HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1909-02-25, Page 88 THi! WING.kiAM TIMES, FEBU4RY 25, 1909 MINOR LOCALS. --The daps are growing longer. —Yesterday was Ash Wednesday, tl:e tint day of Lent, —Next Monday the first day of March and first day of spring. --The regular monthly meeting of the Town Council will be held. next Mon- day evening. —Mr. Wm. Hanna was taken sudden• ly ill one day last week `and was totem to the hospital. PERSONAL. We shall be glad to have contributions to. this oolnran from any of our readers. It you. have visitors or purpose going away yourself, drop in and Wins, or amid us a note to that effect. Mr. Frank Quirk, of Cobalt, is visit- ing with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Quirk. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Roes, of Clinton, are visiting with Wingham and Turn - berry relatives. Miss Lon Stalker was visiting fpr a few days with her friend, Mies Fanny Mason at Blyth. —Goderioh Chapter of Daughters of the Empire raised 5301,19 for the Gode- rich hospital last year. —A number of the local members of Masons attended the funeral of the late Dr. Carder at Blyth on Monday. —We have had another lot of change- able weather this week. The mild spell has about finished the sleighing. —The salary of Engineer Kelly, of the Goderioli electric light and water- works plant bas been raised from $900 to $1,000. —Dr. G. J. Musgrove, of Niagara Falls, formerly of Wingham, has been appointed a License Commissioner for the county of Welland. —Donald McKay, of the well•known dry goods firm of Gordon, McKay & Co., died at his home in Toronto, on Thursday, in his 94th year. Mr. A. Cosens was in Southampton on Monday, attending the funeral of his half-brother. Mr. Wiseman, Collector of Customs at Clinton was a visitor with Mr. H. Davie, on Saturday, Miss Barbara Halstead, who has been visiting the parental home, returned to Toronto on Saturday of last week. Mr. George Modandish is taking a commercial course at the Wingham Business College.—Teeswater News. Mr. Elliott Fleming, of Brantford was visiting for a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Fleming. Miss Frances Davis has returned to her position in Mr. E. Moore's restaur- ant, after having spent some time at her home in Exeter. Mr. Alex. Mitchell, who has been visiting with his sister, Mrs. A. J. Nicholls for some weeks, has returned to his home in Neepawa, Man. —The foe harvest as far as the supply for Wingham is concerned was cora. Voted on Monday. Several car loads. are being shipped to Kincardine and Ripley. —In a contest for the Glen curling trophy at Seaforth on Tuesday, Brock MacAulay's Southampton rink won from W. Ament's Seaforth rink by a score o! 28 to 11. —Frank Howson, adopted son of Rev. W. G. Howson, has been seriously i11 with pneumonia for the past few days. His numerous friends will wish him a speedy recovery. —The Grand Trunk shops at Strat- ford were opened Thursday with a pnblio reception. Mr. 0. M. Hays and staff were present, and were entertained at a banquet by the city, —Mr. D. N. Morrison, who has been visiting with his brother-in-law, Mr. Geo Fortune, in Turnberry, returned to his home in Newdale, Man., on Monday, taking eighteen extra good heavy horses. CRESOLENE ANTISEPTIC TABLETS Asimple and effective remedy for SORE THROATS AND COUGHS They combine then germicidal tivalue of elm and lico- rice. oe with the soothing properties slippery rice. Your druggist or from us, 10c in stamps. Lasurnto, Maas Co., Limited, Agents, Montreti. 408 —Mr. Patrick Orourke, of Toronto has purchased the Gowdy cottage, north of the river at $950. This sale was made by Mr. F. McConnell, who has a number of other good town and farm properties for sale. —The skating race between Mr. W. H. Willis and Mr. J. H. Stephenson, which was billed to take place in the Wingham rink Tuesday evening, bas been postponed on account of the sloppy condition of the ice. —Messrs. S. Graney and Wm. Michel- son spent last Sunday in Walkerton inspecting the heating system in the Presbyterian church in that town with a view to installing a similar system in alt. Andrew's church, Di1u DU artrr,n.--In Wingham, on February 28rd, Janes Duffield, in his 74th year. The funeral will will take place tide (7 burs- ae). afternoon, at 3 o'clock from the family residence, corner Patrick and Centre streets to Wingham cemetery. JAMiEso f. --In East Wawsnosh, on February 21th, Thomas Jamieson, aged 83 Years. BitAola —In East Wawanosh, on February 24th, Alexander Bruce, aged 81 years and 10 months. it Tn•—In Seaforth. on February 21st, W. 0. Reid, in his 66th year. McNutt —In Grey, on February 10th, Peter McNeil, aged 63 years and 11 months. MCNATR.—In Grey. on February 16th, Neil McNair, aged 86 years, 0 months and 18 days. OB$RAR.—In Winnipeg hospital, on Feb. lith, W. S. t rerar, of Russell, Man., formerly of Grey, aged 68 years. BIILLEN; In Ashfield, on Feb. lOth, Robert Sullen, in his 90th year. Mr. David Hamilton, of Basswood, Manitoba, formerly of Forest, Ont., is visiting at the home of Joseph Pugh. Mr. Hamilton is a large cattle dealer. Mr. James Button, who has been visiting with Ms aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Forsyth, of Turn - berry, for the past week, left for his home at Carndnff, Sask,,'on Wednesday of this week. HIGH SCHOOL NEWS. TENDERS WANTED. Tenders will be received by the ndersigned up to 12 o'clock on the 18th of rch, 1009, for building a cement wail a or the Salem Methodist Church (W oxete Circuit.: Size of church 40 x 28 feet ; wall ti a 13 inches thick and 8 feet high, 4?a i4ilehe to project for brick- ing purposes. The re floor is also to bo cemented, inside wa and floor to be plastered and steel troweled, outside wall to be plast- ered from ground up and blocked. Said wall to have six windows and three doors. Cement to be supplied by the congregation and left on the premises. Work to be commenced about let of June next. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. For further parti- culars apply to D. L. MBIR, Secy.-Treas. Wroxeter, Ont. By the Literary Society Reporter. We are glad to see the missing link of third form, John Holmes, has recovered from his sickness and has returned to his plane again. G We trust that the teachers will not be too severe on "Buzz" for a few days. Andrew Wailaoe, a seoond form student, has been confined to Ms bed for the past two weeks. We hope to have him with us as soon as possible. Among those who have been absent from school the the ;past few days are Mise A. Goble, Mies F. Vanstone, Miss E. Peddle, Mise Goln Holmes, Miss E. Redburn and Miss L. Ross. The hospital is again attracting our students, for on Monday last two of our number, Finlay Reid and Frank How- son, were taken there with pneumonia. The boys will miss a great deal and we hope that no more will be forded to follow them. We are very sorry to hear of the sick- ness of our champion, Mr. Roy Stook house. The first, third and fourth forms wish to express their thanks to the second form who have generously provided the respective rdoms with a new supply of chalk. —The next regular meeting of the' Ladies' Auxiliary of the Wingham hospitalwill be held in the Connell Chamber next Monday afternoon, com- menoing at 4 o'clock. All members are requested to be present. —The anneal meeting of the High Court of the Canadian Order of Fores- ters will be held in London, commencing June 7th. The Order was instituted in London thirty years ago and the con- vention will celebrate the anniversary. —Militia orders limned from Ottawa on Tuesday contain the following:— Thirty-third Huron Regiment—To be lieutenant -colonel and to command regiment—Major A. Wilson, vine Lieut. -Col. Young, transferred to re- serve of offioere, FOR SALE. A pure bred Durh bull calf, 11 months old; good breeding good quality; color deep red. Also a q ntity of cedar posts, telephono poles, oto. G. FYFE, Wingham, P. 0. Residence ono and a half miles south of Wingham. +++3.+3.3'-A3.3.3t++21i++,14-5343.3.+++ IRoyal Grocery + 4 3• + 2Now is the time to get a bar - 3, gain in 3. Dinner and Tea I 3- Sets 4. 3- Toilet Sets 9+ Jardinieres 4. and all 4. Fancy China 2 And don't forget to 4 • pound of our 4. TEAS AND COFFEE : they are sure to please .1. • 4. PRODUCE WANTED, 4. I M%LGOLM'81 Phone 54. 4.4.4-44++++++++.1-1-1-1-444--14++++ The Girls' Hockey Club is making wonderful progress; watch for bille advertising a game with the Wingham Seniors, The regular meeting of the literary society was held last Friday with our noble president, A. Isbister, in the chair. Adam fills the chair very well and we are positive he does his beat every time. An excellent programme was given, but one thing it lacked, namely, that it fail- ed to make mention of the feast which' was promised ns at the end of this term. Harry Green gave a speeoh on "Dar- win," and Miss R. Kerr spoke on "Wordsworth." Once more we heard the Boys' Glee Club and the Harmonica Band which have been in a sub•ooma state for a few weeks, but they are none the worse for their reat. Mies Anderson anted as critics and rightly declared that the programme "mioht hae ben wane. —Thirty-one Montreal confectionery men were found guilty Tuesday by Judge Bazin on charges of having sold liquor without a license, in having sold brandy Chocolates, and were fined eaoh $50 and posts. The fines and costs in all amounting to $1.,550, —A convention of temperance work- ers of Huron county is to be held M Blyth on Thursday, April 8th, when the question of simultaneous notion on the part of each municipality in the county not now under local prohibition will be thoroughly considered. —The 1V'nwara Ellyn, plat in Cey- lon (6,200 feet above t rsa level), possesses the dne• iso estates in the world. The "Sal Tea 0o. import their tea direct from this district. The delightful Heyser and absolute purity of "Salad*" will please yon. Tour grocer Bolla It. ..Mr, J. A. Cummings, of '1',istowel uooepted the petition of foreman In the ntaoh'tne sbop at the 'Union furniture blowy and will take up his new duties au the 1st of *mob. Mr, and Mrs. ChunnalugKisavelliumerous friends who will 1st Owed to ;tsar of their Musa Ir 101/I1. BABY'S OWN TABLETS WILL CURE YOUR BABY. 4 try a 2 KING'S FOR BARGAINS I W E WANT YOUR TRADE KING'S KING'S The Old Reliable 25 per cent. off all Furs. See our Dress Goods. Dress Linens, etc. New Ginghams, New Prints, New Flannelettes. WANTED.—Any quantity White Beans, Butter, Eggs, Dried Apples, Feathers, etc. GOOD GOODS G. E. KING. C HEAP PRICES swailiaa aa•®tr0o49aa•••••••0••• 10•00•00•••4000o••••••••e•• 4, • • • Furs and Coats • • • • • • •• • •lat •• Cost • • • • • If in need of the above articles, why not call and inspect •• • ours? •Everything up•to•date—no old stock—and the prices a • will suit all, Our NEW PRINTS NEW EMBROIDERIES • 3 • I NEW INSERTIONS o 0• • are now on sale. Come and purchase early and get the • choice of the new goods. We have everything in this line • a to please the most exacting customer. We shall be pleased • a to show these goods. • Flesh Groceries always on hand. 0 Highest prices paid for produce. 0 0 •i n GORDON• • • • • • • CANADIAN P/%I FtC RAIIVYRV 41111•1•e1ONI, s. SETTLERS' TRAINS =To— MANITOBA, ALBERTA 'SASKATCHEWAN. By Canadian Pacific direct line For Settlers travelling with livestock and affects Special Trains will !sate Toronto Each TUESDAY in MARCO and APRIL at 10.18 p.sn. Settlers and families Without livestock should use Regular Trains leaving Toronto 10.15 p.m. daily Tourist Sleeping Cars Fastest Time COLONIST CARS ON ALL TRAINS No Charge for Berths Low Colonist Rates Only Through Service to the West Apply to nearest agent for full information and free copy of ''Settlers' Guide" or write R, L. Thompson, D.P.A., C.P.R., Toronto If your little ones are enbj: •t to polio, indigestion, constipation, w .rms, simple fevers, or the other min • ailments of childhood, give t.em B •y's Own Tab- lets and see ho • q • • •kly the tronble will disappear. •_ • better still, an occasional dose of ablate given to well children will keep these troubles away. Mrs. Allan A. MaoDonald, Island River, N. B., says: "My baby suffered greatly from constipation and atomaoh trouble and Baby's Own Tablets cured him. I always keep the Tablets in the home now." Sold by medicine dealers or by mall at 25 Dente a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine 00., Brookville, Ont. J. H. BEEMER, - Agent, Wingham Tfitt>1Cn,-In Teeswater, on rob. 16, to Mr. and Mrs, ROA, Trench; a daughter. 11VARRIND CAYrtilLTr-b'renart. At the reeldenoe of the bride's father en Feb, 10th, by Rot. P'..& MacLennan, Mr. Roderick Campbell of the 2nd conceealon of Einloea 10 miss Catherine, eldest d&lighter of Mr. fames 1!'iehar of the Ind ernoeeeien, 8lnlets. WOw *art'••-Uelrlex.—M 61.3obn'a Church, Druteelr, on Tell, std, by Rer. B. M. 'Aug' Ford. Mr. ChM. Ii. Workman to Hiss Mar- garet A., eldest 4stithter of Mr. and biro, Alex, CaattsOttr Mit of MOrrir tete tahip. .. - CrANO TRUNK RA"'"M i PACIFIC COAST I EXCURSIONS In effect March let to April 30th, inclusive VANCOUVER, B. 0. . $42.75 SPOKANE, WASH. $42.75 SEATTLE, WASH, $42.75 PORTLAND, ORE. - 842.75 SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. - $42.45 LOS ANGELES, CAL. = 842.413 MEXICO OIT`ir' - . 841.45 Above rates are one-way second class, applying from WINGHAM, Tiokets sold to certain other pointe in proportion. rimornorreremsWilsollimailamit For hall information es to rates, routes, etc., apply to W. Ilenry, Depot Agent, or address J. D. Mc - Ewald, D. P. A., Toronto. Red Clover Mammoth Clover Alsike Clover Lucerne Clover Timothy, etc. The above in the best qualities only and now on sale. G. E. King CANADIAN HOME CIRCLES Wingham Circle, No. 434 Meets First Thursday in each month, at 8 p m.. in hall in Chisholm Block. Candidates for cheap, reliable insurance solicited. Ask to see our rates of any member or officers. Ladies accepted at same rate as men. R. AwDE, T. E. ROBINSON, Leader. Recording Secretary W. J. Wes, Financial becretary, BOAR FOR SERVICE. The undersigned will keep for service on his prem ises, Lot 18, Con. 1, Morris, (Bluovalo Road) a thoroughbred Yorkshire Boar Terms—$1, to bo paid at time of service. T. M. tut,NDERSON, Wingham, 1'. 0. D. BELL'S MUSIC EMPORIUM Headquarters for all kinds of Musical Instruments. Pianos No more beautiful or appropriate gift than a Piano. We have them from all the great makers. For finish, workmanship and tone they are unexcelled, and at right pricea. Violins t. � , 11i1iIB�J�111 1001111 i, -, '-. rig Special Announcement No. 5 Beginning on Monday 1st of March, 1909 We will take Butter and Eggs in trade and allow highest trade prices for the same Every farmer's wife in this community should take advantage of this, for many reasons, a few of which we give below : 1. We sew all rips on goods we sell, free of charge. • 2. We have no old stock ---every- thing new. 3. We have a big selection to choose from. There are other reasons,but the above should be enough to convince every- one that this shoe store is the proper place to buy shoes ! WILLIS & CO. FINE SHOE .REEPAIRING A SPECIALTY. PHONE 129 - e® The Taylor -Anderson Co., Ltd1 MANUFACTURE._THEIR OWN CLOTHING We have the largest and beat stook ever before shown in Wingham, and at prices to suit every person, To violin player", we ask yon to call and judge for yourselves. Phonographs Nothing more popular and •pleas- ingthan aPhonograph. The E n 'sox has the new Amborol Records, whioh play twioe as long as the old ones. Every home should have one—they are enjoyed by both old and young. Organs We have a great number Second- hand Organs, taken in exchange for Pianos, Some of them 'have been in use only a few months. All in first-class condition. Will be sold very oheap and on easy terms. Sewing Machines Wpeof fah Canakdian andAmricae nmanU0 tura. If you aro contemplating purchasing a maohine, it will pay you to call and see them. STOPS OPPOSITZ $L&TX T wax. • Is it too early to mention new styles for Men's Clothing ? For the past two weeks we have been busy putting our new Spring Stock on the tables— getting ready for you as soon as you feel like looking. Many people like to buy now, so as to secure the very choicest picking—and it's a wise plan. We challengecomparison with any stock of Men's Clothing in Huron County, and that's " going some." The showing of beautiful fabrics for 1909 is now ready, and we want all our cus- tomers and others to `see them as early as possible THE HOME OF REAL VALUES. - - COME ON IN. The Taylor -Anderson Co., Ltd EXCLUSIVE CLOTHIERS Opposite National Hotel - - WINGHAM • CANADIAN Pickoci F' I G Special Trains for Settlers travelling to the West with livestock and effects will leave Toronto at 10.15 p. ni., every Tuesday during March and April. Settlers travelling alone and with their families should use regular trains, leaving Toronto daily at 10.15 p. in. Colonist and Tourist Sleepers attached. 0, 1'. B. is the only direot and through oar line to the West, Apply to J.1, 11EEMEIt, 0.P. B. Agent, 'Wingham, Central Business. College STANDB re d! to help young men and women to win independ- ence and mattes!, It had given the start to thousandd upon thotissnds of young p60010. It can help yon. Write for Catalogue. Enter any time. W. H. SHAW, Tango and Gerrard Ste., Toronto.