HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2014-10-15, Page 2020 Huron Expositor • Wednesday, October 15, 2014
Andy Bader, QM! Agency
A big hit
Liam Melady (20) of the Goderich Flyers collides with
Wil Marcy (8) of the Mitchell Hawks during Western Jr. C
hockey action in Mitchell Oct. 8. Both players are from
Seaforth and are key contributors for their respective
teams. Mitchell defeated Goderich 5-3.
Listen in Oct. 18 for the annual
Health Care Heroes Radiothon
Steph Smith
OMI Agency
It's that time of year again
where area hospital founda-
tions and CKNX come
together to raise much-
needed funds.
The 13th annual CKNX
Health Care Heroes Radio-
thon will kick off on Satur-
day, Oct. 18.
Listeners across Midwestern
Ontario will have the chance to
phone in between 9 a.m. and 5
p.m. to make a donation to the
participating hospital founda-
tion of their choice.
"On behalf of CKNX and
Blackburn Radio, Inc. we are
excited for another year of
inspirational fundraising and
quality entertainment. I hope
you will plan to join us," said
John Marshall, program direc-
tor of CKNXAM920, in a state-
ment on the event's website.
This year there will be 14
hospital foundations
participating in the Radiothon
including Seaforth, Goderich,
Chesley, Clinton, Durham,
Hanover, Kincardine, Lis-
towel, Markdale, Mount For-
est, Palmerston, St. Mary's,
Walkerton and Wingham.
The Seaforth Community
Hospital Foundation's goal is
$50,000, in order to purchase
a Zoll Defibrillator, as well as
fund an X -Ray Digital Porta-
ble Retrofit, while the AMGH
Foundation in Goderich is
raising money for their
endoscopy project, which
will cost around $38,000.
"First of all, there is wear and
tear on equipment that we peri-
odically have to replace," said
Andy Moore, executive director
for the AMGH Foundation.
"The donations brought in by
the Radiothon are another
source of revenue for the foun-
dations. Equipment costs
money and it's our responsibil-
ity as a community to make
sure it's up to date and there for
The Corporation of the County of Huron
has openings for citizen appointments to the following:
HURON (1) Huron County Library Board and
COUNTY (2) Huron County Accessibility Advisory Committee
Are you interested in library?
Do you want to make a difference in your community?
The County of Huron invites applications for the position of library trustee on
the Huron County Library Board. The position is voluntary, but receives a small
honorarium and expenses.
The Library Board is responsible for the governance of the Huron County Library.
The Board works closely with Huron County Council, which provides most of the
funding for the operations of the Library.
The Huron County Library provides public library services to all residents of the
County of Huron through twelve branch libraries located in towns and villages
across the County.
Meetings are usually held the fourth Wednesday of the month in the morning.
Candidates must be at least 18 years old, Canadian citizens, and residents of
Huron County.
Thank you for your interest in improving Huron County's Library!
Are you interested in disability issues?
Do you want to make a difference in your community?
The County of Huron invites applications for the position of member of the Huron
County Accessibility Advisory Committee (HCAAC). The position is voluntary, but
receives a small honorarium and expenses.
The HCAAC provides vision and advice to the Council of the County of Huron and
member Municipalities to create a welcoming, inclusive and accessible community.
The role of the HCAAC is to (1) advise Council on accessibility issues regarding
buildings, structures, municipal premises and services and (2) work with community
groups regarding accessibility issues.
Members come from different backgrounds, but the majority of members on the
HCAAC must be people with disabilities. The HCAAC is made up of 9 voting members
including: 5 persons with disabilities as defined in the Ontarians with Disabilities Act,
2001, S.O. 2001, Chapter 32, 1 person from professional disciplines; 1 elected official
and the Warden as ex -officio; and 1 citizen representative.
Thank you for your interest in improving Huron County's accessibility!
Please submit a written application/letter of interest by October 24, 2014 to:
Office of the County Clerk, Corporation of the County of Huron, 1 Court House Square, Goderich, ON N7A 1M2
EMAIL: scronin@huroncounty.ca FAX: (519) 524-2044
The County of Huron is an equal opportunity employer Accessibility accommodations are available for all parts of the recruitment process. Applicants need to make their needs known in advance.
Only those individuals selected for an interview will be contacted. Information is collected solely for the purpose of job selection under the provisions of the Municipal Freedom of Information and
Protection of Privacy Act.
us when we need it most:'
"The scopes are an impor-
tant piece of equipment that
need to be funded, espe-
cially because we have a lot
of seniors living in our com-
munity and county," Moore
said. "Getting various scopes
done becomes part of our
routine as we get older."
Moore said many members
of the community and regular
donors have become aware of
the hospital's needs through
not only the radiothon but
through the education the
foundation provides. He said
this year the foundation sent
out pamphlets for the Radio-
thon with information about
their endoscopy project
Between 2002 and 2013, the
Radiothon has raised a total of
$8.6M with $400,069 of that
total raised for the AMGH
Foundation alone. This
money has gone towards
funding a CT scanner, a mam-
mography suite and two anes-
thesia machines.
The Radiothon will be
broadcast in its entirety on
CKNX AM920 and intermit-
tently on 101.7 The One and
Classic Rock 94.5. There will
be a 20 -line telephone switch-
board setup and a crew of vol-
unteers to take calls and
accept donations, so be sure
to tune in on Oct. 18.
"It's important to note that
donations can be made
before, during and after the
Radiothon," Moore said.
"Those wishing to donate
can mail or drop off their
donations. They can also
donate online by clicking the
red 'donate now' button on
Seaforth Shuffleboard
Oct. 8
Men's high: Jim Howard, four
wins; Cor De Corte, Cor
Vanden Hoven and Hugo
Menheere, three wins
Ladies' high: Barb Howard,
four wins; Charlotte
Norton, three wins
Seaforth Stars Minor Hockey
Oct. 1
Mitchell Meteors -12
Seaforth Stars -1
Oct. 5
BCH Ice Dogs - 5
Seaforth Stars - 4
Oct. 7
Wingham Ironmen -11
Seaforth Stars - 7
Oct. 6
Mitchell Meteors - 6
Seaforth Stars - 1
GetYr Car or Trigleileich
before 'Old Man Winter' gets here!o,
for appointment
Warren Bennewies
Dublin, ON