The Wingham Times, 1909-02-11, Page 5FINE TAILORED GARMENTS FOR MEN
About your Spring Suit or Overcoat? There is no need
to be, when we can show you 200 patterns of cloth and
20 or more styles—everyone of them correct in every
detail. The wearers of 20th CENTURY BRAND
clothes have ceased worrying over the dress problem.
['hey know where to go every season and get just what
they want.
The first shipment of our new aoth Century Brand Suits
is to hand. The styles are,extremely new
and attractive.
Also the first shipment of the new spring shapes in.
black and colored, stiff and soft Hats.
Colne in and see.
McGee & Campbell
TEt4 WING mi Tams, FEBuARy
Mrs, henry I)epatnore is still seriphs.
The official quarterly buaipeas meet-
ing of the Methodist ohurobes ot Au-
burn oirouit wag held in Westfield
ohuroh on Monday afternoon, Feb. 1st.
The linanoes were topper to be well up;
in fact, eaoh appOhtttuent hes a consid-
erable amount to the good after payipg
eXpenees, 'A unanimous mall wee ex-
tended to Rev, A, R. Jones to remain
for the fourth year, which he accepted
Ieubjeot to the notion of the etationiog
IJuat Th lIRetliolue You Need,
f I+ YouJust
dolor is bad, tongue le furred,
eyes are dull, appetite is poor, your
stomaoh needs tone, Your liver needs
awakening. Try Dr, Hamilton's Pills..
In just one night you'll notice a differ+
enoe, for Dr, Hamilton's Pills aearoh
out every trade of trouble. You'll eat,
sleep, digest and feel a whole lot better,
You will gain in strength, have a clear
complexion, experience the joy of robust
health. To tone, purity and enliven
the system there is nothing like Dr.
Hamilton's Pills. 25 cents. at all
Monday, Jan. 25th, Edmond Mo.
Oraoken, of Cleveland, Ohio, responded
to the imperative call of onr mortality
after being in failing health for some
time. Fie was. 54 years ot age, Deceas-
ed was a brother of W. H. I4o0raoken,
of Brussels, and was a former resident
of town befog aseooiated in the carriage
business with the late W. T. Hunter.
In the big fire of 1876 ,their shops were
destroyed and Mr. McCracken removed
from this locality. He lived for various
periods at Arkwright, Tara and Durham
before iodating in Cleveland 25 years
ago. Mra. M0Oraokep's maiden name
was Carrie Sperling and was well
known to the people of this locality. In
addition to the widow 2 sone and 2
daughters survive who will sharp large-
ly in'the sympathy of the relatives and
old friends here.
Are Your Children "Croupy?"
This trouble is deadly—mast be stop.
ped quickly. Nothing is so sure as the
Nerviline Treatment. Give it internal-
ly, rub it on the throat and chest, and
then put on a Nerviline Porous Plaster.
The marvellous power of Nerviliue,
both as a liniment, and in Plaster form,
will surprise you. For sore throat,
coughs, oolds and pleurisy alone, it is
need by thousands every day, Invalu-
able in the home, especially for treating
the minor ills that all children are
bound to catch. Large bottles 25 eta,
eaoh, Nerviline Plasters same price, at
dealers or N. C. Poison & Oo., Kingston,
Mt% bapoan MoTeggart arrived
home last week from au extended visit
with her daughter, Mrs. Foster, of
Orillia, and Mrs. (Dr) ,Bowerman, of
About 2 o'clock Monday morning,
reit. lot, the bired map of Wm. L. G.
Mobi'augbt,18th man., Grey, was awatt-
ened by smoke In his room and geeing
fire at onoe gavethe alarm. They found
the roof on Are goosed from a defective
obimney, Although It had quite a start,
by herd work they put the fire out be-
fore it had done rough damage.
The line 100 acre farm of Wm.
Mode, Lot 16, Can, 10, has been said
to Robert Honston, of the acme line, for
the sum of $6;200. fie gets; posseesjop
on March IOth. Mr, Woods may take a
trip to the West. We wish Mr. Bons -
ton auooeea in kis purchase and hope
Mr, Woods will looate iu this oommnp-
Row To unto Xu. Weight.
Yon know you are too thin --you eat
and eat, but never get au ounce fatter.
Nerves are weak, color is bad, strength
seems exhausted, It's not hard to get
fat. Yoa must eat more, digest more,
excretes more. Try P+errnzoae and
watch your appetite grow. It turns all
you eat into nutriment and building
material --Bila your veins with rich, red
blood—gives you ambition and vigor.
For a tisane builder, a fattening tondo,
one that restores permanently, there is
nothing to compare with Ferrozone.
Try it and see, 50 pts. at all dealers.
There will be service as usual at
Briok Church next. Sunday morning at
10.30 O'olook,
At a repent meeting of the Quarterly
Official Board of the Ripley Circuit, a
oordial invitation was extended to Rev.
G. W. Rivera, B. A., 13. D., of Belgrave,
to become their pastor at the close of
this Conference year, The invitation
has been ancepted anbjaot to the ap-
proval of the+ Stationing Oammittee.
Rev. and Mrs. Rivera received quite
a'eererlso on Fridley evening last when
shoat thirty memhere of their Brick
Church oongregati '0 invaded the par -
steam with welt filled baskets. Having
received a welcome, they immediately
prooeeded to make themselves at home,
and spent an enjoyable evening in
eooi tl interoourea, games and a splendid
impromptu programme in which nearly
alt took part. After ample platice had
been done to the excellent refreshments
several hymns were sung, and the oom-
pany took their departure leaving be-
hind them a large load of oats which
had been collected for the pastor's
horse. Mr. and Mrs. Rivers appreciate
very much the kindness of the people
Norkopefilarepbeitteht10~1101000"eliertatii~001140~10111"~eissiftinigebOt C1313
r t
of the Relgrevo Circuit as ehowie in so
mapy ways.
Vi'ihy Lfqutd vatarrh lienienies ran.
to the otor, have
very little etre agog the lin ingehof the
nose and throat, and entirely fail to
cureOnly by
ifliir aagee by relieving nammaton nd
killing the germ' to cure };oaeible. IVO
combination of itetiser Oasis so euooess•
ful as Oatarrhozone. Ie breathing it,
you send the riolwst pine balsams right
to the seat of the disease Irritating
phlegm ie .cleared out,,. hoarepuesa,
coughing and hacking are eared. For
a permanent cure for cetarrla, nothing
equals Oatarrboxone, 26 ore, and $1,00 at
all dealers.
An aged and esteemed reaident of one
village, in the person of Mr, John San•
dome, psseed to his reward, on Sab-
bath, Tanuary 318t. He had been in
failing health for the lost year or two,
but only took to hie bed about two
weeks before his deatb. Mr. Sanderson
was barn in Ireland no April 24th, 18$1,
tuns being in his 78th year at the tune
of bis death. He carne to Wroxeter in
the year 1857. In 1850 he was married
to Mies Etle:n Inglis who proved herself
f, true helpmate. The deceased was it ,
merchant in this village for a groat
many years, after which he 000upied
the position of poetmaster for
fourteen years; but owing to failing
health resigned about a year ago He
was very obliging' and kind in all his
dealings with the public He was, in.
deed, a mart of peace, The hriok build-
ing erected ler a store, was the first of
the kind in the county. Ho was a life.
long Conservative in politics, and also a
consistent and upright member of the
Presbyterian Ohuroh, Wroxeter; he
occupied different posi+iina in coaneo-
tion with the work of the congregation.
A widow, three sons and three daugh-
ters aro Ieft to mourn the loss of a de-
voted husband and an affectionate
Established r879
Whooping Cough, Croup, Bronchitis
Cough, Grip, Asthma, Diphtheria
Cresolene is a boon to Asthmatics
Does it not seem more effective to breathe in a
remedy to cure disease of the breathing organs
than to take the remedy into the stomach?
It cures because the air rendered strongly anti-
septic is carried over the diseased surface with
every breath, giving prolonged and constant treat-
ment. It is invaluable to mothers with small
Those of a consumptive
tendency find immediate
relief from coughs or in-
flamed conditions of the
Sold by druggists.
Send postal for bookl..t.
Limited, Agents, Mont-
real, Canada. 307
Isard% rean Swaep
Sale SI Gen! On
Now is the time to buy Furs,
Ladies' Coat, Men's Fur Coats,
Men's Overcoats and ' Suits,
Boys' Overcoats and Suits,
Carpets, Curtains, etc0
We have added to our reduced price list
as follows r
"eery largo size, 72 x 0:). extra fine
quality, good
value at $1 60 e a
sale pride -
Fine weave, eiz64 x 84, Da-
mask Pest:terns ran•
alar value $1 25,
sale price - - '
• R,•
'b•t1ta t,.
Come with the crowds, and see the values.
c u c '*` ✓r;;e: `"y ti lit-.,Y�,,/�_�,,a-
rim--dt-". ,, ,-;• ,. 'i _ '"�-•
fir:tr 6` ,�i ✓ �'v -4,0
;.S7 wa,_. ,. J ' -- A \� -.�,,,,:,,4ti +r '
Positively he lowestrices ever
� offered in Canada !
Store crowded to ' the doors every da !
Already we have gained the reputation of doing exactly as we advertise. The enormous crowd ot people in on Wednesda
the opening day --advertised us to their friends to such an .extent that we are doing a tremendous business every day, jr—
We apologize for having to lock the door a few times, but really it was impossible to wait on so many,
even with our large staff of salespeople.
Never was Men's Clothing and Underwear offered at such ridiculous prices !
jNever was there a time when you could buy Beautiful Furs at less than manufacturers' cost 1
ust think of Men's Fur Coats, just when you need them, at unheard-of reductions.
Bring your cash or produce.
Nothing charged—nothing sent on approval.
Robson flercantjle = Wing•ham
" Money Back " our guarantee.
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