HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2014-07-23, Page 1010 Huron Expositor • Wednesday, July 23, 2014
Looking forward to high school and all the new challenges
Nicki Van Bakel and Jacob
Good evening fellow class-
mates, teachers, parents,
family and friends. My name
is Jacob Deck and I am your
Valedictorian, along with
Nicki Van Bakel. We are here
to celebrate the graduating
class of 2014, and talk about
all of the great memories we
have shared on the way.
This class has only been
together for a couple years
but we have lots of great
memories together. In Grade
3, we went to a Medieval
Times place and had to eat
crazy but good things in the
dark. In Grade 5 we went to
Walwanash. Last year our
class went to Above the Falls
Challenge Course in Ben
miller. I remember when
Mrs. Courtney couldn't get
over the big wooden wall;
imagine trying it now, seven
months pregnant.
We would like to thank all
the staff members for help-
ing us create these memo-
ries helping us learn
throughout the past 10 years.
And, on behalf of the Grade
8 students, we would espe-
cially like to thank Mr.
McCarroll for making this
year one of the best.
Now, our class is quite
interesting. We've got lots of
talents, including boat mak-
ing out of a plastic bin and
yet somehow, Andrew, you
still managed to get across
that big puddle without sink-
ing. Also known as, the terpy
Okay but seriously, that is
just a little saying the first
time Kaleb had said it, it just
stuck with him.
One of the most additions
to our class is Jake Preszca-
tor. Jake was not the new kid
for very long, because he
made friends very quickly.
Jake is known for having an
obsession with the color
orange and for hitting peo-
ple with his casts, but who
Now the next guy here is
definitely one of the most
laid back, chill guys you'd
ever meet. Last year Mrs.
Courtney would call him
Bruno Mars, didn't really see
much resemblance until he
would put his sunglasses on,
then they're identical. We
could always count on you
bringing this one piece of
fruit almost everyday of this
school year. Anyone know
what that is? It's a banana.
I'm going to talk about a
guy who is known to some of
us as the little devil child. To
others, meaning the teach-
ers, he's known as Aaron.
Around teachers, little
Ronny boy is the nicest, most
calm person in the class. But
around us, all he does is take
your pencils and flick you in
the ear.
The next two people can
put a smile on your face with
their crazy laugh or squeaky
sneeze. We would be in the
middle of a Mr. Appel lec-
ture, total silence and pretty
soon you would hear Ali
sneeze, followed by a Bre
laugh. You could be having
the worst day ever and those
two sounds would make it all
This kid has never been
wrong. He will argue with
Mr. Appel until he gives up
and lets him win. Redge is
one of the best arguers in the
class and will never let any-
one tell him the he is wrong.
Luke O'rourke is known
for being hilarious. Luke has
basically made up his own
language and there is never
a point in the day when
Jason Denys
P.O. Box 1236 Phone: 519-600-1739
Seaforth, ON NOK IWO Cell: 519-525-0177
jason@mckillopmutual.com Fax: 519-527-2777
someone isn't laughing at
something he said. One key
word in Luke's language is
the word "zingos," which
doesn't really have a defini-
tion. And for some reason,
he adds an "S" to the end of
every sentence.
Naturally. Curly. Hair.
There's only one person who
comes to mind when you say
curly hair, Emma. Even her
"worst" hair day it still looks
amazing. Wouldn't it be nice
every morning to have the
option of putting it up or
leaving it down with those
natural curls? Okay Deck,
not sure where that came
from but Emma is also
known for knowing every-
thing and the definition to
every word out there.
And then there's our class
Dr. Phil - Gage. He checks in
with us girls, makes sure our
day is going good, gives a
high five and sometimes if
times are bad we get a hug.
Anything we say to Gage is
safe and he is one guy we all
trust with our problems,
Another recent addition to
our class is Enock. I can
remember the first time it
snowed, we were all freezing
our butts off while Enock
was doing snow angels.
Enock had made our class so
much better, and we are very
happy that he came
Hilary and Rachel, these
two have the most amazing
talent. We've never seen or
heard anything like it. Schol-
arship material for sure,
Hilary and Rachel can whis-
tle through their braces.
Every class has that one
person who does well at eve-
rything; sports, academics,
he's very competitive and
isn't afraid to let his girly
scream out when he beats
No one can argue that the
toughest girl in our class is
Emily Cronin. She is tough
as nails and she will not be
messed with by anybody.
Another thing no one can
argue is that she will never
fail to make people laugh.
Whether she random makes
some squeaking noise, or
starts attacking Kaeleb, she
will never fail to make some-
body crack a smile.
Alright, well this next girl
has given me scratches,
bruises, bumps and a lot of
pain. She will throw you to
the ground if you touch her
hair. She has no problem
doing this to the guys either.
The funny thing is, Elaine is
the last person you would
think would do this and I'm
going to miss it like crazy
when we go to different high
Our cowgirl is known for
wearing her plaid shirts and
her cowgirl boots. Natasha
Klaver is a cowgirl at heart
and she probably would
have worn her boots tonight
if she could.
I don't think a day - hour
- minute - maybe even sec-
ond has passed without this
girl having her iPad. She is
either doing schoolwork on
it or threatening to hurt peo-
ple with it. I think we all
know this is Bobbie. Or her
real name, Alexandra
This guy has been known
for doing some pretty crazy
stuff. And you're the first
person that I've ever seen
put a pressure washer
through your steel toe boot
and your foot. Then two days
later you'd be running
around those bases in gym
like no tomorrow. He is also
known for helping our class
never have a dual moment.
I'm positive we can put a
name to this one - Matt
Now this next guy is leav-
ing us soon. He will be mov-
ing to Oklahoma. Wyatt has
had such a big impact on our
class. But we didn't realize it
until he told us he was mov-
ing and we all cried. So a few
things Wyatt is known for -
well I'm pretty sure every
time he had the chance to
speak into a microphone at
anytime and anywhere he
would say this exactly "Hi
I'm Wyatt, I like to party and
I like warm hugs." Also,
Wyatt is known for have a big
obsession over Skittles. You
might want to stock up on
those, there's none in the
U.S. We're gonna miss you
These next few people have
multiple things to be remem-
bered for. It was hard to pin
point only a few. So Deck, I've
got some random thoughts for
the next few people. So I will
say a few words and you tell
me the first name that comes
to mind.
Getting a teacher to raise
their voice at him within 2.38
minutes? Austin
Very protective of every
species on this earth? Jenna
Good smelling hair? Chloe
Beautiful brown long hair?
Having the best singing
voice in St. Columban his-
tory? Matt Beuermann
Falls off chair a lot?
Loves Starbucks, loses
everything and we realized
she could scream very loud
at the grad trip? Holly
Cakes, cookies, cupcakes
and other good desserts?
Always has a smile on her
face no matter what? Jenna
Had the absolute best out-
fits since Grade 2! Chloe
Having extremely long
hair and some how wearing
a toque in the summer?
There are four short words
I can say for the next person
- thanks but no thanks?
Getting all the ladies? Stan
The last person but defi-
nitely not least person I will
mention is someone who is
extremely nice, and will
never fail to make people
laugh. Nicki, my fellow Vale-
dictorian is known for many
things including making
friends at sporting events,
and having random conver-
sations with random people.
Well to conclude our
speech, we would like show
our appreciation for every-
thing that the church,
school, teachers and our
parents have done to help us
learn and get us here today.
We are all looking forward to
high school and all the new
challenges the next four
years will bring. I really hope
we all stay in touch. Maybe
in 10 years we will have a
reunion? Ya, we will go to
Walwanash again for the
seventh time.
On behalf of Deck and I,
we would like to thank our
classmates, for the honour of
being your Valedictorians
and we hope everyone is
blessed with success in
whatever it is you guys
choose to do in life. Just
remember it all started here
in our one hallway schools.
St. Pats and St. Columban.
And we'd like to thank Father
Chris for everything he did
for our parish and you will
be greatly missed. Thank you
and goodnight everybody.
St. Columban award winners
South Easthop Mutual
Insurance Award for Drama
and the Arts - Aaron
Michael O'Rourke Award
for Positive Approach to Life -
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Aaron Denneny
St. Patrick's/St. Columban
School Council Athletic
Award - Jake McPhee and
Elaine White
BD 0 Dunwoody Award for
High Mathematics Achieve-
ment - Ryley Looby
St. Columban French Lan-
guage Award - Breann
Mitchell Optimist English
Language Award - Jacob Deck
Dave Lang Memorial Music
Award - Matthew Beuerman
Kevin Gaffney Christian
Caring Award - Jake McPhee
and Holly Gaffney
Knights of Columbus High
Academic Award - Jacob
Dublin Lions Most
Improved Award - Austin
OECTA Catholic Values
Award - Rachel Klaver
CWL Sustained Effort
Award - Chloe Rocher
Catholic School Trustee
Award - Breann
Larry Langan Meeting the
Challenge Award - Andrew
Valedictorians - Nicole
Van Bakel and Jacob Deck