HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1909-02-25, Page 1THE WINGHAM. TIME VOL XXXVIII -NO. 1933. Farmers, Attention HEADQUARTERS FOR STOCK FOODS Condition Powders and all Stock Remedies. I Walton McKibbon THE DRUGGIST Without An exchange very sensible advio man who imagi enemies by trying If such an individu should be glad of it in a man going trying to find be thump his poor he every man's opi elbowing and ore 4 with him. That, extreme. Other pe their opinion, so into the error of respect you lees fo respect you more f every day to match Wear your own co or weather, stor costs the vaoilati times the trouble and twist, than i independence to st n Enemy. Ives the following :—Heaven help the s he can dodge please everybody! I ever succeeded we not that we believe hrough the world ms to knock and d against, disputing ion. fighting and ing all who differ again is another ple have a right to aye you; don't fall opposing tney will maintaining it, or turning your ooat the colors of theirs. ors in spite of wind or sunshine. It and irresolute ten o wind and shuffle, does honeet, manly nd its ground. ; I Z • ....•••••.••••••••sesewmemsine.•••Nakelar MINNIMI•••••MMIO $80,000 In spite of the hard times, the above amount of property has been sold through our agency in the past few months, whioh is an evidence that Ontario Real Estate has a sound substantial value. There is no disguising the fact however that the West still has at- tractions for rainy, and farms are being listed with ne almost every, day, because the owners desire to try their fortunes on the prairies. Many ofithese farms can be sold by us at what would have been consider- ed ridioulously low figures n few years ago, when the prices for farm prodnots were much lower than at present. It will certainly pay any intending purchaser to give us a call. Half an hour in our office would be worth more to him than a week driving about the country. Desirable town properties for gale. Money to loan on good farms, at low- est rates. Insurance in all its branches. Twenty years experience and no unsettled or disputed olaime. Ritchie 86 Cosens REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE. 11111111111111111111111111111.11111111111111111111111111111111111.• PHONE 59 Have You been to Christie's? Yon have and you're satisfied. Because what you got was right—just exactly es represented. Here's more Excellent Values Choice Strawberries, per tin • 15o Choice Raspberries, per tin • 150 Choice Pears, per tin • 160 DON'T FORGET OUR I CANNED FISH Extra *chola° Dates, small pit, per lb • - • 15o Very fine quality Dates, 8 lb. for • • 26o THIS IS THE TEA AND COPFEE STORE. Henrv Christie WINGHAM, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 251 1909. FLOWERS! For all (monotone — Parties, Weddings, Fanerels, etc. Wingham Greenhouses FRANCIS STREET - PHONE 101. GENERAL LOCAL NEWS. Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers School V The Property Clo lio School Board h Binning, arohitect prepare plans for system at the seh plans will be snbm meeting of the Boa that the new syste during the ttiidoium ntilation. mittee of the Pub. ve engaged W. E. of Listowel, to e new ventilation ol building. The tted at the next d. It is expected will be installed r holidays. See the new stook of Wall Paper at the BIG BOOK STORE, New G, T. The iron for a G. T. R., near th Co's works is be ground and the wor bridge will be oo first of April. Th been found too ligh engines, hence the the new bridge is engines will be trains running over R. Bridge. ew 'bridge on the Western Foundry ng placed on the of erecting a new menoid about the present bridge has for the large Mogul hange. As soon as ompleted the large ed on the freight his line. Bergaine in men's dow" e, "See win. W. J. GREER Mr. Holm appointed. Mr. J. H. Bertra surveyor of Cus- toms in the Toront offioe, has been ap- pointed collector of onstome for the port of Toronto in same Small, and Mr. M. P., has bean Mr. Holmes has friends in this distr ed to bear of his a Timms extends hea Mr. Holmes has Huron County for Meted his father in of the Clinton Ne sinoe that time that paper. He re on in the House of to 1904 and was fo Mayor of Clinton. veyor of customs to that of colleo $2,100. . eion to the late John obert Holmes, ex. appointed surveyor. large number of ov who will be pleas. pointment and the ty congranlations. een a resident of any years. He as. rioting the first copy Era in 1865 and has een oonneoted with resented West Hut'. ommons from 1900 a number of years The position of Bur - recognized as next or. The salary is Waisme.—Good general servant girl. No washing. Apply to Mas. Jons A. MCLEAN. Auction Sales. Miss Ann J. Anderson will hold an auction sale of household furniture, at her home in Blnevale on Saturday after- noon of this week, commencing at 4 o'clock. R. H. Garniss will be the auctioneer. Mrs. Janet Davidson, of Wingham Junction, will hold an auction sale of farm stook and implements, on Friday, March 5th, oommenoing at 1 o'clock. The stook is the very beet and every- thing will be sold without reserve. jOHN PURVIS, auctioneer, On Wednesday, Smith, of lot 9, 00 will sell his farm by auction, cone The stook is goo be sold without r giving up far auctioneer. March 3rd, Jas. M. cession 6, Turnberry, took and implements enoing at 1 o'olook. and everythhig will serve as Mr. Smith is ,JOHN Punvxs, Mr. John Coolies, of lot 4, concession 3, Morris, will hold an extensive auction hale on Friday, March 12th, of pare. bred Shorthorn and grade cattle, young horses, Berkshire sows and Leicester ewes. If you are looking for good stook attend this sale. I. Purtvis, ttuotioneer. All the leading magazines at the Bus BOOK STORE. Shorthorn Cattle Sale. The second ann bulls, before ttn held at Clover Ripley, on Thnrs at 2 o'olook. Rn the proprietors have a herd of eh merit headed by Mock bull, Golde animal is by Spio is a Cruickshank superior quality. nice that shortho the highest prioe a give them a good the best bred alai herd, Parties d sale will be drive farm. Teams w day of sale. Th Ott the night Una in the rit al sale of shorthorn young cows will be a Stook Farm, near ay, bittroh 41h, 1909, ell H. Reid and Son., f Clover Lea Parra horns of individnel heir famous imported Cross, Vol. 52. This Hop, by Tonohstone, rawith Bud bull of armers must reoog, s are again bringing d that this sale will portnnity to secure I -as a neolens to a g to attend the from Ripley 10 the Meet noon train otl arriving at Ripley van be taken to Read Willis & Co Blueyale St The Grand Trun freight shed at Btu the ground early la The fire started at all night as there w tinguishing it. Th said to have been stove. A passenge will serve as stage till the station is r tion Burned. Railway station and vale were burned to Thursday morning, idnight and burned s no means of es- capee of the fire is From an overheated coach and box oar and freight shed nn - milt. Drink Christie's Teas, Savings Ba In the Common Chisholm asked if it of the Government terest on money d meld savings bank eral Lemieux said it tion to increase t arrangement was be deposits might be t ment stook drawin intermit. Deposits. on Monday, Dr. was the intention o increase the in - °sited in Govern- Postmaster.Gen- as not the inten- e rates, bat an g made whereby wed into Govern - a larger rate of WANTED.—Good girl for general housework. MRS. JOHN RITCHIE. . Curling f When the TIME week the curlers o rink were wearin then the pins have thremgood games in order. D. L. Holmes, J. W. 0 won from Paterson Ches. Kneohtel wi Robt. Allen and J from Dinsley by thr Crawford with Dr. L. Kennedy and L. Kneohtel by two several games to the pine are won fo the Pins. went to press laet Mr. P. Paterton's the pins, but since been travelling and f onrling have been insley with Wm. ✓ and John Glenn y one shot. Then Dudley Holmes, G. Workman won e shots and A. M. 3. R. Mataionald, Hinkley won from shots. There are o played et before the se on. For. Senn.—Clo street; easy terms. ORR. e on Frances Apply to W. G. Winnip From Ontario St. Paul, Minn proportionate r points in Mani Alberta. Form dollars and fort even at that r preferred this r ing through se can oities. N been lowered, Trunk and this ily increasing. in bond; no ex consult Gran deoiding on yo g--$21 00. ints, via Chicago Mad 'pohs or Duluth, and tee to other principal oba, &Watt wan Leen rly the five o a e was five ts higher, and umber of people o n account of pass. 1 of the large Ameri- that the rates have e travel via the Grand ttraotive route is stead- aggage checked through mination. Be sure and Trunk Agents before trip. Norther Ia the gam hockey played last Friday eve Kincardine by game was a goo by a large numb day evening the now and won b brings the local cap, with Listo final league ga tween Listowel ers on the rink h Listowel players train and a larg will accompany of hookey wt11 s day evening. League Hockey, of Northern League on the Wingham rink ng the locals won from score of. 6 to 2. The one and was witnessed r of people. On Tuesooal boys visited Luck. a score of 7 to 3 This lub in the load for the el a close seoond. The it will be played be- nd the Wingham play - re on Friday evening. are coming via epeoial number of supporters hem. Wingham lovers e a good game on Fri. Highest price paid for hides and poul- try at T. Fells' butoher shoo. Hewer F4iiiIy Re -Union. There was a tnique reunion held at the home of Mr, Jos. Hewer, Spring- field, last Mural y, when over ninety of the Hewer pmuiy gathered to- gether to tender reception to Mrs. Benjamin Burns, Mr. Hewer's sister, and her husband land family, of Co- quille, Oregon. Mrs. Buns left Lon- don district over 'nineteen years ago, and none of the tinnily bad seen her since that time, nor any of her family, After refreshment and games had been enjoyed for s me time, Ildr. John It Hewer, of Loitdon, introduced a choice programme in which Miss Vera Hewer, the 41oontiontat; Verne L. Hewer, the baritone, Hanel Hewer, of London; Wi1lian Hewer, Tillson. burg; Ed, Hewer, Ti sonburg; Win, Lambdon, Delmer; W. H. Kipp, Del- mer; Mism Mabel Hipp, Mr. Spencer Hipp, Delmer; Mts. ratt, Browns - vine; Mr. and Mrs, J. DAWee. Bel - wont, gave nautical solutions. Speeoh- es were delivered by Ur W. H. ICipp, Gnu Martin, Corinth; John W.t fewer, Wingham; Benj. Buns, Coquille, Ore.; Joe. Hewer, and the okairman, John E. Hewer. In the trathelging of ninety 0 OM all were Telatives lbut two Perione. A molt enjOyable time WM lima. ' ../ Notice to The Thus main reoted up to Mond are requested to e their papers. If fully paid up, yoa thanks, Those wh confer a favor by Money is needed to the same as any o single dollar may s but counting all 1 ubscribers. g list has been cor. and our eubsoribere amine the label on LO label shows you ave the editor's best are in arrears will enewing promptly. tin a printing office her business. The em a small item, e dollars that are owiug makes a oon iderable sum that would come handy t•;‘ the editor Hagar and Empress. es for ladies. "See ad." W. J. GREER. Notice for eachers. The Uniform Pr motion Examina. dons for the pnblio schools of Huron, will be helnen Apri 1st, 2nd and 5th. Papers will be sent ut for junior and senior Second, junior and senior Third and junior Fourth Isla ses. Teachers are requested to send a p stosrd, at once, to the public eohool In eotor, stating the exaot number of pup s to write in each Mass. The parcel oo taining the imperil will be sent to the tea her by "rah 27th. WANTED.—.& goodiptrf for general housework. Apply es. J. WALTON MCKEISBON$ Centre street. A Strong Pop lar School. "In union there is strength," "In a multitude of counts lore there is wis- dom." These are t o of the many nations why young eople consider it best to attend Caned Greatest Chain of High-grade, Mode'', Actual Business Schools. Wingham Business College, whose new adverti ment appears in this issue, is a worth link, County Tempera ce Convention. Thursday preoedi g Good Friday (April 8th) has been looted as the date for the Huron Co nty Temperance Convention to be eld in Blyth. It promises to be one the most impor- tant Conventions ver held in the County as the quest .n of the "abolition of thentar" from e •I:ry municipality of the County not now under Looal Option is te be ooneidered. Mr. Jos. Gibeon, of Ingersoll, Presitlen of the Ontario Al. Bence has been as nred to epeak, also Rev. T. D. MoKerr 1, of Lnoknow, (and recently from Owe Sound) as well as the looal men. Dale ates will be in at- tendance from all t e churches of the County and represextaxivea from the various Temperanje societies, The railways will give eingle fare for the return trip for thi date. (The usunl Easter rates.) Night A number of am spending three nig Wingham Businee making an invest will draw divide Others are fritt From which of t Corporations, B select their man offioials, and whio telligently condo own? lasses. Alone young men are ts eeeh wgek at the College. They are nteoa whioh they s all through life. g away their timo. e above ()lessee will iness Houses. eto., gers and high paid will be able to in- t t businese of his Death of fiames Duffield. After an Hines of several weeks, Mr. James Duffield, 4ne of Wingbain's best known oitizensl passed away early Tuesday moral g in his 741h year. Forty.five yearsiago Mr. Duffield moved from Markhaut. to London, (establishing lin oil refinery with his brother. The project was eno essfnl, so muoh so that on various oco dons the brothers were urged by Joh D. Rookfelier to join him in the bus nese. These offers were refused. Mr. affield was, in minium tion with othe prominent men respon- sible for th organization of the Imperial 011 0 napany, whioh company did the leadin oil business in Canada for many year , and is still in existence. He retired fro baldness in London in 1875 and m 1837 came to Wingham and was engaged in the stove and tinware business for upwards of ten years when he retired.. gr. Duffield was fond of athletic sport and was himself an expert fisherman and curler. HO was a man of retiring dipposition and never took an tiotive part i. iti political or municipal affair.. He was a man held itt high esteem bym11 who knew him, and his It death make another break in the chain Of earlier r odents. He is survived by his widow. Oe son and two daughters, the former', George, in South Africa. Mr,. Geo. 400 and Mrs. Fred Heath, Of London ,1 are the daughters. SAMOS Duffield, of London is a nephew. He alseleaves three brOtheyi and a Mater, Imo, of ',London; Robert of Los Angeles, add Alexander, of Toronto; and Mrs. Joseph Rollo*, of St. John, N. B. The f?aneral will take plitoe from the familY residence, oorner of Patrick and Centre streets this (Thursday) atternOott at e'olOok for the Winghant eemetery. ADDRESS A PRESENTATION The social hel under the ans Presbyterian Su tne most sucoes held by the so the Snperinten and an exoellent ed and refreshm pleasant part of tainment was pulpit robe to D. Perrie. Mr. entered on his It church, and th gregation took 11 ing their apprecIl The address w Spotton and th Mr. Robt. Max a suitable repl gregation for t words of appre last Friday evening, cies of St. Andrew's day school, was one of ul entertainments ever ool. Dr. A. J, Irwin, nt, occupied the ohnir programme was render- nts served. The most the evening's enter. bo presentation of a e popular pastor, Rev. Perrie on Sunday last th year as pastor of the members of the con- e opportunity of show- ation for their pastor. s read by Mr. Geo. presentation made by ell. Mr. Perrie made and thanked the con- eir excellent gift and iation of him as their pastor. Short congratulatory speeohes were made by D. Irwin and &Tesoro. P. Campbell, Robt Lookhart, S. Graoey and Geo, Spottoti. Mr. Parries has done a good work iq Wingham during his fifteen years plaetorate. The church was heavily in idebt when he came. This has been cleared and a large amount has be4i spent in further im- proving the chit oh and manse. The membership has iiso largely increased, Mr. Perrie has el aye been an excellent expounder of the Truth and his 'sermons are nery muoli appreciated by the con. gregation, and the very best of good - feeling exists between pastor and people. The Trnnts is pleased to learn that M. Perrie's health is very much improved and we hope he may be long spared to do good Iwork in the church. The addrees read was as follows:— To THE REVEREND TAVID PERRIE,— We have taken advantage of this Sunday School sooial evening, to show our heart -felt and unbounded apprecia- tion of your labours in oar beloved church of St. Andrevide, as our friend and minister for the past fifteen years. While we are fully consoions of the high dignity and eanctity of the pastoral office, we are ,rt unmindful of the solemn oharge hioh is confided to a clergyman, "Who comprehends his trust, and to the same Keeps faithful with a singleness of aim, when he is oalleil to the cure of souls, and also of the dread responsibility whioh is imposed upon him as he stands at the sacred desk and seeks to interpret and to put into language, the neces- sities of his people for their spiritual and bodily welfare. Your ministrations in St, Andrew's have covered a beng period of years and have been most 'acceptable. Yon have manifested a sympathetic interest in all that concerned the well-being of the ohnroh and the Various members of the congregation. Your Bound Christian doctrine, char/niter and teaching have proved you to le a valiant "Soldier of Christ," who "Holds no parley ith unmanly fears; Where Duty bids ie confidently steers, Faces a thousand tlangers at her call And, trusting in fits God, surmounts them all," From your xposition of the Sacred Word we havt derived "life and food for future yea revealed the p cultured Bohol the Pierian s found eruditi have evoked dations. We would o er you this evening, a tribute of our affection. gratitude and reverence, whi h is due to your entire conteoretation ,,to tbe service of the church, to pone piety and faithfulness as the steward of the mysteries of grace, and to your unswerving loyalty as the guardian of the ‘precions treasure oom- mitted to your oharge. Therefore, foliowing the venerable preoedent of our thers, we present to yon this gown and we beg you to nooept it as an affeotio te memorial from a grateful people, wtho, by this gift wish to set the seal of ttlsir approbation upon your walk and co venation. May God's o 'oloest blessings rest down richly npo you and your loved ones and may y n long be spared to wear this gown th honour and prattle both to yoursel and to the church whioh you so wo thily represent. Dated at Win ham thie 191h day of February, 1909. Signed on behlt f of the congregation of St. Andrew's. ." Your sermons have ilosophio mind and the who has drunk deep of Inge, while your pro - and ripe scholarship the highest common- GEO. SPOTTOX R. S. MoGun ROBT. MAXWELL R. A. Huromsois W. A. CAMPBELL Dr, Ovens, Oonliet, London, Surgeon Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat will be at MoKibbon's drug store, Wednesday, March 24th. Hours: 2 pane to 8 p.m. Gimes properly fitted. Wawanosh Jost before goin the death of two w East Waivanosh, day morning, in t Jamieson and AI Jamieson was NC Bruoe 81 years an erg of Mr. J'aml Wingham cornets and Mr, Rrtioe'. 10 DelOOTI'M has are u04 at ha oneers Dead. to prose we learn of 11-kn0wnipioneers of o died on Wednes- persons Of Thomas under Bruce. Mr. d 88 years and Mr. 10 month. The foti. n will take Owe to on Friday afternoon Saturday Oren:10011 tery, Other platten. 4 for Wit lint, CHURCH NOTES. $1 A YEAR IN ADVANCE mstairmarwramm Rev. Dr. Grant, for many years Prete byterian minister at Orillia, died on Saturday last. Rev. W. F. Prioe, of Littowel, will preach in the Briptist Chords next Sun. day, tnorning a d evening. Rev. Dr, G Methodist Ch formerly of Wi to remain ano ignited to do so. Rev. W. G. churoh will ape following subje of summer bee cape," 7 p. welcome. udy, pastor of Grace roh, St, Thomas, and gham, has been invited or year. He has con - mon of the Methefiist k next Sunday Ott \sae ts: 11 a. m., "A glint ty, on a winter lands. ., "Quarantine." All The regalar o mmnnion service in oonneotion with St. Andrew's Presby- terian Church w 11 be held on Sunday morning, March 71h, The preparatory service will be he d on Friday afternoon, March 5th. The Bishop of Rev. H. M. La Clhurch, Brussel Chan% at List will take up his let of March. At a reoent board of Sea kindly refere pastoral and p Rev. D. Roger unanimously labors for a th Huron has appointed g.Ford, of St. .Tohn's as rector of Chrict wel. Mr. Lang -Ford oek at Listowel on the eting of the quarterly rth Methodist Ohnroh es were made to the 'pit work of the pastor, , and on motion he was nvited to continue his d year. On Sunday morning last, Rev. D, Perrie, in epee ing of his fifteen years as pastor of St. ndrew's Church noted the many ohang s that have taken place In these years. In the Presbytery of Maitland only thee ministers are now ) within its bounds\,ho were members of the Presbytery fift en years ago. Rev. W. L. Stkeves, of MoMaster University, Torontall has accepted an invitation to the past rate of the Wing - ham Baptist Church, nd it is expected will assume charge of ties work on the fint Sunday in March ?dr. Steeves has occupied the Bapti4 pulpit here on several occasions and ias shown consid- erable ability. At the regular Fe ruary meeting of the quarterly board o the Ontario street Methodist Church, 01 ton, a unanimous invitation Was extend d to Rev. T. W. °miens, of Wallacebur , to become their pastor at the expirati n of the present conference year. Rev W. E. Kerr, who is olosing his onrth year at Ontario street, has be n unanimously invited to the Meth diet Church in Tillsonburg. Both vitations bave been aooepted subje t to the usual conditions. Venerable Archdea on J. Fielding Sweeney, M. A , D. ., rector of St. Philip's Clhurott, To onto has been eleoted Bishop of the Diooese of Toronto in succession o the late Arch- bishop Sweatman. Ilhe election ap- pears to give the utneost satisfaction, and when the ChanoellOr of the diocese announced the result of the ballot and added that tbe Venerable Arohdeaoon was elected there writ suppressed yet audible applause, way some gentle handclaps and stamping of feet. At the evening session Archdeacon Sweeny announced his acioeptance of the high office. The Chain 14tters. Chain letters are agaht being received by a number of people be town, cawing worry to some who rpoeive them and who are superstitiously inolined, and being consigned to the ,waste baaket by those who have less faith in the effioaoy or common sense of snob epistles. The one whioh is now making the rounds reads as follows: Dear Friend,—Please copy this prayer and send it to your friende and see what will happen. Prayer—'O Lord Jesus, we implore Thee to love and have meroy on all mankind. Keep us from evil by Thy precious blood, and take us to live with Thee eternally." ; It is said that those!who will not copy this prayer will meet!with some raider - tube. It is alo saidithat those who will write it nine thnes from the day reoeiv- ed and send it to line of their friends will on the ninth ay experienoe some great joy. It le Said at Jerusalem at the holy feut that those who write thie ,. prayer will be deli1ered frotn an oalutt- ities, Do not brea the chain. Make a wish while writin . This wee sent to me. I am ohooti) you as one, hoping this will bring you he promised reward, Write one each ditty and send 11 10 A friend. I remain, OUR FRIEND. Hon, Senator .$,, tha senior So ion, and the Only on Ant oppointeei to t 1,11)01$13:11000. lri 1 bt OteitWIS. e , of itiehtuond, tor of the Domino ternabling of the Senate by royal is dingerenity ifl SPRING Suits Overcoats Trousers Etc., etc., is the theme which we bring t.0 your notice at this time. Some wise man has said, "My son, get wisdom, and with all thy getting get understanding," The wise man to day says, "Get a new snit or overcoat, and when you are getting, get it made to your order in your own town, where you know what you are getting, and that it is genuine tailor - made." That would be wisdom; that would be under- standing. Our New Spriug Goods have arrived, and it is not exaggerat- ing to say they are the nicest line we have had for some time, and at prices corresponding with the qualities shown, Space will not allow as to go into detail, but WE HAVE THE GOODS and can inake them any style desired. We are dealing in ) strong statements, but will back it up, that we have yet to find the style of garment we cannot dupli- cate. And although plain, neat styles are more in line with strictly high - elass tailoring this season, it is for you to name your style— WE WILL MAKE IT Our Furnishing Department is filled with the newest and best for Spring and Sumnaer in all lines. fj:"We have also added a first class line oi Jewelry. 11214S1. CALL IN. Robt Maxwell Tailor and Furnisher For Men Who Care. Mr, W. G ham Brown, ex -Manager of the Soverei u Bank, was acquitted at Montreal of th oherge of making Wee returns to the overnment. 2 TEACHERS of ripe scholarship, wide teach,4g and business experience in leading Canadian and American centres, c m • yed bv our chain of High -Grade Co11ege4, have built up a superior, unapproached curriculum Bach student is Instructed privately at his own desk. We IISSISB our gradu- ates to the best positions. Three courses — Commercial, steno- graphy and Telegraphy. Mail Courses. Enter any day. Write for particulars. WINGHAM BUSINESS COLLEGE GEO, SPOTTON, 411.111111.1.1111111110111.111/0M The Leading Shoe Store. THE WAVE OF FASHION THE HAGAR SHOE V4,t3 Me that Mande highest as re. preaenting the left tenoh of dittitiotlott in 011.14A.MAX WOMEN'S Strome a "HAGAR," faultless in STrut, FIT and Clottscitr, Thousands are treads= to•dey. Are you? We are Antste. See temples in *ludo*.