HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1909-01-28, Page 5%ALM" Prices on overcoats That mean Business t t When it comes to down light good values; you will travel a long way before you find anything to equal these. $16,50 and $155.00 for $11.00 12only Idea's Overooate,in blacks and tweeds, mostly 20th Century make, whioh means superior tailoring and a per - w,, on feat fit,;$16.5o and $15.00 are Ocv„"" the regular ft Prtcea. You can have any now for • JANANJe $13.50 for $8.00. 4 only Men's Dark Tweed Overcoats, velvei collar, this season's goods, regular $13,50, our prioe now is only $8.00 $7.00 for $5.00. 6 only Men's Blaok and Tweed Overcoats, good value at $7.00, our price is now only - , - 85.00 Don't values, take anything for granted, but investigate and compare McGee & Campbell CLOTHING - MEN'S FURNISHINGS dirmaimanamommumminanssarttrwrs • TEE WD'ING1i4M TIMES, JANUARY 28 1909 aELGRAv2:. Hanna Brea, •tore, gingham, will reopen next Wednesday. Ata largely -attended meeting, held in Knox Presbyterian Ohuroh, Belgrave, oa neetlay afternoon of lace week a hearty seal' was extended to Rev. Z. A. Ferguson, B. A., of thenars, Lindsay Presbytery, she 1. White AS a (most. Is it a matter of pride to be pale as a lily, --certainly not. What every wo- man wants is strength, color, B l r, vigor. 1every a oyariimana and ttkeeee ghethe need rihsnot laok it the only uses Ferrozone. It gives appetite, creates strength, enriches blobrightness to the eyr es. tBerrozonecheeks ti at once ooxrvertible into health, beauty and etreugth. There is power iu gatarrh• ozone, -.try it, and know what you have missed, '50o. at all dealers: AnemiIs, Hanna Bros, store, Wingham, will re -open next Wednesday, Mies Margaret Campbell, of Sea - forth, is a visitor with bliss Carrie Soule, Ord line, Adam J. mith lft hie home inSDeloraine, 'Mate, after t week foa short visit here.. Levi who visiit, l Beam, e returned t9 Saekatooholt- day n, Mies Suede Beam, his sister, a000m. Ponied him. We thought perhaps he would take some other person's sister beak with him. BLUEVALLr, Hanna Bros. store, Wiugham, will re -open next Wednesday, The anneal financial report of Knox Presbyterian Church of this viAatze bas been issued and shows the different funds to be in good condition. The total receipts in the general fund were $1,067.16 and the expenditure $1,039,41, Ieaving a balance of $27 75. The re- ceipts in the other departments were: - Missionary Society, $113 05; Mission Band, $17.78; Westminster Guild, $76,74; Sabbath School, $64.53; Ladies' Aid Society, $186 14; Church schemes, o25595, i of 87,987,8The 31Of this sumnfund shows $2,795 Was received on enbsoripttons, $3,775 on Ioane and the balance from proceeds of ohnroh opening, entertainments and Bale of material from old church building. There is still an indebtedneaa on the ohnroh wixiah is almost provided for by - subscriptions that are not yet due. The congregation has made a good showing ander the guidance of their popular pastor, Rev. W. J. West. GelalaaR. In S. S. No. 10 Isaac Drake was chos- en trustee for the current term ancmoed- tng Angus Campbell. Robt. Forrest is the painstaking teacher. At the Turnbull school annual meet- ing Wm. Knox was elected trustee suc- ceeding Oliver Harris. This school has a furnace and bare coal. Andrew Hislop, 14 oon., is away on a holiday visit with relatives and friends in the West. He will be away for a month or so in all probability. Wm. Moffatt, of Brussels, has been engaged for a year by P. A. McArthur, 8th con., to assist on the farin. Mr, Moii'attand rashly will reside in a home at present vacant on Mr. MoArthur'e faun. ter, who sold the McFadden entiy onnt e gravel road south of Bruesele, will move to .that town bayinu lewd a house ou Joiiq street from W. H, Kerr, We wish $heal prosperity. I n Grippe vowing 4Sgalp. abortrope tiime Ams ice, grasp,and overirun with this awful epidemic, Get reedy, use preventive measures. Build up a surplus of vigor by Ferrozone, and in. hale Catarrhozone three times ea01i flay. Nothing destroys the grippe gerii Tike Oaterrhozono, It cures the .cold, broke up the fever, relieves the headache and destroys every -vestige of catarrh and. sore throat. For Bronchitis, Grippe and winter ills Caterrhozone is best, Sold by ell dealers 25a. and $1.00 sizee, Brti7ssBLs. Hanna Bros. more, Wtnghaxn, will re -open next Wednesday. ,At the 402 ld here last week before Jjudge x} Holision t, aennmeal ease and one that aroused no small in.. terest was on the docket. A 0. Dames, of Brussels, loaded a enr of export cattle at the Walton 0. P. R. yard for ship. meat to St. John's on the understanding that the trains were iu running order. A snow blockade prevented the convey- ing of the oar for 11 drays and Mr. Dames claimed $76 for Dare and keep of ship meat as the cattle had to be unloaded after several days wait and fed at a far- mers barn. The 0. P. R. put In the plea that the storm was an not of Gori and oonsegnently they were not respousible. A jury was walled and the case occupied all afternoon, Barrister Vanstone, of Wingham, ably aonduoted the plaintiff's, side and Barrister Walker, of London, upheld the Company's contentions with vigor. Numerous witnesses were pall- ed and the jury charged by both Iaw vers and Judge ane about 6 p. m. 8ndieg was given for Mr. Dames for amount asked. It is said the 0. P. R. may appeal. EseaMisneel 1879 Whooping Cough, Croup, Bronchitis Cough, Grip, Asthma, Diphtheria Cresolene Is a boon to Asthmatics Does it not seem more effective to breathe in a remedy to cure disease of the breathing organs than to take the remedy into the stomach? It cures because the air rendered strongly anti- septic is carried over the diseased surface with every breath, giving prolonged and constant treat. mem, It is invaluable to mothers with small children. Those of a consumptive tendency find immediate relief from coughs or in- flamed conditions of the throat. Sold by druggists. Send postal forbookk.t. LEEMItio, MILES Co., Limited, Agents, Mont. real, Canada. 307 d LITTLE LIVES LOST HOW TO SAVE THeM, The anneal report 3 of the Rep p R I istrar•Gauernl for Oetario shows that for every thousand children born ono hundred and eleven die before they reaoh the age of one year. Most of these deatheare due to disorders of the stomach and bowels, and most of these lit- tle lives could be saved it mother* kept always at baud a safe. -and simple remedy like Baby's Own .a Tablets, These,,�'abets onre all {stomaoh and bc>�vei troubles, but better still an oaasional done will prevent these troubles coming on. • bfrs. N. Shaffer, The Brook, Oat., says: --"I have used Baby's Own Tablets for stomaoh and bowel troubles and always tied them 5 satisfactory. I feel that my little ones are safe so long as I have S this medicine in the house." Sold Zby medicine dealers or by mail at 26 cents a box tram the Dr, Wil• c 'lams' Medicine Oo., Brookville Ont. ' asteoesavveeyeeveseovesteeseresevaiwyeeepe wRoxE r $it, The followsug from last Thursday's London Advertiser refers to the mar- riage of a daughter of Mr. and Mrs, John Barnard, former well-known resi- dents of this plane: --"A very pretty wedding was solemnized yesterday afternoon by Rev, Jamas Rollins, of the King Street Presbyterian Church, when Mies Aunie, daughter of John A. Barnard, was united in marriage to Mr. Edgar Marshall Bissett. The oeremony was performed at 3 o'clock at the home of the bride's parents, 139 Bathurst street, in the presence of a l orae number of guests. The groom was supported by Mr. Alvin Irwin. The happy temple left at 6:05 for Wroxeter and points north. Tiny will reside in this city. Great Danger in Aeadeonee. It's often dangerous to oonsider head- ache a trifling ailment. If the head aches, she stomach is out of order and some serious disease may ba impending. To tone up the stomach, to give it heeltty nation, nothing in modern medi- cines is so suooeseful as Dr. Hamilton's Pills, The concentrated vegetable ex - tram in Dr. Hamilton's Pills have a quieting effect on the stomaoh and re- move all disorders. Your headaches will be cured and they won't return, if you use Dr. Hamilton's Pule, Sold everywhere. EAST WAWANOSH. On iliouday. lith of January at the residence of hie son•in-law, R. 0. Mo. Cordan, East Wawanosh, in the 83.d year of hie'age, there weed away to his rest, one of the pioneers of the Township of Ashfield in the person of Mr. John Murdoch, who was eon well and favorably known in Lucknow and surrounding country for nearly sixty years. Mr. Murdoch wad a native of Ayrshire, Scotland, and camp to thls oountry in 1851 settling on lot 12 in the 13th Cele of this Towuthip of Ashfield, Mit„assfterejaiiikft emouviukt~~~0~010400"%ftempasonemizii toripprom Isards 10 Days Cash COMMENCING SATURDAY, JANUARY 30. Olaast rtt, . whioh he cleared and ma which III re. aided for nearly fifty years. In 1868 be Ilam; a visit to the land of his birth and r.at nral wild uobly chs ed with lido the wife, als of the early days of Aslafleld's pioneers and who predeoeaied hirn a few years ago. Only tavo of the children aur- vive him, Mrs. R. 0. McGowan of FAA Wawenoeh, et:id John D. of Remo Wawa, Sask., who monrn the lobe of a loving .father. T.Tutil hie removal to Blyth, Mr. Murdoch was for nanny years a highly respected Calder in the Lueknow Presbyterian ()berth, lie was a prominent member of the A. 11', and A. t, and a life long Ltbiral an; politico. Triumphant in the 'lope of that eta+r- nal rest and reward promited to Hie esthete, Mo. Match, relict of the late Robt, Mntoh, of the 3rd. eon.. passed home on Thursday, Jan. 14th, Deoeae- ed, who had reached her 78th year, enjoyed good health up to Thaekegivtng D:ty, when she took to her bed, and bas practically remained there ever sine. Her maiden n01n,o was Ann Crnail.ahauk, and she was born in Peterhead, Soot - land, at which piece she was married to her late husband on the 8th of Die, 1849. She Dame to this country With Mr. Muton in 1856, living for 15 years an the Pickering -Whitby boundary. after which they moved to the feral on the 8rd con,, on which the has ever since resided, and in the oleeriug and cultivation of whioh, in the early days, she did her share. She was a woman of personal charm andsuperior attain- ments, beloved not only by the members. of her own family, but by all who en- joyed her acqueiutanoe; her husband predeceased her by some six years She was a etannoh member of Auburn Presbyterian Chnrah, and it may be trebly said "Her delight was in the law of the Lord." She made all arrange- ments for her funeral, whioh was large- ly attended, the servioes being conduct. ed by Revs. Mann and Small, and the pall•beareae being the some as those who conveyed the remains of her husband to their resting place, with two exceptions of persona alao deceased; they were Messrs. Thos, Brown. James Hioking. bottom, Robe, Medd, M. Lockhart, Jam. MoShannook and T. Straughau. Four sons and three daughters survive her: Rohl., Manager at the House of Refuge, t Clinton; Jaynes, on the homestead; 'Gilliam, in Auburn; Fred, in Olinton; Mrs. Bennett, Blyth; Mrs. Poulton, Cleveland, and Mrs. Walter King, Clinton, all being present except Mrs. Poulton, who was home a short time ago. She leaves 13 grand children and "After tatting three bott"es of your wonderful medicine, our baby wry entirely well and needed no more medicine. At teen months O{ age she weighed thirty pounds. She had cried eight mon tlls, night and day, and nothing diad her good until ii °gi d E. Ca SivilTiti, Villa Rim, Ga. Scott's E�. ulgwI s probably saved this child's life. Four doctors had bee tried. BcOTT's Ehlux,sEIX seemed to be just the thing needed, and it is just the thing needed by thousands of other children. It's so easily digested, so pure and. haxr;ess, yet most powerful in building up the most deli- cate child or adult.., sure to get Sweer 's E3IUI.S'o??7, there are so many worthless and harr.ful imitations, ATI, TR:IGGISTS d Tull copy of Mr9, 13m:th'a latrr and many othernof a similar nature, together With some of our valuable literature se. yarding children, will be sena noon re. -cetpt of roar addreso, niontioning thta payor, t• SCOTT & I3OWNE 126 Wellington St.. W. roronto ten great nrand children. The Choir of Auburn Presbyterian Murcia tilao took• part in the funeral exercie•as. me Akohi' Is alcohol a tonic? No! Does it make the blood pure? No! Does it strengthen the nerves? No! Is Ayt r Sarsaparilla a tonic? Yes! Does it make the blood pytre :a Yes! Does it sW.enhgthcn the nerves? Yes! Is it th only Sarsaparilla entirely 'free from alcohol? Yes! Ask' your doctor about this nbn-alcoholic medicine. If he approves, your confidence will lue complete. /.. C. AyerCo., Lowen,11/,+osg. (Dull boys! Dudl girlstDull st Dell women! Heavy -headed! Downhearted! Alt very often due to constipation! Yet the cure is so easy-? yer's Pills Ask ^aIi yap::A�acaee. tualizati ENDING WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 10. A Clean -Sweep Sale in Fifteen Departments ! Twenty Thousand Dollar Stock to be Slaughtered ! Goods must be turned into money quickly. Every department is overstocked, and in order to unload and make room economical buyers waiting for this sale ! Well, it will open Saturday morning at 9 o'clock, Clothing Department. Great Money - Raising Sale ! for NEW SPRING GOODS we will sell at a great saving to every customer during this 10 days' sale, Come with the crowd, but come in the morning if possible, when we can best serve you. Great reduotions for 10 days. h'en's strong, well -made Overalls, blue or blank, 10 days sale prioe 59e 20 Men's Fancy Tweed Snits, sizes 86 to 42, regular price 88.00, sale price. $6.25 Men's Black Kersey Overcoats, good value at $850, sale price $6.50 Men's Heavy Grey Pants to clear, regular price $200, sale price , $1.50 A lot of Boys' to -piece Setts, t0 clear at only 81.29 Boys' Heavy Overcoats, prioes 85.00 and $6.00, your choice $3.95 Boys' Heavy Snicker Pants Men's $12 Overcoats on sale for 500 Two thousand dollars worth of Clothing oa second f3 o1r at greatly reduced prioes, Boots and Shoes. A large stook to ahooae from, every pair to be sold at out pride. See bargain tables in shoe department. LOT NO 1.. -A number of odd line worth $1,25 to $1.50 kale price..* . 99e LOT NO.2.-Ladies' Button Boots, regular volas up to $2.00 for ...... $1.25 Table Linen. One piece heavy Table Linen, sale .......,. 20e 54inoh Bleached 40o Linen, sale ........ .........,. 280 60o Wide Bleached Linen, 10 deyasale.................. 45c 76o extra Wide Bleaobed Linen, 10 days sale Elba $1.00 Fine quality Linen, 10 days price750 $1.25 Irish Linen, 2 yds wide, 10 days pride $1.00 Ladies' Coats. Ladies', Misses' and Ohitdren'kWinter floats to olear at 25 per cent off regular prices, SALESPEOPLE WANTED. Remember the date Grocery Department. 12 Bars Laundry Soap for . , 25c 4 lbs. Raisins, new fruit, for................. .., „ 25e 4 lbs. Soap Chips, good, for... 25c New Dates, fresh, per lb....08c Canada Laundry Staroh, per - 06e Pot Barley, per ib ....... ... 03c 4 large paokagee Gold Dust......,, 25e Corn Starch 8c Japan and Ceylon 25o Teas for 20c Royal Yeast Oakes 03e Tomato Capsnp, per bottle 10e 25o Brooms, 4 string, sale 20e 3 lbs Fancy Biscuits for 250 White Beans, 4 lbs for .. 10o Bottle Extract 10e September Cheese, per lb • ..• 106c 16c Bargains in Ribbons. ,10 pieces wide fancy Ribbon, all silk, 250 quality, kale.. 15e 1230 plain Ribbon, sale,... ,., 20o plain Ribbon, kale .. '"' 15cc ItSo plain Ribbon, all colors, sale .. 12t4e 250 plain Taffeta Ribbon, Dale 20c A large stook to ahooae from. Corsets. A big stook at reduced prioes, et lot to clear on centre tables $1.00 and $1,25 lines for 600 awavalmaimammaa Dress Goods 20 PER OBDTT. off all lines of West Goods,Sillrk, Velvets. Bny your spring dress now. . Top Skirts. Top Skirts on eeoond floor a good stook td ohoeee from at 20 per Dent. off our olose prices. SATURDAY, SAN. 3o. Everything will be reduced. xerse,..4. ISARD & 1 000 yards Flannelette, mostly pink stripes, Bic 500 yards heavy Flannelette, good value at 'c, i o days sale on sale - . 5c 35 doz. heavy all -wool Ribbed Hose, all sizes, 25c regular 35C line only Mir 25 doz. Ladies' Vests, cheap at 25c, xo days 20c 10 pieces Dark Tweed Dress Goods, 4oc and 5oc lines for - 29c 15c pieces Fancy Cotton Delaines and Silka- line Cloth, up to 25c value, your choice 121c Best English Lonsdale Cambric, regular, 15c 12c sale too value for Wigwam.. mikeerera i 21c wide Factory Cotton, fine weaves, yard 10c xer wide 2 large papers black headed Pins, regular 5c 5c, sale 2 for Double Tape Lines, 60 inch length, 5c lines 2 for t•ti Wit 55e Ladies' White Lawn Waists, tucked, nicely trimmed, regular value $2.00. sale - $1.25 Black Sateen Underskirts, full width, deep flounce .. _ w - 85c WRAPPERS -5 doz. New Wrappers House Dresses, lined in the waist, good value at $1.50 to $2400, Irl days sale $1.25 AcAnidearow Lots of Furs. Ladies' Rat lined Coat, with Columbian Sable Collar, worth $65.00, sale pride $49.00 Ladies' Coon Coats, regular price $50.00, sale price839.00 Persian Lamb Coat, worth $75 00, 10 days sale price 860.00 Ladies' Astrachan Jaoket, regular $35 on sale at,$25.00 $35.00 Seal Coat on sale at. $25.00 Ladies' .Fur -lined Cape, worth $25, 10 days sale.,$15.00 $7 00 Raff, sale price .,...., 83.00 $8.00 Rnffs. sale price,,... ..., .. $6.00 $10.00 Ruff, sale price $>; .'75 Big reductions on Caps, Muffs, Gauntlets, Caporines and Stoles. Lace Curtains. Regular $1.00 Curtains 3;' yds long, 10 days sale...,, ,. 75c 25 pairs worth 61 25 per pair, sato,... 9$e 10 pairs regular 32.00 value, sale $1.50 12 pairs worth $2.50, sale $1.90 Gent's Furnishings. A lot of font -iii -hand pies to clear, regular prtco 25o sato 19e Men's Heavy Top Shirts, on sale..... Menses envy Flcoce Lined Shirts and Drawers 60e qua ity 390 Men's Heavy 355e Sax-fa30 r . r , , Men'e Heavy Braces, 2110 values for..... . . ..... . ....... l' c lion's Heavy Wool Underwear, worth 73e for-. ... , .. 39c1:50:.Heavy Lined Leather Mitts for graaWervalavaavolmanamarahaamaiamakaaaaradroavonagoimaavvVmanalatAria All account/I trust be settled by cash or note on or battle Febrnary 10th. o goods ehargcd at Sale prices, Cash or produce in otchange for goods. No goods sent on approbation. CO., Wingham 1