HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1909-02-04, Page 34 THE WINQHAhj TIMES, FEBUART 4, 1.009 The following information may interest those desirous of opening a Savings Bank Account for the first time.Head Office, rlasrtllto. • . • • 2, An account may be opened with the deposit of a single Dollar; and, while you may deposit as much more as yon. wish, an opening deposit of One Dollar is sufficient. 2, Further deposits of any sunt --One Dollar or more -may be made at any timeeither regular or irregularly, as money is available. 3, Remittances may be made from amount on .deposit, to relatives or frinds abroad; and the BANK OF HMILTON will make such remittances for you whenever dsired. d. Money may be withdrawn in person from Savings Accounts, when. ever desired -either in whole or in part. 5. Savings Accounts may be ' opened with the BNK OF HAMILTON by one person in trust for another. Parents may opened accounts for their children, sueh accounts, being subject to withdrawl only upon the signature of the parent. 6. Account may be opened, and deposits made, by minors or married women in their own names, and fully under their own control, repayable to them on their order, withouz reguard to parent, guardian or husband. 7. Accounts may be opened, pyable to either of two (husbands^ and wife, for instance) or more persons, or the survivor. 8. All dealing between THE BANK OF HAMILTON and ibs depositors are strictly confidential, and no information -not even the existence of an account --is given. to any person. Your Savings Account is invited by THE BANK OF HAMILTON, and any additional information tdat may be desired «an be obtained by a simple equiry for the Manager, BANK OF HAMILTON WINGHAM BRANCH - C. ` P.SMITH, Agent. STEADY EMPLOYMENT for a reliable Local Salesman repre- senting "Canada's Oldest and Greatest Nurseries" in Winghaui and adjoining country. You will find there is a good demand for nurery Stook on account of the high prides that growers have realized on their fruit this seas fin. Onr salesmen ae turning in bg buei- ness to us this year. Be one of them and earn good wages through the winter months. Territory reserved Pay weekly. Free smple outfit, eta, Write for particulars. $TONE &. WJLLIOTON Fonthill Nurseries (850) TOROTO, DAAADA 10 Nor a ColdIn One Day The Greatest Lung Healing Med .ne known to soienoe. A guarantee ours for all Lung Trouble, Coupl , Co1d, Asthma, Bronchitis, Sore ." .roat and Consumption. Every,bott . sold under a guarntee. The only Oongh Medicine endorsed by doctors. 25c Bottie.' fig Pilis Nature's Remedy For Constipation Fig Pilis will oure Rheumatism and all Blood Dieae.• Pimples and Blotchs removed in a few days by taking .Fig Pills, One taken at nght time will nake ton feel better in the morning. Large boxes, 2. For sale at WALLEY'S DRUG STORE Wingham. 60 YEARS'EXPERENCE PATENTST@AoIC MARK*Dtaws Cdrvgtot TS &c. Anyone sending * sketch mad deSerIptton mSumy assertion nur opnon ep w ether an venion is probablybnttCpnteey� Commonies, eonsetriot}f�onedentI&. HAN SUOKtoPatens sent fee. Olden saoney for seeming ptents. Patents taken through Munn a: 9o.pnesr{notkr, wttnoUt chrge► lath. siJimericak sl hworn.Iy iaustrated weekly t armest etx. at pa ofany menden janrae, Terms for Aat►se i+rpai444. 6od b Winter Sesson Opens January 4th in all depart- mente of the CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE, Yonge andGerrard Streets, Toronto. Our• Catalogue explains our superi- orityinEquipment,Staff, bfeth- ,1, ods and Results. You are in• .1, vited to write for it ifixterestedin the kind of school work whch brings best success. Ad- dress W. I3. SHAW, President. 4. 4. CANADIAN..PA ci F'•r C The Canadian Way to the Canadian West Daily service of express trains by the most dirot and interesting route The only THROUGH PALACE AND TOURIST SLEEPNG CARS, I"'rotn Toronto daily at 10.15 p. m, See J. H. Deemer, agent. GRAND TRUNK SYsEAY The attactive route to Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Albea Is via Chicago and St. Pul, Minnea- polis or Duluth, through St, Clair Tunnel by elecricity. California, Mexico, Florida. Roud trip tourists ticets netir on sle to all principal Winter Reort. For full infoati/xt six to rtes, route*, oto., apply tc 'aD. Henry, Dpot Agent, of addres J. D.M. Ronald, D,.P. A., Toonto. 1116100110.01, DOMINION 9ANN HEAD OFFICE: TORONTO. Capital pid up, $3,91600 Reserve Fund and Undivided profits $5,297,00 Total Assets, oer 48,000,000 WINCHAM BRANCH. Farmers' Notes disoonnted, Drafts sold on all pointe in Canada, the Unites States and Europe. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT-Interes llowed on deposits of 41 and upards D. T. HEPBURN, Manager R. Vanstone, Solioitor, MDE-II-ll0ME RHEUMATIC TREATMENT Some Simple Precauons Whicfr Will Prevent a Recurrence of Attacks. A prominent citizn, who had foyears suffered from rheumatism and rheumaic gout, has been giving his friends the benefit of his eperience, and incidentally a copy of the pre-scription which was of material assistance in effectig a cure. In the first place, he found that every time he partook freely of acifruits his old trouble returned; andsecondly, he learned that it was absolutly essential to keep the kidneys active. To do this it was necessarto drink penty of wat. Oca• sionlly he would dissolve a lithia tablet in the water to assist its ction on the kidneys. The treatment is as follows: Pro- :ure from your druggist: -- t; tuid Extract Cascara 34 oz. Syrup i.hubarb iCaruana Compound l o. Compound Syrup Sarapailla 5 oz. one teaspoonful after each meal and at bedtime. This is valuable information. This can be mixed sit hme. SSalto tht prescription. FARMERS articles i ey wish to Gia gee of Should *dyer.tte the swine for dale in the Texas. Our large circulatin tells and it Will be strane indeed ify'on dontQetaetietomir. Weban'tguarantee for t . art you tiicle or b ooll k bpn It 1. wo may th. sendyear advertisement tto the T'xstae and try thipllan ofdfep:Wing of soar Moek stud other Queer Old Kook Titles, These are some of the odd Hilae of 4k1 Aisle books pubriished In the time of Cromwell: "A pleat Delectable Sweet Perfumed Nosegay For God's Sainte to Smell .At." ' "Biscuit Baked Di the Overt of Char- ity, carefully concerted for the Ohick- ene of the Church, the Sparrows of the Spirit and the Sweet Swallows of 'Salvation," "A Sigh of Sorrow For the Sinners of Zion breathed out of a Bole In the Wali of an Earthiy Vessel known Among Men by the name of Samuel Fish," "Eggs of Charity Layed For the Chickens of the Covenant and Boiled with the Water of Divine Love, Take ye out and Eat," "The Spiritual Mustard Bot to make the Soul Sneeze with Devotion." The Sailor's Prayer Book. "This is what you call the sailor's prayer book," a seaman said bitterly as be kicked a bolystne out of the way. "Why is it called that? Well. in the first place, It is called that be -cause in using it, in holystoning the deck, the sailor bas to kneel down. and, In the second place, beeause all holystoning is done on Sunday. Don't you know the chantey - "six day's shalt thou work and do an that thou art able And on the seventh bolystone tb. decks and scrape the cabe. "The stone fa called holystoo be- cene the first holystones were bits of tombs stolen froth cemeteries. Ti's got a pions, religions soundhoy and prayer book and Sundry and all that -- but it is when he is using thle stone that the seaman Is most proane."-• Nw Orleans Time-Democat. It Happened Before. A self made, self satisfd and self assertive itinerant preacher was ex-patiating to a college gradlutte on his or�n eloquence. "Colleges," he declared, "ain't neces- sary when a preacher's got a genuine call to the ministryy. I'm thankful to say the Lord opened my mouth with- out education." That's interesting," returned his hearer. "Come to think of it, something lt1:e that happened several thou- stnd years ao in connection with 13a- Maam, wasn't it?" --Circle Magazine. In a Nutshell. "Big talker," declared th. Indin who had been listening to a local cn- didate. "Heap scrap." "And what it he is not eected?" "Scrap heap."-Kasas City Journal. A' In His Head. Insuo:or-Mr. Smith, kindly name the bones of the skull. Student Sinith-- We11, sir, I've got them all In my 'waci, but I can't thin!: of their names *;t now. -Bohemian. No one loves the man whom he fears. - Aristotle. GREAT MEN WHO HAVE PROVED ,SAM-BUK. Scentist, Analyst, Magistrate, and War Correspondent all testify. Men and women. greatin poiut of knowledge, position and experience, say that Zam•Bnk stands superior to all other healing snbstanoes. Read the opinions of the following eminent menMr. 0. E. Sanford, of Weston, Ring's Co., N, S., a magistrate, a Sohool Com- missioner and Baptist Deacon, says:- 'Zam•Bnk oared me of eozoma on my ankle, which had defied every other remedy tried during twenty years, Ialo cured me of piles; and I take plea- sure in reoemmending it to my fellow. men," Mr. Frank Sudamore, the famous war correspondent, who has 'gone through tenty-nine battles. and whose dispatches during the Boer War were so eagerly read from coast to coast in Canada, says: -"Owing to the poison. ons dye from an undergarment pauetrating a slight soratoh, my lege broke out in ulcers, At one time I had seventeen deep holes in my lft leg, into which I could put my thumb; and had fourteen similar ntcers on my right ieg. Remdy after remedy failed to heal these, and I was well nigh worn out with pain and lack of sleep, Zam-Bak was intro- duced, and I am glad to say that it gave me speedy relief. A few weeks' treat- ment resulted in a perfect euro of all the ulcersDr. Andrew Wilson, whose reputation as a scientist 1s world-wide, in a book recently published (""Namely Talks on First -Aid") says:-'Zan-.Buk may be relied upon as an antiseptic dressing wbioh requires no preparation, and has the particular advantage of possessing unique healing properties," Mr. W. Lasoells•Soott, the famos analyst to the Royal Commission for Victori, says: -""I have no hesitationin certifying the entire purity of Zam-Buk. It ie of gret healing power for open ounds or injuries," So one oonld go on quoting authority after authority, all of the opinion, basedon personal tests, that Zam-Buk should be in every home. Zam•Bnk is a sure oure for outs, barna, toratohee, Bold• sores, chapped hands, nloers, soalp sores, ringworm, bloodposonmg and etzerna, It is also need extensively for piles, for which it is without equal, All drug- gists and stors sell at alio. a box; If for or post free from Zam-Bak Co, Toronto, for price, ton are wrned againt harmful imitations. Have You Renewed? ABSOLUTE IfOL.UBBING simereestonsmiosootosooreseime WOOS 000011400.011 Centlne Carter's Little Liver Pills. Must &ear Signature of Sao PacYSimile Wrapper 8eiow, Tory small snd,a* ear,' 'tAtaico aatrrngiri C RTEKS ITTLE YE- a FOR MUCH. FOR DIZZINESS,. FON $ILUDUSNEIe FOR�TffRPIO,UYEII�e ,oa:CONSTIPATION FON sALLOw: SKtR, FOR TH#ECOMPLEXION Ti. "7sFr' VIN 1 a,U,y/Uv,'}� NA1,711/. CUIffil7'Yeetablo,,.G�i6 l,.o•G CURE SICK HEADACHE. John R. Ray was sentenced at Guelph to two years' imprisonment for setting fire to the barn of Mrs. MoGnire. Ile pleaded in excuse that he had made love to the widow and had been rejected. Three Germans were sitting at Innoh- eon reoentiy, and were overheard dis- cnsaing the second marriage of a mutual friend. when one of them remarked: "I tell you vat, A man vilest marries de asoond dime don't deserve to have lost his first vile." VMS WEAK AND THIN ONLY WEIGHED 73 POUNDS. NOW WEIGHS 113 POUNDS. Had Heart Trouble and Shortness of Breath for Six Years. MILBURN'S }FART AND NERVE PILLS cured Mrs. K. E. Bright, Burnley, Ont. She writes: "I was greatly troubled, for six years, with my heart and shortness of breath. I could not walk eighty rods with. out riesting four or five times in that short distance. I got so weak"and thin I only weighed seventy-three pounds. I decided at last to take some of Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills, and aftor taking eight boxes I gained in strength and weight, and now weigh one hundred and thirteen pounds, the most I ever weighed in my life. I fool well and can work as well as ever I did, and can heartily thank Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills for it all." Price 50 Dents per box or 3 boxes for $1.25 at all dealers, or mailed direct on receipt of prise by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. A SERIOUS LOVE SPELL, [Boston Herald.] A young lady sits in onr choir Whose hair is the Dolor of foir, But her charm is unique, She hes a fair ollque, It is really a joy to be noir. Whenever she looks down the aisle She gives me a boantifnl sinaiale; And all of her beaux, I am certain she sheaux That she lovesmethe beat all the whaisle, Last Sunday she wore a new sacgoe, Oat low in the front and the bacgae, And a lovely boquet, Worn in such a cute wast, As only few girls have the knacque. Some day, ere she grows too antique, In marriage het hand I will sigae, If she's not a cognette- Whioh I'd greatly rogruette- She shall share my two sovereigns a wique, CENTRAL STRATFORD, ONT. This school stande in the forefront as the largest and best practical training sohool in Western Ontario. We have three departments; COMMERCIAL SHORTHAND TELEGRAPHY All departments are in charge of experienced instructors and the courses are thorough and praotiottl. Our graduates eeonre good positions. Students are entering every week. Write for our free catalogue at onoe, EiUUTT & MCMACH[AN PRINCIPALS. IT PAYS TO AIMRT'ISL+' IN TEE TIMES . RATES FOR 1908 -09. The TIMES will receive subscriptions at l " I, t. for any of the following publicaticns Times and Daily Mail and Empire..., Times and Daily World ... ,....•..,....-•,..,., Times and Toronto Daily News,.,, , ,,, , ... 4' Times and Daily Globe..... .. Times and Toronto Daily Star Times and Daily Advertiser.... Times and Toronto Saturday Night Times and Weekly Globe , , , , Times and Weekly Mail and Empire.. , . 4. , . , . Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star, and Y Yrs„ 4.., Y •,. premiums.,, ... .,..,.....,, 4.50 4.50 $.35 2.30 2.30 2.85 2.60. 1.60 1,60 1.85 Times and Weekly Witness 2'10 85 Times and London Fres Press (weekly) 1.80 Times and London Advertiser (weekly) 1,60 Times and Toronto Weekly Sun 1,80 Times and World Wide 2.20 Times and Northern Messenger, 1.35 Times and Farmers' Advocate 2.35 We specially recommend our readers to subscribe" to the Farmers' Advocate and Home Magazine, Times and Farming World Presbyterian Westminster Presbyterian and Westminster....... Christian Guardian (Toronto) ... Youths' Companion Canadian Magazine (monthly) Sabbath Reading, New York Outdoor Canada (monthly, Toronto) Michigan Farmer Woman's Home Companion Country Gentleman . Delineator Boston Cooking School Magazine and Green's Fruit Grower. and Good Housekeeping , and McCall's Magazine and American Illustrated Magazine and American Boy Magazine and What to Eat and Business Man's Magazine. and Cosmopolitan and Ladies' Home Journal.. and Saturday Evening Post and Success Times and Hoard's Dairyman Times and McCIure's Magazine Times and Munsey's Magazine Times and Vick's Magazine Times and Home Herald Times and Travel Magazine Times and Practical Farmer Times and Home Journal, Toronto Times and Designer Times and Everybody's Times and Western Home Monthly, Winnipeg.,... - Times and Canadian Pictorial Times and Times and Times and Times and Times and Times and Times and Times= and Times and Times and Times and Times and Times and Times Times Times Times Times Times Times Times Times Times Times 1.75 2.25 2.25 3.25 2.40 3.25 2.90 1.95 1.85 2.15 2.25 2.60 2.95 1.95 1,55 2.30 1.70 2,30 1.90 1.90 2.15 2.15 2.75 2.75 2.25 2,40 2,40 2,50 1.60 2.60 2.25 2.10 1.90 1.75 2.80 1.25 1.60 41. The above prices include postage on American pnblioatioes to any ,; address in Canada. If the Tames is to be sent to an American address, add 'r • 50 cents for postage, and where American publications are to be sent to American add•resses a reduction will be made in price, • • the list, call at this office, or drop a card and we will give you prides on the • paper you want. We club with all the leading newspapers and magazines � When r from publishers,• secure such premiums when ordering through ns, same as ordering direct These low rates mean a considerable saving to subscribers, and are STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE. Send remittances by postal note, poet tr office or express money order, addressing • We could extend this iist. If the paper or magazine you want is not in p emiams are given with any of above papers, subscribers will • TIMES ©FCE, • •i •.L" I co 0 • WINGHAM, ONTARIO. I tIMF4.0.0 i♦NMAAI$ •OANtoar_Nas As0filAA41110A iilii*StN1wMy lIZONfeacanzasgagssameriumagaistsmossia c,There Is Money in Farming If you keep posted to ttp-to-date methods and read each week the most complete and comprehensive MARKET REPORTS • which appear in THE WEEKLY SUN. The Surf ,. Is the Farmers' Business Paper. Be sure you subscribe for The Sun to 1st January, 1910, in combination with THE WINGHAM TIMES, ONLY $1.80 SUBSCRIBE NOW aa�s 4*a say*ascaa�aeaaad /tO.....*e*N40.44.4*saaisai0.411 r t COAL COAL COAL. We are sole agents for the celebrated SC.B.AI.NT'ON COAL, which halt no equal Also the best grades of Smithing, Slannel and Domestic Coal, and Wo d of all kinds, always on hand. ruie4=°1LUNI'BER. SHINGLES, LATH (Dreamed or tindrebsedl Cedar posts, Barrels, tto. Highest Price plaid for all kinds of Lots. J. A. 11111eLeani Reeldenoe Pilose No. 65. Omoe, No. 64, MGI, No. 44. 011ie`