HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2014-07-02, Page 88 Huron Expositor • Wednesday, July 2,2014
Service held at the
ballpark in Winthrop
Ruth Campbell
Winthrop correspondent
We finally had a good rain, which
helped the lawns look greener and
helped give a drink to the field
crops. Hay is being harvested in
some places. This brings back mem-
ories of farm life when I was grow-
ing up. I learned to drive the horses,
which pulled the wagon, followed
by the hay loader. The back half of
the wagon was loaded with hay
from the rows and when it was full,
the horses were unhitched and
hooked to a gadget (I forget the
name) which then pulled this half
to the front and then the back half
of the wagon was filled. It was a
much more involved procedure
than haying is today.
Cavan United Church Sunday ser-
vice was the annual service held at
the ballpark in Winthrop. Members
of Northside also joined us.
This was the first time Rev. Mary
was able to join us as she is finished
her summer courses.
The children's time was about a
ball game. God gives us choices -
no strike outs. Mary's message was
titled "Touching All The Bases." This
was based on a ball game where the
umpire makes sure the rules are fol-
lowed. Life is compared to a Game
of Life with God as the umpire. Each
day is first base - faith; second -
commitment; third - witness to our
faith, rules of life, witness to others
by our actions; home plate -
depend on team players, run hard
to finish line, says Paul. Jesus will
help you get safely home.
The choir contributed two num-
bers - "Just a Closer Walk with Thee"
and "There's a Twinlde in God's Eye."
A delicious lunch brunch fol-
lowed the service. This was cooked
by church members. The weather
was perfect for this outdoor event.
Food for Thought
Like tacks, we can go
no further than our heads let us.
Upgrade to the compact
that won't let you down.
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Citizens concerned about cement
dust from K2 Wind Project
To the Editor;
Access laneways are now being
constructed in the K2 Wind pro-
ject area in Ashfield Colborne
Wawanosh (ACW) for the pro-
posed 140 turbines. Cement dust
is being used in the construction
of these laneways. It has been
noted that large amounts of
cement dust are blowing around
during this construction. It is also
blowing onto neighbouring prop-
erties. This cement dust is toxic to
plants to which it adheres and is
not good for people or animals.
The Ministry of the Environment
(MOE) has confirmed that they
consider it a contaminant and that
they will be monitoring and inves-
tigating complaints regarding the
transmission of this dust onto
neighbouring properties in the K2
Wind project area.
If there is construction close to
your property, and you believe K2
is using the cement construction
method, you may want to take
action. It is recommended that
you take pictures of the dust blow-
ing in the wind and pictures of
where it is landing. If you can col-
lect samples of the dust from your
property they can be provided to
the MOE. You can call Mr. Scott
Gass at the MOE office in Owen
Sound at 519-371-4409 or 1-800-
265-3783, Extension 4277. Mr.
Gass is now aware of the cement
dust situation and will investigate.
Again take pictures. You will know
if they are using this method if
there are large LAIDLAW trans-
port trucks. They carry the cement
dust to the construction site.
There will also be a large piece of
equipment, which looks like a
grinder. This is used to mix the
cement dust into the soil and cre-
ate a hard base for the laneway. I
spoke with K2 Wind recently
about an access laneway near my
property. They were planning to
use cement dust. I voiced my
objection. As a result, theywill not
be using cement dust on the
laneway beside my farm.
You may also want to monitor
the situation if K2 Wind is pump-
ing water from a turbine site. Keep
records and take pictures if possi-
ble. Record the day, the amount of
time pumping was going on and
where K2 was pumping the water
to. They do have a limit to the
amount of water they can pump
each day across the turbine pro-
ject. If there is a piece of equip-
ment at the turbine site which
looks like a small generator on
wheels it is more than likely to be
a water pump. Remember; if pos-
sible, take lots of pictures or vid-
eos of what is happening.
Unknown but huge volumes
of water have been pumped off
the K2 Wind substation/switch-
yard site over the past six
months, unknown quantities of
ground water to be pumped at
turbine base sites and toxic
cement dust. Any thinking per-
son can see the irony here.
George Alton
On behalf of concerned citizens
in Ashfield-Colbome-Wawanosh
London church looking for photos
of three former pastors
To the Editor;
St. Luke's Anglican Church in
London is looking for photos of
three former pastors to update
our photo gallery.
If any of your readers have a
photo of Rev. P.W.P. Calhoun
(1866-1932), the Rev. A.L. Bev-
erly (1857-1934) or the Rev F.
Anderson (1871-1941) would
they please contact btdow@
rogers.com or at Unit 144, 1077
Hamilton Rd., London, N5W
Thank you and God bless,
Barbara Don
\H. Cliffe Donaven joins us on July 1,2014
He is a fully licensed mechanic & specializes in
Volkswagens, Diesel, and Air Conditioning repair.