HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1909-01-28, Page 2TILb WINGHAM TIMES, JANUARY 28, 11108 TOWN DIRECTORY. Noted for year* with a %snood Liver. 1f'r. L. li. Devitt, Berlin, Out., better pawn perhFpe, SS `t lnuellpote Ben," haft ,°ILBUR 'S L, ► X t -LIVER PILLS 1 BELIEVE tN AN EVERY RAY CREEP 1 believe in my job. It tufty not be a very important job, 'but it is mine. Futhermare it is God's. jab for me. Tie has a purpose in my lite with re- ference to his plat for the world's progress, No other fellow can take my place, It isn't, a big place to be sure, but for years I have been molded in a peculiar melt in the world's work, I oan take no other man's place. He has the same claim as a speotaliet that I make for myself, In the end, the than whose name was never heard beyond the lionise in whioh he worked, may have a larger place than the ohnp whose name has been a hoashold word in two oontinente. Yes, I believe in my job, May I be kept true to the task whioh lies before me --true to myself and to God who intrusted nue with it. T believe in myfellow man. He may not always agree with me. I'd feel ease I m - ' ifdle did b/0 my sorry for bum , self, do not believe some of the things that were absolutely sure in my mind a dozen years ago. May he never lose faith in himself, because if he doea he may lose faith in me and that would inert him more than it would me. I believe in my country, I believe in it because it is made up of my fellow men—and myself. I can't go back an either of us and be true to my creed. If. it isn't the best country in the world, it is partly because I'm not the an I should be. Helmut also need them for hie patients erhea nursing them, and it ie >. well-known feast that small -pox sufferers must keep the bowels well regulated. Read what he says :-,-."'I have- boa stfllioted for years with a diseased liver, and have tried all kinds of medicine, but of no avail until about four years ago I tried yourLaxa-Liver Pills,and got instant relief. blimp thou 1 have nursed different patients afflicted with small -pox, and in each ease 1 have used your valuable pills, " My wishes are that all persons Bufferin with etoniach or liver troubles wintry Mil - burn's. Laxa-Liver Pills. 1 will advertise them whenever and wherever I have ail opportunity and I hope that if at any time I cannot get the pills, I will be,!ortunate euough to get the formula." Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills are 25 cents per vial or 5 vials for $1.00, at all dealers or willl bemailed direct Ont. The T. Milburn Co.,Limited, TO ADVERTISERS Notice of changes must be left at this office not later than Saturday noon. The Dopy for changes must be left not later thau Monday evening. sual advertiSeMente accepted up to noon. Wednesday of emcee week. ESTABLISHED 1872 Tut WING1iiI Tis.. H. B. ELL1OTT, PIiSI.IBElaii ANnpROPRTETol' THURSDAY. JANUARY 28, 1909, SHEEP HUSBANDRY IN CANADA. International Newspaper Bible Study Course. Salient 'Points in the ',,tensors for Snu4ay, Jon. 31., Given 1111 a Series of QUOSt1,013.0 by Rev. Dr. Liinseutt. (Registered in noeordanee with the,popyright Act.) THE TB/AL OP PETER AND JOHN.— Aots iv :1.31. Golden Text, --They were all filled with the Holy Spirit and they spate the word of God with boldness. --Acts iv:31. Verses. 1.3—Wily did these priests, who were God's appointees for ear- rying on iii$ church, oppose Peter and John, Seeing they were in the same Service? (This question must be Answered in writing by members of the club,) Are professional teachers of religion t to r stn r others o naturallyjealous when teach, and are making it a nooses? Have priests and preaohers in the past, been quiok or slow, to see God's new revelations of truth, whether in science or theology? It two persons are really one with God, will they persecute one another for difference of opinion, no matter how wide apart? What made Roman Oatholics burn the Protestants? What made Calvin, the Apostle of Protestantism, cause the burning of Servetus? Should a sincere man ever be pun- ished, or even blamed, for a wrong opinion? Is it possible for a lover of troth to reaoh the goal, without passing through some error? Verse 4.—How is it that some aooept and some rejeot essential epiritnal i xv:26; xvi:7, 13, et seq ) ` Has Jesus authority concerning the Holy Spirit ever been superseded? Verses ;2331.—When we obey God do we always have to rejoice over a true viotory? What is the inspiration, of prevailing prayer and success, in the cense of God? Lesion for Sunday, Feb. 7th, 1909. True and False Brotherhood. Acts iv :32 to v:11. A timely bulletin entitled "Sheep Husbandry in Canada" by Mr, J. B. Spencer, B. S. A., has been leaned by the Live Stock Branoh at Ottawa. Mr. Spencer has taken up the task from practically all the standpoints that con- cern the sheep raiser in whatever pro- vince ho may dwell. After desoribing the ideal mutton sheep, he gives a brief, though comprehensive, history and des- cription of eleven of the popular breeds. Nest be covers in a practical way the establishing of a commercial breeding flock. Mutton production as a highly specialized industry is dealt with by re- viewing the methods in vogue in Great Britain. Following this are appropriate- ly described the various systems of finish- ing for the market in Canada. Nor does the treatment of tb.e enbjeot stop when the animal is fattened. for it is followed right through the butchering and oaring processes until the joint is ready for the cook. Then came sections on handling, dipping, wethering, feeds and feeding, housing, weed destroying, enemies, etc„ eaoh enbjeot exhaustively treated ac- cording to the practice of the moot sn0oessfnl shepherds. I believe in my home. It isn't a rich home. It wouldn't satisfy some folks, but it contains jewels which cannot be pierebased. in the markets of the world. When I enter its secret chambers and shut oat the world with its care. I am a lord. Its motto is service is love: There is no other plane in all the world which fills its place, and heaven can only be a larger home with a Father who is allwise and patient and tender. I believe in to -day. It is all that I possess. The past is of valve, only as it can make the life of today fuller and freer. There is 110 assurance of to- morrow. I mast make good to -day. -- Charles SteIzle. SHAKE IN A BOTTLE. Spirit? Ie a man filled with the Holy Spirit always brave? Was Peter speolally filled with the Holy Spirit, for this 000asion or was he now always filled with him? It a man to -day recognizes the holy Spirit in him, and no sots, is he always filled with the Holy Spirit? Verses 9.10—flow was the impotent man made whole? What does the expression "in the name of Jesus," signify? What would have happened if the Jews had aooepted Jeans? Verses 11-12.—These verses state that Jesus is the chief stone in the Ohristian Temple, and the only man through whom salvation can be had; now what do these two statements mean? Verses 13.14.—What is the great evi- dence that Ohristiantty is true? tsVerees 15.18.—Do some leaders still commit the suicidal folly, of being afraid of the truth? Verses 1922.—Has any man to -day, authority to bind the conscience of any other man? White is the authority to which men should always yield implicit obedience? How can we tell whether our teaohera are right or wrong? To what authority did Jesus commit the education or inetruotion of the Christian? (See John xiv:16, 17, 26; Advice of Noted Authority, Also Gives a Simple Prescription. Now is the time when the doctor gets busy, and the patent medicine manufac- turers reap the harvest,nnlesa great care is taken to dress warmly and keep the feet dry. This is the advice f an old eminent authority, who say that Rhen- e weather is o do in case of ifresoription phar- e Fluid Extract ce Compound Kar- a Compound Syrup by shaking in a bot- matiem and Kidney trop here, and also tells whatai an attack. Get from any ood macy one-half oun Dandelion, one on gon, three on Sarsaparilla. M tie and take a teaspoonful after meals and at bedtime. { Just try this simple home-made mix- ture at the first sign of Rheumatism, or if your back aches or yon feel that your kidneys are not noting just right. This is said to be a splendid kidney regulator, and almost certain remedy for all forms of Rheumatism, which Is caused by uric acid in the blood, which the kidneys fail to filter out. Any one can easily prepare this at home and at small oast. Druggists in this town and vicinity. when shown the prescription stated that they can either supply these in- gredients, or, if our readers prefer, they will oompound the mixture for them. BArTIST OHuso 8 bath services at 11 a m and 7 p m• Sunday Sohool at 2:30 p m. General prayer meeting on Wednesday evenings. Rev. H. Edgar Allen, pastor. B.Y,P.U. meets Monday evenings 8 p.m. Abner Oose09 E.S. Superintendent. METHODIST OiivaoH—Sabbath, services at 11 a m and 7 p m. Sunday Sohool at 2:80 p m: Epworth League every Mon- day evening. General prayer meeting on Wednesday evenings. Rev. W. (I. Howson, pastor. F. Buohanan, S.S. Superintendent, Pii148HrreturAN OHURorr_Sabbath ser- vices at 11 a m and 7 p m. Sunday Sohool at 2:80 p m. General prayer meeting on Wednesday evenings. Rev, D. Perris, pastor. Dr. A. 3, Irvin, S.S. Superintendent.. ST. PAUL'S OHUaOH, EPId0OPan—'Sab- bath services at 11 a m and 7 p m. Sunday School at 2 i80 p m. Rev. O. E. Jeaktus, B, A., 1l. D., Reotor ; Bd. Nash, 8. 8, Superintendent ; Thos. E. Robinson, assistant Superintendent. SALVATION ARMY ---Service at 7 and I1 a m and 3 and 7 p m on Sunday, and every evening during the week at 8 o'olook at the barracks. ESTABLISHED i872t TUi WINfillilvt TINES. IB riz$r,ISHw) EVERY THURSDAY MORNING The Times Office, Seaver- Block weetGretted., ON'FABIO, Timms Or titalsomeenae-41.00 Per annum 10 advance, 81,50 it not 6o paid. No paper dieoon- tinned till the arrears are paid, except, at the ed of ADVBRTIBING S&T88. -- Legal and other oaanoladvertisements loo per Nonpparielline for first insertion, 80 per line for each subsequent insertion. Advertisements in local columna are charged per lin line foline each subsequent insertion d 5 Dents Advortisementa of Strayed, Farms for Fiala or to Rent, and, similar, 81,00 for drat throe weeks, and 05 cents for each enbetement in. eertton. OoNxiteoT RAxas—The following table shows forour rates tor the insertion of advertisements POST Orman—Office hours from 8a m to 6:30 p m. Open to box holders from 7 a m, to 9 p m. P. Fisher, postmaster. PnELlo LIBRARY—Library and free reading room in the Town Hall, will be open every afternoon from 2 to 310every evening to from, 7 9:30o'clock. MsEthel Elliott, librarian. truth on the same evidenoe? Verses 5.7,—Why was it that'these rulers did not recognize Jesus as the sent of God? Is it possible that the Priests, in their hearts believed that Peter and John were right, and opposed them because their own draft was in danger? Verse 8,—What gave Peter and John snoh boldness? What is it to be filled with the Holy Evidently recognizing that the indus- try differs in the various provinces by reason of climatic and other conditions the author treats each separately. The aeotion devoted_ to diseases will appeal to thousands of sheep men. This chapter, " covering upwards of twenty of the common ailments and accidents, was personally prepared by the Live Stook Clommissioner who is also Veterinary Direotor General. Ae a practical borne doctor book for the flockinaster this work will nndonbtedlybecome a helpful standby. A review of the wool industry ooucludes the text of the work of mate than 125 pages of reading ,natter. The book is profusely illustrated by some sixty beantifnl plate illustrations print- ed in sepia and a number ed line draw- ings This attraotive, comprehensive and practical "Bulletin, leo 12 of the Live Stook Branoh" is ready for free distribution to all those interested in the sheep or its products who Dare to apply for it to J. G. Rutherford, Live Stock 0 emmieeioner, Ottawa. - You Can Test the Kidneys BRUCE COUNTY COUNCIL. vacua 1 YR, 0 Mo. 8 go. 13io. OneOolamn 470,00 $40.00 $02,50 $8.60 Half Column- ....•-•-. 40.00 26.00 16.00 6.00 Quarterootumnw -. -. 20.00 12.50 7.50 3.00 One Inch .... .•.-.-...- 6,00 8.00 2.00 1.25 Tows Ooentenn—Thomas Gregory, Mayor; Dr. A. 3, Irwin, Reeve; Geo, Spotton, J. W. McKibben, H. B. Elliott, William Bone, Dr. Robert 0. Redmond, sed V. R. Vannorman, Ooanoillors; J. B. Ferguson, Clerk and Treasurer; Anson Dulmage, Assessor, Board meets first Monday evening in each month at 8 o'olook. AtO1 TNEMSAA (From the Titans of Jan. 25, 1889.) LOCAL NEWS. The Teeswater court of Foresters purpose holding a grand entertainment on Tuesday evening next, Messrs. Neelands and E. 0. Olarke will take part in the programme. Mr. R. Elliott, of the Tmrns, H. C. R. for the 0. O. F,, left on Wednesday to spend a fortnight amongst the organiza- tions. From Brantford he goes to To- ronto, thence eastward 'to Montreal, calling at a number of places by the way. Harrison is blessed with a fat man's curling rink whioh offers to play a cham- pionship match with any rink in the Dominion of their weight, best three in five. The names are:—F. Hamilton, 320 lbs; Col. Hamilton, 296% lbs; James Smith, 223 lbs; J. Collison, 235 lbs, making the united weight of the rink, 1,874% lbs. There will be 31 new members in the new council, one less then last year, as Huron Tp. is no longer entitled to a de- puty reeve, the number of voters having decreased. Twenty of the 1908 mem- bers were re-elected, four are nien who were out of harness for a year or more, but again elected for 1900, while seven are entirely new to oot sty muntcipel work. Following is the composition of the present County parliament: Albemarle --Andrew Weir, Annabel—R. Rusk. Arran—Wm. Jacques, Brant --F. Frook and A. Scott. Bruce Tp. --A, McGillivray and Geo. Brown. Oarriok—E. Siegner and W. Pomeroy. Culross -J, Donaldson, Eastnor --J. H. Cook. Morelia—Geo. McKay. Greenock—A. C. McKee, Tinton—John McDonald. Rineardine Tp, --A. Robinson, 1 1nloae—Alex. McLennan. Lindsay—T. Y. Dealt', Sangeen--A, Molinnon. St. Edmunds—Wm, Gillies. Ohenley—Dr. Oro'. Hepworth ---Benj. Manns. Inecknow--John joynt, ?attley--L Shoemaker. Port Blgln•--D. 3, lzzntd. Southatnptott--1T,. 13. Dobson. Firs•- Thomas Barber. '1'eetivrater ._..L. A. Brink. ".Tiverton -3.11. McKay. Rtnoardine---W, nutter. Wiarton---S. J. Parke. Walkerton—J. Menderson. Than let Dr.!#. W. Chase's Kidney- Liver Pills prove their power to our. Let urine stand for twenty-four hours and if at the end of that time there are de- posits el a brick dust variety, or if tbo water becomes smoky and eloudy you ne.y be sure tho kidneys are deranged. The letter quoted below tells how these sytnptoms were overcome and kidney disease cured by Dr. A.W. Chase's Sidney - Liver Pills. Because of their direct and combine:I action on both liver and bowels these pills euro the most complicated cases. Capt. W. Smith, Revelstoke, 13:0., write:—"My doctor examined ray trine and told vie I bad chronic disease of the kidneys, ler. Chase's Kidney -Liver 1�illr perfectly. cured me, as my doctor now suttee after a second examination." One pills close, 26 cents a box. At all dealers or Feintenson, Bates ee Co, Toronto. Dp.A.WMChase's Kidney and alive, Pills a. early Os 8. Local History 1a Of the �, Items. iron: the "Times"tyles. Advertisements without specific directions will iieeretaaaccord- ingly. Transnt advtiemeamust be paid for in siva ace. Tun Son DEPARTIIBNT is atooked with SW extensive assortment of all requisites for'print- ing, affording facilities not equalled in the ooantyfor turning out first class work. Large type and appropriate outs for all styles of Post- ers, Hand 111x, eto„ and the latest styles of choice fancy type for the finer classes of print. Ing- H. B. ELLIOTT, Proprietor and Publisher ' PROFIT IN "GOLDEN 1.10017." Writing of his experience In raisins sheen, 1.1. L+'. Tweed, a successful Ohio breeder, says: For more than 100 yearn not a "golden hoof" had. trodden Chia farm. But I concluded to take a few on trial. At the end of the first naturalyear we had lost a few ewes ed aveny few death, one by dogs, lambs had perished. Yet with all this, together with our general lack of ex- perience, the profit was satisfactory. I had demonstrated to my profit. that I could keep sheep p ably and so decided to permanently include them in my live stock opera tions. The first lesson 1 learned wasg Deee importance and economy rams. To have blooded ewes was not T P KENNEDY, M. D., M.O.P. B. 0. tJ • Member of the British Medical Associa- tion. Gold Medallist in Medicine. Special ren n Offioeehour d toe 1 to 4 p. m.: 7 to Womenseases of p.lm Child; DR. MACDONALD, Centre Street HIGH SCHOOL BOARD.-- John Wilson, )ohairman) W. J. Howson, Dr. P. Macdonald, Dr. R. 0. Redmond, J. A. Morton, 0. P. Smith, W. F. VanStone, Dudley Holmes, secretary. A. Omens, treasurer. Board meta second Monday evening in each mouth. PUBLIC Bosom, 'BoARn, -- T. Hall, (chairman), G. O. Manners, H.E. Isard, A.E. Lloyd, W. D.Prin tl e, Wm. Moore, Alex. Ross, O. N. Griffin, Secretary, John F. Groves; Treasurer, J. B. Ferguson. Meetings second Tuesday evening in aeon month HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS—J. A.Tay- lor, B.A., principal; J. 0. Smith, B.A,, classical master; J. G. Workman, B.A., mathematical master ; Miss Helena Dadaon, B.A., teacher of English and Moderns; Mies Anderson, fifth teacher. versary services in the Teeswater Metho' dist churoh last Sunday. Mr. J. Flank acceptably conducted the morning Ba- ykal in the Methodist church. Dr. Horsey, of Ottawa, is to have obarge of the praotioe of Dr, Macdonald during his absence in Ottawa. Mr. S. Graoey took part in an enter- tainment at Constance on Tuesday evening, also at Manohester and Hoover's a couple of evenings this week, " Mrs. Wm. Murray, of Fergus, mother to Mrs. H. Smellie of Wingham, died on Sunday last. Mr. E. E. Wade, D. D. G. M., of the A. F, & A. M., for the district visited Wingham last evening. Mr, Wm. Robertson left for Toronto on Wednesday, where be has been called to do sessional working during the sitting of the local legislature. Miss Maggie Holmes and Mr. F. G. Spading were delegates from the Metho- dist obttrah to the S. S. oonventton et Clinton this week, and Misses Johns and Davidson and Messrs Gordon and Scott from the Presbyterian chnroh. Rev. 3, Scott, M. A, conduoted auni- A man and a woman can never agree A as to the charms of another woman. Rural free delivery service has been established between Strathroy and Amiens. The man who makes a dollar and spends two will never bleak into the tax -dodger obese. The first recorded production of n play in Australia took place in dune Of the year 1780. It was called "The Recruiting Definer." The proceeds 01 the first play. fight (some 420) went to the family of a man who had been drowned. Wingham, Pu8LIO SCHOOL TSAoaaBS.—Joseph Stalker, Principal Miss Brook, MissReynolds, Miss Farquharson, Miss Wilson, Miss Cummings, and Miss Fraser: BOARD er HEALTE--Tubs. Gregory, (chairman), 0. J. heading, !Abner Oosens, Wm. Fessan ; J. B. Ferguson Secretary; Dr. J. R Macdonald, Medical Health Officer. The annual meeting of the Presby- terian church was opened on Monday evening by the appointment of Mr. Geo. McKay as ohairman, who palled upon Mr. Gordon to lead in prayer. The amount received since January 17th, '88, for all purposes was $2,497.91, of which $1,026.85 was raised by pew rents, $325.89 by anniversary services and tea meeting, $163.44 by the Sabbath school and $78.68 by the W. F. M. S. The church debt was rednoed by about $500. There are 266 members enrolled. The average contribution per member was $9,43. Gold, Over and lead mines Wire, it is said,' to be Worked extensively in the bleak district tri Xnnishowen, county of Donegal, inland, ovetldaliing the At - Ontario. DR. AGNEW, Physician, Surgeon, etc, Ofmoe—Macdonald Block, over W.McE.ibbon's Drug Store. Night calls answered at the office. R. ROBT.O.REDMOND, M.It.O.S, (Eng) D L. R. O. P. London. TAKE NOTICE. That J. 8, Jerome, Dentist is making beautiful sets of teeth for eight dollars, and inserting the Patent Airchamber. All work guaranteed. Office in Ohisholm Blook, Wingham. DiJATHS. Buchanan.—In East Wawanosh, on the 15th Inst Elizabeth beloved wife �1S '.iii•• PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Omoe, with Dr. Chisholm. DR. MARGARET O.. CALDER 'Honor Graduate of uoront University. Licentiate of Ontario College,of Physicians and Surgeons. special attention to diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. 'Eyes thoroughly tested. Glasses properly fitted. OE'srCE—With Dr. Kennedy. Office ,Hours -8 to.5,7 to 8 p.m, Synopsis of Canadian Northwest Homestead Regulations. A PC= HEED CHEVIOT. at all practical, but in the sire we: could have "half the Sock" good at comparatively small expense. Accord- ingly the old bucks were discarded. and new ones of better stock purchas- ed. I have learned, however, that stock is not the only thing to be con- sidered in purchasing rams, but that individuality must have careful eon - sideration. Breeders tell me that buy- ers uy ers are often misled by elegant pedi- grees. Better get less pedigree and more individuality or, still better, get, both if possible. Many of the fine points of the fancy breeder are not worth consideration by the practical sheep raiser, who is interested alone in producing the greatest. ,number of pounds of wool and mutton at the least expense possible. To the ordinary sheep raiser it does not matter whether the fore wool of the Shropshire extends entirely down to the muzzle or in the Southdown that the wool extends to the knee, etc. In- stead of these fine points it is better to see,.no matter wbat the breed, that the individual is » owthy, compact and in good lit uniform, of quality,rugged general constitution, with a wide, deep chest, good spring of ribs and is well quartered—in short, that the animal is there. One of my first troubles was with dogs. Of course there were no at- tacks as long as the sheep were kept indoors at night, but when the weath- er turned warm and the sheep were on pasture it was thought sufficient to confine them at night in a small lot ad- jacent to the dooryard. Howe'vgr, we were greatly surprised one morning to find the torn and bleeding form of a strong ewe lying not fifty feet from the house. Now our sheep are invaria- bly confined in a barn or other dog 4 proof inclosure every night in the year. It is the only safe and humane way of treating this timid and inno- cent animal. External parasites were soon pres- ent in large numbers, and it was soon apparent that something must be done else disease and death would result.. These pests were constantly sapping the very lifeblood of the helpless ani- mals. to con- trol There was but one way them, and that was by dipping. All necessary preparation, including the installation of a large tank, was soon made. Now the persistent para- site that insists on making our Sock his place of abode may count on being, unceremoniously usbered -away by the sulphur or tobacco route, never to re- turn. 1n addition to its use in a dip- ping fluid I consider tobacco indis- pensable for treating internal para- sites. It happens that this weed is one of my principal crops, and I never fail to sec that the sheep have access at all times to the cured leaf. It is given by reducing to a dust and mix- ing with salt, Soon the animate ac- quire a liking for the mixture, and' they will even learn to consmne the, etobaeco alone, bitter and nasty as it is.', Slowly have we increased the size of our flock. An additional hundred acres' of land was recently purchased and is now being fitted for pasturage. Alfalfa' was included among our farm crops,' which plant to a great extent dispenses' With the necessity of purchasing costly, mill feed. The use of corn and stover has by no means been abandoned. VANSTONB, • BARRISTER, SOLIO1TOR, BTC Private and Company funds to loan at lowest rate of interest. mortgages, town and farm property bought and sold. Office, Beaver Moak. Wingham• J•A. MORTON, BARRISTER, &o. Windham, Ont. ANY. even numbered section of Dominion Lands in Manitoba Saskatchewan and Alberta, excepting% and 6, not reserved, may head of homesteaded fmly, or anypmale eson vero18syearsole of age, to the extent of one-quarter section of 100 acres, more or less Application for entry must be made in per- son by the applicant at a Dominion Lands Agency or Sub -agency' for the district in which the land made at an Agency on certaincondi- tionsby his father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister of an intending homesteader. The homesteader is required to perform the homestead duties under one of the following E. L. DImiINSON DUDLEY Hor.SsEB of Robert Bachmann aged 35 years. plans: (1) At least six months' residence upon and Johnston.—In Tarnberry, on the 20th cultivation of the land in each year for three gears. DICKINSON & HOMES BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, Eta. Moro/ TO LOAN. Owrlon: Meyer Blook, Wingham, ARTHUR .1. IRWIN, D. D. 8., L. D. S. Doctor of Dental Surgery cattle Pennsylvania College College f Dental Surgeons of Ontarof io. Office in Macdonald Block, Wingham. YV . J. PRICE, B. S. A., L. D. S., D. D. 5, Licentiate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons. of Ontario, and Graduate of Uni- versity of Toronto. Office : Beaver Block. FRANK MCCONNELL, FRANK Auctioneer for the County of Huron Is prepared to oonducfauetion sales of all des- criptions, espe0ially farm stock and imple- ments, in any part of the country, on reason - will be promptly Orders and cheerfully attended 500..ce inst., John Johnston, aged 60 years, (2) Ahomesteader may, if he so desires, perform the required residence duties by living Mortimer. —Its Wingham, on the 21st on farming land owned solely by him, not loss lust., George Mortimer, aged 81 gears, of his homesteader Joint xowneshipe!nii naiad will not meet this requirement. (3) If the father (or mother, if the father 18 The atmosphere of Natal is s0 clear deceased) of the homesteader has permanent residence on farming land owned solely by that it is passible to see thirty miles. him not less than eighty (80) acres in extent, in the'vicinit':of the homestead, or upon a All the world's a stage—and the homestead entered for by him in the vicinity,, such homesteader may perform his own rest• pawnbroker is an advance agent. donee duties by living with the father (or Louisiana has 7,800,000 acres of marsh )374heTb0 topren Vicinity in the two preced- lands whioh, if properly treated, would lien nianermi a in a direct sling nosoinsi scot exhibit great fertility. the width of road allowances crossed in the measurement. The mind is enriched, not by what it (5) A homesteader intending to perform his residence duties in accordance with the above peseivole> receives from others, but by whilo living with parents or on farming land its own action en what it receives. yarned by himself must notify the Agent for the district of such intention, George Hayward, aged ninety-one, toSxmCtmminotonnwrDinmginnnstLngveat who has just died at Needham Market, Ottawa of intention to apply for patent, London, lived nearly" all his life in theint CORY, Deputy of the lsitnetor of the Iaterlor, same house. He never had a day's N.B.—Unauthorized publication of this ad- vertisement will not be paid for, holiday, and never seat the sea. Breaks up a Cold at the stars. At tho first sneeze or chill, take Oarripho.Quliline. Cures in 24 hours. At your dealees -26c. 1' OUTSIDE ADVERTISING Wingham General Hospital (Under Government inspection) Pleasantly situated. Beautiful fuf= niched. Open to all rognlarly licensed physician. RATES ]POE PATIENTS-- (whioh include board and nursing), $3.50 50 $15.00 per week according to looation of room. For further information, address MISS J. l:, WELsie, Superintendent, Box 228, Wingham Ont, RAILWAY TIME TABLES. lIA.171y'fWINS. RAILWAY SYSTitM. l7i TUATria L'MAvii Yvon y 8 00 m London ..._ 6.40 a,m«. p Toronto &East 31.03a,m•. 0.48a,m- .. 2.40p.m. Bincardiiie..11,57 a,m,,. 2.08 pm— ... 9.15p,m, ARRIVId 'nom $tneardiiie 0.40a.m.-11.00a.m_.. 2.40 p.m, London.. -.-- ., .11.54 a:m.... 7.85 p.m. Palmereten.. ,... «...... 10.80 a.m. Toronto & East•.. 2.08 ILIA.... 9.15 p.m. W t HENRY, Agent, Wingham.' . O ANADIA TAAiNa TatAvii POE RAILWAY. Toronto andBeet..•-•.. x.87 a.m....I8,10 p i. Teeswater -..• ARItIVIt FROM Teeswater «. ...6.07 a.m... -. 8.16 p.m, Tl'oront3.13, end -East Atiienti Win5hon p.ni, Orders for the insertion of advertisements such as, teachete wanted, business chanes, mechanies wented, articles for sate, or in fact any kind of an advt. in any of the Toronto or neeoisorllreoiatttenMffiThwkwillvePronttn and Will cave the trouble f fox ad forverdtng *dyerteM . LnWat rates will be (Looted on appiteatien. Leave er sendh'onr next work of thhis kind to the ,'JIVES orioles, W1uEhaals Chamberlain's Cough Remedy 1>S UtitiQUM.*i) ItO>r Coulgis. Colds and Croup. The Age of Sheep. The age of sheep is very easily shown by an examination of the teeth. A lamb has the first pair of perma- nent front teeth when about ten menthe old; the second pair appears at about eighteen months; the third pair itt twenty-eight months, and the fourth lit about thirty-three to forty months. When the whole of the permanent front teeth have appeared the sheep is in its fourth year, The Merino ma- tures its teeth later than the other breeds; the Cotswold rind Southdowns and other highly iiuproved mutton Sheep are some months ahead of a 112e• rind, but at lour years every sheep ban . its full mouth of teeth, Later the age is known by the appearance of the teeth, vehkh graduAlly lose their Stearn edges and become worn down smooth. A healthy sheep will keep its teeth good until ten or twelve years old, if the pasture la trot unusually bare and. the 11011 MHO, iso as to wear the teetit' iitte06611Zj