HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2014-11-26, Page 3Wednesday, November 26, 2014 • Huron Expositor 3
Local art project hopes to help restore historic Seaforth round house
Whitney South
Huron Expositor
Over the last couple
months, storefronts along
Main Street have been show-
casing some original pieces of
artwork, created by local art-
ists, in the form of painted
Art Unhinged, a unique
project put together by the
Municipality of Huron East,
has brought together several
artists from across Huron
County in an effort to turn old
used doors into art. Several
were also featured at numer-
ous locations during the
Doors Open Huron County
event in September, including
the Seaforth Golf Club and
Commercial Hotel Suites.
Over the summer, a select
group of artisans worked hard
decorating different styles of
discarded doors with themes
ranging from beach style and
floral beauty, to scenes
straight from life in rural
Described as the ultimate
recycling project, Art
Unhinged will soon make its
way into the homes and gar-
dens of interested buyers,
keen to get their hands on a
door to call their very own.
This weekend, folks from all
over Huron County will get the
chance to own a one -of -a -kind
piece of art as the doors are
auctioned off at the annual
Collectibles, Crafts, Gifts and
Toy Show and Sale, Nov 29 and
30, at the Seaforth Agriplex, as
well as the community centre.
Net proceeds from the sale
of the Art Unhinged doors will
go toward future restoration of
the historic Seaforth Round
For former Seaforth resident
Paul Carroll, one of the artists
showcased, the subject he
chose to decorate his door was
meant as a way of giving a
cherished piece of art back to
the community he called
home for over two decades.
Inspired by the same design
adorning a stained glass win-
dow, which used to be fea-
tured in Carroll's front entry-
way at 131 Goderich St., the
door was created in hopes of
capturing the same connec-
tion to water and sailing
shared by his family.
"When we moved to Goder-
ich we took it with us,"
explained Carroll. "So when I
was looking for something
appropriate to the community
in Seaforth - we lived there for
around 25 years - I wanted
something that was relevant. I
thought, hey, this was part of
our lives for so many years,
this is what I should do:'
Carroll went on to say he
felt it was important to sup-
port the project in order to
help maintain a building
steeped in so much local
As former principal and
vice principal of Seaforth Pub-
lic School, Carroll remembers
how students would always
participate in the fall fair each
year by submitting entries to
the competitions found inside
the round house.
"It's a special piece of archi-
tecture and I just thought what
could I do to help support the
project," he said. "I figured I
took this piece of art away
from the community, now
they can have it back."
Before moving to Seaforth
in the 1970s, Carroll grew up
on the waterfront in Goderich,
where he helped out on a
commercial fishing boat at the
tender age of nine.
His grandfather and uncles
also worked on the water,
while his mother was a com-
mon site on the Goderich pier,
notorious for climbing up on
the bows of the huge passen-
ger boats only to dive off into
the water to the delight of vis-
iting passengers.
Though marine life has
always been a draw for Car-
roll, his other passion lies in
history and heritage projects
around Huron County.
"If we can't maintain a con-
nection with our roots some-
how, we can't set proper
directions for going forward,"
he explained. "It would be sad
to see buildings like the round
house set aside and tom down
because we lose a little bit of
ourselves when we do that."
Carroll went on to add even
though Art Unhinged is a pro-
ject taken on by Huron East,
it's really a heritage project
with a wider regional impact.
"The doors aren't just Sea -
forth and Huron East," he said.
"They represent all of us from
across the county, we're all in
this together."
Those hoping to put in an
early bid can do so on the
Municipality of Huron East
Facebook Page event - Art
Unhinged Auction.
For more information, and
to learn more about the artists
involved in Art Unhinged, visit
the Huron East Blog at http://
doors -are -opening -for -local -
artists or call 519-527-0160.
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Paul Carroll, former Seaforth resident and artist, is just one of the many artisans featured in the
Art Unhinged Project. His door was designed to recreate a special piece of stained glass with a
nautical theme.
Our Weekly Deadlines are as follows:
Friday @ 2:00 pm
*on Expositor
8 Main St., Seaforth
P H : 519-527-0240
Mon. - Fri. 9am - 5pm