HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1909-02-18, Page 4TO P,OVERTISERS
0$ changes =net be left M
tioa nOt.later then Batarday no0n,.
%spy for olaatigel Moat be left
A later than Monday eyening.
*Anal advertisemente tteeepted up
noon Wednesdav of eaott week.
OTAMI$11141> th
trultsi.).Kft. VEBITARY 18, 1909.
aused liy No kold in Blood
and can only Cold
Ilmogh the Blood.
UnpreCe dented
Not many legs ago doetors thought
eheumationa wail Only a leoal pain coma,
ed by expoeure to cold or wet. Now
they know that elieeinatiora is eatieed
by the blood booming teinted with 'ado
add. Thia tioid tiontroote the MuSeles,
stiffens the loiute, And irritates the
nerves. Then the cold and wet melte
the pinta aud magolee groan with sea.
hag rherunatiam. You blame the ea oath-
er but the real cease ie sold in the blood.
If uot promptly teested the stiffness
spreade and the vain grows woroe eeoh
year utit ion ore a h.elpleas cripple,
tortured, dey and night. It the Omuta
tonehes the her it raertneimideu. death.
Yen Can't cure rheumatism, with lint.
mente, plesters or hot clothe. You
must go to the root at the trouble in
the blood. The one save sotentifte We,'
to cure rheumatism is Dr. 'Williams'
Pills, because they actually make new
blood. They sweep' oat the poisonous
acid, loosen the leinta end emulates, and
bring mese arid freedom Where before
b en pain and raiser .
Sorer boatfor sale, obolition of
Loh Rouses, olosing bars on holideys,
tattoo, Of the three.fiftlause.
therm are the tour chief topic's to be
*nosed at the grand °outwit of the
korai Template ot Tempetancer whioh is
beim; -held in Toronto this week.
The Twelfth, °uteri°. Legislattive lotto-
offloitilly opened Taesday otternoon.
rPbaceremony this year Weis raore ot
%octal event than siMilar ocessious tor
aome tibac*. There was o lerge
number of Isdies present despite the
dioagreerible weather, their costumes
0.14fig IN brilliant tough ot color to other-
wise sombre surroundings. There were
the tional arilutes fired in Queen's Park
and retlitary Wert for Lieutenant.Gov•
The latest reports for the department
of time interior show for the A.seal year
the revenaes of the department to be
$2,761,816, a net decrease of $35i ,889, as
compared, with the previous year. In
conneotion witla the homestead entry
Mr. W. W. Cory, the deputy minister
made the follyseing general observft.
to interesting to note that of
the 30,424 entries, 7,714 were made by
Oanadians, 7,818 by Araerioans, 6e5 by
English, Irish and Sootoh, and 810
by Canadtana returned from the 'Milted
States, or 21,950 in all representing a
population at over 52,000 souls and
lesving 8,584 entries rade by other
nividona representing a population of
abont 21,000 souls.
ads Creek, .
no I wan taken
y hip. It grew
• it ffuelly nettled
and legs. The pain
Unbearable. At first
Mr. Fred Sabeau. Oa
S., says t--4•Three yen
with a severe pain in
gradually worse
in both ray hi
was really alma
I tried foot drafts and liniments,
dila gave me only the most temporary
reliet, and I telt as if I was to go
through the rest of my life as a mutter-
ing cripple. A neighbor whose
daughter had been cured of rheumatiora
by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills advised me
to try this medicine, and I purohased
three boxes. Before they were all gone
I was able toget my foot up on nay
knee and untie my shoe, something I
had not been able to do for two leave
and I began to feel I had at last found a
medicine to cure the trouble. I kept on
taking the Pills instil I had used, I think
a dozen boxes, when I Wee completely
oared and 1 atm as well and strong to -
as ever I was in rciy life. I want
every sufferer to know that Dr. Wil-
liams Pipit Pills la a mare cure for rheu-
matism, and diet if they give this inedi.
eine s fair trial, their pains and aches
will disappear as mine did."
Sold by all medicine dealers or by
mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for
$2.50 from The Dr. Willienue Medicine
00., Brookille, Ont.
el trig 01 LIIV
anna Bros'
5tock !1
in the history of Wingham was such unbounded enthusiasm displayed in
a sale of Dry Goods, Never in Canada was there such
a Slaughter Sale of Dry Goods
An investigation is now in progress
tinder the direction of the railway COM.
3Xassion, with a view to adopting the
beat merino of protecting level crossings
in Canada. A report has been prepared
which howe the number and character
et accidents at these croosings for the
past five peeve Since the board was
ereated in 1903 records /Jaye been kept
as to all tailwey fatalities in the Do-
minion, and in neerly every case there
is on file a report from one at the
board's affinials giving particulars as
to the itooidente. Daring that period
there hose been altogether 210 fatal -
hire; at level crossiegs. But the strik-
ing feat in eouneotion with an analysis
of the various fv.talitiert is that nearly
95 per cent. ot them have been due to
the carelessness or recklesoness of the
victims themselves rather than to the
feat tbat the crossings Were unpro-
Mr. R. H. MolKay defeated Mr. Class.
E. Tanner, leader of the Nevis Scotia
Conservatives, in the Pioton elentiOn by
about 200.
The Counoil of the Dominion Rifle
As000ttition is in favor of more rapid
firing in the metchee, to =eke con -
more like aotual warfare.,
We Played Fair and Square
With You!
everything exactly as advertised - ail marked in plain figures.
You saw, examined, and bought. You told your friends,
and they did likewise. Now
new treasures every day. You can quite understand how
and corners there are in a store the size of Hanna's.
t We are unearthing
many nooks
Elias Seya, a 'Montreal boy, stabbed
his mother in the back during a quarrel
over money, and the woman be in the
hospital in EL- critical condition.
• The Ottawa correspondent of tb.e
Toronto Star sari; While Government
arid Opposition raenabers alike are talk.
hag sheet the urgency of etionomy, there
seems to be no greater care than usual,
exercised itt the eparing of unneoessari
expense with regard to queations which
are tiered the Dun' tory. Those queries,
seinetinaeo tile result of mere rumors,
are Often merle exceedingly broad. in
their sweep in the hope that the answer
will disolose soraething of value. Be-
sides these "fishing" questions, there
are °there which require long answers
simply because the qteationer has:been
carless. Mention. was made teeently,
for instance, of a return as to paroled
and pardoned prisoners. It coat $1,100,
and comprised 686 pages, It questions
were kept within reasonable limits, the
Government could dispenee with many
a clerk and alive tena ot thougends of
During letters( the irapotte of the
Dominion were praeticelly the same lei
for January of last year, the total
bein $23,113,627, ris compared with
$2e,273,475 last year. Exports, volitch
during the past two Or three inontlas
he's ehOWA oonsidetable increases over
the preteding year, agala show a falling
off. The total domestio expoets for the
aftle of
lave Stook hiark.ets.
Toronto, Feb. 16. -City Cattle Mark'
et.-Priees were evidently quite high
enough in the market to -day, and,
though not quotable, changee were par.
tioularly noticeable, still there was a
feeling that a little heavier run of cattle
offering voould be rather more than the
market could very well bear, and that
prioes worild have to come down bit.
The Montreal market was reported to be
off from 15o to 20o, and this took the
Montreal buyers out of the loonl market,
legoening the demand that much. The
general result was that trade is slower,
though prices so far not any easier or
ttnything like fair quality butcher cattle.
Expott-Only two or three loads
offering, and the export market a little
easier at $5.35 the top.
Butcher-Maeket ateady tor choice
butcher. Medium quality easier. Cows
Lambe -Firm and little higher,
Rogs-Market Ganns, Limit-
ed, quote oeleot hogs, 1. o. b., at $680 to
$6,40, rind fed and watered at $6.60,
R. P. Itenitedy and Co. quote $6.40,
f. o. b. Barris quotes $6.60, fed and
The run wag 73 loads, with 1,266 heed
Of cattle, 040 sheep and lambs, 200 hog.,
127 calves.
The following are the quotationdi
Exportets' eattle- Per 100 lba.
°boleti ..... $6 00 $5 35
Bulls .... . ...... ....... 3 75 4 50
Light ....... ... .. 00 325
Cows ....... .. . . 840 375
The People's Popular Store
are Mowing Down the• Prices with
Bargain Scythe, Sharpened to
Cut Deep anci, Clean.
f 50 pieces English Prints,
new patterns, speoial
aavalue ago saltairice,94c%
6 pieces new White Veat.
ins, very neat stYliell
patterns, regular price
25a, sale prioe • - 1.4c
Xdeditat • • 0 0 .14 3.0 4 • • 4 40 485
Month were $15,327,3 i - Feeders --
Of this decreese the felling best 1000 pottids andny-
56,09, .
oft in, exportg of agriculturist producto
riotionnta Or nearly four million dollere.
Expotts of animals and the Veneto de.
messed. by one million. For the peat
ten months of current Bevil year the
importe totalled $241,071,760, deoretige
of $66,234,857. Exports or domestic
products totalled P091970151it deattMe
of $4,41(1,152. 13x9er1e Of foreign pro.
hod* totalled $11,682,674. During the
tett months oohs and batten Were ex-
ported to the nine et $1418,006, as
oompsted with list6,160,852 tor the oor
tosponding period et 1.207.08. The
total 100 of the DorallitOn for the ten
mouths wee $468,875.847, a, decteerie ot
Stockers ....
Pioked ...... .... .... 4 40
Medium. .. ... ... . 860
.. . .. . .. 2 60
.... • 2 00
Beat.. 444.34 ow 6 65
6 40
Export tWee 400 425
SOO 60
Spring Lambs: omit. 6 60 4.
6 as
%tot, 800 8 50
WalentrAat strinaltir Itett"Ontra
NVinglarixa, Feb. llth, 1909.
Ftlot. 100 .. . . 55 tir 26
Fall tainesit .44.01*44.44 Irodolk. 00 to I 08
..... • 0 88 to 0- 40
Belo *ow* 4444.0 443 0. trio. 0. 60 to 0 -52
Peas ... ... . . . . Seto 0 8%
gettitet atal 1.11 III di die 0 20 to 0 22
ggBp0rdo* . .. . .... . .. 0 25 tO 0oper25
002'd ..........• tie to rin
gay Oft 00
P per leashel, 0 80 to 0 40
Lard 16 to 0 16
MVO MO. 25 20
Sheep --
0011s« ...... 8 25
A doodah from Whinipeg, dated
rehraety th,Wit Mo. Zeman. vrtte
at weilvacntroon Winnipeg nettontstotel
irovollet.itssallo 0001 St Neowilelte,
litatittobs, on a *barge ot Wpm. She
web* *nulled Mr. Wriothtroan, a
"erbSsooit, *leo *gm het* toot gam
, teoraty, Sh* WS. corm:Med tot Wel
'Ladiesstylish high-class readyto-WearlSirts tied Iliatitles
Skirts $4.00 sale price - - sz.00
Skirts 0.00 sate price - - S0,50
Skirts SIM Sale price - - S3.16
Skirts $10 00 sale price - - 155.00
Jiiatitles $12.50 sale price - SG W:5
Mantles 314.00 sale price - 61.00
lilantleS $16.00 sale price - 10,50
New finest English Cash.
mete Rose imported to
sell at
25o sale prize • - 115c
35o sole price - 2213
50o Bale price - 35c
Ladies' full frightened finest
Cashmere iffose,reg. prioe 500
sale 35e or 3 pairs for $1.00
in To -Day, To.Morrow,
or Any Day,
hen you want to make your dollars stretch like elastic. We have been, rushed
every minute for two weeks, and expect to be kept going.
0 you value your dollars, come here.
Made -to -Measure
We are agents for the `Souse of
Hobberlin" Righ-Class Tailors a Toronto.
Correct Styles -Fit, Quality and Work-
manship guaranteed.
We show models that embrace every
requirement at the Canadian gentleman's
wardrobe, from the every day business suit
to the conventional evening dress.
Our display of Fabrics represent the best
ideas in the market of fashion. In color,
weave c.ad quality they are unsurpassed.
We make -to -measure a nd in every *case
we guarantee a well fitting garment, tailored
in the finest manner and. in strict accordance
voikelothee of quality.
You'll need a new suit for spring. Call
and see our Models and Fabrics.
. i STOREWs \
T 1 Aio 111111.11 • ssTE: '41
................... ;II
ft Daily arrivals of '4
1 .New Spring i
* 4
tAll the newest shades and patterns for Spring Suitings 1
* are to be obtained here at the most I
reasonable prices. 4
t 1
0 1
t Wash Goods. 1
,.., 1
Robson Mercantile Co.
A.A11 A A.
i Muslins, Ginghams, and I
0 Linen Effects
. 1
to be shown in Wingharrx this season, suitable for
Waists and S its
1 .......------............................................... 1
House Furnishings.1
We are now unpacking the greatest selection of
just arrived.
; Do not fail to see our great array of New Spring Goods.
Produce wanted, takert same as cash.
To iko MILLS*
virmGnAvr; oispr4