HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1909-01-28, Page 3Ii : RII aai,lard ,1r+'I Head Office, Hamilton, THE WINGg4ll TUGS, JANUARY 28, 109 Of propositions in which to invest money, there are many. Weigh them up against THIS Qne. s • . . 77 NSTEAD of taking more or less risk of loss of your money in some other investment that may be pressed on you, why not place your money right on deposit in a chartered Savings Bank, and leave it there. It is the safest form of investment in the world; and there. is the indescribable feeling of satisfactionthat your money is right there when you need it --and that it is earning sure dividends in interest every day in the year, Can this be said of other investments offered you? Namely: That you get your money back at a mo- ment's notice. That your dividend is absolutely certain, sure and regular. THE BANK OF HAMILTON Savings Accounts of those conservative whom this form of investment appeals. especially invites the men and women to BANK OF HAMILTON WINGHAM BRANCH C. P. SMITH, Agent. ailletalwastr STEADY EMPLOYMENT for a reliable Local Saloetuau repre- senting "Canada's Oldest and Greatest Nurseries" in Wingham and adjoining country. Yon will find there is a good demand for nursery Stock ori account of the high prices that growers have realized on their fruit this Faae,tn, Our salesmen are turning in big busi- ness to ns this year. Be one of them' and earn good wages through the winter months. Territory reserved Pay weekly, Free sample outfit, eto. Write for particulars. STONE & WELLINGTON Fontbill Narseriee (85o) TORONTO. OANADA .60 YEARS' • EXPERIENCE PATENTS TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyone sending a sketch and desarrptionmay Invention ascertain our patenntable. Comemunio. tlonaetrictlyconfidential. HANDBOOKonPatente sent ire:. Oldest G agency for securing ateute. Patents taken through Munn do ua Melva special rictus, withoutcharge, in the scientific Rmertran. • etIWaO�0maionoy scely no jeans/ Terme Canada, $3.71; a year, postage prepaid. Sold by all newsdealer. MONN & CO,86i0roddw*yNew York Branch ORM oat p' St., Washington. ll. Cl.; It is slow work getting rich in grace at a penny a week. Silence may be golden, but it doesn't always get the coin. A veneer of religiosity has none of the virtues of religion. No matter how much sense a man has he forgets it all when he gets in a politioal argument. It's very annoying to a girl to meet a man she likes when the Dolor of the feathers on her hat doesn't harmonize with his cravat. HEADACHE. What Medical Skill Could Not Do Was Accomplished with Burdock Blood Bitters. If you aro troubled with Headache do not hesitate to neo B.B.B. Itis no new pro- duct, of unknown value, but has en estab- lished reputation. COULD NOT WORK. Mies Muriel 'Wright, Mnaleo, N,B., writes: a hes, aas rbittertasteainnmymou ld h, foatt g specks before my oyes and pains in my back. i was not able to do any house work at all and could not sleep at night. Several doctors doctored me but 1 saw 1 was Rotting no help, and on the advice of a friend 1 got three bottles of Burdock Blood Sitters and they affected a comulete acre. FARMERS 8 Nox a Chid and anyone havng? inye sleek or other In One Day articles they wish to din obs bf, Ahonld d that the liable for sale 1n the Thema Our lira* circulation tells and it will be/orange indeed if on do not getaouetonaer. IVeoan't guarantee that you Will *ell beoanee yotl May ask more for the article or stook than it Is worth. Bend your advertikement to the Tunes and try this Olen, of, diebu poeing of roar *took d othe r IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE IN THE TIMES . The Greatest Lang Healing Medioino known to soiotice, A guaranteed cure for ail Lung Trouble, Clonghs, Cade,, , Asthma, Bronohitts, Sore Throat and Consumption. Every bottle sold under a guarantee. The only Cough Medicine endorsed by dootora. 25e Bottles. Fig t i Nature's Remedy For Constipation rig Pills will cure Rheumatism and all Blood Disease. Pimpieb and Blotohee removed in a tear' days by taking Pig Pills. One takenat night time will make ybu feel better in the morning. Large boxed, 250. Fer dale at WALLEY'S DRUG STORE Winghani. The February Rod and Gun, Varied in its contents, but redol- ent throughout of the many delights of the Canadian Winter, the Febrn- ary number of "Rod and Gun and Motor Seats in Canada," pnbliehed by W, J. Taylor, Woodetook, Out., bri n its with it the breeziness attach - he oe ae n- t - in r, t• w • e e t, g 8 a s ed to tele particular season of t year. The reoord of a fine snowsh tramp, an Indian tale of 'a moo raoe on the foe, the story of a wi tar in Northern Ontario and an ar idle on Snow BIindiness by Mart Taunter, an ex -Hudson Bay Facto show how many sided are the bean fee of the Canadian winter and ho thoroughly the inhabitantsof th Dominion appreciate and enjoy them A fine illustrated account of th Qualifioation Olimb of Mt, Hereof iu oonneotion with the last moetin of the Alpine Club of Canada, contributed by Mr, D. B. Taylor who has been touring the West a representative of the Magazine sine that event. It it evident from thi article that the spirit of the mount nine seized the writer and made him an enthusiast. One of the best pap- ers written by Mr. Bonnycastle Dale, "Chief (Janke TI'kope of the Skint - its," with the autbor'e tlluktrations, tells of an old Indian Obief out 1n Vanoonver Island, who makes canoes with primitive tools and disposes of them at unheard of prioea, Notes on the last deer season, a couple bt grave indictments against the alleg- ed fnefileiendy of the ()ataxic) FM and Game Department, one of the Rev. A. Mnrdooh's capital hunting stories, Some Old Tame Reminiaoen• Mt of Old Ontario, intensely inter e ating as telling of pioneer days, and stories of damping and fishing tripe, are nom: of the further papere mak- ing up a number strong in every de- partment of outdoor life with which the magazine dealt. It le Canadian throughout, imbued with the spirit of the Dominion, and all good. in Copenhagen the unemployed men have found occupation in rat.killing, the nu m e brn xteim fn aced reaching o ing s,- 000 to 8,000 a week, while for the rest of Denmark the figure is from 10,000 to 16,000. The island d of Hokkaido kalda le One of Japan's most valuable properties, Its mineral production (largely coal) in. creased from $1,280,000 in 1805 t4 near. ly 0,000,000 in 1907, and this is with only a very erten part of its mineral field explored. IN THE ATTIC. [Cleveland PI*ludealer.] Her form was bent, her Ileal was grey, Her foe Wee lined with Aare, As to the She olimbed'thhe °reeking stair.. !ler slim eyes searched throughout the room, Peet all the antique junk, Until she found there, In the gloom, 4 emelt, old-faehfoued trunk. With trembling hands Abe opened 1b. And one by one she took 1ts treasurers forth -11 faded bit W silk --a yellowed book; Her wedding gown, l'ane's sampler and The quilt she'd never use - And then she finds, with groping hand, Two tiny battered shoes. She clasps them with convulsive grip; Her voice coulee, thin and flat - "He'd "He'd hid 'em here, the little rip 1 "I'll tan him good for that!" MIDDLE AGED. [Pell Dia1l Gazette.) When youth's desire of pleasure cloys, And life has reached a wiser stage, 'Tie sweet to count the placid joys Of middle age. No more the love of frenzied sport, No more the things to do and dare, With mild philosophy I court My easy ohair. There with my soothing pipe I sit And watch its graoetul rings arise, Feeling my vision and my wit Grow ripe and wise. No more I join the weary wigeite Who dangle in a maiden's trail, Giving their daytimes and their nights To Woeful wail, I seek no mad emprise to jog And goad me in a perilous way, But meditate that every dog Must have his day. I note the price of stock and share With cautious speoulative ends, And to the credit side I bear Life's dividends, Perchance to golfing fields I fare, To enterprise with putt and toes, And scorn the caddie's furtive stare At what he sees, I never ask of life too ranch; And she rewards with ample wage Of peacefuljoys that are in touch With middle age. •••••••••••••••••••••••••• IMIVIEDIATE --,,..- IMMEDIATE RELIFF. From Cough,Colds, Sore Throats and Hoarseness by Using Hyomei. When you catch cold you want to get rid of it as quickly as yon can. You don't want to lie around the house for a weak swallowing nauseating drugs. Why not avoid all this? 'Why not relieve your oold in five minutes? Why not mare it over night? You oan -do it by using Hyomei, the sure and guar- anteed cure for oolda, coughs, sore throat, catarrh, bronchitis and asthma, William Guest of Ayr, Ont., says: "Booth's Hyomei .bus proven to be a most satisfactory treatment for nasal catarrh and bronchial trouble. I have doctored considerably for these troubles, and oonsoientionsly nay that nothing ever used has given me suob quick and lasting benefit at thie remedy, I have found it especially good for oold in the head and Dough. I am very glad to endorse Hyomei as an article of un- oommon merit." H o y meirono n (p u cel High•o-me) is medicated and antiseptic air, You breathe it into the lunge through a small pocket inhaler and its soothing influence as it partite over the inflamed membrane of the respiratory tract, stops the mnoons discharge, allays the inflammation and the Cold is cared. A oomplete Hyomei Outfit costs $1 00 and Walton McKibben will refund your money if it fella to ours. A Lucky Hit. A well-known Professor need to tell with glee of the way he achieved a reputation for knowing a thing be bated. He took a walk with a brother Professor, who lived in the world of mathematios, and started off at once to discuss an abstruse problem. Hie mind could not follow, and wandered to other things. At last he was caIIed back, when the Professor wound up with, "Which you see gives no X." "Does it?" asked our friend, politely, "Why doesn't it?" exolaimed the Pro- feeeor, excitedly, alarmed at the pos- sibility of a flaw in his oaIonlatione. Quickly his mind ran bank and de- tected a mistake, "Yon are right! Yon are right!" he shouted. "It doeen't give ne X; it gives us Y." And from that time our friend was looked upon an a mathematical prod- igy, the firstman who ever tripped the Professor. z The collection of anthropoid epee in the .Regent Park Gardens, London, is the finest ever brought together. It le permitted to quite ti number of people to celebrate their golden weds". ing anniversary, but not Very many persons have the privilege of celebrat- ing their diamond wedding. Such, however, was the pleasure of Mr. and Mrs, Wei. Yea, of the 13ayfieid line, Goderioh Zip,, on,. 'ridgy evening. Jail. I6th. Mr. and Mrs, 'Y'eo, both of whom happened p to hv e a been bei n Devote shire, fell a viotinl is Cupid's. °harmss in /fibbed, near Mitchell, on Jan, 15th, 1849. Mr, Yee was then in his 22nd year, while his bride Wat in her 19th. The mer°many rtes performed by itev, Phillip James, Who Ward the first Bible Christian Minitter in the Huron T'raet, which then embraced the Counties of Itnron and Perth, and of whose con+ gregation both Were at the time mem. herb. $10040000,000000•0000041000400 -00660,1111041.0 • ONLY those who suffer from piles know the. misery it brings I It robs life of Its pleasure, steals the brightness front exist- ence, and substitutes days of dull pain and moments of acute agony., Most so called "remedies" give ease only for a time, and then - back comes the trouble and pain and misery! lam-I3uk cures Piles 1 And cures permanently. Proof of this lies all around yo Women and men In nil statin of life have proved it-possib! some of your friends I Let it re you I Mrs, W ughes, of 253, .Hochelaga St., Hochelaga, Montreal, says: -"I was a sufferer for years from blind, itching and protrudingpiles. Theagony'suffered no one knows. Remedy after remedy proved useless. Day followed day and there was no relief for me -pain, loss of strength, dulness, misery, this was my ex erienceuntil,dam-i3ukwasintroduced,, I know now that there is nothing on this earth like it 1 It cured me of piles 4 the evil md . I curedI would liikela l womend no rwhoof( suffer as I did to know that Zara-Buk� will cure thorn 1 111 Besides being a specific for piles Zatn-Ifuk cures eczenla, blood -poisoning, cracked or chapped lamp' ulcers, cuts, burns, bruises, scalp sacs, ringworm'. bad leg, frost bite, cold sores, and all slain henries and diseases, ,ill druggists and stores sell at 600. bar, or frcm Zam-Bak Co„ Toronto for price. t h � 4 !1( v [ • , xrvarr6 i Patent Medicine Act. A proclamation recently issued brings into force, on the first day of April, the newly compiled Patent Medicine Aot, which states that in future it will be impossible to put on the market any proprietary medioine which contains cocaine or any of its derivatives or pre- parations, Alcohol, except when need as a solvent or preservative, is prohibited unless sufficient medication is noticeable to prevent its being used tie an alcoholic beverage. If the preparation contains any one of thirty-three scheduled drugs, which include all of the common pois- ons, the entire formula must be printed on the outside of the wrapper, or else presented to the Minister of Inland Revenge, together with a sample of the preparation, and must receive his ate provaI and a label stating that it is ap- •�T.. proved, which Iabe1 must be attached '' before the drug may be put on the mar- ket. The label granted is not to be used as an advertisement or a guarantee from the Government as to the merttt of the preparation, and any one using it as snob will be liable. The Aot provides that in future the distribution from door to door, or through the mail, of samples of any proprietary medicines shall be an offence punishable under Part XV. of the Criminal Code, but this law will not apply to the distribution of samples to the trade: CLIIBBING RATES gt 1 FOR. 1908 - 09.. to The TIMES will receive subscriptions at the rae for any of the following publications : $Times and Daily ally Mail and Empire, Times and Daily Globe Times and Dally World.-- Times and Toronto Daily News , • , } ...... . • •. Times and Toronto Dai ...'••• Times and Daily Adver Daily . ,,.,,,•.,.....,, Tinges and Toronto Saturday Night .,,.. Times and Weekly Globe .. " . . Times. and Weekly. • • , •,..... ..... Mail and Elupire,.,,,,�.,,.. Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star...... Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star, and premiums ,,.,.. Times and Weekly Witness Times and London Free Press (weekly),......... Times and London Advertiser (weekly) Times and Toronto Weekly Sun Times and World Wide Times and Northern Messenger. ... •.., , ,. .. «.. . Times and Farmers' Advocate tothe e Farmers' Advrecomocate to end andeHome Mato gazine Times and Farming World. Times and Presbyterian Times and Westminster Times and Presbyterian and Westminster... ; . . Times and Christian Guardian (Toronto) se Times and Youths'. Companion . # •b Times and Canadian Magazine (monthly) + Times and Sabbath Reading, New York Times and Outdoor Canada (monthly, Toronto) Times and Michigan Farmer . e. Times and Woman's Home Companion • Times and Country Gentleman +l• Times and Delineator Times and Boston Cooking School Magazine Times and Green's Fruit Grower Times and Good Housekeeping Times and McCall's Magazine Times and American Illustrated Magazine Times and American Boy Magazine + Times and 'What to Eat Times and Business Man's Magazine T Times and. Cosmopolitan + Times and Ladies' Home Journal d• • Times and Saturday Evening Post 4' Times and Success •b Times and Hoard's Dairyman 4' + Times and McClure's Magazine Times and Munsey's Magazine + Times and Vick's Magazine Times and Home Herald Times and Travel Magazine + Times and Practical Fanner + Times and Home Journal, Toronto ra At Tule, in the courtyard of the Church of Santa Maria, is the great Tale tree. The tree is 14 feet in cir- cumference six feet from the ground. More than a hundred years ago, when Humboldt was travelling through Mexico he out out a section of the bark and in it affixed a tablet bearing an in- soription dedioated to the tree. This tablet can still be seen, although now nearly devoted by bark. CARTER'S 11'TLE WEIN PILLS. f ..E Sick leadaehe and relieve alt the tronbleb tnci• dent to a bilious state of the system, each ea Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness, Distress after eating, Pain in the Side &c, While their most cce remarkable suss hat been aowriin curing neadaehe yet Carter's Little Liver pills Are egnatly valuablo in Constiprtion, curing and pre. venting this annoyingconiplalni whiletheyalae correct all disorders of the atornach, stimb.atetbe. liver and regulate the bowels. Evenif theyonly clued .... e�,r. ... Ache they would be aima �tprtcelesstothot*who suffer Trona thiedistressing complaint; bntfarla. natei tlacir y goodness does not end he Who onto try than will And thcselittle pine vales - able in so many 'ways that they k 111 not ba wf• ling to dowithenttheta, Bat after all Dick head E le the bane of eo many liver that here to where we make our great boast. °taping cure it while Others do not, Carter's Met rlekeryeaytake. Oeotwopilweoadose, They c are atrictl vegetable and do not gripeor purge, boat by theirhgentle Wien prase all who nee COM SMARM 004 ltd* tot 1116. Dost. Whitt, Times and Designer Times and Everybody's ...... ' • • • Times and Western Home Monthly, Winnipeg.,.. Times and Canadian Pictorial . , , . ....... 4.50 4.50 3,85 2.30 2,80 2.85 2.60 1,60 1,60 1.85 2.10 1.85 1.80 1.60 1.80 2.20 1.35 2.35 1.75 2.25 2.25 3.25 2.40 3.25 2.90 1.95 1.85 2.15 2.25 2.60 2.95 1.95 1.55 2.30 1,70 2.30 1.90 1.90 2.15 2.15 2.75. 2,75 2.25 2.40 2.40 2,50 1.60 2.60 2.25 2.10 1.40 1.75 2.80 1.25 1.60 The above prices include postage on Amerioan .1, address in Canada. It the TIMES 18 to be sent to an Amer can taddrees, oos to add • 50 cents for postage, and where American publications are to be sent to • •• American addresses a reduotion will be made in price, We could extend this Iist. 1f the paper or magazine yon want is not in • the list, call at this office, or drop a card and we will give you prices on the •• paper you want. We club with all the leading newepapere and magazines, • When premiums are given with any of above papers, subscribers will seonre such premiums when ordering through ns, seine as ordering direct • from publishers. M• These low rates mean a considerable saving to subscribers and, are i STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE, Send remittances by natal note, post office or express money order, addressing • • • • • • • TIMES OFFICE, WINGHAM, ONTARIO, •slei�tNeatitla•11rrlMieliR•el••A11awlO1re 91r,Yaa oi*De OitooO i+,F •+:». .iS: ,.L WT1at"k.'.'4+,.d••eli• a• z.;'[t, There Is IVloneyFarrnngini If yots keep posted in up-to-date methods and read each week the most complete and comprehensive MARKET REPORTS :i 11 which appear in THEEEKL 1 :` Sun , The Su ' is the Farmers' Business Paper. Be sure you subscribe for The Sun to, 1st January, 1910, in combination with THE WINCHAM TIMES, ONLY $1.80 SUBSCRIBE NOW ;iN44N��1:r:��4'�1iO�Ni ��it:+��lN�►_I►.��l�w4bs•N�M .01t,1r� COAL C COAL. fire ,are tole agents tar the oelebrated SCRANTON COAL, which bode no equal Also the best grades of Smithing, flannel and 47 Domestic ObaI, and 'W'o d of all kinds, always on hand. � We a darty full stook s ressed LUMbER.SHINGLES, LATH or Cedar Posts, Barrels, Eno, �1to.i��ls� 0 itod y,� �i � ri f+or a7lt �lst+dlai nit' JlAogs. ;, J. A. IWcLean. iiastdenoe Phone No, 65. °Moe, No. 84, Ball, No.44.