is also a .biother in law of Thos,,,Dodds, and a cousin of the Messrs. Cutlaili, of dlcKilb i. He received, hi wearltet ucation'in Grey, later graduating from the Seaforth Collegiate. Mr. Mclead- zean has resided in Colorado for some years - Losing I6ferest In War The Toronto. News. recently said that one sure sign that the war is over is • a letter from a correspondent asking what finally became of Harry K. Thaw. Harry,, as a news' feature, muff, red a damaging eclipse when the Great War broke out; but he evl'dently has not been entirely forgotten MyLinbs Would Twitch And Waken Me—Unable to Rest or Sleep, I Walked the Floor in Nervous State — When Specialists Failed I Found a Cure. This is the kind of,,cure that -has set Windsor people thinking and talk- ing about Dr. Chase's Nerve Fqod Tne action of this food cure IS so radically different to the usual treat- ments for. the nerves that everybody wants to try ft. Gradually and cer- tainly it nourishes the ,starved nerves back to health and vigor and the bene - nth obtained are both thorough and lasting. Mrs. M. Smithson, 27 Arthur street, Windsor, Ont., writes: "I was suffer- ing from 'nervous breakdown, which was caused by a shock when fire broke out in the adjoining house. My nerves were In such a state that, after going to bed <I could not get my nerves quieted down sufficiently to go to sleep. I used to get up end walk around the room, or go downstairs. `Even when I would be dropping off r to sleep my 11 bs would twitch and f waken me. I ;laid to have cold, nerv- ons, night sweats, sometimes would become unconscious a,nd lie that way for quite a little while. I was always cold and it seemed impossible for'me to get warm or keep warm. When t•, on the street I would see two or thre$ b objects at once, and did not want any person to speak to me or bother me. t� Any little noise'irritated rind annoyed me very much. I had consulted n specialists and •tried • many remedies e. during this time, but could not gait, relief. At last I tried Dr. Chase's - Nerve Food, and before long could see st that this treatment wins proving of (I benefit. I am now feeling so much butter that I can go out on the street A ty1tthout any difficulty, carargo across re usual. / ikleep well at night, and nm feeling move like* myself every day. Pr to lett you how much good the Nerve Fced has done me. It has strength- h; ened and built lip my whole sprtem. 1 SIM reeommending it to every t find suffering from nervousness of YE. tW MOLSONS BANK INCORPORATED 1855 CAPITAL AND RESERVE $8,800,000 98 Branches in Canada A tieneral Banking Business.Transac Circular Letters of Credit Bank Money Orders SAVJI'IGS BANK DEPARTMENT Interest allowed at 'highest current rate - 8 T. S. REID, Manager.' i i r 1111 ,..,;&y, Oi �ansi. ,r� .:Sewi " ,,,Mat -e .` I "M Manure 1, , a ire Spreader, i Oliver Sulky Plow. I e We are agents, for the following PIJrOSTe ; , � . lligh-grade instruments: Gourlay W iitter_a_nd'_ Leemi.ng,.=Heinfz.uiaii . & -..Co. 'and t Newcombe! Piano Co. • 1 •w j Second=iand Oo�ds- ANDREW, .= LUCKNOW. {• Langslde -(Intended for last _week) Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mallough, of Lon- don, are visiting at the house of 1). Mc- Donald. - Misses -hemie McDonald, . Millie Mc- Grcgor and"Tena Moffat, of Toronto, are spending" the ;holidays_ at their re- spective homes. Miss Jean Keith, of Teeswater, spent the week end . with . her friend, M iss May me Moffat. 1---------TI1-E--WESTSNOR�tI0�11 IMUNfCIPAL1TIES L`OJi CASE Aa4I:NST iJWST The result of the appeal in (be siiitc f .the `.towns of Goderich 'afnd Ki lcar4,line '1 and the . townships of As'ifiel f - and ._Huron against the 'Toronto Genera/1 Trusts Crrrporation, in connection wit;i Fcrdyce . (Intended for last week) A number of the young people from, around here et ,j ,yed thenaselves 'Chaniney's on Friday evauing"last. lltiss Iu Chawney returned to Tor- onto, or onto, 'o resume her duties after spend- ing the holidays under the parental roof , Miss Emma- Mct;�uillin has returned to her home neartLucknow, after spend • - ing a couple Of weeks at Edward Hains. Lavina Milner, 'of Darnaticua, is. spending a week at Wm, -Champion's. Mrs, . Jas. Snowden and son, Ernest, of Laurel, are visiting at Itobt. Haiines. Miss Annie Leaver, of near. Wingham, is visiting at .too. McGee's.. _ We are sorry to report that Arnold Woods is.very low with the flu. Miss Nellie O'Callaghan, 'of Toronto, spent Xmas holidava the 0 W. S. Railway, was announced Saturday; asi011ows: (Kincardiite) and •C (Gotlerich Appeal by plaintiffs from. jtidOnient "of Sutherland, J of the .l5th Dee guarantors-- of bserida of :thitario'.Weet ore Rai lway.Co.. against di fendaqt. trustee for an 'account ot all moneys r.eceived and ptid defendant as and payment to plit'etiti of all inliebys alleged, . to, havt.. been imprd'peily paid out, paynoot (4f intivest received 'and cancellation of 1310,1;. At tri ig- ment was given • plaintiff for MEM of unguaranteed bonds referred to in the" p!eadings,. with costs to 'date ef filing defence,. and disinissing . action other- wise with costs' subsipient to filing Mr. and Mrs. S: Taylor celebrated, Judgrnent:-ApPeal dismiased with. their 20th wedding anniversary on Mon - clay tvening. Pori Albert AI/DRESS TO'80L1)1.FR —( )II the Cove log of Dec. 27, a reception in bobbtq Pte. Ale.x MaIketizie,recently return' fro.n,i service in.,Yrance, was. held in Andrews Church here. It was well. a addresses. Speakers _rem 1.1(.)y.. ' M (Rev ) Allison of Dungannon Pte. Ma money by Mr.'.Angua 'Gordon, preside of -. the Aslifield Circle, follow' ins th reading of this address: . Dear' Alex "—It gives us, the ..peopl of Ashfield, genuine pleasiiie- tk .gree you here at this Christmas time r o Europe'. C.ours was a long campaign and yip nObly. enchired the. hardship and trialii of the great. struggle W indeistawitt 'that yoli were one -of th4 irst, if not the veiy first, of Asblield' ons to otter your ,ervicea to pint' count ry, when the colonices stood up tn ai( he Motherland,. when democracy trem hi - y. a baltsivilizA autocrat, bent on. t le ess of yours, vidiich watts° high, prom pt- od, shall have a re;w birth of freedom. kind -•protride ice has enaltin'd you ti. turn to yolir home and loved onem and e.hope that your Soldier brothers 'nay Ion .toin pin in that hoine,_Weetkahke iirct-Ne owe you a great debt of grati6- ter, *ft e ask yen to Irlieve you tve felt el eere friendship. May onr ars 7., ___.ith suecess and _happiness. We a remembrance of this evening gpent ny maby blessings...4/01i so nobly thd • MILLION DOLLA1,S d v ti on Artily is ab411t•,, St Dollars for :war dearob9izttion. d. The money•getLing campaign will hel r, The bake of, Det!ootiliire,.--(tovetinr- (11- and niany' other prominent citizena e. conunitttp's have.been hauled for the purpose of *boos. ting the opiTtive. e Th.e Salvation Army inCende, to use soldiers Who are dischargetliantria need until the;,' are. almorta,t1 irito-itidtiftr'irtr (11 T11 prove le emergency releiving • 'and Maternity homes for soldiee.s wives, ,(3) T;.orefM1iDlle during demobilizatime 'in England. and Fiance the teiiiiiieents and comforiwair!ady provided by the Salvation Army f9r the Cariajian sold - Dr. Chase's Nerve rood, SO rPnts n box, a full treatment of 6 boxes for $2.75, at all dealers, or Ednianson. Rates & 'Co., Limited, Toronto. Do not be talked into accepting a substi- tido. Imitations only disappoint. as Ye 1 For Dec-nther. .1,r. f. Total m3f; Willson 457: c-"\ Total 120 -°:M. Diemerc 100. VALETTA M. TIFFIN, Teacher, • 1. ath vr 01 al of (14 Fl 41 sti it N. do ter Ch bil wa ION