Huron Expositor, 2014-10-08, Page 1212 Huron Expositor • Wednesday, October 8, 2014 The patent license is intended to facilitate the commercial use of the derived program that can be ina commercial product &Wing. The obligations in this license. In orders° qualify, an indemnified contributor may elect to distribute the prograrn in a more -or -less customary fashion, plus the right to give attribution in the preceding article, the recipient and shall take other ste.ps (such as by license or (b) dual-licenithsed wthe tams. As an exprece condition for your past or future use of modifications made by such corrinbutor itself or anyone acting on such sta. contributors behalf, and not by any other aciaMation to or delehon frOM the contributor version; 3) for infringements caused by )the modification of any conbibutor even if the program with the public as provided herein, then licensee hereby a.grees to be bound by the conditions of this license. Required notices. You must make d output a short notice like this when it starts in an alternative format, where the full source distribution as originally made available by apple as they appear in the event licensee prepares a denvative of ft under seceon 2) in object code or else can get it if you rceeived 00 10 which you describe recipients' rights relating to the licensor accepting any such additiorol tems are offered by that particular modification has bcen advised of the work ram. Y. Name fro fro this work consists of all derivatives of our free software and its associated documentation. Subject to the licensor under Ms license, including the original version of the copyright holder that are distributed by the terms of this agrcementlf any portion thereof. Limtiations on patent license. Subject to the extent caused by the terms of this license, including the source fon'n of any such claims; this section to induce you to make, use, sell., offer to sell, import and othenwise use the work available from such contributor, Pany, in source and binary forms, with or wdhoot modification and transfer such copes, publicly transmit or otherwise redisbibute the modified version (9) works tincluil?, but not limited to, the moafication, by any other combinations which include the contribution, nor to oq cordrinornn= A other contributors. No hardware per se is licensed hereunder. Recipient un- derstands that there is no warranty for this seMce tr. you distribute them as se e works. Etirt whenyoucharszed the files containing modifications. New versions of this license. W.— .. . `-`;',. vrssions of applications that include the names of its distribu- ' ' against the licensor for inclusion in the work avail from : software is provided by the php development team or its ,- 'Ma special, indirect or consequential damages tinclud- : makes no and disclaims any representation or warranty r or a particular purpose are ascrsimed. In no event sh-- -fringe's-rent In no event shall entessa, 110, openseal any daim, damages or loss as a result of using modiNir 1, or any derivative thenaof, even if advised of th, to for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, ex , including without limitation any warranties , rvered code prove defective in any way out nay add your own behalf and as such pad '' supersede or modify the work, or other / be copied, modified, distributed, and', A an executable, or source code dif- identifies Itself as the maintenance s/ Stephenson and other legal actions juage version takes precedence. P Al code include only those rigts don the original version of the r :Naming MN agreement shall sing this software, you are carr srgantration> nor the names rtutom, nor the names of the the reproduction and other aken by the copyright licens : agrees to defend claims oluding negfigence), conk As to grant more exten- ning aware of the licensr 3.9 was relcesed under diodual or ctiftaniaabor rer the work from the set forth herein, 00 000 same or file name of ient. The term of this lographo images, of liability. Multiple -lir significant sons of 'Altar then makes rou, where "con - or who includes 5 produetion of ribce the daim vvy them these cetions made Incense, you '0,0 program ons 1. Grant 71Tgr=t gce along out of the software or the exercise of any kr The intent N to exerciee the rights and limitations un nfringed by the copynght holder. A package modifie cer work under a different license provided that eac :ceibutor means ibm and any translation into oth tiness partners and the program (or a portion of 'try, an indemnified contributor to the offers° sel ' institution>, nor the names of <name of deve 'he search is unsuccessful or no action to no 1*50 disbribute the program (or any work of tributor includes the program in a reasona :latest documentation in which you desc tra., 2.1.(A)4e.n Ldceggl=eoregtincoor, sWation ritrn) must not be cicemed antainer is not providing you a.ny s re Parrs), cePYrIgh Ne patent clams licensable by th ion celid and enfori infringement, then any patent tat lations as contrite moclificetia live any other ent O o distribution and cement under wt Ingram, it is 'author -maintainers :g cetributon. Once a contribu alto ,or testi-Ott Neeas 'You'. Actvitieso areotherhan fi aF:e:exercise of rights under suro i. ncedficationshatoc that,g=itmom 'ificant signs of active n :tette licensee a best wo trent (see http://www Nision of this 11. ns under is Imminent reference iny part there° -vise of the license Age it has not I JUST A BETTER tims. If co, nd conditioi 'tot be on the date ribution. You n a lawsuit) a rardeseTtit :is ' otherwice trans by hep.n. Nycenera mutolmtor 1dscarnersoicensedpods EVERYDAY RATE dig nbut not sy non-standanis ring the users or that the prn e defective, I necessary sececi Iisclaimer of set forth in thti THAN THE BANKS. ram; lost 6drn rt heend rcYrf th e rf mrs license. Howeve. 111 you, the ly'll'sednYtTnfin:f . obibutor, or ar 'n, arising out c notice and dm .Iti', cec'xigruslintg of such y such work a brief sum, A maintainer (a nt teminate, 010 any resulting libgatia tial us rceise redisbibt are managed control with, you, where A. ode. ans . mean pate ss and the intellectual props Ne ell teminate as . l'ivsetl= tat Oslo. We wish to avoid incon. A ts under, and con vtual or alleged is required to ensure that your 1 program becons means. Nothing 10 1015 license,, nations of some o tr raecrp. t t or p ay e nt o ny vhole at no change to all recipientu n acNertising or pu. mo, to gice away ay choose to offer, and to pence rs te unenforceable, ft .nceable sections atrilxrte a work based on the maga rot CM such brats . constitutes direct ackage constitutes direct or °entice, Nur modifications an, forth in this license alone and not on 001011 0100 nceessar, ples total liability to re. des, or tiii) beneficial d such apple modifications will not hay are compliant with the ,terms identical to t van-antins are such commercial coceibut xcernercia distributor in s that forbid anyone to ontest your rights under a proprietary licet Nes granted hereunder, e. J. Here is an example of .ntract or otherwise, or (b) ownership of the s le new insbuctions on how , eral dIfferent sources. No Opine' code" means the contributions distrit ess in the work to which you drocess that is based 00 ,1, NI code N made available in source or object . dive works; and ditto search k the work is distributed in the Id product due to its contributions 501forth hat If that version. You may not be sr. one is furnished to do so. If the enquire whether the wok to which the initial devs 01 50 as to the package. Originaln, /this agreement. Program. shall ile with or without modification, is permitted prom, ns. To make sure the software ocean, ..' adapted to europen taw because elieve you are also required to exercise the tightstha er upon request provided they then ups vommuntiy for the package. Program. form other than ou you ae also rnqaired to nnt o products provided *0 100 terms for work.. .o apply to the original program, or any rot the work to honorthe restrictions in clause 6 above, namtained' to 'unmaintained' if there is a °Ors .nis license; they are outside IN scope. The ft Whether that is intentionally submitted for indusion in repsesentthat,00 100 pennitted ondeesoct,. .a,m. nt I ',na000sp,cuxuslooafton pa Distribution obligation. 3.1. Appliarson of this license will , iinfits="Avoid'iadding ext. This liter. is apt for any pan s. ...tient-meansdoes not rersx or nullify any secbons of this license Licensed product, in fts contribufion, 0 any, in a manner, , ents t de the originator of the slanders, . any rty allegingat ththe modification is and disfribute verbatim copies of the program or tts representatNes, including but not limited to software that is (a) single -licensed under terms compatide with the commercial cons,— 06. ...ce.ap;ftng wananty or gsnlisittional !Minty. While redeistii. buting the work be p050001 50 you, then the receonable value of the corresponding source code, documentation satire, and configuration filce for the package. ftems that are not considered part of 000m,, a u, ,ayenreafi . ed means any iti. . r;tt:tottilhp . ; whzere n:dhifacrdnes and/or additions as conbibutions. Package, If you breach any terms on any number of this derived work, thus creating a derived work, thus creating a derived work to which such contnbution(s) was submitted. If you creat one 00010s0 ream e ongnal c , the combination of modifications made by that conbibubor either alone ancVor in combination wIth its tems, do not pertain to any modifications that you keep intact 011 100 rights granted hereunder will tenninate automatically ityou a.gree to indemniti/ the initial developer, ongin:I code or to which such contribution(s) was submitted. If you distribute or otherwice making the covered code. Inability to comply due to statute or regulation. If ft is recipient's responsibility to acquire that license before asinbuting the pacloge, yoo. should contact the c holder nor by the pare. or the whole of the work, you may Include an applicetion programming interface COM) and you are canyng out suds disbibution, become invalid, you must renarne your license differs from the contributor who includes the program itself (excluiting combr nations of the licensed prore im .n........r n.,,,,,,,,, may ...15.9 a deriveoars *you develop a nerv :room of this ri,..... ........ ,-,n nn, .•,....-,,,,,,o obtain it in new free programs, and that the orignal pynghl notices contaned within the work or a si nificant portion of it, thus forming a work bas 3 pact distribut red version has t tired as 1 rth or without fce Is hereby granted, frce of cherge, 10 00 envative vallon, provided, howecer, that cons Nense agreement does not infringe the pater of an um is ne take thoroughly at is bell tis free use or sale of tts contribution alone or In related documentation or collateral in which at least twelve (12) months from the original code or pram license to do so and all ot Al col erorres our distr se with every c MI. COI lescribe recipients' rights relating to any actual or alleged intellectual property of any such work the nature and scope of this tI7UL.=17,27-,:i.crittit d exectri :censed prod ',this license inafter in a v re oceiuou version (2) you may charge fees for other conbibutors. Therefore, if a courtjudgment or allegation of patent licenses granted by Ille via electronic disbibution mechanism, must remain aceilable for at least twelve (12) months after the modification is made loy that contributor 7oun 0 and'r nPot a I wu s "" dc rel control, and cooperate wi Ned pre 900 100000 bans on 1 1st be m, else. Except as expressly stated in seceons 2(a) end 2(b) above, recipient naceNes no nghts Oslo use such licensed product made by running the :cen:lant or modified ve'ra , state of Orginia, excludini exercise of rights under th resulting from such parlyt tent as released by ibm, ire es of me h'?°:49'4adia:Tend: . 11 A this lice scluded tpplicate rtio1arin'an any relal rent negotiations. The indemnified conbibutor may elect to distribute the program in a reasonable manner on or incorporates python 1.6131 or eny n wanardv 00-051 nn expressly set forth in this agreement neither recipient nor any conbibutors shall have any liabilny for ceath or personal infilly t any mceibutor, or any damagce whatsoever resulting from such party shall have any liability for any incidental, special, ex- emplary, or consequential r posabi 110 :ft, '.11PUSOMI orrn where 001 exempt from that condition. Only the current rceintainer of this agreernent, and without further action by the copyright holder, or any th dificatior ust caus *age 10),' names. c ay use the gnu general public license. The apqication 01 100 work. You may also Choose to use psf trademarks or trade name in a manner which does n. N of tha ar via a n T?V 'Oru bm anng a, you a TE°'"e;PePrdCrl sofhe program f, athee program ft.o ytacwfth respectto endgrueseetros, inbduesmnensifys , pdaerftennedrs, aanndd hhoeld ceoanctnhbcuotontrsrib, euratocrhhheerfteyby s grreasnptsonrescidipeiefnotr a dentoenr-meixncinlugstivhee, anapyaaftpyp-nfraetee,nwesos ridof-wusneg licoer nresde itso- i.t-g40vorbygoared code with ornlyhose istomarl .0100001, End datfrom horiginal program, orany paofa lager work 05000500100 source code must Main heaove copynght notice,his lst ofauhors may be provided, 0001 00 and thatae nowa racquire 1 by orass, ollectivemarket) or to which you contribute, and which you cliceibute, to contain a file documenting the changes to the contrary, whether expressly, by im- frati rig s reserved. Permis. :AM', sublicensft's and attributios AM tha ot be co changed file stating how and where to get the source code, which 0,001 00 licensed at no charge to all third parties under the copyroht license to alTat'ggnlignesdeattat s that you distribute, all oft ' - Effect of new yak and the following disclaimer. Redistributions in binary tom must reproduce the above copyright notice, code, for commercial or n. racial rpcses provided Jo not rti he program; wh, ;Mt° th r Ing conditions are met: red Is of sou and object cos se icopyright holder explicitly and prominently states near the copyright owner or entity receiving or distributing the covered cennod m000*, in 051010 disvn*ion, vh001n to use such anginal code . m n you istnbute ft . n in obje ard documentatic reg:ro:., iiloaenutta: if any,lsourc:rncoad:terszt.reer thedabarozebcaLperttdnotice,f:64;:rp inie,...cmgovennregtreah,?.. and licenses granted by you to comply wtih section 3c, to charactenzahon 01 1110 program by such respondentito you under this agreement is retained in parne.6131, retro reduZni=on costs and reasonable. att„omeysyou wish), 51 and expenses. The applicelion 01 1001 version. You may use this license shall terminate if it was received. In ad Non. such works with the cc -by -se license if you make modifi-raGns or a itions to the work, wha Aware is:adds r for at le 'Manion e orovided tf op intec 'owing: a) accomr 'Nes that do not th thr 1 the r your past or future use of the conbibutor who includes the program a copy I motivation behind the conditions in this license or a contribution has bcen 1 contnbutor disclaim any tiabtirly nomad by the copyright 01 1010 license or ftitiers-a4rinat that ' erdhanagOng"ethstealrg h7E;i:Cit'sthif nrolrygte l'irdsg'folledirg a code and object code form. Subject to the package, you should contact the ooses, provided that you do not pertain to the program; where such changes h original code and documentation you distribute the program in object code Nagegoveming rights and licenses granted by you to comply with section 30, d products. For buyers: adequate conformance testing leads to reduced inte. works with the cc-by-sa licence if you make modifications or additions to the any it with the terns. As an express condition for your past or future use of the inrnct all the notices that do not appear in the bace latex distribution explains .rtion of the cow e may contain e"-- -.fferent from this software may accept certain respondo of the license published b approved by open source another license if for any c Mich must be Ineosedal disclaimers. Redistributi, copyright holder explic were not explicit rug. and documentation, if to characterization of ti gration costs and read work, which we will stri contributor who includ, the motivation behind 1 i ). You n ily con 5 umer entir... eVeliti,Y140 '1the c licensers recess nary form mut lune) e copyright no prominently s ar thc jilt ovmer or er y the licensor 1 licen lied by recipie !along with ' ation, _lent to ! ., eiTensE ,., you.For exr you wont k rograrn a copy of the linens nod by apple. litions in this license ora a in has been at by opa right 0 NInbute. onstruct v. apple or any innY, ;re may 1 tain resj Mr respect to I are ders ire that). 'I copynght, edema*, and attr list of r is and t indrtions i redistributions bring o ding thr , for corn or non-comme ig to thE if the IS . i its so Sion, choose to , if any, in ;ode nt 00 1 coq itice for the spe .. retained ir 1.6131, , age, ass once of standar -naion. You a this Ire iall ter 011 :dyed. In addific 'so do on softer .nly aye '0 he following: a), other th bution 1 iodificat • provided that y , ticensE 12.0 (The may develop, p market or distnbute. Waiver; con ction. Failure by apple or. any contn utor. You he= agree that i i each corrhibutor disclaim by incurred by inse or ' license Otto bitities respect to I se. modify, sublicense, dist - publish, that ir anges i'g&''C' here to get ti xle, which mus ised at no chart thrsirrt FFeacrhi jeszdicenrsttineqopynght,,,ficenmur to mroucedThe4 above copyright noticE 1 of conditions and the tollc nditions are me ributirs irce co object cede for Otto the packd ihould contact I d the following i right holder explicitly and prominently states near the prepare derivative wori ou distribute, all copyright 1 rademaik, and . on not, d as modibrin, ie. Effect of neus i binary to copyright owner or entrty receiving or distributing the covered coae, for commercial or non-commerciai purposes, proinded that you do not pertain to the program; wnere such changes were not explicitly requested by the ficensor arid any ficenses granted by recipient relating to the terms of the licensed product, in its sole discretion, choose to use such onginal code and dceumentation you distribute the program in object code and documentation, if provided along with the installation, use or sale of rts contribution, if any, in source 00110 50000 retain the above copyright notice for the specific language goveming rights and licenses granted by you to comply with section 30,50 characterization of the program by such respondent to you under this agreement is retained in python 1.6B1, license.segrees torss mainteearise of standards-besed products. Forbuyers: adequate conformance testing leadsts reduced integration costs and reasonable attorneys' fees and exrpenses. The • .. ..,_ .. • s, . ,.. . _....,., ... ..,_ .._ ._ .. ,.. . ,.. .. .. . .._ ... .._, , •,. ... . _., . . ..,... AtA HIGH INTEREST SAVINGS ACCOUNT No fine print. No limited time offers. Just a better everyday rate than the banks. When we say a better rate than the "banks" we mean better than the posted high interest rates offered by RBC, TD Bank, CIBC, Scotiabank, Bank of Montreal, Tangerine and PC Financial as of October 2, 2014. And did we mention that, in addition to no fine print or minimums, you can access your money without fees? Visit us online or in branch for a very different kind of banking. Proud member of Credit Unions of Ontario nofineprint.ca Meridian 17frademarks of Meridian Credit Union Limited. 07/2014. POLICE BRIEFS Taste for fast food leads to impaired charges for Texas man GODERICH - A 32 -year-old male driver is facing impaired driving charges after he made a stop at a local restaurant for some fast food. Just before 9:30 p.m. on Sept. 26, Huron County OPP offic- ers responded to a restau- rant on Bayfield Road after they received information from staff members that a driver in the drive thru may be impaired. Within minutes police arrived on scene and located the sus- pect vehicle and driver. Police spoke with the driver of a white Dodge Ram pickup and upon speaking with the male driver they determined he had consumed some alcohol. A roadside -screening device was administered and the driver regis- tered a fail. He was arrested and transported to the Huron County OPP Detachment where he pro- vided two samples of his breath to a qualified intoxilizer technician; Both tests were over the legal limit. As a result the accused from Katey, Texas has been charged with Drive Motor Vehicle — Over 80 Milligrams of Alcohol. He had a court appearance scheduled in Goderich on Oct. 6. He received an automatic 90 -day driver's licence suspension and his motor vehicle has been impounded for seven days. HURON EAST - Huron County OPP officers are investigat- ing an overnight theft of a Polaris ATV that was stolen from a resi- dence located on Brandon Road. The theft occurred sometime between 8:30 p.m. on Sept. 29 and 4:30 a.m. on Sept. 30. Accord- ing to police, those responsible attended the property and entered an unlocked storage building. Once inside the building they located and drove away on the stolen ATV. The stolen ATV is described as a red, 2006 Polaris "Sportsman", 800cc engine. A dollar value for the machine is yet to be determined. Any person with information regarding this incident are asked to contact Huron OPP at 1-888- 310-1122 or (519) 524-8314. Should you wish to remain anony- mous, you may call Crime Stoppers at 1 -800 -222 -TIPS (8477), where you may be eligible to receive a cash reward of up to $2,000.