HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1909-02-04, Page 1THS
VOL XXX I JILL- o. 1930,
Farmers, Attention
Condition Powders and •
all Stock Remedies.
onrn�onucc�arLam:. _.on
Macdonald B1ook, Wingha,„ i
Farmers genera
more snow- with
may again have g
• Creamery men
their ice supply,
week is making g
Mr. J. Gaunt
machinery near
man who will mo
Wis. The mil} is
of this distriot.
The swamps ar
and large gnantit
are being taken ou
the fires didil so
y are wishing for
a wind so that we
d sleighing,
e getting anxious for
ut the frost of this
od ioe.
as sold his saw mill
angside' to a gentle•
e it to British Oolnm-
e of the laud marks
On the evening
party of friends of
Mr. G. Lamont, of
'eyed at the home
spent a very pleasan
although an old man
pipe" to music on th
Lamont. Other mu
Messrs. Mowbray,
in good shape now
s of loge and wood
of the bushes where
soh damage last
of January 2nd a•
r. Geo. Tervit and
hieohnroh, gath-
of Mr. Tervit and
time. Mr. Tervit,
danced the ''horn -
bagpipes by Mr.
o was supplied by
of Zetland, and
Ritchie & Cosecs
Farm Properties
Some exceptional values in
farms. If you want one it will
pay you to see us.
The good old Province of Ont-
ario is all right.
Town Properties
At right prices. We have a
number of places admirably
suited for retired farmers.
No prettier or healthier town
in Ontario than Wingham.
Property bought here can al-
ways be re -sold.
Griffin-Vanstone Block, WINGEAM,
Phone I28
Our Tea
and Coffee
WRY is it that the Male for
Teas and coffees keeps on
BECAUSE the quality is
there. The blending is pa -
tonally Tbe
Ott n
e dad
y to.
flavor fs there. They're rich
Yet delicate. They're every.
think to r000nemehd them
They're e C,�oo
The Grocery Store.
J. Henry Christie
For all 000seigne - Parties,
Weddings, Funerals, .eto,
Wingham Greenhouses
[Gabriel Setoun, in Scottish Review,]
Whene'er he sang a hair o' birds
Mew They wound tst he wasr wi' winged wororth an' ds,
Brave daehin' wi' th voice o' Truth
Au' lowin' as they left his month.
To lands ayont the a as they brang
The murmnrin's o Doon an' Ayr,
Tai men in the oiti thiok an thrang
Whiles heard a and en burst a' sang.
An'to a foreign y would stare
To oatoh the la rock warbiin' there,
So kindly Soots fa ower the faem,
' Whaur suns ma scorch or frosts may
Still hear bis Ban , and in a dream
They steek their at to think o' hams
An' view since air ayont the seats
Their Cheviots ' their Hebrides.
Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers
Death of Mr Murch,
Mr. Edward G. lila h, who has been
in delicate health for he past two years,
passed away at his ome on Edward
street on Monday m ruing in his 40th
year. Deceased oft a from England
a few years ago a ' as long as his
health permitted wo ed at his trade as
a shoemaker. Hews a highly respect-
ed citizen and his w dow and two one
dren wilt have the ymp`sthy of many
friends. The ,lune 1 took place on
Tuesday afternoon to the Wiegham
Good new rnb•r: at tow prIoes,
Read our ad, on p : 8. WILLIS & Co
Busin s Changes.
Last week this. a were two business
changes in Win ham, Mr. Robt. A.
Carrie sold hie b . oksmith business to
Mr, Wm, Roberts n, of Blyth, and Mr.
Currie, in comp.. ny with his brother,
Ma, John A. Carrl;, of Palmerston, have
purohased Mr. : ugh Ramsay's livery
business. Mr. J. , n A. Currie will at
once move his .amity to town, We
Neve not heard hat Mr. Ramsay in-
tends doing, T.: TIMES can heartily
wish Messrs. Cur ie Bros. and Mr. Rob-
ertson every moo ss in their new busi-
For the Iatest and best Wall Paper go
to the Bre Boort STORE.
Women's 1
The last regal
haze branch of t
was held at the
Patriok street, c
largely attended
successful meet
Institute. Two
given. One by
on "The Care of
Miss Waddell o
Year." Lunch
Parker gave a r,
solo by Miss So
strnmentai mi
meetings are ve
of the town are
Imre Of the Insn
n titute Meeting.
a meeting of the Wing -
e Women's Institute
cane of Mrs. R. Awde,
i Thursday last and was
being one of the most
ngs yet held by the
nteresting papers were
re. John 0. Mo°raoken
the elair4' and one by
8'TThonghts on the New
vas served and Mrs. Ira
citation and there was a
dentin, as well to in-
sio. These monthly
helpful and all ladies
wetted to become them.
RAW h'URS.=-We want SII kinds of
raw fors, for whioh we will pay highest
oath prices. GEo. E. ]SING.
The Late Mrs, Switzer.
Early Tuesday morning death olaimed
an aged and espeoted resident of
Wingham, whe • Arabella Teakey, wife
of Mr. Wm. SW thee, passed away at
her home On AI ed street, at the ad-
vanced age of o er eighty years. The
deceased suffer:. a stoke Of paralysis
a short time lig , front the effeota of
which she neva recovered. The late
Mrs. Switzer w • s a native of Ireland,
where she open her early days, and was
married before owing to this country.
Over forty' yeas ago the festally catne to
settled near l"3olyxood,
where they raided until about two
years Ago, whe Mr. and Mie, Switzer.
moved to/Win • . Am. The deceased was
a member of the Methodist Ohnroh.
three Otis and
two daughter survive:• -.-Garrett and
Williaw,Switz. , Of Rolyrood; Arno',
of Stretholair, ' an, Mra, Colin Eadie,
of T'nrnberry, • d Mra. S. d'ohnston, of
Ripley'. The f • newel taker place this
(Thnrada of moon by the 2.08 train
to Lti k
o no
Iir. tivena, pottliei:, Lawdoz� Surgeon
Eye,Ear, Note acid Throat will be at
Moibbon'r drug 8tore,Wedneaday, Jan,.
nary 27th. Hous'': 2 p.m. to 8 p.m.
tisanes properly Atka.
Health of
Returns from.
Province sews
number of swa
With Deaennbor i
oases and one d
fever shows a ne
while diphtheria
eqt, there being
average of 17 i
mains much the s
deaths, The deo
may be considered
real, as the divisio
less than for the
of 1907. The dea
were 2,002 from a p
200, make a death r
and for Deoember,
were reported, wit
o Province, Auction Sate
05 divisions of the Mr, James Donee
no redaction in the another sale of oath
hotel, Wingbaln, on
13th, oommenofug a
will be offered thirt
all steers, two and t
newel terms will be
pox oases, compared
1907, there being 188
th reported. Soarlet
ked decrease in oases,
s muoh more preval•
more oases, with an
deaths. Typhoid re -
me, causing five more
ease in tuberculosis
more apparent than
s are reported at 52
orresponding month
ha from all causes
pnlation of 1,910,.
to of 12,6 in 1,000,
1907, 2,117 deaths
death rate of 1,29
All to leading magazines at
Boon Swain,
Mr, R. B, Harr
ganizer for the Cam
resters is spending
ham in the interest
Harris spent a few
and a large numb,
were secured and dt
expected that to en
Maitland oan be
The 0. 0, F. is one
societies in the con
er mortality rate ti
institution doing i
Canada. The ayes
tion of the Order w
wee only 5.06, and
claims were settee:I
on the reserve fans
of Court Maitlan,
Monday evening
oandidates and all
ed to be present.
the Bre
, of Wroxeter, Or -
Ilan Order of For-
t o weeks in Wing.
a f the Order. Mr,
teem here last fall
of new members
lug this visit it is
mbership of Court
ronght up to 850,
f the best fraternal
try, and it has low.
fan that of any other
snranoe business in
age since the inoep-
as 6,21, For 1907 it
26 per cent. of the
d out of the interest
A special meeting
will be held next
or the initiation of
embers are request-
Good new rnbbe
Read our ad, on pag
low' prices,
At Isard's `i.'euGliays' Sale. Great
price reduotions in every Department.
See their adv. on page 5. Shop early.
Howick I' urance Co.
The annual m: eting of the ,Howiok.
Mutual Fire Inn anise Co. was held in
Gerrie, on Wed esday, 27th tilt., and
was largely et ended. Mr. Henry
Smith, a forme • resident of Howick,
but now residing Saskatoon, was one
of the tire; direct rs of the company,
oo0npied the chat . From the reports'
submitted, the fol •wing may be taken:
Number of polioi.s written during the
past year, 1,469; amber of police s in
force at the ciose .f the past year, 4,908;
snorasse for 190`, 304 policies; amount
of Insurance wri.ten $2,428,070; amount
of Ineuranoe in f,roe at the end 01 the
year $8,369,830; cash balance on hand.
$13.746,87. Messrs. A. A. Graham+ and
T. 0, Shearer • ere appointed auditors;
Jno. R. Miller ,f Bluevale and Edward
Brlena of Jam•stown, were re-elected
directors. The following are the direc-
tors for the ye • 1909: John R. Miller,
Bluer/de; Ed rd Edens, Jamestown;
Jrmes Edgar, t orrie; Wm, MoKeroher,
Wroxeter; Jas T. Wylie, Glenfarrow;.
John Jaokson, Harrieton. W. S. Mo -
Karcher, secret ry and treasurer.
0111 WHAT SaoE UnANOE 1 Every
pair of Winter Sho s and Men's heavy
Robbers must go at ou Oat Price- sale
of winter footwear, /W. J. Gime,
St, Andre; 's Church.
The annual eo' gregational meeting
of St. Andrew's P :sbyterien Church on
Friday evening est was fairly well
Attended. After he•opening services,
Mr. Robt. Look• art Was voted to the
chair and the • lferent reports were
considered, alt sb ' wing the different de-
til e i. good condition, The
Board of Manage for this year will be
John Ritchie, m, Nicholson, D.
0urrie, R. S. Mo i 60, John F. Linklater,
D, T. X epburn, Geo, Spotton, J. A.
Taylor Aird S. a sees. The matter of
working out a scheme to encourage
more IiberaI givi g towards the different
funds was lel with the Board .of
Managers. The question of a more
eatiataotory 'wi • of heating the Chnroh
was disenseed an ate loon fie the Mana-
gers have
g Seo r
the n
hoes r
a infor-
mation r -
y a
miction fora ne system of heating
they will call a • • Cher meeting of the
congregation. At A meeting Of to
Managers on Mon.. y evening, Mr. i el.
Nicholson WON eleo ed as Chairman and
Mr. Tohn ,t itohie . a Seoy.-TreAa, Mr,
Arch MoGillivtay as engaged as Nike -
taker. e. St.
a pro**
pared for many° ye a ander the philter -
ate of ROY. D. Parr.: and the members
are looking for titin . ar to be One of the
moat anooerrfni nett:. r. Pert* became
f Cattle,
intends holding
et the Exchange
o'clock. There
-five head, mostly
roe years old. The
Drink Ohrlatie's Teas.
North Huro
The annual meet
Huron County Oran
in the Orange hall,
day, County Master
Goclerioh presiding.
enoonraging reports
the different officer
to celebrate July 121
sets. The following
ed for the en'ning y
ceremony being con
W. J. Greer: --.W,
Gorrza; D, M., Thos.
chaplain, John Wilf
ing seoretary, Geo,
vale; financial Beare
Wingham; treasnr
Wingham; D. of 0
Marnocii; lecturers,
and W, McArthur,
shape. Apply to W
The Hosni
Tile hospital be
the opera houso
last was well tett
grove, M. P. P. wa
an outline of the g
hospital daring th
explanation of the
hospital was estab
put at reat the idea
were looking for a
stook. The money
with the intention
dividend, and oitize
of the fact of Win
worthy institutie
was a good one, ev
or ter part well.
were $00 95, *his
IIII for Dandy sold Bari
members of the La
be congratulated o
tainment and the
hearty thanks of
good work they
hospital was este
also with to heart
who in any way wee
the concert a suoces
L. 0, L.
g of the .North
e Lodge was held
Ingham, on Tues.
envy Harney, of
Satisfactory and
ere presented by
It was decided
this year at Brno -
fibers were elect-
, the installation
noted by P. 0. M.,
, Matthew Dane,
Stewart, Blnevele;
rd, Blyth; record -
Thornton, Blue-
ry, S. A. Maguire,
James Colley,
Alex, Leishman,
.53ayes, Gerrie,
house in good
O. Lepard,
al Concert,
eft concert held in
'Thursday evening
dad. .f . H. Mas•
chairman and gave
d work done at the
past year and his
saner in which the
abed should forever
,hat the shareholders
ividend from their
as never subscribed
f ever receiving a
s should feel proud
ham having suck a
The programme
ry person taking his
The total receipts
includes some $17
the evening. The
ins' Auxiliary aro to
the excellent enter.
are deserving the
our citizens for the
ve done since the
felled, The ladies
y thank all those
led them in making
Y. M. C. A, onvention,
The second anneal .onvention of the
Huron County Y. M. i, A. will be held
in Wingham next Mon .ayand Tuesday.
The meetings will be h.ld in the Y, M.
0. A. rooms, Meyer •lock. Some of
those who are to be th:re and take part
are, Mr. John Penman, Eerie, Ont.,
Chairman of the Provincial Committee
of Ontario and Quebec; Mr. Taylor
Statten, Bay's Wor Secretary of Tor-
onto °antral Y. M. . A.; Mr. 0, M.
Copeland; Provinoia Secretary for On-
tario and Quebec; r, J, R. Boardman,
New York, Interna ional Secretary for
County Work, and r. Archibald pal -
lens, London, Pr metal Secretary of
County Work. he first session will
open at 2 p, m. on Monday with G. F.
Blair of Godericih, as chairman. On
Monday evening tft 6.30 a banquet will
drew's Church, after
session will be held in
be held in St. A
whioh an avenin
the • ohmrch, coli menoing at 8 o'oloc
Men only are in iced to the banquet an
ladies and gen klemen at to evens»
session, Tuesday's sessions will be her
in the Y. M. 0. , moms at 9.30 a, m
and 1 30 p. m. he program for ever
session is an itotereating one and it i
hoped that all' the meetings will b
largely attender. .All men who are in
tereeteci in th� welfare of the you
Men and boys are cordially invited.
silver o011ection, will be taken at th
evening meeting to defray expenses
Cyn Wednesday, following the Oonven
Hon, the Count Oommittee will con
dtiot its one•day financial campaign of
the County. Al the principal p stet
inth ,
e county .,ill be oanvdrred that
day. A. budget •f $1800 is needed for
the oonduet of t work this year, of
whioh $800 le " ngham's 'hare. The
work is going ver satisfactorily in the
flee or
snits i
g of th
there being over 200 young County
boys already who .re members, Wing -
ham did nobly int e matter of flnanoial
support In i year, • tad it every one will
do kite part it will be an 'easy matter to
•rhiae this amount, The committee have
a o
i ed eight ht 1
gmen .ate thou.
reprerentativer,' an these men will.
WAit upon the peep a on .'ebrnary 10th
for their $nbsorlptl tie, Let everyone
do hie part , to lice thio grand work
going until It rein • e't emery ante Of
• HtirOilit 16,000 y e ° ° ' zort'and boy*,
indoor Ba.eball.
The first of the aeries of indoor
baseball games was played at the
Parish Hall on Tne day evening be-
tween the team of t • e Brotherhood of
St. ,Andrew and the 'larks' team. The
former won by a so, e of 8 to 6, Mr.
0, P, Smith aatisfagt, rily refereed, and
Mr. R. Awde aote, as scorer. The
teams were as follow; :-.-
Brotherhood Stores
J. Workman. , ,Oato' er .A, Fleming
A. Alderson , .. , Pito, er, -.E. Moore
Ed, Nash.. , .. , ,1st .: se. J. Hanna
WRev. 0. E,iJeaknod 'dse,.,E. Chapman
Geo. s
BetPorer,, Ri ht field, ,,J.Maeoln
Highest price paid for hides and 'pone.
try at T. l�'ells' butcher shoe.
Rural Telep
There was a very
the meeting in the
Tuesday evening, o
of the Boarded Tr
formation of a oom
rural telephone sy
various surroundin;
town, and giving the
line the privileges
townspeople, Mr,
the chair, with Mr.
Correspondence was
sentative of the Bell
plaining the terms o
were made with t
Councillor Geo, Sp
modus operandi fn t
to rural line, The
instrument to oaoh s
about $26, and the a
the service afterwar
A number of those
approval of the ache
was appointed to exp
the residents in their
the probable number
could be obtained.
°cans. Spotton, W.
Wingham; A. MoRo
Isbister, A, MaoEw
G. Campbell, W. J.
John T. Currie, Joh
Soott, John Shiell,
Robt. S. Muir, D. F
grove, Paul Powell,
Henry, Miles .Me
other meeting will
one System,
good attepdanoe at
canon chamber on
lied by the officers
de, to consider the
,any to construct a
em connecting the
villages with this
farmers along the
hioh are enjoyed by
Clegg occupied
, Hail as secretary.
ead from a repro-
elephone Co., ex-
whioh oonneotions
• sir System, and
tton outlined the
establishment of
riginal oast of the
bsoriber would be
uaI payment for
s about $8 to $10
present expressed
e and a oonimitee
ain the system to
vicinity and a80er-
f subscribers that
he oommittee:-
Greer, A. °osens,
no, Oulross; Wm,
R. Proctor, C.
enderson, Morris;
Gillespie, P, W.
East Wawanoeh;
mune, John Mos-
Tnrnberry; Frank
lien, Kinloss. An-
e held next Tuesday
BARGAINS in is . and 'Women's
Slippers and Ju1i s, only 28 pairs Ieft.
°tearing sate price 49o. W. J. GREER.
Fon SALE. -Two horses, waggons,
sleighs, harness; etc. used in oonneotion
with the Hanna Bros. business, will be
sold at a bargain. Get particulars at
Parish Club Bowii g Tournaments.
Keen has been he interest in the
bowling oompetitso s. The singles were
oonolnded last we with a very close
game between Bert Porter and L Ken-
nedy, the Iatter inning out by the
narrow margin of a points, A large
crowd witnessed t is deciding game.
The competition in he doubles is now
being carried on an the prospeots for a
Close raoe are good. On Tuesday after-
noon the Dominic) Bank with D. T.
Hepburn, Maize, M ller and Gale won
out by 64 points over the bank of Ham-
ilton represented by . P. Smith, Grant,
MoGnire and Gregor . It is presumed
that the Dominion auk are now open
for ohallenges. The Parish Club may
be fairly said to be a institution of the
town. Its members Ip totals 76, and
enol, night the Club well patronized.
A telephone' has bee 'mantled, thereby
enabling to busines en of the town
to enjoy a leisure es if -hour with the
feeling that they los be called 'when
wanted. Another ; bi Bard table has
been added, and alio ther the Parieli
pleb meets a ion felt want -e.
suitable, olean and wholesome plane
of recreation for q it young men.
The boys ha formed an organ-
ization in oonneoti with the Clab• and
have the use of the come every Satur-
day morning for bee etbaWI and indoor
baaeball. The membership fee anti} next
September is $1.001 The boys report
increasing enthneia}�m The Ladies'
Recreation Olub hosts every Friday
night and seem to thoroughly enjoy the
eoreation�, 'Their'
meinborehip totals 25. 1.
RIMERS t MEP I --Men's 760
Women's 60e GI 40e Citadel hied a 85o
Nor .--All 0aoonnta owing to
Thos. T, h'ield before January let, 1900,
are how' duo, Prompt payment it re-
quested, and can be made at the shop
of T. T. Pomo & Co.
Mr, Borden intr
theappointment scent
pp o
ooneervation of th
the Oonttnona, an
aooepted the moil
'tending that tions.
pointed to look 4'
[itkinCilsi re'utiroet
motion for
on the
natural retourees in
Sir Wilfrid Leerier
0, with the under,
nittbaa may be ;ap.
ter *telt obs Of the
f the nortitiry',
Mr, Herb Dolls
student, bee been
two Weeka, at his
We hope to have hi
, a fourth form
a the nick list for
oma in Ford wloh..
with us as soon as
It is with a feelini of deep regret that
we report Mr. Fred Corley, a third form
student, has left us and is attending one
of Toronto'e coil.giates, We believe
that his father h s moved to Toronto
and of course ter: 's no plane like home
for Fred.
Opoe more hay: we held our eleotione
and now a ne • president, Mr. A.
Isbister, 000uplee the chair. No rumor
of bribery is float ng o'er the school this
time and we bell : • e that the candidates
are not guilty o using bribes to seonre
their eleotione. , r. Taylor spoke the
night following the elections and he
promised the a„dents a great feast in
the assembly • :11 at the end of the
term; 00 now ,nr students (especially
the boys) will , ave something to look
forward to b.sides the Phillistines,
The first meet' . g of the eooiety under
the new otdoe,s will take plane on Fri-
day afternoon The following is the
list of ofizoers ;IeQted:-Hon, President,
Dr. J. P. Ke • nedy; President, Mr. A.
Isbister; 1st •'ce-president, Mise R.
Clegg; 2nd ' •e -president, Iii:. Prioe;
secretary, Mis 0, Cruickshank; treas-
urer, W. Gedd .s; Press f,eporters, Miss
I. Davis, 0. ., obse; Executive, 4th
form, Miss M, amonby, G G-. Dancer];
3rd form, Mise . Clegg, R. Staokhouse;
2nd form, Mis M. Ritchie, J. Mitchell;
1st form, Miss • . Geddes, J. Carrie.
Good new robbers' at low prides.
Read our ad, on page 8, •WIetas & Ca,
The Westmins , . r Guild of St.
Andrew's Church 111 meet next week
on Tuesday evens. at eight o'clock. A
good program is .eing prepared, the
principal feature whioh will be an
address by Mr. 1, A, Taylor, B. A.
Everyone is cords. ly invited.
Rev. W. G. HQ' son of the M.othodipt
Church, will spe..; next Sunday morn-
ing on "The ess:ntials and non -essen-
tials of admissio , to to Lord's table."
Several new m.. • bora will be received
into fellowahip ••ith the church; and
the saorament of the Lord's supper will
be administered at the close of the
morning service only, no communion
service ha the eve ing. At 7 p, in. some
gentleman from distance will preach
in the interests of the Y. M. 0, A.
Public cordially in • ited,
BL' $
Mr. A. H. Will . d has been appointed
assistant secretary of the Y. M. 0. A. at
Bainton Bros, • : ve rented the build-
ing formerly 000'..ied by the Standard
and will oommen,e work there for the
'rhe patents o Mr. E, 0. Wilford,
medioaI student, Kaye received word
that he has pass .d hie post -graduate
course at Edinbar:; h. Dr. Wilford will
spend ems time in the hospitals of
London before r: turning home. This
clever young man - s to be congratulated
upon his snooess, . ad a brilliant career
is predicted for hi .. ,
On Monday o last week John
Heflron, butcher • f town, was married
in Brussels to Mia Kate Gaynor of that
place. The wedd'.g took place in the
R. t7, Chnroh, Re . Fr, Corcoran, of
Seaforth, oifioiatin .
On Wednesday, elan 271h, a pretty
wedding was eoIe nized at the home of
Mr. and Mrs, Nio oras Onming, when
their daughter, Mj¢s Katie, was married
to Mr. A, W, Richmond, of GIenboro,
Mn,,aby Rev. J. T. Small, B. A. Only
the immediate relatives were present,
The annual meeting of the Blyth
Agrioultur�ki Assaoiation was held last
'week when the following oMoers were
oleoted:-Enc. President, Robt, Portia;
President, T. W. Sloan; 1st leioe, R. B.
Me Ga
G wan'
Vice, Wm. Pallook;
Directors -Sables t) nholm, J. J. Mo.
Can h
e El
g y, Oto Livi Katon, Wm. Ma'aa,
T. H. Taylor, Den an LaidIaw, Adam
Elliott, R. G. Mo owan, John Me-
H No
• Ce
who 8
y n wo
At Port Arthur
that Mr, fodder bad pertioip4ted in is
commisaian on the purchase of a motor
generator, will be proseonted on A
charge of perjury; A warrant has been
issued for his arrest.
The was a very' large deoreaee in the
number of
i? n C
da dur•
1908, resulting it the oeaeation of work
oanipered With eny et the aevent .proved.
ing years of whit% the Department haw
record, There where in all 89 ditrpnteir in
1008, 149 iii 190'4,188 in 1906, 97 in 108,
108 in 1004, 100 *1008, 128 in 1002, sat
1041* 1001.
Os"'�. .�
, J
Did you.
Start the
New year
By resolving to have
your clothing made
here? We guarantee
you perfect fit, best
workmanship and the
quality of our mater-
ials is not excelled
anywhere at the price.
Your order for a suit,
Overcoat, Odd Pants
or Vest, will be
promptly attended to
and satisfaction guar-
Hats, Caps, Gloves,
Ties, Collars, Hose,
Underwear, etc.
Call and see us.
Tailor and ]Furnisher
For Men Who Care.
Lll. a
tema onddecrhnarde-
ard system.
ystem. end
vices known
o business
our student s. Consequentlybminnshouses of leading Canadian .Aesca
cities are calling loudly for our graduates.
InalidiviCodualMirss,nstruction. Enter any day.
Send postal for particulars.
Goo. Srorrou, Prinnipai.
The Leading Shoe Store.
We shall shortly oommenoe our
Annual Inventory.
want t the more
Rather toeest r
and count the
e r Darr' over � r
from Otte Season to another, when tow
races, euttt Prices, cast .Prieeir;
or any other kind of "'rite will
sell tem.
Great aearing
end7htldren'a Shoo mutt eke
02 oontie yet( oan ttoy, any boo
WS rade if Yen went 310, but you wilt
Iota mootY12 torr do.