HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2014-03-26, Page 13NetworkCLASSIF VACATIONITRAVEL T. zawittncE nrolv. INCIRLEI CLAMS ERLPIMING. Lo D Hitairart rem h.nHiIrme...wey 1 o !ravel 3,44 or a tallohde L l'somidu BLWEer00111d. INCLUDES.: - SHORE EXCILIR24ONS -I31REAT MEALS RIM -ILLY CHTI:RIANNIMF1h47 AND MuCt-i artkonerrmoceCrulreel-Inem.ciem TOLL-FREE 1-800.2.07'.7.91313 263 Clitar.e Eireet. Kon. &Mario 17,70. er210D740) SIEELLJlLbIN STEEL BUILDINGS:METAL BUILD INc."-S 009 PPP!' ZP3x7b Os4.110, +1.1fle612, 45aDO, Selz Oxio,SOA1{1.11. soli rer halence eweoll Call 1 eo43-4s7.z20up crevfnalee ct rig lk !:Trri. 111.1111,131114{7. MAI r 19Ir; YV,Art ENO CLEAR 01..11 obni reNCIEIN 20X20 63.916. 2SX28 2ba>t732 56 .3a0 32AS4 7.71. 4oxao IP.11•115' 4171ree 610.101 One r.nd II included. 1:rronmer E1e44I SE8-5422. vAVW wibilmeisiont.ehr JARRFrrattaVY WIRING OWNER 42PEFkATORat +me ROSE DALE !GROUP • AlLnacliind Oren:m.1mmLkuPiNakaRill - Pa;c1kAtnel*Trireugh Direet Deposit • 175ireFein1 Fire' Subsidy Program • lee- Round SI Reidy Arioirk. CONTACT US AT: ToLL-rIZEZ: 1 -123.1P-SE.4:1-01.157 .111151± Emmen! ikderunpaeL.1161.11:11.2.e.s. 1.11.1Nm70.F.1511.15crafe.oar LA.ULAVI.1 EARI.LIErMt; VAR 131VJE:101‘t 1.0.4uri 2 UN 1:1-1i1 (...C.J AZ Ilaellottel driver!. lo Ihe U.S Premium mkt- noe 17.11S- 1-1011rie Weekly New equip - :non! Alen. luring {Werier OrmirmInn4 1-6101N2S:s1S7 -.AVOWED WANTED. OLD TUBE AUDIO EQUIPMENT. 413 DN.'', rniIrIir&rj.kitztio, RhicrirdIngnl Theatre Sound Equipment Hammond d rumna Amy fakkinitmek ild PICO( niedel cheinnlo}mII 111I-Fhthe CMS $ Si9.863.21LIT. FIREARMS. Ail I.z 4.1 LP, e staies. colleo1Lerca. Figgie 11.1n1 5. Wa handle all Oiipe0(11. e nd Irerimporlkilk.rn. Licon.aed Dealer, 1 1:14515 Eleg <104 www dollars 4 ourrs.cwi. DRIVERS WANTED A2 - GAINAL7A21.: k; 1.11.nm, Single. Tenrn RegIgnxII. Grerv. P.55' BetntieS. YOLy• hiCrlid Thrill IS Our Pri- o rity GALL I L3 DAY laL L-1= REE 1-000-01713.2,403 ••••• 1. • •••••Lphrfr 14.113.mtce.re 1";recinrInncmd AZ PROFESSIONAL TRUCK 1:111111Eltd end LICE1.13.E13 11 13 NIKE I MIMES TO JOIN OUR TEAM %rem cdimr mole atabre wcrls en-wironrrparn ;with eerikeetie.e vdages unit neid nri-hmrm. for Fut-they Details And'T A.00 folpi Oser TeeiN 'Mk or: movenormimgclinbuNk.cm. Join up In Toron1e at one of MO 101lowinu armors: a'Swiln Novae Thurs4ay...51AI le. 2014 Ekoodmon Sliendeuru TCI,=4`1112 Ayporl E5:ncr-fF morn Scheduled Intarviews Sucidmy.Aprli 13, 21514 Sahirren Signalure Tarevilo Arbor! Vie410d2 Clan ihir 'Grid your 'magneto eincer-mOno Ffl eartg and me selecled for m •chaduked 1 IltilrYlklYe. Acicillionadly, we will be at SELaLLOaLEfusoilti- 7:14317 at the britem-edonel Centre 041 A.prIl 11kh inid 12th. LOOKING FOR OW N ER -OPERA- !! OHS - f mold horn Ihm rrerne 5NeeRenda. Rarilicl Weekly. Benefit Paairega Avatlaiele. Pay Structurm: isZ% of groan with your o wn 1rel1er: II3 ol groisa lIhiIid Ero ilea. Send Resomo10 Ernmil:rntallddedth,nkrnorl corn, I aux .519-&20-.1793 ..AILL 018-523,3MS feekii 11101 111111i.13. 4 --4 A DVERTI SE ACROSS ONTA MO OR ACROSS THE COUNTRY! 1IE.ALT1-1 D.1SABILITY BENEFIT GROuP - BL.t. Wino Pro.r..n 1lAdy7 Tho iuiI- ir. gvikeLS Linea yiau. Lip Vri.(17!ri FC.7 details check out •EFUr COM Or CL! 1.115 ine thy tell -Fre a 478.7. Mental Health Helpline 1 in %Carkmdimem WHIeoperlafiela a friental eimellh issue In them Ilhellroei elleilIDDI Hearth Halpline 1-hlre-141-21511•13 A Imo RIO um eh HM0nli 1-rul1linu i FaccUe.L.k or SConneaOnlvole Tv.direr MORTGAGES AS SEEN ON TV Need a MORT Hornm Equivly Len, Beller Racal Bad Credit, Sall. 1 rriploymirl, Benkrue.17 lurnen down? FeeliV Forealcoura, P nvoi,r or EA1, 1,15 NOW TOLL-FREE 1-ST7-72S-442.4 and apeal4 4o 44 licensed mortgage mooed. IMPAArcienoaQ4i2.EO.1, e llIn realchentlaP. commercial. rural. molifzultalr4r. liunig, !wild ittPrLuiMomm. ✓ 11: Www.MMArnor4.341pa-s corn tLi=141.21214 1 al. & avid MORTGAGES frcrrn ✓ IM nd 3.15.% VINCEb Credit Types Considered. Let LIS helm you NAVE ilhaimmmnrim nn Un eigh.1 morioage! Perchaning. R.0-fori1inOno. 1,nhl con Herne Ranovallane...CALL 1 zn-f 777. wive. hornegvardednclIng.ee ILIC fe1041,0). 355 Ink. 2nci. Ord MORTGAGES - D ebi Conatalido'hoi., RieriniancinO, Tax Arrears. FIG. CMHO loos. 1lSoN you cmay month (.0.AO). .incorne. bad crezIlL poerec or iemla mkopp-mdll SEVIER O PTICLI!I MORTGAGEE', GALL I USIAY 1p11-0.ree 1-4:131:1-232-111311, %%Wow marEgageamaflo.carn (LIG* 1 WIES61). . IEIVISINESS cEr FREE VENDINQ MACHINES. Can Earn 31e0.1)(10.00 4- Per Aamr All CiamIs-Rmilkia w Juidi tigilbir11- Pro1e.c1ed Territories. Full. Details CALL NOW 1-Seei-Se-e-S,S2ti Vuoomapp WARIV.TOVEKD COM ADVERTISING 14.1".1107.1 I 5.4111 inf..m ir r:i;!:: mar pn ONTARIO IAN T H ONE EASY CALL! 'roueC 1saLed Ad r Coopoy Ad .0...lulu mppumf In ..x.11.131.ily n ewspapers each. week acroes mutnebbin end rirria1 areas. For Morel 4r1.1.0.1711,1111.1111 Ciii Tochry Ti:•11-1pm. -886-211.1,-2t•Bti, Erroll: kiviagrlasyrnpatIco.ca or weem.dnImr ic.C114.2..whe dAdm. m. FOf mcirr in formation a:infect j.rd Err toccitnewspap Of. PERSONALS Mi Yt..L. ii'1 jI poking 142 giniti42 & oat 1OUOLhei 4CilOne? 11.4 ee1 Someone special ei change yen..ir 1.41571r R rUlTR I IC.N18.i nlmirlo's Indualry lemdma luring singles. lagethco. with their 'are aartners CALL {CelK1619-421:14. rnugrx.flrel r.orn I (}11.. REAL l'ELYClISCILI Lree Acco,dm dmengie 24..7. Can now 1 -S77442, - 303S; Mobile #440.13; waysl-plce..re 113A111 -4n ,3VSZVICIl Liano-terrinfm.hart- germ rmletionale pm, erM41 ICI 1 ryl 1 -1177 -2D7 -08e*. Talk tyllh singta ladles. Celt 117 WS ce 1 -1113B -5.34-0E113.4. milk maim 1 -110E -7111411I-40 flr S.1E0 roul inpI LdiK. 1-a7?-aemi- 52.il 8+ SERVICES Drug & Alcohol Helpline Have you Mourne addIaled soFirdtooription rn,rellrrachnnv ▪ uo $ A icohc 1-lielpFne 1 -11120-Sas-segs www.uruaAndAlcotiolHOID11.114).C-19 AIM 'hod nee!' 1..krupmncl Alcohol HMI:firm on PpLoolmoos. er aCeeinexOniarle Twingor FIPLANdIAi SERVIDES, O ritario Probhe m Ga m bli ng Helpline Ward ta talk ea seal:tiara abaet gambling problems? ritend Pict 4strn. qmrnhting -Ileta-2736-12roei swpw.Prablerrid3afebillhdl-Pelaillacp.rea Also coal us at Cintane lornblernGarnMeng 31mIplinm cn FINC4112,212811 O f 00.1114.Marilarle. COMING EVENTS 2S11.1 Anneal HAVELOCK COUNTRY J AMBOREE - .41-.7r1 Jackcon. Cerke Tlerdly. -Penh Tiznor,.;on, Hich.ciln. Kel- lam Fickler, Thil Midyinuca, Sucy B- 5, My More. Canada's Lai -cost Live Courdry Mu & Camping Feel!. won - A 14-17, R-0 14, chenr !1. „Ante L“.1°Y IC IltETS. 3ft62. vcreor H I be It Lha in bora a . RPM HAVELOCK - Join tel. ice ihre 1at Anotmel Pecnemilon Perfenmenpe Motor 81:e-wir - July ili1-215. 2034 ors The Jar...ben:re Grounds. Vendors. Swop meet Car Show OprIzea}. TrI.ISim* PVM., n 1141, w TreclOrn, Farm EquipmEnt, Eic. VENDItl.R13. WANTED - GALL 70.5_778.777 or VISIT ..tatio.r.rpmirearverock_oarn Camp. irg.ar. ever 50-11.racrea CAREEFt OPP& PUT YOUlt EXPERPENCE TO 117131;1I•C ell THIRD mwri QUARTER The Job Service For People Aged eki And El yr,r P.CrCIRM Un1111.1:114 FRPIP FI;IFE cArld.IDATPr. REQ651LESIL. 7fAndlhlt1411F41111111eirlter.010 TOLL -FR EE. 1 -865-2EPE10133308 CRIMINAL ?`qt.;011.1-v) PmnSun urvi- ci Canada. •ELiaLlished lOSS. Conti - d enim]. Fas1 AF1ort. .-1BLL iimeirao 14C1.41. Accradlled. Employ- rYlOnt &Trawl Reeffam. Free Consul - lotion 1-13-N1DW-P.ARDON 41-.110S- Sre2-7:164S1.14iiinumicYouri CHI=Incl.=1T6 cAneot MA INN No MI IAN I N 01•11 r:nrripinki+ MInlekry aepfe...t.i a Di olo Mao In ici0rabid Elul:Wiese.. Health Core and more! CorlInPr Ann.clerrly or 1-e144rolog 1-1165-3S4-JOBE (54927 co WW11.4.430C1clerayDrioarnIng. earn. Ws CnringeLwiI Part SALE Acanac-Inc. HIGFL SPEED INTERNET *12.15..faMb-dh Abzointany r1 crcrle mire hinc.kmd 1_11111itnil..0d Up io 11Mbps Do.onloaci Llpinnd ORDER TODAY AT www.a t1110. 0 111 CALL I 01-1-• 4:11'tES: 1-8019-2B1-3838 lrom $1../1P7 - M ON E'y 41 SAVE MONEY wIli. your on bandrnill Cud luralee .sny dimension In stnnk reerk,. 114.., 2111p. FREE tofu 41 DVO. 1.~.Y.Norg000dEtawrn1115.cDrni4000T I -Illaa-saa-INIIKI C'oh101:0171• :14.1o.wprogi.croPps. P A.RT-LT imE alas - !onkel y01.1r owe ache dui., awe chu.col.m1m leaps to frialca Sig_ decide 1.111.14,0 and when you sell. alert and atop ywhimn you wnL. Till: 1 -.1:1t1O-M13-ZtlISSI wwwervatelanacdons.earn W ANTED: OPERATIONS FOREST ER Trig lairld 1• Imerr :emi-ri in Alearie. PedikenMed milli far qualifi.xt emporenced forcsio• %Tin zit.norvutrArr mornerimr.cr. rrnil Pgraurtur General Help Wanted General Help Wanted General Help Wanted SUMMER HELP WANTED to start approximately May 1. Duties will include • Opening pools • Service • Installing inground and above ground pools and concrete work. Please submit resume to: MIDDEGAAL POOLS & SPORTS 234 Main Street N, Box 137, Seaforth, ON NOK IWO Phone: 519-527-0104 • Fax: 519-527-2262 Email: middegaals@bellnet.ca Apartments FOR RENT April 1st. Mature Adult Living, Non -Smoking. Large two bedroom row apartment with private paved driveway, gar- age, large front and back yard. All appli- ances, laundry, in -floor heating, AC, pantry. Heat, lawn mainte- nance, snow removal, and hydro included in $1175.00 rent. Wheel- chair accessible. New in 2012. Call Kerry at 519-291-8796 or Tara 519-522-2102. ONE BEDROOM apartment in triplex on East William St., Sea - forth. Non smoker, no pets. $950 includes all utilities. Call Kevin or Geraldine Coyne 519- 522-0640. Apartments SEAFORTH: Quiet, ground floor, one bed- room. Available now. One block from up- town. Ideal for seniors. Private entrance, park- ing, 5 appliances. Good references required. Ph. 519-527-0349. Farms and Farmlands WANTING TO RENT land for 2014 crop year. A percentage will be seeded into hay for the following years. Call Steve Haney 519- 615-2130. • PI = Education/ Employment Drivers /Transportation Full Time Truck Driver Looking for experienced DZ Driver. local work. Home every day. Must have a clean drivers abstract and be physically fit as some labor is required. Some mechanical background is a asset. Must work well with others and be able to fill out proper paperwork/logbooks. Call Jake at (519) 525- 0533 or send resume to jakedejong@tcc.on.ca General Help Wanted FULL TIME help wanted. Apply in person with resume to Merv's Patios and Shewan's Ornaments Ltd., Dublin 519-345-2701 Wednesday, March 26, 2014 • Huron Expositor 13 General Help Wanted FULL TIME VEHICLE DETAILER required. No experience neces- sary. Apply in person to Teatero Motor Prod- ucts, 220 Main St. S., Seaforth. RYAN'S Carpentry is seeking full time help. Experience an asset, but will train. Competi- tive wages. Send resume to Box 586, Seaforth NOK 1WO, Fax 519-527-1089, or email to: vandenheu- vel@tcc.on.ca Training WANTED: FIREARMS STUDENTS. Our next "One Stop" Firearms Course is in Dash- wood on: April 12,13 & May 3 Advanced registration only. Email: guntest@hay.net or call Terry Romphf at 519-237-3248 and leave message. "Dashwood Firearms Training" info can also be found on Face - book and Kijiji. Carpentry CARPENTRY Services offered. Finishing, fram- ing, and interior work. Rick Bos 519-527-0174. Business/ Financial Business Opportunities Independent Distributor New company to Canada is looking for leaders in your area. To promote a cutting edge technology that has been proven at the highest level of science. For more information: Email: IDVLinformation@aol. com Phone: 519-535- 5768 Cc]rincct ukritl-4 Ontario n s • irrxi-cmid yau r tousi rkes.s rinnich! but," _notiuNpn rk•clase; EiFirLd_corg