HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2014-06-04, Page 7Wednesday, June 4, 2014 • Huron Expositor 7
Students celebrate their agricultural roots with Dyno Day
St. Anne's
school news
Claire Gordon
Minister of Public Relations
It was that time of year as the
2014-2015 Student Cabinet candi-
dates presented speeches to their
peers and classmates on Monday.
Returning students then exercised
their democratic rights and voted.
Congratulations to all members of
the 2014-2015 St. Anne's Student
Other congratulations to our
girls' rugby team who won WOS-
SAA and will now be moving on to
represent St. Anne's at the next
level. Good luck at OFSAA ladies.
Congratulations to our many track
and field athletes who competed
at OFSAA, which took place on
Friday in Windsor.
Last week was also field studies
for the Grade 9 and 12 science
classes. The classes travelled to the
stream at the Clinton Conserva-
tion Area to participate in ecosys-
tem and biology studies. The
activity was a great way for the
classes to get hands on and real
life examples.
Wednesday was the last civvies
day of the year and it was our
favourite day to celebrate our agri-
Seaforth and District Horticultural
Society hears about Organic Farming
Glenyce Kelly
Seaforth Horticultural Society
Seaforth and District Horti-
cultural Society welcomed Tony
McQuail to their meeting on
May 14.
Tony and his wife have been
farming organically since 1973
in the Lucknow area. He spoke
on the history of organic farming
and some do's and don'ts when
it comes to gardening organi-
cally. Organic food means the
food was grown without using
any chemical fertilizers or pesti-
cides. In Ontario, many of our
local farmers are now growing
food organically. When you are
shopping, you will also find food
that was grown organically, but
from other provinces or
countries, and it's important to
remember their organic stand-
ards may differ from Ontario.
The best way to know how
your food was grown is to ask
the grower, or the farmer, at a
farmer's market.
Tony also explained how birds
play a very important role in
keeping unwanted pests out of
your garden.
Thank you to those who came
out to support us at our annual
Plant and Bake Sale on May 10.
There were many new plants
offered this year, including
beautiful herb planters and veg-
etable seedlings. Now, if we can
just convince Mother Nature to
bring on the warm dry weather,
all will grow nicely.
The annual bus trip this year
has been arranged for July 9. We
will be touring the Brantford
area "Whistling Gardens" as well
as gardens in Paris.
Please contact Heather
McLean 519-527-1832 if you are
interested in reserving a seat on
the bus.
Next meeting will be held on
June 11.
Seaforth Horticultural mem-
bers will be heading on a tour of
private gardens in the Walton
and Wroxeter area, departing
Northside Church at 6:00 p.m.
For further information, con-
tact Ken Papple at
Be sure to check us out on our
website at www.seaforthdhs.org,
for more information and
Annual elimination draw sold out
Seaforth Lions
Club News
For the 44th consecutive year,
the Seaforth Lions Club's annual
Elimination Draw is sold out.
Early bird draw winners for April
and May were Paul and Carolyn
Somerville and Mark Otten.
Saturday, June 21, is the date
for the roast chicken dinner and
dance featuring the band Cheap
Shirts and the elimination draw
for $7850 in cash prizes.
The final TV bingo before the
summer break was held on May
21 at which time the $750 jack-
pot was won. TV bingo will
resume in September.
Thank you to all the bingo
players, the merchants who sell
the bingo cards and cable chan-
nel 12 for broadcasting.
The newest member to the
Seaforth Lions Club family is
lion cub Grace Linton.
Congratulations to Lion Paul
Linton, his wife Amanda and
son Myles on Grace's arrival
early in May.
Maplewood Manor hosted
our dinner meeting on May 26.
Grace Campbell and her staff
prepared a delicious roast beef
dinner. Dinner guests were Rob-
bie Robbs and Chris Lee from
the Gateway Rural Health
Research Institute. A presenta-
tion was made outlining Gate-
way's research projects, the ben-
efits of their research to the
residents of Huron, Perth, Bruce
and Grey counties, and the
financial requirements needed
for the research to continue.
The Seaforth Lions Club's
annual theatre outing is planned
for Thursday, Aug. 14 to the
Blyth Theatre for the comedy
Stag and Doe. Lions, spouses
and friends are invited to join
this club outing.
June is graduation month at
our local schools. Members will
be presenting awards totaling
$250 at Seaforth Public School,
St. Anne's Catholic Secondary
School and St. James Elemen-
tary School graduation
A donation of $1000 was made
to the Drive for Dean fundraiser.
Our club's 90th anniversary
celebration activities for July 1
have been finalized. The Sea -
forth Lions Park will be the set-
ting for the "Family Fun at the
Park" events, which will run
from 1:30 p.m. to 9:00 pm.
For information, check out the
local cable channels, Seaforth
Lions Club Facebook page and
the Huron Expositor, or contact
Lion Doug Elliott at
cultural roots in Huron County.
Dyno Day is an annual event at
St. Anne's where students bring
their tractors to school. The stu-
dents participating spent the day
outside with the tractors, testing
out the tractors power with a
dynamometer. It truly is only a St.
Anne's tradition. Follow us on
Twitter to see photos of our tractor
parking lot @stannescss.
Sunday was the annual Grad
Mass for all graduating students
and their families. The Mass was a
beautiful way to celebrate the
graduating class and it was won-
derful to see so many families
attend. The celebration was then
followed by a light reception for
the graduates.
IStudents at St. Anne's enjoyed
Dino Day, where kids brought their
tractors to school to celebrate the
community's agricultural roots.
photo submitted
St. Anne's Dino Day
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM PARK PAVILION
2 weeks/10 1/2 & 1 Hour $70and up
(Payment must accompany registration)
Family Discounts Available
June 16th -June 27th
July 7th -July 18th
July 21st -Aug. 1st (Afternoon 4-6)
Aug. 4th -Aug. 15th
Aug. 11th -Aug. 15th
Deadline to register July 29th
Aug. 18th -Aug. 22nd
Deadline to register August 12th
Regular Season Schedule Starting Mon. June 30m
Monday to Friday — 9am- 12 noon - Swimming Lessons
12 noon- lpm - Swimming Lengths Only
7 DAYS A WEEK OPEN SWIM 1pm-4pm, 6pm-8:00pm
& FAMILY SWIM 5-6pnn
Mon. - Wed. - Fri. Swim Team Practice 4-5 pm
For more information on Lions Park and Pool
programs please call 519-527-0950.
4:30 - 6:00 PM
Dinner, Dance and Draw to be held on