HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1909-02-11, Page 1TIE VOL XXX.VIII.-NO • 1931. ••••• -.-.• •—•—•—t • —•—•— —.—.—. .--t Farmers, Attention HEADQUARTERS FOR STOCK FOODS Condition Powders and all Stock Remedies. • Watton Mckibbon THE DRUGGIST t Macdonald B1ook, Wingham, i WINCHAM TIMES. 'GINGHAM, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1909, SI A YEAR IN ADVANCE FLOWERS ! For all occasions — Parties, Weddings, Funerals, etc. Wingham Greenhouses FRANCIS STREET • PHONE 101. GENERAL LOCAL NEWS. Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers Sale of Mr, Jas. laonley thirty head of of steers and heifers hotel, Wingham, at day afternoon, Fel terms will be given be the auctioneer. Terrible Crime in Dufferin. With the startling words, "I have laid out three men," George Stewart appeared before his father at his home near Maple Valley on Sunday afternoon. The father was surprised to see him, for the son was supposed to be under surveillance at the home of his brother, William Stewart, three miles away, it being known for the last couple of years that he was not mentally balan- ced. The appearance of George was enough to startle anyone. He was hat- less and bootless, and wore only one Book, and appeared considerably agitated. His father, who alone oan oontrol him when be is worked up, gradually quieted him, and got him, off to sleep, from which he was awakened to be charged with the murder of John and James Spanhonse, two of his neigh- bors, and the wounding of four other persons. Stewart appeared before Police Magistrate Rutherford, and as there was no person present to represent the prisoner, he was remanded to Orangeville Jail. $80,000 In spite of the hard times, the above amount of property has been Bold through our agency in the past few months, which is an evidence that Ontario Real Estate has a sound substantial vaine There is no disguising the fact however that the West still has at- tractions for teeny, and farms are being listed with us almost every day, because the owners desire to try their fortunes on the prairies. Many of these farms oan be sold by ns at what would have been consider- ed ridiculously low figures a few years ago, when the prices for farm products were much lower than at present. It will certainly pay any intending purchaser to give us a call. Half an hour in onr office would be worth more to him than a week driving about the country. Desirable town properties for sale. Money to loan on good farms, at low- est rates, Insurance in all its branches. Twenty years experience and 110 unsettled or disputed claims. Ritchie & Cosens REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE. attie. HI hold a sale of tle—miloh cows, at the Exchange o'clock on Bator - 13th. The venal John Purvis will Drink Cbristie's Teas. Hockey Fr' The next home be played at the rin between the locals tenni. The visitors by the Lnoknow Pip evening's entertain The game is called f ay Night. me of hookey will on Friday evening and the Lnoknow ill be accompanied Band and a good ent is assured. 8 o'olook sharp. Big Price outs on ov day. Read ad on pag :re.. es on Satnr- WILLIE & Co. Longboat Tom Longboat d is still the peer of t at the Madison S York, on Friday Alfred Shrubb, th The Britisher colla fifth mile, and th the rape alone. Th slower than made raped Hayes. PHONE 59 'Tis Groceries and Provisions These are our Specialties Come along. Try us. .rc ONLY 4 more Dinner Sets 9 more Tea Sets 22 Toilet Sets At big (oash only) reductions. Batter and Eggs taken as cash. J. Nervy ChrIstio e Canadian The regular mei land, Oanad'-an Ore be held on Friday when all members present. At the on Monday event. members were ads Harris is continni; this week. Next banquet will be Chamber and it . Faulkner, High High Treasurer, Superintendent o present and deliv ins Race. monstrated that he e Marathon runners nare Gardens, New night by beating English champion. sed in the twenty - Onondaga finished time was somewhat v Dorando when he • All the leading magazines at BOOR STORE. Dwelling Ho The dwelling ho Ballagh on the Tee stroyed by fire earl Ing. The fire woe Ballagb, sr., who suffocated with t gentleman is blind taken from the bra building was total ooneiderable portio was saved. The fir originated from a pipe. Mr. Ballagh' heavy and he will able inoonvenieno months is a bad ti Foresters. ing of Court Matt - r of Foresters, will vening of this week are requested to be ooial meeting held a number of new fitted and Organizer g his work here for Tuesday evening a fold in the Council expected that Geo. eoretary; R. Elliott, and W. G. Strong, Organization will be. r addresses. Big Price outs ono eras e6 on Satur- day. Read ad on pa WILLIE & Co. the BIG e Burned. e of Mr. Andrew ator road was de - het Friday morn - discovered by Mr. ound himself being smoke. The old and luckily he was ing building. The destroyed, but a of the furniture is supposed to have overheated stove lose will be quite e put, to consider - as the winter e to lose a dwell - Newspaper A wholesale firm onlar to their eusto value of newspaper lows : —N ewspaper greatest possible re outlay of time an surest and quick local trade. Rea• as mnoh a part of Bleeping and eati• who does not at 1. daily paper. For paper "ad" goes time when he is i listen. Then agar read your adverts hope to attract by displays and pe Experience has tan er must go after hi for it to come to h Death of Mic Michael MoDona resident of Walfor of his sister, Mrs Saturday, Januar ing the cause of h in Morris townsh number of yea Algoma and se Watford. He w highly 'repeated Being a quiet, n man, he made 30 years and 1 m of Mr. Arohie the same plaoe. Mr. McDonald; t afternoon to the tery, servioe at t being conducted lett. Mr. MoDon the Latter Day sorrowing relativ sympathy in this ael McDonald. d, a highly respeoted , died at the home Geo. Newman, on 23, consumption be- y death. He was born where ho lived for a , when he moved to tl:d on farm near widely known' and all who knew him. ssnming, industrious ny friends. He was nth old, and was a eon oDonald, formerly of The funeral of the late ok place on Monday Alford Union Cense- e house and ohnroh y Elder R. B. How• ld was a member of Saint Church. The s have unbounded our afliotion. dvertising. • addressing a oir- .. ors points out the advertising as fol. dvertising offers the urns for the smallest money. It is the t way of drawing ng the newspaper is our everyday life as . It is a rare person est glance through his this reason a news- ght to your man at a the beat position to , more people will ment than you could he strongest window zonal salesmanship. ht us that the deal - trade and not wait CHURCH N TES. Mr. N, L. Steeve University, will noon the Baptist Church ne Confirmation classes in St. Pant's. Church, visit of the Bishop som Men's service at St next Sunday evening a rentor, Rev. C. E. Je from the snbjeot;—" man," "A Master Workm subjeot of the Rev. address, next Sunday Methodist Chnroh. Bessie M, Scott, of the ing Home, Toronto, address. Come and All welcome. , of MoMaster y the pulpit of 1Sunday, Raw FURS,— " e want all kinds of raw tura, tor which we will pay highest mash prices. GEO. E. KING. • Entertained The Robson Mere the members of th a skating party, social and fnueioal February 9th. Th bled et the store a the rink where al skating, after whi-h all repaired to the ed parlors of Mr. E. nmptuone repast was ramme consisted of ental music by Mrs. s Moore, and others. Mr. Thos. Miller as s follows : — " The e the King." " The Co.," responded to Johnston and Bert. Staff," responded to son. " The Town of ded to by Miss Little, . W. Warren. "The to Mt. F. W. Warren he Ladies," proposed ren, and responded to Brandon and F. A. ention is made of the nment provided by the and Richardson. All a most enjoyable one, nd all kvish the Robson very success in their Employees. ntile Co. entertained r staff of twenty to nd afterwards to a vening, on Tuesday, young people assem- d went in a body to greatly enjoyed the At the regular Co held in the Methodist day morning last, t membera were receive of these by profession aha largest number reo service during Rev. Mr torate and it should be to Mr. Howson and the congregation. • beautifully decor Moore, where a served. The pr vocal and instrn Winfield, the Mis The toast lint, wit toastmaster, was King,"—"God Sa Robson Meroanti by Messrs. Chas. Winfield. " The by Mr. Joseph Ro Wingham," reepo Miss Fry and Mr. Press," responde and Mr. Miller. " by Mr, F. W. W by Messrs. Broc Robson. Special enjoyable enterta little Misses Moo voted the evenin and the staff one Mercantile' Co. future enterpris ave been started ith a view to the time in April. Paul's Church 7 o'olook. Tae king, will speak e Ideal Church- th" will be the W. G. Howson's morning in the 1 7 p. m., Miss Deaconess Train - will deliver an ear Mise Soott. Death o A former wel Wingham passed Toronto on, Sun person of Mary of the late Wm, ceased lady had for some tinj attaok of bro her death. De left Wingham for Binghampt Ried died in Mrs. Ridd has re Toronto. She high esteem by a She was for m the Methodist were brought to end interment plot in Win Howard Ander lands a000mpa'. Toronto. Wsd tpWntMan, i6S1`. Mrs. Ridd. .known resident of way at her home in ay afternoon, in the ane Anderson, reliot Riad, V, S. The de- een in delicate health e •awed and a sudden iiehitis was the cause of used, with her husband, rue eighteen years ago N. Y., where Mr. y, 1900. Singe then ided in Brantford and as a woman held in large circle of friends. y years a member of ohnroh. The remains Wingham on Tuesday as made in the family ham oemetery. Dr. on Mid Mr. John Tee• led the remains from Eitdd wa' a sister of our ltiohard Anderson, 1 mnnion service huroh on Sun- irty-eight new and nearly all faith. This is vod at any one Howson's pas- ery encouraging embers of the As anticipated in oar sue, those who attended livered by Rev. 0. E. J ham, in the town h Friday evening were but all who had any mi oompelled to laugh at e dotes related by the 1 them really side-splitti tare the opinion that comes this way age' heard him on Friday e others will be ou he again.—Gorrie Vidett The Late After six from that pain stomach, ther majority, on home of her Blnevale, Isab late Thomas lady was of I and mother o0 Tyrone, bele earliest settler The subject o the township 1842, and in Mills, of the resided for a n to Turnberry e Mr. Mills died Mills possessed and was of a oh she maintained and suffering. oho was careful daughter', Mrs. Three sons, W. A of Sioux Falls, Wingham; and Thos. Watt, of Snell, of Bluer these, deemed Andrew Reid, Brnoe4eld; Willi of Huron, 8, DO Mrs. Jane Watt Mr', Wm. Nichols and Mrs. Robt. Pg Sask. The banes rs. Thos. E. Mills. nths patient suffering ul disease, canner of the passed over to the great ednesday last, at the anghter, Mrs. Snell, at lla Reid, reliot of the . Mills. The deceased ieh descent, her father ing from the County of d, and were among the of the Bayfield road. this sketch was born in t Stanley, in the year 862 was married to Mr. Amo plaoe, where they tuber of years, removing out nineteen years ago. to 1896. The late Mrs. a very ambitious spirit erful;disposition, which throughout her illness [n her declining days y looked after by her Watt and Mrs. Snell, and Ernest E. Mills, D., and Oliver of two daughters, Mrs. thio, Mioti., LW Mrs. le, survive. ides eves four brother., nrnberry; Samuel, m, of Eases; John, ; and three platers, (a twin sister) and n, of Tacoma, Wash., terson, of Saskatoon, I took place on Frt- last week's is- theleoture de - kine, of Wing - 1, Gorrie, last t disappointed,. ah In them were me of the aneo- oturer seine of , and we ven- en Mr. Jenkins all those who ening and many d to hear him Y. M. C. A. ONVENTION. The second Ann vention of the Yo Associations of Hu in Wingham on day of this week. representative and including delegates zations and a nun yet organized, but learn of the works and the results obt addresses bringingi agement as to oomplished in elsewhere; the enthusiasm of t activity of the lo after the entertf all contributed t vention. And may have existf the movement i be dispelled. T. en active and edergetio committee, with ming; of Clinton, as y. Mr. Fleming is un - right man in the right been most indefatigable n behalf of the work he ad and of which he has jditable beginning. session of the convention 4onday afternoon in the ours in the Meyer block, McCallum, of Exeter, in ter the singing of a hymn, �e offered prayer. lens, of London, spoke on f "Rural Work." He pro - showing the average atten- nng men at the churches, 11 percentage of those who hers. The speaker laid este upon the necessity of g men interested in Chris - CHOIR CONDUCTOR ) ANTED - Applications will b nnderaigned up to Fe position of Choir Conductor and Leader of Praise in Knox Church, Teeswater. State terms. R. E. LITTLE. oeived by the ary 25th for the 1 county work noti- ng Men's Christian on County was held onday and Tues• he gathering was a enthusiastic one, from all the organi- ber from places not ho were anxious to gs of the movement ined. The inspiring messages of enoonr- he work being ac- imilar organizations anifest interest and 4e delegates, and the al members in looking nment of their guests, the success of the con - any misgivings which d as to the outcome of i this county may well ie work is in charge of Mr. L. 0. F County Sooreta donbtedly the place, and has in his efforts o has taken in ha made such a or The opening was held on Y. M. 0. A. r with Mr. T. 1 the chair. A Rev. D. Peri Mr. A. Cu the subject duped chart dance of y and the sur were me special emp getting you tiara work. Mr. J. R. !Boardman, of New York, followed with a practical •and well - delivered Address on "Leadership." Giving a definition of the word whioh formed his! snbjeot, the speaker dwelt portanoe of getting the right right plane. There is no one ore fitted for some special than another, and it was a leader to find out the of those whom he seeks to avor to get them into the Ozal WHAT A SHOE CHANCE! Every pair of Winter Shoes and Men's heavy Rubbers Oust go, at our Cut Price sale of winter footwear. W. J. GREER. PLEASE NOTE. Tnos. T. Field b are now due. quested, and on of T. T. FIELD & All accounts owing to ore January let, 1909, roinpt payment is re - be made at the shop o. R ural Notwithetandi weather on Tu was a fairly good at the meeting Chamber to cons forming a ruse Mr. R, Clegg ao called on Geo. the workings of and also reporte H. B. Elliott, he on the Councils and East Wawan the oounoills had elephones. the very stormy day afternoon there attendance of farmers held in the Council er the advisability of telephone company. ed as chairman and potton, who explained oompany of this kind that in company with ad on Monday waited f Turnberry, Morrie n and in eaoh plane oneented to allow the proposed oonmpan • the privilege of put- ting poles and wi'es on the highways. le disoussion on the oved by Theo. Hall and 3. Elliott, that the fol - n be provisional direc- gham—R. Clegg, Geo. After oonaidera matter, it was eeoonded by H. lowing gentlem tors:—For Wi Spotton, A.°gens, W. J. Greer. Turnberry—D/ H. Moffatt, Wm. Max- well, A. Kelly(, John Mosgrove. Morris —W..1 Hend, rson, C. G. Campbell, R. Proctor, John Dnokett. East Wawa- nosh—W. J. Parkes, A. Porterfield, John Shiell, 9 John Gillespie. Easterly portion of West Wawanoeh—D. Calla - hen. These Treaters will proceed at once with th , work of getting all the neoessary infdermation for the formation of a oompany The TIMES would be ed to see a good strong d. Many advantages of work among t work, eto., were t way. Mr. C. M. Cop retary for Onteri the relationship and the church, from both sides, held by some, t the Y. M. 0. work t0 do—an the young men. The afternoo with general b liament In whi able discussions of important with the work A resolution ed to Mrs. J. in the death of member of the Votes of the Session of St. which the Mond held; to the ap for their able a Auxiliary of th oitizens of Win hospitality sho visitors. A number, of work expressed the most snooes they had ever aft The members o tee are: Messrs. chairman; T. vice-chairman; treasurer; Fred Geo. Chesney, gene, Goderioh; Wroxeter; J. E. Bender, Bly Orediton; Robt Buchanan, Wing Mr. John Pen to have preside was unavoidabl telegram assurin hearty sympath county work. Considerable o members, with charge, for the which the arras out. upon the io man in the who is not line of wor the duty o gnalifloation lead and end right place. On Monde, tendered the and others, i Andrew's Ch programme wa the Ladies' An: Y. M. C. A., at admirably carr. pang were yet J. H. Cameron,' a few of the r addresses, amon being Mr. 0. M. Provincial Seor Quebec; Mr. Work Secretary M. 0. A.; Dr. R. Mr. John Wilfo e boys, methods of ated in a practical and, Provincial Sec - and Quebec, spoke on tween the Y. M. 0. A. There was an influence He dispelled the idea t there was no need for They had a special that work was among session was taken rap siness and an open par - interesting and profit - took place on a number mations in connection the Assooiation. sympathy was extend - Stoneman, of Hensall, er husband, who was a onnty Committee. e were tendered to the Andrew's Church, in y evening meeting was akera from a distance, dresses; to the Ladies' Y. M. 0. A., and the ham, for the generous n the delegates and very much pleft oompany form are to be gained, especially for the far- mer' The ootpany would build lines in the different townships and bring their lines to Wingham and then °on- �e made with the looel 1 Telephone Co. The he rural oompany would with all the Wingham arly one hundred and of this kind are now essfnlly with the Bell evening a banquet was delegates, local members the sohool room of St. roh. This part of the under the direction of Mary of the Wingham d the arrangements were ed out. While the cont. ated at the tables, Mr. f Brussels, called upon presentatives for short those who responded Copeland, of Toronto, tary for Ontario and aylor Statten, Boys' t Toronto Central Y. J. Redmond, of town; 'd of Blyth, and Mr. day, *orrice being oondnoted by Iter. Mr. Andrews of the Methodist ohnroh, Blneritle, of whoh deoea'ed was a roer. neotion would office of the B eubeoribere of have oonneotio 'nbsoribere. fifty oompanie operating sunt oompany. Highest pprtoi paid for hides and pool• try at T. 18'ene butoher shop. NOTIOL--All, parties 1 • de sted to Hugh J. Ramsay, livery their e000unti at ,ono will be et the lire n, must pay Ramsay 66 all day Bata - those engaged in the he opinion that it was nl county convention nded. the County Commit- , F. Blair, Goderioh, McCallum, Exeter, aures Soott, Clinton, ill, Clinton, secretary; aforth; H. E. Hod - W. S. MoKeroher, Cameron, Brussels; ; J. H. Holtzman, Maxwell and F. am. an, of Paris, who was ou Monday evening, absent, but sent a the gathering of his and support in the Fred H. Gilroy, o Brussels. Mr. Wil- ford at the olose of a few words on the good work being done by the Y. M. 0. A., proposed ;a gote of thanks to the ladies who had prbpared such a sumptu- ous repa:.t. This Was ably seoonded by Mr. Gilroy. Adjournment was then made to the auditorium of the church, where the evening session was opened by the singing of ' hymn, and prayer by Rev. W. G. Howson, pastor of the Methodist Ohurolf. Mr. G. F. Blair, of Goderioh, chairman of the County Com- mittee, presided, and gave a report of the work done since the inception of the movement in Huron County ono year ago. Five plaoes are already organized: Goderioh, Wingham, Clinton, Exeter and Blyth ; and in coarse of organization are two more plaqes, Brussels and Sea- ford]. In addition, a boys' department has been organized in Wingham, with a membership of twenty already. Mr. Blair closed with !an earnest appeal for the sympathy and co-operation of all who are interests in the welfare of the young men and b ys of the County. Mr. J, R. Boar man, of New York, Internacional Secretary of bounty Work gave on inspiring address . on "Achieve. monis in Comity Work," and cited many oases where noble work had been done by the County work movement. The evening programme was oonrid. erably enhanced. by quartette' by Messrs. F. 3. Hill, obt. Maxwell, W. J. Greer and R a.. Hammond, whioh were well rendered, and heartily appreolMed by the oongrogatiorl. The meeting was brought to o close by the singing of a hymn,' and the banedietion pronounced by Rev. D. Perste. The convention resumed on tTueaday nvorning, When Mr. Taylor Station, Boys' Work Seoretatir of Toronto Oen. tral Y. M4 t 1. A„ data with "Boy'' Wart." The wooerslty sod tmps:mama edit is due the local r. W. J. Price in dmirable manner in entente were carried Big Price on day. Read a o vershoes on Bator - page 8. WILLIE & Go, BIG RUSH FOR BARGAINS. At Isard's Ten Days' Sale. Great pride redactions in every Department. See their adv. on page 5. Shop early. BARGAINS in Misses' and Women's Slippers and Juiiettes, only 28 pairs left. Clearing sale price 490. W. J. GREER. HIGH SCHOOL NEWS. A number of on last week, amonE Holmes, Jack VG Andrew Wallace a An exoellent ga played on the town night, between our boys and the Tees - water hockey enthusiasts. The visitors played a splendid genie but they lacked e punk when they half-time was 9-1 and at the close of students were absent whom were John eir, Gordon Goble, d Dudley Holmes. e of hockey was }ink last Wednesday Did you Start the New year Right the power of using ti� got it. The score at in favor of the locale the game was 10 5. Will Hieoox, a fo mer student of onr sohool, bat who is/ now attending the Teeswater school, was hit with the pnok below the left eye, at the hockey match, Bred enable to play if the game. and was thus ren for the remainder A new High ohool ory has been °hoop and many pupils are finding great trouble with the metre:— Hurrah, hulrah, hurrah I Mr, Gordon Yoiuns was ill on Tuesday last after being at the bun feast on Monday night. We hope he will be better for the exein. on Wednesday. The regular nAeting of the literary was held last Friday and it proved to the audience that !the new executive is doing its duty, if lot more. Mr. Isbister looked very sagao ous in the chair, and we do not hesitat to say that he will *eon become great an orator as Cicero, the m who has given the fourth form so oh hard work, 'Will McLean and Miss Agnew were eppoint- ed the editors of the journal, and the one that was pre ared for last Friday railed. honor on the editors and sub. editors. The sent r girls' glee club has now reaohed *eh standard that they ars ready to chat' e the senior boys' and she gaveakto llerit speech at the elate Of the prOgra tem By resolving to have your clothing made here? We guarantee you perfect fit, best workmanship and the quality of our mater- ials is not excelled anywhere at the price. Your order for a suit, Overcoat, Odd Pants or Vest, will be promptly attended to and satisfaction guar- anteed. Men's Furnishing Hats, Caps, Gloves, Ties, Collars, Hose, Underwear, etc. Call and see us. RobtMaxwell Tailor and Furnisher For Men Who Care. FOR SALE.—T sleighs, harness, with the Hanna sold at a barna the store. Ro o horses, waggons, o. used in connection ros business, will be Get particulars at nON MERCANTILE CO, Adding Loose leaf ledger, card system, and all modern de- vices known disposal of our student a. Consequently business houses of leading Canadian and. American cities are calling loudly for our graduates. Tndividual instruction. Enter any day. Mail Courses. Send postal for particulars. WINGHAM BUSINESS COLLEGE GEO. SPOTTON, Principal. 1 The Leading Shoe Store. FEBRUARY BARGAINS Woinen'a Mc, Gish' 400, $40 pair, If* (121110142. Keep Your Feet Warm Ladies' and Missea Felt 811O. 49 pers, regular price On, /80 C and 8So, sale prime Ladies' Pelt Shoes and Slip. 98 port, regular prtoe $1 25 C and $1.5C, sale Pew Men's all Felt Beets mit Shona also Felt Med rcotw`Mtt setusl wet at otu. Wearing ssie,