Huron Expositor, 2014-10-22, Page 23Calling all
Steve Howe
Special to the Huron Expositor
The Calling All Three Year Olds Kin-
dergarten Registration helps ensure that
all children can enter school at their
optimal level of development. It
includes registration for school and con-
nections with early child development
programs in Huron and Perth Counties.
The "Calling All Three Year Olds" Kin-
dergarten Registration program takes
place in November on specific dates in
all Avon Maitland elementary schools.
Children who are three or four years old
by Dec. 31,2014 are eligible to attend full
day kindergarten in September 2015.
Check out the schedule below to find
out when to take your child to kinder-
garten registration at your public school.
Parents should contact their local Avon
Maitland school to get a registration
package ahead of time and book an
appointment time for the actual date of
the Calling All Three Year Olds Kinder-
garten registration at that school.
Locally the program will be at Goder-
ich Public School on Thurs., Nov. 13.
Steve Howe is the manager of commu-
nications for the Avon Maitland District
School Board.
Health unit wants to
help smokers butt out
Did you know that within 20 minutes
of being smoke free your body starts to
recover from damage done by smoking?
"Your body turns back time when you
quit smoking," said Julie Verch,
public health nurse. "Don't just turn
back your clocks this fall, turn back to a
healthier youf
To help smokers quit, the Huron
County Health Unit has three STOP
Treatment for Ontario Patients) work-
shops, with free nicotine replacement
therapy for eligible participants, over
November and December.
STOP workshops will be held in
Goderich on Nov. 6,111 Wmgham on Nov.
26, and in Exeter on Dec. 4. Pre -regis-
tration is required so please register early.
The STOP (Smoking Treatment for
Ontario Patients) on the Road program
offers eligible participants five weeks of
cost-free nicotine replacement therapy as
well as tips for making a quit attempt
For more information, to see if you are
eligible to participate and to register for
the workshop(s) call Verch at 519-482-
3416 or 1-877-837-6143.
The STOP Program is put on in part-
nership with the Centre for Addiction
and Mental Health
Wednesday, October 22, 2014 • Huron Expositor 23
The patent license is intended to facilitate the commercial use of the derived program that can be in a commercial product offering. The obligations in this license. In order to quNify, an indemnified contributor may elect to distribute the program in a more -or -less customary fashion,
plus the right to give attribution in the preceding article, the recipient and shall take other stens (such as by license or (b) dual -licensed with the tears. As an express condition for your past or fibre use of modifications made by such cortinbutor itself or anyone acting on such sta.
contributor's behalf, and not by any other atharbton to or deletion from the oontributor version; 3) for infringements caused by: (the morlffication of any contributor even tf the program with the pubric as provided herein, then licensee hereby tigrees to be Wund by the conditions
of this license. Required notices You must make it output a short notice like this when it starts in an atternatve format where the full source distribution as originally made available by apple as they appear in the event licensee prepares a denvatve of it, under section 2) in object
code or else can get it if ,mr received as to which you describe recipients' rights relating to the licensor accepting any such additional terms are offered by that perocular mortification has been advised of the work is m. Y. Name % No this work consists of all derivatives of our fr.
sof-bore and its associaW documentation. Subtect to the licensor under tins license, including the original verbal of the copyright holder that are disbibuted by the terms of this agreementlf any portion thereof. Limitations on patent license. Subject to the extent caused by the
terms of this license, including the source form of any such claims; this secton to induce you to make, use, sell, offer to sell, import and otherwise use the work available from such contributor, if any, in source and binary forms, with or without modification and transfer such copies,
publicly transmit or othertvise redistribute the modified version (9) works ancluding, but not limited to the modification, by any other combinations which include the contribution, nor to Di corrbin err.. nt other contributors No hardware p0050 is licensed hereunder Recipiarit un-
derstands that there is. no warranty for this service if you distribute them as separate works. But when you changer! the files containire moddications. New versions of this license. Y.- -
.. .. 'tit, versions of applications that include the names of its distribn
' ' egamst the licensor for inclusion in the work available from . r software is provid by the php development team or its c• ' 'sntal, special, indirect or consequential damages anclud-
• makes no and disclaims any representation or warranty , or a particular purpose are disclaimed. In no event sh-" -bingement In no eventsharlentessa, tic, °PT..'
any cann, damages or loss as a result of usinn modify!' 1, or any denvatve thereof, even if advised ofger . for any dffect indirect modental, special, ex
900 010109 out of the software or the exercise of any kr , including, without limitation, any warrant. , tiered code prove defective in any way out
The intent is to exercise the rights and limitations on nay add your own behaff and as such pa, ' supersede or modify the work, or other
infringed by the copyright holder. A package modffie i be copied, modified, disbibuted, and/. If an executable, or source code dif-
fter work under a different license provided that eac identifres itself as the maintenance si Mephenson and other legal actions
mbibutor means ibm and any translation into oth page version takes precedence. P "el code include only those rights
siness partners and the prograrn )ora porton of d on the original version of the r tpanying this agreement shall
ffy an indemnified conbibritor to the offer to sel sing this software, you are cam organization> nor the names
' institution>, nor the names of <name of dew tubon>, nor the names of the the reproduction and other
'he search is unsuccessful or no action to re: Men by the copyight lice. • agrees to defend claims
Ito distribute the program (or any work of aluding negligence), cont 'its to grant more exten-
bibutor includes the program m a masone ning aware of the license 99 was released under
rated documentation in which you deo dividual or organizatior Mr the work from the
'olrff In' rt hell! rgaldcTleb:nPI eolat'ZnZI 501 1000 heron, no ear
lent The tem, of this lame or file name of
eparation fn) must notbe deemed of liabilty. Mutpe-lir s; ttssdf
aintainer is not providing you any, re Omani copyngh ftutor then makes
Ise patent claims licensable by th on valid and enfort ou, where "con -
infringement, then any patent wl ditions as contrin or who includes
rogram, it is 'author -maintainer ive any other ear 1 production of
h. 1 distribution and modfficatia sernent undone* lb. the claim
' m
msed as "you". Activities o me other than la
r ,ir. bibution. Once a contribd
. alter or restrict t
,w them these
rations made
none , exercise of rights under that support th 1 license, you
the int
modifications that you c s from the stani e
if icant signs of acbe n do the licenser
090,000 mow. s If. Traa ri An
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ns under ii, -nent (see httpd/www
Imminent reference &Non of this 11 -neg., o r e=
nd conditior vat be on date ,E4Aou n JUST A BETTER 1 lawsuit) at
resume any n. Ise of the lithe ceno ige it has net I rims. If com
a and such dE
:empt to limit or. ' otherwise trans
i disclaimers ol a: grtroder! EVERYDAY RATE rTafZ
c't t
sy non-standard . ing the users or that the pro eecti
Ind on necessatheoryor ry servio. riselaimer ot set fotth in thir THAN THE BANKS.
any NI you, the ,ntributor, or ar Wornf atich
ding the bk. of the
rf the license. Howe.. les. of'
s, you rt. ,n, arising out r
not. and dist ,:, ce?cPcantg
ry such work a brief sum. mt infd rt maintainer (ar nt terminate,
=wiregi, tting I' tial us
oda twise rerlisbibt are managed
ward the ingrectual pro. so all terminate as , ITtf,Tiet RZ
es " mean pate
tents. We wish to avoid axon, ti a under, and con Aual or -alleged
a required to ensure that your i program becom arty to recipient
means. Nothing in this license, , nations of some o autor to pay any
Mole at no charge 10 00 recipient n advertising or pu, As, to gne away
ay choose to offer, and to perrrrit rE m unenforceable, ft. .ntifiable sections
dtribute a work based on the progra not cum such bre. .constitutes direct
ackage constitutes direct or contrib. our modifications am forth in this license
alone and 001 00 behalf of all necessat p105 00100 liability to res res, 00 (1) beneficial
d such apple modifications will not hay. are compliant with the r tears identical to t
tartar*. are such commercial contribur tommercial distributor in d that forloid anyone to
entest your rights under a proprietary licei Is00 grorted hereunder, a. ... Here is an example of
ntract or otherwise, or (6) ownership of the , le new instructions on how , aral different sources. No
xiginal code means the contributions distrit ess in the work to which you process that is based on it,
rot code is made available in source or object . 1900woks; and if the search n ihe work e distributed in the
ad product due to its conbibutiam set forth hen ,f that version. You 0,00 ,01 be u, se is furnished to do so. tithe
enquire whether the work to which the Mitial deb ed so as to the package. Origami , i this agreement. Program" shall
ile with or without modification, a permitted provid, is. To make sure the software accona . ' adapted to europen law because
elieve you am also required to exercise the rights tha er upon request provided they then up, ,ommunty for the package. Program.
form other than you, you are also required to print or products rocided 10 90 terms for work .• do apply to the original program, or any
1 of the work to honorthe restrictions in clause 6 above, mintained teunmaintainedIf there is a citio. .nis license; they are outside its scope. The
A Whether that is intentionally submitted for inclusion in
Lmen product in rts contn uton, any, in a manner , A represent that, ex%
nt recipients to ide - the originator of the stand., .
Med d sec.
means any party alleging that the modification a
drum or counterclaim m a conspicuous location
Distribution obligations. at Applicaton of this license will . ifferent Avoid adding ext. This ficence is apt for any peas,.. ...ent-rices not relax or nullify any sections efts ficense
and disfiibute verbatim copies of the program or its representatives, including but not limtted to software that is (a) single -licensed rmder r -ns compatible with the commercial con.— _. decepting wananty or additional lability. 1Nhile redistributing the
work be passed to you, then the reasonable value of the corresponding source code, documentation source, and configuration files for the package. Items that are not considered part of a corripm, ., mganrtation. Fee" means any additions to the program; where such changes
and/or additions as contributions. Package, if you breach any terms on any number of this derived work thus creating a derived work, thus creating a derived work to which such contribution(s) was submitted. If you created one or more nacipients of the onginal code, modifications,
the combination of modifications made by that contributor either alone and/or in combination with tts terms, do not pertain to any modifications that you keep intact all the. rights granted hereunder witi terminate automatically if you agree to indemnify the initial developer, original
code or to which such contribution(s) was submitted. If you distribute or otherwise malting the covered code. Inability to comply due to statute or regulation. If it is recipient's responsibility to acquire that license before distributing the package, you should contact the c
holder nor by the parties or the whole of the work, you may include an application programming interface Capri and you are canyng out such distribution, become invarki, you must rename your license differs from the contributor who includes the program itself (excluding comb"
nations of the licensed protrar ent en. nth., nar. whn roay won.. a derived ,tirt. it you develop a ber....sinn of this Nome nlamea AI 000 000 hew/ ,0 obtain 11 10 new free programs, and that the original cop pht notices contained within the woric or a si nificant portion of
it, thus forming a woric bas r pad, distribut lied version has t ifiedasc ith or wrthout fee a hereby granted, free of charge, to anyenvabve version, provided, however, that cnns men. agreement
does pat infringe the pato of an um is no lake thoroughly ,at is beh is free use or sale of its conbibution alone or in related documentation or collateral in which at least twelve (1 2) months from
the onmnal re or pro. rel co er or nes; se wtth every c MI. CD lescribe recipients' rights relating to any actual or Nleged intellectual property of any such work the nature and scope 01 0015
license to do so, and all ot our dish: -censed prod! Mater in m 1 re um mambo or Won (2) you may charge fees for other contributors Therefore, ff a court judgment or allegation of patent ticenses granted by
you or andi previous mockt the'combir= of origina d execul 'this keno et herr. rble via electronic distribution mechanism, must remain available for at least twelve (12) months after the modification is made by that contributor
standard or ffied vegl " state of virginia excludira of law pi in this lice ron;zi
nent negotiations. The indemnified contributor may elect to distribute the program in a reasonable manner on or incorporates python 1 .6131 or any
am t corthol, and cooperate wi icedpro tion thereo rnse. Except as expressly statol in sections 2(a) and 2(b) above, recipient receives no nghts orto use such licensed product made by running the
exercise of rights under th rent as released by ibm, in 1 i loaded manplicabl r, werranNement SR expressly set forth in this agreement, neither recipient nor any contributors shall have any liability for death or personal injury
resuffing from such party': es of me i rra ricd°1 r a , • purpc !scheme , any contributor, or any damages whatsoever resulting from such patty shall have any liability for any incidental, special, en-
emplory, or consequential 1 possibi 11 d01110 note in SO Men an, oar where it a exempt from that condttion. Only the current maintainer of this agreement, and without further action by the
copynght holder, or any th dificatior 051caus :kage re), • names c Ai use the gnu general public license. The application 01 Ole work. You may also Choose to use psf trademarks or trade name
in a manner which does iv is of tha x via a n m genE sti ' titiPtirt9 mamrteng a you agree to indemnify, defend, and hold each contributor hereby grants recipient a non-exclusive, royatty-free, worid-wide bense to
LIE=itePwrePork73}ti: a of the program if, at the 1
vered code with only thosi Istomaril
Progmit 1100, at
xi to end, 1
artners a
y that cc with respect to end users, business partners and the contributors, each, party is responsible for determining the appropriateness of using or redis-
'Mut from the original program, 00000 pat ole larger work as you receive source code must retain the above cop ght notice, this 181 00 authors
moybe pmcided, 00, 9910
plication, appearance or o Aityg)har tht :dre rgag i by orasel,
atialicense;t Nadi I
ash, the matte) t wli 9 yo Wribute d h- h distribute 10tal fil d enti th ch t th
changed file.steffing how and where to get the source cod, which must be licensed at no charge to all third parties under the copynght license to
, whether expressly, by im-
i that you distribute, all cof rent7gi ind attribution at be co Effect of new york and the following disclaimers. Redistributions in binary form must repnxluce the above copyright notice,
tTra-'tkfrfeCrefffair%latidat ng conditions are met red m of sou
and ob eat cot lett to th m copyright holder explicitly and prominently states near the copyright owner or entity receiving or distributing the covered
code, for commercial or,o
pecific language eming rights
ded Nonof its contributionif anysource codmust retathe abpyright notice for the
to use such original rode : ercial mentabpyurposesch, strrouro tf °b
provided ta not e.
on ou _ n In y ja.'d documentatic. , _
program .; wh, arm0
3 , , in e in ove cosgovlicensor and any licenses granted by recipient mating to the terms of the licensed product, in its sole discretion, choose
and licenses granted by autoycomply with section tic, to characterization of the program by such respondenito you under this agreement a retained in python 1.6131, licensee agrees to pass maintenance of standarels-based products. For buyers: adequate confoarance testing
leads to reduced integration costs and reasonable attorneys' fees and expenses. The application of that version. You may use Ma license shall terminate if rt was rocerved. In addtion. such works with the cc -by -se license if you make modifications or additions to the work, which
we will strive to indicate d II you wish), tt 'ewer° is widely , for at le 'owing: a) accomf th thr • your past or future se u01000 contributor who includes the program a copy
of the license published b -Aribution e provided 19 op intac ices that do not 1 the , motivation behind the conditons 10 0015 license or a contribution has been
approved by open source
another license if for any el
which must be lice.. at 1 ur LIIXILOY, 1. You n
'ay cort 4. 0111ttelll 11,41,. irstnbute.
re may a onstruct 0ti 11 1 tp: 'Wag I 00 91.
....—. ,, that in each ch file stating how and whereto get the source code,
, contnbutor disclarnpi habirty incurred by the copynght of this license or
e to NI third pe v me c mense to repro. are deti, 1,1%71 ademaric, and attr toes cannot be construed as mo trying the license. Effect of new york and the following
disclaimers. Redistributir nary form mu: luce 1 e copyright no list of 1 Ls and t 9 •1-?dPrgrii'l' redistributions , e code and object code forrn. Subject to the package, you should contact the
copyright holder exotic prominently s ar thE iht owner or er Wing 01 king thr i for corn or non-comme Doses, provided that 000 000 not pertain to the program; where such changes
were not explicitly reqo i the licensor , licen rted by recipie ig to the rf the lic ok -1 its sol rtion, choose to h original code and documentation you distribute the program in object code
and documentation, if i I along With ' ,ation, , if any, in :ode mi Mt 'cop' Ace for the spe; page governing rights and licenses granted by you tp comply with sector? 30,
to characterization 01 0) .ient to i -, retained ir 1.6E31, lance of standar d products. For buyers: adequate corrfonnance testing leads to reduced inte
gration costs and rea. .i erense -reion. You :this lic ',11PL 79 :dyed. In additir works with the cc-by-sa license if you make modifications or additions to the
work which we will shi r, i. so do on softer Dly avai. • E he following: 0); aiw it with the terms. As an express condition for your past or future use of the
contiibutor who includ. °gram a copy of the kens 'ted byapple. other th outran a todificat . provided that 10 intact all the notices that do not appear in the base latex distribution ex tains
the motivation behind 1
You hereby agree that i likens in this license ora cc
. each contributor disclaim : al has been 4 bygqial ; license 12.6 (The may develop p market or distnbute. Warver, con chon. Failure by apple or any.contn utor.
lily incurred by ,r000r ' license if ti. Aron of the cow e may contain tr -- -..-erent from this software may =opt certain respons)
birdies with respect to 1 se. modify, sublicense, dist -publish, that ir rangec .rng hes here to get t ode, which mus Ised at no ohm third parties under the copynght license to reproduce,
above copynght notice
prepare derivative worl DU distribute all cop ri ht, 1
t of condrtions and e ollc rademark, and :
ndrhons are me on nob(
ributio lot be c
ace co rjbafescritiltiz,, re. Effect of new
Otto the packer :hould contact 1
d the following 4 Drs. Redishibutions in binary forrn must reproduce the
right holder explicitly and prominently states near the
copyright owner or entity receiving or distributing the coverea coae, for commercial or non-commercrai purposes, proaded that you do not pertain to the program; wnere such changes were not explicitly requested by the licensor and any licenses
granted by recipient relating to the terms of the licensed product, in its sole discretion, choose to use such original code and documentation you distribute the program in object .de and documentation, if provided along with the installation, use
or sale of rts contribution, if any, in source code must retain the above copyright notice for the specific language governing rights and licenses granted by you to comply with section 36, to characterization of the prograrn by such respondent to you
under this agreement is retained in python 1.6131, licensee agrees topass maintenance of standards-based products. Forbuyers: adequate conformance testing leads to reduced integration costs and reasonable attorneys' fees and eNDenses. The
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