HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2014-06-04, Page 1818 Huron Expositor • Wednesday, June 4,2014
Huron County JOU
ambassador Sam Melady
speaks at St. James
Whitney South
Huron Expositor
Standing up in front a crowd of peo-
ple take a lot of courage, but for Sam
Melady, getting a chance to educate his
classmates on juvenile diabetes was
something that came naturally.
Having already spent the week travel-
ling from classroom to classroom
speaking to students, Sam seemed to
take on the challenge like a seasoned
pro, during St. James' Diabetes Aware-
ness Assembly on May 30.
"I was so excited to be chosen as the
ambassador," he said. "My friends got to
learn about diabetes and it's great
because a lot of them didn't really know
what I have to go through."
The event, which was planned as a
of- -ir
Leritrai IluroB
The Municipality of Central Huron has prepared a Draft Five Year Review
of the Central Huron Official Plan. This draft plan has been updated to be
consistent with the County of Huron Official Plan and also provincial
policies and current mapping. This land use planning document includes
the vision, goals and policy directions for development in Central Huron.
You are invited to attend an Open House and Public Meeting to review the proposed changes to the Central
Huron Official Plan and speak with staff and members of the public about any questions you may have
regarding the proposed revisions.
Two Open Houses for the public will be held:
Friday June 13, 2014 and Saturday June 14, 2014
7 — 9 p.m. 9 — 11 a.m.
Londesboro Hall Holmesville Community Centre
282 Kings Road, Londesboro 180 Community Centre Dr., Holmesville
Both meetings will be an open format where you can join us any time between the allotted hours to view
displays and share your insights with staff.
A Public Meeting with Central Huron Council will be held:
Monday July 7, 2014 at 7 p.m.
Central Huron Municipal Office, Council Chambers
The draft Central Huron Official Plan can be viewed on the Central Huron website (www.centralhuron.com)
and at the following locations:
D Clinton Public Library, 27 Rattenbury Street East, Clinton
D Central Huron Municipal Office, 23 Albert Street, Clinton
D Huron County Planning Department, 57 Napier Street, Goderich
Submitting Comments: Please use the contact information below to submit any written thoughts. Comments
must be received by Friday June 27, 2014.
If you wish to be notified of the adoption of the proposed Official Plan amendment (OPA #17), or of the refusal
to amend the Official Plan, you must make a written request by mail to the Municipality of Central Huron,
P. 0. Box 400, Clinton, Ontario NOM 1LO, or email clerk@centralhuron.com.
The public meetings are being held under the provisions of Section 17 and 26 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990,
as amended.
If a person or public body does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or make written submissions to
the Municipality of Central Huron before the proposed official plan amendment is adopted, the person or
public body is not entitled to appeal the decision of the County of Huron to the Ontario Municipal Board. If a
person or public body does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or make written submissions to the
Municipality of Central Huron before the official plan amendment (OPA#17) is adopted, the person or public
body may not be added as a party to the hearing of an appeal before the Board unless, in the opinion of the
Board there are reasonable grounds to do so.
Information wit be collected in accordance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of
Privacy Act. With the exception of personal information, all comments wit become part of the public record.
Dated at the Municipality
of Central Huron —May 27, 2014
Brenda Maclsaac, Clerk
Municipality of Central Huron
kickoff to the Telus Walk to Cure
Diabetes which was to take
place at the Lions Parkin Mitch-
ell the next day.
During the assembly, stu-
dents from each grade made
their way up to the front to share
with Sam what they had learned
about diabetes from their own
Sam's sister Maddie, who was
also diagnosed with juvenile
diabetes and was a former
ambassador herself, thanked
the school for all they had done
in helping raise funds for Sam's
For St. James' principal, Karen
Tigani, diabetes is a topic close
to her own family.
So, when Sam's parents con-
tacted her in hopes of the school
promoting the event, she was
immediately interested.
"We wanted to educate stu-
dents about this disease and
raise funds for Team Melady
and juvenile diabetes research,"
she explained, adding she
wasn't the only member of her
family who wanted to show sup-
port. "A special presentation was
made by an unlikely person -
my mom, Jane. She came on
behalf of my family. My father
had juvenile diabetes and it
impacted our life significantly."
Tigani credits Sam's outstand-
ing care for himself, diligent
attention to his food intake and
overall health and well-being as
just some of the things
Photos by Whitney South, Huron Expositor
The Melady family was out in full force to support Huron County JDRF
ambassador Sam during an assembly at St. James school on May 30.
Pictured left to right are dad Kevin, brother Cole, sister Maddie, mom
Leigh and Sam. Unfortunately, big brother Luke was unable to attend.
Students at St. James cheer Sam on with signs they had made.
that made him the perfect
"When Sam and his family
approached me about support-
ing the Telus Walk to Cure Dia-
betes, they had no knowledge of
my very personal connection to
this disease," she said. " So I am
so glad that they brought this to
my attention and that I was
blessed to be the principal of the
school Sam attends. I am confi-
dent that my dad was shining
down on all of us last week and
that he would, if he still could,
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encourage everyone to be as
supportive as they can of the
much-needed research into
finding a cure for juvenile diabe-
tes. He knew and he lived the
results of past research and
experienced improved health
over his lifetime as a result."
The walk is the largest fund-
raiser for the Juvenile Diabetes
Research Foundation (JDRF),
and raises both awareness of the
disease and money to research
cures and treatments for
In 2013, the Telus Walk to
Cure Diabetes Huron Perth
raised $31,000 and this year's
goal was $33,000.
More than 45,000 Canadians
registered to participate in over
65 locations across the country.
Juvenile diabetes, sometimes
called type 1 diabetes, is the
most severe form, and is a non-
preventable autoimmune dis-
ease affecting more than three
million Canadians. That number
is increasing by three to five per
cent each year. Type 1 diabetes
strikes children and adults sud-
denly leaving them dependent
on injected or pumped insulin
for life.
For more information, visit