HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2014-07-09, Page 66 Huron Expositor • Wednesday, July 9, 2014 letters to the editor Seaforth and Huron East do it again To the Editor; The Seaforth Lions' 90th Anniversary Celebration on Canada Day was an enormous success thanks to an overall community effort. When people talk about the special pride of a small town, they could find no better example than this one. Individuals, businesses, and groups donated their time, ideas, equipment and supplies, all of which made the day such a wonderful time. Special mention to the weather committee, good job. Thanks again to everyone, cv Doug Elliott 90th Anniversary Committee Chair Ceta raises big questions To the Editor; Will Ceta become the benefit to Canada that the government suggests? The Federal Government has received considerable praise for Ceta, the proposed EU — Canada trade deal. The benefits of the program will depend on the details specified in the document. The goal should be to make this deal as solid as possible for the long term benefit of our economy. I therefore question why the Harper government is including in Ceta a clause that will make it impossible for this or any future government to use the Bank of Canada as a source of credit to finance a portion of Canada's borrowings? If this is good for Canada, why the secrecy? Why is an item about government borrowing funds, hidden in a trade agreement? www.seaforthhuronexpositor.com Why is it not discussed in parliament, in the public, in the media? Why shouldn't the people of Canada know about this proposal? The Bank of Canada helped finance federal, provincial and municipal projects at extremely low interest cost for almost 40 years, ending in 1974. It helped us get out of the great depression, helped finance the Second World War, our recovery, and many other projects including the St. Laurence Seaway. The low interest cost permitted the principal amount to be paid off quicker and at less cost to taxpayers. Since 1974 Canadian taxpayers have paid about 1.8 trillion dol- lars interest for federal government borrowing. The cost would have been a small percentage of that amount had the borrowing been sourced through the Bank of Canada. We may want to use the borrowing power of the Bank of Canada again. Why destroy it? Gordon Hill Varna, ON 90th Anniversary Celebration a huge success )Seaforth Lions Club News Canada Day saw hundreds of people from near and far at the Seaforth Lions' Park for the club's 90th anniversary celebration. Mother Nature blessed us with great weather. Young and old enjoyed a talent show, games and races, swimming, sto- rytelling, barbecue and movie, as well as an antique tractor and car show. Jim Sills re-enacted his 1955 plunge as the first swimmer in the new pool. Many Seaforth groups and individu- als worked alongside the Lions to make the day a great success. Lion Bob Beuttenmiller, a 50 -year member, was presented with a life- time membership and distinguished service plaque for his dedication to the Seaforth Lions Park and Pool. To view a video of the day's activities, visit Rediscovering Canada Television on Facebook. Thanks to the Lions' spouses and friends for all their help, as well as the car, truck and tractor owners for a qual- ity display; the talent show participants for great entertainment; and to all the children and parents who joined in the many activities. The Lions Club would like to recog- nize the following for their contribu- tions: Seaforth Ag. Society, Sun North, Tim Horton Donuts, Brussels Leo Club, Seaforth Optimist Club, BTM Financial, Maple Hill Electric, Municipality of Huron East, Huron East Seaforth Com- munity Trust, K J Etue Insurance, Naomi Pells, Sherry McCall, Pete Klaver, and Trish MacGregor. Our Bicycle Draw winners were Mya Hall and Joe Moylan, so watch for those shiny new bikes - and their helmeted riders - around town. The 44th annual elimination draw was held on June 21. The grand prize winners of $5,000 were Robert and Carol Morley. A complete list of winners can be found in the July 2 edition of the Huron Expositor, cable television stations and on the Seaforth Lions Club's Facebook page. The Lions held their final dinner meeting before the summer break at Lions Park. Spouses of current and for- mer members joined in for a barbecue and fellowship. The Seaforth Lions Club's annual theatre outing is planned for Thurs- day, Aug. 14 to the Blyth Theatre for the comedy Stag and Doe. Lions, spouses and friends are invited to join this club outing. The Seaforth Lions Club enjoyed a successful 2013-14 year serving the Sea - forth community. Over $12,800 was donated to individuals and organiza- tions. Our service work is possible only through the community's support of our fundraising projects. Thank you to our supporters as we reflect on the good work we have been able to do in our community. See you in September. Cavan services to resume in August Ruth Campbell Winthrop correspondent This past week or two has brought us some very warm and sometimes humid days. The humidity sure slows one down. Services at Cavan resume on Aug. 3 at the usual time. Rev. Mary will be leading the services. On Sunday, my brother Ron Hibbert and wife Glenna visited us. They live in Mildmay but we hadn't visited each other recently. They recently moved but are still in Mildmay. Food for Thought Good habits result from resisting temptation. www.seaforthhuronexpositor.com t 10 You are invited to attend these area churches ST. THOMAS CHURCH 21Jarvis St. Seaforth Rector The Rev. Karine Snowdon Rectory 519-482-9071 Church Office 519-527-1522 Sunday, July 13th ST. JAMES ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH WELCOMES YOU 14 Victoria Street, Seaforth 519-345-2972 Sat. Mass 5 p.m. Sun. Mass 9 a.m. ST. PATRICK'S, DUBLIN Sun. Mass 11 a.m. FR. CHRIS GILLESPIE Worship at 9:30 a.m. EVERYONE WELCOME BETHEL BIBLE CHURCH An Associated Gospel Church 126 Main St. Seaforth 519-527-0982 Pastor Mark Kennedy SUNDAY WORSHIP SERVICE 10 a.m. Tuesday Evenings • Youth Groups - Junior & Senior High 6:30 to 9 p.m. • Vacation Bible School Aug. 11-15 &.. EVERYONE WELCOME EGMONDVILLE UNITED CHURCH Pastor SteveHildebrand Youth Coordinator - Laura Nakamura WORSHIP JULY 13th at 10:30 a.m Note: Time Change for The Summer Website: www.egmondvilleunitedchurch.com Like us on Facebook. NORTHSIDE UNITED CHURCH MINISTER MARY FLETCHER Welcomes you Holidays No Service Until August 6. 54 Goderich St. W. 519-527-1449 6,1 www,I .cavannorthsideunited.ca FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 59 Goderich St. W. Seaforth 519-527-0170 Student Minister Ian Marnoch Lorrie Mann - Organist Worship Sunday, July 13th, 11:15 a.m. All Welcome Nursery Provided. gl Office hours: Wed. 9 a.m. - Noon Ceta raises big questions To the Editor; Will Ceta become the benefit to Canada that the government suggests? The Federal Government has received considerable praise for Ceta, the proposed EU — Canada trade deal. The benefits of the program will depend on the details specified in the document. The goal should be to make this deal as solid as possible for the long term benefit of our economy. I therefore question why the Harper government is including in Ceta a clause that will make it impossible for this or any future government to use the Bank of Canada as a source of credit to finance a portion of Canada's borrowings? If this is good for Canada, why the secrecy? Why is an item about government borrowing funds, hidden in a trade agreement? www.seaforthhuronexpositor.com Why is it not discussed in parliament, in the public, in the media? Why shouldn't the people of Canada know about this proposal? The Bank of Canada helped finance federal, provincial and municipal projects at extremely low interest cost for almost 40 years, ending in 1974. It helped us get out of the great depression, helped finance the Second World War, our recovery, and many other projects including the St. Laurence Seaway. The low interest cost permitted the principal amount to be paid off quicker and at less cost to taxpayers. Since 1974 Canadian taxpayers have paid about 1.8 trillion dol- lars interest for federal government borrowing. The cost would have been a small percentage of that amount had the borrowing been sourced through the Bank of Canada. We may want to use the borrowing power of the Bank of Canada again. Why destroy it? Gordon Hill Varna, ON 90th Anniversary Celebration a huge success )Seaforth Lions Club News Canada Day saw hundreds of people from near and far at the Seaforth Lions' Park for the club's 90th anniversary celebration. Mother Nature blessed us with great weather. Young and old enjoyed a talent show, games and races, swimming, sto- rytelling, barbecue and movie, as well as an antique tractor and car show. Jim Sills re-enacted his 1955 plunge as the first swimmer in the new pool. Many Seaforth groups and individu- als worked alongside the Lions to make the day a great success. Lion Bob Beuttenmiller, a 50 -year member, was presented with a life- time membership and distinguished service plaque for his dedication to the Seaforth Lions Park and Pool. To view a video of the day's activities, visit Rediscovering Canada Television on Facebook. Thanks to the Lions' spouses and friends for all their help, as well as the car, truck and tractor owners for a qual- ity display; the talent show participants for great entertainment; and to all the children and parents who joined in the many activities. The Lions Club would like to recog- nize the following for their contribu- tions: Seaforth Ag. Society, Sun North, Tim Horton Donuts, Brussels Leo Club, Seaforth Optimist Club, BTM Financial, Maple Hill Electric, Municipality of Huron East, Huron East Seaforth Com- munity Trust, K J Etue Insurance, Naomi Pells, Sherry McCall, Pete Klaver, and Trish MacGregor. Our Bicycle Draw winners were Mya Hall and Joe Moylan, so watch for those shiny new bikes - and their helmeted riders - around town. The 44th annual elimination draw was held on June 21. The grand prize winners of $5,000 were Robert and Carol Morley. A complete list of winners can be found in the July 2 edition of the Huron Expositor, cable television stations and on the Seaforth Lions Club's Facebook page. The Lions held their final dinner meeting before the summer break at Lions Park. Spouses of current and for- mer members joined in for a barbecue and fellowship. The Seaforth Lions Club's annual theatre outing is planned for Thurs- day, Aug. 14 to the Blyth Theatre for the comedy Stag and Doe. Lions, spouses and friends are invited to join this club outing. The Seaforth Lions Club enjoyed a successful 2013-14 year serving the Sea - forth community. Over $12,800 was donated to individuals and organiza- tions. Our service work is possible only through the community's support of our fundraising projects. Thank you to our supporters as we reflect on the good work we have been able to do in our community. See you in September. Cavan services to resume in August Ruth Campbell Winthrop correspondent This past week or two has brought us some very warm and sometimes humid days. The humidity sure slows one down. Services at Cavan resume on Aug. 3 at the usual time. Rev. Mary will be leading the services. On Sunday, my brother Ron Hibbert and wife Glenna visited us. They live in Mildmay but we hadn't visited each other recently. They recently moved but are still in Mildmay. Food for Thought Good habits result from resisting temptation. www.seaforthhuronexpositor.com