HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2014-09-03, Page 1212 Huron Expositor • Wednesday, September 3, 2014
Cracking down on distracted driving
Huron County OPP
dedicating more officers
to making roads safer
Motorists who talk on cell
phones, text or engage in other
forms of distraction while driv-
ing, will be easier to spot now
that the Ontario Provincial
Police (OPP) is dedicating
more police vehicles to
enforce Ontario's Distracted
Driving legislation full-time.
Ten unmarked police vehi-
cles took over the roads
Labour Day Long Weekend
province -wide and the OPP
anticipated the additional
Resident loses
$1,000 in
grandparent scam
NORTH HURON -A North Huron
Township resident contacted the
Huron County OPP on Aug. 18,
to report having fallen victim to
the old "grandparent scam".
A police officer met with the
victim, who advised she is an
resources would be a much-
needed measure to make
Ontario roads safer for those
who share the road with dis-
tracted drivers.
Thirty-five people have died
so far this year in motor vehi-
cle collisions (within OPP
jurisdiction) in which an inat-
tentive driver was a contribut-
ing factor.
In 2013, 86 people died in
distraction -related collisions.
This category of road fatality
educated female in her fif-
ties. She went on to explain ear-
lier in the day she had received
a phone call from someone
claiming to be her nephew.
He told her that he had been
arrested for impaired and was
in a "Drunk Tank" in New Brun-
swick and sounded intoxicated
while talking to her. A second
male came on the phone advis-
ing he was a lawyer. The law-
yer told her if she could send
money right away, her nephew
surpassed both impaired -
related and speed -related
deaths investigated by the OPP
last year.
Since Ontario's distracted
driving laws were introduced
in 2009, the OPP has investi-
gated 374 inattentive -related
road deaths, as of Aug. 25.
"Our officers remain deeply
concemed with the number of
drivers they see driving dis-
tracted, especially those who
talk on cell phones or even
worse - texting, which is one of
the most dangerous activities
to engage in while driving,"
said Chief Superintendent
would only have to pay the
$1,000 insurance deduct-
ible for hitting the other car and
would avoid a criminal record.
The lawyer" gave instructions
to purchase a Visa Pay Power
credit card for $1,000. The vic-
tim immediately purchased two
$500 cards, which she paid for
using her own credit card. The
lawyer" then called her back a
short while later and she read the
card numbers and the security
numbers on the back of the cards
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, the list of all persons entitled to be electors for municipal
elections in this municipality has been prepared by the Clerk's office.
As of September 1, 2014 all electors should ensure that their names and relevant information are
correct on the Voters' List.
A person may make an application to the Clerk requesting that the person's name be added to or
removed from the Voters' List or that information on the Voters' List relating to the person be
amended by completing and filing the prescribed form available at:
The Office of the Clerk
72 Main St. S., Seaforth, ON NOK
during regular office hours between September 2, 2014 to October 24, 2014 and to the close of
voting on October 27, 2014. The application shall be in writing on the appropriate form (Form
EL15 or EL16) available at the municipal office and shall be filed in person, by the applicant or
his/her agent or by mail, by the applicant. Proof of identity and residence as prescribed in 0.
Reg. 304/14 will be required.
A persons is entitled to vote in a municipal election if he or she on voting day,
— resides in the local municipality, or is the owner or tenant of land in the municipality, or
the spouse of such owner or tenant; and
is a Canadian citizen, and
is at least 18 years old, and
is not prohibited from voting by law.
Brad Knight, CAO/Clerk
Municipality of Huron East
Chuck Cox, commander, OPP
Highway Safety Division.
"Regardless of how safe a
driver, passenger or pedestrian
you may be, you should be
equally concerned about the
number of motorists who risk
your life by not paying full
attention to safely sharing the
road with you'
The vehicles are being imple-
mented on the heels of a survey
of licenced Ontario students, in
which almost 50 per cent of
Grade 12 students admitted to
texting while driving.
As of June 30, the OPP had
laid over 10,000 charges to
back to him. He assured her he
would take care of everything.
A few hours later the resident
received a call from her "nephew"
asking for more money. He spoke
with a slight French accent. The
victim then became suspicious
and asked for a picture of the
nephew via his cell phone. When
he said he couldn't do this, she
realized she had been scammed.
She contacted police, but
prior to an officer arriving at
her home she got in con-
tact with her real nephew who
was alive and well in Alberta.
The Huron County OPP and
the Canadian Anti -Fraud Cen-
tre are continuing their inves-
tigation into this incident.
Local police want to remind resi-
dents to always be on guard.
Pressure is the tactic used in
many scams. There is an urgency
presented to the victim that
causes them to make hasty deci-
sions, remember scammers are
counting on the fact that you will
want to act quickly to help your
Ontario motorists who were
caught driving while distracted.
Huron County OPP officers
have charged 172 drivers this
year under the Ontario Dis-
tracted Driving Legislation.
This number is trending
slightly below the number of
charges for the 2013 year.
Research shows there is a
common mindset among
drivers who feel they can talk
on their cell phone, text, or
engage in other driver distrac-
tions and do so safely. For this
reason, when you are in a
vehicle and the person driving
engages in any form of
loved ones in an emergency.
Before acting however
remember the following;
Never send money to anyone
you don't know and trust. Ver-
ify the person's identity before
you take any steps to help.
Scammers usually want you to
keep things confidential; this
should raise your suspicions.
Don't give out any personal
information to the caller.
Investigate by asking the person
questions that only your loved one
would be able to answer. Call the
child's parents or friends to ver-
ify the story. Ask yourself, does
the caller's story make sense?
Educate your relatives, friends,
and neighbours about this scam.
If you ever feel as though you
have been scammed, report
the matter immediately to the
Canadian Anti -Fraud Centre
at 1-888-495-8501 or online
at www.antifraudcentre.ca.
As well, reportthe matter to the OPP
at 1-888-310-1122. Athough it
(519)525-2671 or (519)527.0724
Linda Reaume
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distraction, take charge of your
own safety. Never be afraid to
speak up. Tell the driver to
focus entirely on driving and
remind them that they are
placing your life in danger and
that you have the right to be
With school buses and
pedestrians traveling to and
from schools begin this week;
the OPP is urging all motorists
who engage in distraction to
come to terms with the reality
that there is no such thing as a
"safe" distracted driver and
that all distracted drivers pose
a threat on our roads.
may be difficultto recover the
money lost to a scam, by report-
ing the scam to authorities you are
waming other people about the
scam and minimizing the chances
of the scam spreading further.
Police called to
ATV collision
18, Huron County OPP offic-
ers were dispatched to an All
Terrain Vehicle (ATV) collision
on Fish and Game Line north
of Huron Road around 9 p.m.
Further investigation revealed
the AN been driven north bound
on Fish and Game Line approxi-
mately 500 meters north of Huron
Road, when the driver lost control.
The vehicle entered the east
ditch and veered back onto
the gravel roadway where
it tipped onto its side.
Two of the male riders were
able to get loose and away
from the vehicle, while a third
was trapped underneath.
The Central Huron Fire Depart-
ment and the Huron EMS removed
the trapped 14 -year-old male from
undemeath the AN He was trans-
ported to a local hospital and sub-
sequently to London by air ambu-
lance for treatment for his major
but non -life threatening injuries.
The 13 -year-old male
driver sustained minor inju-
ries while the third male, 14
years of age was uninjured.
Al three are residents of the
Municipality of Central Huron.
The Huron County OPP is continuing
their investigation into this collision.
Any person with information regard-
ing this incident should immedi-
ately contact Huron OPP at 1-888-
310-1122 or (519) 524-8314.
Should you wish to remain anony-
mous, you may call Crime Stoppers
at 1 -800 -222 -TIPS (8477), where
you may be eligible to receive a
cash reward of up to $2,000.