The Wingham Times, 1909-03-04, Page 1THE WINCiHAM TIME VOL XNUVIJL-NO. 1934. Farmers, Attention HNADRUABTERS FOR, STOCK FOODS Condition Powders and all Stock Remedies. Walton McKihboo THE DRUGGIST Macdonald Block, Wingham,] What t. Forget. if yutu would Inc and prolong you neighborn.' fault,. er you ever heard. tione. Forget fa remember the goo you fond of them. quarrels or hist heard by sodden ad, would seem a than they are. ble, all the dis they will oom larger when y the constant isneaness, or only tend to with them. 0 agreeable fro A clean sheet t fat sweet me thing's that are see your happiness life, forget your orget all the eland. Forget the tempts- t finding, and only points which make Forget all personal ries you may have and which, it repeat thousand times worse of out, as far as posse• greeablenees of lire; but will only grow remember them, and 'sought of the aots of orse still, malice, will ake you more familiar literate everything die yesterday, start out with day, and write upon it ory's sake only those. ovely and lovable. $80,000 In spite of the hard times, the above amount of property has been sold through our agency in the past few mouths, which is an evidenoe that Ontario Real Estate has a sound substantial value. There is no disguising the fact however that the West still has at- tractions for inwy,°and farms are being lieted with ns almost every day, because the owners desire to try their fortunes on the prairies. Many of these farms atm be gold by ns at what would have been eonsider- ed ridionlonsly low figures a few years ago, when the price, for farm products were muoh lower than at present. It will certainly pay any intending purobaser to give us a Bail. Half an hour in our office would be worth more to him than a week driving about the country. Desirable town properties for sale. Money to loan on good farms, at low- est veto's. Insurance in alt its branches. Twenty years experience and no unsettled or disputed claims, Ritchie & Cosens REAL ESTATE $c INSURANCE. PHONE 59 DU YOU DrinkCoffee So tabby complatn that they can't get real ohoioe coffee, none req iently they don't drink it. NOW Wave made this a epeolal study and We've got -the kind that you I will enjoy, and want more of it , It's 40c per. I& Our Tess have no equal. Bargains in Chinaware aw.,.u,r.d.,,..w r 1 Heory C FLOWERS ! For all 000aaione -- Parties, Weddinge, Funerals, etc. Wingham Greenhouses b'RAt ors senaax Pine s 101. GENERAL LOCAL NEWS. Wear Greer's Shoes and Robbers New Telephi The private telel to Kinloss has It with the Hell T system at Lnokno change of convex systems is now poi ne Connection. one line extending tely been connoted lepbone company's so that an inter• ations over the two Bible. Drink Ohristie's Teas. Died In Mr. James Melt, oeived the sad ne death of his d Mulvey, which too Tuesday. The de good health for mains are being for interment and place from the Friday afternoon 1 hicago. , of this town, re - on Tuesday of the ghter, Miss Ella place at Chicago on seed had not been in me time. The ee- ought to Wingham o funeral will take ents' residenoe on 2 80 o'clock. h Bargains in men's boot,. "See win- dow" W. J. Gum. No Change at Cars gain,~ to the Northwest by the .anadian Pacific' direct line. Trains , ake tast time, no changes en route no transfers or cnstoms exams , alio. . The route is attractive and i• er =ting. Being the short line, the C. • • seta the standard for low rates. Speoial settlers' train service during March and April, Ask agent for particulars. Teachers' A meeting of East Huron Teao held in the Seaf Saturday morntn lowing members M. McKay, presid Messrs. Robb, Oa fait and Scott. 1 the next oonventi early part of Ooto will be issued in Contention, the executive of the ere' Convention was rth pubic sohool on , Feb. 20th, the fol- ding preaent: Mies nt; Miss Huston, and eron, Holland, lfiof- was decided to hold at Wingham in the erg The prog;animas e time, f Fon Hetet.—Goods b4 mare in foal. Apply to Taos. FELL - Stand by Stand by your t vested there but se There is no famil fly; there is no wife; there 'short Own town, wher children, on w play, and where Let the newspap and Iet the buelne newspapers, and as famous es poen Your Town. vn, Not a dollar in. ie good Domes of it. like one's own fam- wife like one's own be no town like one's we live, ednoate our ise street our babies 0 may some day sleep. rs stand by the town, • men stand by the t ne make our home le. Hagar and Empress oboes for ladies. "See ad." w. J. Gnxaa. Highest prioe paid for hides and poul- try at T. Veils' butoher shoo. Young Ban It le always a Era to record the mer residents of 1 oupying high post eponaibiiity. For Ranaford, seoond e ford, has been ma ion Bank at Boise well has he disoha he has been prom• of Manager of the of the same bank the heftiness it sue is kept, This is an for a man at young hold, and he it to his promotion.—till Raneford was for the Wingham bran, Bank. er Promoted. lemma for the New adyanoement of (or- is pleas, so many W- ien! of treat and re - orae time Mr. Henry n of Mr. Jno. Rana. tiger of the Domin. vain, Man., and 10 gad hie duties that ted to the position North End Branch Winnipeg, where that a urge staff important po*ition t Mr. iteneford to b congratulated On n • n New Bret. Mr, $ me limo teller be of the Dominion 5,000 Facts A Cheublio will realised Edition of t whtoh hoe been lra tabloid etroyolopbd uatgee• and clever I worked Out by ill o Teigh, of Tbron waiter and lecturer, already been Wealth and burin given Iii a sotto *outfit*. Sir. M P. fir Tork, eye-op.ner t0 eVen myself." 4 copy 0 from the tuned 100.,1157 flpedhut .I1. out Canada. eloomt the i0011 s 'valuable booklet, de*erlbed *r a of Caned*. It i* 1*. arrangement at ntpiler, Mr. J'rank , the well-kteown 30,000 oepies have The reeburaes, e t the oonntry are form—a fent in a steer Greenwood g., soya: "it it as eon Canadian like be had for $5 bents ''ante P'ablishing ., 'Toicolitir. MOAN, ONTARIO, TRTJRWDAY, MARCH 4, 1909. Read Willie & Ca.'s adv on page 8. The many friends shank, of the B Line be carry to learn the+ operation at the Wil Friday bet. We are that he is nowps operation was perfor who is home on a vi Dr. Gillies at Tee has spent some time land and Germany 1 ing hospitals and b study of surgery. esident III. r 1 Mr. Geo, Clrulo . of Turnberry will he underwent ai gham hospital on phased to remelt ring nicely, The ed by Dr. Gillies, le With his brother, water. D. Gillies in England, Soot. 'clotting the lead. s made A special Tnun>Ks and lowest prices. es.—Big stook at W. J. GItnan. Tenders Wanted. Tenders will be received by • e under- signed until Monday, Mare.:th, for the supply of 35 core of -e inch green wood, beech and ".pie mixed, to Wingham High School, Dunr.uY Homes, 48earetary. Good Cows ,' Demand. A few days ago' a buyer from the States gave the high •rioe of two thous- and dollars to a far :• :r near Brookville for one cow; this i believed to be the highest pride paid f r a Canadian ouw. What made the , idol so valuable? Granted that she w ■ a model of beauty and en exquisite t pe of her breed, the fact remains that her actaal porform- anee largely help •d to effect the gale. Shethao a record • f 121 pound's of butter in 80 days. The - worths, thews figures dotra to blaok • ud white, assisted in making the prior. When farmers gen• orally oommenoe to keep records of in- dividual cows w may hope to develop not only many more eaah exoelient specimens, but general improvement of the average h -rd. Records alone can furnleh the in ormation necessary to enable intelhge • t selection of the prom. ising cows, au the rejection of those that ere not pro = table. Snoh selection, templed with' mo : liberal feeding, will repay any farm r abundantly, As adores of farmers i, Canada can testify, it has often result' d in an ADDITIONAL fifteen and even 1 • easy -five dollar's in- come per cow wit• in tour years. This means millions of oilers extra for the farmers of Ontar o and Quebec, even from the present n tuber of oowa. The Dairy Oommissiou.r, Ottawa, will be glad to supply reoo d blank* for weights of milk, and to ass at in organizing cow teasing aasooiatian WANTED. --Good general servant girl, No washing. Apply to MRS. Joni, A. MCLEAN. Fon S.orrw.---(pottage on Franoes street; easy terms. Apply to W. G. An Aged La • y Gone. Death on Monday ., orning removed an estimable and hig ly respeoted lady who had been a res dent er this town for nearly a quarter of a century. We refer to Agnes Pa arson, relict of the late George Hough en. The subject of. this notice was a native of Scotland, having been bor. in Damfrierahire, near Lockerbie, in 1,827. She Dame with her parents to .,nada when about twelve year* of ge, and settled near Thameeford, aft •rwards removing to Ingersoll. She * first married to Mr, Patterson, a b, Icer and contractor. From Ingersoll 1 ay removed to Clinton, rs where Mr, Patt:on died, A number of years later •• e. Patterson was joined in wedlock to Mr, George Houghton, who predeoeas d her by a number of yearn, Of Mr: Patterson'* family, four daughters sur Iver Mrs, Dineley and Mrs#. John A MoLean, of Wingham; Mrs. Cavan, of Detroit, end Mrs. Wiggles, of *.avert Col, Mrs. Dauber, a sitter, resid:t near North Bay. The deceased wets member of the Presby. table Chltroh, and was held in high esteem by a wi,,, circle of friends, She had alweye inj: ed the beat of health, until about five eats ago *ho 0ontraot. a odld, heelrq:.h she had recovered, hoverer, but a eek ago pneumonia developed, settlin on both lungs, and *ho gradually sank until the end el t. The fainted took pl. ,e ye*terday after- noon front the reel, :000 of Mr. J. A. IlfaLean, the radial» being i*et Wolk t in the Wingheen dem . they. rein Colonists t xcuretorie to Pacific 'Coact ,ltd Mexico. Daily, until April ri0th,. the GrandTrunk Railway Systen,*111 iamb one, way reoond-oleee I et tickets at low writer to Vanoont B. O.; ;Spokane; "Wish.; Seattle, Waih.; Portland, 0:.,; Lot Angeles, (Tal.; San Frranol oo, Oel.; *Woe City jtte. II'tili iafotlatation Grated Truk Ago tir. $1 A YEAR IN ADVANCE NORTHERN LE GUE HOCKEY. The game play= , here last Friday eyening, batmen. L ,towel and Wingham scams, was a #n: exhibition of hockey throughout, ther being few penalties, and these for tui, •r olfenoes only, The Wale won ou* b • the eoore of 8 goals to 4, which left these teams tied for the. ahampionehip. . one-and•home games were deotded o with goals to count, and the first of -se was played at Lis• towel on Tumsd:y evening, when the Wiugham belie • =at down to defeat by 0 to 1. A ipso =1 train conveyed the players and a lar . e number of their sup. porters to Litto el. The return game will be played in "ingham this (There - day) evening, and • s goals count on the round, a fast and oiting game will be witnessed. If Wingham w • s the round, the locale go to Durhe . on Monday next, and the return g. „e of the Lsagne finale will be pulled off on the Wingham rimy Wednesday ev.ning, March lOth. Fon Sana —Veteran's nd grant of 160 arses in New 0 err , 12 miles from Timiskamtng railw nd 25 miles from the town of Cochrane. Apply to box 118, Wingham. "KNOCKING" CANADA. The Western Cana ie arm* last year ov plied by a Winnipe St. Paul And Chtoa on the climatic eon Canada, but 11 is res Ian paper—.the Per in it, iptue of Fehr western oonditioas, the item: WANT TO C Wingham, Feb. this vicinity who the west arc reoei them of the great out there, and asks stat them in returni The hum;. of vea. anent on the we agricultural on;ltat -tlantic' te;the Y getting her share 'met Western he Ing from all field as aliens aro co sidnum of nude this may apply the "many pro have only a fe whose destitnti But there may Wingham. Th reflection on better. Our e Ian Press was up r statements sup. correspondent to papers reflecting Woos of western rved for a Caned. County Harald— ary 11th to knock The following is 3[s aoiLn. —Many people in have relatives in ing letters telling hardships suffered g for money to as. g to Ontario. ed industries cense. th of the western is heard from the cillo, and Ontario is In stocking' up our tage we are recruit. , and there is --so far oerned—always a re - rabies, and we think this Daae. Of worse Ie" referred to may relatives out West, n is to be deplored. o many destitute, from; a Is not to be taken as a lIngham. We know it teemed fellow townsman, Councillor J. J. Sullivan, ie a Wingham- its and no on would credit Jack with sending home. Acting on J. J,'e advice we are aendin ham papers the helpless a go home. W They never eh West is not f yield bonntifn and do. A s opened up in t The above Seek. Obeery Thus does no to the deity We have nay Winghamites West. Items daily prep* do i marked copies to Wing d trust to get names of d destitute who went to want to help them home. aid have left home. The r weaklings; but it tz•311 y to those strong to dare bsoription lint may be is connection. s from the Hetet-betty, The Editor of the know who sent the item papers from Wingham. r heard of any farmer being hard up in the f We kind sent 10 the e country ue good. Dr. Nelson Tett, of 498 8, . dine ave., Toronto, will be at the 0 •,en's Hotel, Winghaos, all day , ' tsday, March 11th, for oonsnitatio. in diseases of Eye, Lar, Node and Throat. Glasses fitted. Auction Sales. Mrs. Janet Davidson, of Wingham Junotioe, will hold an anotioh sale of farm *took and implements, on Friday, .'starch $th, oommenoing at 1 o'clock. The stook 10 the very beet and every- thing will be Mold without reserve. Joist Ptrkvis, auctioneer, Mr, John Coultas, of lot 4, conaossion 8, Morris. will hold an extensive auction wale on Friday, March 12th, of pare - bred Shorthorn and grade nettle, young horses, Berkshire slows and I�oioester ewes, If you are looking for good stook attend this dale, J. Punbm, auctioneer. chattel mortgage anotion bele or Sarin stook and implements et lot 58, oonoeo. Rion 1, Morrie, on Friday, March itch, at 1 o'clock. The stook iuoludei bonier, oowa, pig*, etc. Bight months oredit, Archie +ioNeii, mortgagee. Geo. Phippen, Bailiff. Tailing from; A ladder to a CSment floor, James McGregor was kilted in the IR, 0. R. roandhonte at Montro*e. A three-year-old Mori of Mr. A. Via. holly of Brantford web fatally burned Weldown),his oo with*lothing bids he tot fire Irene f nary t*wr ISOyrl. BIG E1QOK S Re BURNED. TOWN ' QUNCI1.. Fire, Water. and Practically About 7 45 o'olo ing fire started in Meagre. Elliott & W blook, caused by lamp. .An alarm end he drergen p Owtng to the tnfiem stook the fire spre heroic efforts of the under control. Va was rempved, and most completely d and smoke. The the bueinese are M Brantford, and Mr the! town. ;he planed at about 33 of only 02200. The' be a heavy one, Although the fire one store, stooks Patterson, jeweler, merchant satiny, adj what damaged by Their lora has not y Aire. Carrick, wh aver the book ,tor her furniture des and smoke, and i she carried no ins be at hart $300 The building i Gregory and alet any great Be fittings will req plate glass win Smoke Destroyed hole Stock. ort Monday even. the book store of lley in the Gregory e explosion of a as et 0nee given, u'ptly responded, able nature of the rapidly, but the Igede soon bad it Ver little of the ,tock' t • e balance was al. toyed by water Mee interested in Robert. Elliott, of F. H. Watley, of mount of stook is 00, with insurance loge will therefore a* confined to the f Meson, W. G. nd Mr, Geo, Carr, ening, were some- ater and smoke, 1 been estimated. 000upied the rooms as a dwelling, had dyed by the water is unfortunate that anoe. Her loss will owned by Mr. Thomas hough not damaged to 5, the interior and the ire some repairs Both WS were broken. CHUB14 NOTES. Rev. J S. Ha die, for the past ten years pastor of K : oz Church, at Listow- el, has resigned. he same taking effect on Sunday last, Rev. R Perdue who has been rentor of rat. Paul's Ang 'can Church, Dunn. ville, for five years hat been offered by the Biihop of Hero • the appointment of reotor at Walkerton nd has apnonnoed to his ocngregatio • his intention to accept. Rev., W. 0, Howso •, will speak next Sunday on the folio •ing subjects: 11 a m., "If we are niti .. ately saved, are the results of our si entirely removed, or not?" 7 p. nt., "Are we believing myths; or are the onndations of our religions faith se2zn , ?" We invite you to hear the diton,: ion of these quea. kions. At the Salva% on Army, Monday evening, March 81 •, there will be given a most interestin international pro. gramme. Thea s• rvice illnatreted by costume'', and d soriptive lecture, a service full of int: est and novelty. On March 12, Salvation Army musical trio. If you will be vire 1 solos, duets, mutt pile solos, planta ai ,elections, T Habkirk, banjo! musical special; baritone. They just three days musical program night; Senday, 1 and band at the T 8 p. m. If you h to one of these go borne happy are welcome. 8, 14 the Wingham Corp will have the you hear them once come again, Vocal al bottles, trlas, wood. on songs, instrument. lleY, W. W attended the meet- ing of the Freels tory at Winghem hut Tuesday. The members' Geild of Knox 0 box imolai in church On Friday A good propene of the Westminster the basement of the evening, liettroh 121h. e is beim; prepared. will be held at tit Menke on Thursday, Wm. Maxwell ill demoestrate on dates," Thelie meetings are very interesting priffitable. All the ladies Are oordiall invited to attend. The officer' of She brands Ares—Pees.. Mrs, Jehtieton; 00 rtes.* Mrs. 1' King: SeteTreel., West; Direotont Mrs. W, Ores r, Mut. Barry Dia. Night A. number of Nimbi spending three nigh making alt vut draw dietitian Others ire fritter Prom *Molt of th Corporations, Bus Wed their in Ofdoialio, and which lone young menet& moil Week at the allege. They are ut on *Molt they ell throtIgh life. g away their time. abOre elutes still 1 end high paid be able to ht. bUsliMin of hie The regular mon Town Council we evening with all t end Mayor Gregory of previone meeting proved. A oomniunioatio J,. A. Morton, 8 Library Board, elm the proposed expendi for the year and w an inoreased pan Octans. Elliott and matter was referred Committee to report A report was Boiler Inspector as the boilers at the The raper) showed 5 anoe of the boilers but some miner re Oommunioetion filed Cominunicettion fr, m Town of Goder. Joh canon asking 0 • nnoii to appoint e delegate to go on' a deputation t0 Ottawa, tithing for i provements to the breskvrater,•—Flied. From the Ontario Municipal Assooia. tion asking that a de gate be appointed to go vrith a deput ion to wait on On- tario Government ming the Govern. mens to erect semi rims in variants parts of the provino for the care of in. digent oontumptive On motion of Go no. McKibben and Elliott, Reeve irwijl was named as the delegate from Winham Council. , A oommunioati n from the Ontario Treasury Dept. giving a statement showing Wingham'¢ share from railway tax was 3191,36 'rad $143 was deducted for the oars of "inghem patients in the London asylnix Referred to Finance Committee. From the Be • Telephone Co. caking that some perso • be appointed to super- vise erection of soles which they pur- pose putting on •i8'erent streets of the town. The matt: r was left in the hands of the Street Co •• mittee on motion of Connie Spotton e. d Bone. Dr, P. Macdo,aid resigned hie posi- tion as a memb:r of the High School Board and on mat on of Omens, MOM - bon and Spottoo, the resignation was accepted and Jno. . MoLean appointed to the [mitten. A ecumenicist on from Mimes, Clark 8c Holmes 1• Mayor Gregory, in. forming him that • ratepayer had caked them to complat • against Coen. Van• normae sitting as Connoillor when he was holding the •osition of Chief of Fire Brigade. Fi :d, Conn, Vannormhere stated that he had resigned tit C stet of Fire Brigade in proper time, ba was willing to take position this year without salary. On motion o Connie Spotton and Bone, Conn. 'Pan Orman web appointed as Chief of Fir Brigade for this year without salary. A petition was ead from the members of the Fire On. se ing that their salary be raised from $20 0 $30 and asking for fourteen new tat bor coats, the coats now in atm haven been purchased some fifteen years ago. On motion of ones, Bone and Spot - ton, the matter purchasing coats was referred to the ire, Water and Light Committee and a matter of increase of salary left over natal the next meeting. John lit. R ars, W. D. Paton end other ratepayernt sent in a petition ask. ing that a stree lamp be•plaoed on Vic- toria street, is ar the gait Week. Re. ferred to the Fire. Water and Light Committee o>a motion of Cones. Mc. Ribbon and R dmond, The Finanod Committee recommended the payment o the fallowing account, :— My meeting of the held on Monday e members present residing. Minute, were read and ap. was read from ataxy of Publio ing an estimate of are of the library oh would require On motion of McKibben, the to the Executive t next meeting. read from the the condition of eatrio light plant. o general appear. o be satisfactory, ire were needed. IL Rankin, sal ry 7 00 r. Paterson, 0 Heeler 45.00 A. Saudereort, Ork 8215 g, Xing, wood 24.00 W. H. Rintotd, &terra door 0.50 R. Awde, chew ty order .60 Municipal Wo ld, inmate* i31.50 Theo, gall, p Ming 40.50 M. Beekwith, harity Order 1.00 O. Higgins od 6 SO Dudley Hahne , legal fees 15 ii$ Mrs, Blootall, cleaning hall, „, 2.00 of 2716.76 for s sties ma eupplies were Ile also re0Ornmen 4 far payment, Bone, the repo t of the riintitOS 00kil- Mittel WA* ode as read. Council then jaunted. Buttritst and 14 0. tinii atoll Your Bodine, High t rice 'paid in ex. change ter Bea By te Dar, Mee and 'Throat wilt b6 at Suits Overcoats Trousers Etc., etc., is the tbetrie Which we bring tO your notice at this time. Some wise man has said, " My son, get wisdom, and with all thy getting get understanding." The wise man to day says, "Get a new suit or overcoat, and when you are getting, get it made to your order in your own town,. Where you know what yell are I getting, and that it is genuine 0 tailor - made." That would be I wisdom ; that would be under. standing. Our New Spring Goods have arrived, and it is not exaggerat. ing to say they are the nicest line we have had for some time, and at prices corresponding with the qualities shown. Space will not allow us to g into detail, but WE HAVE THE GOODS and can make them any style desired. We are dealing in strong statements, but will back it np, that we have yet to find the style of garment we eanoot dapli. cote. And altholagh plain, neat styles are mere in live wiela strictly high - Wass tailoring this season, it is for yott to name your style— WE WILL MAKE IT Our Furnishing Department is filled with tbe newest and best for Spring and Simmer in all lines. REPWe have also added a first class line of Jewelry. CALL IN. RobtMaxwelli Tailor and Furnisher For Men Who Care. 2 etanonnets of ripo leading Canani an and American centres. am. pi, yed hv our chain of superior, unapproached curriculum Each student is instructed priVateli at his own desk. We assist our gradu- ates to the best poSitions• Three courses —Commercial, Steno- graphy and Telegraphy, Mail Courses. Baer any- day. Write for particulars. WINGHAM BUSINESS COLLEGE The Leading Shoe Stor Special Cut Price MEN'S SHOES tonly 28 pairs Men's' Blucher oat, Balt 'dont Oelf, 'Dolga* erid,ot Cale Lenthere, Goodyear Welt allnal (Ito 10, regular Price $3 SALE PRICE Oa See samples in Vindslite all rips ebbe* bought Of tits Bring siotig your sheet We de re ing anti eve do it risitt. GR