HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1909-02-04, Page 8MINOR LOCALS. —It is reported that the branch of the Standard Rank at Walton will be closet --Uvular meeting of the Palle School a ac. al Wit) be held next Tuesday eveniug. ?r., d '".-'"(1 )tr'elxey raTne at Harris - ton last Friday night Wingham lost by aver, of 11 to 2. —Mr. Lynn Knox has been appointed Sewn Mel: of G oderich, in place. of the late W. A. MoKam. —Iflcntreal was shaken by what is believed to have been an earthquake sludge on Sunday night. — =errs. ors. MMlann and Ewing have sold their £ erdware business at Teeswater to B,, E. Little, The new proprietor takes poeaeseion on. the 1st of Maroh. —Many o11 friends here will be sorry to learn that M Y. McLean, M. P. for South Huron, is ill at his home in Sea- forth, Gids. a eevero attack of pleurisy. --Mr. Wolter S. Hawke, formerly of Toxin -teeny A.;a s ; tWnie time a resident of Ilepworth has moved his family to Portland, Sask., where he has purohao• std a good Status property. Tho Township Councils will meet next Monday, The Turnberry Connell iu the Clerk's office at Blnevale; East Waveanosh in C. 0. F. hall at Bolgrave, and Mrris in the Township hall. —111•r. J. 1H. Robertson left for lois home in Whitewater, Man. on Tuesday. Mr. 1?,ol:oto n bon, ht two car loads of • texv,, home while in thts vicinity and ithiprY' he to the West on Tuesday. —We had fa cold dip early this week, Exeter, aat sleighing in town, but neither sleiglaiur nor good wheeling on the • oou.ntry ;::,ads. The high winds have blows the meow to the sides of the road. —A naval Beaman has oneevery day ea r; l ate the quarter -de' : of his ship, Mu if, no o,uenr 1 upon it. "Salado" Tea is in each p•. pular favor that i'": -Iny people feel 1 , e aalnting a packet le ever seen. _.Ari.. W. A. Currie, of the Wingham =met * o shop intends rendering his aoeo°'a `.:i monthly in future and thus ovine ranee_ nes. Eye will now ba recpon• slide foe errors if a000unto aro allowed to roe. fee more than one mouth, -p- BEf.4a1t4,10w. Quarterly Sacramental service for the Bolgrave Qironit will be held in the Bolgrave Methodist Church, on Sunday next at 10 30 a. m. The Official Board will meet in the same church on Tues- day 9th, at 2 p. m. The regular services at Brick Church and Sunshine will be withdrawn next Sunday on account of the Sacramental service at Belgrave, to whioh all are invited. CRESOLENE ANTISEPTIC TABLETS simple and effective remedy for SORB TUROATS AND COUGHS They combine the germicidal value of Cresolene with the soothing properties of slippery elra and fico. e. wri�c'e. Your druggist,Mated Agents MontrMo eal. 4Q µuiv,n:je, lofts, Co.,r , Agents, Did :M1 GANr ON. The simnel meeting of the Dungann- on Agricultural Society was held on. T hursday, January 21st, and was well attended, ' The reports presented show- ed the Society to be in a sound and pros• perous oondition, and there is every prospect of further success in the Stature. Officers were elected as follows :—Presi• dent, Wm. Baillie, Dungannon; first vice-president, Jas. Mallougb, Dungan- non; second vied - president, Jas. Hayden, Port Albert; directors—John McLean, Dungannon; Thos. Stothers, Dungannon, Jacob Reed, Belfast; Wm. Watson, Nile; Isaac Hetherington, Nile; Jas. Chisholm, Dunlop; T. E. Durnin, Dungannon; Jas. Alton, Belfast. The only change in directorate is that Steph- en Medd, who resigned is replaced by Jas. Alton, H. J. Morris, of Loyal, past president of the Society, wan elected an honorary member of the board, T. G. Alien and Dr. Case, of Dungannon, were re -appointed auditors. Afterwards the board Of directors mot and re•np• pointed Robert McIlwain aa secretary and J. M. Roberts as treaeurer, FEBRUARY COUNCIL MEI;TlN.G. The regular February meeting of the Town Council was held on Monday evening with all the members present except Oounoillor Redmond. Minutes Of previous meetings were read and ap. proved, A communication was read from Dr. ©has. Hodgetts, Chairman of the Provin- oia1 Board of Health saying he would be pleased to visit Wingham in the near future and give information as to a pure water supply for the town. The matter of calling a meeting was left with the Mayor as soon as a definite date is sour- ed from Dr. Hodgetts. The Executive. Committee reported that they had conferred with members of the Turnberry Council with reference to taxes on electric) light plant and it was deoided to refer the matter to the Ontario Railway and Municipal Board. The Clerk read a communioation from the Board whioh said they had no jnrie- diotion in the matter. The Executive Committee was instraoted to again con- fer with the Turnberry Council and ar- range another plan of settlement, The Finance Committee recommend- ed payment of the following accounts:— Crescent Oil Co., supplies ....,. $ 63.70 P. 0. Dept. p. o. box. , . , ....... 3.00 Viaimsloy, the i,rao1 boeiety colpo: .)rr, who made himself so useful In tenon, has removed to Wingham from svbie'. o.atro he trill pursue his avocet - time uo' a time. Ho made many friends in and astound Brussels.—Brussels Poet. —;,fir. T. J. Elliott, who was operated on at th3 hospital last week is reoover- ing teem the effects of the operation, but his nunaeecue friends fear he will never fano tt] he is said to be afficted with au incurable disease. Mr. Elliott's many friends will he sorry to learn of his troowale. —A dere t"h from Orangeville to the Toronto dailids of the 2nd ins;;. states that no trace has been discovered of the whereebonts of G. H. Coopmau, agent of a serving machine company, who left haat town two weeks ago, taking With him about 670 belonging to a Sun- day Eo'.;col of whioh he was treasurer. Ooopnaauresided in Wingham for some years, removing to Orangeville. about a yea ago. Mrs. Ooopman was highly respected, Do You Get Bilious? This trouble arises from torpidity of the liver. Nothing acts so nicely as Dr. Hamilton's Pills. They stir up, the liver, rid the system of bile, tone the stomach, give appetite and ocnnd diges- tion, if you feel drowsy and bad temper- ed, Dr. Hamiltons Pills will help you at once,—taken at night you're well by morning Don't be afraid of Dr, Ham. Ilton's Pills, they are mild—don't gripe or nauseate. They just "ours that's all. EAST WAWANOSzet. Miss Clara Foran has secured a com- mercial position in Toronto. She is a graduate of the Wingham Business College. Mr. John Phillips has returned to Yellow Grass, Sask., after a few weeks visit with hie parents at Fordyce. Following ie the report of S. S. No. 9, East Wawanosh:— Olaso V- .R. Deacon. Class IV—Verna Taylor, Pearl Data con, Gwendolyn Carrie, Earl Elliott, Mary Currie. III—Magt,ie Pocock, Harold Currie, Earnest Sheill, Charlie Taylor. Sr. II—Wilmor Ta_ tor, Poeta Deacon, Helen Deacon, Annie Currie. Jr. II—George Pocook, Harold Reid, Thos. Carrie. Pt. H—Helen Pocock, Verna Elliott and Charlie Currie equal, Teddy Karr. Jr. Pt. I—Jim Perdue, 'Cathleen Kerr. Average attendance 29. A. L. LAWRENCE. On Monday evening, Jan. 25th, there passed reaoefally to rest, Ann McLaren, relict of the late James McGowan, at her late reeidenoe, 268 Jarvis street, Toronto. She was stricken down with a paralytic stroke and in spite of medical aid, never rallied. Deceased , was born in Scotland, coming to this country when 3 yeeas old and the family settled in Halton where she was married to Mr. McGowan in the year 1856, andthey then came to East Wawanosh, settling on Lot 39, con, 2. Mr. McGowan died in March, 1900, i -ad about 7 years ago the mother and ttao sons, Robert and James A. moved to ,a'oronto to live. Robert now lives in Cleveland whiie James A. continues to reside in the city. The funeral took place from St. An• drow's Church at 2.30 p. m. on Thurs- day last, a service being held in the church conducted by Rev. 3. L. ;Small, B. A., after whish the body woo taken to Union ocmetery for interment. De- ceased was one of the first members of St. Andrews' church, at BIyth, and was held in high esteem by all who were acquainted with her. W. G. Gray, teaming T. Strome, work. E. Moore, meal to tramp John Davidson, work John Douglas, work Light Dept., supplies .... e a hall lights, 1908 Bell Telephone Co„ alarm, eye - tem and exohange Riohardson & Rae, supplies A. Nicol, supplies J. Donst, stationery.... „.. H. B. Elliott, printing W. A, Sanderson. work J. B. Ferguson,, salary, reg. fees and cemetery deeds D. E. McDonald, work W. Stokes, work R. Rankin, salary E. Lewis, salary Geo. Allen, salary Alf. Mitchell and others, work at dam W. March, work A. J. Polon, work at dam Wm. Watt, work] at dam PERSONAL. *T . r"ec, Th utson, of Goderioh was cat¢ F ,, ar aTinglaam friends lost week. Me. %V. Il. Myer, of the Bre.,^ elo Pont roc ca'Xing on Hingham friends on Tuesday. Mr, 0. D. McGregor, of Stratford, spent a uocr days at the home of his orf taa3":: 4#1 t0wn. Jana. Mulvey creat to Ohloago c pit one of her daughters who is tier) y a..ly til in that city. a:. Ed. G. Hr&tes has returned home atter a two months visit with his parent": sat Woodbay, Manitoba. O i tfIcla 1 y Miss Minnie Sandy of Loch ,l::;h came ro the Wingham Stier mei O does to take up stenography, Mise B. Cunningham, who has been reeldt!ug InWingham for tho past year, left for lees home in Orillia on Monday. ?miss P1ae Davidson of Wroxeter arrived in town Monday and is studying steuegxapliy at the Wingham Business Coll ;;o. air, Thetlert Sterling and daughter, who have beenvisiting with relatives in this district for some weeks, left for their horde in Melita, Man, on Tuesday, lira r ttnio 'Elliott left on Monday for Toronto, where sine will spend a flow , weeks in a wnolesale ti11iinery establish - merit lie:cru takit g her position for the comieg sseton, Miss Lea M. Nader, darighter of Mr. altd Mrd. L. ?ender, graduated as a nurse, at the Lexington Heights Hos. pita', Ruffolo, recently. Among those who attentle:l the oommenoeinent exercises was Mies Mabel fender, of this town. Kr. said Mrs. 3. S. 'Hayek of sten. rage, North Dakota, are visiting relit• ayes and friends In this vicinity. Mr.' noes is s faarirtet resident of 13ervie,; and left for the western country 29 ruts ego. Itis twenty yew suttee be lent,1atted this pert, and be .foe many Ottesse in the* time, Eleotrio light accounts to the amount of $515.94 for salaries and supplies were also recommended for payment. On motion of Councillors Vannor- man and Bone, the report of the Finance Committee was adopted. An account of $18 25 for installing lights in the Public Library was referred to the Property Committee on motion of Councillors Elliott and Spotton. 1,05 1.20 .25 4 80 1.05 51,11 135 58 73.15 2 59 .60 2.25 21.25 5.25 98 50 4,20 2.85 7,00 20.00 45.00 Tti,Lr W O.LLAM TIMES, FEBUARY 4, 1909 RING'S FOR BARGAINS 1 WE WANT. TOUR TRADE The Old Reliable WHERE YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD. Below you will find a few lines that are worthy of your attention. 25 Ladies' Astrachan Jackets, all good stock, worth up to - _ $12,50 I035.00, your choice for • 10 pairs white Wool Blankets, reg. x'5,00 for • • $3.69 12 pair Men's Odd Trousers, regular $2.00 and $2 25, they go at - $1.38 25 per cent. off all small Furs, Fur Coats Fur -Lined Coats, eta. That lot of Dress Goods at 39c is a world beater. Our regular stock of Dress Goods is second to none, New Prints, New eringhams. New Flannelettes. PRODUCE' WANTED.—Any quantity White Eggs, Tallow, Feathers, Dried Apples, etc, Beans, 'Butter, GOOD G. E. KING. GOODS O HEAP PRICES •w••00•O•••••a•••••••••••• a••••••••••••••••••••O•••S • • • •• • • • • ••• • stock—and the prices • •• • • • a • • Furs and Coats • at Cost • • • • • • • • !NEW PRINTS • 4.08 , Is 3.30 .45 .45 If in need of the above articles, why not call and inspect ours? Everything up-to•date—no old will suit all. Our The Finanoe Committee recommended that the salaries for town officials re• Main the same as last year and on motion of Councillors Elliott and Mo - gibbon the recommendation was adopt- ed. The report of the Auditors, Messrs. Musgrove and Ritchie was read and on motion of Reeve Irwin and Oonuciilor Bone was referred to the Finance Com- mittee to report at next meeting. On motion of Councillors Spotton and Vannorman the salaries of the auditors and typist were ordered to be paid ifre- port was found satisfaotory by the Fin- anoe Committee. By-law No. 581, putting the duties of the Eleotrio Light and Fire and Water Committees under one committee to be known as the Fire, Water and Light Committee was read and passed, By-law No. 682, confirming the ap- pointments made at January meeting was read and passed. On Motion of Councillors Spotton and Bone, Mr. Anson Dulmage was re -ap- pointed Assessor and the necessary by- law was passed confirming the appoint- ment. By-law No: 584, was passed impower ing the Mayor and Treasurer to borrow money to meet current expenditure. Wm. Fessant appeared before the Council asking that Mrs. Jas. Brock be refunded 92 cents, amount of percentage charged on her taxes, whioh were a few days late in being paid. On motion of Councillors Elliott and Vannorman, the amount was refunded, Councillor McKibben brought up the matter of citizens using town property and thought a nominal rental should be received and on motion of Councillors MoKibbon and Elliott, the matter of collecting a nominal rental from Messrs. S. Bennett, J. W. Orr, Thos. Hart and Mrs. M. Hanna, was left to the Property Committee. On motion of Councillors Vannorinan and Boue, electric lights were ordered to be put in the wheel hones, in the hose house and on the bridge at the upper dam. After an informal discussion re the beautifying of the cemetery and the ex- tension of the waterworks north of the river, the Council adjourned. e9asNHAMA llti atttAski sesaAAA A LAUGHING BABY i 15 A WELL CABY, When baby, laugho. and egurr41os and Brews mother knownhe is well and happy. When h6 is cross, fretful and sloeplhss, give him a dose of Baby's Owti Tablets and ace how stedily they will change him to ahappy smiling child. These Tab 1 'Cure all tiro minor ailments of childhood and bring healthy, natural sleep because they remove the cause of sloop- lesenese. If the little teeth are coming throtgh they help them along painlessly. M*e. Octave Patilin, 0aragn t, N. 13,, mays:•--• "1 have found Baby's Own Tab- lets a splendid medicine for stein• soh and bowel troubles and to pro. mote slay. I Latrougly advise mothers to use them when their little ones are ailing," Sold by medicine dealers or by mail eat 215 cents a. box from The Dr, Williams" Medicine Co., Brock. *lilt, Ont. o NEW EMBROIDERIES • NEW INSERTIONS s are now on sale. Come and purchase early and get the choice of the new goods. We have everything in this line to please the most exacting customer., We shall be pleased • to show these goods. IFlesh Groceries always on hand. IHighest prices paid for produce. • BORN. FEnovsoN —At Orange Hill, on Janurry 28th to Mr. and Mrs Robt. Ferguson; a non. MARRIED ear ,ui0—RrOIIMoifn.W-In lilvth, on 'Wednes- day, Jan. 20th, at the hone of the bride, by Rev. J. L Small, B. A., Miss Rate, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N. Coining, to Mr. A. W. Richmond, of Glenbero, Man. HEL'FnON=GAilOR.—Tn St. Ambrose 11. 0. church, Brussels, On January 25t1i, by Rev. P. Cor eoran, Mr. john lleffron, of Blyth, to Miss Catharine, daughter of Mr. Thomas Gaynor, of Bras98ls. DIED biril<;lr.—Tn Wingham, on February 1st, Edward George Mureh, aged eA years, 1 month and 4 days. Sw t rst,- to Wingnam on February 2nd, Arabella Teskey. wife of Dir. William Switzer, aged 80 years, 0 months and 13 days. Mc0ow*N.—Ia Toronto on January 2„th, Ann McLaren, relict of the late James Mc- Gowan, of Blyth, in her 78th year, cornu.—In Brussels, en Monday, January 2.ith, John Cober, aged 'Al years, 7 months and 22 days. CANADIAN HOME CIRCLES inghaina Circle, No. 434 Meets y1rat % irsday in eaeh month, at p m.. in hall in'Chisholm Sleek. Candidates for cheap, reliable insurance solicited. Ask to see our rates of any member or Mears. Ladaea accepted at same rate as men. B. Awns, IT, lli. Ronlmioir, Leader. 'l eeording Be5retbry . J. Wtrape, lf'lnanaial beoreiary. • M. GORDON • e 0 • • • 0 • • • • • • • • w • 0 • • • • • • •••e•••••••••®•••••••••a•• a•o•••••••000000••••••i••• RUBBE 12S New Goods at Low Prices Men's Women's - Girl's, sizes 11 to 2 - Child's, sizes 4 to 10.% Z - These goods are perfect in 75c per pair 50c per pair 40c per pair 35c per pair every way. No flaws—No imperfections. Samples in North`„Window. NOTE.—Many rubbers are thrown away as valueless which could be repaired very satisfactory, and at a moderate price. We make a specialty of repairing rubbers. Do not throw them away until you first see if they can be repaired. Willis & Co. FINE SHOE REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. s1111.1111111MilanlaU PHONE 129. s Red Clover Mammoth Clover Alsike Clover Lucerne Clover Timothy, etc. The above in the best qualities only and now on sale. G.E.King CLOTHING ONLY Taylor-Audersoo Co. ltd, EXCLUSIVE CLOTHIERS CLOTHING ONLY Great Sale of Overcoats No better proof could be asked or given of the ex- traordinary saving this sale offers than the Grade, Quality and Fit, in Beaver, Meltons and Tweed Overcoats. , A GREAT FEATURE We manufacture all our own Clothing, and can sell at greatly reduced prices to the people. It is your ad- vantage to save a few dollars whenever possible. Come in and note the quality and see the little prices asked. We sell Overalls at reduced prices. We make a specialty of Special Ordered Clothing; also press all clothing bought from us free of' charge. "Taylor, Anderson Co., Ltd. OPPOBt'p>i NATIONAL Uomif1,. EXCLUSIVE CLOTHIERS 'WIN�G11AM. 0 4