HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1909-02-18, Page 5FINE TAILORED GARMENTS FOR MEN
About your Spring Suit or Overcoat? There is no need
to be, when we can show you 200 patterns of cloth and
20 or more styles—everyone of them correct in every
detail. The wearers of 20th CENTURY BRAND
clothes have ceased worrying over the dress problem,
rhey know where to go every season and get just what
1 -ley want.
The first shipment of our new zoth Century Brand Suits
is to hand. The styles are extremely new
and attractive.
Also the first shipment of the new spring shapes in
black and colored, stiff and soft Hats.
Come in and see.
McGee & -Campbell
The oonnoil met on Monday, Feb. 8th
eta per Modena of adjournment of Omits
meeting. Members all present. Sas.
Donaldson, Reeve, in the chair.
The minutes of last meeting were read,
,and on motion of Ballagh and Baptist,
Were sustained.
As per advertisement applications
were received for the office of ammo,:
:from Jen° Johnston and pan McKay,
Falooner—Baptist—That Dan McKay
he appointed aasessor for the onrrent
Year at the salary stated in by.law,—
Kuntz—Baptist—That By Law No. 4,
190, being a bylaw appointing the
leveml paid ofacere of the township, be
now read. and finally passed, signed and
' eiealed.
, Falooner —Baptist—That this council
reduce asommutation for statute labor
‘from one dollar to seventy-five cents
per day, and that all monies received in
lieu of statute labor to be pat into the
general fund. A vote Wee taken on this
motion as follow, for thie motion, Pal-
e:toner, Baptist and Donaldson; against.
Kuntz and Bellagla. Motion carried.
Kuntz—Beetist —That as the auditors
have presented their report and the mutt-
s:Ill has compered the same with the
treasurer's otish book, and find the ettme
apparently correot, that the report be
•Moepted and that they be pald each the
-sum of nine dollars, and that the Clerk
have 200 caplets of the report printed for
Kunte—Ballsigh—Thet Wheretie pars
ties having good grovel pits having re,
fused to give sawn at the old price,
that in the interests of the whole town-
ship it is deemed advisable to raise the
prioe to 8 ciente per cubit) yard to Indus%
holders of good gravel pits to open up
same and that in future no damage will
be allowed for road through fiends unless
tesrenty rods have been travelled in gets
Ong to the pit. And that a by-law be
lasted Mad passed confining the tame.
es -Coded.
The following aebeunts were passed
Atici recommended to be paids—Sno. 1.
Wall, platting In tattivert, $11.03; P. A.
• •••••*,...Ve..,
Maloomeons advice re obstruotion an
road, $2; A. Efartleib, examination for
House of Refuge, $0; A, Casliok, salary
as collector, $60; Chas. Button, registra-
tion fees, *15.80, salary as clerk, "$125;
Thos. McDonald, salary as auditor, $9;
Thos. B. Aitkens, salary as auditor, $9;
A. D. Ma -Kenzie, balance contract print -
hag, $10; D. Borho, contraot gravelling,
$35; M. Fischer, 90 yds gravel, $6.80;
Geo, V. Straus, Impeding centred.
*2.50; jno. Clark, salary as treasurer,
$55; amount with Turnberry mutton re
botindary, $19.99.
The • finanoe report was read and
The octunoil then adjourned to raeet
again on Monday, Mardi 8th.
Cans. Boma, Clerk.
Wednesday of last week, at 4 p.
George Albert, infant son of .TOSOO
and Mrs. Bateman, 6th con„ died from
whooping cone, He was 5 raonthe
Fred Marsh and little son, of Sae.
naw, Mich., were visiting the former's
parents, D. and Km truth, 6th eon.
They returned home recently. It is 10
years since Mr. Marsh went West.
There pasted away On January 24th,
Lovina, the much beloved and only
daughter of K. and Mrs. Docked,
aged 1 year 5 months and 18 daya.
She oontraoted pneumonia and des-
pite all that Inedioel skill_ and kindest
°ere could do, the dear little girl paned
Aforiday evening, rob. 8th, Moot 7,30
Odor*, Hatvey Golden, the baby sou of
Joseph and Mrs. Amee died at the par -
sesta honie, lot 17, cote 4, aged 8 motithe
and 26 days. The baby was poor!), for
three weeks the ailment being pertussis
and bowel trouble and suffered neverely
at times. Be Wee an extra bright child,
and the parents have the sympathy of
the mixiMienity In their bereavement,
Mr. Edward Itidd eeoured the Carleton
ConserVative nomination,
Not Coughing Today?
Yet you may cough tommTowl Better be prepared for it
when it comes. Ask your doctor about keeping Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral in the house. Then when the hard cold
or tough first appears you have a doctor's medicine at
hand. Your doctor's approval of its use will certainly
set all doubt at rest. Do as he says. He knows.
No alcohol in this cough medicine. gdt"ass.
h th is a sat
.4tOttstipalsket dedity thereasta
t of health. Ask your doctor about Ayes- MM.
sisint and lung trottbless het
TRJ4 Virl1C0114g TU4E�, ITES17,410. 18 OM.
On WedOeSdisy, rebraary Z0th deeth
removed one of the eorliese eettlers
the County n the pereon Of Ur. So/septa
Ititialeeia. He lied be ailing for aorae
time batik but took a no for the worse
last week. He wee born be 1836 tn aop.
Sewn, Wentworth Qounty, end moved
to Huron about forty years ago arid
gentled on Obi lete residence, lot 1 con,.
cession 7, Turnberry. Mr, Kitolaen
Most likeeble man and made hosts of
friendwherever be was Ineetvrt. He
leeves VeldOw, two sons ond two
deughtere all of mature ego, He was
etanneb, member of the Methodist
Aro Too aubleot to come
nen don't load year atomeole with
cough syrups. Send heeling meciloatiOn
throughthe nostrils—send it into the
passages that are subjeot to olds and
catarrh. Easy to do thie with Catarrin
imam, wise% oures a cold in ten minu-
te's. Even to the lungs goes the healing
vapor of Catarrhozone—all through the
bronchial tubes, nostriland air pumps
—every where a traoe of disease reMaine
wtlL Catarrhozone follow, Yon'll not
have colds, nor will you suffer from
sniffles, bronchitis or throat trouble if
Oatarrhozone is 'used, Get it tcednY.
25 ote. and $1.00 at all dealers.
Messrs, McKay and Shaw have lewd
the premises in the Sonde block where
the Metropolitan Bank Iles been for
several months, and will remove their
hardware stook there in the mune of a
month, the bank returning to their
renovated premises in the Stretton
A movement is on foot in Brussels
and locality to organize an Independent
Telephone Co„ along the line of muni.
deal debenture aid to serve the town
and country contiguous to it with a first
dam service at a comparatively low
coat. Without much effort a petition is
already in hand with well on to a hun-
dred names asking that action be taken.
Modern conveniences have the platform
and the rural telephone is one of the
foremoat to -day and the people are
greatly interested in a very practical
rnanner over it.
To Atove Oft a Cold,
Cough mixtures "dope" a cold—but
euro. Above all elan keep the
bowels regular and stimulate the dim -
Mating organs. More vetuable than
any cough syrup are Dr. Hamilton's
Pills. They dear the system of every
traoe of cold—the dull headaohe, etching
limbs, and cough disappears. Take the
pills before retiring, they workweile
you sleep, and by morning your odd is
broken and passes quickly away. All
deidere sell Dr. Hamilton's Pills in 25
ot, boxes.
ST. Etnr..ners.
Mies Elsie Monaren, of Luoknow, is
visiting friends in this vicinity.
Miss Marguerite Rutherford is spend.
ing a couple of weeks with her aunt,
Mrs. Courtney, at Araberly,
Miss Sorimeger and Mrs. W. I. Dodd,
Sandayed at Mrs. Ed. Mottobertsl,
Mrs. WM. Hughes apent a few days
at Wingham and Blnevale this week.
Walter Bown went to Wingham on
business'on Monday,
On Monday, Feb. 8th, born to Mr. and
Mrs. Abe Durnirt; a daughter.
The Green Bros, have fulfilled their
contract with H. McQuillan and are
:working with Chas. Thome at present.
The topic for the Y. P. B. class 10 be
discussed next Sabbath evening le a
debate on "Church Union," We feel
sure this will be very interesting and
tend to draw a large crowd.
Id Your Meat wheezy!,
Tightness and wheezing meant/ your
trouble is deep.seated. To delay Ir
dangerous. Inflamraation must be
drawn out at onoe. Rub the thraat and
chest with Nerviline, and pet on a Net.
viline Porous Plaster. Relief cornea in
an hour. The ocranterirritant °fleet of
the plaster relieves the tightness and
strain, draws out the soreness, easee the
pain. The penetrating qualities of Ner-
viline enable it to soak to the very ore
of the trouble, and yon experience a
feeling of warmth and relief that proves
the danger le peat. For weak chest,
sore throat and tendenoy to colds, the
Nerviline Tmatinent beat e all others,
try it.
We are earry to hear that it was
found necessary to take John, eldest
son of Malcolm Fraser, 2nd oon. of
Grey, te Guelph Ilospittil last week
to undergo an operation fOr appendis
tittle. Hitt many friends hope be Will
some be ot k.
A Fermata' Olub has been orgardzed
here with Obe.tles Forrest, at President;
W. Motes, Vioe Pretildent ; and L. It,
Rotten, Seeretary-Treacittrer. The ins
tendon Is to dieettes questions of beton*
to farm life and regular meetinge will
be held. There should be a large mem.
bership and no Small amount of good
sliould eeetrue.
Few people who are tiOquainted with
Jahn Us Miller, a well known reeident
of the locality, and note his energy of y tt gre
body and clearness of Mind would Itto it brig
Mine that he Veeteld he 80 years Of ego lit'lleet
nett Arignst, yet each is the oats. Be bowel
enjOye the beet of hetsIth and is able to • &etre
eat, eleep and work. On the gth of next 4,1:100
.Inty Mr. Miller and his eatittiebIe Wife ' rir Alle
Will he lid Yearl Marled, Which iropors willits
tent avant wilt no doubt be stritably ville. 0
celebrated. •
The grendest 64/ant af the
ler, in Teemeter Seoid
the celebration on Taessley,
the marrioge ot Miss Minnie
ton, eeoend daughter of Mr.
Peter rikrohTaughton, of town,
Salnuel BobI U, TeeeViAt
known butter 'manufacturer
dealer. The ceremony waif 13
at the 119M0 of the bride's pa
BroWnlee Ste et 11 BO o'olook
Revs D. Tett ofileiating. The
peent abotte 60 gowns, ne
from the tevrit and country int
17 atirrounding, The bride, w
ed very pretty In a gown o
White dachees arida trinesue
orlentel lace, wee given away
tether. She carried a boq
white roses, lilliee of the Tall
maidenet heir ferns. Mies K
played the wedding march. T
oereraony wee used, and both bri
groom. were untsttended. By t
train, Mr. and edm. Brill left o
to England. They sail by the E
of Ireland from St, John, N. B.,
day, and expect to be away abo
seiteent rn
elee, Wes
ob. nth of
and Afro,
and Ur.
er's wen -
anti grain
Mute on
a. M.,
re 'were
arty ell
ho look -
f ivory
d with
by her
net of
07 and
he ring
de end
he 2,50
a a trip
on Fri-
The council met pursuant te adeourn-
ment, on Feb. 8th, Moaner+ Prea.
en, the Reeve in the °hair; rainutee of
last meeting read and condrmell.
On motion of MoOraoken and Wilkin-
son, the Reeve and Clerk was 'Intruded
to hove an agreemous drawn up for the
signature of Geo. Taylor for completion
of the Pole drain.
On racition of Shortreed and InroCraok-
en, the Olerk was instruoted to procure
six copies of the Municipal World for
use of council.
Auditors report was received and on
motion of Shortreed and MoOraoken
was emoted as eatiefaotory and the
clerk was instructed to have the abstract
published in the Bruesele Post.
A deputation from Winglanni appear.
ed requesting the privilege of erecting
rural telephone Poles within this mann
ideality to be subj,et to the earue re.
striotions as the Bell Telephone Co. On
motion of Johnston and Wilkinson said
request was granted,
On motion of Shortreed and johnstan,
a committee composed of the Reeve and
Connoillors McCracken, Johnston and
Wilkinson were appointed to examine
let and 2nd line bridges end decide
which to rebuild this season, the Clerk
to oall for tenders for the erection of the
one decided on.
Amounte were ordered to be paid as
follows:—Wm. Nioholson, snow boards
on prairie bridge, $5 22; Fraser de Logan,
tile, $21.69; John Phelan, ciontraotor's
order on Ellison drain, $5; WW.
work On Island, 50o; Corporation of
lidelallop, B. Line account, $28.30;
Gerry eit Walker, spikes. $2.37; P.
Ament, lumber, $29.56; Jas. Peacock,
gravel, $6,65; Municipal World, sub-
soription, $5; In McNabb, auditor's
salary, $8; R Johnston, auditor's salary
$8; T. S. Brandon, balance salary, post-
age and debenture expenses, *62,
The council then adjourned to meet
again on the 22nd day of March next.
W. CLIME, Clerk.
After being in failing health for the
past two months, Thos. Ellis, North g
lot 20, eon. 4, and an old resident of
Morris township, was called away to
the Great Beyond, in his 73rd year, on
Wedneeday, Feb. 10th. Pneuraonia
and increasing years was the cause of
his donate°, Mr. Ellie was a native of
Courlaspriation town land, 2 miles from
Arva, Co. Pavan, Ireland, and came to
Canada in 1863, and located near Blue.
vale, afterwarde moving to the ard line
where he lived for the past 40 years.
21 years ago he married Miss Ellett Mils
ler, of Morris, who with a son (Thomas
) and a daughter (Annabelle) survive,
His brother, John, and sieters. Mrs.
Arthur Caution, of this township, and
Mrs. Henry and Mre. Crumble, , of
Chatham, are still living. Mr. Ellis was
a raeraber of the English ohuroh ; belongs
ed to the Orenge Order and was a Con-
servative politics. By hard work and
practice of ecohomy, stamen attended
hie efforts which were well baOked 'up
by his wife and Wailes.
On Monday night lain, the polio° of
Virlartepeg raided an opium den, and
found the institution to be one of the
regular Hong Kong variety. There Were
six inmates, thtee ef them befog girls,
one of them had only just arrived from
San Prancisee.
Um. T. Osborn, Noetecti Mills, j
Vt., Barg ..` I beim eno luseita- 4
don in saying that Baby's Own 4.
Tablets saved ray baby's life ±
and I oannet I enough in 4
• praise of tide median*. He
WM; so Week and tilokIy that he
• took no notice of anything, and
cried so moth that / was worn
out cuing for him. After gee. •
ing hint the 'rabble there wee •
et °Otsego, and he is flow Ifl
ht.eyed, laughing baby, the 'y
of our Mame," Baby'a Oven 1
6 ettre all etoraeoh attd ,
troubles, break up oolde,
r nrettne tind keep little ‘
hiselthy and happy. Sold
dioine &Were or by mail
corals es bet from the Dr.
Me' Mediae° 00,, Break -
c‘Myyoungest boy, 3 years
old, wow, sick with fever
last June, and when he got
better the doctor prescribed
Scott's Emulsion, and he
liked it so well that he drank
it out of the bottle, and is
nowjust as plump and strong
as any child of his age any-
where two bottles fixed
him OK."—MR. JOHN F.
TEDDER, Box 263, Teague -
Freestone Co., Texas.
is the greatest help for babies
and young children there is.
It just fits their need; it just
suits their delicate, sensitive
natures; they thrive on it. just
a little does them so much
good and saves you so much
worry. You owe k to them
and yourself to make them as
strong and healthy as possible.
you better than anything else;
but be sure to get SOoTT'S.
It's the best, and there are so
many worthless imitations.
AZZ sarenooesTe
M. Tedder has Just written us another jetter about
his brother-in-law's children. Lot 1L9 send you his
letters and other intoranation on the subject. A.
Post Card, mentioning t*s Apaper, is sufnoient.
126 Wellington St.. W. Toronto
Why You Should Patronize Home
You reoeive equal values.
11 builds up home industries.
It keeps naoney itt oiroulation at horae.
It gives employment to others nraong
11 enhances the value of real estate.
It makes a horae market for your
It lessons tax.rates.
It aids you in money stringencies that
now exist.
It assists largely in maintaining our
It seeists charity and buena the need
for it.
It encourages othera to erabark in
It stimulates your country industries
and naakes everything efferveece with
Are Tou fileepless, Nervous?
Two horror' crowded into one life—
the product of poor digestion and a
poisoned system. There is just one oure
for this terrible condition—plenty of
food—but mind you, food properly di -
ginned; that's the dila:lenity, to itnprove
the digestive power of the steanaoh•
Get rich nutritious Hood, strengthen
tho sysitem and drive out polsons,—then
comes vitality, enduranoe. power.
Ferrozone does all this and raore, it
makee siok people well, weak people
strong, ()flextime "nerves" and insomnia
iato robust health. Take Ferrozone and
health is yours. 50 ets. all dealers.
• . • ,
Shoethorn Cattle Sale,
The second annual sale of shorthorn
bulls, heifers and young cows will be
held at Clever Lea Stook Verre, near
Ripley, on Thursday, Match 411*, 1909,
at 2 o'olook. Russell 11,-Reld and Sons,
the proprietors of prover Lea Perm
have a herd of short orris of individual
merit heeded sy eir famous Imported
stook bull, Go • Cross, Vol. 52. This
animal is by Soon Kop, by Touchstone,
ia a Cruickshank Brawith Bud bull of
superior quality. Farmers must recog-
nize that ehorthorte are again bringing
the highest prioe and that this sale will
give them a good opportunity' to secure
the best bred animals as a nealeue to a
herd. Parties desiring to attend the
Hale will be driven from Ripley to the
farm, Teams will meet noon train on
day of sale. Those arriving at Ripley
an the night before will be taken to
tarns in the morning.
The Government has (leaded that
Tavietook is in the county of Oxfotd.
Torontoes revenue for 1900, other than
from taxation, is estimated et $1,773,241.
It le reported that Dean Dlahony will
be the nett Boman Oatholio Bishop of
tIondote, Ont.
The ship brake invented by Mr. Louis
Lacoste, of Montreal is to have a trial
on the tI. S. S. Indiana.
Quebec brewers have fornien a trust
Which will ineitrol preetically the Whole
output of beer of the Provinte.
Mayor W. E. Stephens of Aylmer
dropped dead while deliveritatr the °pett-
ing ftddreee tit a Methodist tea Meeting.
Engibeer Conrad- Kennedy and Cons
duetot Matthew Phoning were commit,
ted lot- trbel at Guelph an a eharge of
marteiatighter 111 dO habtiOd. 'With tilt,.
Etartiellti CO1113100,
It 110 been announced that the in.
Mediation ef telephone INA diestattohitig
Veiled began by the a P. R. tamest at
onee, end the drat place where it *rill
Isard's Clean Sweep
Sale SIM Going On
Now is the !hue to buy Furs,
Ladies' Coats, Men's Fur Coats,
Men's Orercoats and Suits,
Boys' Overcoats and Suits,
Carpets, Curtains, etc.
We have added to our reduced price list
as follows:
Very large size, 72 x 90, extra fine Fine weave, size 64 x 84, Das
quality, good $
mask Patterns. reg.
value at *150 1 19 War value $t.25, 98c
sale price .
sale price -
be used will be between Winnipegand *Tames StioAnaney, of St. Catharines,
Devlin Death haviag bee ta caused by
was found dead in the bun of Albert
a severe blow on the head, received in
a manner unknown.
A good team of • earl was struck on
the terra of Mr. T. Tannins, Coulter,
The Supreme Court reamed jade-
raent in the West Peterbaro' election
Three more railwaymen were arrested
at Stratford in connection with the Her-
rieton fatality.
Judgment has been given by the Su.
pretae Court in favor of the Province
of Ontario in the Indians annuities
claim of the Dominion Government in
what is known as the Northwest angle
The Railway conamiseioners have or-
dered the Grand Trmalt to erect gates
at the Geimsby crossing where five
people were killed reoently and the
village and township will bear 20 per
aent, of the coat of mainteeance betsveen
Charles McLeod or Edmonton came
'terms the remains of his two brothers,
who were murdered, probably for the
seoret of a gold mine they had discov-
ered. The bodies were found, with the
heads miming, in the vioinity of the
&henna River, B. C.
Stephen Swyryda, the Polish
grant found guilty of the murder of
°Molt Loutiolt, on Good Friday of lad
year, whose body vette found in a Onset
of woods near Brampton, was; banged
acoordieg to senteuce passed, on Thera -
day last, at the jail at Brampton.
A farmer named :Michael O'Connell
was found dead by the tended° near
the village of Jasper on Sunday lad.
He had left for home In company with
a neighbor named Rathwell and it its
surmised that the home shted at some-
thing, overturning the cotter and thron-
ing them both out Wbon 6012a the
following deer, 0)0onnell was lying face
downward in the /mow and dead, while
over hint lay Rathwell sound isdeep.
For the firet time in /natty years the
botteta of the Americen side of the
Niagara indict wtte on Suoday hest prao-
deadly dry. This Was owing to the ice
Am et the bead of the Niagara Meets
and so low was the Orator tbat htins
drecle of people enjoyed the rather un.'
common pleasure IR walking cm the
bed of the river. Tht water head wait
so IOW that the power oomparties had
great difficulty 10 'keeping the ponret
contraots *applied, se the water below
the falls had dropped to three or font'
tett. There Was a eomewhat Mediae
deburrenee in the winter of 1894, els
though the 'Water Wee not to IOW then
4400 Buttao bet.
Established 1879
Whooping Cough, Croup, Bronchitis
Cough, Grip, Asthma, Diphtheria
Cresolene is a boon to Asthmatics
Does it not seem more effective to breathe in A
remedy to cure disease of the breathing orgons
than to take the remedy into the stomach?
It cures because the air rendered strongly anti-
septic As carried over the diseased surface with
every breath, giving prolonged and constant treat-
ment. It is invaluable to mothers with small
Those of a consumptive
tendency find immediate
relief from coyglis or in-
flamed condinons of the
Sold by druggists.
Send postal for boold..t.
trinurtio, 7411r.us Co.,
Limited, Agents, Mont-
real, Canada. 307
as a guest of the Lormon• DAnir
ADVERTIstit, the bete.. metropolitan
paper printed II 4 stern Ontario.
latest Mar. t onotatioris and all
general and local hews Worth
bend $2.00 for the LONDO'n DAILY
ADVERTISER for 14 months and 400
Votes for your choice of candidates
in the European Trip Contest.
Special Trains
for Settlers
travelling to the Weet with livesteek
and effedte Will leave TOrOrk 40 at 10.15
p. rn., eVery Tneecley during Much
and April.
Settlers treVelling alone and With
their Unli1led. shonld time regular
traits, leaviag Toronto daily at 1018
p. m. OolOrdet end Tourist Sleepere
0, I'. R. It the mit, Alireat and
tbrotgb Car line to the West.
Apply' to BREMER, O. P, 13.
Agent, Winglum.