HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2014-05-14, Page 3Wednesday, May 14, 2014 • Huron Expositor 3 ACW male alleged to be 56 km/h over the speed limit ASHFIELD-COLBORNE-WAWANOSH - A 43 -year-old driver will be without a driver's licence for a week after he was stopped for speeding on May 6. At 10:30 p.m. a Huron County Ontario Provin- cial Police (OPP) officer was travelling west- bound on Amberley Road east of Lucicnow when he observed a Toyota Solara travelling eastbound at a high rate of speed. The officer confirmed the driver's speed with a RADAR device and a high speed of 136 km/h was registered; 56 km/h over the 80 km/h speed limit. Upon stopping the driver the officer detected the driver had been consuming alcohol. A road- side screening testwas performed and the driver registered a warn range suspension. The 43 -year-old male from North Huron was charged with racing a motor Vehicle. He is scheduled to appear in Goderich court on June 3 to answer to the charge. He was also served with a seven day driver's licence suspension for the racing offence and a three day suspension for the warn range violation. His motor vehicle was towed from the scene and was impounded for seven days. CENTRAL HURON - Huron County Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) officers are currently investigating a break, enter and theft at a resi- dence located on John Street in Clinton. The crime took place sometime between 7:00 p.m. on May2 and 8:00 p.m. on May7. Those responsible forced entryinto the garage through a rear door and once inside they gained entry into the residence through an unlocked door. The thieves stole several items including: A Sharp 40 inch LCD television A Sharp DVD/VCR combo player Two Chinese ceramic vases Twentywind up music boxes Assorted bottles of liquor The value of the stolen goods is estimated at $10,000. Any person with information regarding this incident should immediately contact Huron OPP at 1-888-310-1122 or (519) 524-8314. Should you wish to remain anonymous, you may call Crime Stoppers at 1 -800 -222 -TIPS (8477), where you may be eligible to receive a cash reward of up to $2,000. HURON EAST - A 55 -year-old male is facing charges of following a traffic stop on May 4. At approximately 10:30 p.m. a Huron County Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) officer was monitoring traffic at the intersection of Adam Street and Goderich StreetWest in Seaforth. His cruiser was equipped with an automatic license plate reader (ALPR) computer device. As he was monitoring traffic, a GMC Sierra pickup approached the stop sign on Adam Street and the ALPR immediately sounded an audible alert The ALPR identified the attached license plate as being registered to a suspended driver. The officer followed the driver a short dis- tance and was able to stop the driver at a resi- dence on Harpurhey Road. Officers spoke with the driver and while doing so they detected the driver had been drinking alcohol. The officer demanded the driver provide a sample of his breath into a roadside screening device however the driver refused to provide a sample. Further checks confirmed the driver's identity and the fact he was currently prohibited from driving due to a previous conviction. The driver was subsequently arrested and transported to the Exeter OPP Detachment The driver from has been charged with driving while disqualified and fail to provide breath sample. He is scheduled to appear in Goderich court on May 26. His motor vehicle was towed from the scene and will be impounded for 45 days. CENTRAL HURON - Huron County Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) officers are investigating a recent break, enter and theft of dirt bike. Sometime between 9:30 p.m. on April 30 and May 1 at 12:30 p.m. unknown suspects forced entry into a storage shed located on Kinburn Line. Once inside the suspects proceeded to steal a 2003 red Honda CRF150 dirt bike. The dirt bike had a "Monster" energy drink sticker on the fender. Police believe the suspects utilized an ATV to remove the dirt bike from the scene. The dirt bike is valued at approximately $1200. Any person with information regarding this incident should immediately contact Huron OPP at 1-888-310-1122 or (519) 524-8314. Should you wish to remain anonymous, you may call Crime Stoppers at 1 -800 -222 -TIPS (8477), where you may be eligible to receive a cash reward of up to $2,000. Whitney South Huron Expositor Caden Lee scooped up an unexpected catch at Silver Creek on May 10. But don't worry, Caden released the captured trout back into the creek soon after where it is currently swimming comfortably. BEER STORE The Beer Store would like to welcome The Phoenix Group as the new operator of the Empty Bottle Dealer in Seaforth. Location: 92 Jarvis St. Hours of Operation: Monday to Friday: 9am — 4pm Saturday: 9am — 12pm. Huron -Bruce to receive $249,000 in Canada Summer Job program funding The federal government has announced $249,000 in funding to help local students gain access to summer jobs. Huron -Bruce MP Ben Lobb made the announcement on May 1 on behalf of Minister of State for Social Development Candice Bergen. According to a media release, 108 organizations in Huron -Bruce will be receiving over $249,000 in Canada Sum- mer Jobs funding to hire approximately 130 young people. "Canada Summer Jobs helps students gain the skills and experience they need to be successful, now and in the future, while earning money for the upcoming school year," the media release stated. In 2014, the Canada Summer Jobs program is expected to create approxi- mately 35,000 jobs, while helping employers address skills shortages. WEST COAST KITCHENS Linda Reaume Designer Visit Our Showroom 50 West St. Goderich 519-440-0352 www.westcoastkitchens.net Email: westcoastkit@hurontel.on.ca And Much More • Kitchens • CustomVanities • Entertainment Units • Home Offices PROFESSIONAL INSTALLATIONS CUSTOM DESIGNS & COUNTERTOPS "Creating summer jobs for students benefits not only youth and employers, but also local economies across the country. Canada Summer Jobs is yet another excellent example of how our government is creating jobs and economic growth," Lobb said in the media release. 1 Growing Every Year New varieties of annuals & perennials May 19 WigAVISNIMIN • Annuals • Patio Pots • Hanging Baskets • Perennials • Flowering & Evergreen Shrubs • Trees • New Planter Pots Available • Bark Mulch PROFESSIONAL LANDSCAPE DESIGNER Spring Hours: Monday -Saturday 9-6 Sunday - Closed Open Victoria Day 9-6 519-527-0761 Bert & Carol Reinink & family 43079 Hullett-McKillop Rd. 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