HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2014-01-22, Page 1212 Huron Expositor • Wednesday, January 22, 2014 Legals Legals Legals FARM FOR SALE BY TENDER Mary Eleanor Mitchell, Nancy Marie Tardella, Donna Joanne Dempsey and James Lawrence Buchanan invite tenders for the purchase of their farm lands legally described as Part Lot 10, Concession 10 and Lot 9, Concession 10, Hullett, Municipality of Central Huron (County of Huron) comprised of approximately 120 workable acres. • for tender forms & other particulars please contact: Devereaux Murray Professional Corporation 77 Main Street South, Seaforth, Ontario, NOK Phone: (519) 527-0850 Email: Imacdonald@devereauxmurray.ca • tenders to be submitted by 12:00 noon on Thursday, February 20, 2014 • highest or any tender not necessarily accepted General Help Wanted General Help Wanted General Help Wanted SAArDERSOAT OPTOME FULL-TIME POSITION Full time position available. No experience necessary. Please drop off resume to 34 Goderich Street, Seaforth or fax to 519-527-2260 ti.11 ADVERTISE ACROSS ONTARIO OR ACROSS THE CO UNITRY Focrnoremircenkgrior, conractyouriocarnEwspopgr. ADVERTISING LOOKNG ror '.IEW BUSINESS eqn added reyenue? Prorrpate your r.orn- pa n In Communily NoWSpaperS moron" Onlariu right here in these Netwait Classified Ads ori, tiusness e9A1-81Ze41 ai ifl IlUrtdredS or well- rdad newsp,spers. Lek us show yau tow Ask attout cur referral program. COn'irriUntly NaWapaperS Contaul Carol at gO5- 621-57f 8 ocToll-FFeel-S50-3117-79.92 a;tt 229 giww.niPxon4.09Buniihl.,org BiUSIMgAkpffgi,_,: CAMPUS CREW Carnpve Crew Nora* Uell• 13rende1 NHL, NFL OHL. NOAA, and NRAproaLt=ls alang ;with our in house Diana and °Thar Ltasticei &spare' 2.'amput Crew hu 25 yeael or brand history behind us; our stares have Ora -mous ixdsfibal arid Gorr* wIIhs slrong asieehislery. 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