HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1919-01-09, Page 27, �,Ipm�, i IrL ,�f­ W- I—, � '' I low"W'­),1wr,�,­,,�T lv,,;�,;��V,N.'�-_-"� . , 7 _41q;�"-7-r­1' , I , , ;," - - , ,fft , I � " k." ., . , " 7 _7 L,`.'..­� 1:.", - . . "'Ilt; . I j, :171911i� i j" '' . I � .111, 1-1-1711." r_ , .% , " 77yrqv_�_, .., 11 , " " 1. ,� , I 1� I 4 ." � ­ `�,� . �, , I _� .,. _ . � . '' 't. , , 7" I , - - I , I I I �.,%N , , , _'�,�­ 'It. . I 1;— -- _—T- - an* Ar4 , jZ; r ' , . � 77-71-06. =V =00,4 -- -- -r- 'Ir - _. � _ i _,,o 4 -- ';7 _ - , I 5,,r_,=�— ,:i;;- 4==. — — ,��_..&�_..jj;�%wA�- .k,4W __ �_ - ........ k^16. ,.,U; _A0 * ...... . . . . . . . . _ � ........ . . . . . . . . . .. "I'll I � . . PAW "� To, r "A, 1:. "I �,� � I � I - 660W _1 - __ -0 I,-- -- - - ',r - - I r �� �'171- .* 1� 1� - I . . I .. , . ,"". , , . I . — . I 11 - � G k, ,,, I / . � . . . , I I 11 . I* I - � ',� I . . . . *Ne - -_ . , � � , .1 I � IL I I . � . . I � I I I I I " . 16 . . I . . I i I . - - I � � . . , , "" � I I � * � . I . . 0 I . � 11 . .11 . . . I . . . . I � . I . . . 'r � I 4 I ___1W _..� . I . . I . I � 0 - � . . I - . ,- I - � ­ . I—— ­­_._:% �1 � . .� - - I - : . ____ - __ ­ I � - I � _w %%-a � - - , � I 1 . ., I . .. . . - . . .. . I . . .__ _ - __ . lhr_ - ___ , .- .. ____14o_1ft -9.0"T ---- � - _. . I � . - - - -4wo .--- . I � . - __ ------- ------ __ __ . . - ­ - - — ... - � - � _. __ ____ �_ - — ­ � - - - - — --. ___ . ___ _ _ 5N - d . . . . . . . . ___ . � . . 1. . I— - __ - - _. - — - _ , ___ . . ­ r --- . 111111 &Z tXSXV 191**&"% -V&'1Vft*W*X"t - . . I ____ _____ - - - ______1 i bs � - I 1A*V1311*WW&V&X* A _. ­ � I - �____ _ . - ­ .. - 7____1 __-Z T I . . , ­­ ­ ­­- ­ - - � -1 -.1.11 . .. . I . � . . . � - � . . �­ - , I �GFAM I , . I . C;ws.,111 , . I 0, . I Q . T .. ,/ I I , . N 1. I . 1, .. , ' , - . Stocks & - Bonds I Goo 0 ,y) � . HF101C RESCUE .� . I . .N - IF N V -�) . . 4 . - r i I . r . * . The purchase of soun& mauket- - . . � , 1. . .tl I M'"-wom I - I . 11D . I _ . 'or .� f Not� � .. cancst man" � able securities is inade conveni-­ ? % FROM A SUBMARINE . . . . . . o . . , I ,�r, � ",,�,,,.__�_':_­.­-­_r_ o - 0 . 4 v I I � - eutlY,Gasy by usinlk our ' . I . � . . "I . 1. ., ­ --- .. _____ ____._ .- . 6 I I—— � I r. . - ­ - . I . ­ ­­ . - --r- . - I � " . I r�'�, .1 . , . I ,r I _. ., . . k I 0 . WHICH�ComPRfi;ED THE FORMER - P4RTIAL PAYMENT PLAN f I . . I �. * I , 114, t � I IL I I I . I . . I , ;V ; �: 11()j%r � .. . :� - BY C. Courteray Savaj(e RMPIRE 01* CIERMANY ,providds you with an incentive � THE' LATE CAP)'. G00f4- I . I _._ I . � , I . . A .��-, . . I I I '. save money, the payments be- . I . I I I I - - � ' . � ,. � � 1 � I �m., . 1) jjWj;*4:&&e1d b-XQHWA-N;1b 2:'tVWVC&.%jM",%�-jj L 6, nj�&%jg, 4? � I I ing made On a monthly basis. . P_ -0 U -111T IVION - THEA V.C. . . . I " , I . .j: &,X* . X I r . MM BY this attracti-ve method . - . ­ . _,"#ou . . ___ - - - I . .� � � . - I Included Three Kingdoms, Six Grand i become the owner ot divIdend. _. - . . I PART 1. She helped put the meal on the I . I ' . , I . paying stocks without incitri-lug I I Where the Iloa&e.dy Wint,ers. measure. T�ere t;hould be olle .quart one of Jhe rM * . - "As for John Thompson, he io the table. There was -,)Ionty of wek- I Duchies, Five'Duchies, and Seven any. large outlay of money. * alt), Draniatic SWrips of I LLL ... . I 11 cooked food. As she glanced from - 11 . . � It seernil to be the p ' . . I 0 *liquid. Now add:"one teaspoonful . . r � I � .1 . . rev - , ' ,r I ... -k .,� � Principauties. �. in te apoorfflUl Of p 'Na I .11 meanest man that ever lived. Any Th'e-,blan 'is flully e�xplainqd i ailing opin � +;,.#�, _-_ the edibles to the dingy wails Ehe' i9n,,wit-If most People, th.at the hous' jof su:t, one-ha!f a e�_' r � .val Exploits# Now Being . . . . � - . k" orlt tha"t could act the way he does our%nt6iresting free booklet en- e . ,Z�,,.,, ' - - � %�, .w,dhdered tf afterr-all John,was really . fly,L por, one teasl�)onful of I ultry sea- - I �'.. L'jr�r _0j t , , r titled "Aa, yphoid,fly, lives through, � PO 't blished b� A;fmitimity. 1,1� ­ . . I � r�ll to'w7his mother Would do '1110�t any- _rnegn-too mean to makQ this home . Now that German thrwies are fall- _ ving by the Partial ' th e -li&ff- 'eupf ul of coromeal, I 1. I . . . I � . . I � . I!- . I V7.1'. ��r �-, thing." P.ayyfient Plan," -winter months a,s an old It, hid;nZ Iii I Boning, one "4 . . which &an be u � . "t thrilling - .. ... , Y �r comfortable. . - I lag,At is interesting to recall details had o - , cracks and ere- ()f the .sc'ore. o " .. o . 1,%� Nettie bad noticed both women as During the first week Nettie stuai-,1 11bout the royal hous' n application to ,v;ces in.�he warmerione-half cupful -of buckwheut flour. I r more , () . I ,. I ., � I � the household. es comprised'in * . Portion.9 'of the 'Stir to prevent, lumping and .took for -ics Which taight be told of nay;al � I . I -­ .. 4 .. � . they took the seat Lvehind her on ed One evening'John - the' -emOre. I . 6use, or perhaps I . . ,i st.oi . . . .. .fl i -l", Of " theae - theillk were L � sOMe-wfiere. - in th' ,11twenty niinut&. ' Pour into a* pan t0j hetoism during the wai- fe' ,'if ally, , � � � ,� l I that he had walk ,ov* er twenty7�two, according tot . :&_ �� I e att'ic. � We h ' I . I � NY : . .. "I .. I, .�;- . to a neighborls. mother sug- S R M0 comolly & coo . been, confid' a6i'm6ld," This will give yoU. a pan, of ' n ­Ival'in -draln *fi&A ind. - -he interuban trolley. *The mention announced to I ,he Con'titu- .. I � made her sit up- � , . I I ent of thig because -%� I . ca r a tragic I . .� I �. . 11 , e have' . �e r., eak- -est that 'which happine � d Ao a � . ' � I . - j C011 of 1871, and they included three Members Montreal Stock Exchange - ` - -"en Aies al3otit scrapp,le that canj : u4.ed -fo ;b, 1, I intel, *� - .,. I right. � She - was not listening but' gested that N'ettie cco ny h:Tn. , kin#OMS, ' . . Christmas tinfe, . I . A111 . , * -11 - ­­ . � . . a*Iiiig - n ypuj��u - " , - subinarhie fbit", went down in � I - I �� I I the high-pitched voi,:es, raised above fields, the path leadi , duchies and seven prindipalities.., 'In f . MONTREAL .. P.Q. " kre W-1fast a d,will cost Utt, . "!�(. * � I .. I . . I �.. *�, 11'_`� I They to6k a short4pt t rough the' . 11 six grand duchies, ' five 105-106'Transportation Building ' ' 'cr ound e Pn Aish ' ' �_ , .1 I � , ng them beside. I I I . � e uK that is requirvd, . . � 1. . I � the hum of the hurrying trolley, cii- a swiftly flo .unusually I �m, or we ', have iof th - labo . the (;areloch'off the j4hren (1yoe. The, . , 4 I I . I - , - . wing br6ok that mur- t, may, �e added for the sake - 0. _� � ; time ' :, ar I r and f 1. . .. L . �.. . � . .. . . - - I I ". . � . -_ . I *, . seen fl.ieg - late. il)tlo . the winter. I . . 'to, cd.ok- it." . � . episode has'beezrbeiefly mentionedbe- . , - . _,� , - * I � ri6d. their -.story -to her. . mured sociably. - ____ % I Of -COMPISteness, that � I I— ­ __.� ­ , I -­ - I � . * . f ­ - I . I . . I . . I .1 . , . - , - , Ever try -making a giage'r - I -fore, -as * ieluted-to 'tK� 4et,fdr wh' h - � - � . I � � ` ­_ . - - . , � I,- I , I � . � the "Empir,q' _ � I =. From -thi#--Ve-� may -have, conclu - W I ': . I P I i . . - " - � I . "I understand they've got com- "I'm glad 'you.,cs .me,"' Joh,n.� said also included t the 'if - tov,msP Of WONDER G'R-ASSES OF )WRLD - - that the flies passe -d the winte' j -h th ' 0 1. cu . , -one- the'late'Capt. Goodl�art,'ok the Brit- - - '--' : . ., ,, . � 4 .. t � � . ' � 4 ... � pany to spend the summer �vith them. riudclerily. ., I .1 .1 I . . iree � ­ . . �. I f 116,wi4 One '^ Pful "bl"SyTup� . I �, ,� , I . . ' I . I r e. I - - , Hamburg, Br,e;n,en* , — . , � . hous' an ' half cupfu� df - water three - talole- . 1, .. '. I . 11 , � . . . "Glad? Why?" .. . � and Lubeck and the - � 11 .. . .� e d , then orily . .as, f .91 I I . � I I , I ' I " I suppose John has it figurid 6ut 0 - "Relchs'land" of Alsace-Lorraine. The ,The Bamk�o -Gro'w's Two P4t a Day adults. - . ull-grown, spoo-iLfuls of' 6horteriing, ish Nuvy,...was posthumqusly,awa.rded � * I . I . .. .. " �'-.Ir that he'll save money on t I "Becaus of Mother. She needs .But scientist,t tell d' er-l' two tabl-�--�_tbe Victoria Cross. 1. 1. 4�' � he extra , us - , , .- � .. . � . � . � ' ' � %L help hired." -with her.' oth- ruler tates,. 4 en'tV, They. say'thut _!Sm4f J-8 I , 11 . _ I �. You see, M with in Some Districts. -the,--. - U1 - Of - r_Qc0A,___o_nP_ - t,a,WeApoaaN4_ - - Tjj � . s I I - _ -,- �'. % - ,�,t er has lived here on e particula' ' ' - L' .- - __ - - I 6 .. -4a--s-uSni—aniie-'wiC,i-6fi'-Yi(7y�- G �. I -___________� � ... I . '. . . I.. - I ' ' the farm s;o SOM rs of theii faMfl1jeja rh . of cinnamon, one-half t.ablespoQnf . ,,are — -e g- d6ii"not stay ul bf Ll��: I "It's a wonder his m*otfier -does � --A,.- . lasses are a tribe of plants I . in. the o#-of-..;tb-e.:.W&y ----------------.----:- - ­ -I She . on - baarj1_-ie�,ent3�-,*se_ -*-. - . � .­.. .. -_ —_ _�____ � I . ' L . , I . I -, many years aad zhe's� worked-- - so vtrt--13elow - - . . I � places in t- , f -1 - f-1 - , I - ":. '. I , 'revolt, -doing gll thle - work . you speek- -ha-r&.--- . � - remarkably � varied. Indian corn is - .the hous� 'all,winter unless' gingler, one easpoon L1 0 c Ove'i, one �. sons, ine'ludilng'naval cont�actors and '. '' .. . . 1, . . . � . , - , I I --When she told 'me that -she - - a . .. �4pful_�Lbarley flour,, olle cupful of I -1-11 - -- . ­ ---- -- - . I ; - - , .., � . , I bc -, -pF son- suitable _b eedin"lace,whe ' -i-s- * .­­ I , , � from the,y�ard, where- .1 __-__-1___-_, -XIngdoms..- _____ - - ar I I'M" , I ��;��­__ - of and, having ,a&. ;L -poor pla,ce to would -like you'to vh�;.t her thW-ttft- 7 . .. .. * a grass -t ,ugh the average er .. . s h e hirit,:� - -­�,= ­�­- ., . . I I � . - . . mei I -ma rm; hous�,s . . '* '� � ,.�, ., work in. " I .. . WaTin, -is pro'Vided. - In wheat gour,-,four teaspoonfuls of bak- . �, � I hoped you could -.and that -maj- ,. Prussia-Wilheim II., born January might .n ot suspect,the fact. A whop- O,r i - i been built.- The i)rd eh for � . " I �'� 1. " n .Otler sheltered places they . ing powder, are -half cupful of rai*ins ' ' L I ' I * I I I . �.' � "I don't supposie that'Lthe poor wo- be -,you'd make thin easier'for her.v 2Tj 1859; married Princess leCoria of ping big one, truly. f I 1. I i her to .subfiierg�, and when she had'*1 -� ­� � I ' . 1. I .1 . - �mayj .1 I V live jDr much longer pe' one-quarter cupful o'f eN�Pped pea-, � I . , .'� . " , � I inan can revol-t-nDt- against John , "Why don't youTave a hiked, wo-1- \ riod of time; � � gom j�lst ,ber- ' u �rater ' , � I I �,�v,,: , ,Schl,eswig-Hostein,; heir, Prince Fried- . But the giant of all the grass.es is but never will the _pass�'the entil.e nuts- Mix" ghd- then bake in elther "" ': �, I . � . I I . w to voin- into her aft and she , , % . Lllla' Thompson. - Why-" the Tumble of mai� do most of the work?" she asked. rich Wilhelm`- (Crown .P' ); flive the bamboo -a y . . I hef6. r�..', __ - the car I pas , As is. . � rawe .. .plant with which we- winter �inless ,.they, jus ­ ., I . � .. in, '' - � a �, __ �� . I - � ake :4baice4ing I i loaft4haped ,,p. -or -in ''wel ]-,,gw a- o a f . - ­'. "I"I'­ - '' . � - . w. r,,. ,at � In 'in' th , 'd 7 )V-'r,d-ria0­, I"ff.jen �,, I .. .. . I I ­­ I I,— I 1, ,_U, I .1 I c . . ' 11 n , 1-1 I . ­ 11 I . ..". �, I 'i�, . I I 1. ". I - . I . . . L 1. ,.I ­. , , . . . hridge shut ,off the ang 1, +one,;;- af.thr..' _Ntttie =8 e .aio, ,reply -,he 'n*g' i -Lufrin pan.3'i 'rne,Aal' , I j,.- 't�in , as it 4ed over a long Mother doesn't want one. her soits.,and one�,dauqjghter, - - �. ,,-.. jeare,*o paratively. "UnfamiliaT. : -deS66'ridt. .",'a ..-ifft", I' , -*� , , - � 4QU i ;�.�C'L 1. 1, . �; I! t t 10 In 44. . I . . I I.. ��. 11 �'.,� I ­ �, . " ".', ','­� . , �. . ,:� j 1. ah" I - - uttY,'-:and mhich,� is, found, i Ore olfii,sv- .. This ; n nutes._- ' I- o.-,­,.� �-­j­ . '' , '. , , ,,, . . � , . d - ':,.0' In ,. I '3:, ,"ADMO .Ldie�,ay; - " ''. , ,CAr agaii�"%art`*he'felt � , , 'te g1u *LbGrh,j2W,U1i , n m ' . '� . � _. I., fir.41;',apeaker.' ' When the' that John. was not tetIr , r ��_dwf .. � ' � +.has, beea4buad iii.-h,ou.ss Atite I . - ­ .. I I., ''I". I , I . .... . . ­ � .1 I ,. five �,mi . ­­ 1. I � .11 . I - .. , reached .4_.polid r.Qadbed the two wo., ing the truth. .% - � . I 7, 1845; married. Archduchess numerous varieties in Ja A-9 -as the . . __ � . I An - inspW­t i(I'll ��,; 1-11 I)SID'i'lu'o'nily, sboNved - - � ` . : " . _., "'. �'. ,,� . . ;� . . .Maria' I I n 1 latter'nart -of January "but, rarely- -lat- � . I � I � I ' I I - I . men were **no lqnger discussirig John After a while John ,talked of the'' Theresa of Austri-a-Esie; heiir, Crown China than, anywhere else in the er. . I I Cleurv`ng Wings For Al'illinely.' 1 that the - disaster 'was'cati.,:ed by the 11 1. . . I � . Thompson and his mother. Lumbard's to whose home-1hey' . upprecht; eight other' chil- world. � - - . . . . I . I Under outdoor cohditions house ' - ' I I 1, yentilating' shafts b-�ing left open. � I . I � ' Viere Prince A ' I . I I . . . � :flies. ar�*'kille e u ke diesshig a bainyc,rd 'L' . � I . I . . � . � . Nettie leaned .back in: her -seat, ing; of the man' 'Bamboos i' I I (I'during th late I I Those iwthe vear of the. A,,ubmarine?-,- . : � ,s. suc a dren. . , f4lj! , NVhen yo a I � i 90 ,cess as 1� 1 n China an.3 Japan grow .when the teniperature -falls to. Abotit fowl or- a' game b*d br ught in byl . � I -1 . ­ . . 0 ­ . .. ' . .. wondering -if there could be-jwo- .farnicr And of the- youilg people ,Saxorly­Friedri�h August'III., born Ir, .Veritable forests, which spawad of ; fifteen or ten degree, , Fahrephelt. It I your home N�Amrod, haven't y, , -we're immediatel.V -. ,. - � . ' �' . -John, o lid -0e ,awa y'' at college.' It was a 1 14 , .i Pu Of tell' thirty in. narAliev ' � . . __ I .. '. . * . I r - . a * L ' . . . . . I ummer. �. naPPY May 25,1865;'marri 'their own - f ' tands to rea-son that the � ' be'less _ held up 'a Wing- andl'sai&, "Wo-Uldn't drowned. . The fbi e part �oe tbe'-ve' . � ,.czompany, for the s _� 0 Princess Louisd '--cord- by the extension D ' is I . I I picture he drew -and Nettie was.not I . n p,m r b . '. . I "el, , I . 0 1 . I � ,, W . I . * , f Tuscany 1(mar roots. A clump*.* planted, ind- it thb - 4s, shut off arul -the forty-two* Nvho� r: � I . �She did" not know eitHer John surpnised -when they. ., r riaildisi6lVed); heir, . . a usands of flie,% , . .. I I . � � .Pat. be'beau fui on a bat'" -1.b_ ,- ' " ji L. ' - _eached ' i 1. that .come out e4kb� .t" _. , Thompson or his . 1. ­ . '' -b - ' L", I j� I an 1� 1 � __�V'er e: at trAt _d� ,__�Tc � _�aved., '. - ! 1. - . I � I . , _t' ' the well-ke pt ­ I . � . _ . I - '" , j . . . . . . I I I . I � . - Ph -th-o-ugh "4;915a`fd�rs' . Ouse, bord ' Ith re- in the 'sPring cannot 'all. be praduced,1 I� wou!d. . And very o. it ; , � mother . -Geor ' *,tdons 6,�er-. thb land' cape w . I o e, 0 sei -the Printel 0e; five 6ther 'C'hiftdrien.' . S p ; i , . �. had seen photogra s of Mri. Th.6msL- grounds, ' %ig clean -h . thell. Wurtteniberg-Wilheim .11. markAble rapidity, "'Two feet"a day is b the I " , "Skill of.S I C) in-ent.' . L . . .r .. . . _ _ .. _ � L_ . � y few - oydr-7,wiptering flie's.--Wat! d"s, ,and you, pay a mililiner, x,_,"o-od-1-­�� - I . _­_­ - I . . . � . . . . . . ­ um, ow--th 1 . . � 1- ,;w4r&�*ffi __�� ---. -_ ­_ _ 11 . � � - . son, her mother's .closest: friend in, . modern fUrhislijings, � FebrUltr-Y-25- -184&-,-:jfi-a`r-r--fe-d­ rinr,4 nqt an 'in h- r , , eir_ I as--&ci_iC,=iiAP . 1. � . . � . . . - . . . . I U Be. I a new :name.- - But 1 I. , . " . . � � I 1. � :­_ �_ .1 . . . � . 'ht' arid the 'Plumbing. c' -Mdrie of Waldeck-Pryrilont, died- Ther6 are -othr species Of 1!i6s, aim.j a wing oi- a - feathecoff , is -a tribute t- h�, ''s _ . � i eachool days. � , l lig -4plectric J. (I)-- I eikht.for we have obsef-ved in the ho prjee for 'it, under , � I Nettie had been . 3 . . ess . I a. barnboo. The largest attain 150'feet it. i� merely I I hil of, th'6 Ad- .. A, . I !. � .. . ' - - ' ' ' ' . � teaching jjn Ottawa-, She talked with the women of the April 30, � 1882; (2) Princess Charlotte and a diameter of two feet. ' irajty.Sulv-.g . � . ', lor two ydarA_and wa4-4,elighted ,% - . 11 -ax to *'the ho,u,-,p__fUe.j9'-that ..I.a*--be - somebody"s -chanticle6r of,juines h3ln'.'m . . Voliartment. A few - � I . . . .. . I . � . I �. . . u j I . I Next, Cme'yotr. get the wing at% I . eri,went . I . . ! om. . . I se -dur- 1 , . � , I . . . I the invitation to spend" �ith! family, 'admiring . the .house, as, they of Schaumbur.g. -Lippe; one'daughter. h.ina the bamboo s ound"in vrevices, iji the hou hours had passed befoi-e div' , months w Ahe vacation'showV it room by To ' . , -In Japan and C �, � . - . A . ` ' I - . , fth the woman who had,'she compared. it with the Silen . - Grand Duchies. ­ . I ,plies a. large ,part of, the *ants"44he-- - ing the late winier AVT -these are. of _,,� hom6' I it' your,s.elf.- . First clean I down, to tbe-submarine on what tfiL�Y , . . . :, ,� roof lslt�t I 4Ix I . �, I . I been so near and dear to. her mother. 9' shelte uer . Ba7d'oft-Friedrich. ' 11, born re,ople:4 It takes the place tota great, .ten mistaken for the . h6 - . feconsidered a forlorn bope. a,,;-,f,ir its - . I . , Now for the first*time, a'-sh-Adow months. , , .July - 0, !..extent of' iron+ a he, faf me,r- are, TespoA�ibllity. ff.)j'6 u�e: flic� and-, the end Wh,:-ch .was cut off, in shilitly; I bo(ky illive iv . . . I . �� r4ge n it was time to .nd steel. . T . came over her visit. 9,09 �1854married Princess"Hilda of-.Nss--! - ur b tbat'-war " . .1�; colit, - , L I .1 ,elief rn-, �oft wateir.' Be sure to, 're-, bringing, up any � . ". �� ,:. ­. � -, �., . , mo-, on . I I i I I . t� . C ,ht ' 4 . . , ' After a - ' , e of t1le older bo�s took them home sau; no issue.. . . ., i. builds his house and fences of it; his the houric fl.V really sp` the win Move alf rt, but do not handle th, , err.im., tl'efti�g, to the,,b(,-ttcm. 'y . I ; � ' 11 . ter' - I. - - I .. I I iment's thought she scolded herself in_&n_-autom,&bj1e,__ _____ ------- . . - � . .-------.:- - �rd X, ' � . " _.. .- . __.._ .1 , I � I . I _i_q� _YT_ I '__:==-_______:___, I dditp ,' tu_r, �,_,, *, .. - .1 P1 . age�-Toll iltsco'Wred­ That the--,sti�_rfi of- . , -- , - heuschold fri-rniture- is-manu , ill --hVU--_kWa----If -1-t clo,68 not Pass the . ghly,.,-, - - Suak it in *.,the ', -- � . \ . s ... . . I . . � . . .. . . . I . ` � for. thinking -such, a thing possible. s a One homef". she told .Mrs. Hes iz-z2iiiit__ "Ludwig, born Nov` I e tender shoot' Nvinter'Aft the house. I Bel v..,a,; embedded., in. m . 13M V%M� . � . � -,Th ember 25, 1868- married (1) Princess �. I S fur- I �:, When she finally stepped frorn'thLI ompson -the next- day. To her �, f , from it, whN th . NvAdre tfien ;does ' water until the matter removes easily. . .1 all'y .fvef Of- , - ' . I I I 1. . . .. . . � . . . . . � i Dish hi'm -with' a' deliciou' * ' it hibernate ? As a I ThA - I 14 a . . . car, she looked quickly at the* gro, . . 3 Tegetable qj� rind. They knocked A , � up surprise she. . I a result of, .. put �)ie wirjr , in. a dish' _ .1 - . . . � ,found that although -the" Victoria. of, Saxe-Cobourg_,:an& Gotha, ". I ­ ­ - I t� :�. .___,141� �.'�* .� I , ­-­ . . -7 � - � . . ­ I . � . . I....--- - -_ - * �6 _­ . I . ''ig; , . ­-In't I ., . ie *i,, a re . . ... I .. . . ..� .. I ­ Of people -who wer_e,. --for...his tahl - I �. 1. �� 41� ­ . _-Z - - waking &i ... fm- houses -were -less-- tharr,-g---.rnjj6-�­ -(Marriage- --dissoIved)------M--Pr1ne ­ -.--. . largre,_ number of_ eN.p � i b z,' ri­il-yiw;.�,k-�&`�It th - -­ , - * , , I ' , . pa .-- ­­ r&enj� anjd_DIX7.1 ne and- leave u0ijil All' -fat- ` ere w. .4 . �!,- . 1. se'rvatfan ,__gn . ­ - I — - -7 .... - I ... . w .. — I. . . ' . , . . - ii� . '' �� I sengers or.desired to g6 from *the .M.rs. Thompson had pe' e bamboo'supl' ramew it has been found that flies! greage djs:i9l.y,e4,- usuiltr -'hrc,o,' POn,qivc t pl 9,'i�74ic-Vz;ade it -known . � ver.vis'ited her Elenore or So'lms'-Hohendolms�L . ork fo I s are i . ar . ' .. . I . 8 . . . r � ' . . -1 � e. - cities- .that neighbor' house. . � . two soric . ' . ' I- � '� ribs fo sails and handle Pass the -winter in �o ve from'lhe benzine ah -d' that. at least some . or 't e .. , I . ,I I e -it i . _ -little settlement' to th I 'ch�,'; awnings, � of ' days. Remo "' " . . - . � I � ' . � I s . o ways:� I. I . . . ,, tbo. inslide . -- - ' � - - .1 � � I lay at either end of the line. Her "I riever seem to get time, dearie it. , M . I rakes, .material for 6icken I either by continuou� breedink i ' ere alive. . .. .. ­ . 11 . . .. .1 . .. . I . � . .. . .� " firAt slance,,showed Nettie no person the' V ecklenburg-Schwerin - Friedrich i I -coops and . I in some! lay on brow'n'-paper until -all odor�'v . . .. ­ , � . . . . . � I � anz IV:, born April 9, 1882; married ' , . refu es evApora the, wing F Then Captain' Goodbart c%ssayeti- a . . . I . 1. . . - sire would pick out for the*mun she some day I'll run . . I ird-cages,, Stu - Be around the House,'. In,li4keri . is ready�, . I . I ' ' . older . woman' : explained, "bUt Fri - bi fling�'.'for pillows and; : I tes,. when . I � . I I . over, there." - . mattresses, chopsticks . fo .1 green -h I I breeai'g.hous'es, . I . reads lika a tale 'f rom -,' . I .. expected. � Not until Princess Arexandraj, daughter o & . r *-eating, . ouses, .an ma n 1 -for use. Benzine, like gakoline, must - task which . . the car de- I Never, had time to viiit! - The older ( the lor , . I ,. . I . �. . . . I . . . . - I - , Pa4ed did she sie a tall m ng woman seldoin left Duke, of Cumbpriand; two so "' I -Pipes for' smoking, brooms, for sweep- posgibly in some hog'hou§e3, or nbt.-.be used ilear a fire, light,. nor in Jules Verna. The: high - pre-.vsure air . I . I . the run-down ns. I Ing, ebairs, to sit upon, tkewerB; to! they may. -pas" .0 . I . .. . I . . . . he waititig fa,rmhouse e%�en to go to the stable, - Mecklenburg *' Strelitz - Friedrich , 9 th� winter.'as a larva a el Bed room. . 1. . I bottles wOe brought -into uAe And the� 11 . . . . I . I I 11 . , . room. 'ft . . I That was -what the woman on the VrRriz IV., of , ; pin'the hair, hats to -sc , Aggqt), or pupa in the manure pile . . . I Captain unelei-look 'with their aid to . . . I "Are Y!RU,, Miss .Ransooi?" he rqAcy �.b_;A� )w rm----- . -Schwerin . or in the T-ni'l-InJ --- L1__ .. .. :, .. . 0 -4_4. 4-1L . I . . . � � - -as ;. tz -m ,�_ja �1.r�4 - . ._�­_.__.­.--__­_, �. I __ �� aw - �. - � .:,. .. � � , r. � ­- . j___ ­rou*4r--14*--� --,,7- ­­­ �._ ­_-_­.�11� i - _P_fle_. * - 'w '!' ­'T1R'T-; toyr4 - . I . 11 I � easuring qt � if V . . � Walwn was--4see above�.—',�­-:- .1 ... I . -p?-r to. write m, . the �encil. to.. write� - _ border- of -�be M cxyllr'�Iir, . �­­­­' ' � e ra . I man --a � his mother . . . . -7.4 A RK 4' I 117 �-'. - X,dr-whh- 5W'his h�:t7*7­­- rmxsf---� p � .. . In that ini . the 'meanest . Saxony-Vilhelm Ernst, born June I -with, th-e.cup for m �.. innffty,-, the .. es of manure - . - - . . ., ­ er and shot into,the *Hter.hi Vio - ,. . . . . I I � 7 . Re. hope .- ' . . I . .. I I ; ' I . I I 3tant Nettie felt that ; had so great a love for -',her son that. 10, 18794-inirried fj) Princess Car I the crab net, the fishpole,.and.goodiless.: are. -left. from well into the'l The Shoc'king Plip,ht of gritibh I of r and co:i- I � .. I . .. ., . this ,John IM,QmPsoir could never be. ille was content to'slave for. hi , 0-: knows w, iat else, . I I I eaehing.the qurface I �. ­ i mean; that he was capable of no � . m 1 line of Reu ais (died 1605) ; � 2), Princ ess. . 1) � I spring rthey will proyfde thousands -of .. . .. intornia-, - . . . I . - A sudden c4afige -in the weather . I flies with - - plice t turned Prisoners. ..,.. � � .. veying to -the rescue -party i ' I . 1- . I ' 6' ip-e" ' ' ' - ` ' ­ . .. n n man. brought stifling heat that seemed to, Fedoia-of,Saxe Mei *.A score or'two of bamboo poles for , a nd the winIter I tiop as to the condition or th I . I . . . ningen; three� s9rig. . . ­­­_ - I . ­ . f& * . I � . . I . . n . arni . t ,One daughter. . . y of.i. - , , I ' 'joists a* d rafters, fift* fathoms and '' from these , piles an - y -of One morning.. hisf- weeli' h 16w.-. Re wns hurled forward ;if 17eF-­ . "Yes. You -must be John Th4nqp7 dry, UP the world and wilt all tha I H *q -s will go to, -tfi.� ho * l. , , I . -_ ... . . . . son." '. . I gre*.' � rattan rop6, and an adequate quantity I ' use Por - th-';r , -London Daily Mail, St. Pana' ' fi sbeed# but his head. .,itrikinii, a . . . . . . ­ � � I ,- At the"end. of four such da a. , ,Oldenburg-Pried,rich A!ig'us't,**bor`n . I cras Sta- i ri c I He took her proffered hand and Mrs. of I first meal. Even, q the manure I - . � . . . . I shook it gravely. ­ . eyvr son was Dale . and- ..,her . November 16, 1852;- married (I rin. . bamboo mats 'for a roof furnish' be,en.drawn onto.the field.,; d . .bag tion, London, saw a ­:0idtL,r'e which f �eanl -in thc-,tower, he was immediate. - ' ----7---'- -_ ____________t__ 4 V . : V� treless. As she, . n sess Elizabeth of,P !_ .3 -2 .d1m,f%f-%' material for a flouse ina. --- , ­ ­_-QurIng�_ 'tr*t ,. ik flow, ed . . .. I I . - ­ ­. , 'The hc&"___j4j__, __ "f - � s-7 - i ­ - -- -7 I- ould--.4eel-4he --heart of-any.man.-6t fH#d-.-ffi._-ex,irnpI`e: ar, 4 __ , I. . , . round_ -4" � "-,.-L . : 41-I.-Ul 'O' nee in halt -a century o*r so the I rmskai er 01V . Is : . . -41= 1*14 c Itie were . wi dinner, 42) Princess Elizabeth of Me the site of the'old piles. � -_ r I shed. He's �oung and I hardly ashing ___flie'. . cklen- _110`� -, -_ 1, , ____ I *I_nU_r__ff1_e*_0_fte_"reed in the soil on woman against all -peace-'proposals � by Another, .,�Mpls c6m . da' I dishes, she .fainted. . 1 bapbops take.a notion to flower and I that fail to embody pimishment of the j board, who re allow him to stand alone when . Nettie, half -.carried,. half dragged burg-Schworin; eldest daughter _(So- i I � I tut enough*to . . . . 016 trolley comes. I belir seed ever -wide areas'. - O*rdinarily * 11 . I - . Hun brutes through whose - Brit.-, reach the surfnec,an.d. was caught and ' , ­ � I . W . S , __` - - , , sa ' d by the salvage men. - I . I He picked up her bag and led the Pl' -db nothing�.6f the kind. Thi I Food Cotwervation. . ish pr 8 . . I I � He"s apt to shy." -the uncOn-sciOus woman to the porch. Phia) marii6it to Prince Eitel Fried- - they "hatids . I - way. , I he .1 hap- . � . loners of war havL% passed. ' I ve " �ing a Pillow under her head as rich,of Prussia; one son and two*other * � . I . . bather her -face with water. tWben dauiht'e'rs. - ­ I . 1. . ppned',in India in 1901,. by great good Alany women begin to cut down 1. . Two trair1load sof repatriated Brit- I , Saved Forty -Two Mea. . . . . Ish ioldiers, sailors and civilians 5811 A*ctin' on his infarnintjon,.,4iverjx ., A They talked little on the wayhome. there were signs of reviving I 1. � . .1 luck; for in that yeir there was a the f ood allowance when they plan to P ; 9 it was the end of a warm d � . ife she Duthies. ' - . , . . � I ay, and' ran to the bi - famine, and hundred* of .economize. This ' ' I in all, *came in, incluain � . r rn for John. His smile , g nearl " four alrain descended .and got. into com- . I I a little breeze that came Out .of, I . . br,u*nsw . . seems --trange, but I ' score 'who weie too * y 1k. � munication with,: the impriso'nei i , . I % comod he I I ick---�-Ernest Augustus, born, people- were strved from starvation by nevertheless They - cut ; rnen' . nowhere, swayed the growin - r. I ,ill Or' hurt to wa � I . g gwain. "Your ' Noviember* 17, 1887; ma' ied Princess ,the "bamboo- rice " ' ' e fresh from German prison . by means of Morse xigniils.' , The sun was making long sh I we mother . .13 ' jlj.�_, Gonle . rr , somewhat resembl- down upon meat, glibly quoting � I With ,- . . I of the trees and touching the -farm- - . . ,value of Iegumes,and dried . .. ad3w.s. I quicklyl" was all she said: . Victoria Louisa. daughter of the I Most wer ' . I H 12Urried into� the, house. Wilhelm Kaiser'ing oats. � [ wdnderful camps The majority, of them had marvdous ingenuity the rxiscuers, were houses with a magic kiss that trans - Be- I II.; two .sons 'and one! 'When th-6 � 4 - I . . ' . � - twee , them they, I I I a. bamboo. _pr�duces seed., it, vegetables. .. Nejct ,comes 'butter-, Milk lost, a � leg or an armo -some of thern.-'ahle ,to- -insert- throughs P. -Water -flap. '- I . � .. , -, die ' Uwo limbs, 'and one poor, ,f , ­ I V he] d Mrs. 1%omp- ..daughter. - * S/ soon tl�ereafter, so -that ,the phe- and eggs and fresh fruit vegetables. . � �ec - I . formed them into fairy palaces son to her room. je = . I' ! . ellow two which wa-,'Ten�vorrrily o0ened from . Nettie was surprLsed at the fiouses.' - We undre-siedl, Saxe�Xeinin rnhard, ' born'.n�menon is, not an ungnitirated bless- 1 These are all ,u id vier legs and an arYn. - her while John r telephoned for 'theel 'April 4� lijel; , * ' . I y S ngly, ; the inside, a flexible- hose, thro,wh . ' . They were large and fine -not at al � .. Princess Char- I hig. OrdinArily the plant -; 9 em ngly - h Pity of it i,o, " said'one, o e' which air azid also bovril. (16c6lnts, & I , like the doctor. , I . ' ftin to. thel pa�' "The � .is propakat i igh cost. , 9: U th . -in - Dr. Allen made a thorouill ' . eror 'ed by root -cuttings. , exami- , F .. f good, thit many a Verl s. were she had know I 1;otte-of Prussia- (daughter of EmO' I Yet health d andS plenty o th them.. 11 Brit-! a ustaining'b . � . Md -WI alw�kys e4 . - - -a4l&" wcull zUK-q_-CU W Iubrnit Trd- ._.. � ge � . ­ . - __ ,_ ­ ­,ttiw - -_ 404 Ai".1 1_.L.._=. - � " is pzl�- g t�. , - - _11WCrlGr . _Ujtj=_. of -bis- ostierA,_ - , � - - rL. 13' X " .A___- _. r . -- - - . I & �o� Et*jJ.1;.aA9,.dAuhter. - - t_� I! , ., , __* " � 4 � the district where s� officers wi n -sum �rS Her mothe-Pi- !ilsed, W �014V, 01 thi"SuMinair- ' v "'She hits collapsed , -:�` __`._ I -Altenburg-Ernst V. ul fo - ' ly true'where there are growing chil- on at the i I . spe t her . 04w"Tw thp4m Z11tri 6113 9 4bW .� -t*+^tjf:- - -10 ­ __ - ,V , people. becaus� , Saxe r. -'-born: f '. ring of plant life, lendin-f n�'t' 'I to unnecessary amputati' ne. , . � It was exhilarating to workinj in- the beat," he told the*f I August 61, 1871; 1 -a dr ' hands of the Huns. Many of the o The eAtombed men ne"ver I think of living in such a home! i, . M.! married �rin'ceps 1 charm to any -landscape with t ei.r. en. I L P.- ; L . . ost heart. , 'I would advise keep;ng -her quiet for; Adelheid of -Schaumbdrg-Lippe; two I waving' plumes of delicate green foli- I At least one po:jnd 'of meat ir, nee, 6ratiom were done so badly that after altho"ilrb the ebwwes. wera that, the' * - 9 - - d the tne,i had been nu ' ' . y - She was immeasurably shocked th6` rest of -the day. I In goin to' I ,sons. two daughters. I ago. The ,' -striped" VRriety: esshlry'weekly.for caeb individual per- rsed back to suffi- would never he got out kn!ive. At I bu .. . golden I I- I I . I . ! f when they turned ,into a great un- I leave some medicine t my Aief � ' Saxe-Cobourg and Gotha -Charles. has a golden -yellow stem striped with I son- Now if the portion used is ex- i cient strenPrth a further amputation � their request playing epr(IR were sent , . . . kempt driveway that led to a small 1 pre;,�criptjon is rest and -it possible a .'�;dward (Duke of Albany); . � " f I ves variegat I -had 'to follow. - ' � . i house in need of pa ' nt. Her quick cha re rom her daily surroundings. marriid -brilliant green, it*- lea' ' ed, pensive, there will he a large loss, due 'down "to begufle the teAiurn of w,,jjt_'. , . eyes noted the bar Also I recommend leis work if she is Princess Victoria Adelheid of Selfles- Vrith bands of green and. white. ! to tr:mmings, bbne';;,' etc., for one has . Stritchet-bea ing.' I itic," as one . of them Paid. . more handsome than the house. John to oontinue -well and .,strong." In wig -Holstein; two sons, ai�nid two * The Japanese cultiv I qnly to rememb � er that there is 50 per i"g their loads from the hosoital c ' ' . ' Stron!r . I . � . I ate for orna- ! stopped the horse at the door and his e�os wa's a light thai made. 1,daughters. vo " 1. I mental purpoe,es bambogs a' ,'cent. waste in sir'loin steak and from to the ' ' ars , wires �were then piit round.'the ve-q%cl. - - . ip I � I a quaint old woman came b .8 rti'flciaUy ambulances. Men from 1�utch *and as the auhma'i4 men wer -.p)ro. . r - _e - * .. ... I - .. ­­. ustling meaning very,clear. , , .. ­ ." 1. Anhalt-Edwardff borii April- - .18- dwarfed in pots -th i 40 ,to'60 ' 'was e - ,cy Camps . - ­­ _ . . . Out. , � . 0 at -confine *theii, I Per ..cent. t on thefan were Th kbrtki-� 'those -direct'vided with ,air from ah there was ' - � I .. .. P nve . . . . . The news of Mrs. Thompson's ill. 1861; married Princess Louise of roots. They are am6ng the curiosities cutst such as 'chops, -steaks and roa�at,q. from- German Prisons were in n6n-: no need for therti furthpr to con%orve . I - . "My dea-., dear girl!" she whisper- nes-1. spread.-. -rapidly thr9ugh the' Saxe -Altenburg; three -sons, one' of horticulture. ' I Then, -too, these cuts I . I � , ed in Nettie's ear as she held her neighborhood and before viight s '. I I . � . . . ­ .are proportion . (kscriPt iarh of all qor,L,4. . Some were' their air. hottlew. - They.wort ut111-ye4 - - - , . ­ 4 I ,_ � . ­ � close. Then stepping back she sur.]. eral women called. to know if theevy- - daughter. I , IN . Or ­ . I ately high 'in price. almost in rags. Their faces were wan' to blow out, the nil ii,e] . forw,nfd.,With , .1 . - ­ . v ." � . I . . Where onst is an it . . 'a , veyed the gi-rl from head to foot.- could be**of assistance I . Principalities.' . andwdxlike.. Sallow skins andemaci_' th* 'v0sael. after a irtme � .. ' � I - 41$ I - They were . I � I , tllj-4 gone, e . . . Just like Your mother at her.agel woroeny women Nettie found, b:g-! Se�.w.,t.rz'burg-Sonderhaii!;cil. CALWORNIA SE . INDS LADYBIRDS eped, the cheaper cuts of meat nicely ated f�rms told of lingufficient nou"rish., drove upw-iird fit hixh wed. until her - I -, . . ,, Fresh as a suMmer morivng and eyes hearted -And eager to help. Eachi .. ­ � I � . I seasorrid and well cooked Ify . 'lotig, ment. n.ey spoke -but little. ______�bOw was well skl)dve water in' R' per- I . - . .If 'I- - . - .1 . L t ig the - I Schwarzburg-Rud6lstal . t. � 311 i Ilions of. Tiny Red Bugs to- De#yoy "alowe moist methods will give 'far I 'Their eyes glanced pitifully round pVndicular position. Immedint0y st I of the violet's blue!" *4 brought sonje smalL comfor . I I - suV'rier . I ec . . She led the way into the housi; in . W�jd k, , . I , I sisting that the bav was not heavy � r. . .(To be continuej.) � Reuss (414f line). b . ,.Insects in Devastated �France. - j greater satisfaction . for food -value I them in the dim light -just wrecks of - MA hole w8F MA(jp 'in lhc,r -by 'neety. . ... . and carrying it all the � way 1 . . , . �%han the'. higher priced cuts. This is i men qnme of them. to the ' - 0 - . . Reuss (yqualrer line). - � An army of millions,is to*be se'nt *true' I . One clasped clo.,4e �'lcne e forty -f wn mirn . . . that was to be Nettie's. ­ . than the highe 'd cuts'. Th" i ichaelmas daisy; another -read w.pre . broi I . . I * Iler welculne . I -I--- . Schaumberg -Lippe. . from Southern Ca fight I I ,r price is; a big M Oft.wit and Ve - 1 I Y. A If -1Y Orf tnc"ftts'-*but also of't and re-redd his M�ss'a�:e from jhjL' ­ ­' 'I yei to an I I was most heart Ptnia to the ! is true not On con ' I . Urpe. Hunnish hordes In northern France.' other foo , irlirmary near ))' � Y. . . "Nov-, dearic, j6st mst yourself ds. Take, for instance, the 1 King as he -lay in the am 1julance. 1,he ----f.--_ _.___ � . I . I - LIEUT.-COL. E. IF. HARRESON �-4P_____._o.W �L The first battalio' � . � . . I n were shipped the � I y I and when you feel like. it, come down. L . =.;- 1 ready-to-eat-ceiea.l. The -cost of this , were at home at,lwst. but ioo broken ; I I , ' I . . i S!rehgth in Jj()llo*jje.t*. . I'm going t hi Who Defeated COLORS FOR SAILORS , i other day, carefully packed in orange will be six or' s%evein t'mes . � . I I German Poison Gas and I e.1A v eS. I � . I great',er'to show relief )orjov. The cruelty wid . . I . . �� eal cooked at': S-',�mi-starvation ad left the mnrk of I . that there'll .be time to talk." I . __� . I than i The stems 'of 1,irnf)ops, Kral-o0q, .1 For a Saved Many Lives.� , I I The'ar'my will 'cohsist of healthy and, home. Then a'grain, oatmieal, barley, ,� the Hiln ,h. ' whent, and oats * I � ., . paswrig moment Nettie felt 1 Navy Blue Has for Cen'turies Beea I I #4.. are befflow, alt,bn,j* . I ashamed that hei friend-, should liv hung�y 1�adybirds," the tiny red buigs I beast. "Damn the, Hun I 1,11 - . . - - - - Fj'j7rP' __t�� -vat ht.* - ' . I . el The Britiah Army and, indeed, *the - Worn by Sea -Goers. ' ' I etc., can be purchased irt, b�*)k at a 1-Lrute.,4!, kays a grey- � 41 spe or.., . gro1w to* gi rht.q In c !)I- � . , house was very clean. I A . i I orts of insect pests.' real .proportioAEge savin;� that wiil -"Ampni, 0 Lord,o InurrAured a wo- .,areftd . ._1 . that thrive on all s ctat in an untidy place though inside the 1 whole Army of the- Allies has suffered -. Th -3 blue color so prominent in the' Thesa are bei . I . -cie loss in the s0d(len eath from I tig shipped from the, help the prudent wo I .1exnerimPittq hnN-e. � The cover.' a se% P--l"isol, tip th6ir thlcknvi3. C I e- t. d � Ig of, Southern Branch IrAevtar�r at A]- � to consii-ve. - ' m-V�'. material).V man in black. . I . rr0-,-cr!- t_bat____-t ­� . , , on the bed wa5 spotless; so were the; ' * ,uniforms -of.almost all marines " . I . I � , -111 - - - . . 1 1 * Pillows;, , . . . I pneumonia ot Li u -Col. E. F. Ilarri- . e * . . . I J - I It to I,. .,),! i-x Ptr.,- hn,q , � . . v- - . . I i ---------4p -- � - 1!�Oliq vollinill S1ll;je( hoary origiti. Vegetins, in' his fifth hambra, of the State (-ommission of; Take for insfan'ce. tbb pIll - F . . � I � qt's not the kind - of � h9me . either' son, C.'INI.G., RX., Officer of, the Legion I ' * * . -,�haso ot; ' '; N no stronw�,-r t�ajj ,j !j_,' - I ' book on the military affairs of the- Hortitulture, to similar institutions �in � a pan of musli. Wl)-je . Merriorles, FOom Flowers. , ,. I . of them ought- to live, in" she onof. . C .. . I oxv on v. I said, Of 'If ,olon,el Harrison's name ,R � �, ii jt may.1yell - -1 .1(0ngeq1;r.,)tly mo -t ir"ll sh,,tt­ 1. I -1111K tit ivender. a flvo.-y r4 11 a,% Ma4r h(111 .. r . . s Prn . r aloud. Then aB if suddenly impell- 1 15 associated with the Protection of omans, Iraces the origin . of this. northern Franige. The oninivorous' ; purchased'for le%s than twenty CcIlts, , 11. . ;.. ,()W!._ .,j.V,j , t1j(.. t!,e!_ !"b..Vff, * . . ir . M � ed I by �urios:ty, she went downsta* 5 ! the British afid* Allied 'tr ' color to the Venal, an ancient peo le Pest destroyer5 will be ' elifiated until ' the ifictual co 01d sliGulkrars bent'wit!, vare, 11 . . .4 1 -*,to the housewife, .ex- ! VVPi h 1,16%-b t�.(,'s,,v,e,,-.,c' or �*te.1,msili-c; I �rs- Thompson wm oopg aga'lls-t (krellinz near the coast 'bf Biscapy..'springrr and then liherstod in the f1p](Ix � clusive of Inbor and' * . - A�n (. . . gas..' Since ibe early' days -of,gas war- - time 'that it .re d waving *,;ilv'ry Irtir, , . , . hav" .1 . kitchen. It was a small room � and well � t .1 hrilp-jlw�rt-tf 4inwn.t,j',, " . It that have ,been ,without ,cultivation qu:re. - t . Co k the r Aly mother'� I . eptit - to � i loving , . I , I � ' versed in seamanship4_ . . ,I which' is t_ , I alf. ,, , a ,fare he hw] 9ccupied,,a leading-posi- n"Ish, snillf, ;111(1 1ji,if. j., . Irtove oempying most ot, the- wall,, . was cusompry I R . I . " - , , ini,rease th". xf-rength. .The jlqjrjf"j,.q � � I - � 0 1 ol& M I" i ., '_ 1, hmong them to 1paint duHniri-thei w- ar and'which are expee- , about ". jibarters of an 'hou ' ' ' I The breath of hetit that met -her as I tiH in.the Chemical Warfare Depart- I A C, - - r,- i t . � � of thr� I,rni,rhes nf trve'; .4 in prol�nr-. I - . she^6pene'd the door was overwhelm. I. mept.,of inistry of Mutiitions, and their out�,oing ships' `hs well the, ed to !-,�-� the prey of all sor0. of insect --Will coqt *,,' boilt f our cents. Figure., A rose, it itjai(len�s ten(if,r twe I c.111 i Coh to th I P, I for over .' mrsts and sails with a blue 6alo als6: desky,,,­ .4. .' . I . (-' W(';`bt fQ he borr'(% llor;-� hig ande,sho, knew at onc4 that the a yeai be, had been in sole ' * - I .1 . it out for' ycurselr. One quart of ! . � ' . . an T!. ,� Ftom out tbe.fault,of t1in!v, � , ly.onfal bran(`-&.;,.�-jjvh.,,j.q tho ' - ' I placie was not properly ventitated. - I charxe of research in conne their sol,di . ei-g an(!' . i1ors wore bluir I' . A' -r: .- -, 'nicntg for *stn din,- over tile 1 boilin K �vatoa*, one tea�poonful of salt, . ,-A e ne th'! 4 - - I 4 etion with According . to oue I i .. . lfrr*votee, her smlle'sikblijne'� V--(Ih� ;in( - �. I cture of C28 thc famoui Califor'nia 1�dy'birds- pful"of,corn meal or corn flour. AtYkwtslli(-art'.� nfinfinure(l ­ypv. jing, i ,hf� litr4).3t �.(,, - � 'Don't st"ay in here, dear. ltl.i gas defence and'ofthe manuhl uniforms, author, j i, , I � . . ore (111 I .. . 14 It elm. .,ire tnuch thiaer th.in . "I n word "Venitus" which was: were made uveral ,n�pnth. *G'al bran -h ield. I -; ago when compam this made i � too hot," Mrs. Thom , n - to4d her respir tors for &e armies; in the f the Lati � And then ' q I tilat is- all. L . .. r -, of the , . I I e' name of the 'color'and that. the, French. Agricultural commiAiori , th tb . . I lK)j)jj1V. ' I . I . 1. . Put Nettie I insist*d masto .,he be al- Jt is due mainly -to his brilliant efforts . I . I , 11.0me wi * at purchased anil I notid ' " - I t . l I , low d to .help. . . . . I I , . " I . o 4 . - . 11 thai, th , , , . of the people, points to its origin. I visited Ca'liforziia and purchased large the iliffereiice. . 1. . .,%n, orange liutl."i ptee it ,-'*,rt-,y f,lil. � __�O___ . , - . _ - � � . There wai no rOughout this war our troop.sr t, . I . I ,.% 1 . N-.ii.-o�.et,.:i"fl,c.n,,ii,,i',r,le', mill lion � . 9 . � the custom was adop- quantities of nurser.y stock for re*sto�.' Ho,W many women �lj­ NVith golden-raistled s, - I rum ' -n wa.ter in the have been ,,o,well protected, and that ' From the Veri b, ,y e 4 � . . h. house. Nettie to6'k j�e hii pllte'hei ow if t ey . , I . ted by the Romans. Thus the son of ing the devastated orchards. C Our sner' -ties, . fintl,., ai-0 f1pilIg r'j"I'll - . I . � �,alj_ intend hAvin* pork Aops for a meat 4 F . . to the *ell Mrs.'Thomp. 110 new g, ployed 11 Sonic curii)uq ' � son ,pointqd I 9 ed niarriage, . cr I I � Our w1ilspered vow to qwl­ and t hat r . 1. � 911t. When -*be filled -th4` 'pik-h againA us for Which his foresight badP Pompeiu.q, after defeating Caesar's fornia is 'credited wi'th leadilig the course if 'the bone 13 removed 14tore . . � 1. by "ch inlifthit,ants, refnirni-nc.r to - . . , th6 hinds rc(!' . I she went to the dining room to fill not provided ' fleet in a naval battle, wore t�e navy United States in developing natural ,cookink they bav6 r,or� cut'jets? nen Is all. ' . ently wrested from the ' . the gla-Ases. 1�., - - . , . I , aftantidote.' 11ehasbeen bl - ue, although entitled to the purple. method.; o ' . . , remove the e\ccs.s fat and place th�- . - .. . I I I respongible f0T the manufacture ,of . f fighting pests. . . . j Oaxp ()f the enptny. In thn, library . � . . I . *�i­�t_L_ _�l She. bad not'.been , jj%__th,@ -dining vnilliorn of . A whift. c.ar*auon_-a,ud-t4P - ,_� . , MW Venai - wer4p gubd-aed, by Caegij , , I---,-- - --.&--,. - _­, -- --- -- I � - ,4d-f.-r4tj*P . 11 - . ,r"m before and its . I . . —*;; ___ ... I 'LOA"' 1A-4V--A&1JeeP81rr anxi add- th-e-ftt . ?'V�T 1 " `hl'tt"- IT -ftIR-1611nd a note. I -.% re'spl - d'to British, A . I I I I Rfter a se%' - ­-U�i7rfe-4w= _ 5c) B I Of 0.6ath U fight, In I appearance, sur- issie menran and Italian - � (re n _jU ' . mi,need very fine.- Then add iiiit en� . . i book '""'"J.' on. its title Nniire the sizn. .. . I . I I - . I —., - ing paiij, � tihire I I 0 .R uilt up thig en I I . .--.--,--. -_ . -..-. - a 'Nanoleon' l3nnaparto,09 st%* - - � WA I armolig . . - s clean but very worn, .. The , - C . . - .. .The w ,.Aut4ralia haVc -ough col " water, to -cover Ahei'�ones A tiny e4n()v,.--whAr_ A ve - priSed her. 'The Cloth on -the table tro p', v�nd ,he b 4irrien of *es� I kneel In qj1p%ticin industr �_ 4lo-1­_"11--&1-o I ho(�*,Ow right of,,munic4p*1 suffragc- And then t-%,vo tabted'oontulg of qpion, -rwk-t - that Is alt. book- was date�'at the t y almost en .11 � . .1 .1 P I . ' I � ime who,n be I china, glass and .s�lver were old and tirely^trom impro- � , . . . . . since 1871. ' . . � . - al r I V11, I . I I I, � - . . . . .A Illy, ww'ely ' I ,Alt R'xorpnral, b'd w�'R filled wft� I chosp. I . vised means. -In the n;idale of all this ' 11on. bu" m VR .0jimil In 6 Re fninced finiv. . I 1W974i"V 171t i7rTrf*1Y f a 1, notf-s refo"ing to foot drill. I " I MOT[ ,�7?vx . ,,myttrt,111's Hon' Sydney' Flisher, in an ldres-, Simmer sln%%,Iy for one. ,hour and VMn ffio altar there, * ' ' ; Oa N . , . - , I . . . . M -1. Tn.= I . - I I I I Vp , `�, '�` . ', .. lj�m,Dtl I &Ceo rt t t r I dm I I �e-�, U4 1 "-UW4 . layy] 7.�_, I I I I " I *' I 1� � `__ � I , � I - I ___+ a I ' W '. '_ ""t ' - he qj� � , I �� IgD 'Ila r 4� wr-ti ;r4 r- I - I I I .4 . I the§e .Pil fall,linfil I I I I the_� fa ' ' on I irn�wYdi . w,01101 I I I I � I u -1 - i Oa n' I I hi f I . I I I � i I I ''. * -rhe pj1nch,0f4p*vPrt,v was bang;ng �,%rork h4 lost his eldeat'soT16 who wai: expressing" the opim;bn- that� ft,'cei of at Ott.Aixa, predreted that fo prices then rernov6 the h6nes, Serape every A thanh' 1 Tn annthor rsRP,,,,j dUg-Mit, once a . ovor. the hou.", yet s�,,hp �,.;,,Rw the killed In nct'ion at the B�ttle of t1j(? brp,edinr I : 1 4. ,'-*:� halld. for 'three. will remain high N . � . m)sons W,V,1, vj!h, I . . 8 . ,, two- -�& . . .. 1. Thor ., ptoc.17 i ' fill. bresithe a Drayer, . �G�rrr_in 1­�.Attalit)n lir,aftla . I I . . 64l"Ire on the 30th of J61y" 1914. I I . I thr" - hit of meat f ' ram them, -an,j th�A're.' "Nly .- , .hining kilth in . rters Coll. . � � . . I � 11 I ..- ye.ars yet. � I I . I years at least., . I . turn the' nicat to' the liquid. . ,Now all. I , 1.11 God-an(I that is i ..4"a, 4'�,L,U_,j%lj I I I. I J ­ -- � ­ I ­ 1, I . I.. . . tl-ir, a �'. I � . I . 1. ,, , I � - . .1 . I �. � . . I ­ . .- . . . . 1. ' 114 - ,bed- da . le I ( - .. � . I . . . � . . . Vr . . t . I � , I . . . . .1 f ; I I . I ML ­11 -V1113., I � . 11 I I .. I .1 I . . � I . . I � I 1. I I . . I � . 4 . . . I I .1 . I '. I � I " I � . . t � I . I . I . I .. I I . I I I . . . . I � " , IV I , I I . I 4A. I I � . I . .. I % I . . . I I , I . 1. ., � . . I .., � I . I � - - 0 I - . . . I -1 I . . . I I . . . .A .,. - . I . . � . . I ,".-­, I .. � I . I . . . I � __ . . . , .. I .� . . � I I . I I � . . . It I . . � . , I . - � .