HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2014-09-24, Page 3Huron County chosen for new Healthy Kids Challenge The County of Huron is one of 45 Ontario communities selected for the province's Healthy Kids Com- munity Challenge. The initiative focuses on healthy lifestyles for children and youth, especially healthy eating, physical activity and adequate sleep. The Ministry of Health and Long -Term Care will provide funding, training and other resources over the next four years for community programs and activities in the county. "This is an exciting opportunity for our communities to work together to create change and pro- mote health among our youth," said Joe Steffler, warden of the County of Huron. "Our success in this grant application reflects Huron County's strong existing partnerships and our unique rural culture:' "Healthy kids become healthy adults," said Bonnie Baynham, the project manager for the initiative with the Huron County Health Unit "This project recognizes that to be successful we need to support not just children but also families, schools and the communities in which they live:' The proposal was submitted in March and included 52 letters of support from politicians, recreation providers and various community groups. Baynham said there will be many opportunities for communi- ties to get involved as project plan- ning gets underway over the next several months. If you have questions about this project or partner involvement, please call the Huron County Health Unit at 519-482-3416 or 1-877-837-6143. "Mocktails on Me" offers free non-alcoholic beverages Pregnant women in Huron County can enjoy free non-alco- holic drinks during the Huron County Health Unit's new "Mock - tails on Me" campaign. Beginning on September 27, 12 licensed establishments in Huron County will support pregnant women to have alcohol -free preg- nancies by offering free non-alco- holic beverages. The Modctails on Me campaign, along with the Rethink Your Drink- ing campaign, remind pregnant women that "Zero Matters:' Public health promoter Annie Lukacsovics says there is no safe time to drink alcohol during preg- nancy, and no safe amount or type of alcohol to drink Lukacsovics said the Huron County Health Unit is grateful for the support of the following "Mock - tails on Me" participants: - Goderich: West Street Willy's Eatery, Paddy O'Neils Restaurant Pub, Godetich Harbour Restaurant, The Bistro, China Wok Buffet, and Samuels Hotel - Exeter: Canton House Buffet Restaurant - Wingham: The Fireside Cafe and Maitland Restaurant - Bayfield: The Little Inn of Bay- field and The Docks Restaurant and Bar - Blyth: Part II Bistro "We are so pleased that Huron County establishments want to make it easy for women to have alcohol -free pregnancies. They are helping make sure that babies have the best possible chance to be healthy," said Lulcacsovics. Each establishment has set up its own guidelines on how free drinks will be offered. The campaign will end on Nov. 30. The message that it is unsafe to drink alcohol while pregnant is not a new one. However, prenatal expo- sure to alcohol remains a leading cause of preventable birth defects and developmental delay in Cana- dian children. Lukacsovics said it's important for women to know that it's best to stop drinking before you get preg- nant, and it's also never too late to stop. Exposure to alcohol in the first three to eight weeks of pregnancy, before a woman may even know that she is pregnant, can result in Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD). FASD is a broad range of birth defects and disabilities, which may include: • Heart, kidney, and liver damage • Bones, limbs and fingers that are not formed properly • Vision and hearing difficulties • Slow growth • Learning disabilities Many pregnancies are not planned, meaning that some women may have drank alcohol before they knew they were preg- nant. Anyone with concerns or questions can make a confidential phone call to Motherisk at 1-877- 327-4636 or visit www.motherisk. org. The Pregnancy and Parenting Program at Choices for Change also provides help for pregnant women with substance misuse concerns. Visithttp://www.choicesforchange. ca/ or cal11-877-218-0077 for more information. Rethink Your Drinking is a cam- paign to help change the way we think about and use alcohol. ATTENTION ADVERTISERS! DEADLINES Our Weekly Deadlines are as follows: ADVERTISING & EDITORIAL Friday @ 2:00 pm Seaforth iiiron Expositor 8 Main St., Seaforth PH: 519-527-0240 www.seaforthhuronexpositor.com OFFICE HOURS: Mon. - Fri. 9am - 5pm CLOSED TUESDAYS Wednesday, September 24, 2014 • Huron Expositor 3 *onl• ine www.seaforthhuronexpositor.com ADVERTISE EN Ontario's Beer Store delivers the lowest beer prices in Canada onfariocVnMearets fivrol iregin1-• re.vorpcgil errarker THE ME PROM/CIS FUR CHASED IN A LARGE QUEBEC SUPERMARKET CHAIN COST son MIRE THAN Al THE BEER STORE. NCR EeER s-taRE nut PRIir .11F1E1Z111XIS Ry Jeff Newina 310Y4e sc.II been ivitte.. 4114 linuar Has lawn*Iii OpiCth. s!uh!Ir .141,0S"; Oisturin% Milt Just tam we sell lk.er, hut ror how much. 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