HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1909-02-25, Page 5"QUALITY" "QUALITY" ' " tYb, 10.1011113 000Yte Two of the Many Styles of 2oth Century Brand Clothes that we are showing for Spring, ra These clothes have a national reputation for style and satisfaction. 'Ready for service, or made to your special measure from choice of 300 stylish cloths. See these fine garments before ordering your SPRING SUIT or OVERCOAT McGee & Campbell CLOTHING - MEN'S FURNISHINGS Tod Wilmer r# Tutu, rJ8t7ART 25 1909 B>GX JrH Dr, D. E. Cartier, ot Blyth, died on Thursday afternoon, at his home, of tatty degeneration of the heart. fie wag the geoond pea of Dr, Geo. W. Carder, of Otterville, Oxford county, landau elder brother of M. M. B, Car. der, of Toronto, Grand Recorder of the A. O. V. W. He was prominent in. the Masonic body and the A. Q, [3. W., and a member of the Anglican Church. He formerly practiced at Delhi and Disx towel, but for about twenty years has resided at Blyth, Invented t0tto Ifondael,.e Pare, Awawbda iheedeiowith edizz nes, aongoanbiliousness. A cure has been found nae Dr. Handl- ton's Pills and enjoy the health they so surely bring. Nothing but healthful vegetable ertraots in Dr. Hamilton', Pills. They cleanse and purify the whole system, not as a perfect tonin, Goad for children, girls, women and men. Hold in 25q. boxes by all dealers, zooms. Sam. Walker, jr„ 6th line, is attend. ing Business College at Chatham. He rpent several year in the West and secured the deed of a good farm thereby, Wednesday of last week William Wilkinson, 4th line, delivered seven hogs, 8 months old, to Messrs. Jewitt & Bateman for shipment that weighed 1610 pounds. He received $102.00 for the bunch, not a sum to turn your nose up at by any means, On Wednesday, 3rd inst., the nuptial knot was tied in St, John's 'church, Brussels, by Rev, H. M. I,ang.Ford, rentor, between Chao, Henry Workman, of Morris, and Miss Margaret A„ eldest daughter of Alex. and Mrs. Conon, 6th line, Morrie. May their joys be many. Any 'Weakness In Your Back? Sometimes ou eerience and weakness without mush suffering,R Lat- er on the pain will surely come. The trouble oan be stopped now by rubbing on Nerviline—rub it in deeply over the apine and then put on. a Nerviline Por - ons Plaster. In these remedies you win find wonderful and quick relief. They will spare you from an attack of Lum- bago, which is the outcome of neglected pain in the bank or aide. For all macu- lar pains, strains, and weakness Pol- son's Nerviline and Nerviline Piasters have no equal, Refuse substitutes, OULRO$s. The sale of Mr. Joseph Welwood of his farm to Mr. Geo. Harkness, reported a couple of weeks ago, has fallen through, and Mr. Welwood has rented his farm, to Mr. Fields of Wingham, Mr. Motor Roney, who for some time shade his boas with an aged sister, Mrs. Neil lfio$inugn, dtt} tine, died on the ldtkt. Death wag due to cancer that attacked .the lower part of his faoe and for months caused muoh orator/0g. He was aged 74 years; wee an 0X -employee of the G. T. U. Ca., from whish hebad been drawing a monthly pension. Reeve Donaldson of Culross and Reeve McKee of Greettook let the job lost week of extensive repairs to the Riveradale county bridge over the Tees. water river. The repairs will consist In putting IA tyro run or new girders, put- ting on new covering and a new railing, John Cassidy got the ooutraot at $800. The work must be completed by June, We are this week oiled upon to re- port the death of William Dobson of the 12th. con., (Xhosa. Mr. Dobson was confined to his bed for some time with•pneumonka and several days hope. of hie recovery was given up, hie was in his 69th year and for shoat 20 years has been a widower, He leaves three daughters who are now at home. A brother, Mr. John Dobson, lives In Teeswater, Pa You reel Used Up? You're discouraged and played out -- scarcely enough energy to think, and lees to work on. The reason? Yon are run down, blood is thin, nerves are tike Indian robber, not like steel as they ought to be. Use Ferrozone and the tired feeling will go—it can't stay be- cause rich nutritious blood and the vigor Ferrozone makes, crowds out weakness of every hind, Use Ferrozone and you'll feel like a fighting king --full of energy -filled up with ambition—ever ready to work. No strengthening tonic so potent. Neglect not a day longer. All dealers sell Ferrozone in 60 Dent boxes. JAMESTO WNL. A quiet wedding took place at the home of Mrs. Mulligan, on Wednesday of last week, when her daughter, Miss Maggie, became the bride of Mr. Wad- dell from near Whiteohuroh. May their years be many and prosperous, We are sorry to hear that Mrs, Thos. Straohan, sr., is hardly as well as usual, but her many friends hope she will soon regain her vigor. Mrs. Straohan is past 75 years of age and her heart appears to be the chief trouble. We are sorry to state that James Wright does not show improvement in his health. Anaemia and dropsy are the atnbborn ailments to be combatted. His many friends hope the coming of Spring will prove helpful toward's Mr, Wright's restoration. The fleet regular meeting of the Jamestown Farmers' Club was held in Viotoria Hall "fin Tuesday night, Feb. lath, whoa 4 goodly number ot members were ,present and no anuli Interest Staten in the dismission. -The met nag wap was opened by the President, Chas, Forrest, Netting forth the, alma and objects of the Oitrb alter which Wm,. kisser spoke a some length, ixi`leferenoa to the feeding of beet cattle in ,whit:] want' or those present took part, hiking gaeationg and resiting their own experi, enoe, Next nleotiug will be held on the 2nd of Marsh when A, Shaw will-adiregs the meeting in reference to "The care of manure" and Walter Smillie will $,peak on "Ensilage and its feeding properties." 4 full attendance is requeatAl as all are welcome, Although It is only three 'weeks eine the Qlob was organized it has upwards of arty members and mere to follow, Don't Negioot ,Your (tough, but You hs A dislike ebest cared without medi- pipe. The modern treatment is "Ott. tarrhozone"—it ian't a drug—it's a healing vapor, full of pine essences and healing balsams. It spreads over the surfaces that are weak and sore from coughing, Every opt chat's congested ie healed, irritation is soothed away, phlegm and seoretione are cleaned auto and all symptoms of cold and catarrh are cared. Nothing so quick, so sore, so pleasant as Qatarrhozone. In 26 sent and $1,00 sizes at all dr:alers. Dr, Sproule, M. P., Grand Master of the Orange Order, hail intimated his in. I tention to retire frond that position. Samuel Roberts of Minto has been sent for trial at the Guelph Assizes on a charge of marrying his neice, Miss Mar- garet Ann Barton. Established r879 Whooping Cough, Croup, Bronchitis Cough, Grip, Asthma, Diphtheria Cresolene is a boon to Asthmatics Does it not seem more effective to breathe in a remedy to care disease of thebreathing organs than to take the remedy into the stomach t It cures because the air rendered strongly anti- septic is carried over the diseased surface with every breath, giving prolonged and constant treat- ment. It is invaluable to mothers with small children. Those of a consumptive tendency find immediate relief from coughs or in- flamed conditions of the throat. Sold by druggists. Send postal for book!:,. LEEMnNG, 11ruLEs Co„ Limited, Agents, Mont- real, Canada. 307 I Now idea, Pattens THE LADING STORE A New Spin Goods New Up Kami.n. 6t3 Just opened up Ten Cases of New Spring Goods including New Dress Goods, New Silks, New Dress Trimmings, New Prints, New Muslim, ,,1 New Waists, New Hosiery, Corsets and Gloves, Dress Goods Department is crowded with New Fabrics for Spring wear. Ask to see the New Suitings. Just opened One Case of Ladies' Shirt Waists, very pretty styles, fine quality lawn. All prices. H. E. ISARD C041 NOW LAUGH ! --- LAUGH HARD ! !gE HAPPY i o Another wrack at theHanStock? Spread the news wherever you go ! Tell it I Yell it I Shout it ! We've torn things loose, come and carry them away I HAPPY W•EEK SALE OPENS MARCH 2nd, Store closed Monday, March 1st, all day, to re -arrange and mark down the stock. Get in line ! Han g back if you want to miss the greatest saving chance of your lides, but while you're hanging back others will be waltzing off with the bargains. g _= GET Our New Price • List We've givers you Eargains right from the start I GET READY For March 2nd GET Your .Share of The Bargains Now we will give you Much Greater Eargains t Leaver prices for reputable merchandise were never known ! Von will find this sale like buying ten -dollar bills for four ! Wouldn't that make you happy , The Whole D. Family are on this page, and they are all going to be made happy by The Robson Mercantile Co., C Wingham.