HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2014-01-29, Page 3Wednesday, January 29, 2014 • Huron Expositor 3
Seaforth Continues to Celebrate its History
For the Expositor
With financial funding from the
Ontario Trillium Foundation, the Huron
East/Seaforth Community Develop-
ment Trust, the Seaforth BIA and the
Municipality of Huron, the community
finally concluded the first phase of its
historic plaque project, which has been
over three years in the making. For
those involved, the project was a tre-
mendous labour of love. However,
according to Jan Hawley, economic
development offi cer for Huron East,
"Good things are worth waiting for and
this was no exception:'
On completion, a total of 53 plaques
were assembled featuring 82 local busi-
nesses. These now adorn the windows
and walls of local businesses in Sea-
forth's heritage conservation district
and its adjacent neighbourhoods. The
initiative was conceived with the intent
of enticing residents and newcomers to
its historic community, and so far it
seems to be working.
Stage two will consist of a heritage
walking trail, open to the public at no
cost. Including a downloadable mobile
application, this new technology will
guide history buffs through the heritage
districts, telling the story of its architec-
ture, as well as the people who lived
and worked in these magnificent
Residents and guests are invited to
Photo submitted
Lisa Thompson, Huron Bruce MPP, along with a representative from the Ontario Trillium Foundation present a historic plaque to Sills
Home Hardware, along with Huron East CAO Brad Knight and economic development offi cer Jan Hawley.
Mary and Ken Doig, Seaforth Golf Course.
Photo submitted
stroll the streets of Seaforth
and enjoy its natural and
built heritage.
For a sneak peak take a
virtual tour of its shopping
district by visiting www.
Photo submitted
Andrew, Jason and Stephen Oud, Seaforth Elevators.
2013-2014 HOME GAMES
FRIDAY • JANUARY 31st • 8:30
OFFICE: 519-482-9082 CELL: 519-525-8675
Usborne & Hibbert
Mutual Fire Insurance Company
The 138th Annual Meeting of the Usborne & Hibbert Mutual Fire Insurance Company
will be held at the Kirkton-Woodham Community Centre at 2 p.m. on Monday, March
17, 2014, for the presentation of the Annual Report, to elect Directors and to transact
any business that may rightly come before the meeting.
Nominations will be received for the election of two Directors for a three year term.
The Directors whose term of office expires are Tom Feeney and Michael O'Shea, both
of whom are eligible for re-election.
Article 21 Any person wishing to seek election or re-election as a Director must
file his/her intention to stand for election in writing with the General Manager of the
Corporation in person at least thirty days in advance of the Annual Meeting or Special
General Meeting called for the purpose of electing Directors.
The 2013 Financial Statements for Usborne & Hibbert Mutual Fire Insurance
Company will be posted to the company's web site. Copies will also be available at
the company office, 507 Main Street South, Exeter, Ontario.
Tom Feeney Shelagh Cleary BA, FCIP
Chair and President General Manager