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Distracted driving a
potentially fatal flaw
OMI Agency
Driving can be a dangerous business. But it
does not have to be.
Why is there such a seeming obliviousness to
those who do not share the roadways
Most provinces now have distracting driving
laws — some penalties more harsh and enforced
than in other areas.
It is time law enforcement gets more serious
about executing these laws, understanding from
a "proof" standpoint, it can be one of the most
difficult tickets to stick.
According to the Canadian Automobile Asso-
ciation, cellphones remain one of the most com-
mon distractions for drivers. Drivers text -mes-
saging on a cellphone are 23 times more likely to
be involved in a crash or near crash compared
with non-distracted drivers, according to a 2010
Virginia Tech Transportation Institute study.
Why are you on your phone, at least one that
isn't hands-free? Not so many years ago, you had
to wait for a phone booth. You have made it this
far, why do you have to be yakking on your
Now there is a competitive communication
function that is a reality of doing business today,
but the selfishness of not giving the road your
entire attention is morally bankrupt.
And it doesn't mean just phones. It means
reading (yes some people read while driving,
huh?), lighting smokes, putting on makeup,
looking through a CD collection.
In Alberta, distracted drivers are three times
more likely to be in a crash than attentive
Kids in cars as passengers, especially infants,
also impact your odds of being distracted, so
plan for that.
The RCMP found in 2010 that 104 fatal acci-
dents in B.C. involved distracted driving.
Distracted pedestrians can be a big problem,
too. How many of us have been at a busy inter-
section or crosswalk trying to keep traffic flow
efficient only to have to make a quick stop and/
or wait because some moron is composing a text
message while wallcing. Smarten up or become a
hood ornament.
We all share the road — motorists, cyclists,
pedestrians — and we all share responsibility to
give the effort our entire focus.
Do we have your attention now?
Good. Eyes on the road.
To everything - turn, turn, turn
Whitney South
Huron Expositor
The first time I saw a wind turbine,
I was in my third year at university in
I woke up groggy from the bus ride
just as we were passing the CNE.
Casually glancing out the window, I
remember feeling absolute shock, as
a giant white structure appeared,
towering over Lakeshore Boulevard.
Honestly, I felt like I had fallen
into a scene from War of the Worlds.
There it was, bigger than I could've
ever imagined, casting an imposing
shadow I wouldn't soon forget.
Looking past its size, I couldn't
help but wonder why the blades
weren't moving. Wasn't that the
point, to capture wind?
From that day on, the things fasci-
nated me. I wasn't impressed, or
angered, just fascinated.
Over the years, I began to see more
and more.
Heading out to Goderich for a
camping trip or travelling to London
to visit friends, there they were, still
not moving.
That is, until last week.
I was making my way to Bayfield to
meet a friend for dinner, when I
scanned the horizon, finally catching
a glimpse of a working turbine.
It must've been a busy day for the
wind companies, as my cousin sent
me a video showing another group
out near London, spinning away.
The message accompanying it ada-
mantly declared, "Look! They've
I guess I must've mentioned my
observations to her once or twice
At the end of day, I realized
regardless of how many turbines I
had seen all across Ontario, it had
taken me over a decade to witness
one actually turning.
This phenomenon added even
more questions to the growing list I
already had swirling around in my
When I first moved to Huron
County, I knew I was going to end up
hearing a lot of discussion about
wind power.
As with most things, my first reac-
tion was to immerse myself in
research. To find out everything I
could about turbines and to learn
the facts, pure and simple.
Unfortunately, it wasn't quite as
simple as I thought.
Peer-reviewed research can be
found standing up for both sides of
the debate, leaving me with no real
answers. But still I pressed on, in
hopes of understanding what it
means to live in a municipality so
deeply entrenched in controversy.
During my first couple weeks, I
found myself at several council
meetings packed with motions and
votes on everything from proposed
community funds to road user agree-
ments and baseline sound studies.
Though I wasn't shocked at the
amount of passion present on both
sides of the debate, I was surprised
at how many people would share
their opinion with me, but not make
them heard in council chambers.
When council was to vote on
whether or not to accept a commu-
nity fund offered by St. Columban
Energy, Huron East Against Turbines
(HEAT) members filled the room,
ready to let councilors know they
weren't interested in accepting any
funding from the energy company.
Council voted against the fund five
to four, a seemingly controversial
move, considering the municipality
had already suffered a huge cut to
their annual budget to the tune of
over $300,000. I assumed this was
the wish of the people of Huron East,
as no residents showed up to sup-
port the motion. I was proven wrong
the very next day as many people
bent my ear with the opinion council
had made a terrible mistake.
As a journalist, it's my job to
remain unbiased when it comes to
many things including politics,
municipal council and even fund-
raising. The controversy surrounding
wind turbines is no different.
I continue to try and educate
myself on the pros and cons of wind
power, taking in everything each side
has to say with the deepest respect
and understanding for their posi-
tions. Hopefully everyone else is
doing the same.
In the end, I encourage everyone
to never hesitate in standing up for
what you believe in, but make sure
you truly understand what you're
fighting for.
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