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Huron Expositor, 2014-05-21, Page 16
16 Huron Expositor • Wednesday, May 21, 2014 THE STANDARD FEATURES YOU EXPECT AND SOME YOU DON'T 2014 FOCUS S WORLD'S BEST-SELLING CAR NAMEPLATE' Focus Titanium model shown PURCHASE FINANCE FOR ONLY OWN FOR $85..6.;\ dri nn% ONLY Q-jj' APR FINANCE $ n BI -WEEKLY M INCLUDES FREIGHT F0084 MONTHS WITH u DOM. OR OWN FOR ONLY $14,94B OFFERS INCLUDE $2,500 IN MANUFACTURER REBATES. OFFERS EXCLUDE TAXES. 50 $85** $750 $81** $1,500 $77** 2014 ESCAPES Escape Titanium model shown OWN FOR ONLY PURCHASE FINANCE FOR ONLY $149**©1.990(R FINANCE $ u n N INCWDES BI -WEEKLY FOR 84 FREIGHT MONTHS WITH DOW OR OWN FOR ONLY $25,178 OFFERS INCLUDE $750 IN MANUFACTURER REBATES. OFFERS EXCLUDE TAXES. 50 5149** $750 $144** $1,500 $140** IN CANADA' 2010-2013 STANDARD FEATURES • REMOTE KEYLESS ENTRY • ADVANCETRAC. WITH ELECTRONIC STABILITY CONTROL • INDEPENDENT REAR SUSPENSION • AUDIO INPUT JACK • POWER WINDOWS/LOCKS • AM/FM/CD/MP3 • 160 -HP ENGINE • TIRE PRESSURE MONITORING SYSTEM • ANTI -THEFT ENGINE IMMOBILIZER UNEXPECTED FEATURES • AIR CONDITIONING • ACTIVE GRILLE SHUTTERS • EASY FUEL" CAPLESS FUEL FILLER • INTEGRATED BLIND SPOT MIRRORS • TORQUE VECTORING CONTROL STANDARD FEATURES • ADVANCETRAC. WITH ROLL STABILITY CONTROL • AIR CONDITIONING • 6 -SPEED SELECTSHIFT.TRANSMISSION • REMOTE KEYLESS ENTRY • 7 AIRBAGS • TRACTION CONTROL • 6 -SPEAKER AUDIO • TIRE PRESSURE MONITORING SYSTEM • FLAT LOAD FLOOR UNEXPECTED FEATURES • INTEGRATED BLIND SPOT MIRRORS • EASY FUEL' CAPLESS FUEL FILLER • ACTIVE GRILLE SHUTTERS • CURVE CONTROL • TORQUE VECTORING CONTROL 2014 F-150 XLT SUPERCREW 4X4 LEASE FOR ONLY $299*** '149% BEST SELLING TRUCKS APR 4=3 PER MONTHFOR24MONTHS WITH S1,950 DOWN MEP OFFERS INCLUDE $8,500 IN MANUFACTURER REBATES. OFFERS EXCWDE TAXES. 1 $1,950 $3,450 $4,350 5299— $236*** $198*** COSMO. %IMEMEMBERS $1 00 ° 15500 IMIAINOLESALE RECEIVE UP TO ON MOST NEW FOCUS AND AN ADDITIONAL ON MOST NEW VEHICLES FIESTA MODELS EXPECTED FEATURES • 5.0L V8 • 360 HP • 380 LB -FT TORQUE • FLAT LOAD FLOOR • ALL -TERRAIN TIRES • EASY FUEL. CAPLESS FUEL FILLER • MACHINED AWMINUM WHEEL • POWER REMOTE MIRRORS UNEXPECTED FEATURES • REMOTE KEYLESS ENTRY • POWER MIRRORS • VOICE-ACTIVATED SYNC. • ENGINE BLOCK HEATER • HILL START ASSIST Our advertised prices include Freight, Air Tax, and PPSA (if financed or leased). Add dealer administration and registration fees of up to 5799, fuel fill charge of up tO $120 and applicable taxes, then drive away. UnlockEI More. Only at your Ontario Ford store. Go Further I ontariof ord. I Vehicle(s) may 5, 000600 with optional equipment. Dealer may sell 01leima 6/ - ass Limited time offers. Offers only valid at participating dealers. Retail offers may be cancelled or changed at any time without notice. See your Ford Dealer for complete details or call /110 70,4 Customer Relationship Centre at 1-800[565-3671 For factory orders, a customer may eiMer Mke advantage 00 0115150 Ford retail customer promotional incentives/offers available 0/ 1110 time of vehicle factory order or time of vetycle delivery, but not bath or combinations thereof. Retail offers not combinable with any CITAIGPC or Daily Rental incentives, the Commercial Upftt Program or the Comrnercial Fleet Incentive Program (CFM). • Until June 30, 2014, Purchase a new 2014 [Focus SI Focus Trtanium/Escape 67012/ Escape Mani.] for [14,948/126,164/525,178/$32,9981 (atter Total Manufacturer Rebate of )52,500/$500/$750/$1,500] deducted). Taxes payable on full amount of purchase price after total manufacturer rebate has been deducted. Offers include freight ard alr tax but exclude administration and registration fees of up to $799, fuel fill charge of up to $120 and 011 0771600610 taxes. All prices are based on Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price. - Until June 30 2014, receive 99%/1.99% APR purchase 3001069 0, nevy 2014 [Focus S / Escape SI models for up to 84 months to qualified ret01 customers, on approved credit (OAC) from Ford Credit Not all buyers will qualify f or the lowest interest rate. Examplu 2014 Ford [Focus S/ Escape SI /01 314,048/325,178 (atter $0,$750,01,500/$0,075111,500 down payment or equivalent tradeiin, and $2,500/$750 Manufacturer Rebate deducted) purchase financed 010.99%/1.99% APR 001 64 months, monthly payment is $185, $176.$186/$322,$312,0303 (the mint of twelve (12) monthly payments divided by 26 periods gives payee a bi-weekly payment of $85.$81.$774149,3144,8140). interest cost of borrowing is 0532,05051479/$1.819,V 165,01711 or APR of 0.99%/1.99% and total to be repaid is $15,470,015,492,$15.514/027,118,$20,958,026,080. Down payment may be required based on approved credit from Ford 010516 511 purchase finance 86014 111651 freight and air tax and PPSA but exclude administration and registration fee5 of up to $799, fuel fill charge of up to 3120 and all applicable taxea All prices are based on Manufacturer's Suggested Retail NM. — Until June 30, 2014 lease a new 2014 Ford [7-150 XLT &perm/ 404] for up to 24 months and get 1.499f APR on approved credit (OAC) from Forcl Credit. Not all 000060 60111 quality for the lowest APR payment. Lease 15-150 XLT Supercrew 44] with a value 00 323,858 after 31,95043.45044,350i down payment or equivalent trade in. [$8.500] manufacturer rebates, 050 3/1,200/ Ford Credit 0005 50/01105 and including freight and air tax of [$1,8001) at 1.49Po APR for up to 24 months with an optional buyout o1322,363, monthly payment Is [3299/$236/$198h total lease ohligabon is ($9,126/$9,1141$9.1021 Offers include freight, 0/1100, 0014 PPSA hut exclude administration and registration fees of up 00 3790, fuel fill charge of up 00 1120 and all applicable taxes. Additional payments required for optional features, license, and insurance. All prices are based on Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Prim Some conditions and mileage restriction of 40,000km 100 24 months applies. Excess kilometrage charges are 16¢per km for F -Series, plus applicable taxes. Excess kilometrage charges subject /0 050064, see 6040 10001 dealer for details. Offer only vaficl from May 1, 2014 to June 30, 2014 (the 'Offer Period'') to resident Canadians with an eligible Costs° membership on or before Audi 30, 2014. Receive 3500 towards the purchase or I00000/0100u 2014/2015 Forcl Resta (excluding 5), F0020(excluding 5 ami BEV), CiMAX, an5 11 ,000 towards all other Ford models (excluding Raptor, 50500, Mustang Boss 302, and [Nahum Truck) (each an "Eligible Vehicle"). Limit one (1) offer 201 0005 Eliftble Velticle purchase or lease, 07 /0 a maximum of 000 /2/ separate Eligible Vehicle sales 701Costco Membership Number. Offer Is transferable to persons domiciled with an eligible Costco member Applicable taxes calculated before offer is deducted. Dealer 6006 0011 or lease for less. Limited time offeh Offers only 00115 01 participating dealers. Retail offers may 50 000001105 or changed at any time without notice. See your Ford Dealer for complete details or call the Ford Customer Relationship Centre at 1 (800-565-3671 For factory orders. a customer may either take advantage of eligible 60,4 001011 customer promotional incentives/offers available 0/ 050 time of vehicle factory order or time of vehicle delivery, but 000 0410 or combinations Thereof, Retail offers not combinable with any CPA/GPC or Daily Rental incentrveff the Commercial 87/10 Program or the Commercial Fleet Incentive Program (CFR). 06005 61 year-end 2010, 2011. 2012 and 2013/0101 sales figures tor light vehicles In Canada 5010 6006001010 Automotive Consultants Inc. (and Canadian Vehicle Manufacturers' Association data exchanged by OEfilsh "Butyl 00 2007 - 2013 R L Polk vehicle tegtytrations data for Canada 11 0110 Large Premium Utility. Large Traditional Utility, Large Utility, Medium Premium Utility, Medium , Utility, Small Premium 8/1113, 015 Small Utility segments., Based on highway driving in a 2014 Fiesta 1 OL 6161 -13 6 -Speed Automatic and estimated fuel consumption ratMgs of 6.2L/100km City and 4.3L/100krn Hwy using Government of Canada approved test methods. Actual (ftlialkiSX111))) fuel consumption will vary based on road conditions. vehicle loading ancl drtying habits. • Claim based on analysis by Ford 01 0010 global new registration for 052012 for a single nameplate which excludes rebadged vehicles, platforrn derivatives 01 00801 vehicle nameplate versions. pn most new F -Series is the best-selling pickup 2010 10 Canada for 48 years in a row based on Canadian Vehicle Manufacturers' Association statistical sales reporM, up to December 2011 02014 Sirius Canada Inc. •S iriusXM", the SiriusXM logo, channel names and 1090, 010 trademarks of Fore ve,,c1., Sidus)(tyl Radio Inc. and are used under licence. 02014 Ford Motor Company of Canada. Limited. All rights reserved. Pre•paitl subscription Foot Care Month CONTINUED FROM > PAGE 15 Older adults and clients at increased health risks may book appointments at these clinics where they will receive an initial one hour foot care assessment with foot care performed; then each follow up foot care ses- sion is 20-30 minutes for proper foot care mainte- nance. Foot care include nail cutting and care for corns and calluses, ingrown nails, thickened nails, advice on proper footwear needs and foot care education. All foot care nurses employed with ONE CARE have their advanced foot care certificate. The advanced foot care certifica- tion allows them extra train- ing in foot care for people living with chronic disease such as diabetes. Joyce Ridder, ONE CARE's Foot Care Nurse Supervisor notes, "Foot care is a service focused on getting the client and the health care system the best possible outcomes - it is a critical component of keeping people healthy, and we hear comments from cli- ents such as, "I am now able to walk much better and with no pain" or "being able to have my ingrown toenails managed by a foot care nurse is wonderful': ONE CARE's foot care clin- ics are based on current evi- dence - based best practices to make sure the client will experience the best out- comes. Stringent policies and processes are in place to protect the client. All foot care tools are sterilized using steam sterilizers (autoclaves). Proper foot care can offer warning signals for diabetes, arthritis, poor blood circula- tion, and nerve damage. When you have health issues, professional foot care can prevent serious complica- tions. Our feet are essential to keep us moving and being kind to our feet will help to keep us healthy. For more information or to book an appointment call ONE CARE at 1-877-502-8277 and ask for foot care. Asian Carp continues to threaten Great Lakes aquatic life John Phair QMI Agency The head of a local anglers' association says the pres- ence of Asian Carp in Lake Michigan poses a significant threat to the native fish pop- ulations within the Great Lakes system. Dick Bornais, president of the Bluewater Anglers recently addressed the annual meeting of the Lamb - ton County Rural Game Pro- tective Association, held recently at the Fred Thomas Hall in Thedford. Bornais pointed out that a number of years ago seven species of carp, all of which are native to Asia, were intro- duced into the United States. However, he said two in particular, the Big Head Carp and the Silver Carp, are con- sidered invasive and pose a significant threat to the Great Lakes eco -system. "They are an ugly fish with large heads and can grow to fairly heavy weights," he said, adding that Silver Carp, in particular, are prolific breeders and gobble up huge amounts of plank- ton, which are tiny plants and animals that comprise the primary food source for most fish species. Asian carp were first imported to the U.S. from Asia during the 1970s to con- trol algae and unwanted plants in controlled settings, such as sewage treatment lagoons. However they soon escaped into the wild and are now prevalent in the Mis- sissippi River and many of its tributaries. Bornais said there are sev- eral routes that the Asian Carp took to enter the Great Lakes system, but their main access is believed to be the Chicago Sanitary and Ship canal, a man-made water- way near Romeoville, south- east of Chicago, which con- nects the Chicago River with Lake Michigan. He noted the Obama Administration in the U.S. has spent a significant amount of money to shield the Great Lakes from inva- sive fish species with the construction of electric bar- riers, which sends out con- tinuous electrical pulses to deter fish from nearing the locks at this location.