HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1909-01-28, Page 1THS WINCiHAM T°I VOL XXXVIli.-NO, 1929, 1 ING AM► ONTARIO, TEURSD.AY► JANUARY 28, 1909. Si A YEAR IN ,A.DVANGE -.....•.-,.._... 1 , Farmers, AIIeuIion HEADQUARTERS FOR STOCK FOODSf Condition Powders and all Stock Remedies. 1 Walton McKibbool THE DRUGGIST Macdonald Elook, Wingham. ; 41 . , . - Supplementary Meetings of East Huron Farmers' institute, For the discussion of 'cultural and Kindred Subjects wi be held as fol- ows: Fordwioh, Wedn day, Feb. 8rd. Binevale, T ur ay, Feb. 4th, Jamestown, day. Feb. 6th. Molesworth, atnrday, U'eb. 6th. Ethel, Monday, Feb. 8th. Afternoon and evening meetinga will be held at each plane, when praotioal addresses will be delivered on interest- ing and important subjects. Afternoon meetings commence at 1.30, end. evening meetings at 7.30 o'clock. A musical program will be given at the evening meetings. Everybody welcome Come and take part in the disonaeions. Tuo8• MOMILLait, P.A. IllgAarrinR, President. Secretary. Ritchie 86 Coseos REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE. Farm Properties Some exceptional values in farms. If you wain one it will pay you to see us. The good old Province of Ont. ario is all right. Town Properties At right prices. We have a number of places admirably spited for retired. farmers. No prettier or healthier town in Ontario than Wingham. Property bought het e can al- ways be re•soid, RITCHIE & COSENS Griffin•yaaetone Bleck, WINQHAbi, Phone 123 s + doss it. The man FLOWERS For alt occasion,/ -- Parties, Weddings, fi'nnerels, etc. Wingham Greenhouses FRAM: S MEAT • Paola 1Q4. GE `EE,AL LOCAL NEWS. Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers Auction Sale of Cattle. Mr. James Dente will hold a sale of cattle at the Elm ange hotel, Wing - ham, en Saturday, 30th inst., at 2 o'clock p, m., when ere will be offered for sale ten cows a to calve shortly, and 26 ateers and h fere rising two and three years old, he usual terms will be given. John a, auctioneer. Drink Ohrietie's Teas, Hanna Bros. stn , ingham, will reopen next Wedne g. Huron Lic Owing to the Huron ridings b ment last year change the tri Inspectors. It Toronto on Fri Mr. Wm. Oleg specter for No East, and Mr. Huron instead o se Inspectors. hangs made in the the Whitney Govern - is now neoesaary to tory of the License ras announced from !ay last that hereafter will be known as In- th Huron instead of . Asquith for Centre West. Highest price paid for hides and pont- try et T. Pella' butcher Rhea. Professor McKenzie's Death Rev. Professor of the Presbyterial of Montre:;l, died lege building on heart failure, He', a native of Luckni McGill and Freeb had filled pastorat and Point Chart assuming the prof theology at the The remains wer and the funeral t afternoon. Kenzie's Death. wen A. McKenzie, Theotogioai Collage uddeuly in the Col - Thursday last from was 46 years of age, w and a graduate of pterion College. He s at Ohealey, Ont., , Montreal, before sorahip of praotioal resbyterian College. taken to Lnoknow k place on Tneaday FOR, SALE. —B shape. Apply to at house in good . 0. Lepard. The Late Referring to to the death of Duncan Malcolm, father o of this town, t says :—"Duncan Sootoh parents at a lad of 14 years o Perth, settling o died. Being bies ally strong const' by ambitious and ability, he soon and a farm of upright man, and all his dealings. missed by a large friends, He leav wife, three sons whom the Dom pathise." r. Malcolm. e death of Duncan Mr. A J. Malcolm, Miteheil Advocate aloolm was born of arlington, and when me to the county of the farm where he d with an exoebtion- ntion, supplemented are business tact and qulred a good home 0 acres. He was an strictly honorable in He will be greatly trete of relatives and a to mourn his Ioss a d one daughter, with unity deeply sym- RAW Funs.—We want all kinds of raw furs, for whioh we will pay highest dash prides. GEO. E. KING. Farmers Repro ented at Ottawa. The farmers of representative in atone during this s Herald and Weekl has engaged a praot the session and w t that paper, telling ads how Parliame t 1 Our Tea and Coffee Wtor Tette and Coffeeshekeeeps forn increasing. BECAUSE the quality ie there. The blending is per. sonify Attended ter. The Raver it there. They're rich yet delicate. They're every- thing to reooinniend thein WHY BECAUSE They're Good. +.ra.+.a.`.•r...ras The Grocery Store. 1. Henry Christie Ii1IONE 59 1 merviiiwilorsomroninomoirMwerwooliaMbistormiklikisredat An old couple, who met for the first time at Winnipeg Were married there 3itottdsy, The mit& Sias Dula iged by praotioal farmer, write such a letter. man absolutely free Judaea, and no daub will be of great into farmers. The Famil ly Star coats only on will be sent on trial for the Session (abo only twenty-five Den anada are to have he House of Com - anion. The F roily Star, of ntreal, al farms o attend a Week letter to e farthers of Can- is.bbnduoted, as he e , aged is not only a at is well able to He is said t0 be a roue political pred- , his weekly letter st to all Canadian Herald and Week- dollar a year, or o new aubsoribets t six months) for a. The Annua Meeting. The annual meets Agrienitural Sooiet Council Chamber 1 noon. The finanala a email deficit on but when it is const paid in 1903 amonnt Of 1907 amounting Grease of $61.66. A expended its impro hibitien building, pendituro8 eonsidere very sucoeseful year directors will melee ham's fall fair for t on Sept. '80th and ever,, The eloatien as follows: •-Hatt. Elston; President, Viae President, Gi Vice President, Jeb tars: -.J". A, Morton Bryce, T,M. Deluder Ilendersbn,Ger Henderson, Wm. S. —alio. A. McLean, Six honorary diteoi» assist in the work of malt, as follow`:• it. :Ohm J. Moffat, Mrs. W. J. Currie, Mrs. Geo, 0rniOk- thank. Mrs. Wm. szwell, Mrs, J. A. Morton. Mrs, R. D. illptt. At k Matto ing of the Directors, H. E. ll,•lilOtt was re•eieoted lie Seoretary'.TreMMMClrer. g of the Tnrnberry was held iu the at Thursday after• stetteinent showed edtesriehtotal pzes d to $646.80, those to $688.76, an in. so nearly $176 was °month at the ex- hese lnoreased ex- , the moiety had at and the °Moors and or to make Wing - is year to be held et. 1st, better than of oflieers resulted President, ,rohn J. Currie; 1st, Maxwell; and 3`. Moffat; Dire°• W. J. Greer, Gee.. on,.Areh. Campbell, 0,1;110)4)= 1k, Jars. I,inklater; Auditors Robt. (Jamie, jr, rh were sleeted to the ladies' depart. Hanna eros. tock Sold. Tbe Hanna Bros. s goods, furs, gents' livery, eta , has b assignee, Osler Wad I►feroantlle Co, of Os company ie now in on will open onrposetinWednee Big bargains will b the large advt, on a issue. Plowing in It is not very efte Mete district are able t in January, but slush this year. Some fe this kind of work on no need going to a get free from the if snoh weather week would cants man had two team his farm in East ok of general dry fnrniehings, mil• n sold by the . to the Robson awe and the new posseesion. They big sale, whioh ay, February 8rd. in order. Read other page of this anuary, that farmers in do any plowing as been the case fax were at onday, There is armor climate to old winter weather, we have had this 0. Mr. Alex, .Leiah- at work plowing on 8wanosh on Tuesday. For the latest and beet Wall Paper go to the BIo BOOS SyoRE, The Grand There is a large matter in regard Parade Railway in on "The Program Towns Are Mad (London) of Deoe the article are m tratione showing western terminus dian Transconti harbor, its dooka, Rupert Inn. Th town of Nakomi erection of the Gr also ehown in article as well a typical prairie to showing the route connections. The moat interesting o Grand Trunk Paoi a runk Pacific. aunt of statietioal the Grand Trunk descriptive article of Empire. ow Grapbio 8. With -tone i11us- npert, the eve aU•Cana- " in The ber 19, 1,' fine hat Pri• •e t th ntal Railway, it alp street and Prime station at the new on the Saskatewa nd Trunk Paolfio, i onneotion with th Rivers, Manitoba, , and a handy map of the railway and rtiole is one of the the subject of the o yet published. a 0 n s 0 Important she Read our advt. s for the ladies. ge 8. Wilms & Oo, Y. M. C. A. Convention. The second anima oonnty work con- vention of the Y, .. 0, A, of Huron County will be he . in Witigham on Monday and Tnesda , Feb. 8th and 9th. Addresses on anbje, to of interest and importance will be • elivered by prom. inent Association h,•, cera. The day sessions will be bald in the Y. M. 0. A. rooms, in the Me er block, and the Monday evening ses ion will be held in St. Andrew's Oha ob, In connection with the oonventlrn there will be a banquet on Monde • evening at 6,80 in the sokool room of - . Andrew's Ohuroh, to which all delega'.s and local men are invited. Pastore, S. superintendents, presidents of yo ug people's church societies, and all , en in Huron county interested in the eIfare of young men and boys, are co fatly invited to this convention. All the Ieading magazines at the BICC BOoK STORE. Anderson—usseii Marriage. The home of a. r. Samuel Russell, Victoria Ave., ea 5, was the scene of an interesting event " ednesday afternoon, Jan. 6th, 1909, the marriage of his daughter, Edith ., to Robert B. And- erson, of Look •• od, Sask. Tbe bride was assisted by Miss Nellie Anderson and Mr, Clark : nssell was best man. Rev. J. J. Per neon performed the oereueony in the presence of the im- mediate relative of the °entreating parties. After the Renal °engratn- Iations the guests repaired to the dining room where the • edding breakfast was partaken of, fo owed by toasts and good wishes. Th; newly married couple will visit friends n Ontario for smooth, after which the will go to their new home in Lookw, , d, Sask. The best of wishes go them theirnew in the far " est.The ab rf to the marriage , f a brother of Mr. Jas. Anderson and re. Thos. Deana, of this town. Fon SAM—Two sleighs, harness, etc, with the Hanna Bro sold at a bargain. the store. RoasoN horsed, waggon», peed' in oenneetien d.-tfntinees. will be Get particulars at Mentesetemit Co. St. Andrew's -resbyterian Church. Ana The P eeb uancial soli for he year 1908 has •:en Issued. The total receipts from a mimes for the past year was $4,084 `: 7. Some of the items are as follows: Envelope, plate and anniversary col eotlons, $2318.96; Sun- day School, $2' 3 88; ()hutch schemes, $664.44 W. F M. Society, $121t.39; ciety $35 6 A heoontribu ionsforllaaet year Were some 200 short of those of the previous year. The Oentelbutions to missions Were upwards of $160 more than in . contrilm- tions Were0tak :.and Ias7 1 yearino special effort wax ni de. When this is Oen• frittered it sh • s that the tundra of the Thhrehweerre hirtup gho nght ehw memo rs Added to the roll during the year and 24 halve bee . roinoved from the roll, seven of til se by death, leaving the ateberehiet the end of the year at 440. Thole ho have been belied to the ate.oadaring year were Gee. haul, Geo. , Mrs. rtioey. John Hanna, Misr Bella Rit .. lion, Mrs. John Oameroin and Ark. rorothy Nichol. The annual oongregati••al meeting will be held in the Fri- day ev'enr,._*o this week foreirtft of the a the eloo- Sinn of Olt •ft and fieneersl btiiditeN,. Cash Re fixation Sale. CHURCH NOTES. PUBLIC SC 001. BOARD. Means. B. E. in our advertisi will hold a 10 d Sale from Januar There is a stop dry goods, ready. eta., to select 1 Read the advt. i full partioularw, D. Map Dr. P. Mead= Monday to take master in that London Adverti donald said tha work imun ediate looking out for that is obtained necessary time h to Louden. and & Cor annonnee g columna that they ye' Oash Reeltzatfon 30 to February 10th. of $20.000.of general ade clothing, carpets, om and prices Iow. another column for aid at London. Id left for London on y post- hiaduties When seen bY a er reporter Dr. Mac- ho would take up his At present he is home, and as soon as and he can find the will move his family Hanna i3roa. store, Wingham, re -open next Wednesday. Coal Mr, and Mrs. narrow eaoapo early last Sato had been eso during the nig awakened earl himself almost and Mrs, Rae Medical aid w some hours b were freed fr gas. will as Escaped. enneth Rae had a very oro death in their home ay morning. Coal gas ing from the furnaee t and when Mr. Rae was in the morning he found overcome with the gas as in a bad condition, summoned but it was are Mr, and Mrs. Rae m the i11•efeota of the A..f Important shoe ne e fladies, Read our advt. on pag'o E e WILLIs & Co. Entrance, The date ap: menoement of School exams. i day, June 23rd tending to write notify the pub fore May lat. in the flambe dates to the i 3rd. The follc asked for m Lament of th That, and a' T. Loot:invar, Th Night, Elegy Churchyard, FJ Step by Step, Came Down tion for a Sp don, Examinations, tinted for the own - he entrance to High r Ontario, is Wednea- 1909. Candidates lu- st these exams, must io school inspeotor be - be inspector mutat send of all intending oandi- partments before May ring selections may be morization: Boadicea, Irish Emigrant, For a' at, Lead Kindly Light, Influence of Beauty, Written in a Country w Gently, Sweet Afton, Song of the River, As I prom Lebanon, Insorip- ing, The Bells of Shan - PLUMB Norn,—All moon Thos. T. Field before Jan are now due. Proinht quested, and oan be of T. T. Fmun & Ca. Fs Owing t0 y let, 1909, ayment is re. ado at the shop PE RS . NAL. Miss Mabel Pe • der ie visiting with relatives in Buffed Mr. John Sm. 1, of Brantford, is visiting with his .. ther in town. Mr, H. B. Elliot . visited with his par- ents at Brantford or over Sunday. Mr, John ld friend, Mr. James Goldie, atiD Guelph on Monday, Mies Maggie G y is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Gray, at Stratford. Mr. Will Kirk, of Okotoks, Alta was visiting for a fe • days with Mr, Geo. O. Manners, aftMr. visit witt at in tw Toronto and Binevale. Dr. A. J. Ir •• in is in Goderioh this week attending the meeting of the County Connoil, Mr. and Mrs, " ni, Maxwell and plias Jean Maxwell, ,f the Bliley/de read were visiting with Olinton relatives last week. Mrs. Geo. 0. M. nnrs 18 visiting with her mother, Mrs. MoMatb at Dungan• non. Mrs. 4&oM th has been quite seriously ill for 8o •.'0 time. Miss Elizabeth : arber attended the wedding reoeptio , of Donald McKay and Katharine Pa terson in the groom's new home at Riley on Wednesday evening last. Geo. H. Moon Express; J, Leslie Standard, and W editor of the Look town on Saturday Dr. fI E W. Ta this week attendin tion of the Gran Arch Masons, M poled hint to the , editor of Ripley err, editor of Blyth W. J. McGregor, late Lucknow Sentinel were in st. Tamlyn was in Toronto the annual convoca- Chapter of Royal h, Tamlyn a000m• sty. JOE N. MAC N COMPANY. The Joo. N. Mac Will appear in the week in a reportoir atio prodnetione. Opeh their engagem presenting the comedy drama, enti or The Fatal Wed Company tomes ghly recommended by press and pub . ad is composed of talented artis . Of .merit And ability. Every , ay i• their epertOire i8 atriotly clean, he a being nothing in any of them , • fiend th meat refined tette. The lO IOWing pia s will be presented daring the week: "Lost and Won," "Woman Against omen," "Wife for Wife," "The Bo dm,an," "The Mad. from the West," "Thu Moonshiners" awbt e 8008atien the *eaten, entitled an Stook Company para Rouse all next of high. clam drain• The Company will rat on Monday night, ell•known popular lir led "Lost and Won, of aR." The lllaohen ho and iyta me soar gar trre diet eon In 1J the 400 s1 pec tubj the Rev. W. 0, Bows Churoh will, deliver "The Industrial P day evening, dealing and Remedies." and working men err Morning subject: Services bright an some. Most Reverend M. A., D, 0. L., L of Toronto, Motrop iastioal Province of Primate of alt Can Toronto on Sunda The aged Primate in church work in to this country in A. apeoial mee Committee of t Epworth Leange in the Board R Methodist ()bur members being of the meeting and means of as Rev. G. F.I. Rs/ his loss by flMission House Raley and few possessions in t in a e living m Indian. It was of sympathy to to show our sym more praotioal amount voted fr l each League is liberallyas to "' contribute help mae up the rheas. General busi- ness in °entreatta, with the Leagues of «tion:..._._..___ ._ n of the Methodist second address on bleat," next Sun - with "Qonditions mployeee of labor eapeolally invited. ham of the Bootee. astern Canada, and da, paned. away In last in his 75th Year - Canada fame coming 1865. hag of the Executive Wao held on Jan. 16, m of the Wingham h, a good number of present, The purpose was to consider ways isting our Missionary. , of Port Simpson, in which destroyed the y lost nearly all their fire and they are now 11 house owned by an eoided. to send a letter ev. Mr, Raley and also in, In addition to an the District treasury eked interesting sugge next meeting of t ly be held in Ma arena were made. Tete e Executive will likes HOCKEY OOTS AT COST, We veill clear out the balance of our Ladies' and Gents' Became, Boots at melt. Skatea put we free, W. le GREER. The Indust ial Problem. Methodist Ohurch evening on "The dealing ohielly and canna" He s in men, as Men, ap °auditions; and dee his congregation the problems, that are to -day. He took for chapter, verses 13, 14 that he divide the inh The social and aeon exist in am:ditty trader mese of selfishness made to the few shr pressing forward te e and who become corp leaders in &mace; nd how behind these few is the mult tude, the crowds of men who are awake ing to the sense of power anlikossibili y. Strikes were referred to 'Me syrup om of this great wakening, but wer considered aa amply a passing phase in social develop. ment. The capitalist who use their power in a tyrannio way, were dealt with, without gloveo. The big business date their etuployees et the time et a, political election, rob ing them of their °impelling their me to vote according o their dietation, or ova their position, nd iron -heeled terra ny. All business surname are net o tnis Mass; many rest their men mos kindly, consider- tely, humanely, a. we believe io the ase in the town of inghara. The or- anization of labor nions was referred o as an effort to pre erve the balance of ewer, bnt, said th speaker, it labor is o fight oapital by rivalry in selfish - errs, then society will beoorae but a be cavnivorus b' de will tear out the tale, open the rteries, epill the life bed, and threate the exitance of the oe, May God *sive as from this oody beetle of selfishnese. The seas selfishness are tit high tide, beating on the shores of capital aud lebor, d invading the comfor1 of our homes, el leaving belt cl the sluice of bitter - es and disee tent. But we can't eep btioir the ides of the ocean with broOtn, nor so k the Reeds of Bea th a mop, So iety needs to be saved, et as individ Is do; the prineiples et govern she ome, the Mike, street, y. ie an fortunate oirotemstatrod tit capital au labor haye thought of eir interests it being antegoeistio. r they are n t. Ospital cannot do theta labor; 1 hot oan't do without pital. Labor i needed to give Weiler alto. It Wisa shown of some menal litee. k of work, or lack of own !wawa drank- ing tiabite; laid the men in the pathway ecsmomio bett meat. and happier me lite, Weald a atom toward God; the confera .n, beye slimed hurt /moven . • in thy eight, God be NAM te Me it shiner." The tentail cloted With deteriptiou Of the lee riyMb I of the nettles.- reale. anMetilneff repelled tie bettet the ditions of me , beoattee they are de. d of that my le element we deli life. esti. Christ ill be ultimately found best soltiti n of the itectial end then mitt armed that be would eat, deali Mere partieularly with "Oeilditioris ad remedies." son, pastor of the spoke last Sunday h the "Conditions oke of his iaterest from their imolai red to study with meal and eoennutio itating the world is text Luke 12th ad 16, wherein a eak te hie brother, ritanee with him. mks wrongs that , exist chiefly be - Reference was d men, who are onomie 'ordain/a, ration kings and 0 vi bl VA of up an an sw wi ju tb tor th th Fo wi ca eemmerciel that the poverty was not due to la wage, but to their anneal and garab The regular meeting of the Y. U. O. A, will be withdrawn fee title Week. on mount of 'the Etat/slut Benefit Cow Brenta Bro.. VifbighAgn, Will Wingham Publ 13ohool Board met acicording to State e, Jan 20. to the election of t called for nominati 7909, and Alex. elected, Membere read the report of eer, which (waded Tile h3eRretary then na for Chairman for Pea wee declared 1 the Board prevent %Nero Roes, Griflia, Moore, Hell, lased, Manners and Pring e. After conarmati of minutes ot De- cember meeting, e Principal's report waa read aa :—December atteud- average 48; Dept. 3, average 46; Dept. 4, average 47; apt, twerage 41; Dept, 6, average 48; Dept. 7, average 46; tend average 11, The aenual re rt for 1909 included the following:—P pits registered, 448; boys 214, girls 284 average attendance, 300; average of p pits to emelt tettaber, 48; teaching days, 00; school open, 199. Classifioation—I reading 448, writing 448, spelling 448, thmerio 448, geog- raphy 802, gramra 190, composition 368, literature 368, phyoiology and tem. perance 98, drawl g 448, music 252, Canadian history 19 , British history 98, nature study 368. Le Part I, 79; art II, 56; aeoond book, 119; 8rd book 96; 4th lebok, 98. Premotione—Part I to II, 46; Pert It entrance examinatinne, 84; total pro. motions, 805. Follovving is the ft wird statement:— neon s Balance on hand Taxes Government grant Non-resident fees Sale of old pipes., Total receipt 8891 88 393 50 81.50 1.20 EXPAND ttrut Salaries et teaeher Fuel, oaretaker, Se eTreav, repairs $8298 01 10,00 693 01 Total expend tare... $4001.02 Balanoe on hand, $ 83.64 The inoreate of e' vernment grants over 1907 was $128 50 The above reports ere adopted. The following ace unto were then A, Young, supplies $ 2.15 Woi. Wylie, wood 30,32 E, Maine. wood 1 26 8a Dr. Redmond's reit nation as rem- sentative of the B rd on the High School Board was r ad and Accepted, On motion of Masers. Griftla and Man- ners, F. Enehauan w appointed to the Dr. Price was re,a pointed member of Public Library 13o rd, motion of Masers Iaisrd and Moor . The Secretary wa authorized to order new grates for b iler. On motion of Mourn Wan and Hall, an advances of $25; J. Groves as Secretary and 3. B. rguson as Trees - urea ear% at an adva ce of $5 in salary. Principal Stalker asked that ther- mometere be phsos in each room; granted, on motio of Griffin and Pringle. On motion of 0 Mu and Isard the Board committeee his year will be : — Property—The et. zr merabera of ,the Board. On raotion of H 11 and 'Bard, it was decided that for e purpose of non- resident pupate e year shotald be divided into three t rins, Jan 1 to March 31; April 1 to lame 30; Sept. 1 to Dee, 81, and that the fe s lor each terra be paid in advance. The Board the adjourned, and atesepted the inyit tion of the new Chairman to 640 the oysters at aloore's restaurant aotiompanied by Prineipal Stalker, IL Musgrove, the Seeretary, the Tree later and the Oare. BARGAINS N FOOTWEAR. Olearing sale of alea's and Lumber - men's Uabberio and all liners of Ladies' and Gents' Whiter footwear. Miss LillianClark SPOUt Sunday under the parental roof. Miss McGregor, of Lucknow visited Rosa Miller over 8 nday. Mite Maud Barber. of Lucknow Mrs. Moorehouse and Miss Ford, of are gnests of Uri. Ed. Mc- Roberts at present. Mrs, Murray and anghter, of Goder- ich are visiting wi her brother, Mr. Mr, Will McGregor resumed his duties as tersoher the Ninth school an Monday martin after three "melte The Wornereis Rd in oonnection with the English huroh here met on Tuesday et the eine of Mr., Sot The Ladiele Iturti ter will meet te.day (Tintraday) at the home Of Mrs, Jos. Pie 000014 Will be the luiportant featare of the nieeth9g. 444,4404444**44414444,44941.1 Mtn* Broth drift, Wirighisafa will ore Oven!. 0oulist, London, Surgeon Byt), rum., Vote and Throat will- 'be at MolXibbon't drug itore,WednesdaYt Jan. Did you Start the New year Right By resolving to have your clothing made here? We guaran tee you perfect fit, best workmanship and the quality of our mater- ials is not excelled anywhere at the price, Your order for a suit, Overcoat, Odd Pants or Vest, will be promptly attended to and satisfaction guar- anteed. Men's Furnishing Hats, Caps, Gloves, Ties, Collars, liose, Underwear, etc, Call and see us. RobtMaxwell Tailor and Furnisher For Men Who Care. Adding card system, and all raviocedsetrianinotne:- achine ence are at our student s. Cons uedzitilVbUssainle°sEit houses of leading an an and American cities are calling ott y for our graduates. Individual lust c Ion. zater Any day. Mall Courses. Send postal for partioulara. WINGHAIVI BUSINESS COLLEGE GEO. SPOTTON, Principal. The Leading Shoe Store. A SHOE SALE We shell shortly commenee our Annual Inventory, We have more Shetat on hand than we want at this Seseson. &Uhler °lose them out tind aotint the money. We never (Arty over Footwear Frites, eat Priees5 cost rriees$ or way lather kited Of Palate win sell them. Great Clearing Sale °Waren'. Shots' =tot utake witit koo'nurs6 you *an stly Airily from this sale if yor• went to, but you wilt lose money if Yon do.