Huron Expositor, 2014-11-12, Page 88 Huron Expositor • Wednesday, November 12,2014 The patent license is intended to facilitate the commercial use of the derived program that can be in a commercial product offering. The obligations in this license. In order to qualify, an indemnified contributor may elect to disbibute the program in a more -or -less customary fashion, plus the tight to give attribution in the preceding article, the reapient and shall take other steps (such as by Hcense or (b) dual -licensed with the terms. As an reprices condition for your past or future use of modifications made by such contribuber itseff or anyone acting on such contributoris behalf, and not by any ether adaptation to or deletion from the contributor versatn; 3) for inftingements caused by: i) the modification of any conbibutor even 0100 program with the public as plaided herein, then licensee hereby agrees to be bound by the conditions of this license. Required notices. You must make it output a short notice like this when it starts in an alternative format, where the full source disbibution as originally made available by apple as they appear in the event licensee prepares a derivative of it, under section 2) in object code or else can get it 0 wu received as to which you describe recipientsrights relating to the licensor accepting any such additional terms are offered by that particular modification has been areased of the work is m. Y. Name th, "th this work consists of en derivatives 0105r iree software and its associa,W documentation. Subject to the licensor under this license, including the original version of the cepyright holder that are distributed by the terms of this agreementlf any portion thereof. limitations on patent license. Suthect to the extent caused bythe terms of this license, including the source form of any such claims; this section to induce you to make, use, sell, offer to set, import and otherwise use the worn available from such conbibutor, if any, In source and binary forms, 111/1th or mahout modification and tra.nsfer suckcopes, publicly transmit or otherwise redistribute the modified version (9) works (ncluding, but not limited to, the modification, by any other combinations which include the contribution, nor to ) contribcerew rti other contributors. No hardware per se is licensed hereunden Recipient un- peceends that there N no warranty for this service if you distribute them as 1ework. Etht whanyouchanged the fifes containing modification:, New versions of this license. rs, • - -c-ert versions of applications that include the names of its distribth ' " 'against the licensor for inclusion in the work avalableirom. t software is proviced by the php development team oats c- ' '-ertal, special, indirect or consequentiN damages (NNW- , makes no and disclaims any representation or warranty . or a particular purpose are disclaimed. In no event sh-• -thnpernerit. In no event shall entecea, 110, opertheal thy claim, damages or loss as a result of using, modify: 1, or any dertvathe thereof, even if advised of the - for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, ex- aes atising out of the software or the exercise qf ery h , including, without limitation, any wananties c -xered code prove defective in any way out Thoifltntistoexnox,snthenghtsend Iin0000sUln flnyeddyourowdess1orhn., ' supwscee or modify the work or other 'nftinged by the copthght holder. A paekage modifie r be copied, modified, disbibuted, andF 00 00 executable, or source code ref- cer work under a driferea license pntvided that sed identifies itself as the maintenance sc trephenson and other legal actions entributor means ibm and any translation inth oth thage version takes precedence. P ed code include only those rights :these partners and the p ram (ora p01000 01 dos the original version of the r npanyipg thoisngreeLent shall Sv. an indemnified contri r to the offer to sel sing this software, you are cam institution>, nor the names of <name of dove tution>, nor the names of the 'rentepro. &notion and other on'th7r 'he search is unsuccessful or no actn to rm siren by the copyright kens ) agrees to defend claims Ito distribute the program (or any work of Icluding negligence), coce hls 10 00005 more eaten- hibutor includes the program in a reasons ning aware of the license 19 was released under elated cecumentation a which you desc trandual or organtratior ter the work from the ion 2.1(A) and by describe the ongin or set forth herein, no ass tame or file name of Mon is the banal code and object 001 lent The term of this lographic images, erporation arti must not be deemed al liability. Multiple -lir agnificant signs of trintainer is not Ise patent croviding you any v re primary copyrugh" tutor then makes laipms licensable by th itingement, then any patent wl I'd= das writer' au, where "con- ins who includes Togram, it is 'author-maintainee Pe any other enta production of h. 1 disbriceion and modificatire r stment under wl- ibes the claim 00 Zattribution. Once a cortithr alter or .sed as kyorf. Activities o : nastict t w me other than Iii themthese alone 1 exerdse of rights under sat, licioeneens myaodue mart modifthations that you 0 sitraggr slehtit muff' P1'. Ggrant'm thein,, •ificant signs of acre° n • 10 000 licensee e best wa nent (see nt httpd/www. ,rision ofn this lir thn or entity ns under a erommereference tf a contract nd conditire •ust be on the date ZuPtieoeou n JUST A BETTER t lawsuit) al- issume any n, I, and such de 'else of the 11001SE ' otherwise trans V; it has na I rims. If con- ary general tempt° limiter , iceritgol. EVERYDAY RATE ty non-standerd. ring the users or that the pro : nagePeTtinvc'e, i disclaimers ot II necessary space. tisclaimer of set forth in thit THAN THE BANKS. al you, the ,ceibutor, or ar a o f it. ITI 1 r 1 ingsThaenZiru re= e -Wised of , in, arising out c rf this license. Howeve, Int jai talc° and disc ': :it! crdtg tr you m ly such worn a brief sum. :,TntagwrertkItineitjeatriere, •ial us ode. It maintainer far :minter, rneredanistpatribu, Vet,e,,ft,IT er, z teed 1 Ise all tennirrste as t :7= Is and the tactual prcp,, tents. We wish to avoid incont 11 Gs under, and con thal or alleged is required to ensure that yout i program becom iity to recipient means. Nothing in this license, . taboos of some o. ricer to pay any ,holoat 00 011 te all recipient_ n advertising or pm, 405, 10 give away not cure such ftribute a worn based on the progra breac. . .s.ntifithyte.able sectithrectons ay choose to offer, and Co permit re te unceforseable, tt. thkage constates direct or conbibut our modifications am forth in this license alone and not on behalf of all necessar, ple's total liability to the res, or bib beneficial d such apple modifications will not hre, no compliant kat the e. ,ns identical 10 10000 variances are such commercial conttibui tommercial distributor in . that forbid anyone to antest your tights under a proprietary INN thes granted hereunder, .2.-. Here 15 00 example of ,ntract or otherwise, or (b) ownership of the t le new instructions on how, ecel different sources. No reginal code" means the contributions disbib ass in the work to which you riocess that is based on it, a code is made available in source or object , aye works; and if the search is .rte work is distributed in the tel product due to fts contributions set forth hen rf that version. You may not be u_ 00 15 furnished to do so. Ciba enquire whether the work to which the initial deve ed so as to the package. Original c., i this agreement. Program" shall Ile with or without modification, is parmdted provict )s. To make sure the software acartn, , adapted to eunapen law because elieve you ere also required to exercisable rights the. er upon request provided theythen upt., ,ommunith for the package. Prograrn. form other than you, you are also required to p051 01 products provided 10 100 terms for work.. -,a apply to the onginal program, or any i of the work to honor the restrictrions in clause 6 above, ntainecr t "ntaineda the ' it' nis license; they ere outside its scope. The 1). Whether that is 01 01, dlysubmitted for inclusion in I represent that, except as permitted under sect, ...aim or counterclarin in a conspicuous location Licensed product, in rts xnslrmbut100, 0 any, In a manner t nt recipients to identiN the originator of the standars . means any party alleging that the modification is Distribution obligations. 3.1. Applicabon of this license will . ifferent Avoid adding text This licence is aptmfor any p00.. ....ent'does 001 0100 or nullify any sections of this license and diceibute verbatim copies of ,teheasgrrezmairuits riceresentathes, including but not limited to software that is (a) single-ithensed underlenns compatible with e commerciel cone,— , ...ceepting warranty or additional liability. VVhile redisbibuting the work be passed to you, then the e o the corresponding source code, documentation source, and configurahon files for the package. Items that are not consa wed part of a C0111,1, . (agars:Nan. Fee" means any additions to the program; where such changes and/or additions as contributions Package, if you breach any feces on any number of this derived work, thus creating a derived work, thus creating a derived work to which such contribution(s) was submitted. If you created one or more thapents of the ongmacode, modifications, the combination of modtficalions made by that contributor either alone and/or in combination with its teces. do not pertain to any modifications that you keep intact all the riphts granted hereunder will terminate aceamatioally tf you agree to indemnify the inthal developer, original code or to which such conbibution(s) was submitted. If you distribute or otherwise making the covered code. Inability to comply due to statute or re.301010n. PC N recipiertis responsibility to acquire that license before tharioceng the package, you should contact the copyngirt holder nor by the parties or the whole of the work you may Include an application programming interface rapil and you ere canymg out such dilribution, trome invced, you must rename your license differs from the contnbutor who includes the program rtseff (excluding combi- nations of the licensed part, ..0.n,, ,.,„ ,,,,,,. r,,,, „ „,,,,„ ,...y akeeurie a deriver, m t, you develop a new.... ..9ths pificenue niece. an .tre tree hax 9 obtain Ole new free programs, and thatthe original copyright notices contained within the work or a significant portion of . t pace 6.1ftt 9t -ti 310C1 version has t thedethr rth or without fee is hereby granted, flee of cearge, 10 . any denvahve version, provided, however, that cnris license agreement does not infringe the pato ibshoo use or sale of its contribution alone or in related documentation or collateral in which at least twelve (12) months from the original code or previo 01 00 er or rest se with every c avers ca iespibe recipients' tights relating to any actual or alleged intellectual property of any such work the nature and scope of this you or any previous modil alone and not by any cont 9TC= unZbn'Of 'O'ggri control, and cooperute wi d °seers Ned pro 'sensed prod i this licenth 'ion there° ig tri Is'eonni ible via eleccenic distributon mechanism, must remain available for at least twelve (12) months after the modification N made by that conthbutor me. Except as ceporessly stated in sections 2(a) and 2(b) above, recipient receives no nghts or to use such ficensed product made by Riffling the license to do so, and all ot our distr 'natter in 01101 010 bk1111.11Z1.1 version (2) you may. charge fees for other contlibutors.lberefore, if a court judgment or allegation of patent licenses granted by standace or modifier' vers. 3 state of virgirea, excludirt of law pr . n is ra any re al nent negotiations The indemnified contributor may arse to distribute the program in a reasonable manner on or incorporates when 1.6131 or any . . . exercise of rights under thrent cereleased by ibrgn, in throe co 04 0010001cpplicabl n warrant, AvnAnt a expressly set forth in this agreement, neither recipient nor any contributors shal have any liability for dceth or personal injury resulting horn such party': ility and 1 rzi, t prep Nolan -ea r, any contributor, or any damages whatsoever resulting born such party shall have any liability for any incidence special, ex- emplary, or consequential i p05510ih dame , soi 11105 00 am where it is exempt front that condition. Only the current maintainer of tlbs agreement, and without further action by the copyright holder, or any th dificatce 051 0000 Nage te), 1 ' names: re you agretye utoseintdheetngnniufy,gdmefeernadp, aunbdlchloicldenesaec. h hcoe natpribpulctoarthoenreofbty hpe wanotrskreYcoiupiemnat ya anoson-cehxocolusse ivteo , urosyeapltysf-ftreaed,ewmoarrlkds-woirdte alidceennsaemtoe inamanerwhchdoesn'i";dtt trva an rnA''Pc*Pr,.ubmteng r=uPParedengsOThePintrattheraaefr etTI re aythag with especttoend users, businesspartnersand hecontributors, echparyis responsiblefordeteminingtheapproceceeness ofusingorrdis- tngleZebycoved codewh onyhere 1stomeil Tto end, adoresa rputfom heorginaproga, orany partofalargerwork asyoutoceiesoucecode must retan the abovecorsghtnotice, thsfistof authors maybeprovided, and pin pfication, appearance or c 741rts reserved. Fermis I by or assi. sublicense, -e ollectivel changed file.stating bow and where to get the source code, which must be licensed at no charge to all third parbes under the copynght license the 3115i1, tha narks') or to which you contribute, and which you disbibute, to contain a file documenting the changes to the cererary, whether expressly, by im- s that you distribute, all cop 'ilecetc% rid attributior, ot be ca Effect of new york and the follovring disclaimers. Redistributions a binary torn must reproduce the above copyright n , 005reTsituggn7giftret g a It d 1 ing conditions are met: red is of sou and object coe le copyright holder explicitly and prominently states near the copyright owner or entity receiving or distributing the covered th use such original code . . mentation you disbibute ti _ . n in obje and docu entati , riect to th,,,,,,,, 3 of fts contribution, Warty in source code must retain the above copynght notice for the specific language governing nghts code, for commercial or n arca purposm provided to not pi he program; wit, egrlo re licensor and any licenses granted by recipient relating to the thrrns a the licensed product, in its sole discretion, dices° and licenses granted by you to comply vrith section 3c, to characterization of tirs program by sucrrespogdereto you under this agreement is retained in python 1.6131, licensee agrees to pass maintenance of standards-based products. For buyers. adequate conformance testing leads to reduced integra costs and reasonable attorneys' fees and expenses -Ice application of that version. You may use this license shall teceinate if it was received. In addition, such worce with the cc-by-sa license if you make modificacens or additions to the work, which we will ceive to indicate cl ' It you wish), ti "ware is wideN • for at le Swing: a) accomp 11 100 • your past or future use of the contributor who includes the program a copy 01 000 license published b 'rsibution 2 orovided 911 p010100 'cos that do not 0000 motivation behind the conditions in this license or a contribution has been approved by open source .10000 tishibute. • placed x apple or any 00.10, contributor disclaim liabiltly incurred by the coppight of this license or anoher license if for any c .o. 0 0 Cr.- acon . thaw. a au,. rep P i7TF-iC-sWSt ; g . glwhich mustbe icensceaetoalhird pa trthec icons°toreproc ae det INhaty 'I copyrght! erereieifteCabeconstuedas moyingthe icse. Efectofnewyok and the followinP disclaimers. Redistribulii naryform mu: 10001 e copyright mil list of c is and t , mdrtions 1 redistributions i ,. code and object code form. Subject to the package, you should contact the copyright holder explic were not explicitly req. prominently s mithe licensor , Been ar the ill omer or en ted by 'potpie' oMtgig 5. tntilet PIC x., f 7.itrsorn1 or non-commo loses, provided that you do not pertain to the prograrn; where such changes and documentation, if 1 I abna with' ,ation, , it any, in ;ode nu :0a1g.r. , cop) dion, choose to rtice for the spa h original code and documentation you distribUte the program in object code mane governing rights and licenses granted by you to comply with section 30, to characterization altl _rent to , .., retained in 1.661, 1 Iss 1 ance of standar d products. For buyers: adequate conformance testing leads to reduced inte- gration costs and teas .. expense 'ion. You ) this lic ialfter. 1 it eived. In additk works with the cc-by-sa license if you make modifications or additions to the work, which we will shi , ., you. 1,13C13Y, you wisp), e . 'so do on, 3oftwan 31y ark • a he followin : a) i 01,5 it with the terms. As an express condition for your past or future 000 01 the contributor who includ rogram of a copy the !icons hed by apple. 09100 91 . 3ution e . license iodificat, provided at p all the notices that do not appear in the base latex distnbubon explains the motivation behind 1 lihons in this license 00 000 rn has been ay by °per i 2.0 The may develop, p market or distribute. Waiver; construction. Failure by apple or any contnbutor. You hereby agree that 1 to 1 i each contributor disclaim , lily incurred by right o xlse or license 11 1,. rtion 01 11100000 COW e may contain Cr— -'t.terent from this software may accopt certain responsi- blares wrth res se. modify sublicense dist ' publish, that,rhoe otgbe c • . . . . , prepare derive ive wori DU distnbute, all coprght, i rademark, and i xt notk dos modinj., re. Effect of new d the following l as. Ffedishibutions in binary ?dm must reproduce the above copyright notice 101 conditions and the folk nditions are me tauter, MCC COI 3bject code for, ct to the packac bould contact t right holder explicitly and prominently states near the copyright owner or entity recewing or distributing the coverea coae, for commercial or non -commerce purposes, provided that you do not pertain to the program; wnere such changes were not explicitly requested by the licensor and any licenses granted by recipient relating to the terms of the licensed product, 10 110 sole discretion, choose to use such original code and documentation you dishibute the program in object code and documentation, if provided along with the installation, use or sale 01 115 contribution, ifany, in source code 10051retain the above copyright notice for the spedfic language goveming rights and licenses granted by 1100 10 comply with sec -bon 30,10 characterization of the program by such respondent to you under this agreement is retained in python 1.6.131 , licensee agrees to ., maintenance of standards-based products. For buyas adequate conformance tmting leads ta reduced integration costs and reasonable attorneys' fees and ex s. The THE GOOD TO GROW At HIGH INTEREST SAVINGS ACCOUNT No fine print. No limited time offers. Just a better everyday rate than the banks. When we say a better rate than the "banks" we mean better than the posted high interest rates offered by RBC, TD Bank, CIBC, Scotiabank, Bank of Montreal, Tangerine and PC Financial as of November 5, 2014. And did we mention that, in addition to no fine print or minimums, you can access your money without fees? Visit us online or in branch for a very different kind of banking. Proud member of Credit Unions of Ontario nofineprint.ca Meridian .Trademarks of Meridian Credit Union Limited. 11/2014. Police Briefs Traffic stop in Huron East results in drug possession charges HURON EAST —A female driver and a male passenger are facing several charges following a traffic stop on Oct. 30. Police spotted a van traveling south- bound on Gorrie Line, near Amerley Road, just after 2 p.m. The officer followed the vehicle and watched as it pulled into a business parking lot lo- cated on Hwy 86. After checking the status of the li- cence plates, the officer determined the plates were associated to a male cur- rently wanted by police. Police spoke with the occupants and discovered the wanted male was not in the vehicle. Additional investigation revealed the female driver was driving with a suspended driver's licence. She was arrested and a search to arrest re- vealed both the female driver and male passenger were in possession of illegal drugs and drug paraphernalia. When the male was placed under ar- rest, an additional search revealed he was not only in possession of illegal drugs but also identification, a debit card and a credit card, which was con- trary to his conditions of release. As a result, the 21 -year-old female driver from Wroxeter was charged with several counts of possession including substances such as cocaine, metham- phetamines and marijuana. She has since been released from custody with a court date scheduled on Nov. 20 at the Ontario Court of Justice in Wingham. In addition, the 25 -year-old male pas- senger from Listowel has been charged with similar counts, in addition to failing to comply with recognizance. He has been released from custody and will also appear in Wingham court on Nov. 20. Female found with prohibited weapon HURON EAST — A 27 -year-old female Straford woman is facing numerous criminal charges after a traffic stop that took place on Nov. 2. Huron County OPP observed a vehicle traveling eastbound on Cranbrook Road near Brussels Line, just after 7 p.m. After stopping the driver, the officer determined a qualified driver was not present in the vehicle, which was a stip- ulation of her current driver's license. The officer also noticed the attached licence plates, as well as the validation sticker affixed to the plate, were stolen. The driver was then arrested and a search was completed. Police discovered a conducted energy weapon inside the vehicle. This prohibit- ed weapon is more commonly known as a "stun gun" or "Taser." Further checks revealed the vehicle was not insured and the driver was failing to comply with terms of her probation sentence. As a result, several charges were laid against the driver, including possession of a prohibited weapon and failure to comply with a probation order. She has since been released from custody with a court appearance sched- uled for Nov. 24, at the Ontario Court of Justice in Goderich.