HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1909-02-25, Page 3F { THE WING [UM TIMER, FEBUARY 25, 190a Head Office, Hami toe. The great drawback to the average investment lies in the locking up of money, rendering it un- available when' desired. AWING for the moment the question of relative risk of loss the desirability of keeping money on deposit in a Savings Bank (where it is at once obtainable for any emergency) renders'it most important that every business man, or any other man or woman, should, if at all possible, keep a substantial sum on deposit in a separate Savings Account. It is most unwise to lock up every dollar in business or permanent investments. To the same degree, it is wise to keep a ready cash surplus laid safely aside in a chartered Bank. A private savings account is carried by every prudent business man. THE BANK OF HAMILTON specially invites the opening of such accounts, both by its regular business clients, and also by those who transact their current banking elsewhere. Every courtesy and convenience is extended to such cus- tomers. BANK OF HAMILTON WINGHAM BRANCH C. P. SMITH, Agent. STEADY EMPLOYMENT fora reliable Local Salesman repro - sensing "Canada's Oldest and Greatest Nurseries" in Wingham and adjoining country. Yon will find tbere is a good demand for nursery Stook on account of the high prices that growers have realized on their fruit this seas +n. Our salet:men are turning in big buti- nese to nit tins year.: Be one of them and eat n good weges through the winter months. Territory reserved. Pay weekly. Free sample outfit, eto. Write for particulars. STONE afit,1vll:LL1[1\ G TON Fonthill Nnrseriee (850) . TORONTO. CANADA. 108 Nox a Cold In One Day The Greateet Lung Healing Med me known to science. A gnarante pure for all Lung Trouble, Cougt , Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Sore "• .rout and Consumption. Every bolt , sold under a gneraatee. The only Cough Medicine endorsed by doctors. 2Fic .Bottles. igNature's Remedy pimp For Constipation Fig Pills will owe Rheumatism and all Blood Disease. Pimples and Blotches removed In a few days by taking Fig Piffle. One taken at night time will make yon feel better in the morning. Large boxes, 25c. For Bale at WALLEY'S DRUG STORE Wingham. e0 YEARS' ' EXPERIENCE ATENTS TRADE aiaeicis • Cory/IONTn a6. attlode bending a suets), sad deicat:one s opmmuutoa- on 0 . mPatent. v Quietly &aorta s' ear opulent . invention is probably tient striet. ooaaden NriIW trentPPaatents dmf sesnarh�ltn a ap..Wta,laa.withal, lefil - SCiatif ales!) - ^+*� • yminsteieste y Minot. T ror a me. poetess meads WM ar ,r N011 r gt.waau.at°•. The attractive route to Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta Is via Chicago and St. Pani, Minnea- polis or Duluth, through St, Clair Tunnel by electricity. California, • Mexico, Florida. Round trip tourists tickets now on sale to all principal Winter Resorts For full information as to rates, routes, eto„ apply to W. Henry, Depot Agent. or address J. D. Mo - Donald, D. P. A., Toronto. DOMINION BARN HEAD OFFICE : TORONTO. Capital paid up, $3,976,000 Reserve Fund and Undivided profits $5,297,000 Total Assets, over 48,000,000 %MOM I BRANCH. Farmers' Notes discounted, Drafts sold on all points in Canada, the United States and Europe. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT -Interes allowed on deposits of $1 and upwards D. T. HEPBURN, Manager R. Vanstone, Solicitor. Nervous, Diseased Men DRS. !rU & K.: STABLISHED 20 YEARS A NERVOUS WRECK Consu Itation FREE. Question Blank for Home Treatment sent FREE. Reasonable Fees for Treatment ROBUST MANHOOD • We Guarantee to Cure all Curable Casts of Stricture, Yari000el ei, Nervous Debility, Blood Poisons, Vital Weaknesses, Kidney, Bladder and Urinary Diseases, and all Diseases Peculiar to Men and MOmen. Don't waste your time and money on cheap, dangerous, experimental treatment. Don't increase at your own cost your sufferings by being experimented on with remediea which they claim to have just discovered. But como to us in confidence. We will treat you conscientiously, honestly and skillfully, and restore you to health in the shortest pox- sible time with the least medicine, discomfort and expehso practit able. Each case is treated as the symptoms indicate. Our New Method is ortgIna1 and haat stood the test for twenty years DRsKENNEDY&KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave., and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. CARTER rime IV ER C .•' j E Sick Readacho and relieve all the troubles incl. dent to a billoas state of the syetcm, each as Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness Distress atter eating, Pain in the Side .ea. While their most remarkable success hes been shown in curing SICK headache, yet Carter', Little Liver Pills are equally valuable in (Constipation, curing andpre• venting this annoying complaint, while they also correct all disorders of the e tamed', stimu.atethe liver and regulate the bowie.livenit they only Ache they would be almeneet priceless to theme who stiffer from title distresstltg complaint; but foru- wto lyntceatrrygothdmnewdonnhsnod lherpdvsee able in so many ways that they 'Fill not be wil- ling to do without them. Dut after all sick head ACHE Is the bane of so many liven that here Is where we make onr great boast. Onrpllle cureit while others do not. Oaarter'e Little Liver Pills are very email and very easy to take. Ono or two pills make a dose. They are strictly vegetable and do not gripe or pergo, but by their gentle action please all who ase them. CASTER IIEIIIlTID 00., USW Toaa. hal II 'Th ,r Dm Writes Mr. Andrew Admanson, near Tees - water, is feeling well pleased with the world these days, for he now has what he was looking for in the way of a farm. On Tuesday a deal was pat through by which on April let, he comes iuto possession of a two hundred sore farm on the Howiok-Carriok boundary, three miles from Clifford. This is said to be a very good farm, well fitted out in every respeot-targe stone house, good barns with up to date stabling, eko. This is the farm that Mr. James Munro had advertised in the TIMES last week. The Ontario Sugar Oo's. faotory in Berlin was cold by public suction at Townsend's Auction rooms in Toronto on Tuesday, to Mr. Leslie, representing the Erie Ooal Co, of Buffalo for the sum of $225,000, This was the only bid of- fered and it was accepted. It is under. stood that the Wallaoebarg Sugar Co. is indirectly interested in the purchase and will finally get possession of the es- tabliehment. The proceeds of the sale will go to the bond -holders, the institu- tion being bonded to the amount of 6220,000. There appears to be very Little chance of the ehareholders getting any benefit from the sale. HEADACHE. ,,,,l',,,r"s �rdo. ¢'elL 0 0 • wl "lex' BITTE RS What Medical Skill Could Not Do Was Accomplished with Burdock Blood Bitters. If you aro troubled with Headache do not hesitate to use B.B.B. It is no now pro- duct, of unknown value, but has an estab- lished reputation. COULD NOT WORK. Mho Muriel Wright, Mnniao, N.B., writes: "I was sick and run down, would hays Head- aches, a bitter taste in my mouth, floating specks before my eyes and pains in my baolt. I was not able to do any house work at all and could not sleep at night. Several doctors duct erect me but I saw 1 was getting no help, and on the advice of a friend 1 gob throe bottles of Burdock Blood Bitters and they effected a °omelets euro. Mr, R. H. Goats of the Department of Labor, Ottawa, was presented with a gold watch and chain by his fellow. civil servants at the capital. This was in recognition of Mr. Coats' preparation of the case of the members of the pnblio service in their application for increased remuneration. Mr. Coate' figures of the repent increased cost of living were convinoing and unanswer- able, and it must be gratifying to him that his colleagues appreciate his ser- vices in that respeot,-Globe. [Mr. Goats is a well known native of Clinton being a brother of Registrar Coate, now of Goderich. , . , CENTRAL / ��/. STR TFORD, ONT. This school stands inathe forefront as the largest and beat praotiaal training•sohool in Western Ontario. We have three departments; COMMERCIAL SHORTHAND TELEGRAPHY All departments are in oharge of experienced inatrnotore and the oonrees are thorough and practical. Our graduates seonre good positions. Students are entering every week, Write for onr free catalogue at once. E111017 & McLACHLAN PRINCIPALS. MOTHER'S APRON STRINGS. (Nixon Waterman.] When I was bat a verdant youth I thought the truly great Were those who had attained, in iristh, To men's mature estate, And none my soul in sadly tried, Or spoke euoh bitter things, As he who 'aid that I was tied To mother's apron strings. I loved my mother; yet it seemed That I mnet break away And find the broader world I dreamed Beyond her presence lay. But I have sighed and I have cried. O'er all the ornel stings I would have missed had I bean tied To mother's apron strings. O happy, trustful girls and boys) The mother's way is best, She leads you 'mid the fairest joys, Through paths of peace and rest. It you would have the safest guide And drink the sweetest springs, Oh, keep your hearts for ever tied To mother's apron strings, HOW THE WORLD COULD BE IMPROVED, [S. E. Kiser.] How grand a plaoe this world would be If no man ever bad to labor, If enoh man might from debts be free And somewhat richer than his neigh- bor; How happy we could all become 1! plaaearee never were denied us, It scolding women all were dumb And others never rose to ,hide ns. This world would be a splendid plane It we could 'pend onr lives at pleasure, It ooal men never had the face To try to cheat ns with short measure; What happiness we all might claim If each man who was lured or driven To foolishness or sin might blame Some fellow -man and be forgiven. How fair a place this world would be If each man who is fond of speaking Had knowledge that by you and me Might be considered well worth seeking How glad we might become ere long 1t when we spoke all men would heed ns, It we might proudly lead the throng And no man ever tried to lead ns. This world would be a splendid place If enoh man might indulge his passion Without the danger of disgrace Or punishment in any fashion; What cause could men have for complaint If each man could surpass his brothers, It each were free from all restraint, And laws were only made for others. Ask Yourself the Question Why not use Chamberlain's Liniment when you have rheumatism? We feel sure that the result will be prompt and satiafaotory. It has oared others, why not yon? Try it. It coats but a trifle. Pride, 25 cents; large size, 50 dents, For sale by all Druggists. At a Canadian Club banquet in Lon don the other evening, Rev. Dr. W. J. Clark, of Mtlntreal, formerly of London, and well known to many of our readers gave some good sound advice, whioh, if followed, cannot fail to make for a greater Canada. Dr, Clark is reported as follows: "The provinces do not know each other as they should. I have lived in Ontario and I am proud of her. Bat I am living in Quebec now and I find that the French can teaoh ns lessons in many ways. Yon men in Ontario know your own province and yon know the west, but you do not know Quebeo as you ought to. With all our divisions and differences we are one people. We are being bound clos- er and oloser together in the bonds of a Canadian brotherhood. Shall we not make it the best plaoe on God's earth for free min and free women seeking the ideal. We oan all do some- thing towards that end. It soeme to me that after all there is no greater ideal than to follow that old verse, 'What doth the Lord require of thee, O man, but to do justly, to have mercy and to walk humbly with thy God. With this motto we as Canadians oan hold first plane in true plaoe in city, province, Dominion, Empire or world. This is my message to yon, may yon prosper and may Canada Sourish while the ran shines." CURES INDIGESTION. 'ii •Bats£ COLEMAN': CAMPII0 C L Mr 65 QUIN off•, RIP PE Breaks up a cold at the start, At the first sneeze or chill, take Campho-Quinimet... Cures in 24 hours. At your dealer's -25c. • ♦ • ♦ COAL COAL COAL We are sole agents tor the celebrated SCRANTON CBS► whioh has no equal Also the best grades of Smithing, ' annsl Domeatio Ooal, and Wo d of all kinds, always on hand. giezo o= LUMBER. SHINGLES, LATHI (Dressed or Undressed) Cedar Posts, Barrels, Etc. Highest Price paid for all kinds of Logs. 2ser ••t. Residence Phone No. 65. Office, No. 64. Mill, No. 44. N•OAN••i• •.'•N4i•♦a•♦♦ •••••••••1140444•••••• • J. A, MoLean 111114101111111100111100111001106011000 11116 S••••••••••••••••••••i 0 • € CLUBBING • • A • • • • FOR 1908 - 09. •• • ▪ The TIMES will receive subscriptions •at the rates below for any of the following publications : Times and • + • t • • RATES t T. All Distress from Stomach and Indi- gestion Vanishes in Five Minutes. Take your sour stomach -or maybe you oall it Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Gas- tritis or Catarrh of Stomach; it doesn't matter -take your stomach trouble right with you to your Pharmaoist and ask him to open a 50 cent case of Pape's Diapepsin and let yon eat one 22 -grain Triangnle and see if within five minutes there is left any trace of your stomach misery. The oorreot name for your trouble is Food Fermentation -food souring; the Digestive organs beoome weak, there is lack of gastrin jaioe; your food is only half digested, and yon beoome at- feoted with loss of appetite, pressure and fnllnese atter eating, vomiting, naneea, heartbntn, griping in bowels, tenderness in the pit of stomach, bad taste in month, constipation, pain in limbs, sleeplessness, belohing of gas, bilionenees, siok headache, nervous- ness, dizziness and many other similar symptoms. If your „appetite is fickle, and noth- ing tempts you, or yon beloh gas or if our food lies like a lump of leadou feel bloated after eating, on or your stomach, you oan Wahl up your mind that at the bottom Of all this there is but one osnse-fermentation of undi- gested food. Prove to yourself, atter your next meal, that your stomach ie sr good as shy; that there is nothing really wrong.' Stop this fermentation and begin eating what you want without fear of dis- comfort or misery. Almost instant relief is waiting for yen. It le mealy a math of how soon you takes little Diapepdn. + • 1 + + + 1 Daily Globe 4.50 Times and Daily Mail and Empire 4.50 Times and Daily World - 3.35 Times and Toronto Daily News.. 2.30 Times and Toronto Daily Star 2.30 Times and Daily Advertiser 2.85 Times and Toronto Saturday Night 2.60 Times and Weekly Globe . 1.60 Times and Weekly Mail and Empire............. 1.60 Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star 1.85 Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star, and premiums Times and Weekly Witness Times and London Free Press (weekly) Times and London Advertiser (weekly) Times and Toronto Weekly Sun Times and World Wide Times and Northern Messenger. Times and Farmers' Advocate We specially recommend our readers to subscribe to the Farmers' Advocate and Home Magazine. Times and Farming World. . • • • Times and Presbyterian Times and Westminster Times and Presbyterian and Westminster Times and Christian Guardian (Toronto) . Times and Youths' Companion , Times and Canadian Magazine (monthly) Times and Sabbath Reading, New York Times and Outdoor Canada (monthly, Toronto) Times and Michigan Farmer Times and Woman's Home Companion „......... Times and Country Gentleman Times and Delineator Times and Boston Cooking School Magazine Times and Green's Fruit Grower Times and Good Housekeeping Times and McCall's Magazine Times and American Illustrated Magazine Times and American Boy Magazine Times and What to Eat . Times and Business Man's Magazine. Times and Cosmopolitan Times and Ladies' Home Journal T,'mes and Saturday Evening Post Times and Success Times and Hoard's Dairyman Times and McClure's Magazine Times and Munsey's Magazine Times and Vick's Magazine Times and Home Herald Times and Travel Magazine Times and Practical Farmer Times and Home Journal, Toronto Times and Designer Times and Everybody's Times and Western Home Monthly, Times and Canadian Pictorial Winnipeg..... . 2.10 1.85 1.80 1.60 1,80 2.20 1.35 2.35 1.75 2.25 2.25 3.25 2.40 3.25 2.90 1.95 1.85 2.15 2.25 2.60 2.95 1.95 1.55 2.30 1.70 2.30 1.90 1.90 2.15 2.15 2.75 2.75 2.25 2.40 2.40 2.50 1.60 2.60 2,25 2,10 1.40 1.75 2.80 1.25 1,60 The above prioes inolnde postage on American publications to any address in Canada. If the Taxies is to be sent to an Amerioan address, add' • 50 cents for postage, and where American publications are to be sent to American addreeeee a reduction will be made in price, We could extend this list. If the paper or magazine you want is notin the list, call at thio office, or drop a pard and we will give you pries' on the paper you want. We club with all the leading newspapers and magazines. 1 When premiums are given with any of above papers, enbsoribers will 1 secure each premiums when ordering through us, same as ordering divot from publishers. These low rates mean a considerable sawing to snbeeribere, slid are; STRIOTLY CASH IN ADVANCE. Send remittances by postal nota, post offioe or express money order, addressing TIMES OFFICE, WINGHAM, ONTARIO.