HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2014-11-05, Page 66 Huron Expositor • Wednesday, November 5,2014
Letter to the Editor
St. Nick's
Shopping day
heads into its
9th year
To the Editor;
St. Nick's Christmas
Shopping Day, for Children
at St. Thomas' Anglican
Church in Seaforth, is com-
ing on Saturday, Dec. 6 from
9 a.m. until noon.
This is open to all kids
ages 3 to 13 to shop for
their family members by
giving a monetary donation
at the door.
Children, in turn, are
assisted by our helpful
elves to choose and wrap
up to six gifts each from
our great selection of
donated items, while their
parents wait behind,
enjoying refreshments and
checking out the silent
auction table. Now in our
9th year, we rely on our
generous community -
merchants, church congre-
gations and individuals -
to make this event an
overwhelming success.
Small gift items or mone-
tary tax-receiptable donations
are graciously welcomed and
can be dropped off at the
church's John Street entrance
on Friday mornings between
10 a.m. and 1 p.m.
Our Gift Assembly Day
will be held Saturday, Nov.
29 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
and we invite participation
from interested members of
the community.
And of course, we always
welcome assistance on the
shopping day. Please call
519-522-1435 for more
information or a list of
items needed.
Proceeds from the event
are given back to fund chil-
dren's programs or events
in our area. Through the
generosity of supporters
and shoppers, since we
began in 2006 over $12,000
has been returned to the
local communities of Sea -
forth, Clinton and Mitchell,
for programs benefiting
kids such as free skating at
local arenas, Huron County
Booster Club, Lion's Club,
Christmas food hampers,
Women's Shelter, non-
profit daycare centres,
summer camps, school
music programs, Public
Library on Wheels, Huron
Hospice Rainbows pro-
gram, Seaforth Optimists
Childhood Cancer Program
and others.
Thank you to all the 'St.
Nick's Elves' in our
neighbourhood for faith-
fully sharing their time,
talent and treasure with
this fun venture.
We also appreciate the
excellent press coverage and
photos of these events
through the years provided
by the Seaforth Expositor.
With your ongoing sup-
port, St. Nick's Christmas
Shopping Day will continue
to provide an exciting shop-
ping day for children, a
memorable Christmas
morning for families and far
reaching benefits for our
On behalf of the Anglican
Churches in Seaforth & Clinton,
Helen Oldfield
St. Nick's Coordinator
Letter to the Editor
Legion Dominion
president says
government has
failed veterans again
To the Editor;
With Nov. 11 just around
the corner, a great deal of
focus will once again
come upon the sacrifices
of the men and women
who gave their lives in the
service of Canada.
Millions of Canadians will
pay their respects to the sol-
diers, sailors, airmen and
airwomen, along with mem-
bers of the RCMP, who put
their lives on the line to pro-
tect us every day.
Yet each day that goes by,
the Government of Canada
is failing to take up the torch
and provide the proper care
and benefits for our ill and
injured veterans and their
families. Almost 40 experts
recently gave evidence
before the Parliamentary
Standing Committee on Vet-
erans Affairs (ACVA), laying
out in precise detail the situ-
ation faced by Canada's vet-
erans. The committee con-
sidered this evidence and
drafted a series of 14
The committee's report,
which was unanimously
supported by all of its mem-
bers (who represented all
political parties), laid out its
recommendations in a
straightforward manner that
the government could follow
to address ways in which
Canada could provide
enhanced care for its veter-
ans. And how did the gov-
ernment respond? Here is a
quote from the response, "...
the government is pleased to
indicate that it agrees with
the spirit and intent of the
vast majority of the commit-
tee's recommendations.
Many of these recommenda-
tions involve potentially
complex changes to some
veteran programming The
implications of any potential
changes must, therefore, be
carefully assessed' But wait
a second, Government just
heard from almost 40
experts; it has 14 recommen-
dations that clearly spell out
what needs to be done. What
more could possibly need to
be assessed?
This isn't a new situation.
The Government of Canada
has been dealing with veter-
ans since the end of the First
World War. Certainly the
government wants us to all
remember that 2014 marks
the 100th anniversary of this
conflict. But why the govern-
ment continues to have
almost the same issues in
looking after ill and injured
service personnel after all
these years is astonishing.
Studies, committee meet-
ings, expert evidence, and
countless reports over the
years have all spoken to the
() T
The Municipality of Central Huron has adopted Official Plan Amendment
17 which is a 5 year review of the Central Huron Official Plan. As the
approval authority, the County of Huron is inviting public comments
on the amendment and specifically Section 10.4.7 Renewable
Energy Policies and Section 10.4.8 Commercial Scale -Water Taking
as these Sections were modified by Central Huron following the
formal public meeting. The amendment is available for review
at the Municipality of Central Huron, 23 Albert Street Clinton, the
Huron County Planning and Development Department or on-line at
Please submit comments by December 5, 2014 by mail or e-mail to:
Huron County Planning and Development Department, 57 Napier Street,
Goderich, ON, N7A 1W2, E-mail: planning@huroncounty.ca
ea ort uronex.ositor.co
fact there are clearly short-
comings in veterans' care.
What is different now is
that the government has
clear directions to address
the major issues that will
improve the lives of veterans
and their families. Regretta-
bly what is the same is the
use of government -speak
such as, "Given the interde-
partmental, fiscal and legal
implications of this recom-
mendation, further due dili-
gence is required to address
this proposal."
The Royal Canadian
Legion will not idly stand by.
Our call to action has gone
out and we launched a
national letter writing cam-
paign calling on the govern-
ment to take the action
needed to implement the
recommendations from the
ACVA report. We are calling
on all Canadians to support
this effort and send a letter
to their Member of Parlia-
ment right from the Legion's
website http://www.legion.
call -for -action -on -the -new -
veterans -charter.
There should be no doubt
that the adequate care for
our injured Veterans and
their families is an urgent
issue, particularly as we
place more military person-
nel in harm's way with new
military operations Canada
is engaging in. The men and
women who deal with the
shortcomings of the current
care and benefits programs
offered by the government
suffer every day at great per-
sonal and financial expense.
Their families suffer right
along with them. For those
who have done so much for
our country, it is the very
least we can do to "...take up
the torch, be yours to hold it
high." We must not break
faith with those who die.
Send the Legion's letter to
your MP today and show you
care for all of Canada's ill
and injured veterans.
Thank you, on behalf of
the more than 300,000 Royal
Canadian Legion members
across Canada.
Tom Eagles
Dominion President
The Royal Canadian Legion
(519)525-2671 or (519)527-0724
You are invited to attend
these area churches
21Jarvis St. Seaforth
Rector The Rev. Karine Snowdon
Rectory 519-482-9071
Church Office 519-527-1522
Sunday, November 9th
Remembrance Sunday
Worship at 9:30 a.m.
Everyone Welcome
160th Anniversary Committee
Meets Nov. 11 at 1:30 p.m.
14 Victoria Street, Seaforth
Sun. Mass 11 a.m.
at. Mass 5 p.m.
Sun. Mass 9 a.m.
An Associated Gospel Church
126 Main St. Seaforth 519-527-0982
Rev. Mark Kennedy
Pastor Steve Hildebrand
Youth Coordinator - Laura Nakamura
November, 9th 10:30 a.m.
Youth Sunday School @ 10:30 a.m.
Adult Sunday School @ 9:45 a.m.
For more information view our web site
and Like us on Facebook.
Annual Bazaar Coming Nov. 15th
Welcomes you
Sunday, November 9th, 11 a.m.
Remember our Veterans
Sunday School Nursery Provided
54 Goderich St. W.
;.. www.cavannorthsideunited.ca N
Goderich St. W. Seaforth
Rev. Rob Congram
Lorrie Mann - Organist
November 9th, 11:00 a.m.
Say thanks to a Veteran.
All Welcome
Sunday School and Nursery.
• •
in our area. Through the
generosity of supporters
and shoppers, since we
began in 2006 over $12,000
has been returned to the
local communities of Sea -
forth, Clinton and Mitchell,
for programs benefiting
kids such as free skating at
local arenas, Huron County
Booster Club, Lion's Club,
Christmas food hampers,
Women's Shelter, non-
profit daycare centres,
summer camps, school
music programs, Public
Library on Wheels, Huron
Hospice Rainbows pro-
gram, Seaforth Optimists
Childhood Cancer Program
and others.
Thank you to all the 'St.
Nick's Elves' in our
neighbourhood for faith-
fully sharing their time,
talent and treasure with
this fun venture.
We also appreciate the
excellent press coverage and
photos of these events
through the years provided
by the Seaforth Expositor.
With your ongoing sup-
port, St. Nick's Christmas
Shopping Day will continue
to provide an exciting shop-
ping day for children, a
memorable Christmas
morning for families and far
reaching benefits for our
On behalf of the Anglican
Churches in Seaforth & Clinton,
Helen Oldfield
St. Nick's Coordinator
Letter to the Editor
Legion Dominion
president says
government has
failed veterans again
To the Editor;
With Nov. 11 just around
the corner, a great deal of
focus will once again
come upon the sacrifices
of the men and women
who gave their lives in the
service of Canada.
Millions of Canadians will
pay their respects to the sol-
diers, sailors, airmen and
airwomen, along with mem-
bers of the RCMP, who put
their lives on the line to pro-
tect us every day.
Yet each day that goes by,
the Government of Canada
is failing to take up the torch
and provide the proper care
and benefits for our ill and
injured veterans and their
families. Almost 40 experts
recently gave evidence
before the Parliamentary
Standing Committee on Vet-
erans Affairs (ACVA), laying
out in precise detail the situ-
ation faced by Canada's vet-
erans. The committee con-
sidered this evidence and
drafted a series of 14
The committee's report,
which was unanimously
supported by all of its mem-
bers (who represented all
political parties), laid out its
recommendations in a
straightforward manner that
the government could follow
to address ways in which
Canada could provide
enhanced care for its veter-
ans. And how did the gov-
ernment respond? Here is a
quote from the response, "...
the government is pleased to
indicate that it agrees with
the spirit and intent of the
vast majority of the commit-
tee's recommendations.
Many of these recommenda-
tions involve potentially
complex changes to some
veteran programming The
implications of any potential
changes must, therefore, be
carefully assessed' But wait
a second, Government just
heard from almost 40
experts; it has 14 recommen-
dations that clearly spell out
what needs to be done. What
more could possibly need to
be assessed?
This isn't a new situation.
The Government of Canada
has been dealing with veter-
ans since the end of the First
World War. Certainly the
government wants us to all
remember that 2014 marks
the 100th anniversary of this
conflict. But why the govern-
ment continues to have
almost the same issues in
looking after ill and injured
service personnel after all
these years is astonishing.
Studies, committee meet-
ings, expert evidence, and
countless reports over the
years have all spoken to the
() T
The Municipality of Central Huron has adopted Official Plan Amendment
17 which is a 5 year review of the Central Huron Official Plan. As the
approval authority, the County of Huron is inviting public comments
on the amendment and specifically Section 10.4.7 Renewable
Energy Policies and Section 10.4.8 Commercial Scale -Water Taking
as these Sections were modified by Central Huron following the
formal public meeting. The amendment is available for review
at the Municipality of Central Huron, 23 Albert Street Clinton, the
Huron County Planning and Development Department or on-line at
Please submit comments by December 5, 2014 by mail or e-mail to:
Huron County Planning and Development Department, 57 Napier Street,
Goderich, ON, N7A 1W2, E-mail: planning@huroncounty.ca
ea ort uronex.ositor.co
fact there are clearly short-
comings in veterans' care.
What is different now is
that the government has
clear directions to address
the major issues that will
improve the lives of veterans
and their families. Regretta-
bly what is the same is the
use of government -speak
such as, "Given the interde-
partmental, fiscal and legal
implications of this recom-
mendation, further due dili-
gence is required to address
this proposal."
The Royal Canadian
Legion will not idly stand by.
Our call to action has gone
out and we launched a
national letter writing cam-
paign calling on the govern-
ment to take the action
needed to implement the
recommendations from the
ACVA report. We are calling
on all Canadians to support
this effort and send a letter
to their Member of Parlia-
ment right from the Legion's
website http://www.legion.
call -for -action -on -the -new -
veterans -charter.
There should be no doubt
that the adequate care for
our injured Veterans and
their families is an urgent
issue, particularly as we
place more military person-
nel in harm's way with new
military operations Canada
is engaging in. The men and
women who deal with the
shortcomings of the current
care and benefits programs
offered by the government
suffer every day at great per-
sonal and financial expense.
Their families suffer right
along with them. For those
who have done so much for
our country, it is the very
least we can do to "...take up
the torch, be yours to hold it
high." We must not break
faith with those who die.
Send the Legion's letter to
your MP today and show you
care for all of Canada's ill
and injured veterans.
Thank you, on behalf of
the more than 300,000 Royal
Canadian Legion members
across Canada.
Tom Eagles
Dominion President
The Royal Canadian Legion
(519)525-2671 or (519)527-0724