HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2014-07-23, Page 11Now it's our time to take the wheel
It was the first day of jun-
ior kindergarten, 10 years
Now, it's our Grade 8
Throughout these years,
all of us have been changed
both physically and men-
tally. We have been pre-
pared to lead our own path.
We have just been along for
the ride, now it's our time
to take the wheel. We will
get lost, take detours and
have flat tires. Somehow we
will find our way back and
keep moving forward.
Tonight is when we look
back in the mirror and
remember all those won-
derful memories we have
We started off our educa-
tion at H.C.S. as primary
students. Some of us were
shy and others couldn't
stop talking. Back then we
were like tourists, seeking
adventures and looking at
the new scenery. Our eyes
were eager for more. The
nature trail and backwoods
were always a mystery.
As we moved forward, we
had a hallway that was, and
still is, never ending and we
were now known as juniors.
Stormy days were the best.
The day was spent dream-
ing about being storm -
stayed at school instead of
getting that worksheet
done. Sadly, every time the
sun came shining through
the clouds again.
The older we became, the
more trust we gained from
the teachers, and from each
other. We were always told
to use our time wisely and I
think we did. During both
years, we found out who
our true friends were and
the bonds we made
couldn't get any stronger.
Each one of us found out
who we were and showed
everyone. Now the bush is
no longer a mystery, it's our
new home. Those shy kids
broke from their shell and
the other kids, still can't
stop talking. Our year-end
trip to Camp Celtic made
that bond stronger than
ever. After that trip, sleep
was over -rated.
Last, but not least, I
would like to take you back
to Grade 6 on our first day.
Mrs. Stephenson was intro-
ducing herself and told us
how she considers us as a
family. Honestly, it was the
weirdest thing I had ever
heard, but I tried not to
make it noticeable. I have
thought about it the past
couple of years and I abso-
lutely agree with her now.
Getting past the point that
you have 40 other siblings
seems unrealistic. How-
ever, we spend so much
time together, help each
other solve problems and
give each other advice, that
is really is true. Of course
we argue sometimes, but
after we get over it, that
brings us closer together.
From tears to laughs we
have been through them
Huron Centennial award winners
Huron Tractor Top Aca-
demic Girl - Sara Claussen
Huron Tractor Top Aca-
demic Girl, honourable men-
tion - Rebecca Schultz
Huron Tractor Top Aca-
demic Boy - Travis Sloan
Huron Tractor Top Aca-
demic Boy, honourable men-
tion - Derrien Small
Hensall Co-op Best All Round
Boy - Turner Sanford
Hensall Co-op Best All
Round Boy, honourable
mention - Kole Verhoef
DeJong Auto Sales & Ser-
vice Best All Round Girl
- Jennifer Beeler
DeJong Auto Sales & Service
Best All Round Girl, honour-
able mention - Dakota Bachert
W.S. Jeffery Math Award
- Rebecca Schultz
W.S. Jeffery Math
Award, honourable men-
tion - Sara Claussen
Huron Centennial Staff Vale-
dictorian - Chantel Van Dorp
MacLeans Athletic Award
— Male - Kole Verhoef
MacLeans Athletic Award —
Female - Brooke Schroeder
CAP Products French
Award - Rebecca Schultz
CAP Products French
Award, honourable men-
tion - Cora Brown
Glen McLachlan Leader-
ship/Sportsmanship Award
- Savannah Veenstra
Dawn Rathwell Most Improved
Student — Male - Hugh Flynn
Dawn Rathwell Most
Improved Student - Female
- Hannah Wallace
Ontario Principals' Coun-
cil Student Leadership
Award - Dakota Bachert
Willow Lake Design Art
Award - Jennifer Beeler
Hay Mutual Insurance Eng-
lish Award - Sara Claussen
Hay Mutual Insurance Eng-
lish Award, honourable men-
tion - Sydney Harvey
McKinley/Hayter Music
Award - Tony Watterworth
Bayfield Optimists Citizen-
ship Award — Female - Mac-
kenzie Kelly Ingram
Bayfield Optimists Citizenship
Award - Male - Hunter Kennedy
Ruth Hayman Elli-
ott Memorial Geography
Award - Dara Meades
Evelyn H.B. Newton Brady His-
tory Award - Brooke Schroeder
New Orleans Science
Award - Jennifer Beeler
Lowell B. Mount Virtue
Award - Taylor Durand
Sanford Family "Technol-
ogy" Award - Turner Sanford
Bluewater Community Devel-
opment Foundation Award
— Male - Josiah Steckle
Bluewater Community Devel-
opment Foundation Award
— Female - McKayla Dunn
Huron East Citizenship
Award — Male - Tim Hearn
Huron East Citizenship Award
— Female - Chantel Van Dorp
Jeremy Renning Memo-
rial Graphic Arts Award
- Caleb Martin
Terry's Family Restaurant Huron
East Community Development
Award — Male - Travis Sloan
Terry's Family Restau-
rant Huron East Commu-
nity Development Award —
Female - Rachael Robinson
Allan Family Spirit
Award - Coryn Knox
all. We have shared all of
those moments together as
one big happy family.
As our family splits and
we go our separate ways,
let's remember this one
special night. This building
has brought us all together
and we have created the
graduating class of 2014.
We don't want to leave here
as just another graduating
class. We want to leave here
tonight as role models. Set
an example for not just the
younger students, but also
the high school students
next year. We have left our
mark here. Soon, we start
over in a different place.
Who knows what might
come next. As this chapter
of our story comes to an
end, a new one will soon
begin. I am honoured to be
a part of this story and say
these last few words; On
behalf of the Huron Cen-
tennial graduating class of
2014, I would like to say
thank you and goodbye.
ww.sea ort uronex.ositor.co
Linda Reaume
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Wednesday, July 23, 2014 • Huron Expositor 11
See ya St. James, it's been a pleasure
First up Megan H the creative
one of the bunch who often has
really great ideas. She is also the
number one class supplier of
gold fish. But you can always
count on Megan to make your
day with her contagious smile.
Tonight Megan will receive the
most creative award.
Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No!
It's Rienk Vander Ploeg! Rienk is
like superman, as fast as speed
of light, but Rienk is never one
to leave anyone out. That's one
of the best super powers to
have. Tonight Rienk will receive
the shortest award.
Now over to Hudson, Hud-
son is very caring and gener-
ous to his classmates, espe-
cially when come to his lunch.
So, to pay you back for the
year supply here's a little treat
from the class. (Toss nuggets)
Tonight Hudson will receive
the lunch of the year award.
Tyson, the jokester of the
bunch. From his awesome
beat boxing skills to his hilari-
ous punch lines. I think that
we can both agree that we
have never seen Tyson with-
out a smile on his face.
Tonight Tyson will receive the
class clown award.
Two words that best describe
Jack are 'Ginga Ninja: There is
never a dull moment when Jack
is around, especially when it
comes to his fantastic singing.
This evening Jack will receive
the singing award for his unex-
pected talent.
On your venture to the
water fountain you are sure to
find Irelyn in the ladies wash-
room checking her hair and
makeup! By the way Irelyn
you look stunning tonight!
Tonight Irelyn will be receiv-
ing the most genuine award.
Many of you probably know
Nicole by her wonderful accent;
I think we can all admit we are a
bit jealous of it. Nicole is a very
kind and humble person. Not
to mention SUPER organized,
just to show how organized
Nicole is, she was the stage
manager of the Oz production.
Nicole will be receiving the
organization award.
Sweet and simple, unlike
the other girls Emma's not
afraid of a good ole cracker
challenge. From her stylin'
sunglasses to her outgoing
personality Emma is always
one to look out for others. The
award goes to Emma.
The Municipalities of Huron County
are seeking three (3) members and one (1) alternate member of
the public to be appointed to:
According to Section 81(1) of the Municipal Elections Act, a council or local board
shall, before October 1 of an election year, establish a committee for the purposes
of compliance audit.
Compliance Audit Committee members must possess an in-depth knowledge of the
campaign finance rules of the Municipal Elections Act. Prior experience on a
committee, task force or tribunal would be an asset.
Committee per diems and normal expenses will be paid by the municipality where a
Compliance Audit Application has been received.
The term of the Compliance Audit Committee will be for the term of Council; being
December 1, 2014 until November 30, 2018.
If you are interested in being appointed to the Huron County Municipalities
Compliance Audit Committee; please forward a letter by August 7, 2014 at 12:00
p.m.; including details relating to your qualifications and experience to:
(.it ciii-ti E L
Qp. Howic k
Susan Cronin, County Clerk,
County of Huron,
One Court House Square,
Goderich, ON N7A 1M2
(519)-524-8394 ext. 3257
519-357-3550 519-887-6137
519-527-0160 519-235-0310
519-236-4351 519-482-3997