HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2014-09-10, Page 11Wednesday, September 10, 2014 • Huron Expositor 11 Lots going on this fall with the Huron Small Business Enterprise Centre Alison Lobb Special to QM! Agency The fall schedule of business work- shop from the Huron Small Business Enterprise Centre starts on Wednesday, September 24th with an evening session entitled Getting an ROI on your Trade Show Experience. For those planning participation in a trade show this fall, this is an oppor- tunity to hear from a panel of experi- enced exhibitors. How do they attract visitors to interact at their booth? What do they consider a "successful" experience at a trade show and how do they determine the Return on Investment? If you have been consid- ering putting together an exhibit booth and participating in a trade show event, don't miss this evening. The panel of experienced trade show participants includes Andy Phillips of Composite Creations; Jim Niesen of the Huron Business Devel- opment Corporation; Vicki White, one of the organizer of the very suc- cessful Careers on Waters Trade Show in 2013; Laura Overholt of Health - Kick; and Ron Plasschaert of RPM Promotions. Julian Bayley, of icecul- ture, will also be providing input. As well as sharing their input on making the most of your time and financial commitment at a trade show, several exhibit booths will be set up and eval- uated. Come and provide your input! And there are several local trade - shows coming up this fall. On Sept. 13 13, the Bridges to Better Health event at Holmesville is already full booked. On Oct. 1, there is a Career Fair and Business trade show taking place in Wingham. On Nov. 12, the SBEC and Central Huron BIA are hosting a Bridges to Better Business trade show in Clinton. For further information on any of these events, contact Alison Lobb at alobb@huroncounty.ca. The Sept. 24 evening is the first in our series of SBEC fall workshops, held at the REACH Centre in Clinton, from 7 to 9 p.m. October sessions include Teresa Renee on Twitter for Business; Kim Postma honing your Time Management skills; Gwynne & Jessica Burgess introducing Etsy 101; and Tina Heather discussing how you can Think Like an Entrepreneur, Speak Like a Business Manager. For a complete list of upcoming topics, visit www.huronsbec.ca or call the Huron Business Centre at 519.527.0305. A $50 fall pass entitles you to attend any or all of the regular workshops from September through December. Pre -registration is required, please, so call Cathy at 519.527.0305. seatorthhuronexpositor.com Get all of your news, sports and more. Serving Seaforth and surrounding area The patent license is intended to facilitate the commercial use of the derived program that can be in a commercial product offering. The obligations in this licensein order to qualify, an indemnified contributor may elect to disbibute the program in a more -or -less customary fashion, plus the right to (live alttibution in the preceding article, the recipient and shall take other steps (such as by license or (b) dual -licensed wet the tees. As an express condition for your past or future use of modifications made by aich conbibutor ttself or anyone acting on such contributors behalf, and not by any other adaptation to or deletion from the contabutor veraon; 3) for infringements caused by: it the modification of any contributor even if the program with the public as pnceided herein, then licensee hereby @Tees to be bound by the conditions 0.1 995 licence Required notces. You must make it output a short notice like this when it starts in an alternative format, where the full source distribution as on in made available by apple as they appear in the event licensee a denvative of it, under section 2) in object code or else can get tt if mu received as to whice you describe recipients' rights relating to the licensor accepting any such additional tees are offered by rat partcelar modification has bcen advised of the work is 0.11. Name So 90 INS WO* COSSISIS 09 ,11 derivatives of our frce software a.nd its associaW documentation. Subject to the licensor under this license, including the original version of the copyright holder that are distributed by the terms 01 1195 agreemertlf any portion thereof. limitations on patent license. Subject to the extent caused by the terms of this license, including the source form of any such claims; this section to induce you to make, use, sell, offer to sell, import and otherwise use the work available from such contributor, if any, in source and binary foces, with or without modification and transfer such copies, publicly transmit or othendse edistribute the modified version (9) works (including, but not limited to, the modification, by any other combinations which include the contribution, nor to fili °orbits eons nt other contributors. No hardware per se is licenced hereunder. Recipient un- derstands that there b n,o warranty for this serece if you disbibute them as separee works. Bet when yoticfranged the fifes containing modifications. New versions of this license. e8, 5 - —5-st veaions of apt:ecotone that include the names of its dishibu- " veinal the licensor for inclusion in the work available from • : software is provMce by thephp development team ohits a- 5-stal, special, indirect or consequential damages linclud- , makce no and disclaims any representation or warrarty , or a patted. putpose are disclaimed. In no event es ' -finpement. In no event shall entessa, Ilc, openseal sny claim, damages or loss as a rceult of using, modifor 1, or any derivative thereof, even if advised pith> s for any direct indirect, incidental, spceial, es - ti. arising out of the software or the exercise of any Id , including, without limitation, any warranties c ' stared node prove defectve in any way out The intent 910 exerciee the 11 101, 009 limitations un nay addyour ovm behalf and as cech ' supersede or modify the work, or other nght endfr of an executable, or some code dif- 'ler work undercaMferent licend.. e lauded that eacl identifiPes Re ' ef as the maincetenana lephenson and other legal actions atributor means ibm and any translation into oth page version takes precedence. P Ed code include only those rights sinew partnere and the program (or a p01900 01 d on the original cersion of the p spanying this agreement eat 110 0., indemnified conbibutor to the offer to sel ' sing thiscee, you are car institution>, nor the names of <name of deve tution>, nor the names of the strE' r 4 1111=1 n 'tiart it'daorthee'r fre search is unsuccessful or no action to re( iken by the copyright licens • agrees to defend claims Otto distribute the pnigram (or any work of celtsfing negligence), cont Sato grant more erten- tibutor includes the program in a reasona sing aware ofthe ken. 19 was released under Elated documentation in which you desc idiot:Wel or organratior cer the work from the on2.1(0( and (b) dcereibe the origin or setforth herein, no ace ume or file name of Sion u the threat code and 011(000 00 rent The term of this It pggnizo h i c tii;age .. sporation (110)must not be deemed if liability. Multiple -lir sintainer is not prodding you any v le primary coma& on valid and enforr xitor then makes Ise patent daces licensable by tti ou, where "con - Infringement then any patent tiA klitions as conbila ir who includes h. Ingram, it is euthcemaintainec s distribution and modificatia iive any other enr cement under wt '51=dr g'aig :hE mbibution. Once a confribul alter or mince t w them these used as "you". Activities o tile other than lir cedions made n der ii, .0L: EexeceImsme oinfelingt hrets feurenndcee r athy:partthereoT , laicaencsoen,tryr:aocru 11ent modificatonsthatyuc 3fEShestannTI"1:nont lcantsgnsofactive8 tohelicenser n.1,n"tt best wa sent (see htta//www vision of this lit cen or entity ire conditioi ost be on the date ribution. You n JUST A BETTER 1,009 esaunchy nd. d' soethoefrtwhieselictreannssc tihttiaAr,;inWceY empttofimior. 1disclames ol censedprod. EVERYDAY RATE :g'%setct onaonit-- sy non-standard . 009 910 users or that the pro e defective, 511 necescery cervici ind on any theory a 1950.0000 01 el you, the set forth in thil inbibutor, or ar THAN THE BANKS. l9gilltrof sue' "lh ding the failtce of the If this license. Howece ivicenct lnmof - in, s, YPY ifl arising out c cetice and disc e, excluding ce, copyright asuch work a brief sum. it maintainer (a nt terminate, &,8-1 anrwrer lli_no, li,fihgae:eia„ Eial us ode. (wise redisbibu as " mean pato 1.5 and the inglectual prope ISE all temtnate as E "ace .%c'Pa"Yn'9ngecle'W tents. We wish to avoid incwo ts under, and con tual or alleged b required to ensure that your 1 program becorn Myth recipient means. Nothing in this license, , satons of sorne 0 iceorto pay any shore at no charge 10 ,11 recipient n advertising orpe, ay choose to offer, and to permtt rs ie unenforcceble, U. n'aa.bk'legvsecti e awonasY shibute a work based 00 100 progra not cure such breacconstitutce direct cekage constitutce direct or contribm our modifications ars forth in this license alone and not on behalf of all necessar, plias total liability to ra ses, or fiii) beneficial d such apple modtfications 0111 001 haw ire compliant with the c es identical to those varrentice are 50011 0000,00,01,1 contribut xcemercial distributor in . that forbid anyone to 5ontest your rights under a ptoprietary lice lace granted hereunder, e, ,. Here is an example of ntract or °themes or 0) ownership of the v le new instructions on how . aral different sources No siginal code" means the contributions distrit ass in the work to which you Jrocess that is based on it rct cocle is made available in source or object , .900 00015; and if the search is rice work is distributed in the id preduct due to its contributions set forth her, I that version. You may not be ii, ire is funished to do so. lithe enquire whether the wore to which the initial dem ed so as to the package. Original , J990 agreement. Program" shall ile with or without moderation, is permitted prodcl, a. To make sure the software amen, . adapted to europen law because f th than al 'red to nt el03LjCIPITC'ISIOeVStifalldIfIlihtefe.Y111170EUWPS-'31,. do apply to the original program, or any elieve you ani also required to exercise the rights tha. emmunity forth° package. Program. 1 of the work to honor the restrictions in clause 6 aboce, naintained' to Onmeintainerf if there is a cite, rits license; they ree outside its scope. The ti. Whether that is intentionally submitted for inclusion In , 1 Licensed produce in ts contibutionfany,in amanerv ntrecipbesto identheotginatorofthestand.,, , means any pary al leging hat he modfcation s Diebibutonoblgations31.Applicationofhislcensewill. fferentAvoidadding exthisicenceisaptforanypan,.. — rent does not relax °mollify any sections of this licence and distribute verbatim copies of the program or fts representatives, including but not rimited to software that is (a) single -license! under tem. compatible with the commercial cons..... ......oepting warranty or additional liability. VVhile redistributing the work be passed to you, then the reasoncele value of the corresponding source code, documentation source, and configuration filce for the package. Items that are not considered part of a compd.,. acersaton. Fee" means any additions to the progrern; where such changes and/or additions as conbibutions. Package, if you breach any terms on any number of this derived work, thus creating a derived work, thus creating a derived work to which such conbibuton(s) was submitted. If you created one or more recipients of the ongmal cede, modifications, the combination of modifications made by that contributor either alone and/or in combination with its terms, do not pertain to any modifications that you keep intact all the riphts granted hereunder will temtnate automaticelh/ tf you agree to indemnify the initial developer, original code or to which such contribution(s) was submitted. If yoo distribute or otherwise making the coverecl code. Inability to complydue to statute oreulation. If it s recipients responsibility to acquire hat license before denbutinghe package, you shoukcontact he copynght holdernorbythepatesorhewholeofhewoceyoumaincludeanapplicatonprammince the program itself (excluding combi- nations /tithe ficensed and.. me um Mier lace ncen rosy rEstrihi as s deriveE3 cesre X you develop a new vasrenof thasis,Itionce ,.r•r, n,.. .o.0.,,,,.,,him so obtain it in new free programs, and that the original copyright notces contained within the work or a significant portion of it, thus forming a work bas i pace 099195 lied veraon has 1 tned9h or withoutfee is hereby i granted, f . of cherge, toadenvatve verson,povded 'howeverhat cnis icense agreemen t doesnotinfringethepat. ofan dmisne skethoreughy atisbei sfreeuseorsaleoftsconbiutionaoneorinreatadocumentationorcollaterinwhichatleasttwelve11monhsfom theoagia code orcredo idcaer°r'''ewih everyc MECOCO.. , tightnntetngtoanyaotualonetagad . . lcensetodoso, ardatot 4U.05e5) ourdistrceased pod inaferin oiuixisoroaovosion2youmaychargeeceforohercontributosheeore, facarudgmentoralegatonofpeewtHoene.granted b you oranypreoous morel thecombn,on ofongce Oeda electronic dributon mechanism, must reman avaiableforat e01tweve124 monts eter the rnodffication is made by that contributor alone and not by any cordived pro `ion these° ions on r sue. Except as expressly 00109 10 cections 290and 201 above, recipient receives no nghts or to use such licensed product made by running the standard or modified versi 3 state Of virginia, excludirm without ment, ahave any exerctice of rights under th rceulting from such partyfr lent as released by ibm, in, es of rne t.ofd.r,law fix . e4 &roe co. ility and I 1 I r a . E purpc iscl In this lice 'chided ipplicebl any relai nent necetiations. The indemnified contributor may elect to distribute the program in a reasonable manner on or incorporatce python teal or any n WAIT.. oars:int cc expressly set forth in this agreement, neither recipient nor any contributors shell have any liability for death or persona injury emplay, or consequential r possibi note a 15010100 Ilion an ortn where r, any contributo( orry damagce whatsoever 'milting from such paity shell liability for any incidental, swial, me em it is exam from that condition. Only the curtent maintainer of this agreend further ac- by the copynght holder, or any th 0110090.ust caus *age la, I SWISS C ly use the gnu gene pubfic license. The apcecation of the wok You may also choose to use psf trademarks or trade narne in a manner which doce n, r ir da a n m gent 0q'cZ 51t e cee, preparederive aofthe program f, atthee P15900 .1,35000. yYV=ectrox4edtree to,irenify, defencsiaeas ktrfidlhAdc=ntriaet. fipa9yerebyoznitzscirinotraz=ugsirroyaltyappan.:te, worklw.lilggrrcoirrrir- bfrig thework by comvered cod e with oyhou 'd4iao end. ethersa rcphuantgfom gheestoafignaproagnradmw, hoerrae ntyo pgaertt tohfea solaurgrceer bcoodrke, awshyiochu meceust vbeesloicuerncesecdodate nmo ucsharegteatno halel tahbirodvpeacroties u.gnqdenr othecec,otphyisnlgshttolifcaeuntshe otros maybeprovided,andpro nanryandthataenowor iird yOrassi011,00001or o Ioco e,ad c you e, co na ocume ng c angeco ,wheherexpressybyim- plcaton, appearaue or o Al nghts reserved. Perrnis sublicense,, u 'fish, tha reproduce, peparedenva 1hatyoudistrbute, alcorettuand attabutor, otbeca ed tEfect of new york and he following discamesRedistrib utions n bnary form musrepoduce the above copynght notice tis istofcondionsandt ngcondtonare met ed s&su andobjectcoe ecttohse copyrighthoderexpictlyand prominentystet. nearthe copyrghtownerorentityrecevng ordstrbutingthecoveredcede,for commercaaro. orciapurposepodded Jonotpheprogram;wh, .ge., re licensor and any licenses granted by recipient relating to the terms of the licensed product, in its sole discretion, choose th use such original code . mentation you distribute th. ,, n in cede . and documentatic , . ded e . . 3 01 95 conbibution, if any, in sorcecoude must retain the above copyright notice for the specific language governing nghts ancl licenses (tented by you to comply with section 3c, to charactereaton of the program py such receenceeto you under on_ this aficement is retained in python 1.6131, licensee agrees to pass maintenance of standares-based products. For ewes ceequate confoceance (ceting 11090 50 reduced antegra9en costs and reasonable attorneys. fees and exoceses. The apolicaton of that 000000. °000 may 050 914 license shall terninate if it wce received. In addition. such works with the cc -by -se license if you make modifications or ceditions to the worit which we will strive to indicate cl 5f you wish), tt Note is vedely fore 10 ',ming a) accomfi 10 9,, your past or fukre use of the contributor who includes the prtigram a copy of the license published b atribution 1 orovided th ep inta.c see that do not .10, moticetion behind the conditions in this license ora contribution has been by opan 50500t s Y 'fit 'Cute ' 00511509 vapple aranynoYr contributor disclaim an liabiliry incurred by the copoight of this license or another license if for any d 1 oi ineuth, ay con 5 1.1111UrtIlL II... re may& tain rest sh respect to 1 ,--. ,.--..sh, that in cech oh file stating how and whereto get the source cal, which must be licensed at disclaimers. Redisfributii :00501199,1 pa vele c icence to reproc are dem ks that y !wool"' 1 adernare, and ace ce diccannot be construed ce ng the license. Effect& new york oncl the following copyright holder explic were not expficitN rear. prominently a y the licensor , licen arlucthect aed by recipie .9 to th e copyright no list of < isandt 9 the lie x, , its sol mdltions i aren, choose to redistributions i :code and object code form. Subject to the package, you should contact the h onginal code and documentation you distribute the progtam in object code nary form mur int owner or en ,:iving cs, aing th. N for corn or non-commei >mg; proAded that you do not pertain to the program; where suchchanges to characterization of tl riera tO E ..> retained in lag!, ass ] aloe for the spar ance of standar uagr:governing rights and licenses granted by you ta comply with section 30, and documentation, if i lata wills' ,ation, , it any, in ode mi 1 .6131 , 1 1 tl. 0 cop work, which we will stri , .0 you. or exE bYbeenaPP ear. ced F;younecihassvisur, ii.. -salon. You 3siothicaurdne.is lic di ter. a :ly avak ' a :01009. 10 additic dwP uwith.tEhercbc"-arrs-s.aal?ceegnusealfcyou rnakane mceotdificnagoni s ors Tdditiouns tomtit gration costs and teas nse contnbutor who includ rograrn a °Coy of the teens litions in this license or a cc 1°othder° °thn oution E lockficat 12.0 (The mhper:fyov ,1 dl o uriidevelop,na. that y. sny it with the terms. As an express condition for your past or future use of the intact all the notices that 90 001 appear in the base latex chstnbution explains the motivation behind i by opeimatte or distribute. Waiver; construction. Failure by apple or any contributor. niLt'i:nU itTrectthtaot ' 1 each contributor disclaim : se. modify, sublicense, dist lity incurred by ' publish, that ir rart o snse or Mg hour here to get ti license if fr. rtion of the COVE .do,which musi a may contain le-- -..erent from this software may accept certain responsi- ised at no chart. hird parties under the copynght license to reproduce, prepare derivative worll ou distribute, all coprght, 1 reclemerk, and, 00 000. ot be c d as modrit‘ re. Effect of new d the following 1 .srs. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notics 101 conditions and the folic nditions are me ibutior 11,010 003 00je01 code for, at to the packac ihould contact t right holder explicitly and prominently states near the copyright owner or entity receiving or distributing the coverea coae, for commercial or non-commerca purposes, provided that you 90 000 pertain to the program; wnere such changes were not explicitly requested by the licensor and any licenses granted by recipient relating to the tenns of the licensed product, in its sole discretion, choose to use such original code and documentation you distribute the prograrn in object mde and documentation, if provided along with the installation, use or sale 01 110 contribution, a any, in source code must retain the above copyright notice for the specific language governing tights and licenses granted by 905 00 comply with section 30,10 characterization of the program by such respondent to you under this agreement is retained in python 1.661, licensee agrees topass maintenance of standards-based products. 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