HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1909-02-18, Page 6`16
Tun wINU,44
TIMS ?EBUR Y la ivoa
Twenty-five years ago it was difficult
to sell spring wheat flour for pastry at
any price,
People didn't want it—they were using soft,
winter wheat flour, and saw no reason for
But hard wheat flour was persistently
pushed. The women tried it and succeeded
with it,—to-day hard wheat: flour is the favorite
for Pastry as well as for Bread.
Offilvie's Royal Household
is hard wheat flour at its best—milled by modern
methods, retaining all of the good of
the wheat. It is without an equal for
every kind of baking in which flour
is used. _ le
Ogilvie Moor Mills Co., limited, Montreal.
THEN Decide on the Business College
We ash the privilege of sending you
our intensely .interesting, 1tandsoinely0
illustrated FREE CATALOGUE In
fact. you really owe it to yourself to get
a copy and read it thoroughly before you
select the Business College to attendcowdo o-. .
This Catalogue explains all about our
school, our faculty, our different courses.
" Tells why we honestly believe our Col-
lege to be the best for you. After reading the bode we will leave
you to judge for yourself. Sending for a copy places you under no
obligation. Just mail your name and address on a postcard.
Students admitted any time. Special openings September and January:
The Forest City Business end Shorthand College
.31 WI WESTERVELT.. Principal J. W. WESTERVELT. Jr.. C.A.. Viods.Pericipal
',14".•t%;.•: • 0,6if
k is turned out every day with neat-
uess and despatch; where up-to-date
materials and machinery are usedo
and were mechanics with up-to-date
ideas are employed; where quality
characterizes every piece of work
and service given every buyer; where
cheap printing is never done, but
where good printing's done cheap;
where the kind or printing is done
that will lead the world to make a
beaten path to your door; where
particulars may be had by following
up the path to the office of
1 Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges,
And a little lab:wined io a charitable I Three ituudred emploaeeo of the Col.
thing, Quad Bleaching Werke at S. Henri
Women rule the waves OX the inairi. hove received nOtIoe of dismidal, It is
Held the plant will be moved to Magog.
Itepeat cure win al-
ways cure my cougiss and colds."
menial sea.
An Bxtraordinary Case.
"Or three daYs my wife hovered be -
*West life and (teeth with pneuraorda
or inflaninaetleg of tbe lunge,", writes
Mr. Fred rie,wklaa of eintonburg,
Cerletou Co., Ont., "and the dootor's
medicine did not help her. I then got
Dr, Oboes's Syrup of Linded and Tur-
pentine and this brought her relief the
firet night. Complete oure was ecrou
effeded and I cannot praiee this reed-
oine enough,"
If a man oan write a better book, preaoh a better sermon •
or make a better mouse -trap than his neighbor, though he
build 12iii house in the woods, the world will make a beaten
path to his door.—Emerson.
Get on the path to the door of the
Times Printing Office
Where mouse traps are not made but
—where --
Good Printing
or by calling tip 'Phone 40
A men seldom geta very angry when
he has only hiraself to blame,
It sometimes better to On and fail
than never to have tried M all.
nr. Owen CHM
molt is a certain
and guaranteed
°ureter each and
every to r ra ot
itching, bleeding
and protruding
piles. See testimonials in the press and, ask
rcer neighbors about it. You can use it and
setyour money back if not satisfied. 600, at al
amlers EDMANSON. BATES Co.,&Toronto.
Sugar should be added to turnips,
beets, peas, corn, squash and pumpkin.
The quickest &eater for a stioky
bread or cake pan is a crust of stale
Tiredness and \ Weakness
'Premier Scott of Saskatohewan wenn'
the Dominion Government to pan the
expenses of taking oare of the bend of
fanatical Dortabobore, sent bank to his
Province from ()Mario.
A. Ti. jarvie, formerly Seeretery to
the Deportment of Agriculture at Ot.
trivra, haft been appointed as Aosistent
Deputy Minster of Agriculture, for
the Dominion of Canada.
DOSTIVE Kidney Pills sot on the kid-
ney'', bladder and urinary organs only.
They pure baokaohes, weak baok, rheum-
atism, diabetes, congeetion, intiamation,
gravel, Bright's disease and in/ other
diseases arising from wrong action of the
kidneys and bladder
We were sorry to bear of a serioua
fire at Emerson, Maxx. in which W, B.
Ballantyne, formerly of Brussels, lost
ins printing Moe and Good Bros. also
former Brusselitea suffered the loss of
their grocery.
enn age. *Xt Co Vt. X ...tta.
Bears the Kind You Have Ways BMW
Beason Vnthroned.
Because meats are so tasty they are
consumed in great excess. This leads
to storaaoh troublea, biliousness and
constipation. Revise your diet, let
reason and not a pampered appetite
control, then take a few doses of Cham-
berlain's Stomach and Liver Tablete
and you will Soot be wen again. Try
it. For sale by all Druggists.
Cherishing the memory of slights and
injuries is like filling the pillow with
The Bell Engine and Thresher Co
Seaforth paid, their tonal dividend of 7
per oeut. per annum on February 1st,
amounting to over $8,000. This is the
sixth annual dividend paid by the Bell
Company since commencing business
some aix years ago.
The Haldiraand County Council. has
decided to bird an indnotrial home at
If you would have a safe yet certain
Cough Remedy in the home, try Dr.
Shoop's—at least once. It is thorough-
ly unlike any other Cough preparation,
Its taste will be entirely new to you—
unless it is already your favorite Cough
Remedy. No Lpium, chloroform, or
any other stupifying ingredients are
used. The tender leaves of a harmless,
lung -healing mountainous shrub, give to
Dr. Shoop's Cough Remedy its wonder-
ful curative properties. It is truly a
most certain end trustworthy prescrip-
tion. Sold at Walley's Drug Store.
An illicit still was mind at Ste.
Agatha by Montreal °Meese and Joseph
°hared arreated on a °barge of running
Woodstock will organize a health as-
sociation for the purpose of erecting
a consumption sanatorium for the oity
and county.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
$ignature of
A Joyous Letter,
At 4 meeting Of the 0. P. R. direotero
Ate, held on lgolidel, it was deolded to
pay a cltvidend of 8,14 per cent. on
tionanson stook for the belt year eadiog
with December lam. Owe -half per
cant. of this divideud iit to be veld out
ot the interest on preemie of land
odd. After paying the clividenda
'tad edl other obargee there will be a
eurplao for the inlf year of Lomb' five
million dollats.
"1 adMit became') 1 negleoted early
trettiraeue 1 era entirely to Winne for the
condition of Wee/sada that for nearly
two year made my life a real misery,"
writes Sire Remo, of Beenport, "At
tiro I felt *tort of fiat in the %Warping
.mad could do no more than peak at say
'neared Later I remember my sleep
was duiturbed, that drearnn, reetlesa
eleep, from wbielt Ten linelly awaken,
sling as it Tog oould never get up.
Then I became thin, lost my alto, got
nervous and fearful About pothino, and
Itei* thinking about myself all the time,
and was irritable, cross And etwilY made
cry. What would have become of rue
if I had not taken Ferropoee I can't
imagine. Ferrozoae put new lite into
we from the 'that. It strengthened mY
nerves and brought beak ray color, aud
in a little while, led than three months,
no healthier and brighter woman could
be found artywiaere. I higbly praise
Ferrozone an. !Wales el* people to take
advantage of its bealth.conferrhag pro -
Permeate quiolrens the power of both
body and mind, simply bemuse it forms
lots of blood thet'a full of life and
Ferrozone cream appetite, gives
strength, vim And endurance, it's good
for old people, good for everybody tkat
needs better health. Thousands of men,
women and endldren. use Ferrozone every
day and all say its the beat nourishing,
strengthening tont° made; try Ferrozone
yourself. 50c. per box br oix boxes for
Sold by all dealers.
The sum ot $14,600,000 has been set
aside by the United States Steel Cor-
poration for the ereetion of its proposed
new plant on the St. Louis River, where,
it is said, a city like Gary, Indiana, is
to be built.
Repeat it :—"Shiloh's Cure will al -
wage cure my coughs and mulls."
The Iffaoleods have deoided to be con -
1351 with a yellow stripe in their tartan,
and this enables the Maokenzies to have
a raottoply of the white stripe, The
matter has been Battled without blood-
We offer One Hundred Dollars Re-
ward for any case of Catarrh that can-
not be oared by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, 0.
We, the undersigned, have known
F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and
believe hini perfedly honorable in all
business transactions and financially
able to carry out any obligations made
by his firm,
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0.
Hall's Catarrh Clure is taken internally,
rioting direotly upon the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system, Testi.
menials sent free. Price 76 odds per
bottle. Sold by all Druggists.
Take Hall's Venally Pills for con-
Dt. Chan H. Hamden, a well.ktown
dentist ot Bownianville, hanged lairmelf
in the lookup, .where he had been con-
fined awaiting removal to an asylum.
That farmers in the counties of
&SOX and Kent oan grow corn is
proven by the faot that of the $6,220,-
000 received in Ontario for corn lad
year, they received 0,111,000, of which
$1,672,000 went to Essex and $1,489,000
to Kent farmers. This is one of the
results of specializing by the Ontario
coughs and Cold Disappear Liktt
fdagle When Ilyoartel is Used.
If the thouotunis ef People who aria,
ter trent backing noughs and agonizing
aide would mouse themselves onflicient.
ly to follow this advioe, they would
yeast, to °omelelfl wittini14 hours.
Dears the The Kind lttl Have AIWOYa BOHR
o 1442(
The death tOtik Plaoo ou SotordoY,
Feb. 6th of Angus hioNevian a former
employee tit the Goderia munioipal
waterworks plent. Mr. MoNevin was
in hie 491h year, and about e yeer
had a stroke • of paralysis. Ile is sur-
vived by three brothers, Alexander, of
Pee Big Mill, Wm, J., of St. Marys, and
Donald, 01 Dungannon; and besideu his
wife he leaves a family of three boys
and one girl.
Repeat it :—"Shilehte Cure will al-
ways mare my eoughs and colds."
While the Newboro and Athena
hockey teams were returning towards
Brookville from Westport after a game
there was rip almost contrive= fight
until A.tb.ens was reached. Bottles were
thrown, windows were anamhed, one
man had his thunab bitten, a number
suffered fraotureo of the pose, and one
as thrown from the am, the train
being stopped until he was picaed up
As a spring medicines Burdook Blood
Sitters has no equal. It tones up the
system and removes all impurities from
he blood, , and takes away that tired,
weary feeling so prevalent it the spring.
Twelve large anthraoite colliers in the
Amman Valley, 01 South Wales, em-
ploying close tmon 0,000 hands, have
been shut down owing to a denaand by
he if realm for an increase of is a
day ltising refused. An offer of an ad -
vane(' of 8d with the alternative of
arbitration by a board of trade umpire
was rejected.
Ask "Yourself the Question
Why not use Chamberlain's Liniment
when you have rheumatism? We feel
sure that the result will be prompt and
satisfactory. It has cured otbers, why
not you? Try it It costs but a trifie.
Price, 25 cents; large size, 50 midi. For
sale by all Druggists.
The thief Office a the liver id the seem.
Mon of bile, which is the littoral regulator
of the bowel.
Whenever the livor became deranged,
and. the bilo &tete clogged, liver complaint
iti produced, and is manifested by the pre.
sews of ooastipation, pain under the right
ithouldete sallow complexion, yelloer era*
IlinipcOated tape and headaehe, heart-
burn, jaundice, out storartcb, wider 'breed',
cattail of the starisma, etc.
Liver Oisrespla.Int may be cared by
avoiding theabeve mentioned eacteer, keep -
lag theboWels free, and arousing the slug-
gish liver with that grand liver regulator,
Here the adeloe, if yen telte it and
are afterward sorry that yon did, la.
wool 000t You A PeletlY.
Go to Walton MeKibbou, the druggist,
end purehose from hint a 11TOMei (pro-
nouoced Eligh.o.me) outfit. It will main
cost you $1,00. Teke 11 home; USe a no -
cording to directions and if it does not,
care your oough or old, telte it back
end Walton MoKibbon wal refund the
purchese mace.
lifrie,1 Coml. of John Street, Aden,
Oat., saTO ; "X had a Syrelling owns
near my eyes which was used by the
catarrhal contlitiou. I had to cough up.
the bad impurities that dropped into
my throat, and it felt as if A hard cold-'
hd attaolred me, right in my heed, nose
and anomie near. A wen's treatment
of Hyomei overtime my trouble. I ant'
glad. to endorse Hyomei."
When you -use Hymned You don't,
swallow nauseating arugs. Yon simply
breathe in the soothing, pleasant and
antiseptic) Elyomei sir through tbe little
pocket inhaler that comes With each!
outfit. As ;hie inedioated air passes
over the inflamed parts, relief comes
almost at once and cure follows.
Eiyomei is *leo guaranteed by Walton
131oKibbon to oure ()Merril, ()MP, grip.
and asthma,
Por that Terrible Itching.
Eczema, totter and eat rheum keep
their victims in perpetual torment. Tbe
applioation of Chamberlain's Salve will
instantly allay this itehing, and many
have been cured by ita tee. For sale by
all Druggists.
Friends do not freeze to a frozen
Repeat it: —"Bhiloh's Cure will al -
Ways mire my coughs and colds."
It's easier to say disagreeable things
then 11 16 to do them.
Croup positively stopped in 20 minutes,.
with Dr. Shoop's Croup Remedy. One
test alone will direly prove this truth.
No vomiting, no distress. A safe and
Pleasing syrup -500. Sold at Welleyet
Drug Store.
Cornish mines last year produced
6,668 tons of block tire, whiob sold for
Local items are hard to run down,.
How many times have yon dear reader
been approaohed by the newspaper
man for an item of news and told him
you knew nothing of interest. Pro-
bably at the time your family was
away visiting or some one from out Lit
town was visittng your home. Of
course you did not mean ;no deeeive
ye soribe, yet when you 'receive the
paper you wonder why your family or
friend was not mentioned. Let us have
your local items,
In paying $2,500 for a two.year-old
heifer at the Union Stook Yards, West
Toronto, Mr. Thos. Johnson, of Col-
umbus, Ohio, oat up a new mark. The
price is a record for Canada.
ant Valley Jilt," which sold for $2,600,
is a red. two.yearold, and was bred by
G. Amos & Son, Moffatt, Ont., well
known to stook men among the biggest
breeders of pure bred Soots% shorthorn
The essential iting.healing principal of
the pine tree has Axially been succeosfully
separated and refined into a perfect
cough medicine—Dr. Wood's. Norway
Pine Syrup. Sold by all dealers On a
guarantee of satisfaotion. Prioe 25
Chafed and Irritated Skin.
What mother is not tired of using un-
sanitary, pore -clogging powders to re-
ieve the chafing and skin irritation of
hex baby? Dr. Chase'a Ointment is so
delightfully 4eoothing and healing that
is is admirably adapted for this purpose.
It relieves the itching and stinging told
makes the akin soft, smooth and vel-
vety. Dr. Chase's Ointment is also a
positive cure for baby eczema from
whia so many babies suffer during the
teething period.
Hon, G. P. Graham. has informed Sir
Thomas Shaughnessy that the C. P. E. 's
application for running rights over the
Interoolonial will not be considered by
the Government until an arrangement
is made for extending eitallar privileges
to the Canadian Northern,
The Rev. John Beokley Hughes, ;near
of • Staverton, Devonshire, sinoe 1874,
and Alm Hughes celebrated the dial -
first anniversary of their wedding re-
cently. Mr. Hughes is in his ninety-
third year.
Repeat it:—"Shiloh's Cure will al-
ways curetray coughs and colds."
Besides aome warlike men. Mace-
donia contains an abundance of wild
animals. A traveler writes: "By the
aide of cake and walnuts you find great
tortoises and snakes eight feet long,
and bare and wolves."
Threatening feverishness with children
is quickly and safely calmed by Prevail -
tics. These little Candy Cold Cure
Tablets ahould always be at hand --for
proraptnees is alhimportent. Preventies
oottain no quinine, nothing harsh or
sickening. They are, indeed, "the titch
in time. Carried in pooket or puree,
Preventios are a genuine safeguard
Against Cold, 25e. Sold at Walley's
Drug Store.
A false impression has been oreated
tts to the number of divorce oases which
will be dealt with at the present session
of the Canadian Senate. While it is
true that during the past six months
notices of an mammal number of 0£1388
has been given to the Canada Ga-
zette, there is no guarantee that they
will all be proceederbwith. It frequent-
ly happena that after notice is given
nothing further is done. Up to the
present time only six petitions for
divorce have been received by the Sen-
ate Divorce Committee.
Many Sleepless Nights, Owing to a
Persistent Cough. Belief Found
at Last.
"For several winters past my wife has
been troubled with a moat persistent and
disagreeable cough which itivariably ex-
tended over a period of several weeks
and caused her many sleepless nightie"
writes Will J. Hayner, editor of the
Burley, Colo., Bulletin. "Various rem.
edam' were tried each year, with no
beneficial resulta, In November last the
oough again put in an appearance and
any wife, rioting on the suggestion of a
friend, purohased a bottle of Chamber-
lain's Cough Remedy. The result was,
indeed, marvelous. After three doses
the cough entirely disappeared and has
not manifested itself since." This rem-
edy is for sale by gni Druggisto.
Paisley ootporetion have held an in-
quiry Yegarding eighteen properties
which are repotted as being unlit for
htimen habitation. Sixty.oritt dwelling
hettSea and tacit shopa ate to be closed
in may.
ge,,,,„ fhb_,The ilrld Yae an!i!
Mr. (leo, Fawcett, Hamilton, °Ma:irate*:
"Having *offend with livet.totaplowit tor
yeti* and tried all sotto of temsdies, 1 Wu
advirod to try Mitimitals LesuaLiver Pinta
Taut wiy, float aftor taking two viol, el
them, I feel quite noir Dian, and sisa
strongly toocianiend thew to eayotte.,'
Nee 25 waits per visl or6 for $1.00, at
su assists or tosil4s1 iihvott by the The T.
IttilbOrit 0o. tilait44 Toast% 00. ,
In slated, if a certain hidden nerve
goes wrong, then the organ that thin
nerve controls will also surely fail. It
may be a Stomach nerve, or it may
have given strength and support to the
Heart or Kidney% It was Dr. Shoop
that first pointed to this vital truth.
Rh Shoop's Restorative was not made
to dose the Stomata nor to temporarily
stimulate the Heart or Kidneys. That
old-fashioned method is all wrong. Dr.
Shoop's , Restorative goes diredly to
these failing nerves. The remarkable
success of this prescription demonstrates
the wisdom of treating the actual olame
of these failing organs. And it is indeed
easy to prove. A simple five or ten days
test will surely tell, Try it woe, and
Sold at Walley'a Drug Store.
Who wouldn't give 25 cents to atop a
pain 20 times? juse one little "Pink
Pain Tablet"—Dr. Shoop's—will stop
S57 pain in 20 minutes, sure! Read the
formula on the box. Dodos' say it
oan't be bettered. Checks womanly
pains, head pains, any pain. 20 tableta
250. Sold at Walley's Drug Store.
In the offertory box of a parish
ohuroh in Liverpool on Sunday there
was a paper peoket containing tgre
half-orowns. On the paper was writ-
ten "My first week' a pension, and I
thank God for it." The incident was
related by the Bishop of Liverpool. It
is also stated, that to a sale of work
organized by the Primitive Methodiste
at Dttkinfteld, Mrs. Sanderson, an aged
Sunday whoa veorker, subscribed five
shillings, the first sum she received
uuder the new sot
H. S. Baronet, ettested and brought
to trial at Chicago on a oharge of
bigamy, is believed to have married and
deceived at least fifty women in vatious
towns and cities in Anatirica and
Europe. Batman Smiled when Mked
he thought he had netted $60,000 from
his VerleuS marriages.. He was given
en intermediate sentace of baptism.
A prehistorio head, tlisoovered at
Stilith America, wait sold for
ais Olt at Stevens' ROW. 11 Welt
rmonered fteeat gave beneath 40
bet at virgia patio, sad is a tents
Otat extinct white ritee et Pert.
ilorreitS Oure will
mos cure my ooughs and colds."
East Elglti license affairs 'will 'be prob.
ed by Mr. Sudo Saunders, head of the
Downie -deportment of the Provincial
Goternment. This is out of tha AO*
iminei of the Hepburn sib% old has
been prinnieed by tho GAnitAtA0M 10*
A 10ag IIZAL
The telephone system of Manitoba
has been under Provinnial ownership
for a year, and during that time hait
accumulated a surplus of one and one-
quarter million dollen, besides pro. -
Tiding for the cod of some 600 miles,
of long distance and loud lines which.
have been cotstruoted by the Govern.-
mezit. A sweeping reduction in rates.
is now promised. In Saskatchewan,
where the lines are also under publia.
ownership a reduction of 25 per cent, in.
rates has already bean made.
Save Money by Buying Chamberlain's
Cough Reltiedy
You will pay juin as Much fors bottle
Of Ohamberlain'e Cough Remedy as tot
any other cough medicines, but you save
money in buying it, The EIVitig is in
what you get, not what yen pay. The
Stire40•onr60y011 quality is in every
bottle of this remedy, and you get good
resulto when you take it. Neglected
colds often develop serious caniditiota,
and when you buy a !tough medicine
you want to be Stire you are getting One
that will cure your cold. Oheraberlain's
Cattgh Remedy always cures. Prioe 26
and 50 cents a bottle. For Mk by all
PAriliari Sage, the quielt toting 'hair
restorer, is now for sale in Winglike= at
the drng store of Walton Molribbon and
Is sold with a rigid guarantee at 60
cents a bottle.
Parisian Sage hat an immense isle,
and hots are the Mean:fat
11 IS tate and harmless.
It enroll dendruft in two Weeko, by
killing the dandruff germ.
It stove falling hair.
• It promptly MOS Rolling of the Wide.
It makes the hair oott and luturilmt,
It gju life And beanly tO the hat.
It 1 not otiotty or greet,.
It le the daintiest petfumed hair tonic
nude. I alid in tt OW IMO* the patient Will be
It is the bait, the MOSt plesistit and Out ot danger. This Simple remedy hi*
mvinorotwo mit &egging mom. oswes WWI to onto this too ono fstsi
slot shy Of the drUggist W110 esti intim,. ttituai slags or gout apollog.,
Von a Substitute; he it unIrottltY of Prat " 4
00tifideriee. tiontl will be SUDIOletit.--DetrOlt ITOWS.
Laxa-Liver Pills ire the ladies' 1 !merit
medicine. They etre Constipation, Sick
Headache, Billiousnese, and Dyopepsia,
without griping, purgbig or siokening.
The shareholders of the Walkerton -
Binder Twine Co., at tbeir meeting at.
Walkerton reoently gave 'the direotors,
authority to dismantle the factory and „
sell the tenchinery and building somata
Au order aleo wax made eatthorizing the
dixectora to oall a general raeating of
the shareholders of the commute. at some
early date and wind uo the factory. A
gentleman has been looking at the fac-
tory property with the Objeot in view of
buying the *eatery and turning it into a
manufactory of women's wear,
IstOt Onions, according to a French
nhysiolen, are oaid to be sure cure tor
pneumonia. The remedy 1 as follows:
Take sit or ten onions, ontoOrding to site,
and ohop dile, put in a large pan over a
fire, then add the twine quantity of rye
Meal and *huger enough to makes thick
rade, in the uteantime stir it thOrough-
letting it simmer for five 01 150 min.
utei. Then put in A Cotten, beg large
enough to cover the longs and apply to
chest at hot ti patient sin hear, in
About 100 minutes 00/ 000thst, Imo
thus nentitine by reheating the penlitioee,
(Generated Oxygen)
RHEUMATISM, es it allows theltidneys
to freely discharge the Uric Acid
from the Blood.
Curet Oki Sores,
Ottod Perelly Medicine to use ter Cum
Stalds and Bruise:.
For Sole by all Dreggisto,
42 thirbord Street, Toronto. Canada