HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1909-02-11, Page 6gEE
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iiH WllR*UA TIbi S, FEBUARY U, 10'19
The light bread or the leaden loaf
is a ;natter of zgioice—not luck. Choice
of vac thod—choice of yeast— •but, above
all, the choice of the/oar.
Rayal Household Flour
as made from the finest, selected Manitoba
wh,:mt, which contains more gluten (that quality
whish makes bread light) than any other wheat.
It is milled under the most sanitary
conditions,—there is no other flour in Canada
upon which so much is spent to insure its
perfect quality.
Ask your grocer for Ogilvie's
Royal Household—the flour that
makes light bread and perfect pastry.
O jileie Liar Miiis Co., Limited, Montreal. 15
. a • .1,4i....vi arrI Vi. a ' IIVA la.4' ,R� 41 �a ziai. �!;t.v e' .tit
''ata �� ��...a.��:ti;t:�aDizaJivifi�is�as�`.°t:•. ,�!jRi!r''•{:.'�eteAy�a.�.!!? _._ • !i2•� s:
Tha Forest Cit .' 3ttci0caa am at
d 5horthxad
Loans, College
It le immensely important that
you ehouid get all the information
about a college before you enroll
es a student. Your success dee
pends upon your choice.
Our Free Catalogue tolis all about
our Method. of Teaching—why we turn
out graduates who are always in demand.
It explains tho Commercial and Short.
hand °curses in detail. Shows the value
of the Business Educator's Association'e
Diploma. And this large, handsomely
illustrated book Abbe sent to you FREE
by return of mail 1f you will just send
us your name and address.
Students admitted any time!
Special Opening September and January
The Perrot City
Business and Shorthand Co1led°
]. W. Westerveltipal J. W. weernit, jC C,A.
444.4ta aasaselatnasi*salsasese••••••
To es Printing Office
If a man can write a better book, preach a better sermon
or make a better mouse -trap than his neighbor, though he
bui;d his house in the woods, the world will make a beaten
path to his door.—Emerson.
Get on the path to the door of the
Were mouse traps are not made but
Go0d Printing
is turned out every day with neat-
rtzss and despatch; where up-to-date
materials and machinery are used,
and were mechanics with up-to-date
ideas are employed; where quality
characterizes every piece of work
and service given every buyer; where
cheap printing is never done, but
where good printingis done cheap;
where the kind of printing is done
that will lead the world to make a
beaten path to your door; where
particulars may be had by following
up the path to the office of
or by calling up 'Phone 4.
Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges.
A fault of your own. would probably
be a vin to others.
It's no trouble for a woman to see the
paint of a pointless joke.
Bile Is 'nature's Cathartic.
Since it is the liver which filters bile
from the blood, where it is a poison, and
passes it into the intestines, where it is
essential as an aid to digestion, and as a
means of regulating the action of the
bowels, it is of the greatest importance
to keep the liver active by the use of
Dr. Chase's Kidney Pills. In this way
constipation is thoroughly oared.
When grafters fail out honest men get
a run for their money.
A two-faced person is popular with
both sides -until he is found out.
Ask Yourself the Question
Why not nee Chamberlain's Liniment
when yon have rheumatism? We feel
sore that the result will be prompt and
satisfactory. It has cured others, why
not yon? Try it. It costs but a trifle.
Price, 25 cents; large size, 50 cents. For
sale by all Druggists.
An attack of mumps doesn't oause
one to be puffed up with pride.
A wolf that had killed n large number
of sheep was shot in Mesa township.
Threatening feverishness with children
is quickly and safely calmed by Proven.
tios. These little Candy Cold Cure
Tablets should always be at hand—for
promptness is all-important. Preventios
contain no quinine, nothing harsh or
sickening. They are, indeed, "the stitoh
in time." Carried in pooket or purse,
Preventios are a genuine safeguard
against Cold, 25o. Sold at Walley's
Drug Store.
Many men who get credit for keeping
their tempers have none.
The aotions of some men remind us
of a comic opera without a plot.
DR. A. We CHASE'S 25
is sent direct to the diseased
parts by the Improved Blower.
\--:."1 Heals the ulcers, clears the air
passages, stops droppings in the
throat and pcimanantly cures
Catarrh and Hay Fever. Blower
free. All dealers, or Dr. A. W. Chase
Medicine Co.. Toronto and Buffalo.
The Manitoba Legislature opened, the
speech from the throne being remarkable
for its breeity.
Except for a small area in Missouri
and Kansas, there are no hardwood
trees west of the Mississippi,
In sickness, if a certain hidden nerve
goes wrong, then the organ that this
nerve controls will also surely fail. It
may be a Stomach nerve, or it may
have given strength and support to the
Heart or Kidneys. It was Dr. Shoop
that first pointed to this vital truth.
Dr. Shoop's Restorative was not made
to dose the Stomach nor to temporarily
stimulate the Heart or Kidneys. That
old-fashioned method is all wrong. Dr.
Shoop's Restorative goes directly to
these failing nerves. The remarkable
success of this prescription demonstrates
the wisdom of treating the actual oause
of these failing organs. And it is indeed
easy to prove. A simple five or ten days
test will surely tell. Try it once, and
see! Sold at Walley's Drug Store.
Somehow it is awfully hard for a
mother to persuade her daughter to
marry the kind of a man who will make
her happy.
Who wouldn't give 25 cents to stop a
pain 20 times? Just one little "Pink
Pain Tablet"—Dr. Shoop's—will stop
any pain in 20 minntes, sure! Read the
formula on the box. Doctors say it
can't be bettered. Checks womanly
pains, head pains, any Hain. 20 tablets
25o. Sold at Walley's Drug Store.
The $50,000 fortune of G. W. Todd,
the miser, who died at Hamilton, was
all eaten up in law costs, except suite
eient to pay two notes of $5,000 each
made by the old man.
Any irregularity of the bowels is always
dangerous, and should be at once attended
to and corrected.
work on the bowels gently and naturally
without weakening the body, but, on the
contrary, toning it, and they will if per.
severed in relieve and euro the worst eases
of constipation.
Mts. James Icing, Cornwall, Ont., writes:
rI astroubled with sick headaches con-
etipation and catarrh of the stomach. I
could get nothing to do me any good until
I got a vial of Milbnrn's Laxa-Liver Pills.
They did me more good than anything else
I ever tried. I have no headaches or cone
stip]ttion, and the eatarrh of the stomach
is entirely gone. 1 feel like a new woman,
thanks to Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills. I
used in all shoat half a dozen viand." $
Pride 25 Dente a vial, 5 for $1.00, at all
defilers or mailed direct by The T. Milburn
Co.. Limitode Toronto, Ont.
INo luck at all is certainly hard lack,
t Herman Schaaf was probably fatally
'injured by his rig being struck by a
train at Berlin. Both horses were
Repeat it:—"Shiloh'. Cure will al-
ways cure my conghs and colds."
Fringed doilies are kept in better
condition if the fringe is brushed with
a small nail brush rather than with a
Repeat it:—"Shiloh's Cure will al-
ways cure my coughs and colds."
A man named Lamy went through
the ice a short distance below Queteo,
with horse and sleigh and no trace of
him has been found.
Bears tho The Kind You Havo Always Bought
Edwin Barnhart was sentenced at
Brookville to five years in the peniten-
tiary for eloping -with Mrs. Pyke and
robbing her husband.
Reason Enthroned.
Because meats are so tasty they are
consumed in great excess. This leads
to stomach troubles, biliousness and
oonstipation. Revise your diet, let
reason and not a pampered appetite
control, then take a few doses of Cham-
berlatn s Stomach and Liver Tablets
and von will soon be well again. Try
it. For sale by all Druggists.
Galt Methodists will build a new
March this summer, as the present
edifice is too small for the needs of the
C1 -EL SITO1:1.Y.A..
Bears tho The Kind You Have Always Bought
a of
The Woodstock Library issued 40,109
books last year, of which 25,128 were
fiction. At present there are 7,970 vol-
umes in the library,
Repeat it:—"Shiloh's Onre will al-
ways oure;my coughs and colds."
At Dundee 2,261 lodged claims for
old -age pensions, and of these 2,097 were
admitted. The olaima passed will ab-
sorb nearly $150,000 per year.
The essential lung -healing principal of
the pine tree has finally been successfully
separated and refined into a perfect
cough medicine—Dr. Wood's Norway
Pine Syrup. Sold by all dealers on a
guarantee of satisfaction. Pride 25
For over fifty one years an inmate
of the Royal Hospital for Incurables,
Putney Heath, Miss Sarah Jones, has
just celebrated her 75th birthday.
Repeat it:—"Shiloh's Cure will al-
ways cure my coughs and oodls."
The coroner's jury that met at Ser.
seyville found that the death of four
members of the Vansickle '•family in
their burning house was due to suffoca-
tion, and their wee no suspicion of foul
t[9 A. a5l •1' O �. Z .A. .
Bears the Tha Kind You Havo Always Bird�h
8ignatnre of /at4
The man who is aware of his ignor-
ance knows a whole lot more than
some people, and he stands a better
chance of making good. — Chicago
Doan's Kidney Pills act on the kid-
neys, bladder and urinary organs only.
They oure backaches, weak back, rheum-
atism, diabetes, congestion, inflamation,
gravel, Bright's disease and all other
diseases arising from wrong action of the
kidneys and bladder
A man who died at the Verdun Asy-
lum was known as the human ostrich.
An incredible quantity of iron, glass,
nails, wire and other stuff that he had
swallowed was taken from his body.
Repeat It:—"Shiloh's Cure will al-
ways Dore my coughs and colds,"
South Bruce Farmers' institute has
230 members, Centre Bruce 132, North
Bruce 135, and West Bruce 293. There
is $130.16 in the treasury of South
Brnoe, $256.70 in the Centre, $171.15 in
the North and $204.78 in the West.
Laxa-Liver Pills aro the ladies' favorit
medicine. They cure Constipation, Sick
Headeohe, Billionsnesa, and Dyspepsia
without griping, purging or sickening.
The death occurred on Sunday, Jan.
311t, of a moat estimable resident of the
4th con., Goderioh Tp., in the person of
W wife o! Mr, JohnW code
who has been in delicate health for
e feats ea1t
some years. She was born near Bonds
head, Siniooe Cor and was married
some 32 years ago, having spent all of
her se:tarried life in Goderich Tp. She
a e A tion and
. v t daughter at homer and
the wife Mr, H. Oox is another
daughter. She WM a consistent mem.
I bar of Bethel Methodist church,
Weak, Nervous
Their sad story would fill a book
of countless pages.
Ever sinoe the world began woman
has borne more than her share of suffer-
ing. Secret troubles undermine her
strength, yet she seldom complains.
But because she has suffered in the past
is no reason why she should forever be
dragged down by misery and sleepless-
There are periods in the life of every
woman when she should exercise great
care in the protection of her health.
There are times when the slightest cold
will bring on troubles that shook the
nervous system, weaken the frame and
invite disease.
There is a remedy, one that will lift
that awful burden and remove the ills
from which women suffer. The name
of this remedy is Ferrozone, which to-
day is a household world throughout the
length and breadth of the American
continent. Now hope has been brought
into the lite of many a downcast wo•
man, and a new era of health has dawn-
ed for thousands who have tried and
proved the merit of Ferrozone.
Ferrozone is a remedy that acts di•
reotly on all the organs and insures
functional activity upon which health so
largely depends.
Among the troubles that are relieved
and oared by Ferrozone, are suppressed,
painful or irregular menetrnation, len
oorrhoea (whites), bearing -down pains,
womb and, ovarian weaknesses and
uterine displacements,
Your days of weakness and headaohe,
your hours of nervousness and despon-
dency will all depart. Life will hold
for you many new joys as it does for
everyone that uses Ferrozone regularly.
Your whole body will feel the quick-
ening influence of Ferrozone. The blood
will be purified and enriched. You will
no longer suffer from the suppression
and interference with the menstrual
functions. Ferrozone cures all such ail-
ments and prevents their return.
Don't listen to the druggist who urges
something just as good. No substitute
compares with Ferrozone. which does
all that is claimed for it. Price 500. per
box or six boxes for $2.50, at druggists
and dealers.
The Carnegie Dunfermiline trustees
are proceeding with the improvements
in Monastery street. The removal of
the old smithy will expose part of the
Monastery concealed for many years.
Group positively stopped in 20 minutes,
with Dr. Shoop's Croup Remedy. One
test alone will surely prove this truth,
No vomiting, no distress. A safe and
pleasing syrup -50o. Sold at Walley's
Drug Store.
An old and respeoted resident of
Elmo, in the person of Geo. MoKee,
died at his hometat lot 13 con. 5, on Mon.
day morning, Feb, l st, aged 79 years, 3
months and 7 days.
If you would have a safe yet certain
Oengh Remedy in the home, try Dr.
Shoop's—at least onoe, It is thorough-
ly unlike any other Cough preparation.
Its taste will be entirely new to you—
unless it is already your favorite Cough
Remedy. No opium, chloroform, or
any other stnpifying ingredients are
used. The tender leaves of a harmless,
lung -healing mountainous shrub, give to
Dr, Shoop's Cough Remedy its wonder-
ful curative properties. It is truly a
most pertain and trustworthy prescrip-
tion. Sold at Walleyes Drug Store.
Tarner's blook and the Opera House
at Gananogne were burned. The loss is
$104,000. At Schreiber fire destroyed
the Queen's Hotel and several business
establishments. St. John, N. B„ also
had it $20,000 loss.
Repeat it:—"Shiloh's Cure will al-
ways cure ray coughs and colds."
Mr. Chas, Badour, of the Maitland
Con., Goderich Tp., has sold his 80
acre farm to .his neighbor Mr. Williams
and has Tented the larger farm of his
father, Mr. Alex, Badonr, for• one year.
Mr, iBadour, sr., who has been an
esteemed resident of this section for a
number of years, intends to leave about
the 1st of March, for Oourtright, where
he will help his brother in the manage-
ment of a summer resort.
A Distinguished Specialist Gives
Valuable Advice.
In the first place I always impress
upon my patients the importance, of
careful living and regular habits.
Moderation in eating, keeping the
feet dry, and wearing plenty of warm
clothing are some of the precautions.
No amount of medicine will cure
or even help, unless attention is pal
to these few simple rules.
I have had perfect results wherei4
patients followed these instructions,
assisted by the following blood tonic
and rheumatic. specific :--- •
Fluid Extract Cascara ta oz.
Carriana Cofnpound 1 oz.
Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla 6 oz.
Dose ; One teaspoonful after meals
and at bedtime.
It is advisable to drink plenty of
water during the treatment.
A prominent local merchant who
has tried this treatment states that
it relieves backache, bladder trouble,
and urinary troubles almost imme-
diately and has a gentle but thor-
ough action on the .kidneys•
We advise all our readers to keep
this prescription, The instructions
art valuable.
The John 11. Stratford Hospital of
Brantford will be run by the city here-
after. For many years the city has
been nowinally managing the concern,
but it was decided to make the change,
and have a municipal hospital.
enteral °MEDICINE.
As a spring medicine° Burdock Blood
Bitters has no equal. It tones up the
system and removes all impurities from
the blood, and takes away that tired,
weary feeling so prevalent in the spring.
The valve of the agricultural products
of the United States during the last
year was two billion dollars more than
all the gold in circulation and in vault
in all nations of the earth. This ehonld
be pondered by those who think balances
of trade are settled in gold.
For Infants and Children,
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
A Kerry cow, the property of a gen-
tleman in County Cavan, gave birth
laet week to four calves, which wore
unfortunately dead, Eight months ago
the same oow had three calves, all folly
developed, but whioh were also dead.
As far as is known this is a record.
For that Terrible Itching.
Eczema, tetter and salt rheum keep
their victims in perpetual torment. The
application of Chamberlain's Salve will
instantly allay this itching, and many
have been cured by its use. For sale by
all Druggists.
The fellow who is al a e howling
about bad business, is the fellow who
hasn't much business to howl about
anyway. The really successful fellow
minds his own business. When busi-
ness is good he tries to make it better,
and when it is bad he keeps his mouth
closed and hustles all the harder.
Many Sleepless Nights, Owing to a
Persistent Cough. Relief Found
at Last.
"For several winters past my wife has
been troubled with a most persistent and
disagreeable cough which invariably ex-
tended over a period of several weeks
and caused her many sleepless nights,"
writes Will J. Rayner, editor of the
Burley, Colo., Bulletin. "Various rem-
edies were tried each year, with no
beneficial results. In November last the
cough again put in an appearance and
my wife, acting on the suggestion of a
friend, purchased a bottle of Chamber-
lain's Cough Remedy, -The result was,
indeed, marvelous. After three doses
the cough entirely disappeared and has
not manifested itself since." Thie rem-
edy is for sale by all Druggists.
The death of Mrs. Betsy Jones, who
was a resident of Goderich over twenty-
five years ago, occurred at Baltimore.
Maryland, on Sunday, January 24th.
The deceased was a sister of John and
James Wallis and Mrs. McKenzie, of
Goderioh township, and of Mrs. Berke,
of Smith, Mich.
We offer One Hundred Dollars Re-
ward for any ease of Catarrh that can-
not be cured by Hall's Oatarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, have known
F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and
believe him perfeotly honorable an all
business transactions and financially
able to oarry out any obligations made
by his firm.
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Onre is taken internally,
noting directly npon the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system. Testi-
monials sent free. Prioe 75 Dents per
bottle. Sold by all Druggists.
Take Hall's Family Pills for con-
Goderioh friends will hear with
sympathetic regret of the death on
Monday last of Alex., the eldest son
of Capt. and Mrs. Alex. Craigia, of
Tobermoray, Tho young man was
nineteen years of age and had just re-
covered from an attack of typhoid
fever, succumbing to the after effects.
The total area of the Township of
Stanley for 1908, as shown by the as-
sessment roll was 43,322 acres. Tho
total assessment was $1,984,707, On
this assessment the following amounts
County taxes $3,969 42; Township taxes
$4,961.87; Speoial Bridge taxes $1,08.4.67;
General Sohool taxes $3,318.24; Speoal
Sohool taxes, $1,107,91; Separate
School No. 1, $153.23; Separate No. 1,
$353,93; Hay Separate No. 1, $3.60; Hay
Separate No. 1, Debenture $33.20; big
Drain taxes, $662.65; Logan Drain tax,
$90,03. Total levy, $10,081.76,
Industrial accidents occurring to 273
Individual work people in Oanada dur-
ing the month of December, 1908, were
roported to the Department of Label':
Of these, 85 wwere fatal and
188 resulted
in serious injuries, In the preceding
month there were 124 fatal and 108 non.
fatal accidents reported, a total of 322,
and in December, 1907, there were 88
fatal and 107 non-fatal aooidents, a total
of 288. The number of nonufatal noel.
dents reported in Deoember, 1908, war
ten less than in the preceding month,
and seen leis than in December, 1007,
Misery from Your Disordered Sto•r,..
ach goes in Five Minutes.
You can eat anything your eton,&te
craves without fear of a naso of Zioli-
gestion Dspepsia, Feta
food willor fermeynt or sour onor yourthat alto,,•
ach if yon will occasionally take a little
Diapepsin atter eating.
Year meals will taste good, and
anything you eat will be digeatee
nothing can ferment or tarn into a:
or poison or stomach gas, wkly
causes Belching, Dizziness, a feel.rg
of fullness after eating, Nausea, 112 -
digestion (like a lump of lead in stem-
ach), Biliousness, Heartburn, Water
brash, Pain in stomach and intest:net
or other symptoms.
Headaches from the stomach are
absolutely unknown where this of-t•t•-
tivo remedy is need. Diapepsin retaly
does all the work of a healthy stow•
ooh, It digests your meals when ycet.
stomach can't. Each triangle wilt di-
gest all the food yon can eat and aerate
nothing to ferment or emir.
Get a large 50•cent uaee of Papt't
Diapepsin from your druggist and
start taking today and by tomer-
row yon will actually brag aura
your healthy, strong Stomaoh, tor
you thea can eat anything and
everything you want without the
slightest disoomfo:t or misery, and
every particle of impurity and Gas
that is in your stomach and intestines
is going to be carried away withct:t
the use of laxatives or any other as -
Mr. Wm. Cantelon, formerly a rear --
dent of eon. 11, Goderich Tp., died ii.
Olinton, on Saturday evening, Jan. Bet
in his 71st year. He was buried from
the home of his nephew, Mr. 3oho
Cantelon, Holmesville. Deceased wee
never ,married, and leaves a brother,.
Arthur, at Blyth, also a married titter
at Dungannon.
No Rheumatism with Iced Blood.
Rheumatism, like diseases of the
nerves, is from a thin watery condition
of the blood, and disappears when the
blood is made rich and red by the use cf
Dr. Ohase's Nerve Food. If you heave
tired of noxious medicines, try this
method of overcoming disease by build-
ing up vitality to the high water mark.
Pains and aches will then disappear end
you will know the joy of healthful Tie-
The passing of Thos. Wilson, :AFL.
con. of Huron leaves a vacancy in the
ranks of the Orange Assooiation anti
the township of Huron mourns the ;ore
of another pioneer. As secretary of
the Huron Tp. Agricultural society for
over 30 years few men were closer tt,
the public and the faithful dischr rtes
of his duties will go down in<history.
His death is deeply regretted in Rip:ea,.
where his familiar fignre, until a feet
years ago, was to be seen in their mi;;et..
By the death of Thomas Wilson, Huron
has lost a man of character; honest' anti
conscientious in all his besinese trans-
actions, and a kind friend to those in
Save Money by Buying Chamberi..ln'i
Cough Remedy
You will pay just as much for a bottle
of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy ao tot
any other cough medicines, but you Rave
money in buying it. The saving ie in
what you get, not what you pay. The
sure -to -mire -you quality is in every
bottle of this remedy, and you get geed
results when you take it. Neglected
colds often develop serious conditions,
and when you bay a Dough medicine
you want to be sure you are getting One
that will onre your cold. Ohamberlain't
Cough Remedy always cures. Price 25
and 50 cents a bottle. For sale by nil
An American paper asks this tette.-
tion : —"How
ette.••tion:—"How many apples did Aden.;
and Eve eat?" Some say Eve & and
Adam 2, a total of 10; others BAY Eve b
and Adam 8 also, total 16 ; but if Eve t•:
and Adam 82, the total will be 90; nose
if Eve 81 and Adam 812, the total would
be 893; then if Eve 81 let and Adam -S1'1:.
the total would be 1,623; or again, Eve
814 Adam, Adam 81242 oblige Is, e,
total, 82,059; though we admit Eve ``ie
Adam, Adam if he 8181242 keep Eve
oompany, total 8,182,056. All wrong.
Eve, when she 81812 many, and felt
sorry for it, and Adam in order to re-
lieve her grief, 812, therefore if Adapt
814240-fy Eve's depressed spirit htnt:e-
both 81,896,864 apples.
1. Good brain food.
2. Excites the functions of the liver.
3. Promotes a sound and quiet sleep,
4. Disinfects the mouth,
5. Neutralizes the surplus acids of me
d. Paralyzes hemorrhoidal disturbances.
7, Helps the secretion of the kidneY
8. Prevents calculus concretions.
9. Obviates indigestion,
10. A preventative against diseased et"
the throat.
11. Restores all nervous energy and nee
vivesthe natural forces,
42 llsrbord Street, Toronto, Oat,