HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1909-02-18, Page 1P
..praimmanIF1044.. 41.4111141.
Farmers, Attention.
Condition Powders
all Stock Remedies.
Walton McKibbon
Blook, Wingham,
.,.-.. _ _ •.-..
Cheroot r Imparted.
An exchange ery well says:—Yon
will find that areat deal of character
is imparted an received at the table.
Parente too oft, , forget this, and there-
fore instead of s • allowing your food in
sullen silence; i.stead of brooding over
your business; is stead of severely talk-
ing about others, let the conversation at
the table be go, al. kind, sooial and
cheering. Don't bring disagreeable
things to the table in your conversation
any more than you would in your dish.
es. For this reaso i, too, the more good
company you ba e at your table, the
better for tour hildren. Every oon-
versation with of •• puny at the table is
an education to • e family. Hence the
intelligence and he refinement and ap-
parent behavior of a family whioh is
given to hospit • lity. Never feel that
intelligent vieito a can be anything but
a blessing to yo and yours. How few
have gotten ho d of the fact that com-
pany and cony: sation at the table are
no small part of education.
In spite of the hard times, the
above amount of property has been
sold through our agency in the past
few months, whioh is an evidence
that Ontario Real Estate has a sound
substantial value
There is no disguising the fact
however that the West still has at.
tractions for many, and farms are
being listed with as almost every
day, because the owners desire to try
their fortunes on the prairies.
Many of these farms oan be sold by
us at what would have been consider-
ed ridiculously low figures a few
years ago, when the prices for farm
products were much lower than at
It will certainly pay any intending
purchaser to give ns a call. Half
an hour in our office would be worth
more to biro than a week driving
about the oonntry.
Desirable town properties for sale.
Money to loan on good farms, at low-
est rates. Insurance in all its
branches. Twenty years experience,
no unsettled or disputed claims.
& Oosens
Finnan Haddie
Kipper Herring
We strongly recommend our
brands of Finnan Haddie and
Kippers. They're superior in
many ways to the kind that are
generally exposed, thawed and
frozen over and over again and
More Economical
Best brand HAddie, per tin • 10o
Beet brand Kippers, per tin - 10o
Best brand Cod Fish, box 16o & 25o
All who get them Onoe come •
baok for them again.
We can please your teataste
For all occasions — Parties,
Weddings, Funerals, eto.
Wingham Greenhouses
Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers
Death of
There passed awa
the home of her
Lonttit, in Culross
in her 39th ye
had been in faili
menthe past. She
esteem by a large of
the bereaved will h
the community in
funeral took plan
cemetery on Wedn
iss Louttit.
on Sunday last at
other, Mrs. John
iso Ellen Louttit,
The deceased
health for some
was held in high
ole of friends and
e the sympathy of
eir affliction. The
to the Wingham
qday afternoon.
Drink Christie's Teas.
New Mane
At a meeting of t
Light Committee
last, Mr. L. B. Ra
borne, was enga'•
Wingham', . eleotr
Ramsden has had s
perience as an ale
oharge of some lar.
to Wingham very
and we wish him
He will take oh•.
er Engaged.
. o Fire, Water and
on Friday evening
sden, of Port Col-
d as manager of
light plant. Mr.
me fifteen years ex-
rioian and has had
e plants. He comes
ighly recommended
11 in his work here.
go on the let of
All the leading magazines at the Best
Auction Sales.
Mrs. Janet Davidson, of Wingham
Junction, will hold an emotion sale of
farm stook and implements, on Friday,
Martin 6th, oommenoing at 1 o'clock.
The stook Is the very best and every-
thing will be sold without reserve.
JOHN PURvts, auctioneer.
Ou Wednesday, March 3rd, Jas. M.
Smith, of lot 9, concession 6, Turnberry,
will sell his farm stook and implements
by auotion, commencing at 1 o'clook,
The stook is good and everything will
be sold without reserve as Mr. Smith is
giving up farming. JoHN PURvls,
Highest price paid for hides and poul-
try at T. Fells' butoher shop.
With the
The Wingham on
had a very euocess
create more intere
game Mr. W. J. Mn
which are to be won
times be fore beoomin
players. At least
most be on each rin
in the contest woe
afternoon as follow
Geo. Spotton
R. Allen
V. Vannorman
F. Paterson skip 16
Dudley Holmes
Paterson's rink.
a number of intere
ers have thus far
al season and to
t in this popular
r donated four pine
by a rink three
the property of the
one green player
The first game
.layed on Monday
K. Ray
G. C. Manners
D. T. Hepburn
W. J. Muir skip 6
as challenged F.
here promises to be
ting games in this
For the latest and best Wall Paper go
to the BIa BOOK STORE.
Death of Fo
After being an
years, being oonfin
share of two yea
relict of the late
fully and in full
Eternal, passed
scenes on Wedn
o'olook. Mrs. Ho
holm, Dnmfriessh
married in the 01
to Wm. Hogg, wh
good many years
Canada in 1852 1
and Port Hope het •
township in 1866
8. g Lot 18, Con. e
dence at Port Ho
Mr, Hogg paid
Hogg located in
sons were employe
eels nearly 17 year
tamed her faculties
and was a great fa
and young. Sue w
loving mother and
church relations/1i
terian. During her
carefully and lovin
daughter, Miss F •
David lent a helps
Masten,th line,
of deoealed. -- B
funeral took place
10 the Wingham tie
mer Resident.
invalid for over 13
d to bed for a good
s, Fannie Orothers,
illiam Hogg, peace.
hope of the Home
away from earthly
sday morning at 9
g was born at Lang-
e, Sieatland, and was
Land 66 years ago
died at Port Hope a
go. They name to
Ing at Burlington
o moving to Morris
hen they located on
Following a real -
e for a time where
ature's debt, Mtn.
Ingham where her
and came to Brae -
ago. Deceased re -
o a marked degree
orate with both old
a faithful wife, a
kind neighbor. In
she was a Presby
ong illness she was
ly mailed by her
le, while her son
g hand. Mss. D.
iris, is a daughter
ale Pest. The
n Friday anon:100ft
Electric Li
A number of th
have found their b
slderably higher t
and there has bee
plaint. It was e
be a slight increase
voltage, but nothin
paned was expect
have been reoently
prising that the bill
Light users are not
more light than the
feats in any of the
medied as soon asp
have been ordered a
be taken out and
committee is dealrou
light neer fair play.
much the same tr
perienoed among
ht Bilis High.
electric light nsere
le for January non-
an has been usual
considerable oom-
peoted there would
wing to the higher
like what has hap-
All the meters
sted and it is aur -
should be so high.
xpeoted to pay for
use and the de -
eters will be re-
sible, New meters
d the old ones will
gain tested. The
of giving every
We might eay that
able is being ex.
he light: users at
WANTED. -000
fo general
Big olean-up sale of '• nter footwear.
Read ad. on page 8 WILLIS & Co.
Public He
Dr. Chisholm,
addressed the Co
advocating a fe
bureau to instruo
prevent and fight di
for Hants, N. S
brought the matter
resolution; "That i
House the time h
Government of -Oa
an organization
scientific knowle
practically availal
of preventable dis
said it would be t
public health tc
formation alon
and have it
work to be do
municipal bod
bodies of all ki
Ith Bureau.
P. for East Huron,
mons on Tuesday,
ral public health
the people how to
ease. The member
, Dr. Blaok, first
up in the following
the opinion of this
arrived when the
ada should perfect
hereby the present
e should be made
e for the suppression
ases," Dr.Ohisholm
e duty of a bureau of
put in readable and
orm all scientific) in -
the necessary lines,
iatributed. There was
e by the provincial and
s as well as b public
s along thea inert.
FELT BOOTS—FR. pan and women.
Only a few pairs left! These will go at
Snap Prices, W. J. GREER.
Applications wi
undersigned up to
position of Choir
of Praise in Kno
State terms.
be received by the
ebrnary 25th for the
onduotor and Leader
Ohuroh, Teeewater.
Pretty We
A quiet but ve
plane at high no
home of the br
Mrs. M. Lamont
Junction, when
Peaile, was unit
E. R. Fitoh, B.
Avenue Baptist
bride, leaning o
entered the dra
of Mendelssohn'
fully rendered b
The bride looke
empire gown of
chene, with tri
and fine Irish la
bognet of lily o
The ceremony
T. T. Shields, p
Baptist Church
few invited g
being over, a da
was partaken of,
ward, represent
church, stated
remarks, the hag
pastor was held,
of his regret in
great pride from
then replied in
The happy oon
for their new
bride's going.a
bine panama,
hat to mato
Saturday's Lo
the marriage
their many fl
hearty oongrat
Toronto Glc
Avenue Bapti
the scene of a
night when R
and his bride
was packed to
the entertains
the oldest mon
presented the 1
on behalf of th
ding at London.
y pretty wedding took
n, Wednesday, at the
de's parents, Mr, and
"Hill Crest," Loudon
their eldest daughter,
d in marriage to Rev.
, pastor of Kenilworth
huroh, Toronto. The
the arm of her father,
ng.room to she strains
wedding march beauti-
Miss Pearle Maynard,
very attractive in au
ale bine silk crepe de
minks of duchess satin
e, and carried a large
the valley and smilax.
as performed by Rev.
stor of Adelaide Street
in the presence of a
eats. Congratulations
ty wedding luncheon
after whioh Mr. Wood -
time of the groom's
n a few well-chosen
esteem in whioh their
Mr. Shields then spoke
losing a pearl of such
is ohnroh. The groom
s usual clever manner,
e left on the 4,28 train
ome in Toronto. The
ay gown was Of navy
ith silk trimmings and
The above from last
don Advertiser refers to
two former well known
ad the Times pine with
fends here in extending
ilations, Lest Saturday's
be mays:— Kenilworth
Church, Toronto. was
very pleasing affair last
E. R. Fitoh, the pastor,
sere entertained by the
ofthe congregation. The
its full oapaoity, After
ant 'Mrs, T. Whltelook,
✓ of the congregation,
kid with e w t a purse of gold
FARMERS, TTEwrI I Money Saved
11 Money Ma . Bargains in Sant
Etat* Rubbers
tGddrO Overshoes. Every
pair must go. W. J, Gwent..
Dr Ovens, ve a, Oonlist, London, Surgeon
Rye, Ear, Nose and Throat Will be at
Bfsklbbon'adrug atore,Wedneitda , li'eb•
nary salt, MUM: A p.m. to 8 P.M.
Game" properly fitted.
Banquet held, in t e Council
Chamber Tuesday Evening.
The banquet held by 1 e local Court
of the Canadian Order o Foresters, in
the council chamber nn t uesday even-
ing, was a very enooessf affair. There
was a large number of the members
present, who thoroughl enjoyed the
evening's entertainment,
The council chamber as converted
into a veritable dining . all, and the
repast, consisting of °yet: s, fruits, and
other deleotablo delioaoie•, provided by
the caterer, Mr. E. Moor:, was all that
could be desired.
After full justice habeen done the
good things provided, „ r, W. J. Greer,
as ohairman, palled up.n W. Fryfogle
for a violin selection, w' h Mr. R. Max.
well as piano a000mpa at. A toast to
"The Sing" was honord by the com-
pany lastly eingin the National
Anthem. "The High'Oonrt, 0, 0. F„”
was coupled with th names of Rev.
W. J. West, M. A., f Blaevale, High
Chaplain, and Mr. W. G. Strong, of
Branttford, Superint adopt of Organiza-
tion. The former s eaker referred in
complimentary term to the remarkable
growth and present igh standing of the
Order, financially a d otherwise. Mr.
Strong expressed h a pleasure at the
good work repent ;y accomplished in
connection with Co t Maitland. Huron
County could boas of a larger percent-
age of CanadianForesters than any
other county in Ca ada, excepting those
"adjaoient to the la ger cities, In regard
to the rates, he a tioipated no change
for some time to ome. The addresses
of the High Cour officers were heartily
"Tbe High C ort Organizer"• was
responded to by r. R. B. Harris, in a
few words in whioh he ' expressed
pleasure at the ssietanoe given him
during his visit i gingham.
"Court Maiti d" brought forth re•
plies from M. okwith, H. A. Thorn-
ton, Jas. Hama ton. H. B. Elliott and
S. A. Maguire' • From Mr. Elliott'e
address was eh itod' the information
that since the in option of Court Mait-
land there has be paid to its members
$10,632.60 in sink benefits .by the local
Court, and to th beneficiaries of de-
ceased members 37,000 in insurance,
In the twelve year that the High Court
sink and funeral enefit fund has been
in operation, me bars of Court Mait-
land have recei d $2,200.67 from this
A toast to "V teran Members" was
responded to by essrs, D. M. Fordon,
R. Knox and . Graoey, the latter
giving a reoitatio in Scotch dialect.
"Visiting Bro ers" brought forth a
neat response fr m Mr. d. Lanffer, of
The programm was interspersed with
well rendered d ets by Misses Hazel
and Verna Moor , with Mies M. Orr an
The evening's :ntertainment was pro-
nounced a moat element one, and was
thoroughly enjoy td by the large num-
ber of members p.:Sent.
The unavoidabl-. absence of Mr. Geo.
Faulkner, the Hi • h Secretary, and Mr,
R. Elliott, High T eaourer was regretted,
the tormer being . etained by important
business and the atter not sufficiently
recovered from a erious illness to enable
him to leave his • me.
At the oonolusi•n of the programme
the usual votes of thanks were tendered
the speakers from a distance and those
who had oontrib ted to the evening's
Court Maitland n now in a fiourishiug
condition, with membership of 841,
which will no d nbt be considerably
augmented in the •ear future.
Big Olean -up sale of wl• ter footwear.
Read ad. on page WILLIE & Co.
Wingham Wins Fr
to 2—Harr`iSton
The Ltoknow--
iiatoh postponed a
for laok of lee, w
rink last Friday nig
of the visiting tea
numbers and cons'
was manifested. T
fast and Olean, th
being 1--1. In th
ever, the locals for
time 'war called t
favor of Wingha
Aston, was referee.
An interesting
Friday evening of
Harrieton Brenoh
boytt On the looal
8 o'olook, Thai
ing--don't mita it.
m Lucknow by 6
ronchos Coming
Ingham hockey
onple of weeks ago
played on the local
1. The supporters
were here in large
erable enthusiasm
e game was fairly
adore at halt time
second half, how -
d ahead, and when
e tally was 6-+2 in
G. Ward, of Her -
me it promised for
his Week, When the
meet the Wingham
Game palled at
be well worth see -
Our fourth form
ing visite reoentl
photographers in t
publio to keep an e
Many of our stud
ing a few days off t
on account of siokn
other reasons. Am
ones were R. Stealth
R. Gallagher, 3, Fer
Orr, and R. Hough.
The regular meetin
Society will be held
and an excellent prog
pared under the 1
It is a great pleasur
that we have the la
outside o! the pities 1
Ontario, the number b
eye have been pay -
to the different
wn. We ask the
on the windows,
is have been tak-
e past week, some
es and some for
ng the fortunate
use, R. McKenzie,
son, P. Pugh, S.
We ask the second
every Wednesday for
and thus escape the p
oast upon J. Mitchel
Mr. Young on Tnesd
NOTICE.—Any pars
ing Ted Paterson wit
British Empire will
leaving the same at t
Dr. Maodonald'add
last Monday and g
oouragement to us.
of the etaif and stud
are always weloo
sorry to lose Dr. Ma
one of the men
oitizene to plane thi
of the Literary
on Friday next,
m is being pre-
miership of A.
for us to relate
est fourth form
the provinoe of
ing thirty-six.
rm to be present
the examination
natty whioh was
, R. Tnrvey and
evening last.
n or persons see•
in the realms of
eatly oblige ns by
e acropolis.
eased the soholars
ve words of en -
e is a great friend
nts and his visits
We are very
onald for he was
ho persuaded the
institution in the
WANTED.—Good go
No washing, Apply 1
er servant girl.
Rev. G. H. Cobbledick
has aooepted a pall
the Methodist Ohn
Rev. W. G. How
Church will speak -
following subjects:
Divine Weaver." 7
the power of Hared
will be pleased to
diok, of Woodstock
become pastor of
h, in Quebec oity.
on of the Methodist
eat Sunday on the
At 11 a. m„ "The
m,, "Breaking
ty." The ushers
show strangers to
Big clean-up sale f wider footwear.
Read ad. on page i WILLIS' de Co.
A Brighi'You
Deep and sincere
for Mr. and Mrs. J. W. King
vale, in the severe
clouded their ho
their only child, Florence Blanche King
a bright little girl
sad event took
morning. About
was seized with an
cough, from •wl
affection of the inn
the best of attentio
continued to deoli
a Toronto physioiai
the disease had gaffe
the delioate frame
to check it. The r
mast on Wednea
family plot in the
g Life Ended.
ympaty will be felt
W. King, of Blue -
filiation whioh has
, in the death of
frame Blanche King,
f eight years. The
lane early Monday
year ago, Florence
ttaok of whooping
oh developed an
s. Although given
and Dare, the child
e. Last December
wan consulted, but
ed such a hold upon
hat it was impossible
Imains were laid to
Iy afternoon in the
lnevale cemetery.
RAW FURS.—We want all kinds of
raw fors, tor whioh we will pay highest
Dash prices. GED, E. Kin/.
T. M. Ba
Mr, T. M. Bay
manager of the W
to. died is that oft
Bayne was one of
managers in Cana
West Zorra, wher
of Scotland, settl
his younger da
eohool, but later
fesaion to beoom
After being wit
company for s
into partnership
the present seo
5 F. MoKinnon
Robt. Taylor, no
of Taylor & Sm
gaged in the mi
the name of R
Later the partners
Mr. Bayne beoa
Walker House, I
made many friends
of the hotel. Deoe
his wife and son
Mr. Bayne was a b
Littlejohn, of Ford
ne Dead
, for many years
ker House at Toron-
on Saturday. Mr.
e beat known hotel
a. He was born in
his father, a native
many years ago. In
s Mr. Bayne taught
he gave np that pro -
a oommeroial traveler.
the Crompton Corset
eral yearn, he entered
ith Mr. Charles Reid,
tary-treasurer of the
Company, and Mr.
president of the firm
rt. The firm was en-
inery business under
d, Taylor & Bayne.
ip was dissolved, and
e manager of the
that oapaoity he has
among the patrons
lied was a widower,
led some years ago.
then of Mrs. Alex.
Ontario Bank as
increase over the eat
While the G. T.
was running betty
Clinton on Friday e
a bullet Went throes
very close to the h
already 'sbo* an
ate of $180,000.
R. passenger train
d rioh
n tIo a and
ning of last week,
h the oar, passing
a of two peahen.
Citizens' Banquet at National Hotel
Friday Night.
The citizens' ba quet held at the
National hotel on F day evening last in
honor of Dr. P. odonald, who will
shortly move his fa fly to London, was
one of the moat sue essful affairs of the
kind ever held in Wingham. Plates
were set for one hundred guests„ the
limit for the dining room, and these were
about all t ken. ,Mine host Hanson
provided a-oellent supper and after
all pteeent had cicely satisfied the
inner man, Mr. R. legg, as chairman,
spoke a few words, . whioh he expres.
sed regret at Dr. Ma•donald's departure
from Wingham a•.. conolnding said,
"Wingham was gi ing London her
beat." He proceedewith the toast list
as follows:—"Our K .g," to which the
company responded n heartily singing
"God Save the Ring. • "Our Country,"
responded to by J. • , Taylor and Dr.
R. 0. Redmond. " opal Legislature,"
by A. H. Musgrove, M. P. P. and John
T. Currie. "The 0 :rgy," by Rev. D.
Perrie, Rev. Fathe Laurendeau and
Rev. 0. E. Jenkins. "The Press," by
W. H. Kerr, Brn::els Post, G. H.
Mooney, Ripley E: press, and H. B.
At this junoture r . Davis took charge
as vine-ohairman, L. pressing regret at
the removal of Dr. Macdonald, having
known the dootor f.• thirty-seven years
and had sat as a •. ember of the first
village oounoil wile him. The Inc stn
and speakers intr.. aced by Mr. Davie
were :—"The Pr elisions," by Dr.
Agnew and Dr. J. I' iioon, "Education-
al Institutions," b J. O. Smith, Jos.
Stalker and J. G Workman. "Old
Residents," by Ro.t, Currie, Geo. Mc-
Kenzie, D. M. Go •don, Wm. Iabister
and Robert Loekhar "The Pioneers,"
by Peter Fisher. " •Municipal Clounoii,"
by Mayor Gregory an •: Wm. Nicholson.
It would be impossible to here give even a
mere outline of the ifferent speeches.
Every speaker was lo . d in his praise of
Dr. McDonald as a re ident of the town
and all expressed et Dere regret at his
removal, and wished imaelt and family
many years of happ nese in. their new
The banquet brong out one fact, and
that is that Wingha has a number of
excellent Speakers. Lrhe addresses were
among the best that3•we have ever heard
on an occasion of
toast of the avenin
announced by Cha
Spotton, in a sh.
his regret at the r
a citizen and the
Mayor Gregory r.
of a gold heade•
followa : —
his kind. The last
, "Our Guest" was
man Olegg,and Geo.
t address expressed
•• oval of so valuable
read an address and
ado the presentation
cane. The address
We have learn:d with keen regret
that your reoent a, pointment to a high
position in the ser the o1 your country
has made imperat ve the removal of
yon and your fa..ily from our town.
We deeply deplore your departure but
we rejoice that yo r undoubted ability
has received furthe reoognition. Thus,
on the eve of you departure when we
bid you "God•spee." we would honor
you as one or our .4 oat highly esteemed
and publio-spirited oitiaens, and this
representative gathering has met here
this evening in stirs estive hall to offer
to you our feli tations apou your
preferment and to show our apprecia-
tion of your work d character,
Daring your lou residence among ne
you have enjoy° the confidence of
your fellow•oitizsn in a marked degree
both on account f your high profes-
sional attainment and on account of
your olose identifi ton with everything
that concerned 1.: welfare of Wing -
ham. Among et.er things we would
mention the joint abors of yourself and
other dietingnishe citizens of our town
with reference t• the erection of our
hospital, high so.00l, and post•offioe.
These handsome :dittoes will be a per-
petual possession and a lasting menu,
ment to the nnwe • ried and unremitting
devotion of tins: fish men to the best
interests of th:ir fellow -townsmen.
Ton have also thproud satisfaction of
knowing that th; citizens of Wingham
have repeatedly shown a signal ad-
miration of your .robity and executive
ability by eleotin: you to all the official
positions within 1 • eir power.
We would alereoall your long and
honorable career in the Federal Par-
liament where y n helped to guide the
destinies of thi: great country and
where, to crown your prtblio life, the
parliament in re.ognition of your in-
tegrity, ability, • ad equity appointed
you to the disti . finished position of
Deputy Speaker of the House of
Xour remarkabl: career is a high in-
centive to the yon h of the present gens
oration. A nation s truly great only In
so far as its people • eaeure ap to the full
stature of manhood Se also ao a town's
tiohest heritage is the integrity and
nobility of its cftize . s. For this reason
we feel your depart re the more keenly
sines we can ill affo - • to lose auoh men
as you,—men of trong oonvietionn,
high ideals, Wang at patriotism, and
abiding faith in the entry.
But it is s souroe f gratifloation to ns
to know that no .n land will claim
thb exercise of our irtfa ishedmerit
but that you will i be lnntployed as
heretofore fat the n • • nfiding of out own
tOoaolud on pose 8)
Did you
Start the
New year
By resolving to have
your clothing made
here? We guarantee
you perfect fit, best
workmanship and the
quality of our mater-
ials is not excelled
anywhere at the price.
Your order for a suit,
Overcoat, Odd Pants
or Vest, will be
promptly attended to
and satisfaction guar-
Hats, Caps, Gloves,
Ties, Collars, Hose,
Underwear, etc.
Call and see us.
Robt Maxwell
Tailor and Furnisher
For Men Who Care.
FOR SALE —Two horses, waggons,
sleighs, harness, eco naed in connection
with the Hanna Br a. business, will be
sold at a bargain. Get particulars at
Loose leaf ledger,
bill and charge
card system, and
all modern de-
• vices known
nce business
sciesro at
our s t u d e n t s. Consequently business
houses of leading Canadian and American
cities are calling loudly for our graduates.
Individual instruction. Enter any day.
Mail Courses.
Send pcstal for particulars.
GaO. SI'OTTON, Principal.
The Leading Shoe Store.
Keep Your
Feet Warm
Ladies' and Misses Felt Slip.
perm, regular prior) 61$o, 75o 49c
and 85o, sale prioe
Ladies' Felt Shoes and Slip-
pers, regular price $1 2698
Mid $1,86, sale prioe -
Men's all l+'elt l3oots and Shoes also
reit Lined Footwear at' actual
coat at our clearing stile.