HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1909-02-04, Page 6The best Canadian wheat, the most
modern mills, and the most skilled
millers, all combine to give
Royal liose old Flour
those baking qualities which make it
the choice of discriminating housewives
everywhere. Give Royal Household a
fair trial and you will never go back to
other brands. Your grocer will get it
for you if you insist.
Ogilvie Flour Mitis Co, Limited, Montreal.
About Qualifying Yourself for a
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This FREE BOOK explains in detail
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Just send your name : %Y
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The Forest City w
Business & Shorthand College
Landon, Ontario,.
J! Wl Westervelt: J1 W vWWestervelt: Lr! C.A
Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges.
Don't try to judge a woman's sense of
humor by her laughs at her husband's
j ekes,
The late Mr, A. W. Hooper left fifty
thousand dollars to the Montreal Gener-
al Hospital.
Theory Ye, Experience.
Theories are often very beautiful but
they are not to be trusted as many a
physician has found out when it was
too late to save the life of his patient.
It is always safer to be guided by the
experience of others and use only medi-
cines of tried and proven merit ouch as
Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Tur-
pentine for the owe of croup, bronchitis,
asthma, whooping cough and chest
Serious oharges of ill-treatment are
brought against the House of Refuge at
Oobourg by John Maynard of Bowman-
ville, a former inmate.
Repeat it:—"Shiloh's Cure will al-
ways cure my ooughe and oodle."
Mr. E. J Chamberlin has been ap-
pointed Vice -President and General
Manager of the Grand Trunk Paoifio,
sncoeeding Mr. Morse.
Repeat lt:—"Shiloh's Onre will al-
ways cure my coughs and colds."
The infant child of Mr. Sohn Flagier
of Belleville was frightened by a flash
of lightning while in its mother's arms,
went into convulsions and died.
The military mess at London, Ont.,
was fined fifty 'dollars for Belling liquor,
and an appeal is spoken of,
A little daughter of S. Shinn was
burned to death in a fire that destroyed
the family dwelling near Lavallee.
Save Money by Buying Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy
You will pay just as ranch for a bottle
of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy as for
any other cough medicines, but you save
money in buying it. The saving is in
what you get, not what you pay. The
enre-to-onre-yon quality is in every
bottle of this remedy, and you get good
results when you take it. Negleoted
colds often develop serious conditions,
and when you buy a cough medicine
you want to be euro you are getting one
that will ewes your cold. Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy always curer. Prise 25
and 50 Dente a bottle. For sale by all
•••a•*.eo•e••;5e••.••s•.e•••• ••••9•••est*. •et••!•NQ••••
If a man can write a better book, preach a better sermon
or make a better mouse -trap than hie neighbor, though he
build his house in the woods, the world will make a beaten
• path to his door.—Emerson.
• Get on the path to the door of the
• rilillieS Printing Office
Where mouse traps are not made but
• Good
Is turned out every day with neat-
ness and despatch; where up-to-date
materials and machinery are used,
and were mechanics with up-to-date
ideas are employed; where quality
characterizes every piece of work
and service given every buyer; where
cheap printing is never done, but
where good printingis done cheap;
where the kind of printing is done
that will lead the world to make a
beaten path to your door; where
particulars may be had by following
up the path to the office of
or by calling up 'Phone 4.
As a spring medicine° Burdock Blood
Bitters has no equal. It tones up the
system and removes all impurities from
the blood, and takes away that tired,
weary feeling so prevalent in the spring.
The Wentworth County Council de-
cided to take no action on a letter from
the Inspector of Prisons and Charities
ordering the erection of a county house
of refuge.
Mr. Walter A. Brake was killed at
Beachville by the bursting of a cable
reel used in boring for 'gas.
Repeat it:—"Shiloh's Cure will al-
ways cure my coughs and colds."
Father Forner was lost on the prairie
in Saskatchewan, and drove two days in
the storm before obtaining shelter.
If you would have a safe yet certain
Gough Remedy in the home, try Dr.
Shoop's—at least once, It is thorough-
ly unlike any other Cough preparation.
Its taste will be entirely new to you—
unless it is already your favorite Cough
Remedy. No t,pinm, chloroform, or
any other stnpifying ingredients are
used. The tender leaves of a harmless,
lung -healing mountainous shrub, give to
Dr. Shoop's Cough Remedy.ite wonder-
ful curative properties. It is truly a
most certain and trustworthy prescrip-
tion. Sold at Walley's Drug Store.
Several Ancestor people have been
bitten by a dog which, it is feared, is af-
fected with the rabies.
Several thousand dollars' worth of
jewellery was stolen from the residence
of Mrs. J. H. Stanford of Westmonnt.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Nave Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
No Ambition, Lack of Energy.
Dyspeptic, Languid.
Under the beneficent action of Ferr-
ozone cure is quick and certain.
How common these conditions are!
They are the outcome of the .fast life
of our day, proving that waste is im-
mensely greater than the power of our
body to rebuild,
In order to cure, first reconstruct the
blood—change white cells to red ones,
fill the blood with nourishment—do this,
and the result will be in your case just
as it was. with J. E. Vuchorne, a promi-
nent oitizeu of South Alexandria.
"Four years ago my health became
very poor, I grew thin and yellow. I
wasn't strong, lacked energy, and slept
poorly. At breakfast I ate very little.
My physician said it was a bad case of
indigestion. I grew worse, and many
said I would die, I tried everything
and almost lost faith in medicine. My
mother had been reading about Ferro -
zone and advised me to try it.
The Hackett tag line of Amherst -
burg is building one of the largest and
strongest tags on the Ickes, She will be
in commission this summer. The tug,
Home Rule, is also being rebuilt.
A Much Prized Book.
Few books are so universally known
and so highly prized as Dr. Chase's
Receipt Book and the same may be said
in regard to Dr. Chase's Medicines
which now have a place in the medicine
cabinet of the great majority of homes.
Dr. Chase's Ointment for example is
standard the world over and is practical-
ly the only aotnal cure for all forme of
Eor that Terrible Itching.
Eczema, tetter and salt rheum keep
their victims in perpetual torment. The
application of Chamberlain's Salve will
instantly allay this itohing, and many
have been cored by its use. For sale by
all Drnggiete.
Hon. Geo. P. Graham intimated in the
House that the Government were con-
sidering a plan to cope with the railway
crossing problem.
A woman merely pointe out the Way
fora man to make a fool of hitneelf and
he does the rest.
'Repeat it;—"Shiloh's Cure will al -
Ways enre my coughs and colds."
Some of the virtues of our friends
grow out of the graves where we have
buried their faults,
Doan's Kidney Pills sot on the kid-
neys, bladder and urinary organa only.
They mire backaches, weak bank, rheum-
atism, diabetes, congestion, inflamation,
gravel, Bright's disease and all other
diseases arising from wrong action of the
kidneys and bladder -
Our example when we are on parade
has no influence at all compared to the,
effect of our every- day living.
Repeat it:—"Shiloh's Cure will al-
ways cure my ooughs and colds."
Two many when they attempt to
leave their sine make the mistake of
holding farewell meetings.
AlcS'1*OXt. XA.
Seers the ,,The Kind You Have Always Bought
"The change brought about by Ferro -
zone was marvellous, In four days I
felt stronger and had better appetite. I
enjoyed my meals and felt no more
nausea. My digestion improved steadily
and my general health continued better
than ever. Ferrozone made a new man
of me and I know of 110 tonio half so
When you take Ferrozone everything
you eat tastes good—all your food is
converted into nourishment that sup-
plies vigor and strength to blood, nerves,
musoles and heart. Can't you see just
why Ferrozone cures? Not a ease of
weak stomach, heart palpitation, indi-
gestion, gas belching, headache or lan-
gonr that Ferrozone won't cure. It
agrees with men, women, children,—old
and young, harmless and pleasant. Sold
everywhere, 50o. pet box or six boxes
for $2.50. at all dealers. Try Ferrozone
—do eo to -day.
Mr. and Mrs. William Spooner and
their ten -year-old son were struck by te
train at a crossing near Kingston while
driving. Mr. Spooner and the boy wen.
killed, and Mrs. Spooner badly injured.
Dr. Chase's Oint
mont is a certain
and guaranteed
curofor each and
every form of
and protruding
pies. Seo testimonials in tho press and ask
your neighbors about it. You can use it std
tot your money back if not satisfied. 60c, at all
sealers:: EDMAirsON, BATES &Co., Toronto.
Arrangements are being made between
the Corporation of Sault Ste, Marie and
a company for the starting of large ship-
yards in the town.
The convention formed of delegates
from the various British South Afri-
can States have deoided upon some
form of union. The only question 013
which agreement has not been reached
ie as to the location of a Federal capi-
tal. Pretoria, Bloemfontein and Cape
Town all want the honor, and it is
just possible that confederation itself
may be blocked owing to the rivalry
between the different cities in clues-
Repeat it :—"Shiloh'* Cure will al-
ways oureimy coughs and colds."
Mr. Edgar Trewartha has purchased
from Mr, Joseph Holmes his 80 acre farm
on the 9th con., Goderioh Tp., and gets
possession April let, 1910. This makes
315 acres that the Trewartha Bros. now
own on the 9th con.
Who wouldn't give 25 Dents to stop a
pain 20 times? Just one little "Pink
Pain Tablet"—Dr. Shoop's—will stop
any pain in 20 minutes, sure! Read the
formula on the box. Dootors say it
can't be bettered. Checks womanly
pains, head pains, any pain. 20 tablets
250. Sold at Walley's Drug Store.
Weather prediotions told us, that Jan -
nary would not be very unpleasant win-
ter month. Nor will February be very
rough, they say. But March is likely to
make us run to shelter. However, when
March comas, we can look forward to
the near approach of Spring.
As is well known, this troublesome com-
plaint arises from overeating, the use of
too much rich food, neglected conatipation,
lack of exercise, bad sir, etc.
The food should be thoroughly, chewed,
and never bolted or swallowed in haste,
stimulants must be avoided and exercise
taken if possible.
A remedy whioh has rarely failed to give
prompt relief and effect permanent cures,
even in the meet obstinate cases, is
From Cough,Colds, Sore Throats and
Hoarseness by Using Hyomei.
When yon catch cold you want to get
rid of it as quickly as you eau. You
don't want to lie around the hoose for
a week swallowing nauseating drugs.
Why not avoid all this? Why not
relieve your oold in five minutes? Why
not euro it over night? Yon can do it
by using Hyomei, the sure and guar-
anteed cure for colds, coughs, sore
throat, catarrh, bronchitis and asthma.
William Guest of Ayr, Ont., says:'
"Booth's Hyomei has proven to be a
most satisfactory treatment for nasal
catarrh and bronobial trouble. I have
doctored considerably for these troubles,
and consoientiously say that nothing
ever need bas given me such quick and
lasting benefit as this remedy. I have
found it especially good for cold in the
head and cough. I am very glad to
endorse Hyomei as an article of un-
common merit."
Hyomei (pronounced High -c' -me) is
medicated and antiseptic air. You
breathe it into the lungs through a
small pocket inhaler and its soothing
influence as it passes over the inflamed
membrane of the respiratory tract,
stops the mucous disobarge, allays the
inflammation and the oold is cured. A
complete Hyomei Outfit costs $1 00 and
Walton McKibben will refund your
money if it fails to cure.
The Methodist Church will appoint
immigration ohaplaine to meet immi-
grants during the navigation season.
The essential lung -healing prinoipal'of
toe pine tree has finally been successfully
separated and refined into a perfeot
Dough medicine—Dr. Wood's Norway
Pine Syrup. Sold by all dealers on a
guarantee of satisfaction. Pride 25
canto -
The death 000nrred on Wednesday,
Jan. 20th of Angus Morrison, one of
the old residents of Lnoknow, aged 81
Th e man who does nothing pots it all
o ver the rest of us in one respect. He
never makes a mistake of any oense-
Croup positively stopped in 20 minutes,
with Dr. Shoop's Croup Remedy. One
test alone will surely prove this truth.
No vomiting, no distress. A safe and
Pleasing syrup -50o. Sold at Walley's
Drag Store.
Jacob Fry, of Sandwioh, walked into
the police station and asked to be looked
up, as he wanted to marry two women.
He is supposed to be insane.
We offer One Hundred Dollars Re-
ward for any ease of Catarrh that can.
not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Onre.
F. 3. CsENEY & Co., Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, have known
F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and
believe him perfeotly honorable in all
business transactions and financially
able to carry out any obligations made
by his firm.
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally,
acting directly npon the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system. Testi-
monials sent 'free. Price 75 cents per
bottle. Sold by all Druggists.
Take Hall's Family Pills for con-
Laxa-Liver Pills are the la dies' favorit
medioine. They cure Constipation, Sick
Headache, Billionsnesa, and Dyspepsia
without griping, purging or eiokening.
It is the intention of the Retail Mer-
ohante' Association to send a deputa-
tion to Ottawa, to endeavor to have a
ohange in the law which prohibits
them from discussing prices in the
Aseooiation. It is claimed by them
that they would, if permitted to do
this, be able to deal with the Whole-
salers' Aseooiation regarding prides,
and they would thus be enabled to get
lower prices and thus bring about pub-
lic benefit.
Over fifty men met their death in
Lake Michigan off Chicago on Wednes-
day last, as the result of an explosion
of powder. The men were engaged in
building a submarine tunnel from which
water is to be drawn for Chicago from a
point in Lake Michigan one and a -half
miles from shore.
Threatening feverishness with children
is quickly and safely calmed by Preven-
tios. These little Candy Cold Onre
Tablets should always be at hand—for
promptness is all-important. Preventios
contain no quinine, nothing harsh or
sickening. They are, indeed, "the stitch
in time." Carried in pocket or purse,
Preventios are a genuine safeguard
against Cold, 25o, Sold at Walley's
Drug Store.
It acts by regulating and toning the di-
gestive organs, removing °oatinoncas and
increasing the appetite and restoring health
and vigor to the system.
Mr. Amos Bawler, (fold River, N.B.,
writes --"1 was greatly troubled with
dyspepsia, and after trying several doctors .,....�
to no effect 1 commenced taking Bardodk The Mutual Life Assurance Company easy to prove. A simple five or ten days
Blood Bitters and I think it is the beet will remove their head emcee from test w111 surely tell. Try it once, and
saedieine there ie for that complaint "Waterloo to Berlin, lite 1 Sold at alley's Drag Store.
For Sole at all Duggisti and Dealers
Ask Xourself the Question
Why not use Chamberlain's Liniment
when you have, rheumatism? We feel
sure that the result will be prompt and
satisfactory. It has cured others, why
not you? Try it, It costs but a trifle.
Price, 25 dents; large size, 50 Dents. For
sale by all Druggists.
A000rding to the report of Mr. Lea-
vitt, Provincial Inspeotor of Public)
Libraries, there were 15 new pnblio•
libraries opened throughout Ontario
last year and 211 travelling libraries
were sent out by the Department of
The municipal population in 1907 wag'
3,200,363, an inorease of nearly 58,000
over the previous year. The total
municipal taxes imposed amounted to
$19,529,258, being at the rate of $8.88
per head, or 17 mills on the dollar. Tho
extent of municipal ownership of public
utilities in Ontario is shown from the
feet that in 1906 gas or eleotrio lighting
plants aggregating in value $1,810,646,
were owned and operated by 12 cities,
and similar plants having an aggregate•
value of $2,065,901, were owned and
operated by '72 villages and towns.
Sixty guests at a Grand Rapids, Mich,
hotel are under a rigid quarantine be-
cause a fellow -guest has developed
Brantford }e preparing for an Old
Home Week next summer. The sum
of $2,200 has already been collected
from the hotelkeepers.
Wiarton made $1188.90 from the town
waterworks last year, the receipts for
the year being $4,093.90 and the expen-
ditures $2,952.
Great activity is being displayed by
the Turkish Government in building
bridges along the important stategio
routes in Macedonia and Eastern Ron -
Many Sleepless Nights, Owing to a
Persistent Cough. Relief Found
at Last.
"For several winters past my wife has
been troubled with a most persistent and
disagreeable cough whioh invariably ex-
tended over a period of several weeks
and Doused her many sleepless nighte,"
writes Will J. Hurter, editor of the
Borley, Colo., Bulletin. "Various rem-
edies were tried each year, with no
beneficial results. In November last the
dough again pat in an appearance and
my wife, noting on the suggestion of a
friend, pnrohased a bottle of Chamber-
lain's Cough Remedy. The result was,
indeed, marvelous. After three doses
the dough entirely disappeared and has
not manifested itself since." This rem-
edy is for sale by all Druggists.
It takes less than two half-truths to
make a full-sized lio.
Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought
A cow owned by M. L. Haley of
Springfield, named Lady Aggie De Kol,
No. 4127, whioh won sweepstake at
Guelph Winter Fair, has completed sin
official test for 14 days, She gave dur-
ing thitt time 1,168 lbs. and 11 oz. of
milk -40 lbs 15 oz, of butter. For the
beat seven days she gave 606 lbs and
13 oz. of milk ---25 lba and 8 oz. of butter.
The best days yield was 88 lbs and 11 oz,
of milk.
0 A. SIS R'C:s T.41k,r
Bests the The Kind You Hare Atm ss Bo
liiEaatare „A
Reason Enthroned.
Beoanse meats are so tasty they are
consumed in great excess. This leads
to stomach troubles, biliousness and
constipation. Revise your diet, let
reason „and not a pampered appetite
control, then tske a few doses of Cham-
berlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets
and you will soon be well again, Try
it. For sale by all Druggists.
Recipe Easily Prepared at Small Cost,
and Many Swear By It.
Mix the following by shaking well in a
bottle, and take in teaspoonful doses
after meals and at bedtime:
Fluid Extraot Dandelion, one- half
ounce; Compound Kargon, one onnoe;.
Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla, three
onnoe A local druggist is the an-
thorit?that these simple, harmless in-
gredients' oan be obtained at nominal
cost from our home druggist e.
The mixture is said to cleanse and
strengthen the clogged and inactive
Kidneys, overcoming Backache, Blad-
der Weakness and Urinary trouble of
all kinds, if taken before the stage of
Bright's disease.
Those who have tried this say it pos-
itively overcomes pain in the back,.
clears the urine of sediment and raga-
latae urination, especially at night, cur-
ing even the worst forms of bladder
Every man or woman here who feels
that the kidneys are not strong or acting
in a healthy manner should mix this
presoription at home and give it a trial,
as it is said to do wonders for many
In disposing of an estate valued at
$2,000, the will of Jennie Linn, of Phila-
delphia, directs that the deed to her
cemetery lot is to be planed in the casket
and buried with her,
Mrs. Anderson a oharming widow
from Cargill has entered an notion
against Ambrose Wilhelm of Greenock
for two thousand dollars damages for
breach of promise.
After 12 years in Teeswater. Mr,
James Macpherson of the 0, P. R.
express service is moving to Toronto,
having secured the run from that oity
to Detroit.
Berlin opened a rink on Sept. let for
foe -skating all the year round. This
makes the fourth permanent ice rink in
Europe, °there being operated in Lon-
don, Paris and Muniob.
And the pretty girl usually has plain
No, Alzono, te sinking fund should
not be need for the purpose of floating
In Melones, if a certain hidden nerve
goes wrong, then the organ that this
nerve controls will also surely fail. It
may be a Stomaoh nerve, or it may
have given strength and support to the
Heart or Kidneys. It was Dr, Shoop
that first pointed to this vital truth.
Dr. Shoop's Restorative was not made
to dose the Stomach nor to temporarily
Kidney's. That
stimulate the
He or sine
old-fashioned method is all wrong. Dr.
d it otl
Shoop's Restorative goes d e y to
these failing nerves. The remarkable
suooese of this presoription demonstrates
the wisdom of treating the aotnal oauee
fain g mane. And it is indeed
3, O. Stoneman, one of Hensall's beet
known citizens, passed away on Sun-
day, January 241h, after a brief illness.
Deceased was born at Rodgeryille, Jan -
nary 14, 1857. He first attended S. S.
No. 1, Tuokersmith, and subsequently
Mitchell High School, where he obtain-
ed his 2nd °lase oertifioate. After
completing his normal coarse at Toron-
to, he taught at Glencoe, Grey, Cen-
tralia, Lambeth and Cardinal, hie teaoh
ing experience covering a period of 12
years. In 1886 he bought out the Jewel_
lery business from Mr. Kelly at Heneall,
which he has continued since, holding
also the agency for the Bell Telephone.
In 1901 he was burned out, but bought
new stook and resumed business. On.
May 23, 1889 he was married 'to Miss
Maggie A. Robinson. of Lambeth, who,
with two sons, E. Curtis R. and J. Her-
bert A , survive him. For a number o
years he occupied the position of Village
Clerk, He was Recording Steward of
the Methodist Church, of which he had
been a zealous and neefnl member for
over 80 years, being also Superintendent
of the Sunday School.
It is felt by the milk producers in
some counties that the old price of $1.56
for the winter and $1.85 for the summer
months must be maintained, and they are
earnest in their demands for such a new
A prominent Ontario farmer said re-
cently that the failure of the turnip crop,
the withering up of the cornfields and
the 'scarcity of late pasture is seriously
curtailing the outlook for a big milk sup-
ply this winter.
An order winding up the Colonial
Portland Cement Co. of Wiarton, has
, n
been ma by M
r, Justice
'Y � Jac
f B. ,
Wiarton, a creditor for ;400. The com-
pany was inoorporated in 1901 with a
capital stook of $500,000. Western On-
tario people and Americans are ohiefiy
interested es .subscribers to • the stook.
The company has assigned ter the tante
fit of creditors,
If yon want a sure cure for
here it is. t . : : : s :
The mucous membrane being in an
inflamed condition, causes running at
the noee; but when this membrana is
healed the discharge coaeoe.
Every effort should be made to euro
Catarrh for it loads to Catarrh of the
or Bladder, Consump-
tion and Bright's Disease.
"Oxygenator' is put in
bottles. e Price,
is $1.00,
y all wholesale
and retail druggists.
The 'Oxygenator Company
Toronto, Canada.